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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
70. DurGds - Machinery - Lawn and Garden T
71. DurGds - Machinery - Construction Mach
72. DurGds - Machinery - Mining, Oil and G
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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  Value on last month of -->

Download  DurGds - Machinery - Construction Machinery Manufacturing [33C] CSV file  obs:0
369 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | New Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | nop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 33C Machinery - Construction Machinery Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 20.15 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 33C 71 Column (2) : NAICS code : 33C Machinery - Construction Machinery Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 19.21 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 33C 219
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 33C      | NAICS code : 33C      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    2079                    2182      58.23 %    -13.24 %    -43.34 % 
2010.1                    2856                    2515     274.26       57.38      513.54   
2009.4                    1754                    1598      44.22      -24.69      -67.84   
2009.3                    2178                    2122     -27.13       53.88      460.69   
2009.2                    1145                    1379     -55.04      105.21     1673.29   
2009.1                     899                     672     -87.30      -39.35      -86.47   
2008.4                    1478                    1108     -70.41      -61.95      -97.90   
2008.3                    2820                    2912     -12.32       -5.05      -18.73   
2008.2                    2723                    3067     -14.83      -42.02      -88.70   
2008.1                    5565                    5290      21.33       41.26      298.12   
2007.4                    4034                    3745       4.20       12.77       61.71   
2007.3                    2911                    3321     -16.16       -7.78      -27.66   
2007.2                    3479                    3601       8.79      -17.41      -53.47   
2007.1                    4736                    4360      57.46       21.31      116.59   
2006.4                    3874                    3594      21.05       -9.27      -32.22   
2006.3                    3581                    3961      52.40       19.67      105.07   
2006.2                    3356                    3310       9.28       19.54      104.18   
2006.1                    3198                    2769      10.23       -6.74      -24.34   
2005.4                    3220                    2969      14.32       14.24       70.30   
2005.3                    2246                    2599       9.06      -14.20      -45.80   
2005.2                    3077                    3029      66.52       20.58      111.41   
2005.1                    2787                    2512       7.03       -3.27      -12.46   
2004.4                    2833                    2597      50.20        8.98       41.06   
2004.3                    2083                    2383      31.01       31.01      194.55   
2004.2                    1831                    1819      12.84      -22.50      -63.92   
2004.1                    2661                    2347      49.68       35.74      239.53   
2003.4                    1843                    1729       4.72       -4.95      -18.37   
2003.3                    1594                    1819      28.28       12.84       62.13   
2003.2                    1651                    1612       3.40        2.81       11.71   
2003.1                    1739                    1568      -4.16       -5.03      -18.64   
2002.4                    1667                    1651       5.36       16.43       83.77   
2002.3                    1217                    1418     -15.54       -9.04      -31.56   
2002.2                    1526                    1559     -11.27       -4.71      -17.54   
2002.1                    1786                    1636      -7.62        4.40       18.81   
2001.4                    1528                    1567     -18.56       -6.67      -24.13   
2001.3                    1424                    1679      -4.93       -4.44      -16.61   
2001.2                    1813                    1757      -5.99       -0.79       -3.12   
2001.1                    2029                    1771      -9.69       -7.95      -28.21   
2000.4                    1821                    1924       7.01        8.95       40.88   
2000.3                    1576                    1766       0.57       -5.51      -20.29   
2000.2                    1960                    1869      18.67       -4.69      -17.49   
2000.1                    2320                    1961       3.92        9.07       41.50   
1999.4                    1742                    1798     -20.41        2.39        9.92   
1999.3                    1597                    1756       0.34       11.49       54.52   
1999.2                    1599                    1575     -25.88      -16.53      -51.47   
1999.1                    2219                    1887       3.40      -16.47      -51.31   
1998.4                    2121                    2259       0.98       29.09      177.66   
1998.3                    1646                    1750     -13.92      -17.65      -54.00   
1998.2                    2151                    2125      21.43       16.44       83.82   
1998.1                    2129                    1825      -7.69      -18.42      -55.70   
