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      . . .
6. All Manufacturing Excluding Aircraft a
7. All Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders
8. Durables Excluding Defense [DXD]
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369 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | New Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | nop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : MTU All Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 67.71 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code MTU 7 Column (2) : NAICS code : MTU All Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 66.57 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code MTU 155
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : MTU      | NAICS code : MTU      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                  145358                  144888      19.76 %      2.31 %      9.58 % 
2010.1                  139853                  141613      20.18        7.57       33.89   
2009.4                  134009                  131648      -3.30        1.34        5.45   
2009.3                  129060                  129912     -20.07        7.38       32.96   
2009.2                  120149                  120983     -29.30        2.67       11.13   
2009.1                  116539                  117833     -31.72      -13.44      -43.87   
2008.4                  139290                  136136     -24.96      -16.24      -50.78   
2008.3                  160830                  162534      -8.84       -5.02      -18.62   
2008.2                  171820                  171124      -3.16       -0.84       -3.31   
2008.1                  172467                  172571       2.76       -4.87      -18.11   
2007.4                  183700                  181407      14.32        1.75        7.18   
2007.3                  175496                  178290      13.67        0.89        3.61   
2007.2                  177243                  176714      16.23        5.23       22.61   
2007.1                  168224                  167934      12.93        5.83       25.44   
2006.4                  159692                  158683       3.50        1.17        4.77   
2006.3                  154005                  156846      11.85        3.16       13.26   
2006.2                  152832                  152038       5.77        2.24        9.28   
2006.1                  149755                  148701      10.95       -3.01      -11.50   
2005.4                  154713                  153312      17.04        9.33       42.87   
2005.3                  137316                  140229       8.62       -2.45       -9.43   
2005.2                  145324                  143746      14.03        7.25       32.31   
2005.1                  134433                  134027       8.21        2.32        9.61   
2004.4                  132245                  130987       4.62        1.46        5.98   
2004.3                  125287                  129100       8.56        2.41       10.01   
2004.2                  127111                  126058       6.98        1.78        7.30   
2004.1                  126949                  123857       5.20       -1.07       -4.21   
2003.4                  126714                  125197      10.35        5.28       22.86   
2003.3                  114797                  118915       0.51        0.91        3.71   
2003.2                  118991                  117837       2.35        0.09        0.36   
2003.1                  119299                  117731       1.76        3.77       15.97   
2002.4                  114896                  113450      -3.64       -4.11      -15.45   
2002.3                  113993                  118310      -0.49        2.76       11.50   
2002.2                  116675                  115135      -8.60       -0.48       -1.93   
2002.1                  116872                  115696     -11.60       -1.74       -6.77   
2001.4                  119516                  117741     -13.96       -0.97       -3.81   
2001.3                  114003                  118889     -15.28       -5.62      -20.67   
2001.2                  126760                  125975     -14.65       -3.75      -14.17   
2001.1                  133084                  130880      -4.80       -4.36      -16.34   
2000.4                  138182                  136851      -0.59       -2.48       -9.54   
2000.3                  135303                  140324       4.72       -4.93      -18.31   
2000.2                  148394                  147600      14.43        7.36       32.87   
2000.1                  141058                  137477       5.33       -0.14       -0.55   
1999.4                  138954                  137668       8.92        2.74       11.42   
1999.3                  129326                  133994       6.33        3.88       16.44   
1999.2                  129562                  128992       1.39       -1.17       -4.59   
1999.1                  132739                  130516       2.96        3.27       13.71   
1998.4                  127972                  126389      -3.02        0.29        1.17   
1998.3                  121650                  126021      -1.06       -0.94       -3.72   
1998.2                  127642                  127220       3.08        0.36        1.44   
1998.1                  129624                  126765       5.47       -2.74      -10.51   
1997.4                  132064                  130332       8.27        2.33        9.65   
1997.3                  122262                  127365       9.38        3.20       13.43   
1997.2                  124324                  123415       5.45        2.69       11.19   
1997.1                  122513                  120185       3.72       -0.16       -0.65   
1996.4                  122269                  120380       4.53        3.38       14.22   
1996.3                  111517                  116443       3.92       -0.51       -2.01   
1996.2                  117351                  117036       6.90        1.00        4.05   
1996.1                  120094                  115879       5.62        0.62        2.51   
1995.4                  116594                  115163       6.79        2.78       11.59   
1995.3                  107074                  112048       7.98        2.35        9.72   
1995.2                  109565                  109478       7.74       -0.21       -0.84   
1995.1                  112994                  109708      12.24        1.74        7.12   
1994.4                  109196                  107837      14.60        3.92       16.63   
1994.3                   98954                  103769      12.55        2.12        8.76   
