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Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
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Japan GDPCabinet Office
Japan industrial productionMinistry of Economy Trade and Investment (METI)
Japan int rates, cpi, etc.various
http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | index 2005=100 | http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | Column (1) : Metal oxide semiconductor ICs (Logic) | wt=107.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024100 2665 Column (2) : Metal oxide semiconductor ICs (Memory) | wt=30.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024200 2666 Column (3) : Metal oxide semiconductor ICs (CCD) | wt=9.9 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024300 2667 Column (4) : Hybrid ICs | wt=12.4 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024400 2668 Column (5) : Silicon wafers | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024500 2669 Column (6) : Midget passenger cars | wt=38.3 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024600 2670 Column (7) : Small passenger cars | wt=183.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024700 2671 Column (8) : Large passenger cars | wt=342.5 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024800 2672 Column (9) : Small busses | wt=7.1 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10024900 2673 Column (10) : Large busses | wt=14.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025000 2674 Column (11) : Midget trucks | wt=19.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025100 2675 Column (12) : Small trucks | wt=27.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025200 2676 Column (13) : Large trucks | wt=126.6 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025300 2677 Column (14) : Engine parts | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025400 2678 Column (15) : Drive, transmission and Control parts | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025500 2679 Column (16) : Suspension and Brake parts | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025600 2680 Column (17) : Chassis and Body parts | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025700 2681 Column (18) : Automobile air conditioners | wt=4.4 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025800 2682 Column (19) : Motorcycles (125ml or less) | wt=9.3 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10025900 2683 Column (20) : Motorcycles (More than 125ml) | wt=41.5 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026000 2684 Column (21) : Fork lift trucks | wt=11.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026100 2685 Column (22) : Shovel trucks | wt=6.6 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026200 2686 Column (23) : Diesel engines for marine | wt=0.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026300 2687 Column (24) : industrial measures | wt=7.9 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026600 2688 Column (25) : Gas-meters | wt=3.4 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026700 2689 Column (26) : Measuring instruments and controllers for industry | wt=2.6 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026800 2690 Column (27) : Precision measuring machines and instruments | wt=23.6 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10026900 2691 Column (28) : Analytical instruments | wt=31.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027000 2692 Column (29) : Testing machines | wt=4.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027100 2693 Column (30) : Interchangeable lenses for cameras | wt=32.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027200 2694 Column (31) : Battery -operated clocks and watches | wt=16.9 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027300 2695 Column (32) : Movements of battery -operated clocks and watches | wt=3.2 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027400 2696 Column (33) : Sheet glass | wt=45.6 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027500 2697 Column (34) : Safety glass | wt=27.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027600 2698 Column (35) : Glass fiber wool products | wt=14.1 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027700 2699 Column (36) : Glass fiber continuous textiles | wt=22.3 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027800 2700 Column (37) : Glass containers | wt=37.2 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10027900 2701 Column (38) : Glass products for tableware and kitchenware | wt=25.5 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028000 2702 Column (39) : Cement | wt=25.2 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028100 2703 Column (40) : Centrifugal reinforced-concrete pipes | wt=25.1 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028200 2704 Column (41) : Centrifugal reinforced-concrete poles | wt=14.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028300 2705 Column (42) : Centrifugal reinforced-concrete piles | wt=26.3 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028400 2706 Column (43) : Concrete blocks for bank protection | wt=21.5 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028500 2707 Column (44) : Concrete products for road | wt=90.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028600 2708 Column (45) : Pre-stressed concrete | wt=24.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028700 2709 Column (46) : Autoclaved light weight Concrete products | wt=5.8 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028800 2710 Column (47) : Tiles | wt=56.0 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10028900 2711 Column (48) : Water closet | wt=15.4 | Units : index seas adj 2005=100 Code 10029000 2712 Column (49) : 0
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20130416
           |    col (1)       |    col (2)       |    col (3)       |    col (4)       |    col (5)       |    col (6)       |    col (7)       |    col (8)       |    col (9)       |   col (10)       |   col (11)       |   col (12)       |   col (13)       |   col (14)       |   col (15)       |   col (16)       |   col (17)       |   col (18)       |   col (19)       |   col (20)       |   col (21)       |   col (22)       |   col (23)       |   col (24)       |   col (25)       |   col (26)       |   col (27)       |   col (28)       |   col (29)       |   col (30)       |   col (31)       |   col (32)       |   col (33)       |   col (34)       |   col (35)       |   col (36)       |   col (37)       |   col (38)       |   col (39)       |   col (40)       |   col (41)       |   col (42)       |   col (43)       |   col (44)       |   col (45)       |   col (46)       |   col (47)       |   col (48)       |   col (49)       |
           | Metal oxide      | Metal oxide      | Metal oxide      | Hybrid ICs       | Silicon wafers   | Midget passenger | Small passenger  | Large passenger  | Small busses     | Large busses     | Midget trucks    | Small trucks     | Large trucks     | Engine parts     | Drive;           | Suspension and   | Chassis and Body | Automobile air   | Motorcycles      | Motorcycles      | Fork lift trucks | Shovel trucks    | Diesel engines   | industrial       | Gas-meters       | Measuring        | Precision        | Analytical       | Testing machines | Interchangeable  | Battery          | Movements of     | Sheet glass      | Safety glass     | Glass fiber wool | Glass fiber      | Glass containers | Glass products   | Cement           | Centrifugal      | Centrifugal      | Centrifugal      | Concrete blocks  | Concrete         | Pre-stressed     | Autoclaved light | Tiles            | Water closet     |                  |
