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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
34. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Construction Supplies [CMS] CSV file  obs:0
369 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | New Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | nop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 159.68 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code CMS 35 Column (2) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 151.80 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code CMS 183
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : CMS      | NAICS code : CMS      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   43928                   41666       8.61 %      2.88 %     12.04 % 
2010.1                   37416                   40498       5.32        1.75        7.19   
2009.4                   38062                   39801      -4.73        0.80        3.24   
2009.3                   42152                   39485     -14.01        2.93       12.23   
2009.2                   40276                   38362     -18.94       -0.23       -0.94   
2009.1                   35620                   38453     -17.47       -7.95      -28.22   
2008.4                   40105                   41776     -11.28       -9.02      -31.49   
2008.3                   48720                   45918      -3.03       -2.98      -11.39   
2008.2                   49830                   47327      -1.52        1.58        6.46   
2008.1                   43837                   46592      -1.49       -1.05       -4.13   
2007.4                   45204                   47086       3.20       -0.56       -2.24   
2007.3                   49750                   47353       5.29       -1.46       -5.72   
2007.2                   50415                   48056       4.35        1.60        6.58   
2007.1                   44499                   47297       0.69        3.66       15.46   
2006.4                   43554                   45628      -0.41        1.45        5.94   
2006.3                   47019                   44974       4.48       -2.35       -9.06   
2006.2                   48357                   46054       8.80       -1.96       -7.59   
2006.1                   44423                   46973      12.78        2.53       10.49   
2005.4                   43733                   45815      13.99        6.44       28.33   
2005.3                   45026                   43045      11.38        1.69        6.93   
2005.2                   44645                   42331       9.18        1.63        6.70   
2005.1                   39148                   41650      11.80        3.62       15.30   
2004.4                   38566                   40194       9.10        4.00       16.97   
2004.3                   40339                   38649       6.94       -0.31       -1.25   
2004.2                   40701                   38770      11.63        4.07       17.31   
2004.1                   35850                   37254       5.31        1.12        4.55   
2003.4                   35446                   36841       5.18        1.94        7.97   
2003.3                   37612                   36142       1.67        4.06       17.26   
2003.2                   36441                   34731      -1.91       -1.82       -7.07   
2003.1                   33596                   35374       2.15        0.99        4.02   
2002.4                   33640                   35027       3.40       -1.47       -5.75   
2002.3                   36897                   35549       2.20        0.40        1.61   
2002.2                   37321                   35408      -1.55        2.25        9.30   
2002.1                   32840                   34629      -1.71        2.23        9.22   
2001.4                   32502                   33874      -7.05       -2.62      -10.06   
2001.3                   35897                   34783      -5.73       -3.29      -12.52   
2001.2                   37708                   35966      -4.53        2.09        8.63   
2001.1                   33867                   35230      -6.91       -3.33      -12.67   
2000.4                   34864                   36444      -1.73       -1.23       -4.83   
2000.3                   37917                   36897       1.59       -2.06       -7.98   
2000.2                   39406                   37673       4.56       -0.46       -1.81   
2000.1                   36744                   37846       6.22        2.05        8.44   
1999.4                   35637                   37087       5.29        2.11        8.73   
1999.3                   37434                   36319       4.73        0.80        3.25   
1999.2                   37733                   36029       2.95        1.12        4.55   
1999.1                   34208                   35631       1.93        1.15        4.70   
1998.4                   33895                   35224       2.86        1.57        6.42   
1998.3                   35656                   34680       2.17       -0.91       -3.59   
1998.2                   36534                   34998       3.51        0.12        0.50   
1998.1                   33692                   34955       6.85        2.07        8.54   
1997.4                   33070                   34246       7.70        0.89        3.60   
1997.3                   34805                   33944       6.23        0.39        1.57   
1997.2                   35359                   33812       8.90        3.35       14.11   
1997.1                   31386                   32715      11.45        2.89       12.06   
1996.4                   30827                   31796       5.65       -0.49       -1.95   
1996.3                   32674                   31953       7.69        2.92       12.18   
1996.2                   32314                   31048       6.80        5.77       25.15   
1996.1                   28697                   29355      -1.46       -2.46       -9.48   
1995.4                   29119                   30095       3.47        1.43        5.85   
1995.3                   30141                   29670       5.67        2.07        8.52   
1995.2                   30186                   29070       4.57       -2.41       -9.31   
1995.1                   28941                   29789       9.49        2.41       10.01   
1994.4                   28169                   29087       9.54        3.59       15.14   
1994.3                   28625                   28079      10.98        1.00        4.07   
1994.2                   28915                   27801      12.11        2.18        9.02   
