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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
15. DurGds - Primary Metals [31S]
16. DurGds - Fabricated Metal Products [32
17. DurGds - Machinery [33s]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Fabricated Metal Products [32S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Finished Goods Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 32S Fabricated Metal Products | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 32S 16 Column (2) : NAICS code : 32S Fabricated Metal Products | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 32S 164
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 32S      | NAICS code : 32S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  14754                   14587      -2.60 %      0.58 %      7.18 % 
2010.05                  14758                   14503      -4.28        1.65       21.76   
2010.04                  14620                   14267      -6.87        0.25        3.08   
2010.03                  14579                   14231     -10.52        0.26        3.17   
2010.02                  14512                   14194     -13.85        0.34        4.15   
2010.01                  14188                   14146     -14.82        0.79        9.91   
2009.12                  13540                   14035     -17.63       -0.31       -3.60   
2009.11                  13789                   14078     -17.51       -0.58       -6.73   
2009.10                  13879                   14160     -17.26       -1.41      -15.63   
2009.09                  13998                   14362     -16.44       -2.39      -25.15   
2009.08                  14625                   14713     -13.54       -0.37       -4.38   
2009.07                  14895                   14768     -11.62       -1.39      -15.45   
2009.06                  15124                   14976      -8.65       -1.16      -13.01   
2009.05                  15398                   15151      -7.04       -1.10      -12.46   
2009.04                  15663                   15320      -4.80       -3.67      -36.17   
2009.03                  16308                   15904       1.34       -3.47      -34.51   
2009.02                  16809                   16475       5.63       -0.80       -9.20   
2009.01                  16636                   16608       7.14       -2.53      -26.47   
2008.12                  16452                   17039      10.48       -0.16       -1.88   
2008.11                  16728                   17066      11.89       -0.28       -3.31   
2008.10                  16828                   17114      13.24       -0.42       -4.98   
2008.09                  16814                   17187      15.25        1.00       12.67   
2008.08                  16940                   17017      15.82        1.84       24.42   
2008.07                  16821                   16710      10.39        1.93       25.75   
2008.06                  16533                   16394       7.88        0.59        7.30   
2008.05                  16531                   16298       7.95        1.27       16.40   
2008.04                  16440                   16093       6.42        2.55       35.26   
2008.03                  16092                   15693       3.34        0.62        7.64   
2008.02                  15886                   15597       3.41        0.62        7.69   
2008.01                  15508                   15501       3.28        0.51        6.24   
2007.12                  14870                   15423       4.18        1.11       14.23   
2007.11                  14942                   15253       4.49        0.93       11.70   
2007.10                  14893                   15113       5.10        1.34       17.34   
2007.09                  14627                   14913       4.59        1.50       19.52   
2007.08                  14641                   14693       5.12       -2.93      -30.04   
2007.07                  15222                   15137      10.86       -0.39       -4.64   
2007.06                  15319                   15197      13.28        0.66        8.16   
2007.05                  15321                   15098      12.86       -0.16       -1.89   
2007.04                  15466                   15122      14.18       -0.42       -4.94   
2007.03                  15569                   15186      15.19        0.68        8.51   
2007.02                  15344                   15083      16.08        0.49        6.08   
2007.01                  14994                   15009      16.11        1.38       17.94   
2006.12                  14249                   14804      15.35        1.42       18.41   
2006.11                  14282                   14597      14.98        1.52       19.79   
2006.10                  14186                   14379      14.09        0.84       10.58   
2006.09                  13999                   14259      12.96        2.02       27.09   
2006.08                  13948                   13977       9.29        2.37       32.39   
2006.07                  13742                   13654       5.98        1.78       23.60   
2006.06                  13527                   13415       3.54        0.28        3.37   
2006.05                  13592                   13378       2.27        1.01       12.84   
2006.04                  13556                   13244       2.07        0.46        5.70   
2006.03                  13516                   13183       3.83        1.45       18.92   
2006.02                  13210                   12994       2.67        0.53        6.50   
2006.01                  12898                   12926       3.86        0.72        8.95   
2005.12                  12330                   12834       4.47        1.09       13.96   
2005.11                  12398                   12695       4.60        0.73        9.12   
2005.10                  12445                   12603       3.34       -0.16       -1.88   
2005.09                  12381                   12623       3.80       -1.30      -14.51   
2005.08                  12755                   12789       6.12       -0.73       -8.41   
2005.07                  12980                   12883       9.32       -0.56       -6.56   
2005.06                  13066                   12956      12.79       -0.96      -10.88   
2005.05                  13307                   13081      16.12        0.81       10.15   
2005.04                  13297                   12976      17.44        2.20       29.80   
2005.03                  13021                   12697      14.80        0.32        3.96   
2005.02                  12876                   12656      14.08        1.69       22.24   
2005.01                  12410                   12446      13.88        1.31       16.91   
2004.12                  11804                   12285      11.14        1.22       15.66   
2004.11                  11857                   12137       7.79       -0.48       -5.65   
2004.10                  12044                   12196       7.95        0.29        3.51   
