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Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
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Japan GDPCabinet Office
Japan industrial productionMinistry of Economy Trade and Investment (METI)
Japan int rates, cpi, etc.various
http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | index 2005=100 | http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | Column (1) : Mining and manufacturing | wt=10000.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000001 746 Column (2) : Manufacturing | wt=9984.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000002 747 Column (3) : Iron and steel | wt=1062.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000003 748 Column (4) : Crude steel (incl. Semi-finished steel) | wt=313.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000004 749 Column (5) : Hot rolled steel | wt=325.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000005 750 Column (6) : Steel pipes and tubes | wt=117.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000006 751 Column (7) : Cold finished steel | wt=138.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000007 752 Column (8) : Metallic coated steel | wt=107.6 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000008 753 Column (9) : Steel castings and forgings | wt=60.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000009 754 Column (10) : (Ordinary steel) | wt=456.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000010 755 Column (11) : (Special steel) | wt=232.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000011 756 Column (12) : Non-ferrous metals | wt=276.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000012 757 Column (13) : Refining of non-ferrous metals | wt=73.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000013 758 Column (14) : Copper and copper-base alloys and aluminum rolling products | wt=113.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000014 759 Column (15) : Electric wires and cables | wt=89.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000015 760 Column (16) : Non-ferrous metal castings | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000016 761 Column (17) : Fabricated metals | wt=715.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000017 762 Column (18) : Fabricated structural metal products | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000018 763 Column (19) : Metal products of building | wt=132.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000019 764 Column (20) : Equipment for heating and kitchen | wt=208.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000020 765 Column (21) : Other metal products | wt=373.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000021 766 Column (22) : General machinery | wt=922.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000022 767 Column (23) : Boilers and power units | wt=78.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000023 768 Column (24) : Engineering and construction machinery | wt=152.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000024 769 Column (25) : Chemical machinery | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000025 770 Column (26) : Daily lives industry machinery | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000026 771 Column (27) : Semiconductor and flat-panel display manufacturing equipment | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000027 772 Column (28) : Fans, pumps and oil hydraulic equipment | wt=47.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000028 773 Column (29) : Conveying machinery | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000029 774 Column (30) : Industrial robots | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000030 775 Column (31) : Agricultural machinery | wt=60.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000031 776 Column (32) : Metal cutting machinery | wt=105.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000032 777 Column (33) : Metal forming machinery | wt=12.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000033 778 Column (34) : Textile machinery | wt=8.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000034 779 Column (35) : Refrigerating machines and appliances | wt=114.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000035 780 Column (36) : Molds and dies | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000036 781 Column (37) : Tools for machines | wt=87.6 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000037 782 Column (38) : Other industrial machinery | wt=91.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000038 783 Column (39) : Parts of industrial machinery | wt=163.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000039 784 Column (40) : Electrical machinery | wt=467.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000040 785 Column (41) : Electrical rotating machinery | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000041 786 Column (42) : Electrical stationary machinery | wt=6.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000042 787 Column (43) : Switching devices | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000043 788 Column (44) : Household electrical machinery | wt=265.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000044 789 Column (45) : Wiring devices and luminaries | wt=129.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000045 790 Column (46) : Associated electronic equipment | wt=0.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000046 791 Column (47) : Electrical measuring instruments | wt=3.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000047 792 Column (48) : Batteries | wt=52.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 20000048 793 Column (49) : 0
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20130416
           |    col (1)       |    col (2)       |    col (3)       |    col (4)       |    col (5)       |    col (6)       |    col (7)       |    col (8)       |    col (9)       |   col (10)       |   col (11)       |   col (12)       |   col (13)       |   col (14)       |   col (15)       |   col (16)       |   col (17)       |   col (18)       |   col (19)       |   col (20)       |   col (21)       |   col (22)       |   col (23)       |   col (24)       |   col (25)       |   col (26)       |   col (27)       |   col (28)       |   col (29)       |   col (30)       |   col (31)       |   col (32)       |   col (33)       |   col (34)       |   col (35)       |   col (36)       |   col (37)       |   col (38)       |   col (39)       |   col (40)       |   col (41)       |   col (42)       |   col (43)       |   col (44)       |   col (45)       |   col (46)       |   col (47)       |   col (48)       |   col (49)       |
           | Mining and       | Manufacturing    | Iron and steel   | Crude steel      | Hot rolled steel | Steel pipes and  | Cold finished    | Metallic coated  | Steel castings   | (Ordinary steel) | (Special steel)  | Non-ferrous      | Refining of      | Copper and       | Electric wires   | Non-ferrous      | Fabricated       | Fabricated       | Metal products   | Equipment for    | Other metal      | General          | Boilers and      | Engineering and  | Chemical         | Daily lives      | Semiconductor    | Fans; pumps and  | Conveying        | Industrial       | Agricultural     | Metal cutting    | Metal forming    | Textile          | Refrigerating    | Molds and dies   | Tools for        | Other industrial | Parts of         | Electrical       | Electrical       | Electrical       | Switching        | Household        | Wiring devices   | Associated       | Electrical       | Batteries        |                  |
