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Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Japan Industrial Production - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
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Japan industrial productionMinistry of Economy Trade and Investment (METI)
Japan int rates, cpi, etc.various
http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | index 2005=100 | http://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/tyo/iip/h2afdlde.html#data_iip | Column (1) : Aluminum sashes for building | wt=29.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10004900 3373 Column (2) : Aluminum doors | wt=11.6 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005000 3374 Column (3) : Aluminum exterior | wt=14.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005100 3375 Column (4) : Steel and stainless doors | wt=7.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005200 3376 Column (5) : Steel and stainless shutters | wt=7.6 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005300 3377 Column (6) : Gas cooking appliances | wt=13.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005400 3378 Column (7) : Gas-fired water heaters | wt=11.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005500 3379 Column (8) : Gas bath boilers | wt=15.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005600 3380 Column (9) : Oil-fired space heaters | wt=10.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005700 3381 Column (10) : Oil-fired water heaters and space heaters | wt=5.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005800 3382 Column (11) : Wire ropes | wt=15.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10005900 3383 Column (12) : Electrical welding rods | wt=9.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006000 3384 Column (13) : Steel drums | wt=7.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006100 3385 Column (14) : 18 l cans | wt=7.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006200 3386 Column (15) : Food cans | wt=31.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006300 3387 Column (16) : General cans | wt=6.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006400 3388 Column (17) : Transmission line hardware | wt=6.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006500 3389 Column (18) : Leaf springs | wt=4.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006600 3390 Column (19) : Wire springs | wt=16.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006700 3391 Column (20) : Flat springs | wt=18.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006800 3392 Column (21) : Cemented carbide tips | wt=15.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10006900 3393 Column (22) : Pipe fittings (Made of malleable iron castings) | wt=4.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007000 3394 Column (23) : Pipe fittings (Made of steel pipes and tubes) | wt=4.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007100 3395 Column (24) : Machinist hand tools | wt=6.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007200 3396 Column (25) : Sintered products (Machine materials) | wt=19.6 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007300 3397 Column (26) : Sintered products (Magnetic materials) | wt=16.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007400 3398 Column (27) : Industrial aluminum products | wt=2.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007500 3399 Column (28) : Aluminum cans for beverage | wt=50.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007600 3400 Column (29) : Internal combustion engines for industry | wt=72.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007700 3401 Column (30) : Water tube boilers | wt=8.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007800 3402 Column (31) : Parts and accessories of boilers | wt=9.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10007900 3403 Column (32) : Steam turbines for industry | wt=11.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008000 3404 Column (33) : Parts and accessories of steam turbines | wt=15.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008100 3405 Column (34) : Bulldozers | wt=10.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008200 3406 Column (35) : Construction cranes | wt=12.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008300 3407 Column (36) : Shovel type excavators | wt=85.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008400 3408 Column (37) : Heat exchangers | wt=3.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008500 3409 Column (38) : Blenders, Mixers and Crushers | wt=2.7 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008600 3410 Column (39) : Reaction vessels | wt=3.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008700 3411 Column (40) : Printing machinery | wt=20.8 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008800 3412 Column (41) : Plate making machinery | wt=3.9 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10008900 3413 Column (42) : Food products machinery | wt=7.2 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009000 3414 Column (43) : Consumer packaging machinery | wt=11.3 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009100 3415 Column (44) : Semiconductor products machinery | wt=97.4 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009200 3416 Column (45) : Flat-panel display products machinery | wt=44.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009300 3417 Column (46) : Pumps | wt=21.1 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009400 3418 Column (47) : Compressors | wt=14.5 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009500 3419 Column (48) : Fans and blowers | wt=4.0 | Units : index nsa 2005=100 Code 10009600 3420 Column (49) : 0
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20130416
           |    col (1)       |    col (2)       |    col (3)       |    col (4)       |    col (5)       |    col (6)       |    col (7)       |    col (8)       |    col (9)       |   col (10)       |   col (11)       |   col (12)       |   col (13)       |   col (14)       |   col (15)       |   col (16)       |   col (17)       |   col (18)       |   col (19)       |   col (20)       |   col (21)       |   col (22)       |   col (23)       |   col (24)       |   col (25)       |   col (26)       |   col (27)       |   col (28)       |   col (29)       |   col (30)       |   col (31)       |   col (32)       |   col (33)       |   col (34)       |   col (35)       |   col (36)       |   col (37)       |   col (38)       |   col (39)       |   col (40)       |   col (41)       |   col (42)       |   col (43)       |   col (44)       |   col (45)       |   col (46)       |   col (47)       |   col (48)       |   col (49)       |
           | Aluminum sashes  | Aluminum doors   | Aluminum         | Steel and        | Steel and        | Gas cooking      | Gas-fired water  | Gas bath boilers | Oil-fired space  | Oil-fired water  | Wire ropes       | Electrical       | Steel drums      | 18 l cans        | Food cans        | General cans     | Transmission     | Leaf springs     | Wire springs     | Flat springs     | Cemented carbide | Pipe fittings    | Pipe fittings    | Machinist hand   | Sintered         | Sintered         | Industrial       | Aluminum cans    | Internal         | Water tube       | Parts and        | Steam turbines   | Parts and        | Bulldozers       | Construction     | Shovel type      | Heat exchangers  | Blenders; Mixers | Reaction vessels | Printing         | Plate making     | Food products    | Consumer         | Semiconductor    | Flat-panel       | Pumps            | Compressors      | Fans and blowers |                  |