           | semiconductor    | semiconductor    | semiconductor    |                  |                  | cars             | cars             | cars             |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | transmission and | Brake parts      | parts            | conditioners     | (125ml or less)  | (More than       |                  |                  | for marine       | measures         |                  | instruments and  | measuring        | instruments      |                  | lenses for       | -operated clocks | battery          |                  |                  | products         | continuous       |                  | for tableware    |                  | reinforced-concr | reinforced-concr | reinforced-concr | for bank         | products for     | concrete         | weight Concrete  |                  |                  |                  |
           | ICs (Logic)      | ICs (Memory)     | ICs (CCD)        |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | Control parts    |                  |                  |                  |                  | 125ml)           |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | controllers for  | machines and     |                  |                  | cameras          | and watches      | -operated clocks |                  |                  |                  | textiles         |                  | and kitchenware  |                  | ete pipes        | ete poles        | ete piles        | protection       | road             |                  | products         |                  |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | industry         | instruments      |                  |                  |                  |                  | and watches      |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           | 10024100         | 10024200         | 10024300         | 10024400         | 10024500         | 10024600         | 10024700         | 10024800         | 10024900         | 10025000         | 10025100         | 10025200         | 10025300         | 10025400         | 10025500         | 10025600         | 10025700         | 10025800         | 10025900         | 10026000         | 10026100         | 10026200         | 10026300         | 10026600         | 10026700         | 10026800         | 10026900         | 10027000         | 10027100         | 10027200         | 10027300         | 10027400         | 10027500         | 10027600         | 10027700         | 10027800         | 10027900         | 10028000         | 10028100         | 10028200         | 10028300         | 10028400         | 10028500         | 10028600         | 10028700         | 10028800         | 10028900         | 10029000         |                  |
           | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         | Seas Adj         |                  |
           | wt=107.8         | wt=30.0          | wt=9.9           | wt=12.4          | wt=0.0           | wt=38.3          | wt=183.0         | wt=342.5         | wt=7.1           | wt=14.8          | wt=19.8          | wt=27.0          | wt=126.6         | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=0.0           | wt=4.4           | wt=9.3           | wt=41.5          | wt=11.0          | wt=6.6           | wt=0.0           | wt=7.9           | wt=3.4           | wt=2.6           | wt=23.6          | wt=31.8          | wt=4.0           | wt=32.0          | wt=16.9          | wt=3.2           | wt=45.6          | wt=27.8          | wt=14.1          | wt=22.3          | wt=37.2          | wt=25.5          | wt=25.2          | wt=25.1          | wt=14.0          | wt=26.3          | wt=21.5          | wt=90.8          | wt=24.0          | wt=5.8           | wt=56.0          | wt=15.4          |                  |
           | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   | index seas adj   |                  |
           | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         |                  |
           | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     |                  |
Year       |__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|_no_observations _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|__Jan03_to_Feb13 _|________________ _|
2013           131.5   2.7%y              934.9              334.3              202.9                 na               64.9               61.3               89.5              155.1              157.3               28.2               46.1               61.6                 na                 na                 na                 na              165.8              110.9               46.1               66.2               92.8                 na              132.2               30.8              130.9              115.4              159.8               87.2              187.6              136.6               84.6               91.2               86.2              111.5              124.6              104.4               72.1              120.5               52.6               92.0               75.7               90.0               87.8               81.6               68.0               77.5               50.4                 na  
2012           128.0  13.1%y              761.8              465.2              179.8                 na               82.2               84.5               87.0              104.0              106.5               29.5               52.6               44.5                 na                 na                 na                 na               94.7               94.1               37.6               73.5              105.5                 na              119.0               31.8              121.0              103.5              150.4               88.4              197.6              134.7               85.1               86.0               93.7              117.1              131.3              102.7               73.5              137.3               52.0               94.8               74.7               89.6               84.6               74.2               62.9               78.4               49.8                 na  
2011           113.2 -28.3%y              578.0              740.8              256.4                 na               34.1               36.8               93.0              118.4              153.7               23.7               24.3               58.3                 na                 na                 na                 na              224.1               59.7               50.1               84.1               76.5                 na              112.6               45.5              172.1               99.2              187.9              148.3              110.7              120.9               81.1               92.7              106.2              114.3              141.2              100.9               68.5              123.8               53.2               95.5               77.1               78.9               83.2               74.5               80.7               76.5               56.4                 na  
