Large Economies
Argentina $328b | Russia $1,661b
| Australia $1,055b | Singapore $190b
| Brazil $1,650b | South Africa $274b
| Canada $1,503b | Sweden $486b
| China $4,520b | Turkey $730b
| Denmark $344b | United Kingdom $2,657b
| France $2,843b | United States $14,292b
| Germany $3,641b |
| India $1,251b |
| Italy $2,318b |
| Japan $4,849b |
| Korea $931b |
| Mexico $1,094b |
| Netherlands $875b |
| Norway $454b | |
Debt Crisis Economies
All Countries with 2008 gdp bil usd
Islamic Republ $10b | Belgium $509b | Cape Verde $2b | Djibouti $b | Georgia $13b | Indonesia $511b | Kyrgyz Republi $5b | Malta $9b | Niger $5b | Rwanda $5b | St. Kitts and $b | Tonga $b | Vietnam $90b | ASEAN-5 $1,270b
| Albania $13b | Belize $1b | Central Africa $2b | Dominica $b | Germany $3,641b | Islamic Republ $351b | Lao People's D $5b | Mauritania $4b | Nigeria $207b | Samoa $b | St. Lucia $1b | Trinidad and T $28b | Republic of Ye $27b | Latin America $4,299b
| Algeria $172b | Benin $7b | Chad $8b | Dominican Repu $46b | Ghana $29b | Iraq $87b | Latvia $33b | Mauritius $10b | Norway $454b | São Tomé and P $b | St. Vincent an $b | Tunisia $45b | Zambia $15b | Middle East an $2,329b
| Angola $84b | Bhutan $1b | Chile $179b | Ecuador $54b | Greece $349b | Ireland $265b | Lebanon $30b | Mexico $1,094b | Oman $61b | Saudi Arabia $477b | Sudan $54b | Turkey $730b | Zimbabwe $4b | Sub-Saharan Af $940b
| Antigua and Ba $1b | Bolivia $17b | China $4,520b | Egypt $162b | Grenada $b | Israel $202b | Lesotho $2b | Moldova $6b | Pakistan $164b | Senegal $13b | Suriname $3b | Turkmenistan $22b | World $61,167b |
| Argentina $328b | Bosnia and Her $19b | Colombia $236b | El Salvador $21b | Guatemala $39b | Italy $2,318b | Liberia $b | Mongolia $6b | Panama $23b | Serbia $48b | Swaziland $3b | Tuvalu $b | Advanced econo $42,063b |
| Armenia $12b | Botswana $14b | Comoros $b | Equatorial Gui $18b | Guinea $5b | Jamaica $14b | Libya $98b | Montenegro $5b | Papua New Guin $8b | Seychelles $b | Sweden $486b | Uganda $14b | Euro area $13,605b |
| Australia $1,055b | Brazil $1,650b | Democratic Rep $12b | Eritrea $1b | Guinea-Bissau $b | Japan $4,849b | Lithuania $48b | Morocco $89b | Paraguay $17b | Sierra Leone $2b | Switzerland $503b | Ukraine $180b | Major advanced $32,102b |
| Austria $416b | Brunei Darussa $14b | Republic of Co $12b | Estonia $24b | Guyana $2b | Jordan $22b | Luxembourg $58b | Mozambique $10b | Peru $126b | Singapore $190b | Syrian Arab Re $53b | United Arab Em $315b | Newly industri $1,737b |
| Azerbaijan $46b | Bulgaria $52b | Costa Rica $30b | Ethiopia $27b | Haiti $7b | Kazakhstan $135b | Former Yugosla $10b | Myanmar $31b | Philippines $174b | Slovak Republi $95b | Taiwan Provinc $400b | United Kingdom $2,657b | Other advanced $5,154b |
| The Bahamas $8b | Burkina Faso $8b | Côte d'Ivoire $24b | Fiji $4b | Honduras $14b | Kenya $27b | Madagascar $9b | Namibia $9b | Poland $529b | Slovenia $55b | Tajikistan $5b | United States $14,292b | European Union $18,342b |
| Bahrain $22b | Burundi $2b | Croatia $70b | Finland $273b | Hong Kong SAR $215b | Kiribati $b | Malawi $4b | Nepal $13b | Portugal $253b | Solomon Island $b | Tanzania $19b | Uruguay $30b | Emerging and d $19,104b |
| Bangladesh $84b | Cambodia $10b | Cyprus $25b | France $2,843b | Hungary $154b | Korea $931b | Malaysia $223b | Netherlands $875b | Qatar $115b | South Africa $274b | Thailand $273b | Uzbekistan $29b | Central and ea $1,920b |
| Barbados $4b | Cameroon $24b | Czech Republic $225b | Gabon $15b | Iceland $17b | Kosovo $6b | Maldives $2b | New Zealand $132b | Romania $204b | Spain $1,601b | Democratic Rep $3b | Vanuatu $b | Commonwealth o $2,180b |
| Belarus $61b | Canada $1,503b | Denmark $344b | The Gambia $b | India $1,251b | Kuwait $147b | Mali $9b | Nicaragua $6b | Russia $1,661b | Sri Lanka $41b | Togo $3b | Venezuela $315b | Developing Asi $7,435b | |
| | |
| | Select Variable
GDP, constant prices
Natl currency |
| GDP, constant prices *
% chg
| GDP, current prices *
Natl currency |
| GDP, current prices *
U.S. $s |
| GDP, deflator
Index, 2000=100
| GDP per capita, constant pri
Natl currency
| GDP per capita, current pric
Natl currency
| GDP per capita, current pric
U.S. $s
| Output gap in percent of pot
% of potential GDP
| GDP based on PPP valuation o
Current intl $ |
| GDP based on PPP per capita
Current intl $
| GDP based on PPP share of wo
| Implied PPP conversion rate
Natl currency/$
| Total investment
% of GDP
| Gross national savings
% of GDP
| Inflation, average consumer
| Inflation, average consumer
% chg
| Inflation, end of period con
| Inflation, end of period con *
% chg
| Six-month London interbank o
| Volume of imports of goods a
% chg
| Volume of Imports of goods
% chg
| Volume of exports of goods a
% chg
| Volume of exports of goods
% chg
| Value of oil imports
U.S. $s |
| Value of oil exports
U.S. $s |
| Unemployment rate *
% of total labor force
| Employment
Index, 2000=100
| Population *
Persons |
| Govt revenue
Natl currency |
| Govt revenue
% of GDP
| Govt total expenditure
Natl currency |
| Govt total expenditure *
% of GDP
| Govt net lending/borrowing
Natl currency |
| Govt net lending/borrowing
% of GDP
| Govt structural balance
Natl currency |
| Govt structural balance
% of potential GDP
| Govt primary net lending/bor
Natl currency |
| Govt primary net lending/bor
% of GDP
| Govt net debt
Natl currency |
| Govt net debt
% of GDP
| Govt gross debt
Natl currency |
| Govt gross debt *
% of GDP
| GDP corresponding to fiscal
Natl currency |
| Current account balance
U.S. $s |
| Current account balance
% of GDP
| Regional Data Only | GDP, constant prices
% chg (market exchg rates)
| Three-month London interbank
| Trade volume of goods and se
% chg
| Terms of trade of goods and
% chg
| Terms of trade of goods
% chg
| Export price of manufactures
U.S. $s; index, 2000=100
| Export price of manufactures
U.S. $s; annual % chg
| Imports of goods and service
U.S. $s |
| Exports of goods and service
U.S. $s |
| Private financial flows, net
U.S. $s |
| Private portfolio flows, net
U.S. $s |
| Direct investment, net
U.S. $s |
| Other private financial flow
U.S. $s |
| Official flows, net
U.S. $s |
| Change in reserves
U.S. $s |
| External debt, total
U.S. $s |
| External debt, total
% of GDP
| External debt, total
% of exports of gds & srvcs
| External debt, total debt se
U.S. $s |
| External debt, total debt se
% of GDP
| External debt, total debt se
% of exports of gds & srvcs
| External debt, total debt se
U.S. $s |
| External debt, total debt se
% of GDP
| External debt, total debt se
% of exports of gds & srvcs
| External debt, total debt se
U.S. $s |
| External debt, total debt se
% of GDP
| External debt, total debt se
% of exports of gds & srvcs
| Commodity Price Index includ
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Non-Fuel Price Ind
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Industrial Inputs
Index, 2005=100
| Crude Oil (petroleum), Simpl
| Commodity Fuel (energy) Inde
Index, 2005=100
| Crude Oil (petroleum), Price
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Natural Gas Price
Index, 2005=100
| Natural Gas, Price index Rus
Index, 2005=100
| Natural Gas, Price index Ind
Index, 2005=100
| Natural Gas, Price index Nat
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Coal Price Index i
Index, 2005=100
| Coal, Price Index Australian
Index, 2005=100
| Coal, Price Index South Afri
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Food and Beverage
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Food Price Index i
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Cereals Price Inde
Index, 2005=100
| Wheat, Price index No.1 Hard
Index, 2005=100
| Maize (corn), Price Index U.