           | for building     |                  | exterior         | stainless doors  | stainless        | appliances       | heaters          |                  | heaters          | heaters and      |                  | welding rods     |                  |                  |                  |                  | line hardware    |                  |                  |                  | tips             | (Made of         | (Made of steel   | tools            | products         | products         | aluminum         | for beverage     | combustion       | boilers          | accessories of   | for industry     | accessories of   |                  | cranes           | excavators       |                  | and Crushers     |                  | machinery        | machinery        | machinery        | packaging        | products         | display products |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  |                  | shutters         |                  |                  |                  |                  | space heaters    |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | malleable iron   | pipes and tubes) |                  | (Machine         | (Magnetic        | products         |                  | engines for      |                  | boilers          |                  | steam turbines   |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | machinery        | machinery        | machinery        |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  | castings)        |                  |                  | materials)       | materials)       |                  |                  | industry         |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |
           | 10004900         | 10005000         | 10005100         | 10005200         | 10005300         | 10005400         | 10005500         | 10005600         | 10005700         | 10005800         | 10005900         | 10006000         | 10006100         | 10006200         | 10006300         | 10006400         | 10006500         | 10006600         | 10006700         | 10006800         | 10006900         | 10007000         | 10007100         | 10007200         | 10007300         | 10007400         | 10007500         | 10007600         | 10007700         | 10007800         | 10007900         | 10008000         | 10008100         | 10008200         | 10008300         | 10008400         | 10008500         | 10008600         | 10008700         | 10008800         | 10008900         | 10009000         | 10009100         | 10009200         | 10009300         | 10009400         | 10009500         | 10009600         |                  |
           | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     | NOT Seas Adj     |                  |
           | wt=29.7          | wt=11.6          | wt=14.4          | wt=7.4           | wt=7.6           | wt=13.1          | wt=11.3          | wt=15.2          | wt=10.4          | wt=5.5           | wt=15.7          | wt=9.3           | wt=7.1           | wt=7.3           | wt=31.8          | wt=6.1           | wt=6.9           | wt=4.2           | wt=16.8          | wt=18.9          | wt=15.9          | wt=4.2           | wt=4.8           | wt=6.8           | wt=19.6          | wt=16.4          | wt=2.4           | wt=50.4          | wt=72.1          | wt=8.3           | wt=9.2           | wt=11.9          | wt=15.2          | wt=10.5          | wt=12.7          | wt=85.7          | wt=3.4           | wt=2.7           | wt=3.5           | wt=20.8          | wt=3.9           | wt=7.2           | wt=11.3          | wt=97.4          | wt=44.1          | wt=21.1          | wt=14.5          | wt=4.0           |                  |
           | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        | index nsa        |                  |
           | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         | 2005=100         |                  |
           | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     | End of  Year     |                  |
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2013            61.9 -15.8%y               71.0               83.7              105.7               67.5               78.6               94.8              108.6                8.5               72.2               65.1               72.6               83.8               75.8               61.2               54.0               75.9               70.7               81.7               95.4               65.8               67.8               79.9               92.5               84.6               57.0               47.4               79.9               87.2               80.1               31.4              151.9               80.2               56.9              151.4               87.4              133.3              114.0               53.1               44.4               15.4               71.2              120.3               67.7               36.8               72.2               79.8               68.7                 na  
2012            73.5  -6.5%y               78.9               97.5              109.4               73.1              125.7              117.8              122.1              242.4              110.6               62.2               74.9               85.8               86.9               76.4               63.4               71.7               71.7               83.2               90.3               72.0               69.8               79.2               80.3               79.8               60.7               36.4               93.3               83.2               70.5              136.0              177.1              170.5               54.2              108.3               86.2               87.7               90.8               15.7               56.3               13.8              132.6              188.6               83.2               35.4               77.7               99.2               73.2                 na  
2011            78.6  -3.4%y               81.2               96.5              108.9               74.3              135.0              116.2              113.8              236.0              103.3               74.0               88.1               86.1               89.3               77.1               68.6               61.9               80.3               91.0              101.2               89.3               73.6               89.6               88.5               90.5               70.4               49.7               95.4              110.3               57.4              103.8              123.6              189.6               74.9               87.1              110.4               57.2              178.8               98.2               43.1               21.6              168.1              105.3              102.9               85.6              101.8               85.2               90.6                 na  