1997.4                    2078                    2237      29.98       10.03       46.59   
1997.3                    1887                    2033      22.47       16.17       82.14   
1997.2                    1725                    1750      -4.94      -11.48      -38.61   
1997.1                    2229                    1977      23.10       14.88       74.14   
1996.4                    1532                    1721     -14.04        3.67       15.53   
1996.3                    1537                    1660     -10.75       -9.83      -33.90   
1996.2                    1732                    1841      30.29       14.63       72.68   
1996.1                    1925                    1606       3.35      -19.78      -58.59   
1995.4                    1812                    2002      30.08        7.63       34.22   
1995.3                    1765                    1860      26.53       31.63      200.25   
1995.2                    1429                    1413      -6.18       -9.07      -31.65   
1995.1                    1917                    1554      10.06        0.97        3.96   
1994.4                    1386                    1539      16.33        4.69       20.14   
1994.3                    1428                    1470      10.03       -2.39       -9.22   
1994.2                    1495                    1506      21.26        6.66       29.41   
1994.1                    1702                    1412      23.32        6.73       29.75   
1993.4                    1223                    1323     -75.90       -0.97       -3.84   
1993.3                    1293                    1336      -4.57        7.57       33.89   
1993.2                    1251                    1242      22.36        8.47       38.44   
1993.1                    1390                    1145      30.26      -79.14      -99.81   
1992.4                    5566                    5489     433.61      292.07    23529.84   
1992.3                    1515                    1400      24.63       37.93      261.95   
1992.2                     853                    1015      -4.50       15.47       77.79   
1992.1                     901                     879     -15.20      -14.55      -46.68   
1991.4                    1088                    1029      -9.24       -8.43      -29.69   
1991.3                    1175                    1123      -4.97        5.69       24.79   
1991.2                    1145                    1063      -5.76        2.54       10.55   
1991.1                    1221                    1037     -13.62       -8.54      -30.04   
1990.4                    1183                    1133       1.99       -4.13      -15.52   
1990.3                    1252                    1182      -0.39        4.82       20.72   
1990.2                    1217                    1128     -12.39       -6.02      -21.99   
1990.1                    1413                    1200      -5.13        7.99       35.98   
1989.4                    1165                    1111     -18.39       -6.36      -23.12   
1989.3                    1258                    1187      -3.45       -7.80      -27.75   
1989.2                    1387                    1287       5.31        1.76        7.23   
1989.1                    1502                    1265      15.00       -7.11      -25.55   
1988.4                    1415                    1362      13.50       10.78       50.62   
1988.3                    1309                    1229      13.72        0.57        2.28   
1988.2                    1322                    1222      23.77       11.12       52.49   
1988.1                    1312                    1100      21.78       -8.33      -29.37   
1987.4                    1231                    1200      37.06       11.00       51.81   
1987.3                    1145                    1081      33.50        9.45       43.52   
1987.2                    1064                     988      25.73        9.34       42.91   
1987.1                    1059                     903      17.55        3.18       13.35   
1986.4                     887                     875       5.98        8.11       36.62   
1986.3                     862                     810      -1.86        3.08       12.91   
1986.2                     848                     785     -13.61        2.22        9.20   
1986.1                     911                     768      -4.60       -6.98      -25.12   
1985.4                     827                     826       4.62        0.12        0.47   
1985.3                     871                     825      -4.02       -9.25      -32.19   
1985.2                     976                     909       7.06       12.88       62.35   
1985.1                     938                     805     -11.97        2.02        8.33   
1984.4                     784                     790     -23.31       -8.16      -28.85   
1984.3                     906                     860       0.65        1.22        4.98   
1984.2                     908                     849      -5.88       -7.18      -25.77   
1984.1                    1065                     915      14.85      -11.12      -37.60   
1983.4                    1017                    1029      40.10       20.54      111.08   
1983.3                     904                     854      11.07       -5.34      -19.72   
1983.2                     960                     902      15.09       13.26       64.57   
1983.1                     917                     797       7.69        8.42       38.17   
1982.4                     734                     735     -10.84       -4.45      -16.64   