Index, 2005=100
| Rice, Price Index 5% broken
Index, 2005=100
| Barley, Price Index Canadian
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Vegetable Oil Inde
Index, 2005=100
| Soybeans, Price Index U.S. s
Index, 2005=100
| Soybean Meal, Price Index Ch
Index, 2005=100
| Soybean Oil, Price index Chi
Index, 2005=100
| Rapeseed Oil, Price index FO
Index, 2005=100
| Palm oil, Price index Malay
Index, 2005=100
| Sunflower oil, Price index U
Index, 2005=100
| Olive Oil, Price Index extra
Index, 2005=100
| Fishmeal, Price index Peru F
Index, 2005=100
| Groundnuts (peanuts), Price
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Meat Price Index i
Index, 2005=100
| Beef, Price Index Australian
Index, 2005=100
| Lamb, Price Index frozen car
Index, 2005=100
| Swine (pork), Price index 51
Index, 2005=100
| Poultry (chicken), Price ind
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Seafood Index incl
Index, 2005=100
| Fish (salmon), Price index F
Index, 2005=100
| Shrimp, Price index Frozen s
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Sugar Index includ
Index, 2005=100
| Sugar, Price index Free Mark
Index, 2005=100
| Sugar, Price index U.S. impo
Index, 2005=100
| Sugar, Price Index CIF Europ
Index, 2005=100
| Bananas, Price Index Central
Index, 2005=100
| Oranges, Price Index miscell
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Beverage Price Ind
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Coffee Price Index
Index, 2005=100
| Coffee, Price index Other Mi
Index, 2005=100
| Coffee, Price index Robusta,
Index, 2005=100
| Cocoa beans, Price Index Int
Index, 2005=100
| Tea, Price index Mombasa, Ke
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Agricultural Raw M
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Timber Index inclu
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Hardwood Price Ind
Index, 2005=100
| Hard Logs, Price Index Best
Index, 2005=100
| Hard Sawnwood, Price Index D
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Softwood Index inc
Index, 2005=100
| Soft Logs, Price index Avera
Index, 2005=100
| Soft Sawnwood, Price Index a
Index, 2005=100
| Cotton, Price index Cotton O
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Wool Index include
Index, 2005=100
| Wool, Price index fine, 19 m
Index, 2005=100
| Wool, Price index coarse, 23
Index, 2005=100
| Rubber, Price index No.1 Rub
Index, 2005=100
| Hides, Price Index Heavy nat
Index, 2005=100
| Commodity Metals Price Index
Index, 2005=100
| Copper, Price Index grade A
Index, 2005=100
| Aluminum, Price Index 99.5%
Index, 2005=100
| Iron Ore, Price Index China
Index, 2005=100
| Tin, Price Index standard gr
Index, 2005=100
| Nickel, Price Index melting
Index, 2005=100
| Zinc, Price Index high grade
Index, 2005=100
| Lead, 99.97% pure, Price ind
Index, 2005=100
| Uranium, Price index u3o8 re
Index, 2005=100 | | *_popular_variable.
(f) = observation is an IMF forecast | 2012 Jul 19
| country cd | variable cd | variable | data for all years
| 1970
| 1971
| 1972
| 1973
| 1974
| 1975
| 1976
| 1977
| 1978
| 1979
| 1980
| 1981
| 1982
| 1983
| 1984
| 1985
| 1986
| 1987
| 1988
| 1989
| 1990
| 1991
| 1992
| 1993
| 1994
| 1995
| 1996
| 1997
| 1998
| 1999
| 2000
| 2001
| 2002
| 2003
| 2004
| 2005
| 2006
| 2007
| 2008
| 2009
| 2010
| 2011
| 2012
| 2013
| 1 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP_R | GDP, constant prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 2 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP_RPCH | GDP, constant prices Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.844 | 2.234 | 0.7030 | 2.779 | 4.919 | 3.940 | 3.452 | 3.763 | 4.486 | 3.829 | 3.224 | 2.206 | 2.193 | 2.128 | 3.380 | 3.276 | 3.762 | 4.133 | 2.580 | 3.553 | 4.738 | 2.352 | 2.885 | 3.679 | 4.869 | 4.544 | 5.248 | 5.400 | 2.761 | -0.6110 | 5.265 | 3.851 (f) | 3.533 (f) | 4.073 (f)
| 3 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP | GDP, current prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 4 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDPD | GDP, current prices U.S. dollars | Billions | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 10705.48 | 10930.96 | 10829.13 | 11096.94 | 11534.01 | 11945.19 | 14078.12 | 16166.23 | 18141.19 | 19042.94 | 22175.38 | 23246.91 | 24325.54 | 24960.58 | 26784.30 | 29774.18 | 30501.52 | 30370.17 | 30156.54 | 31337.73 | 32299.02 | 32090.90 | 33357.75 | 37484.38 | 42136.20 | 45571.19 | 49342.42 | 55677.54 | 61166.63 | 57760.76 | 63074.93 | 69659.63 (f) | 71896.51 (f) | 75522.07 (f)
| 5 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP_D | GDP, deflator Index, 2000=100 | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 6 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDPRPC | GDP per capita, constant prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 7 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDPPC | GDP per capita, current prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 8 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDPDPC | GDP per capita, current prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 9 | Worl1 | 1 | NGAP_NPGDP | Output gap in percent of potential GDP Percent of potential GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 10 | Worl1 | 1 | PPPGDP | GDP based on PPP valuation of country GDP Current international dollar | Billions | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 11328.17 | 12647.19 | 13492.85 | 14396.87 | 15655.31 | 16756.85 | 17703.47 | 18885.79 | 20383.44 | 21938.77 | 23505.00 | 24830.63 | 27883.16 | 29087.77 | 30632.32 | 32406.55 | 34236.60 | 36300.11 | 37632.79 | 39512.28 | 42293.17 | 44234.85 | 46214.87 | 48875.88 | 52658.08 | 56794.46 | 61638.18 | 66754.98 | 70029.90 | 70138.99 | 74604.12 | 78897.43 (f) | 82646.73 (f) | 87251.02 (f)
| 11 | Worl1 | 1 | PPPPC | GDP based on PPP per capita GDP Current international dollar | Units | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 12 | Worl1 | 1 | PPPSH | GDP based on PPP share of world total Percent | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 13 | Worl1 | 1 | PPPEX | Implied PPP conversion rate | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 14 | Worl1 | 1 | NID_NGDP | Total investment Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 25.04 | 24.70 | 22.80 | 22.28 | 23.29 | 22.96 | 22.78 | 23.02 | 23.93 | 24.33 | 24.20 | 23.50 | 22.52 | 22.51 | 22.75 | 22.92 | 22.66 | 22.77 | 22.28 | 22.14 | 22.51 | 21.58 | 21.03 | 21.24 | 22.08 | 22.44 | 23.17 | 23.74 | 23.80 | 21.72 | 22.84 | 23.48 (f) | 24.05 (f) | 24.54 (f)
| 15 | Worl1 | 1 | NGSD_NGDP | Gross national savings Percent of GDP | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 23.56 | 23.39 | 21.53 | 20.74 | 21.85 | 21.33 | 21.25 | 21.86 | 23.05 | 23.02 | 22.40 | 21.75 | 21.35 | 21.66 | 22.06 | 22.47 | 22.47 | 22.78 | 22.17 | 21.89 | 22.31 | 21.32 | 20.66 | 20.94 | 22.07 | 22.60 | 23.99 | 24.25 | 24.10 | 21.89 | 23.28 | 23.97 (f) | 24.36 (f) | 24.83 (f)
| 16 | Worl1 | 1 | PCPI | Inflation, average consumer prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 17 | Worl1 | 1 | PCPIPCH | Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 17.44 | 15.42 | 14.75 | 14.28 | 15.70 | 15.00 | 11.40 | 14.33 | 19.78 | 24.99 | 27.68 | 17.07 | 34.64 | 34.77 | 27.61 | 14.51 | 8.670 | 6.156 | 5.580 | 5.446 | 4.548 | 4.242 | 3.532 | 3.706 | 3.586 | 3.718 | 3.707 | 4.046 | 5.994 | 2.475 | 3.684 | 4.839 (f) | 4.040 (f) | 3.660 (f)
