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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
19. DurGds - Electronic Equipment, Applian
20. DurGds - Transportation Equipment [36S
21. DurGds - Furniture and Related Product
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Transportation Equipment [36S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Finished Goods Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 36S Transportation Equipment | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 36S 20 Column (2) : NAICS code : 36S Transportation Equipment | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 36S 168
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 36S      | NAICS code : 36S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  11579                   11237      -7.59 %     -1.82 %    -19.76 % 
2010.05                  12066                   11445     -11.51        1.44       18.78   
2010.04                  11504                   11282     -15.52       -1.28      -14.30   
2010.03                  11287                   11428     -16.57        2.46       33.81   
2010.02                  11129                   11154     -20.05       -0.64       -7.43   
2010.01                  10798                   11226     -22.12        3.44       50.00   
2009.12                   9632                   10853     -26.04       -2.87      -29.52   
2009.11                  11336                   11174     -25.17       -1.25      -14.06   
2009.10                  11363                   11316     -24.60       -1.68      -18.37   
2009.09                  11392                   11509     -22.98       -3.04      -30.97   
2009.08                  12230                   11870     -17.74       -2.72      -28.18   
2009.07                  12567                   12202     -14.33        0.35        4.22   
2009.06                  12486                   12160     -14.61       -5.98      -52.27   
2009.05                  13425                   12933      -7.80       -3.15      -31.91   
2009.04                  13713                   13354      -5.19       -2.50      -26.24   
2009.03                  13568                   13697      -3.30       -1.82      -19.79   
2009.02                  14036                   13951      -2.06       -3.21      -32.42   
2009.01                  13923                   14414       1.82       -1.77      -19.31   
2008.12                  13024                   14674       0.82       -1.73      -18.87   
2008.11                  15070                   14932       5.41       -0.51       -5.91   
2008.10                  15143                   15008       4.30        0.44        5.43   
2008.09                  14778                   14942       0.51        3.55       51.95   
2008.08                  14825                   14430      -1.70        1.31       16.94   
2008.07                  14642                   14243      -5.78        0.01        0.17   
2008.06                  14697                   14241      -8.12        1.53       19.92   
2008.05                  14606                   14027     -11.72       -0.41       -4.83   
2008.04                  14422                   14085     -10.68       -0.56       -6.49   
2008.03                  13895                   14164     -11.37       -0.56       -6.54   
2008.02                  14192                   14244     -11.73        0.61        7.63   
2008.01                  13684                   14157     -10.57       -2.73      -28.30   
2007.12                  12922                   14555      -6.76        2.75       38.41   
2007.11                  14299                   14166     -10.89       -1.55      -17.09   
2007.10                  14499                   14389      -7.32       -3.21      -32.39   
2007.09                  14737                   14866      -2.26        1.27       16.31   
2007.08                  15239                   14680      -6.83       -2.88      -29.62   
2007.07                  15605                   15116       1.32       -2.47      -25.94   
2007.06                  15822                   15499       7.20       -2.46      -25.84   
2007.05                  16574                   15890      13.91        0.76        9.52   
2007.04                  16164                   15770      17.01       -1.32      -14.74   
2007.03                  15591                   15981      20.12       -0.97      -11.00   
2007.02                  16126                   16137      15.69        1.93       25.83   
2007.01                  15269                   15831      18.90        1.41       18.29   
2006.12                  13881                   15611      22.61       -1.80      -19.58   
2006.11                  16091                   15897      19.80        2.39       32.76   
2006.10                  15733                   15526      18.93        2.08       27.99   
2006.09                  15057                   15210      20.48       -3.47      -34.51   
2006.08                  16391                   15756      19.82        5.61       92.52   
2006.07                  15338                   14919      15.78        3.19       45.74   
2006.06                  14813                   14458      13.90        3.64       53.61   