2004.09                  11908                   12161       7.29        0.90       11.41   
2004.08                  12001                   12052       4.92        2.27       30.84   
2004.07                  11884                   11785       0.58        2.59       35.98   
2004.06                  11589                   11487      -3.70        1.97       26.39   
2004.05                  11469                   11265      -6.85        1.95       26.15   
2004.04                  11327                   11049      -8.78       -0.10       -1.19   
2004.03                  11327                   11060     -10.58       -0.31       -3.62   
2004.02                  11297                   11094      -9.28        1.51       19.70   
2004.01                  10904                   10929      -6.16       -1.13      -12.76   
2003.12                  10626                   11054      -4.81       -1.83      -19.87   
2003.11                  11019                   11260      -1.65       -0.34       -3.96   
2003.10                  11158                   11298      -1.25       -0.33       -3.85   
2003.09                  11094                   11335      -1.31       -1.32      -14.77   
2003.08                  11407                   11487       0.72       -1.96      -21.17   
2003.07                  11796                   11717       3.07       -1.77      -19.28   
2003.06                  12022                   11928       3.86       -1.36      -15.20   
2003.05                  12312                   12093       8.05       -0.16       -1.87   
2003.04                  12422                   12112       6.54       -2.07      -22.20   
2003.03                  12649                   12368       8.63        1.14       14.53   
2003.02                  12475                   12229       6.74        5.00       79.52   
2003.01                  11639                   11647       0.78        0.30        3.68   
2002.12                  11170                   11612      -0.61        1.42       18.49   
2002.11                  11236                   11449      -3.11        0.07        0.84   
2002.10                  11293                   11441      -4.52       -0.38       -4.50   
2002.09                  11231                   11485      -3.59        0.70        8.75   
2002.08                  11283                   11405      -4.38        0.33        3.98   
2002.07                  11411                   11368      -4.97       -1.02      -11.56   
2002.06                  11563                   11485      -4.14        2.62       36.36   
2002.05                  11406                   11192      -7.72       -1.56      -17.16   
2002.04                  11689                   11369      -6.22       -0.14       -1.67   
2002.03                  11662                   11385      -6.20       -0.63       -7.29   
2002.02                  11713                   11457      -5.78       -0.87       -9.90   
2002.01                  11567                   11557      -5.33       -1.08      -12.20   
2001.12                  11250                   11683      -3.52       -1.13      -12.79   
2001.11                  11617                   11817      -1.90       -1.38      -15.33   
2001.10                  11800                   11982      -0.56        0.58        7.18   
2001.09                  11623                   11913      -0.85       -0.12       -1.40   
2001.08                  11761                   11927      -0.39       -0.29       -3.46   
2001.07                  11972                   11962       1.58       -0.16       -1.89   
2001.06                  12041                   11981       1.67       -1.21      -13.61   
2001.05                  12380                   12128       4.16        0.04        0.50   
2001.04                  12499                   12123       4.01       -0.12       -1.38   
2001.03                  12482                   12137       4.88       -0.19       -2.25   
2001.02                  12457                   12160       4.46       -0.39       -4.62   
2001.01                  12219                   12208       3.14        0.82       10.26   
2000.12                  11668                   12109       4.79        0.52        6.46   
2000.11                  11839                   12046       4.60       -0.03       -0.40   
2000.10                  11817                   12050       5.16        0.29        3.55   
2000.09                  11671                   12015       6.15        0.34        4.19   
2000.08                  11788                   11974       5.02        1.68       22.15   
2000.07                  11774                   11776       2.88       -0.07       -0.81   
2000.06                  11838                   11784       3.50        1.20       15.42   
2000.05                  11923                   11644       1.30       -0.10       -1.23   
2000.04                  12060                   11656       1.01        0.73        9.07   
2000.03                  11954                   11572       0.53       -0.59       -6.89   
2000.02                  11938                   11641       3.20       -1.65      -18.07   
2000.01                  11829                   11836       4.48        2.42       33.28   
1999.12                  11134                   11556       2.67        0.35        4.25   
1999.11                  11302                   11516       2.36        0.50        6.14   
1999.10                  11190                   11459       3.38        1.24       15.89   
1999.09                  10955                   11319       2.43       -0.73       -8.39   
1999.08                  11229                   11402       3.06       -0.38       -4.52   
1999.07                  11456                   11446       4.43        0.54        6.62   
1999.06                  11452                   11385       3.75       -0.96      -10.90   
1999.05                  11805                   11495       5.86       -0.38       -4.48   
1999.04                  11961                   11539       6.74        0.24        2.96   
1999.03                  11931                   11511       6.12        2.05       27.54   
1999.02                  11561                   11280       2.54       -0.42       -4.97   
1999.01                  11290                   11328       5.73        0.65        8.07   
1998.12                  10830                   11255       5.44        0.04        0.43   
1998.11                  11009                   11251       5.31        1.51       19.66   
1998.10                  10775                   11084       3.55        0.30        3.64   
1998.09                  10687                   11051       4.04       -0.11       -1.29   
1998.08                  10906                   11063       4.12        0.94       11.88   
1998.07                  10997                   10960       3.01       -0.13       -1.52   
1998.06                  11072                   10974       2.03        1.06       13.48   