| 18 | Worl1 | 1 | PCPIE | Inflation, end of period consumer prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 19 | Worl1 | 1 | PCPIEPCH | Inflation, end of period consumer prices Percent change | 1989-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 26.93 | 25.90 | 18.07 | 36.72 | 37.05 | 22.67 | 11.41 | 7.477 | 5.396 | 6.449 | 4.508 | 4.531 | 3.554 | 3.983 | 3.298 | 3.814 | 3.781 | 3.552 | 5.031 | 4.352 | 3.130 | 4.193 | 4.446 (f) | 3.984 (f) | 3.406 (f)
| 20 | Worl1 | 1 | FLIBOR6 | Six-month London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 21 | Worl1 | 1 | TM_RPCH | Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.889 | 2.451 | -1.848 | 2.086 | 9.246 | 2.864 | 3.969 | 7.026 | 8.634 | 8.632 | 6.312 | 4.446 | 5.282 | 3.026 | 10.02 | 10.34 | 7.355 | 9.754 | 4.925 | 6.122 | 12.21 | 0.2300 | 3.890 | 5.474 | 10.83 | 7.793 | 8.929 | 7.882 | 3.014 | -10.88 | 12.73 | 5.819 (f) | 4.155 (f) | 5.597 (f)
| 22 | Worl1 | 1 | TMG_RPCH | Volume of Imports of goods Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.648 | 1.208 | -1.494 | 2.591 | 10.25 | 3.774 | 5.482 | 7.054 | 9.704 | 7.209 | 6.424 | 4.744 | 6.802 | 3.600 | 10.42 | 10.29 | 7.059 | 10.33 | 5.288 | 6.451 | 12.69 | -0.4470 | 4.268 | 6.153 | 11.22 | 7.979 | 8.971 | 7.392 | 2.396 | -11.87 | 14.22 | 6.590 (f) | 3.744 (f) | 5.587 (f)
| 23 | Worl1 | 1 | TX_RPCH | Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 4.796 | 4.242 | -1.713 | 1.882 | 8.666 | 3.189 | 3.310 | 6.076 | 8.539 | 7.836 | 7.415 | 5.339 | 6.107 | 4.011 | 9.052 | 9.528 | 6.882 | 10.93 | 4.785 | 5.442 | 12.35 | 0.2410 | 3.848 | 5.130 | 10.35 | 7.740 | 9.681 | 7.934 | 2.841 | -10.19 | 13.02 | 5.796 (f) | 3.893 (f) | 5.662 (f)
| 24 | Worl1 | 1 | TXG_RPCH | Volume of exports of goods Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 4.234 | 3.984 | -2.314 | 2.291 | 8.957 | 3.220 | 3.349 | 6.225 | 9.674 | 6.958 | 6.522 | 5.234 | 6.452 | 4.175 | 9.568 | 10.16 | 6.320 | 11.42 | 4.945 | 5.297 | 13.00 | -0.1350 | 3.843 | 5.420 | 9.922 | 7.565 | 9.429 | 7.066 | 2.478 | -11.44 | 14.40 | 5.973 (f) | 3.731 (f) | 5.545 (f)
| 25 | Worl1 | 1 | TMGO | Value of oil imports | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 26 | Worl1 | 1 | TXGO | Value of oil exports | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 27 | Worl1 | 1 | LUR | Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 28 | Worl1 | 1 | LE | Employment Index, 2000=100 | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 29 | Worl1 | 1 | LP | Population | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 30 | Worl1 | 1 | GGR | Govt revenue | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 31 | Worl1 | 1 | GGR_NGDP | Govt revenue Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 32 | Worl1 | 1 | GGX | Govt total expenditure | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 33 | Worl1 | 1 | GGX_NGDP | Govt total expenditure Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 34 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXCNL | Govt net lending/borrowing | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 35 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXCNL_NGDP | Govt net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 36 | Worl1 | 1 | GGSB | Govt structural balance | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 37 | Worl1 | 1 | GGSB_NPGDP | Govt structural balance Percent of potential GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 38 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXONLB | Govt primary net lending/borrowing | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 39 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXONLB_NGDP | Govt primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 40 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXWDN | Govt net debt | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 41 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXWDN_NGDP | Govt net debt Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 42 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXWDG | Govt gross debt | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 43 | Worl1 | 1 | GGXWDG_NGDP | Govt gross debt Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 44 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP_FY | GDP corresponding to fiscal year, current prices | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 45 | Worl1 | 1 | BCA | Current account balance U.S. dollars | Billions | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | -58.44 | -72.74 | -83.00 | -70.32 | -75.13 | -82.76 | -79.59 | -73.40 | -74.02 | -96.29 | -106.45 | -135.49 | -115.90 | -63.74 | -63.41 | -60.35 | -48.95 | 2.569 | -79.74 | -114.43 | -166.88 | -165.14 | -128.49 | -63.71 | 7.998 | 16.07 | 210.56 | 308.96 | 179.92 | 207.93 | 315.29 | 373.52 (f) | 292.78 (f) | 292.95 (f)
| 46 | Worl1 | 1 | BCA_NGDPD | Current account balance Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 47 | Worl1 | 1 | NGDP_RPCHMK | GDP, constant prices Percent change (market exchange rates) | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.457 | 2.181 | 0.4410 | 2.716 | 4.905 | 3.879 | 3.235 | 3.533 | 4.554 | 3.858 | 3.139 | 1.691 | 2.397 | 1.552 | 3.217 | 2.829 | 3.208 | 3.575 | 2.133 | 3.183 | 4.223 | 1.669 | 1.974 | 2.748 | 3.866 | 3.400 | 3.990 | 3.971 | 1.447 | -2.247 | 4.183 | 2.837 (f) | 2.720 (f) | 3.313 (f)
| 48 | Worl1 | 1 | FLIBOR3 | Three-month London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) Percent | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 49 | Worl1 | 1 | TRADEPCH | Trade volume of goods and services Percent change | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 3.314 | 3.342 | -1.780 | 1.984 | 8.955 | 3.026 | 3.639 | 6.552 | 8.587 | 8.236 | 6.858 | 4.890 | 5.695 | 3.520 | 9.530 | 9.932 | 7.118 | 10.34 | 4.855 | 5.781 | 12.28 | 0.2350 | 3.869 | 5.302 | 10.59 | 7.767 | 9.304 | 7.908 | 2.927 | -10.54 | 12.88 | 5.807 (f) | 4.024 (f) | 5.629 (f)
| 50 | Worl1 | 1 | TTPCH | Terms of trade of goods and services Percent change | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 51 | Worl1 | 1 | TTTPCH | Terms of trade of goods Percent change | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 52 | Worl1 | 1 | TXGM_D | Export price of manufactures U.S. dollars; index, 2000=100 | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 53 | Worl1 | 1 | TXGM_DPCH | Export price of manufactures U.S. dollars; annual percent change | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 54 | Worl1 | 1 | BM | Imports of goods and services U.S. dollars | Billions | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | -2317.29 | -2304.61 | -2160.61 | -2101.87 | -2213.87 | -2232.70 | -2466.73 | -2926.05 | -3279.26 | -3552.01 | -4099.96 | -4272.69 | -4686.60 | -4666.53 | -5198.37 | -6232.55 | -6576.23 | -6809.07 | -6769.78 | -7106.44 | -7966.45 | -7724.82 | -8053.58 | -9336.29 | -11308.06 | -12839.39 | -14681.97 | -17001.99 | -19581.88 | -15586.25 | -18498.55 | -21699.53 (f) | -22543.71 (f) | -23794.20 (f)