2006.05                  14501                   13950       7.75        3.50       51.14   
2006.04                  13700                   13478       3.25        1.31       16.87   
2006.03                  12964                   13304       4.66       -4.62      -43.34   
2006.02                  13967                   13949      13.06        4.77       74.91   
2006.01                  12872                   13314      12.22        4.57       70.98   
2005.12                  11396                   12732       7.55       -4.05      -39.14   
2005.11                  13405                   13270      11.47        1.65       21.65   
2005.10                  13147                   13055      11.32        3.41       49.47   
2005.09                  12560                   12625       5.75       -3.99      -38.67   
2005.08                  13700                   13150      14.62        2.05       27.55   
2005.07                  13246                   12886      14.00        1.51       19.74   
2005.06                  13075                   12694      11.63       -1.95      -21.09   
2005.05                  13520                   12947      14.15       -0.82       -9.40   
2005.04                  13193                   13054      15.16        2.69       37.52   
2005.03                  12312                   12712      14.06        3.03       43.10   
2005.02                  12293                   12338      11.06        4.00       60.02   
2005.01                  11395                   11864       5.07        0.22        2.67   
2004.12                  10728                   11838       3.85       -0.56       -6.55   
2004.11                  11975                   11905       7.08        1.52       19.81   
2004.10                  11750                   11727       7.15       -1.77      -19.26   
2004.09                  11934                   11938       9.05        4.05       61.08   
2004.08                  12053                   11473       0.25        1.50       19.49   
2004.07                  11702                   11304       1.99       -0.59       -6.85   
2004.06                  11726                   11371       3.00        0.26        3.11   
2004.05                  11759                   11342       4.07        0.05        0.64   
2004.04                  11492                   11336       3.81        1.71       22.62   
2004.03                  10737                   11145       0.36        0.32        3.96   
2004.02                  11065                   11109      -3.21       -1.61      -17.72   
2004.01                  10805                   11291      -4.34       -0.95      -10.80   
2003.12                  10360                   11399      -4.61        2.53       34.92   
2003.11                  11139                   11118      -7.21        1.59       20.84   
2003.10                  11057                   10944     -10.44       -0.03       -0.33   
2003.09                  10946                   10947     -10.26       -4.34      -41.30   
2003.08                  11894                   11444      -5.13        3.26       46.91   
2003.07                  11551                   11083     -10.34        0.39        4.78   
2003.06                  11442                   11040     -10.41        1.30       16.81   
2003.05                  11264                   10898     -11.51       -0.20       -2.39   
2003.04                  11094                   10920     -11.35       -1.67      -18.26   
2003.03                  10677                   11105      -9.08       -3.25      -32.73   
2003.02                  11346                   11478      -3.17       -2.75      -28.47   
2003.01                  11335                   11803       1.03       -1.23      -13.80   
2002.12                  11001                   11950      -4.70       -0.27       -3.16   
2002.11                  11912                   11982      -3.98       -1.95      -21.02   
2002.10                  12327                   12220      -2.88        0.18        2.19   
2002.09                  12299                   12198      -3.21        1.12       14.29   
2002.08                  12550                   12063      -4.08       -2.41      -25.39   
2002.07                  12862                   12361      -2.77        0.31        3.76   
2002.06                  12693                   12323      -4.37        0.06        0.68   
2002.05                  12743                   12316      -5.71       -0.02       -0.19   
2002.04                  12460                   12318      -6.47        0.85       10.71   
2002.03                  11733                   12214      -4.12        3.04       43.19   
2002.02                  11689                   11854      -6.92        1.46       19.05   
2002.01                  11206                   11683      -6.32       -6.83      -57.24   
2001.12                  11517                   12540       3.12        0.49        6.03   
2001.11                  12418                   12479      -0.06       -0.82       -9.39   
2001.10                  12654                   12582       0.05       -0.16       -1.89   
2001.09                  12655                   12602      -0.34        0.21        2.51   
2001.08                  13103                   12576      -4.97       -1.08      -12.19   