2010            81.4  14.6%y               82.1               92.3               94.7               67.1              129.7              112.6              108.4              163.3               96.0               82.0               86.7              101.7               93.0               84.0               69.8               90.2               67.3               90.4              106.1               87.6               76.6               85.8               83.4               90.7               78.4               70.8               95.9              102.1              307.2               76.6              113.6              183.3               48.2               61.1               87.5               65.1              157.2              101.7               49.1               21.0              150.3               98.5              121.6               76.7               82.7               93.1               77.6                 na  
2009            71.0 -18.2%y               76.0               84.0               96.1               61.2              125.0              120.3              101.9              185.8               91.6               80.1               84.2               93.5               90.3               79.8               72.5               76.4               60.6               89.9              102.4               66.6               72.0               70.9               72.9               87.9               75.0               74.5               98.3               70.2               49.8               60.5               41.9              162.8               17.4               83.9               47.1               72.0              151.1              243.5               60.4               21.9               94.6               75.5               66.3               67.8               92.6               77.5               81.1                 na  
2008            86.8 -12.0%y               82.0               92.3               94.9               80.6              119.4              118.4              101.3              128.2               81.3               82.6               98.3               68.8               87.3               87.9               86.7               85.6               66.3               77.0               81.2               58.8               76.7              102.8               80.7               61.7               62.9               85.5               94.9               83.7              120.0              113.6               61.2              179.8               55.9              139.8               54.2              122.1              204.9               49.0               57.6               36.3              103.5              103.6               66.1              108.8              100.0               88.3               84.5                 na  
2007            98.6 -15.4%y               83.9               89.5              120.0               83.4              146.0              130.3               96.5              126.4               83.9               98.1              110.7              108.3              104.1               98.1               99.8               92.0               98.3              106.3              118.4               95.0               88.4              104.8              104.7              106.1               94.1              115.7              100.5              119.8              460.5               90.1              166.9              125.9              106.7              173.0              121.0               87.1              264.4               42.0              110.6               55.5              108.3              101.8              138.1               67.1               99.7              126.6               99.2                 na  
2006           116.5   7.5%y              101.0              104.2              115.9              101.7              123.4              129.3              106.4              228.8               98.2               92.9              107.2              110.3              105.7              101.8              102.4              105.4              100.6              107.6              109.6               93.7               94.9              125.1              108.7              103.9               96.6              101.9               90.8              108.7              256.3              193.1              115.8              161.2               77.1              121.0              112.6              113.5               96.4               56.1               97.0               43.2              203.7               97.7              141.4               95.1               94.5              139.6              116.4                 na  
2005           108.4   0.1%y               95.4               99.1              114.9              100.2              141.2              146.0              114.2              310.0              120.8               96.9               96.1              110.3              103.6              101.8              110.2              102.6               96.6              106.5              104.1               96.1               94.3              102.5              100.8               99.0               97.9               95.8               90.4              104.4               72.8              114.5              129.8               99.3               99.7               92.7              103.0               68.3               97.3               64.8              119.8               78.2              121.1               92.0              121.0              151.7               90.8               91.3              114.4                 na  
2004           108.3  -4.7%y              104.1              121.5              116.7              115.6              156.2              126.8              117.6              179.4              125.7              102.5               98.3              106.7              102.8              103.2              111.6               87.1               92.6               89.9               93.5               87.7              121.6              104.9               98.7               93.5               97.3              105.6               96.9              100.4              193.9              137.5               74.0               94.9              104.7               63.1               93.6               81.2               99.1               93.6               88.9              125.4              149.9              125.9              110.8               97.3               91.3               92.6               94.7                 na  
2003                   113.6              106.2              107.3              124.4               92.5              171.9              146.6              129.4              260.3              139.6               90.4               96.9              106.1              104.7               99.4              104.7               91.4              101.0               86.9               85.9               71.8              138.1               89.6               97.7               88.4               96.4              108.8               89.8               93.5              266.6               72.7               91.8              132.0               75.2               45.5               77.8               65.0               57.8              149.4               81.7               61.5              104.8              101.5               76.8               49.3               88.0               67.1               96.4                 na