1998.05                  11187                   10859       1.16        0.45        5.58   
1998.04                  11229                   10810       1.18       -0.34       -4.02   
1998.03                  11267                   10847       2.24       -1.40      -15.56   
1998.02                  11255                   11001       2.77        2.68       37.33   
1998.01                  10653                   10714       0.06        0.37        4.59   
1997.12                  10243                   10674      -0.85       -0.09       -1.12   
1997.11                  10415                   10684      -0.48       -0.19       -2.22   
1997.10                  10367                   10704       0.25        0.77        9.67   
1997.09                  10285                   10622       0.14       -0.03       -0.34   
1997.08                  10477                   10625       1.06       -0.14       -1.68   
1997.07                  10709                   10640       1.76       -1.08      -12.20   
1997.06                  10900                   10756       4.46        0.20        2.37   
1997.05                  11074                   10735       5.42        0.48        5.88   
1997.04                  11103                   10684       5.41        0.71        8.82   
1997.03                  11023                   10609       3.92       -0.90      -10.25   
1997.02                  10931                   10705       2.60       -0.03       -0.34   
1997.01                  10622                   10708       4.56       -0.53       -6.17   
1996.12                  10298                   10765       5.18        0.27        3.29   
1996.11                  10430                   10736       5.35        0.55        6.84   
1996.10                  10319                   10677       4.45        0.66        8.21   
1996.09                  10311                   10607       3.05        0.88       11.15   
1996.08                  10381                   10514       2.34        0.55        6.86   
1996.07                  10556                   10456       1.14        1.54       20.19   
1996.06                  10468                   10297      -0.70        1.12       14.29   
1996.05                  10529                   10183      -0.99        0.46        5.71   
1996.04                  10558                   10136      -0.13       -0.72       -8.25   
1996.03                  10607                   10209       2.27       -2.16      -23.02   
1996.02                  10639                   10434       6.39        1.88       25.11   
1996.01                  10149                   10241       6.80        0.06        0.71   
1995.12                   9759                   10235      10.51        0.43        5.31   
1995.11                   9852                   10191      10.09       -0.30       -3.58   
1995.10                   9857                   10222      12.88       -0.69       -7.97   
1995.09                  10009                   10293      14.88        0.18        2.24   
1995.08                  10156                   10274      11.63       -0.62       -7.18   
1995.07                  10464                   10338      14.38       -0.31       -3.64   
1995.06                  10566                   10370      15.83        0.83       10.38   
1995.05                  10645                   10285      16.33        1.34       17.32   
1995.04                  10591                   10149      13.27        1.67       22.03   
1995.03                  10377                    9982      12.80        1.78       23.65   
1995.02                   9979                    9807      10.12        2.27       30.96   
1995.01                   9496                    9589       8.62        3.53       51.64   
1994.12                   8801                    9262       5.39        0.05        0.65   
1994.11                   8920                    9257       4.86        2.22       30.14   
1994.10                   8729                    9056       1.46        1.07       13.64   
1994.09                   8722                    8960       0.39       -2.65      -27.56   
1994.08                   9115                    9204       2.90        1.84       24.41   
1994.07                   9164                    9038       1.22        0.95       12.01   
1994.06                   9129                    8953       1.70        1.27       16.31   
1994.05                   9158                    8841      -0.72       -1.33      -14.82   
1994.04                   9363                    8960       1.89        1.25       16.14   
1994.03                   9194                    8849       1.31       -0.64       -7.42   
1994.02                   9040                    8906       1.83        0.88       11.13   
1994.01                   8747                    8828       0.83        0.46        5.60   
1993.12                   8332                    8788      -0.34       -0.45       -5.30   
1993.11                   8487                    8828       0.01       -1.10      -12.41   
1993.10                   8606                    8926       0.94        0.01        0.13   
1993.09                   8689                    8925       2.50       -0.22       -2.65   
1993.08                   8865                    8945       2.89        0.18        2.17   
1993.07                   9060                    8929       3.52        1.43       18.59   
1993.06                   8981                    8803       1.10       -1.15      -12.91   
1993.05                   9225                    8905       4.14        1.26       16.24   
1993.04                   9205                    8794       4.44        0.68        8.41   
1993.03                   9081                    8735       3.42       -0.13       -1.50   
1993.02                   8870                    8746       4.79       -0.10       -1.23   
1993.01                   8677                    8755       4.52       -0.71       -8.24   
1992.12                   8351                    8818                  -0.10       -1.22   
1992.11                   8477                    8827                  -0.18       -2.15   
1992.10                   8525                    8843                   1.56       20.44   
1992.09                   8479                    8707                   0.15        1.81   
1992.08                   8620                    8694                   0.80       10.03   
1992.07                   8756                    8625                  -0.94      -10.73   
1992.06                   8887                    8707                   1.82       24.23   
1992.05                   8863                    8551                   1.56       20.35   
1992.04                   8819                    8420                  -0.31       -3.63   
1992.03                   8775                    8446                   1.20       15.36   
1992.02                   8454                    8346                  -0.36       -4.21   
1992.01                   8297                    8376