| 55 | Worl1 | 1 | BX | Exports of goods and services U.S. dollars | Billions | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 2293.25 | 2286.26 | 2123.71 | 2066.21 | 2178.82 | 2206.79 | 2454.57 | 2927.71 | 3280.50 | 3542.55 | 4107.07 | 4256.05 | 4701.88 | 4719.38 | 5280.92 | 6328.22 | 6676.50 | 6936.62 | 6844.69 | 7092.16 | 7899.73 | 7634.82 | 8011.66 | 9327.99 | 11317.09 | 12869.91 | 14847.72 | 17295.46 | 19791.88 | 15808.81 | 18820.67 | 22095.46 (f) | 22847.77 (f) | 24063.29 (f)
| 56 | Worl1 | 1 | BFXP | Private financial flows, net U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 57 | Worl1 | 1 | BFPP | Private portfolio flows, net U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 58 | Worl1 | 1 | BFD | Direct investment, net U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 59 | Worl1 | 1 | BFOP | Other private financial flows, net U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 60 | Worl1 | 1 | BFXG | Official flows, net U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 61 | Worl1 | 1 | BFRA | Change in reserves U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 62 | Worl1 | 1 | D | External debt, total U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 63 | Worl1 | 1 | D_NGDPD | External debt, total Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 64 | Worl1 | 1 | D_BX | External debt, total Percent of exports of goods and services | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 65 | Worl1 | 1 | DS | External debt, total debt service U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 66 | Worl1 | 1 | DS_NGDPD | External debt, total debt service Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 67 | Worl1 | 1 | DS_BX | External debt, total debt service Percent of exports of goods and services | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 68 | Worl1 | 1 | DSI | External debt, total debt service, interest U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 69 | Worl1 | 1 | DSI_NGDPD | External debt, total debt service, interest Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 70 | Worl1 | 1 | DSI_BX | External debt, total debt service, interest Percent of exports of goods and services | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 71 | Worl1 | 1 | DSP | External debt, total debt service, amortization U.S. dollars | Billions | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 72 | Worl1 | 1 | DSP_NGDPD | External debt, total debt service, amortization Percent of GDP | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 73 | Worl1 | 1 | DSP_BX | External debt, total debt service, amortization Percent of exports of goods and services | no data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 74 | Worl1 | 1 | PALLFNFW | Commodity Price Index includes both Fuel and Non-Fuel Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1992 0.247 | 1970-2010 | 129.41 | 129.68 | 130.05 | 130.47 | 130.96 | 134.49 | 138.12 | 141.85 | 145.68 | 149.63 | 151.26 | 169.86 | 171.31 | 169.61 | 164.05 | 164.13 | 177.98 | 173.14 | 167.31 | 180.25 | 141.56 | 84.85 | 54.87 | 52.51 | 54.70 | 59.17 | 62.16 | 59.47 | 47.75 | 49.92 | 63.26 | 58.28 | 58.30 | 65.05 | 80.49 | 100.00 | 120.71 | 134.97 | 172.17 | 120.52 | 151.98 | 191.71 (f) | 195.69 (f) | 188.90 (f)
| 75 | Worl1 | 1 | PNFUELW | Commodity Non-Fuel Price Index includes Food and Beverages and Industrial Inputs Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 101.20 | 90.49 | 82.54 | 86.45 | 85.95 | 77.18 | 78.76 | 88.23 | 102.44 | 95.74 | 94.05 | 86.33 | 84.57 | 84.72 | 93.53 | 100.59 | 99.38 | 95.84 | 83.29 | 76.38 | 79.63 | 75.83 | 77.30 | 81.83 | 94.29 | 100.00 | 123.24 | 140.56 | 151.14 | 127.40 | 160.97 | 189.59 (f) | 170.07 (f) | 166.50 (f)
| 76 | Worl1 | 1 | PINDUW | Commodity Industrial Inputs Price Index includes Agricultural Raw Materials and Metals Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 72.98 | 60.74 | 54.31 | 61.28 | 60.73 | 53.39 | 56.41 | 72.12 | 93.73 | 90.71 | 86.01 | 75.91 | 74.37 | 75.03 | 85.22 | 94.57 | 87.19 | 86.27 | 71.74 | 71.33 | 77.74 | 72.59 | 71.38 | 75.33 | 89.16 | 100.00 | 136.32 | 154.34 | 145.67 | 118.73 | 170.04 | 197.87 (f) | 175.33 (f) | 172.65 (f)
| 77 | Worl1 | 1 | POILAPSP | Crude Oil (petroleum), Simple average of three spot prices (APSP); Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and the Dubai Fateh Dollars per barrel | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 35.71 | 34.04 | 31.54 | 29.47 | 28.55 | 27.37 | 14.17 | 18.20 | 14.77 | 17.91 | 22.99 | 19.37 | 19.04 | 16.79 | 15.95 | 17.20 | 20.37 | 19.27 | 13.07 | 17.98 | 28.23 | 24.33 | 24.95 | 28.89 | 37.76 | 53.35 | 64.27 | 71.13 | 97.04 | 61.78 | 79.03 | 104.01 (f) | 114.71 (f) | 110.00 (f)
| 78 | Worl1 | 1 | PNRGW | Commodity Fuel (energy) Index includes Crude oil (petroleum), Natural Gas, and Coal Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1992 1794.211 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 70.69 | 72.84 | 74.28 | 73.02 | 68.72 | 67.64 | 68.90 | 65.67 | 61.90 | 65.67 | 57.77 | 41.09 | 37.50 | 33.67 | 31.99 | 34.94 | 40.39 | 38.19 | 26.96 | 34.44 | 53.69 | 48.01 | 47.19 | 55.23 | 72.41 | 100.00 | 119.23 | 131.69 | 184.47 | 116.49 | 146.73 | 192.95 (f) | 210.68 (f) | 202.01 (f)
| 79 | Worl1 | 1 | POILAPSPW | Crude Oil (petroleum), Price index simple average of three spot prices (APSP); Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and the Dubai Fateh Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 66.92 | 63.80 | 59.12 | 55.23 | 53.50 | 51.30 | 26.56 | 34.11 | 27.68 | 33.56 | 43.08 | 36.30 | 35.68 | 31.46 | 29.89 | 32.25 | 38.19 | 36.11 | 24.50 | 33.70 | 52.92 | 45.60 | 46.76 | 54.15 | 70.77 | 100.00 | 120.46 | 133.31 | 181.87 | 115.79 | 148.12 | 194.94 (f) | 215.00 (f) | 206.16 (f)
| 80 | Worl1 | 1 | PNGASW | Commodity Natural Gas Price Index includes European, Japanese, and American Natural Gas Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1992-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 38.10 | 40.46 | 36.43 | 39.82 | 44.56 | 42.70 | 34.39 | 33.77 | 60.08 | 60.11 | 47.97 | 62.98 | 69.82 | 100.00 | 115.31 | 116.87 | 173.66 | 109.64 | 113.33 | 154.32 (f) | 172.67 (f) | 176.53 (f)
| 81 | Worl1 | 1 | PNGASEUW | Natural Gas, Price index Russian Natural Gas border price in Germany Index, 2005=100 | 1985-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 64.41 | 58.16 | 36.01 | 32.12 | 26.86 | 34.40 | 50.85 | 39.98 | 43.93 | 39.10 | 45.58 | 46.49 | 45.15 | 37.95 | 30.55 | 58.39 | 65.48 | 45.08 | 58.94 | 63.48 | 100.00 | 138.84 | 137.66 | 222.11 | 149.70 | 139.01 | 179.15 (f) | 207.10 (f) | 209.92 (f)
| 82 | Worl1 | 1 | PNGASJPW | Natural Gas, Price index Indonesian Liquefied Natural Gas in Japan Index, 2005=100 | 1992-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 53.24 | 51.16 | 46.71 | 50.58 | 55.49 | 53.48 | 39.16 | 47.53 | 74.44 | 66.39 | 62.95 | 70.83 | 83.77 | 100.00 | 114.46 | 119.60 | 164.82 | 106.52 | 133.39 | 221.16 (f) | 256.82 (f) | 256.82 (f)
| 83 | Worl1 | 1 | PNGASUSW | Natural Gas, Price index Natural Gas spot price at the Henry Hub terminal in Louisiana Index, 2005=100 | 1991-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 16.37 | 19.76 | 23.86 | 21.61 | 19.23 | 30.35 | 27.76 | 23.56 | 25.51 | 48.61 | 44.67 | 37.92 | 62.01 | 66.67 | 100.00 | 76.07 | 78.72 | 99.96 | 44.51 | 49.53 | 45.17 (f) | 29.86 (f) | 39.34 (f)