           | manufacturing    |                  |                  | (incl.           |                  | tubes            | steel            | steel            | and forgings     |                  |                  | metals           | non-ferrous      | copper-base      | and cables       | metal castings   | metals           | structural metal | of building      | heating and      | products         | machinery        | power units      | construction     | machinery        | industry         | and flat-panel   | oil hydraulic    | machinery        | robots           | machinery        | machinery        | machinery        | machinery        | machines and     |                  | machines         | machinery        | industrial       | machinery        | rotating         | stationary       | devices          | electrical       | and luminaries   | electronic       | measuring        |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  | Semi-finished    |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | metals           | alloys and       |                  |                  |                  | products         |                  | kitchen          |                  |                  |                  | machinery        |                  | machinery        | display          | equipment        |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | appliances       |                  |                  |                  | machinery        |                  | machinery        | machinery        |                  | machinery        |                  | equipment        | instruments      |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  | steel)           |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | aluminum rolling |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | manufacturing    |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | products         |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | equipment        |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           | 20000001         | 20000002         | 20000003         | 20000004         | 20000005         | 20000006         | 20000007         | 20000008         | 20000009         | 20000010         | 20000011         | 20000012         | 20000013         | 20000014         | 20000015         | 20000016         | 20000017         | 20000018         | 20000019         | 20000020         | 20000021         | 20000022         | 20000023         | 20000024         | 20000025         | 20000026         | 20000027         | 20000028         | 20000029         | 20000030         | 20000031         | 20000032         | 20000033         | 20000034         | 20000035         | 20000036         | 20000037         | 20000038         | 20000039         | 20000040         | 20000041         | 20000042         | 20000043         | 20000044         | 20000045         | 20000046         | 20000047         | 20000048         |                  |
           | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     |                  |
           | wt=10000.0       | wt=9984.4        | wt=1062.1        | wt=313.0         | wt=325.2         | wt=117.7         | wt=138.4         | wt=107.6         | wt=60.2          | wt=456.8         | wt=232.1         | wt=276.5         | wt=73.0          | wt=113.7         | wt=89.8          | wt=0.0           | wt=715.5         | wt=0.0           | wt=132.9         | wt=208.8         | wt=373.8         | wt=922.2         | wt=78.1          | wt=152.8         | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=47.9          | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=60.4          | wt=105.9         | wt=12.3          | wt=8.2           | wt=114.3         | wt=0.0           | wt=87.6          | wt=91.7          | wt=163.0         | wt=467.7         | wt=0.0           | wt=6.1           | wt=0.0           | wt=265.4         | wt=129.9         | wt=0.0           | wt=3.7           | wt=52.0          |                  |
           | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        |                  |
           | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         |                  |
           | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     |                  |
Year       |__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|________________ _|
2013           106.6   2.7%y              106.6              101.7               96.2              115.9              103.2               96.8               90.0               82.9              103.4              110.6              106.8              140.0               93.4               96.8                 na               94.4                 na               93.6               68.0              109.5              102.4               67.9              141.6                 na                 na                 na              118.2                 na                 na               65.4              137.5              286.4               65.9               72.2                 na              125.3               60.0               89.2              151.6                 na              137.6                 na               79.5               77.3                 na              129.9              114.9                 na  
2012           103.8   3.5%y              103.8              100.4              100.6              111.9               92.3               96.2               88.8               84.8              100.0              105.3              110.9              138.6              102.1               99.4                 na               87.9                 na               92.1               57.9              103.2              106.0               73.7              151.1                 na                 na                 na              108.5                 na                 na               66.2              145.2              436.0               63.1               66.2                 na              129.0               46.0               94.1              161.2                 na              133.2                 na               67.3               77.4                 na              120.5              106.6                 na  
2011           100.3   3.8%y              100.3              104.1              108.8              113.1               96.7               98.4               87.6               88.1               97.6              114.7              108.7              131.8              101.3               99.2                 na               79.2                 na               64.1               49.6              101.2               98.5               97.4              118.7                 na                 na                 na              107.8                 na                 na               67.6              129.4              114.5               91.4               75.0                 na              124.8               37.1              104.9              132.7                 na              131.8                 na               71.5               73.6                 na               80.9              114.1                 na  
