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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
45. Defense Aircraft and Parts [DAP]
46. Information Technology Industries [ITI
47. Motor Vehicles and Parts [MVP]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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309 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | New Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | nop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : ITI Information Technology Industries | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 151.17 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code ITI 46 Column (2) : NAICS code : ITI Information Technology Industries | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 141.26 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code ITI 194
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : ITI      | NAICS code : ITI      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan68_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan68_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   26303                   27284      13.71 %      4.40 %     18.80 % 
2010.1                   25504                   26134       8.60        3.26       13.67   
2009.4                   26732                   25310      -1.04        1.45        5.91   
2009.3                   24800                   24949      -7.11        3.97       16.86   
2009.2                   23103                   23995     -15.81       -0.28       -1.13   
2009.1                   23743                   24063     -11.96       -5.91      -21.63   
2008.4                   27033                   25575     -10.25       -4.78      -17.79   
2008.3                   26702                   26859      -7.34       -5.76      -21.14   
2008.2                   27538                   28501      -0.02        4.27       18.23   
2008.1                   27118                   27333      -0.82       -4.08      -15.34   
2007.4                   30051                   28495      -0.07       -1.69       -6.60   
2007.3                   28558                   28986       1.52        1.68        6.88   
2007.2                   27750                   28507       2.88        3.44       14.50   
2007.1                   27249                   27559      -0.44       -3.36      -12.78   
2006.4                   29881                   28517      15.76       -0.12       -0.48   
2006.3                   28109                   28551      15.58        3.04       12.71   
2006.2                   27056                   27710      12.08        0.10        0.41   
2006.1                   27345                   27682      12.31       12.37       59.43   
2005.4                   26084                   24635      -0.43       -0.27       -1.09   
2005.3                   24147                   24702       0.79       -0.09       -0.36   
2005.2                   24092                   24724       2.50        0.31        1.26   
2005.1                   24539                   24647       2.21       -0.38       -1.50   
2004.4                   26196                   24740       2.59        0.95        3.85   
2004.3                   23717                   24508       4.91        1.61        6.58   
2004.2                   23534                   24121       7.15        0.02        0.09   
2004.1                   24359                   24115       8.56       -0.01       -0.03   
2003.4                   25489                   24117      14.43        3.23       13.56   
2003.3                   22562                   23362       6.12        3.78       15.99   
2003.2                   22046                   22511      -3.11        1.34        5.47   
2003.1                   22157                   22214      -1.83        5.40       23.40   
2002.4                   22370                   21076     -19.70       -4.26      -15.98   
2002.3                   21085                   22014     -19.79       -5.25      -19.41   
2002.2                   22566                   23234     -19.87        2.68       11.17   
2002.1                   22420                   22627     -30.20      -13.79      -44.76   
2001.4                   28179                   26246     -22.81       -4.36      -16.34   
2001.3                   26122                   27444     -20.22       -5.35      -19.74   
2001.2                   28398                   28995     -18.26      -10.55      -35.98   
2001.1                   32102                   32415       0.39       -4.67      -17.41   
2000.4                   36146                   34003       1.21       -1.15       -4.50   
2000.3                   33241                   34397       2.95       -3.04      -11.60   
2000.2                   34855                   35474       9.92        9.87       45.69   
2000.1                   32258                   32289       4.95       -3.89      -14.68   
1999.4                   35467                   33597      10.74        0.55        2.23   
1999.3                   32296                   33412      11.89        3.53       14.89   
1999.2                   31660                   32273       4.13        4.90       21.10   
1999.1                   30297                   30765       0.47        1.40        5.74   
1998.4                   32314                   30339       3.71        1.60        6.55   
1998.3                   28977                   29861      -3.61       -3.65      -13.81   
1998.2                   30370                   30991       6.95        1.21        4.93   