2001.07                  13310                   12713      -0.21       -1.34      -14.97   
2001.06                  13213                   12886       3.71       -1.35      -15.02   
2001.05                  13475                   13062      12.70       -0.82       -9.41   
2001.04                  13352                   13170      12.55        3.38       49.08   
2001.03                  12348                   12739       7.05        0.03        0.38   
2001.02                  12621                   12735       5.86        2.12       28.58   
2001.01                  11951                   12471       8.96        2.55       35.26   
2000.12                  11141                   12161       3.92       -2.61      -27.20   
2000.11                  12436                   12487       8.18       -0.71       -8.17   
2000.10                  12700                   12576      10.69       -0.55       -6.36   
2000.09                  12667                   12645      10.59       -4.45      -42.09   
2000.08                  13744                   13234      13.22        3.88       57.86   
2000.07                  13222                   12740      10.95        2.54       35.04   
2000.06                  12781                   12425       9.18        7.20      130.44   
2000.05                  11929                   11590       2.29       -0.95      -10.81   
2000.04                  11781                   11701       3.06       -1.67      -18.32   
2000.03                  11659                   11900       4.08       -1.08      -12.22   
2000.02                  12014                   12030       5.79        5.10       81.69   
2000.01                  10971                   11446      -0.51       -2.19      -23.31   
1999.12                  10781                   11702       2.68        1.38       17.84   
1999.11                  11462                   11543       3.36        1.60       21.01   
1999.10                  11346                   11361       4.94       -0.64       -7.40   
1999.09                  11535                   11434       7.48       -2.18      -23.26   
1999.08                  12147                   11689      11.23        1.79       23.78   
1999.07                  11860                   11483       9.95        0.91       11.42   
1999.06                  11704                   11380       8.31        0.43        5.31   
1999.05                  11632                   11331       7.73       -0.20       -2.40   
1999.04                  11416                   11354       8.43       -0.70       -8.08   
1999.03                  11286                   11434       6.38        0.55        6.74   
1999.02                  11389                   11372       7.99       -1.16      -13.02   
1999.01                  11009                   11505       9.05        0.95       11.98   
1998.12                  10481                   11397      11.18        2.05       27.58   
1998.11                  11178                   11168       8.88        3.16       45.24   
1998.10                  10850                   10826       1.92        1.77       23.39   
1998.09                  10706                   10638      -0.29        1.23       15.77   
1998.08                  10817                   10509       3.01        0.62        7.73   
1998.07                  10767                   10444       2.59       -0.60       -6.96   
1998.06                  10732                   10507      -1.00       -0.10       -1.25   
1998.05                  10726                   10518      -1.52        0.45        5.52   
1998.04                  10590                   10471      -0.58       -2.58      -26.90   
1998.03                  10766                   10748       4.73        2.06       27.73   
1998.02                  10634                   10531       0.52       -0.18       -2.14   
1998.01                  10167                   10550       4.96        2.92       41.20   
1997.12                   9418                   10251       5.91       -0.06       -0.70   
1997.11                  10237                   10257       3.84       -3.44      -34.27   
1997.10                  10689                   10622       5.56       -0.44       -5.16   
1997.09                  10696                   10669       6.65        4.58       71.10   
1997.08                  10414                   10202      -0.60        0.22        2.62   
1997.07                  10433                   10180      -1.07       -4.08      -39.34   
1997.06                  10817                   10613       7.34       -0.63       -7.27   
1997.05                  10886                   10680       8.96        1.41       18.23   
1997.04                  10668                   10532       6.90        2.62       36.41   
1997.03                  10279                   10263       2.06       -2.04      -21.94   
1997.02                  10498                   10477       7.52        4.24       64.56   
1997.01                   9782                   10051       3.37        3.84       57.23   
1996.12                   9006                    9679       0.16       -2.01      -21.67   
1996.11                   9862                    9878       2.28       -1.84      -19.96   
