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IMF Commodities
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IMF Commodities
Prices of Commodities (US$)  
Commodity Prices Indices  
Month Avg over Quarter Avg over Year
End of Quarter End of Year
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http://www.imf.org/external/np/res/commod/index.aspx | Column (1) : All Commodity Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes both Fuel and Non-Fuel Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PALLFNF_Index 1 Column (2) : Non-Fuel Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Food and Beverages and Industrial Inputs Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PNFUEL_Index 2 Column (3) : Food and Beverage Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Food and Beverage Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PFANDB_Index 3 Column (4) : Food Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Cereal, Vegetable Oils, Meat, Seafood, Sugar, Bananas, and Oranges Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PFOOD_Index 4 Column (5) : Beverage Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa | Units : Index Number Code PBEVE_Index 5 Column (6) : Industrial Inputs Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Agricultural Raw Materials and Metals Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PINDU_Index 6 Column (7) : Agricultural Raw Materials Index, 2005 = 100, includes Timber, Cotton, Wool, Rubber, and Hides Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PRAWM_Index 7 Column (8) : Metals Price Index, 2005 = 100, includes Copper, Aluminum, Iron Ore, Tin, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, and Uranium Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PMETA_Index 8 Column (9) : Fuel (Energy) Index, 2005 = 100, includes Crude oil (petroleum), Natural Gas, and Coal Price Indices | Units : Index Number Code PNRG_Index 9 Column (10) : Crude Oil (petroleum), Price index, 2005 = 100, simple average of three spot prices; Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and the Dubai Fateh | Units : Index Number Code POILAPSP_Index 10 Column (11) : Cotton, Cotton Outlook 'A Index', Middling 1-3/32 inch staple, CIF Liverpool, US cents per pound | Units : Index Number Code PCOTTIND_USD 21
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20130815
           |    col (1)       |    col (2)       |    col (3)       |    col (4)       |    col (5)       |    col (6)       |    col (7)       |    col (8)       |    col (9)       |   col (10)       |   col (11)       |
           | All Commodity    | Non-Fuel Price   | Food and         | Food Price       | Beverage Price   | Industrial       | Agricultural Raw | Metals Price     | Fuel (Energy)    | Crude Oil        | Cotton; Cotton   |
           | Price Index;     | Index; 2005 =    | Beverage Price   | Index; 2005 =    | Index; 2005 =    | Inputs Price     | Materials Index; | Index; 2005 =    | Index; 2005 =    | (petroleum);     | Outlook 'A       |
           | 2005 = 100;      | 100; includes    | Index; 2005 =    | 100; includes    | 100; includes    | Index; 2005 =    | 2005 = 100;      | 100; includes    | 100; includes    | Price index;     | Index'; Middling |
           | includes both    | Food and         | 100; includes    | Cereal;          | Coffee; Tea; and | 100; includes    | includes Timber; | Copper;          | Crude oil        | 2005 = 100;      | 1-3/32 inch      |
           | Fuel and         | Beverages and    | Food and         | Vegetable Oils;  | Cocoa            | Agricultural Raw | Cotton; Wool;    | Aluminum; Iron   | (petroleum);     | simple average   | staple; CIF      |
           | Non-Fuel Price   | Industrial       | Beverage Price   | Meat; Seafood;   |                  | Materials and    | Rubber; and      | Ore; Tin;        | Natural Gas; and | of three spot    | Liverpool; US    |
           | Indices          | Inputs Price     | Indices          | Sugar; Bananas;  |                  | Metals Price     | Hides Price      | Nickel; Zinc;    | Coal Price       | prices; Dated    | cents per pound  |
           |                  | Indices          |                  | and              |                  | Indices          |                  | Lead;            |                  |                  |                  |
           | PALLFNF_Index    | PNFUEL_Index     | PFANDB_Index     | PFOOD_Index      | PBEVE_Index      | PINDU_Index      | PRAWM_Index      | PMETA_Index      | PNRG_Index       | POILAPSP_Index   | PCOTTIND_USD     |
           | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     | Index Number     |
           | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     |
Year       |__Jan92_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan91_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan92_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|__Jan80_to_Apr13 _|
2013                   178.7              168.9              176.4              179.4              149.4              161.3              130.5              183.6              184.4              186.2               92.6  
2012                   182.6              172.4              177.3              179.4              157.5              167.6              132.7              192.7              188.5              190.8               83.4  
2011                   184.0              164.8              163.8              162.3              177.5              165.9              129.6              192.1              195.3              196.3               95.4  
2010                   174.9              188.2              179.4              177.9              192.6              197.1              146.6              233.6              167.1              169.3              168.2  
2009                   140.9              146.1              143.1              139.5              176.7              149.2              111.0              176.8              137.8              140.9               76.8  
2008                    98.3              109.9              120.6              119.3              132.5               99.0               87.3              107.5               91.6               77.7               55.5  