| 84 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOALW | Commodity Coal Price Index includes Australian and South African Coal Index, 2005=100 | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 76.49 | 75.89 | 73.01 | 60.84 | 63.05 | 77.03 | 74.26 | 68.65 | 57.49 | 51.13 | 52.68 | 65.35 | 53.72 | 56.82 | 112.68 | 100.00 | 104.45 | 137.62 | 265.91 | 148.85 | 205.97 | 253.69 (f) | 222.43 (f) | 184.22 (f)
| 85 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOALAUW | Coal, Price Index Australian thermal coal, 1200- btu/pound, less than 1% sulfur, 14% ash, FOB Newcastle/Port Kembla Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 84.15 | 99.60 | 107.34 | 74.85 | 60.68 | 66.15 | 61.00 | 53.90 | 68.35 | 74.48 | 77.75 | 77.75 | 75.58 | 61.41 | 63.31 | 77.17 | 74.62 | 68.79 | 57.29 | 50.75 | 51.45 | 63.33 | 53.04 | 54.79 | 111.19 | 100.00 | 103.09 | 138.04 | 266.91 | 150.98 | 207.82 | 253.99 (f) | 227.35 (f) | 191.10 (f)
| 86 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOALSAW | Coal, Price Index South African export price Index, 2005=100 | 1990-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 71.37 | 68.39 | 62.60 | 58.53 | 62.01 | 76.49 | 72.77 | 68.06 | 58.27 | 52.70 | 57.69 | 73.52 | 56.47 | 65.08 | 118.73 | 100.00 | 109.97 | 135.95 | 261.83 | 140.21 | 198.45 | 252.47 (f) | 202.45 (f) | 156.32 (f)
| 87 | Worl1 | 1 | PFANDBW | Commodity Food and Beverage Price Index includes Food and Beverage Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 129.14 | 119.95 | 110.50 | 111.38 | 110.92 | 100.74 | 100.88 | 104.17 | 111.06 | 100.72 | 102.01 | 96.64 | 94.67 | 94.32 | 101.75 | 106.55 | 111.45 | 105.31 | 94.74 | 81.38 | 81.49 | 79.03 | 83.16 | 88.26 | 99.36 | 100.00 | 110.29 | 126.92 | 156.55 | 136.00 | 151.98 | 181.39 (f) | 164.86 (f) | 160.41 (f)
| 88 | Worl1 | 1 | PFOODW | Commodity Food Price Index includes Cereal, Vegetable Oils, Meat, Seafood, Sugar, Bananas, and Oranges Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 125.06 | 118.70 | 108.56 | 108.00 | 105.03 | 95.84 | 94.25 | 102.14 | 110.40 | 101.12 | 103.70 | 98.40 | 97.15 | 96.32 | 99.29 | 104.38 | 112.03 | 102.58 | 92.06 | 80.16 | 82.12 | 80.49 | 83.33 | 88.56 | 100.95 | 100.00 | 110.50 | 127.31 | 157.04 | 134.00 | 149.35 | 178.78 (f) | 165.39 (f) | 160.20 (f)
| 89 | Worl1 | 1 | PCEREW | Commodity Cereals Price Index includes Wheat, Maize (Corn), Rice, and Barley Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 121.94 | 127.21 | 103.26 | 110.11 | 107.59 | 92.04 | 76.29 | 73.77 | 97.83 | 108.16 | 95.90 | 94.59 | 98.86 | 92.49 | 99.16 | 117.51 | 140.99 | 108.79 | 93.32 | 81.56 | 78.85 | 82.46 | 94.20 | 95.36 | 102.99 | 100.00 | 121.30 | 158.74 | 222.63 | 162.38 | 166.48 | 231.32 (f) | 199.63 (f) | 193.69 (f)
| 90 | Worl1 | 1 | PWHEAMTW | Wheat, Price index No.1 Hard Red Winter, ordinary protein, FOB Gulf of Mexico Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 113.31 | 114.78 | 105.19 | 103.27 | 99.93 | 89.10 | 75.39 | 74.06 | 95.25 | 111.02 | 88.90 | 84.40 | 99.16 | 91.98 | 98.26 | 116.09 | 135.89 | 104.74 | 82.72 | 73.51 | 74.79 | 83.18 | 97.43 | 95.87 | 102.91 | 100.00 | 125.77 | 167.42 | 213.82 | 146.57 | 146.73 | 207.49 (f) | 165.93 (f) | 172.69 (f)
| 91 | Worl1 | 1 | PMAIZMTW | Maize (corn), Price Index U.S. No.2 Yellow, FOB Gulf of Mexico, U.S. price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 127.75 | 132.72 | 109.85 | 138.19 | 138.02 | 114.15 | 89.21 | 76.75 | 108.68 | 113.17 | 111.05 | 109.21 | 105.90 | 103.69 | 109.52 | 125.45 | 167.19 | 119.07 | 103.26 | 91.76 | 89.65 | 91.06 | 100.94 | 106.89 | 113.59 | 100.00 | 123.56 | 165.90 | 226.87 | 168.22 | 189.02 | 296.68 (f) | 253.29 (f) | 227.88 (f)
| 92 | Worl1 | 1 | PRICENPQW | Rice, Price Index 5% broken milled white rice, Thailand nominal price quote Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 150.68 | 167.76 | 101.93 | 96.19 | 87.64 | 75.54 | 67.98 | 74.50 | 96.33 | 104.15 | 94.04 | 102.03 | 93.00 | 82.43 | 93.62 | 111.46 | 117.46 | 105.09 | 106.12 | 86.50 | 70.77 | 60.01 | 66.65 | 69.30 | 85.40 | 100.00 | 105.46 | 115.49 | 243.28 | 204.78 | 180.87 | 191.69 (f) | 186.32 (f) | 177.29 (f)
| 93 | Worl1 | 1 | PBARLW | Barley, Price Index Canadian no.1 Western Barley, spot price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 82.28 | 83.85 | 67.01 | 74.56 | 82.80 | 61.86 | 50.02 | 57.85 | 73.98 | 79.03 | 84.06 | 82.34 | 82.75 | 75.07 | 76.41 | 109.40 | 125.86 | 102.27 | 89.46 | 79.87 | 81.23 | 98.80 | 114.61 | 110.14 | 104.11 | 100.00 | 122.65 | 181.31 | 210.86 | 135.03 | 166.58 | 217.95 (f) | 232.44 (f) | 231.39 (f)
| 94 | Worl1 | 1 | PVOILW | Commodity Vegetable Oil Index includes Soybean, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Fishmeal, and Groundnut Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 110.39 | 107.20 | 87.67 | 102.13 | 110.60 | 85.95 | 71.90 | 76.27 | 103.34 | 92.51 | 86.03 | 84.72 | 83.99 | 90.71 | 98.75 | 103.53 | 113.91 | 114.55 | 103.03 | 77.84 | 74.41 | 71.49 | 82.55 | 98.82 | 114.01 | 100.00 | 103.43 | 143.43 | 192.54 | 153.97 | 170.37 | 209.12 (f) | 206.59 (f) | 201.62 (f)
| 95 | Worl1 | 1 | PSOYBW | Soybeans, Price Index U.S. soybeans, Chicago Soybean futures contract (first contract forward) No. 2 yellow and par Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 118.91 | 117.15 | 99.17 | 116.35 | 115.40 | 90.97 | 84.68 | 87.62 | 125.36 | 110.69 | 98.19 | 93.57 | 94.03 | 103.14 | 102.86 | 100.40 | 124.35 | 125.76 | 100.07 | 78.39 | 82.04 | 75.63 | 84.64 | 104.52 | 124.01 | 100.00 | 97.46 | 142.21 | 203.16 | 169.65 | 172.52 | 217.02 (f) | 215.68 (f) | 210.19 (f)
| 96 | Worl1 | 1 | PSMEAW | Soybean Meal, Price Index Chicago Soybean Meal Futures (first contract forward) Minimum 48 percent protein Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 109.68 | 109.47 | 94.98 | 108.22 | 92.92 | 70.67 | 81.11 | 89.67 | 126.28 | 113.75 | 93.50 | 93.47 | 95.40 | 105.23 | 96.72 | 96.49 | 129.46 | 136.02 | 84.92 | 74.15 | 90.96 | 87.78 | 89.42 | 104.32 | 125.00 | 100.00 | 94.27 | 128.15 | 178.82 | 174.61 | 161.02 | 184.13 (f) | 188.57 (f) | 182.86 (f)
| 97 | Worl1 | 1 | PSOILW | Soybean Oil, Price index Chicago Soybean Oil Futures (first contract forward) exchange approved grades Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 108.01 | 99.52 | 81.34 | 103.13 | 130.70 | 115.30 | 73.50 | 74.01 | 106.84 | 91.47 | 99.27 | 90.11 | 87.38 | 101.49 | 121.64 | 117.94 | 109.78 | 106.07 | 113.46 | 79.15 | 70.97 | 69.99 | 82.67 | 100.92 | 119.10 | 100.00 | 111.25 | 161.32 | 228.70 | 158.75 | 186.55 | 245.26 (f) | 241.30 (f) | 245.14 (f)
| 98 | Worl1 | 1 | PROILW | Rapeseed Oil, Price index FOB Rotterdam Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 79.39 | 67.23 | 58.05 | 69.57 | 95.48 | 75.03 | 49.85 | 48.18 | 74.62 | 66.11 | 59.43 | 57.78 | 56.19 | 63.93 | 86.17 | 87.76 | 78.10 | 78.07 | 87.45 | 59.46 | 48.02 | 54.36 | 66.46 | 83.72 | 98.92 | 100.00 | 118.08 | 140.35 | 197.47 | 118.75 | 140.33 | 189.38 (f) | 170.81 (f) | 158.12 (f)
| 99 | Worl1 | 1 | PPOILW | Palm oil, Price index Malaysia Palm Oil Futures (first contract forward) 4-5 percent FFA Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 131.05 | 128.26 | 100.03 | 112.69 | 163.80 | 112.58 | 57.76 | 76.98 | 98.25 | 78.76 | 65.14 | 76.19 | 88.48 | 84.89 | 118.93 | 146.22 | 127.05 | 133.38 | 163.41 | 102.61 | 71.02 | 64.84 | 97.02 | 111.61 | 118.23 | 100.00 | 113.36 | 195.58 | 234.69 | 175.17 | 233.88 | 292.78 (f) | 296.38 (f) | 296.04 (f)