1996.10                  10127                   10063       5.06        0.59        7.31   
1996.09                  10070                   10004       7.57       -2.53      -26.50   
1996.08                  10455                   10264      12.40       -0.25       -2.99   
1996.07                  10471                   10290      12.48        4.08       61.51   
1996.06                   9952                    9887       6.46        0.87       10.92   
1996.05                  10019                    9802       4.69       -0.51       -5.92   
1996.04                   9995                    9852       5.83       -2.03      -21.80   
1996.03                  10040                   10056       8.55        3.20       45.97   
1996.02                   9741                    9744       9.19        0.22        2.62   
1996.01                   9475                    9723       8.99        0.61        7.58   
1995.12                   8940                    9664       5.44        0.06        0.75   
1995.11                   9782                    9658       7.35        0.84       10.50   
1995.10                   9675                    9578       8.62        2.99       42.40   
1995.09                   9245                    9300       4.81        1.84       24.45   
1995.08                   9313                    9132       4.75       -0.17       -2.08   
1995.07                   9287                    9148       6.37       -1.50      -16.55   
1995.06                   9266                    9287       9.27       -0.81       -9.32   
1995.05                   9516                    9363       9.64        0.58        7.19   
1995.04                   9446                    9309       8.74        0.49        5.99   
1995.03                   9305                    9264       7.48        3.81       56.63   
1995.02                   8961                    8924       2.34        0.03        0.40   
1995.01                   8779                    8921       0.63       -2.66      -27.66   
1994.12                   8558                    9165       5.22        1.87       24.86   
1994.11                   9180                    8997       2.44        2.03       27.27   
1994.10                   8853                    8818       1.86       -0.62       -7.19   
1994.09                   8835                    8873       3.03        1.78       23.55   
1994.08                   8850                    8718      -0.59        1.37       17.77   
1994.07                   8673                    8600      -4.01        1.19       15.23   
1994.06                   8469                    8499      -2.87       -0.48       -5.61   
1994.05                   8723                    8540      -4.97       -0.25       -2.90   
1994.04                   8655                    8561      -5.43       -0.67       -7.78   
1994.03                   8625                    8619      -3.07       -1.16      -13.05   
1994.02                   8753                    8720      -2.91       -1.64      -17.95   
1994.01                   8692                    8865      -2.15        1.78       23.57   
1993.12                   8213                    8710      -5.62       -0.83       -9.53   
1993.11                   8994                    8783      -5.53        1.46       18.93   
1993.10                   8641                    8657      -8.27        0.52        6.45   
1993.09                   8588                    8612      -8.48       -1.80      -19.60   
1993.08                   8953                    8770      -7.89       -2.11      -22.58   
1993.07                   9050                    8959      -4.64        2.39       32.74   
1993.06                   8686                    8750      -6.81       -2.64      -27.44   
1993.05                   9115                    8987      -5.32       -0.73       -8.41   
1993.04                   9175                    9053      -4.53        1.81       24.03   
1993.03                   8850                    8892      -7.89       -0.99      -11.26   
1993.02                   9011                    8981     -10.06       -0.87       -9.98   
1993.01                   8870                    9060     -10.10       -1.83      -19.89   
1992.12                   8718                    9229                  -0.73       -8.43   
1992.11                   9609                    9297                  -1.48      -16.42   
1992.10                   9446                    9437                   0.29        3.50   
1992.09                   9374                    9410                  -1.17      -13.13   
1992.08                   9646                    9521                   1.34       17.34   
1992.07                   9517                    9395                   0.06        0.77   
1992.06                   9287                    9389                  -1.09      -12.27   
1992.05                   9593                    9492                   0.09        1.14   
1992.04                   9652                    9483                  -1.77      -19.30   
1992.03                   9642                    9654                  -3.31      -33.27   
1992.02                  10036                    9985                  -0.92      -10.53   
1992.01                   9964                   10078