2010            96.6   3.8%y               96.6              100.4               89.5              113.4               93.7              107.4               97.8               88.3              103.7              111.5              100.7              116.5               95.8               94.1                 na               73.6                 na               63.2               45.7               92.8               84.2               70.5               96.9                 na                 na                 na               91.2                 na                 na               71.7              108.9              106.1               72.9               63.1                 na              106.0               38.8               92.6               95.6                 na              142.3                 na               53.8               76.8                 na               72.4               92.0                 na  
2009            93.1 -14.6%y               93.0               94.0               97.7               99.2               91.6               87.7               85.3               80.7               92.7               94.9               95.6              111.4               89.8               90.0                 na               75.7                 na               65.9               49.1               94.0               89.1               75.2              125.2                 na                 na                 na               91.1                 na                 na               90.9               98.8              151.5               85.5               73.7                 na              105.5               38.8               80.4              106.1                 na              141.1                 na               77.5               83.2                 na               81.1               76.6                 na  
2008           109.0   4.8%y              109.0              102.0              112.3               98.6              103.3               92.5               92.3              102.9               93.5              104.4              104.4              117.5              100.4               98.7                 na               86.8                 na               85.9               72.3               95.3              118.8              139.7              179.5                 na                 na                 na              109.3                 na                 na               77.4              144.0              182.9              102.1               72.6                 na              131.4               66.6              104.8               93.0                 na              121.4                 na               71.2              100.8                 na               84.6               98.9                 na  
2007           104.0   1.3%y              104.0              105.2               99.8              111.1              116.2              101.7               94.6              106.0              106.2              110.1              102.9              100.0               99.5              109.6                 na               85.0                 na               74.7               75.0               94.3              112.4              123.0              150.2                 na                 na                 na              110.4                 na                 na               95.4              146.0              163.5              127.5               86.3                 na              125.4               58.9               93.5               82.2                 na              169.0                 na               65.4               99.2                 na               81.8               78.9                 na  
2006           102.7   3.5%y              102.7              103.4              104.5              105.1              110.2              101.5               89.4              103.6              100.3              107.8              101.7              105.0               99.8              101.5                 na               86.6                 na               77.5               77.0               95.1              108.3              114.4              120.5                 na                 na                 na              104.2                 na                 na              114.7              128.6              161.3              122.0               82.8                 na              126.7               72.4              102.9               95.1                 na              160.3                 na               88.1              102.0                 na               74.0               90.8                 na  
2005            99.2   4.8%y               99.2              103.4              107.7              101.8              104.9              101.9               97.9              101.2               98.7              107.6               99.9              101.8              101.3               96.5                 na               83.2                 na               85.8               58.8               95.9              106.5              117.4              114.6                 na                 na                 na              102.2                 na                 na              109.6              112.2               88.7              117.7              103.0                 na              111.8               89.2              100.3               89.6                 na              119.9                 na               86.8               95.6                 na               78.8               84.8                 na  
2004            94.7  -0.1%y               94.7               97.0               89.7              101.0               99.9               95.9               98.9              107.0               99.0              100.4              104.6               96.4               99.7              117.4                 na               94.8                 na              109.0               83.8               95.8               96.2               99.7               99.0                 na                 na                 na              105.9                 na                 na               93.2               82.1              115.6              101.8               96.6                 na              101.2               90.5               97.5               89.6                 na              107.5                 na               85.8               92.9                 na               76.1               96.1                 na  
2003                    94.8               94.8              102.4               94.7              103.6              111.1              102.3              112.6              101.0              106.2              105.8              106.5              101.8               97.6              121.6                 na               92.3                 na               98.7               79.0               97.5               89.7               93.5               79.1                 na                 na                 na              110.9                 na                 na               96.3               68.5              125.1              177.1              100.4                 na               96.3               96.9               80.7               92.8                 na              115.9                 na               90.8               93.8                 na               84.8               98.4                 na