1998.1                   30247                   30621       8.12        4.67       20.03   
1997.4                   31230                   29255       8.90       -5.57      -20.47   
1997.3                   30128                   30979      22.38        6.91       30.62   
1997.2                   28327                   28977      14.31        2.31        9.58   
1997.1                   27882                   28322      12.04        5.43       23.54   
1996.4                   28767                   26864       2.16        6.12       26.83   
1996.3                   24759                   25314       3.61       -0.14       -0.57   
1996.2                   24637                   25350       2.58        0.28        1.13   
1996.1                   25195                   25279       7.09       -3.86      -14.58   
1995.4                   28116                   26295      13.73        7.63       34.18   
1995.3                   23904                   24432       8.35       -1.13       -4.46   
1995.2                   24025                   24712      11.80        4.68       20.08   
1995.1                   23158                   23607      14.99        2.10        8.66   
1994.4                   24892                   23122      13.21        2.54       10.57   
1994.3                   22057                   22548      10.77        2.01        8.29   
1994.2                   21416                   22103      13.73        7.67       34.37   
1994.1                   19972                   20530       5.10        0.52        2.11   
1993.4                   22121                   20423       7.13        0.33        1.34   
1993.3                   19890                   20355       7.21        4.74       20.33   
1993.2                   18752                   19435      -0.20       -0.50       -1.99   
1993.1                   19033                   19533       2.44        2.46       10.20   
1992.4                   21827                   19064       2.29        0.41        1.65   
1992.3                   19234                   18986       2.98       -2.50       -9.62   
1992.2                   18706                   19473       6.23        2.13        8.78   
1992.1                   18605                   19067       1.55        2.31        9.56   
1991.4                   20744                   18637      -2.25        1.09        4.43   
1991.3                   19265                   18436      -4.49        0.57        2.30   
1991.2                   20013                   18332      -3.99       -2.36       -9.13   
1991.1                   19299                   18776      -1.74       -1.53       -5.98   
1990.4                   21122                   19067      -0.57       -1.22       -4.80   
1990.3                   20314                   19303       2.71        1.10        4.47   
1990.2                   20845                   19093       7.64       -0.08       -0.31   
1990.1                   19615                   19107       4.38       -0.36       -1.42   
1989.4                   21271                   19176       0.38        2.04        8.40   
1989.3                   19850                   18793      -2.07        5.95       26.02   
1989.2                   19398                   17737      -3.86       -3.10      -11.84   
1989.1                   18791                   18305      -3.33       -4.17      -15.68   
1988.4                   21214                   19102       9.22       -0.45       -1.80   
1988.3                   20242                   19189      13.33        4.01       17.03   
1988.2                   20084                   18450       8.33       -2.57       -9.89   
1988.1                   19504                   18936      16.63        8.27       37.42   
1987.4                   19514                   17490       8.80        3.29       13.81   
1987.3                   17778                   16933       3.44       -0.58       -2.28   
1987.2                   18519                   17031       6.96        4.89       21.05   
1987.1                   16671                   16237       0.19        1.00        4.07   
1986.4                   18078                   16076      -2.60       -1.80       -7.01   
1986.3                   17084                   16370      -0.21        2.81       11.72   
1986.2                   17370                   15923      -3.19       -1.74       -6.78   
1986.1                   16765                   16205     -12.06       -1.82       -7.08   
1985.4                   18604                   16505      -0.80        0.61        2.48   
1985.3                   16846                   16405       1.41       -0.26       -1.05   
1985.2                   18005                   16448      -1.15      -10.74      -36.51   
1985.1                   19091                   18427      19.00       10.75       50.42   
1984.4                   18907                   16639      13.96        2.86       11.93   
1984.3                   16403                   16176      16.03       -2.78      -10.66   
1984.2                   18198                   16639      22.99        7.45       33.31   
1984.1                   16100                   15485      22.58        6.05       26.50   
1983.4                   16595                   14601      14.17        4.73       20.30   
1983.3                   14091                   13942      13.58        3.06       12.80   
1983.2                   14825                   13528       6.52        7.09       31.52   