1994.2                  101688                  101614      10.96        3.96       16.81   
1994.1                  100385                   97742       9.15        3.87       16.42   
1993.4                   96106                   94096     -12.13        2.06        8.50   
1993.3                   87613                   92196       4.30        0.68        2.73   
1993.2                   91268                   91577       2.79        2.27        9.39   
1993.1                   92339                   89545       3.05      -16.38      -51.12   
1992.4                  110367                  107090      24.85       21.15      115.44   
1992.3                   88073                   88393      -0.21       -0.79       -3.12   
1992.2                   85229                   89096       6.88        2.53       10.53   
1992.1                   89540                   86893       3.16        1.30        5.30   
1991.4                   88551                   85778      -1.70       -3.16      -12.06   
1991.3                   88367                   88578      -0.63        6.26       27.48   
1991.2                   85560                   83361      -6.27       -1.03       -4.06   
1991.1                   85073                   84230      -5.61       -3.47      -13.18   
1990.4                   90303                   87260      -1.33       -2.11       -8.18   
1990.3                   88949                   89142       3.29        0.23        0.92   
1990.2                   91146                   88938       1.38       -0.33       -1.32   
1990.1                   90491                   89235      -0.05        0.90        3.65   
1989.4                   91388                   88439      -0.36        2.47       10.27   
1989.3                   86057                   86304       0.29       -1.62       -6.34   
1989.2                   89676                   87728       4.81       -1.74       -6.77   
1989.1                   90989                   89280       8.15        0.59        2.38   
1988.4                   91607                   88758      10.78        3.14       13.16   
1988.3                   85572                   86056       9.45        2.81       11.74   
1988.2                   85306                   83701       7.90        1.39        5.69   
1988.1                   84690                   82550      12.49        3.04       12.71   
1987.4                   82705                   80119      10.14        1.90        7.80   
1987.3                   78015                   78629      10.24        1.36        5.56   
1987.2                   78831                   77572      10.68        5.71       24.86   
1987.1                   75624                   73384       1.15        0.88        3.57   
1986.4                   75187                   72744       2.85        1.99        8.19   
1986.3                   70543                   71327       0.21        1.77        7.26   
1986.2                   71167                   70088      -0.17       -3.39      -12.89   
1986.1                   75110                   72549       3.86        2.57       10.70   
1985.4                   72886                   70729       3.35       -0.63       -2.50   
1985.3                   70100                   71178       3.72        1.39        5.67   
1985.2                   71524                   70204       2.86        0.50        2.03   
1985.1                   72589                   69852      -0.38        2.06        8.52   
1984.4                   70131                   68439       2.11       -0.27       -1.06   
1984.3                   67415                   68622      10.17        0.55        2.20   
1984.2                   69921                   68250      14.38       -2.66      -10.23   
1984.1                   72991                   70115      23.71        4.61       19.76   
1983.4                   68274                   67025      22.71        7.61       34.09   
1983.3                   61267                   62286      15.17        4.39       18.73   
1983.2                   61312                   59669       8.25        5.28       22.86   
1983.1                   58932                   56675      -1.05        3.76       15.91   
1982.4                   55700                   54622      -1.50        1.00        4.06   
1982.3                   52997                   54081      -9.27       -1.89       -7.35   
1982.2                   56759                   55124      -8.38       -3.75      -14.19   
1982.1                   59668                   57274      -1.10        3.28       13.80   
1981.4                   56479                   55453      -4.87       -6.97      -25.11   
1981.3                   58417                   59610       8.36       -0.93       -3.65   
1981.2                   61965                   60167      19.07        3.90       16.54   
1981.1                   60377                   57908       2.99       -0.65       -2.59   
1980.4                   59315                   58290       9.35        5.96       26.08   
1980.3                   53886                   55009       4.05        8.86       40.44   
1980.2                   52003                   50531      -4.45      -10.13      -34.76   
1980.1                   58551                   56225       6.24        5.48       23.79   
1979.4                   54356                   53304       3.67        0.83        3.35   
1979.3                   51570                   52867       8.40       -0.04       -0.14   
1979.2                   54429                   52886      11.70       -0.07       -0.27   
1979.1                   55218                   52922      22.25        2.93       12.23   
1978.4                   52403                   51417      19.34        5.42       23.53   
1978.3                   47619                   48772      19.48        3.01       12.59   
1978.2                   48854                   47348      19.16        9.37       43.08   
1978.1                   45107                   43292      14.43        0.48        1.93   
1977.4                   43720                   43086      17.36        5.55       24.12   
1977.3                   40142                   40820      17.20        2.73       11.38   
1977.2                   41480                   39734      17.28        5.02       21.65   
1977.1                   38689                   37834      16.90        3.06       12.81   
1976.4                   36875                   36711      22.51        5.40       23.42   
1976.3                   34991                   34830      16.98        2.81       11.71   
1976.2                   35569                   33879      22.56        4.68       20.09   