2010           157.9  63.1%y              667.4              425.4              173.8                 na               80.4               62.7               99.4              101.9              134.1               68.9               29.5               45.5                 na                 na                 na                 na               67.2               70.5               61.8               84.2               90.5                 na               86.5               55.0              150.2               89.7              123.7              118.3               81.7              107.1               36.6               93.1               90.2               92.7               99.0               96.6               64.5              133.1               59.0               94.4               67.5               76.7               82.1               69.6               62.2               73.1               38.4                 na  
2009            96.8 -51.9%y              430.1              172.0               95.0                 na               74.5               37.2               87.5               85.1              138.0               24.8               33.2               57.3                 na                 na                 na                 na               65.7              104.5               42.5              122.4              140.5                 na               99.8              122.9              131.4               88.3              134.2               63.7               81.0              101.8               74.8               95.3               99.2              119.6               86.6               99.5               75.0              142.8               69.4               92.4               83.6               93.9               88.2               83.1               72.7               89.0               58.5                 na  
2008           201.4  74.2%y              307.3              487.3              244.2                 na               80.6               77.3              127.6              123.3              141.1               51.9               59.2               71.4                 na                 na                 na                 na               73.5              109.8              124.1              220.0              212.0                 na              123.7              102.6               99.3              106.2              138.3               99.8              100.1               93.0              132.2              117.0              108.0              137.6              142.4              102.5               82.3              144.4               74.0              105.8              114.3               85.4               89.8               99.2               86.2              105.4               86.2                 na  
2007           115.6   4.7%y              228.1              226.9              117.9                 na              148.2               66.4              170.9              215.5               79.7               57.8               59.2               97.4                 na                 na                 na                 na               91.2               98.3              182.6              179.3              205.6                 na              226.2              157.3              105.2              185.9              111.6              240.5               82.6               92.4              120.0              103.6              115.7              110.2               93.4              104.9               77.7              130.6               78.2               98.8              127.2               89.1               92.4              102.9               87.2               97.5              106.7                 na  
2006           110.4  19.2%y              154.1              206.9              127.1                 na              146.0              104.1              155.3              188.5               68.5               90.7               88.2               90.2                 na                 na                 na                 na              102.8               85.5              124.0              146.8              133.8                 na              182.7              162.8               85.5              158.2              124.8              178.5               56.5               99.3              134.3               96.9              110.5              104.7               95.2               99.4               78.2              115.0               86.7               91.7              103.9               95.1               98.3              101.3               92.3              101.9               93.9                 na  
2005            92.6 -28.5%y              117.2              128.9              102.1                 na              127.9              111.8              115.1               84.1               84.9              125.8              121.5              115.5                 na                 na                 na                 na              110.7              112.2               94.0              106.3               88.4                 na               97.4              107.4              101.8               96.0               97.6               95.7               78.5              108.4               99.3              100.3               97.1              104.1               99.4               93.4               98.4              105.2               95.4               95.6              101.4               97.5               97.8               99.5               92.2              100.6               96.6                 na  
2004           129.5  66.7%y               97.0              122.7              116.3                 na               76.2               76.9               69.3               43.2              108.6               95.0               89.7               94.5                 na                 na                 na                 na               92.5              111.0               83.3               88.4               84.5                 na               86.9               77.4               82.8               94.9              118.7               88.2              129.9               92.9               70.8               86.5              100.8               92.2               91.4               97.5              104.6              103.7              102.8               96.3              100.1              105.0              106.7               98.1              101.2               95.7              103.4                 na  
2003                    77.7               84.2               94.0               90.3                 na               77.6               94.4               67.4               90.4              117.9               89.0               88.6               85.7                 na                 na                 na                 na               85.7              111.4              104.7               80.7               97.0                 na               95.5               75.6               61.0               90.6               92.6               81.4              127.4               74.4               94.7               88.2               98.0               89.1              137.5              102.6              115.1              114.1              119.9               93.1              110.2              104.6              111.1              106.0               98.3              101.3              115.2                 na