1994.1                   26278                   27207       9.86        2.46       10.23   
1993.4                   25867                   26552      25.90        4.95       21.30   
1993.3                   25787                   25301       7.18        2.03        8.39   
1993.2                   25798                   24797       4.89        0.13        0.50   
1993.1                   23969                   24766       9.91       17.42       90.12   
1992.4                   19631                   21091      -4.77      -10.66      -36.29   
1992.3                   24645                   23607       4.82       -0.14       -0.57   
1992.2                   24249                   23641       8.72        4.91       21.15   
1992.1                   22744                   22534       7.93        1.74        7.16   
1991.4                   22806                   22147       1.32       -1.66       -6.47   
1991.3                   24348                   22521      -2.18        3.57       15.08   
1991.2                   23821                   21744      -6.25        4.15       17.66   
1991.1                   20906                   20877     -10.20       -4.49      -16.80   
1990.4                   22597                   21860      -4.37       -5.05      -18.72   
1990.3                   24853                   23022       3.12       -0.74       -2.94   
1990.2                   25412                   23194       2.82       -0.23       -0.92   
1990.1                   23274                   23248       0.37        1.71        7.01   
1989.4                   23574                   22857       0.40        2.38        9.88   
1989.3                   24035                   22325       1.26       -1.04       -4.08   
1989.2                   24723                   22559       1.63       -2.61      -10.02   
1989.1                   23235                   23162       5.02        1.74        7.16   
1988.4                   23409                   22765       3.07        3.26       13.70   
1988.3                   23708                   22046       4.38       -0.68       -2.68   
1988.2                   24365                   22196       9.73        0.64        2.58   
1988.1                   22220                   22056       8.44       -0.15       -0.59   
1987.4                   22679                   22088      12.79        4.58       19.62   
1987.3                   22717                   21121       8.03        4.41       18.85   
1987.2                   22201                   20228       2.62       -0.54       -2.16   
1987.1                   20437                   20339       5.21        3.86       16.35   
1986.4                   20116                   19584       5.25        0.17        0.69   
1986.3                   21100                   19550       2.63       -0.82       -3.26   
1986.2                   21651                   19713       5.83        1.97        8.10   
1986.1                   19488                   19333       7.10        3.90       16.52   
1985.4                   19039                   18608       1.33       -2.32       -8.97   
1985.3                   20582                   19050       6.48        2.27        9.41   
1985.2                   20429                   18626       5.92        3.19       13.38   
1985.1                   18272                   18050       0.83       -1.71       -6.65   
1984.4                   18682                   18364       6.10        2.64       10.99   
1984.3                   19331                   17891       7.94        1.74        7.15   
1984.2                   19287                   17585      10.98       -1.77       -6.89   
1984.1                   18106                   17902      17.33        3.44       14.47   
1983.4                   17602                   17307      26.58        4.42       18.87   
1983.3                   17927                   16575      14.49        4.60       19.73   
1983.2                   17378                   15845       9.95        3.86       16.34   
1983.1                   15458                   15257       6.37       11.58       55.02   
1982.4                   13938                   13673      -5.04       -5.55      -20.43   
1982.3                   15608                   14477      -6.08        0.46        1.85   
1982.2                   15750                   14411     -11.93        0.47        1.89   
1982.1                   14639                   14344      -9.77       -0.38       -1.52   
1981.4                   14773                   14399     -11.30       -6.59      -23.87   
1981.3                   16461                   15415       5.11       -5.80      -21.25   
1981.2                   17813                   16364      18.75        2.94       12.28   
1981.1                   16219                   15896       3.16       -2.07       -8.04   
1980.4                   16749                   16233       6.21       10.68       50.09   
1980.3                   15653                   14666      -4.17        6.43       28.31   
1980.2                   14991                   13780      -8.87      -10.58      -36.06   
1980.1                   15653                   15410       6.64        0.83        3.37   
1979.4                   15871                   15283       6.03       -0.14       -0.54   
1979.3                   16238                   15304      11.24        1.21        4.92   
1979.2                   16424                   15121       9.95        4.64       19.91   
1979.1                   14778                   14450      16.02        0.25        1.01   
1978.4                   15008                   14414      15.09        4.77       20.47   
1978.3                   14588                   13758      14.28        0.04        0.16   
1978.2                   14950                   13753      19.74       10.42       48.64   
1978.1                   12707                   12455      13.11       -0.55       -2.18   
1977.4                   12844                   12524      22.39        4.03       17.10   
1977.3                   12860                   12039      22.12        4.82       20.74   
1977.2                   12764                   11485      19.78        4.31       18.37   
1977.1                   10969                   11011      19.87        7.60       34.07   
1976.4                   10470                   10233      14.92        3.80       16.08   
1976.3                   10740                    9859      17.68        2.82       11.76   
1976.2                   10660                    9588      24.15        4.38       18.70   