| 100 | Worl1 | 1 | PSUNOW | Sunflower oil, Price index US export price from Gulf of Mexico Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 48.58 | 49.07 | 40.59 | 42.86 | 58.86 | 51.11 | 40.51 | 39.32 | 52.00 | 52.96 | 52.74 | 51.30 | 49.12 | 59.60 | 63.22 | 55.19 | 48.96 | 48.66 | 58.12 | 40.76 | 33.14 | 38.10 | 52.93 | 56.79 | 64.17 | 100.00 | 62.31 | 58.80 | 147.98 | 91.01 | 103.62 | 141.70 (f) | 127.60 (f) | 102.01 (f)
| 101 | Worl1 | 1 | POLVOILW | Olive Oil, Price Index extra virgin less than 1% free fatty acid, ex-tanker price U.K. Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 38.86 | 35.45 | 33.93 | 33.93 | 33.62 | 35.12 | 38.12 | 41.29 | 41.66 | 44.26 | 58.21 | 57.71 | 57.58 | 48.99 | 57.05 | 81.53 | 108.08 | 76.76 | 58.47 | 66.14 | 54.00 | 48.33 | 52.55 | 68.79 | 83.91 | 100.00 | 99.43 | 82.64 | 75.51 | 63.59 | 57.46 | 55.63 (f) | 50.29 (f) | 53.72 (f)
| 102 | Worl1 | 1 | PFISHW | Fishmeal, Price index Peru Fish meal/pellets 65% protein, CIF Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 136.18 | 126.22 | 95.51 | 122.17 | 100.75 | 73.68 | 77.49 | 87.01 | 94.54 | 87.07 | 87.52 | 70.60 | 69.57 | 54.35 | 54.17 | 70.07 | 84.55 | 86.80 | 95.27 | 58.20 | 60.75 | 71.22 | 86.74 | 87.37 | 93.10 | 100.00 | 144.35 | 159.29 | 155.89 | 168.75 | 233.69 | 204.14 (f) | 174.78 (f) | 159.26 (f)
| 103 | Worl1 | 1 | PGNUTSW | Groundnuts (peanuts), Price index 40/50 (40 to 50 count per ounce), cif Argentina Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 181.33 | 184.39 | 121.35 | 141.56 | 122.68 | 100.76 | 111.26 | 77.42 | 83.31 | 102.53 | 138.55 | 139.05 | 84.43 | 120.61 | 119.75 | 106.19 | 105.33 | 113.67 | 103.38 | 99.16 | 102.13 | 97.94 | 85.15 | 111.29 | 118.32 | 100.00 | 107.77 | 153.10 | 203.84 | 129.32 | 161.15 | 224.16 (f) | 232.58 (f) | 228.19 (f)
| 104 | Worl1 | 1 | PMEATW | Commodity Meat Price Index includes Beef, Lamb, Swine (pork), and Poultry Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 94.73 | 97.72 | 116.30 | 103.77 | 101.32 | 98.52 | 104.33 | 106.30 | 91.67 | 87.47 | 104.41 | 99.59 | 82.27 | 90.84 | 83.21 | 79.30 | 94.50 | 86.47 | 71.41 | 71.42 | 79.37 | 85.30 | 79.05 | 81.57 | 100.72 | 100.00 | 95.46 | 99.35 | 103.24 | 98.02 | 117.21 | 134.50 (f) | 131.91 (f) | 126.79 (f)
| 105 | Worl1 | 1 | PBEEFW | Beef, Price Index Australian and New Zealand 85% lean fores, FOB U.S. import price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 105.44 | 94.44 | 91.29 | 93.21 | 86.84 | 82.26 | 80.00 | 91.11 | 96.16 | 98.09 | 97.93 | 101.77 | 93.77 | 100.01 | 89.13 | 72.86 | 68.20 | 70.89 | 65.94 | 70.02 | 73.94 | 81.31 | 80.35 | 75.58 | 95.94 | 100.00 | 97.39 | 99.42 | 102.00 | 100.75 | 128.42 | 154.28 (f) | 160.24 (f) | 154.13 (f)
| 106 | Worl1 | 1 | PLAMBW | Lamb, Price Index frozen carcass Smithfield London Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 81.51 | 77.66 | 67.52 | 54.61 | 54.50 | 51.93 | 57.53 | 61.18 | 68.02 | 65.44 | 75.28 | 65.17 | 71.73 | 77.13 | 78.09 | 70.37 | 90.39 | 93.39 | 72.09 | 71.97 | 70.13 | 80.94 | 90.76 | 99.31 | 103.01 | 100.00 | 95.45 | 100.49 | 106.09 | 91.31 | 90.54 | 92.72 (f) | 77.83 (f) | 77.37 (f)
| 107 | Worl1 | 1 | PPORKW | Swine (pork), Price index 51-52% lean Hogs, U.S. price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 121.24 | 145.08 | 212.79 | 171.85 | 167.13 | 166.08 | 182.53 | 174.82 | 114.56 | 94.45 | 148.55 | 131.49 | 83.45 | 95.32 | 83.34 | 92.77 | 136.64 | 107.64 | 67.39 | 65.60 | 87.59 | 90.76 | 69.82 | 78.89 | 104.91 | 100.00 | 94.37 | 94.06 | 95.51 | 82.41 | 109.99 | 131.58 (f) | 121.88 (f) | 115.24 (f)
| 108 | Worl1 | 1 | PPOULTW | Poultry (chicken), Price index Whole bird spot price, Georgia docks Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 46.47 | 47.50 | 46.64 | 47.38 | 53.63 | 51.43 | 56.81 | 55.75 | 61.56 | 67.49 | 66.42 | 64.82 | 64.90 | 73.99 | 74.81 | 75.08 | 84.32 | 82.53 | 85.46 | 81.14 | 80.44 | 86.10 | 85.36 | 89.59 | 102.47 | 100.00 | 93.67 | 105.79 | 114.50 | 115.87 | 116.16 | 118.26 (f) | 114.51 (f) | 111.64 (f)
| 109 | Worl1 | 1 | PSEAFW | Commodity Seafood Index includes Fish (salmon) and Shrimp Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 177.43 | 162.17 | 158.47 | 141.21 | 127.77 | 135.86 | 153.55 | 186.00 | 172.78 | 126.25 | 140.97 | 127.92 | 140.29 | 124.65 | 126.84 | 126.08 | 110.31 | 105.65 | 107.11 | 100.82 | 107.05 | 83.42 | 82.50 | 82.45 | 86.99 | 100.00 | 120.56 | 112.78 | 113.44 | 113.72 | 135.89 | 132.76 (f) | 112.21 (f) | 106.45 (f)
| 110 | Worl1 | 1 | PSALMW | Fish (salmon), Price index Farm Bred Norwegian Salmon, export price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 196.47 | 178.41 | 163.35 | 142.84 | 129.33 | 137.39 | 159.39 | 198.36 | 179.74 | 132.34 | 145.26 | 132.01 | 145.24 | 123.30 | 123.35 | 117.55 | 101.19 | 91.71 | 91.53 | 87.86 | 89.74 | 71.16 | 72.30 | 73.66 | 82.29 | 100.00 | 124.58 | 111.85 | 119.33 | 121.17 | 151.31 | 145.45 (f) | 119.37 (f) | 110.76 (f)
| 111 | Worl1 | 1 | PSHRIW | Shrimp, Price index Frozen shell-on headless, block 16/20 count, Indian origin, C&F Japan Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 103.34 | 99.00 | 139.45 | 134.88 | 121.71 | 129.88 | 130.83 | 137.92 | 145.71 | 102.57 | 124.27 | 112.00 | 121.04 | 129.88 | 140.39 | 159.31 | 145.80 | 159.89 | 167.71 | 151.23 | 174.42 | 131.16 | 122.21 | 116.65 | 105.27 | 100.00 | 104.91 | 116.37 | 90.50 | 84.74 | 75.89 | 83.37 (f) | 84.35 (f) | 89.67 (f)
| 112 | Worl1 | 1 | PSUGAW | Commodity Sugar Index includes European, Free market, and U.S. Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 221.17 | 135.99 | 78.05 | 78.57 | 55.14 | 47.06 | 62.86 | 70.31 | 95.65 | 112.57 | 113.89 | 92.03 | 92.54 | 95.28 | 109.93 | 118.78 | 109.41 | 106.64 | 90.17 | 71.44 | 81.74 | 82.23 | 69.54 | 76.24 | 82.98 | 100.00 | 132.48 | 101.74 | 116.63 | 151.84 | 172.00 | 210.77 (f) | 189.33 (f) | 186.52 (f)
| 113 | Worl1 | 1 | PSUGAISAW | Sugar, Price index Free Market, Coffee Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE) contract no.11 nearest future position Index, 2005=100 | 1980 0.352 | 1970-2010 | 191.26 | 187.56 | 206.78 | 222.56 | 225.27 | 248.44 | 270.87 | 291.32 | 318.12 | 300.95 | 284.69 | 167.75 | 83.47 | 84.06 | 51.66 | 40.26 | 60.10 | 67.10 | 101.23 | 127.17 | 124.24 | 89.14 | 90.07 | 99.51 | 120.25 | 131.86 | 118.72 | 113.23 | 88.56 | 62.21 | 80.24 | 81.74 | 61.94 | 68.77 | 74.93 | 100.00 | 146.85 | 98.87 | 123.65 | 180.24 | 207.45 | 260.53 (f) | 233.36 (f) | 230.88 (f)
| 114 | Worl1 | 1 | PSUGAUSAW | Sugar, Price index U.S. import price, contract no.14 nearest futures position Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 142.54 | 93.65 | 94.57 | 104.61 | 103.19 | 96.61 | 99.45 | 103.62 | 105.00 | 108.24 | 110.37 | 102.30 | 101.10 | 102.58 | 104.57 | 109.43 | 106.15 | 104.11 | 104.72 | 100.34 | 92.06 | 101.28 | 99.39 | 102.05 | 97.64 | 100.00 | 104.99 | 98.55 | 101.21 | 115.51 | 147.38 | 178.35 (f) | 161.38 (f) | 155.45 (f)
| 115 | Worl1 | 1 | PSUGAEECW | Sugar, Price Index CIF Europe Index, 2005=100 | 1980 0.450 | 1970-2010 | 16.39 | 16.50 | 18.86 | 21.55 | 22.84 | 27.45 | 32.58 | 39.29 | 47.23 | 57.74 | 73.18 | 62.72 | 60.04 | 58.20 | 53.13 | 53.42 | 61.64 | 71.03 | 78.91 | 75.39 | 87.65 | 97.23 | 97.02 | 82.53 | 84.16 | 86.73 | 85.81 | 89.99 | 91.02 | 88.92 | 83.31 | 79.12 | 82.54 | 89.80 | 100.65 | 100.00 | 101.25 | 109.99 | 101.83 | 85.96 | 84.97 | 88.11 (f) | 80.63 (f) | 77.65 (f)