1976.1                   32719                   32364      16.15        8.00       36.04   
1975.4                   30038                   29967      -1.10        0.64        2.60   
1975.3                   30025                   29775     -12.41        7.72       34.62   
1975.2                   28942                   27642     -14.88       -0.80       -3.14   
1975.1                   28223                   27864     -10.12       -8.04      -28.48   
1974.4                   30388                   30300       2.22      -10.87      -36.89   
1974.3                   34242                   33995      20.54        4.68       20.09   
1974.2                   33827                   32474      15.91        4.75       20.41   
1974.1                   31543                   31000      13.42        4.59       19.64   
1973.4                   29834                   29641      17.91        5.11       22.05   
1973.3                   28351                   28201      17.94        0.66        2.65   
1973.2                   29068                   28017      23.31        2.51       10.42   
1973.1                   27818                   27332      24.02        8.72       39.74   
1972.4                   25350                   25139      20.84        5.13       22.17   
1972.3                   24075                   23911      19.60        5.24       22.65   
1972.2                   23549                   22722      16.57        3.10       12.98   
1972.1                   22395                   22039      10.38        5.94       25.97   
1971.4                   21051                   20803      10.16        4.05       17.21   
1971.3                   20079                   19993       4.23        2.57       10.68   
1971.2                   20159                   19492       2.61       -2.38       -9.17   
1971.1                   20386                   19967       2.84        5.73       24.98   
1970.4                   19194                   18884      -7.51       -1.55       -6.07   
1970.3                   19179                   19182      -6.60        0.97        3.95   
1970.2                   19610                   18997      -7.85       -2.16       -8.35   
1970.1                   19793                   19416      -4.03       -4.90      -18.22   
1969.4                   20835                   20417       3.90       -0.59       -2.34   
1969.3                   20464                   20538       8.61       -0.37       -1.47   
1969.2                   21212                   20614      10.54        1.89        7.79   
1969.1                   20613                   20231       5.94        2.96       12.38   
1968.4                   20106                   19650       4.07        3.91       16.58   
1968.3                   18883                   18911       5.44        1.41        5.74   
1968.2                   19148                   18649       5.80       -2.35       -9.07   
1968.1                   19605                   19097      11.95        1.14        4.64   
1967.4                   18922                   18882       6.90        5.27       22.83   
1967.3                   17985                   17936      -2.27        1.76        7.21   
1967.2                   18332                   17626      -2.04        3.33       14.00   
1967.1                   17485                   17058      -4.01       -3.43      -13.02   
1966.4                   17716                   17663       6.05       -3.75      -14.19   
1966.3                   18338                   18352      15.00        2.00        8.23   
1966.2                   18691                   17993      15.54        1.24        5.07   
1966.1                   18265                   17771      16.10        6.69       29.59   
1965.4                   16708                   16656      13.20        4.37       18.68   
1965.3                   15899                   15958      10.62        2.48       10.27   
1965.2                   16163                   15573      10.76        1.74        7.14   
1965.1                   15822                   15307      12.36        4.03       17.12   
1964.4                   14757                   14714      13.81        2.00        8.23   
1964.3                   14326                   14426      11.18        2.60       10.82   
1964.2                   14665                   14060       8.48        3.21       13.47   
1964.1                   13955                   13623       4.76        5.37       23.28   
1963.4                   12992                   12928       2.00       -0.36       -1.44   
1963.3                   12902                   12975       7.21        0.11        0.45   
1963.2                   13497                   12961       9.19       -0.33       -1.30   
1963.1                   13331                   13003       5.57        2.59       10.76   
1962.4                   12809                   12675       5.06        4.73       20.31   
1962.3                   12009                   12103       4.24        1.96        8.07   
1962.2                   12340                   11870       6.19       -3.62      -13.73   
1962.1                   12651                   12317      18.34        2.09        8.61   
1961.4                   12227                   12065      14.96        3.92       16.62   
1961.3                   11522                   11610       5.50        3.87       16.39   
1961.2                   11629                   11178       3.81        7.40       33.05   
1961.1                   10623                   10408      -2.90       -0.84       -3.30   
1960.4                   10664                   10495      -5.32       -4.63      -17.26   
1960.3                   10908                   11005       2.16        2.20        9.11   
1960.2                   11134                   10768      -8.44        0.46        1.85   
1960.1                   11018                   10718      -6.47       -3.31      -12.61   
1959.4                   11347                   11086       4.15        2.91       12.16   
1959.3                   10724                   10772       7.84       -8.40      -29.61   
1959.2                   12079                   11760      25.08        2.62       10.90   
1959.1                   11812                   11460      30.53        7.66       34.36   
1958.4                   10730                   10644                   6.56       28.95   
1958.3                   10235                    9989                   6.24       27.40   
1958.2                    9450                    9402                   7.09       31.53   
1958.1                    9123                    8779