1976.1                    9035                    9186      20.51        3.16       13.25   
1975.4                    9091                    8905       5.59        6.29       27.65   
1975.3                    9166                    8378     -10.83        8.47       38.44   
1975.2                    8584                    7723     -19.51        1.32        5.39   
1975.1                    7535                    7623     -14.72       -9.62      -33.27   
1974.4                    8598                    8434      -1.90      -10.23      -35.05   
1974.3                   10210                    9395      14.03       -2.09       -8.11   
1974.2                   10565                    9595      17.20        7.35       32.79   
1974.1                    8935                    8939       8.42        3.98       16.89   
1973.4                    8781                    8597      13.46        4.35       18.56   
1973.3                    8915                    8238      16.44        0.62        2.52   
1973.2                    9019                    8187      22.46       -0.69       -2.75   
1973.1                    8262                    8244      28.51        8.82       40.20   
1972.4                    7741                    7577      28.62        7.09       31.51   
1972.3                    7666                    7075      23.68        5.83       25.43   
1972.2                    7361                    6686      20.21        4.21       17.94   
1972.1                    6430                    6415      17.89        8.91       40.68   
1971.4                    6030                    5891       8.86        2.97       12.43   
1971.3                    6185                    5721       6.11        2.86       11.93   
1971.2                    6125                    5562       5.57        2.20        9.11   
1971.1                    5488                    5442       5.51        0.57        2.30   
1970.4                    5546                    5411      -0.40        0.37        1.47   
1970.3                    5787                    5391      -0.92        2.33        9.67   
1970.2                    5788                    5268      -4.66        2.15        8.88   
1970.1                    5222                    5157      -5.25       -5.07      -18.78   
1969.4                    5593                    5433       1.21       -0.16       -0.63   
1969.3                    5794                    5441       7.46       -1.53       -5.98   
1969.2                    6074                    5526       9.81        1.52        6.20   
1969.1                    5517                    5443      10.40        1.40        5.74   
1968.4                    5516                    5368       7.17        6.02       26.32   
1968.3                    5379                    5063       7.12        0.62        2.52   
1968.2                    5537                    5032      12.08        2.05        8.47   
1968.1                    5032                    4931       9.49       -1.56       -6.08   
1967.4                    5135                    5009      10.76        5.96       26.07   
1967.3                    5003                    4727       1.29        5.29       22.88   
1967.2                    4964                    4490      -4.03       -0.30       -1.21   
1967.1                    4603                    4503      -2.52       -0.41       -1.65   
1966.4                    4626                    4522       2.89       -3.10      -11.84   
1966.3                    4926                    4667       8.95       -0.25       -0.99   
1966.2                    5185                    4678      10.61        1.27        5.18   
1966.1                    4723                    4620       8.14        5.11       22.07   
1965.4                    4465                    4395       6.39        2.61       10.86   
1965.3                    4542                    4283       4.61        1.27        5.17   
1965.2                    4698                    4230       6.63       -0.99       -3.92   
1965.1                    4352                    4272       9.68        3.42       14.39   
1964.4                    4191                    4131      11.97        0.89        3.61   
1964.3                    4354                    4094       9.65        3.23       13.55   
1964.2                    4430                    3966       7.69        1.83        7.53   
1964.1                    3910                    3895       6.74        5.58       24.27   
1963.4                    3747                    3689       7.79       -1.21       -4.74   
1963.3                    4004                    3734       8.64        1.39        5.67   
1963.2                    4116                    3683       8.51        0.93        3.77   
1963.1                    3655                    3649       7.07        6.62       29.24   
1962.4                    3493                    3422       0.34       -0.43       -1.70   
1962.3                    3705                    3437       1.24        1.27        5.17   
1962.2                    3788                    3394       3.25       -0.42       -1.65   
1962.1                    3402                    3408      14.85       -0.07       -0.30   
1961.4                    3482                    3411       8.74        0.46        1.86   
1961.3                    3664                    3395       6.52        3.28       13.77   
1961.2                    3660                    3287       3.39       10.78       50.58   
1961.1                    2947                    2968     -10.69       -5.39      -19.87   
1960.4                    3203                    3137      -5.45       -1.59       -6.20   
1960.3                    3451                    3187      -3.51        0.24        0.96   
1960.2                    3519                    3180      -7.29       -4.31      -16.16   
1960.1                    3300                    3323      -4.38        0.17        0.67   
1959.4                    3409                    3317       3.50        0.43        1.73   
1959.3                    3592                    3303       5.70       -3.69      -13.96   
1959.2                    3765                    3430      18.81       -1.31       -5.14   
1959.1                    3484                    3475      30.92        8.42       38.19   
1958.4                    3155                    3205                   2.57       10.67   
1958.3                    3461                    3125                   8.26       37.34   
1958.2                    3121                    2887                   8.75       39.87   
1958.1                    2750                    2654