1983.1                   13182                   12633      -0.98       -1.22       -4.79   
1982.4                   14564                   12788       4.59        4.19       17.84   
1982.3                   12310                   12274       2.87       -3.36      -12.76   
1982.2                   13937                   12700      15.27       -0.45       -1.79   
1982.1                   13347                   12758      16.38        4.34       18.51   
1981.4                   13925                   12228       8.92        2.48       10.31   
1981.3                   11973                   11931       4.33        8.30       37.54   
1981.2                   12100                   11017       9.50        0.50        2.03   
1981.1                   11520                   10962       5.63       -2.35       -9.08   
1980.4                   12698                   11227      14.84       -1.84       -7.15   
1980.3                   11472                   11437      32.27       13.66       66.89   
1980.2                   11031                   10062      16.19       -3.04      -11.63   
1980.1                   11040                   10378       5.81        6.16       27.01   
1979.4                   10972                    9776      17.49       13.07       63.42   
1979.3                    8537                    8646       3.28       -0.16       -0.65   
1979.2                    9509                    8660      10.58      -11.70      -39.21   
1979.1                   10528                    9808      42.97       17.88       93.08   
1978.4                    9248                    8320      27.10       -0.61       -2.43   
1978.3                    8409                    8372      22.37        6.90       30.57   
1978.2                    8569                    7832      23.81       14.16       69.85   
1978.1                    7414                    6860      15.57        4.80       20.62   
1977.4                    7211                    6546      10.97       -4.32      -16.18   
1977.3                    6903                    6841      22.43        8.16       36.85   
1977.2                    6968                    6325      20.07        6.56       28.94   
1977.1                    6248                    5936      16.52        0.62        2.51   
1976.4                    6444                    5899      29.62        5.57       24.21   
1976.3                    5881                    5588      15.14        6.07       26.58   
1976.2                    5821                    5268      11.84        3.41       14.36   
1976.1                    5264                    5094       4.19       11.94       57.01   
1975.4                    4964                    4551      -5.37       -6.23      -22.68   
1975.3                    5118                    4853      -1.84        3.03       12.68   
1975.2                    5189                    4711       5.81       -3.66      -13.85   
1975.1                    5044                    4890      12.14        1.66        6.83   
1974.4                    5290                    4809      21.86       -2.72      -10.46   
1974.3                    5224                    4944      23.51       11.05       52.09   
1974.2                    4910                    4452      18.54        2.11        8.69   
1974.1                    4504                    4360      19.36       10.47       48.95   
1973.4                    4326                    3947      12.86       -1.40       -5.48   
1973.3                    4226                    4003      19.50        6.58       29.04   
1973.2                    4132                    3756      11.49        2.81       11.72   
1973.1                    3771                    3653      15.69        4.46       19.05   
1972.4                    3807                    3497      28.58        4.40       18.80   
1972.3                    3528                    3350      18.37       -0.56       -2.22   
1972.2                    3717                    3369      18.96        6.68       29.52   
1972.1                    3269                    3158      15.92       16.10       81.70   
1971.4                    2974                    2720       0.80       -3.89      -14.69   
1971.3                    2967                    2830       1.18       -0.07       -0.27   
1971.2                    3138                    2832       1.18        3.96       16.80   
1971.1                    2826                    2724      -9.79        0.96        3.90   
1970.4                    2938                    2698     -11.52       -3.54      -13.41   
1970.3                    2914                    2797     -12.05       -0.07       -0.27   
1970.2                    3107                    2799      -4.16       -7.31      -26.20   
1970.1                    3138                    3020       9.94       -0.97       -3.83   
1969.4                    3326                    3049      29.73       -4.12      -15.48   
1969.3                    3323                    3180      22.60        8.90       40.64   
1969.2                    3230                    2920       9.48        6.33       27.81   
1969.1                    2856                    2747      15.19       16.85       86.41   
1968.4                    2615                    2351                  -9.38      -32.58   
1968.3                    2753                    2594                  -2.75      -10.57   
1968.2                    2884                    2667                  11.87       56.61   
1968.1                    2561                    2384