| 116 | Worl1 | 1 | PBANSOPW | Bananas, Price Index Central American and Ecuador, FOB U.S. Ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980 1.536 | 1970-2010 | 11.33 | 11.46 | 14.33 | 18.55 | 18.64 | 23.71 | 26.69 | 32.31 | 40.62 | 51.11 | 65.05 | 69.61 | 64.98 | 74.35 | 64.06 | 65.55 | 66.18 | 68.15 | 82.90 | 94.80 | 93.77 | 97.00 | 82.02 | 76.81 | 76.25 | 77.17 | 81.42 | 90.60 | 85.33 | 64.83 | 73.21 | 101.37 | 91.48 | 65.05 | 91.00 | 100.00 | 118.39 | 117.37 | 146.27 | 147.02 | 152.82 | 169.20 (f) | 174.81 (f) | 167.05 (f)
| 117 | Worl1 | 1 | PORANGW | Oranges, Price Index miscellaneous oranges French import price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 47.51 | 48.17 | 45.66 | 44.31 | 41.84 | 47.30 | 46.75 | 54.14 | 53.83 | 52.88 | 63.05 | 61.85 | 58.09 | 51.35 | 48.84 | 63.10 | 58.37 | 54.49 | 52.52 | 52.03 | 43.12 | 70.70 | 67.02 | 81.10 | 101.46 | 100.00 | 97.93 | 113.79 | 131.47 | 107.92 | 122.10 | 105.80 (f) | 91.18 (f) | 90.14 (f)
| 118 | Worl1 | 1 | PBEVEW | Commodity Beverage Price Index includes Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa Index, 2005=100 | 1980 0.004 | 1970-2010 | 153.26 | 145.82 | 155.50 | 162.06 | 158.90 | 170.02 | 179.80 | 186.78 | 197.40 | 181.81 | 166.81 | 131.44 | 128.41 | 142.53 | 165.30 | 145.96 | 162.12 | 122.98 | 117.18 | 96.98 | 86.39 | 80.44 | 71.78 | 75.87 | 124.51 | 126.50 | 106.11 | 130.52 | 119.42 | 92.70 | 75.68 | 65.63 | 81.58 | 85.49 | 84.70 | 100.00 | 108.38 | 123.31 | 152.00 | 154.42 | 176.23 | 205.55 (f) | 159.89 (f) | 162.41 (f)
| 119 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOFFW | Commodity Coffee Price Index includes Other Mild Arabicas and Robusta Index, 2005=100 | 1980 0.021 | 1970-2010 | 57.29 | 55.94 | 61.83 | 68.42 | 70.26 | 81.92 | 94.32 | 109.84 | 127.80 | 152.12 | 186.98 | 141.93 | 153.98 | 158.62 | 175.24 | 164.27 | 209.04 | 132.83 | 140.38 | 111.42 | 87.25 | 81.40 | 65.32 | 75.63 | 164.91 | 170.26 | 123.70 | 157.90 | 131.14 | 102.93 | 76.09 | 53.06 | 54.63 | 61.90 | 69.98 | 100.00 | 111.53 | 129.13 | 149.76 | 131.50 | 165.41 | 230.97 (f) | 172.79 (f) | 175.55 (f)
| 120 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOFFOTMW | Coffee, Price index Other Mild Arabicas, International Coffee Organization New York cash price, ex-dock New York Index, 2005=100 | 1980 0.059 | 1970-2010 | 32.12 | 31.52 | 38.13 | 47.80 | 46.52 | 57.41 | 62.70 | 73.32 | 89.19 | 109.27 | 134.87 | 112.04 | 122.21 | 115.19 | 126.10 | 127.32 | 168.58 | 98.22 | 118.17 | 93.56 | 77.98 | 74.37 | 55.68 | 61.18 | 129.91 | 130.68 | 105.17 | 161.83 | 115.81 | 88.93 | 74.39 | 54.15 | 52.80 | 56.02 | 70.05 | 100.00 | 99.69 | 107.81 | 120.80 | 123.85 | 170.01 | 238.97 (f) | 174.02 (f) | 176.47 (f)
| 121 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOFFROBW | Coffee, Price index Robusta, International Coffee Organization New York cash price, ex-dock New York Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 275.72 | 192.83 | 208.07 | 232.57 | 258.92 | 227.18 | 277.92 | 191.76 | 178.21 | 141.82 | 103.03 | 93.38 | 81.74 | 100.24 | 224.51 | 237.64 | 155.23 | 151.21 | 157.26 | 126.77 | 78.99 | 51.19 | 57.75 | 71.92 | 69.85 | 100.00 | 131.68 | 165.45 | 199.07 | 144.52 | 157.59 | 217.36 (f) | 170.70 (f) | 173.98 (f)
| 122 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOCOW | Cocoa beans, Price Index International Cocoa Organization cash price, CIF US and European ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 168.54 | 134.43 | 112.76 | 137.16 | 155.10 | 145.96 | 133.90 | 129.33 | 102.53 | 80.42 | 82.09 | 77.21 | 71.18 | 71.94 | 90.36 | 92.74 | 94.21 | 104.80 | 108.50 | 73.48 | 58.52 | 70.46 | 115.17 | 113.49 | 100.39 | 100.00 | 102.98 | 126.77 | 166.56 | 187.42 | 202.67 | 192.83 (f) | 148.25 (f) | 161.27 (f)
| 123 | Worl1 | 1 | PTEAW | Tea, Price index Mombasa, Kenya, Auction Price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 102.96 | 93.32 | 89.27 | 107.43 | 159.75 | 91.67 | 89.13 | 78.91 | 82.71 | 92.97 | 93.91 | 85.15 | 92.31 | 85.79 | 84.72 | 75.87 | 81.88 | 109.62 | 110.25 | 107.38 | 114.67 | 91.56 | 82.81 | 89.81 | 91.58 | 100.00 | 111.70 | 97.94 | 124.55 | 145.10 | 146.38 | 159.98 (f) | 148.93 (f) | 126.17 (f)
| 124 | Worl1 | 1 | PRAWMW | Commodity Agricultural Raw Materials Index includes Timber, Cotton, Wool, Rubber, and Hides Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 71.89 | 63.83 | 60.72 | 64.94 | 71.99 | 61.28 | 68.17 | 88.86 | 95.43 | 99.23 | 102.36 | 94.01 | 92.85 | 105.88 | 116.51 | 120.28 | 115.99 | 111.74 | 94.14 | 93.41 | 98.57 | 95.19 | 95.00 | 95.58 | 99.48 | 100.00 | 108.81 | 114.23 | 113.35 | 94.08 | 125.35 | 153.78 (f) | 133.44 (f) | 128.91 (f)
| 125 | Worl1 | 1 | PTIMBW | Commodity Timber Index includes Hardwood and Softwood Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 45.12 | 39.03 | 44.14 | 40.33 | 42.38 | 37.85 | 42.26 | 54.54 | 55.79 | 63.16 | 69.32 | 72.38 | 81.07 | 107.96 | 109.12 | 102.63 | 104.49 | 97.02 | 82.31 | 91.77 | 90.28 | 82.72 | 81.68 | 86.03 | 95.98 | 100.00 | 108.13 | 106.90 | 108.78 | 101.50 | 101.65 | 111.42 (f) | 104.48 (f) | 100.99 (f)
| 126 | Worl1 | 1 | PHARDW | Commodity Hardwood Price Index includes Hardwood Logs and Hardwood Sawn Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 52.60 | 42.94 | 39.50 | 35.35 | 43.92 | 31.87 | 37.70 | 64.89 | 64.79 | 75.19 | 79.46 | 83.16 | 94.56 | 139.39 | 135.39 | 117.93 | 117.19 | 106.59 | 76.30 | 92.47 | 92.71 | 76.32 | 79.77 | 87.01 | 92.04 | 100.00 | 115.46 | 125.63 | 137.42 | 128.89 | 132.71 | 159.11 (f) | 147.00 (f) | 139.45 (f)
| 127 | Worl1 | 1 | PLOGSKW | Hard Logs, Price Index Best quality Malaysian meranti, import price Japan Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 69.99 | 50.25 | 50.42 | 45.13 | 56.06 | 40.68 | 48.12 | 82.83 | 82.71 | 82.77 | 79.28 | 88.85 | 97.29 | 192.39 | 156.46 | 127.45 | 124.71 | 117.59 | 80.55 | 92.50 | 94.01 | 79.08 | 80.33 | 92.55 | 97.64 | 100.00 | 117.95 | 132.55 | 143.77 | 141.38 | 137.60 | 193.16 (f) | 180.04 (f) | 166.19 (f)
| 128 | Worl1 | 1 | PSAWMALW | Hard Sawnwood, Price Index Dark Red Meranti, select and better quality, C&F U.K port Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 45.14 | 39.80 | 34.81 | 31.15 | 38.70 | 28.08 | 33.22 | 57.19 | 57.10 | 71.94 | 79.54 | 80.71 | 93.39 | 116.62 | 126.34 | 113.85 | 113.95 | 101.87 | 74.47 | 92.46 | 92.16 | 75.13 | 79.53 | 84.63 | 89.63 | 100.00 | 114.39 | 122.66 | 134.69 | 123.52 | 130.61 | 144.49 (f) | 132.81 (f) | 127.97 (f)
| 129 | Worl1 | 1 | PSOFTW | Commodity Softwood Index includes Softwood Sawn and Softwood Logs Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 40.98 | 36.87 | 46.71 | 43.08 | 41.53 | 41.17 | 44.79 | 48.82 | 50.81 | 56.51 | 63.72 | 66.42 | 73.61 | 90.58 | 94.59 | 94.16 | 97.47 | 91.72 | 85.64 | 91.38 | 88.94 | 86.27 | 82.74 | 85.49 | 98.16 | 100.00 | 104.08 | 96.53 | 92.93 | 86.35 | 84.46 | 85.04 (f) | 80.96 (f) | 79.72 (f)
| 130 | Worl1 | 1 | PLOGOREW | Soft Logs, Price index Average Export price from the U.S. for Douglas Fir Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 44.51 | 40.05 | 49.26 | 43.08 | 40.45 | 39.82 | 41.43 | 48.80 | 56.96 | 58.50 | 68.06 | 69.22 | 83.98 | 120.05 | 110.85 | 106.77 | 112.41 | 102.07 | 87.64 | 90.64 | 99.58 | 86.88 | 80.38 | 80.18 | 95.67 | 100.00 | 103.01 | 83.32 | 81.15 | 75.27 | 77.92 | 82.62 (f) | 76.29 (f) | 70.51 (f)