2007                   156.8              143.3              144.7              146.2              131.2              141.9              113.2              162.6              164.7              168.1               69.6  
2006                   120.9              132.2              114.2              113.9              117.5              150.4              113.5              177.0              114.3              114.5               59.4  
2005                   106.0              105.1              100.8              101.2               97.1              109.4              100.7              115.7              106.5              105.8               56.5  
2004                    81.7               92.7               95.0               95.1               94.3               90.3               94.2               87.4               75.3               73.0               48.6  
2003                    69.1               88.1               94.0               95.1               83.7               82.1               97.6               70.9               58.0               56.1               73.6  
2002                    62.6               79.8               87.4               86.9               91.3               72.2               95.3               55.4               52.5               52.3               55.2  
2001                    49.4               70.7               75.8               76.9               66.3               65.5               83.3               52.7               36.9               34.7               42.9  
2000                    61.0               77.3               78.8               80.1               66.3               75.8               95.0               61.9               51.5               47.3               65.9  
1999                    58.2               78.7               80.3               78.9               92.5               77.1               97.4               62.4               46.3               46.9               44.2  
1998                    42.2               76.7               86.7               84.3              108.8               66.5               88.1               51.0               22.1               19.5               56.0  
1997                    54.5               88.7              100.0               96.3              133.9               77.3               99.8               61.1               34.4               32.3               74.3  
1996                    64.0               94.9              103.6              104.0              100.3               86.1              115.2               65.1               45.9               44.0               78.3  
1995                    59.0               97.6              106.8              107.0              104.2               88.3              109.2               73.2               36.4               33.6               88.4  
1994                    57.1               99.1              102.5               99.3              132.1               95.6              120.4               77.7               32.6               30.3               86.4  
1993                    49.0               85.0               96.6               97.6               87.6               73.3              105.0               50.3               28.0               25.0               58.7  
1992                    53.0               82.8               91.6               93.0               79.2               73.9               95.9               57.9               35.6               33.6               54.0  
1991                      na               82.6               94.6               95.8               83.6               70.5               88.8               57.3                 na               33.0               61.8  
1990                      na                 na                 na                 na               89.2               80.3               96.5               68.6                 na               49.9               83.9  
1989                      na                 na                 na                 na               77.8               82.2               98.0               70.9                 na               36.2               77.6  
1988                      na                 na                 na                 na              121.3               95.7               88.8              100.8                 na               27.4               61.3  
1987                      na                 na                 na                 na              127.1               84.1               96.3               75.2                 na               31.4               75.1  
1986                      na                 na                 na                 na              137.6               57.6               71.6               47.5                 na               29.0               59.7  
1985                      na                 na                 na                 na              170.3               53.7               65.1               45.5                 na               50.3               48.2  
1984                      na                 na                 na                 na              153.8               53.4               60.1               48.5                 na               50.5               72.0  
1983                      na                 na                 na                 na              169.2               65.1               72.7               59.5                 na               53.5               89.4  
1982                      na                 na                 na                 na              131.6               51.9               57.3               48.0                 na               58.7               69.3  
1981                      na                 na                 na                 na              136.1               57.7               61.1               55.2                 na               66.3               67.8  
1980                      na                 na                 na                 na              136.6               67.1               72.3               63.4                 na               73.1               99.2