| 131 | Worl1 | 1 | PSAWOREW | Soft Sawnwood, Price Index average export price of Douglas Fir, U.S. Price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 40.25 | 36.21 | 46.18 | 43.08 | 41.76 | 41.44 | 45.48 | 48.82 | 49.54 | 56.10 | 62.82 | 65.84 | 71.47 | 84.50 | 91.23 | 91.56 | 94.39 | 89.58 | 85.22 | 91.54 | 86.74 | 86.14 | 83.22 | 86.59 | 98.67 | 100.00 | 104.30 | 99.26 | 95.37 | 88.64 | 85.82 | 85.54 (f) | 81.93 (f) | 81.62 (f)
| 132 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOTTINDW | Cotton, Price index Cotton Outlook `A Index`, Middling 1-3/32 inch staple, CIF Liverpool Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 169.90 | 152.20 | 131.43 | 152.44 | 146.71 | 108.62 | 86.89 | 135.53 | 115.14 | 137.66 | 149.65 | 139.40 | 105.01 | 105.17 | 144.50 | 178.18 | 145.99 | 143.61 | 118.78 | 96.30 | 107.03 | 87.00 | 83.85 | 115.00 | 112.39 | 100.00 | 105.23 | 114.71 | 129.42 | 113.75 | 187.69 | 280.27 (f) | 164.00 (f) | 164.50 (f)
| 133 | Worl1 | 1 | PWOOLW | Commodity Wool Index includes Coarse and Fine Wool Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 103.58 | 99.87 | 90.38 | 84.83 | 85.76 | 78.82 | 79.57 | 110.12 | 154.23 | 129.10 | 109.42 | 78.71 | 75.31 | 63.93 | 91.05 | 103.09 | 87.78 | 96.47 | 71.65 | 69.93 | 78.05 | 75.97 | 101.37 | 114.84 | 104.71 | 100.00 | 103.59 | 143.88 | 137.84 | 115.06 | 152.94 | 234.28 (f) | 223.43 (f) | 218.04 (f)
| 134 | Worl1 | 1 | PWOOLFW | Wool, Price index fine, 19 micron, Australian Wool Exchange spot quote Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 106.11 | 108.83 | 101.74 | 95.91 | 99.30 | 88.00 | 82.70 | 126.73 | 206.95 | 164.62 | 143.52 | 98.78 | 88.54 | 68.36 | 109.97 | 114.40 | 96.14 | 112.12 | 81.57 | 91.37 | 108.24 | 91.99 | 95.08 | 103.59 | 105.25 | 100.00 | 105.64 | 143.55 | 142.86 | 114.86 | 150.98 | 241.78 (f) | 209.67 (f) | 199.27 (f)
| 135 | Worl1 | 1 | PWOOLCW | Wool, Price index coarse, 23 micron, Australian Wool Exchange spot quote Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 101.47 | 92.42 | 80.93 | 75.61 | 74.50 | 71.18 | 76.97 | 96.31 | 110.40 | 99.56 | 81.06 | 62.02 | 64.30 | 60.26 | 75.31 | 93.69 | 80.83 | 83.45 | 63.40 | 52.10 | 52.95 | 62.65 | 106.60 | 124.20 | 104.26 | 100.00 | 101.88 | 144.15 | 133.66 | 115.22 | 154.56 | 228.04 (f) | 234.87 (f) | 233.65 (f)
| 136 | Worl1 | 1 | PRUBBW | Rubber, Price index No.1 Rubber Smoked Sheet, FOB Malaysian/Singapore Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 94.86 | 74.77 | 57.11 | 70.86 | 63.77 | 50.52 | 53.71 | 65.57 | 78.90 | 64.58 | 57.58 | 54.99 | 57.37 | 55.36 | 74.97 | 105.23 | 93.34 | 67.76 | 48.06 | 42.33 | 44.48 | 38.30 | 50.94 | 72.12 | 86.87 | 100.00 | 140.29 | 152.51 | 174.05 | 127.96 | 243.28 | 320.78 (f) | 297.64 (f) | 277.82 (f)
| 137 | Worl1 | 1 | PHIDEW | Hides, Price Index Heavy native steers, over 53 pounds, wholesale dealer`s price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 69.95 | 63.55 | 58.75 | 68.76 | 89.68 | 77.96 | 97.44 | 121.63 | 133.53 | 137.14 | 140.51 | 121.04 | 115.58 | 121.92 | 132.26 | 134.27 | 133.03 | 134.45 | 116.84 | 109.92 | 122.22 | 128.88 | 123.02 | 104.05 | 102.26 | 100.00 | 105.01 | 109.90 | 97.67 | 68.36 | 109.62 | 124.99 (f) | 111.21 (f) | 107.40 (f)
| 138 | Worl1 | 1 | PMETAW | Commodity Metals Price Index includes Copper, Aluminum, Iron Ore, Tin, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, and Uranium Price Indices Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 73.77 | 58.51 | 49.68 | 58.64 | 52.59 | 47.70 | 47.92 | 60.03 | 92.50 | 84.56 | 74.20 | 62.84 | 61.02 | 52.74 | 62.62 | 76.00 | 66.39 | 67.88 | 55.55 | 55.38 | 62.70 | 56.27 | 54.32 | 60.71 | 81.71 | 100.00 | 156.20 | 183.31 | 169.01 | 136.53 | 202.32 | 229.72 (f) | 205.59 (f) | 204.24 (f)
| 139 | Worl1 | 1 | PCOPPW | Copper, Price Index grade A cathode, LME spot price, CIF European ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 59.44 | 47.40 | 40.30 | 43.32 | 37.45 | 38.55 | 37.26 | 48.45 | 70.71 | 77.44 | 72.39 | 63.61 | 62.15 | 52.09 | 62.71 | 79.75 | 62.38 | 61.89 | 44.98 | 42.77 | 49.36 | 42.98 | 42.44 | 48.40 | 77.89 | 100.00 | 183.09 | 193.98 | 189.41 | 140.50 | 205.04 | 240.00 (f) | 230.11 (f) | 231.22 (f)
| 140 | Worl1 | 1 | PALUMW | Aluminum, Price Index 99.5% minimum purity, LME spot price, CIF UK ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 93.39 | 66.44 | 52.17 | 75.69 | 65.86 | 54.76 | 60.50 | 82.35 | 133.99 | 102.64 | 86.27 | 68.61 | 66.10 | 59.98 | 77.64 | 94.98 | 79.28 | 84.15 | 71.43 | 71.56 | 81.64 | 76.12 | 71.09 | 75.39 | 90.42 | 100.00 | 135.39 | 138.90 | 135.64 | 87.83 | 114.34 | 126.32 (f) | 118.22 (f) | 124.37 (f)
| 141 | Worl1 | 1 | PIORECRW | Iron Ore, Price Index China import Iron Ore Fines 62% FE spot (CFR Tianjin port) Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 43.22 | 43.22 | 49.98 | 44.61 | 40.24 | 40.88 | 40.41 | 38.92 | 37.39 | 42.80 | 49.98 | 53.47 | 50.91 | 44.75 | 40.73 | 43.65 | 46.14 | 46.39 | 47.71 | 42.44 | 44.29 | 46.21 | 45.11 | 49.16 | 58.31 | 100.00 | 119.00 | 130.31 | 219.02 | 284.58 | 521.95 | 596.91 (f) | 485.06 (f) | 452.69 (f)
| 142 | Worl1 | 1 | PTINW | Tin, Price Index standard grade, LME spot price Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 227.18 | 191.85 | 173.72 | 175.86 | 165.61 | 156.24 | 83.43 | 90.58 | 95.48 | 115.56 | 82.40 | 75.77 | 82.65 | 69.97 | 73.93 | 83.92 | 83.39 | 76.38 | 74.96 | 73.00 | 73.61 | 60.79 | 54.99 | 66.21 | 114.84 | 100.00 | 118.55 | 196.28 | 250.05 | 184.19 | 275.78 | 352.75 (f) | 313.93 (f) | 316.00 (f)
| 143 | Worl1 | 1 | PNICKW | Nickel, Price Index melting grade, LME spot price, CIF European ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 44.11 | 40.28 | 32.74 | 31.62 | 32.16 | 33.15 | 26.32 | 32.97 | 93.24 | 90.09 | 59.98 | 55.24 | 47.47 | 35.92 | 42.85 | 55.65 | 50.78 | 46.86 | 31.29 | 40.62 | 58.40 | 40.40 | 45.90 | 65.17 | 93.53 | 100.00 | 163.26 | 251.30 | 143.06 | 99.29 | 147.59 | 155.02 (f) | 131.68 (f) | 132.10 (f)
| 144 | Worl1 | 1 | PZINCW | Zinc, Price Index high grade 98% pure Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 55.12 | 61.27 | 53.95 | 55.37 | 66.78 | 56.74 | 54.62 | 57.81 | 89.84 | 119.97 | 109.95 | 81.23 | 89.95 | 69.83 | 72.31 | 74.69 | 74.24 | 95.25 | 74.19 | 77.93 | 81.69 | 64.24 | 56.42 | 59.97 | 75.92 | 100.00 | 236.59 | 235.39 | 136.53 | 120.13 | 156.49 | 159.04 (f) | 150.01 (f) | 154.61 (f)
| 145 | Worl1 | 1 | PLEADW | Lead, 99.97% pure, Price index LME spot price, CIF European Ports Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 92.92 | 74.50 | 56.02 | 43.65 | 45.36 | 40.10 | 41.63 | 61.20 | 67.28 | 69.03 | 83.08 | 57.25 | 55.78 | 41.81 | 56.32 | 64.59 | 79.45 | 63.95 | 54.08 | 51.50 | 46.61 | 48.89 | 46.41 | 52.77 | 90.51 | 100.00 | 132.23 | 264.70 | 214.84 | 176.47 | 220.47 | 246.39 (f) | 218.60 (f) | 225.81 (f)
| 146 | Worl1 | 1 | PURANW | Uranium, Price index u3o8 restricted price, Nuexco exchange spot Index, 2005=100 | 1980-2010 | | | | | | | | | | | 113.82 | 86.60 | 71.23 | 82.27 | 61.83 | 51.39 | 60.91 | 60.22 | 52.68 | 36.01 | 34.86 | 30.25 | 30.66 | 36.08 | 33.73 | 41.76 | 55.87 | 43.31 | 37.19 | 35.86 | 29.66 | 30.86 | 35.19 | 40.23 | 64.61 | 100.00 | 170.73 | 355.30 | 229.78 | 167.10 | 164.55 | 201.40 (f) | 190.83 (f) | 183.49 (f)
| | |