1982.3                     811                     769     -13.60       -1.91       -7.43   
1982.2                     833                     784     -15.17        5.97       26.12   
1982.1                     855                     740     -23.97      -10.23      -35.07   
1981.4                     840                     824     -17.45       -7.40      -26.48   
1981.3                     942                     890      -9.58       -3.70      -14.00   
1981.2                     977                     924       9.87       -5.01      -18.60   
1981.1                    1126                     973       4.61       -2.54       -9.78   
1980.4                    1039                     998       1.40        1.42        5.82   
1980.3                    1032                     984       5.71       17.01       87.47   
1980.2                     885                     841     -15.46       -9.56      -33.10   
1980.1                    1087                     930       2.45       -5.52      -20.32   
1979.4                    1036                     984      10.86        5.74       24.99   
1979.3                     972                     931      13.14       -6.43      -23.34   
1979.2                    1047                     995      29.11        9.61       44.33   
1979.1                    1057                     908      26.53        2.23        9.21   
1978.4                     933                     888      23.91        7.91       35.61   
1978.3                     856                     823      25.23        6.78       30.00   
1978.2                     810                     771      17.31        7.42       33.13   
1978.1                     837                     717       0.48        0.11        0.43   
1977.4                     752                     717      32.82        9.06       41.48   
1977.3                     698                     657      -0.61        0.03        0.12   
1977.2                     726                     657       6.05       -7.99      -28.33   
1977.1                     799                     714      19.71       32.32      206.59   
1976.4                     551                     540      24.46      -18.39      -55.64   
1976.3                     687                     661      43.84        6.73       29.76   
1976.2                     684                     620      44.68        3.86       16.38   
1976.1                     664                     596      48.14       37.57      258.20   
1975.4                     446                     434     -18.99       -5.68      -20.87   
1975.3                     471                     460     -21.02        7.36       32.84   
1975.2                     470                     428     -37.28        6.35       27.90   
1975.1                     455                     403     -33.65      -24.77      -67.96   
1974.4                     558                     535       1.13       -8.05      -28.53   
1974.3                     581                     582      17.58      -14.74      -47.17   
1974.2                     740                     683      40.53       12.50       60.20   
1974.1                     679                     607      23.25       14.66       72.87   
1973.4                     548                     529      18.39        6.91       30.63   
1973.3                     496                     495      11.95        1.90        7.81   
1973.2                     526                     486      29.89       -1.33       -5.20   
1973.1                     545                     492      33.42       10.14       47.17   
1972.4                     456                     447      39.51        1.09        4.42   
1972.3                     447                     442      40.80       18.23       95.41   
1972.2                     406                     374      10.63        1.35        5.52   
1972.1                     407                     369       3.78       15.17       75.92   
1971.4                     328                     320      -1.53        2.02        8.32   
1971.3                     317                     314      -4.72       -7.10      -25.52   
1971.2                     366                     338      -7.81       -4.92      -18.26   
1971.1                     391                     356      -0.80        9.27       42.55   
1970.4                     331                     325     -14.23       -1.28       -5.03   
1970.3                     335                     330     -11.91      -10.11      -34.71   
1970.2                     394                     367       4.15        2.30        9.54   
1970.1                     390                     358       0.32       -5.52      -20.31   
1969.4                     386                     379      10.34        1.39        5.66   
1969.3                     383                     374       6.39        6.27       27.56   
1969.2                     379                     352      14.49       -1.45       -5.68   
1969.1                     386                     357      19.77        3.91       16.58   
1968.4                     350                     344      23.36       -2.24       -8.66   
1968.3                     362                     352      27.68       14.37       71.08   
1968.2                     331                     308       8.40        3.09       12.95   
1968.1                     321                     298       6.22        7.03       31.22   
1967.4                     286                     279     -11.63        1.19        4.83   
1967.3                     281                     275     -11.32       -2.91      -11.15   
1967.2                     302                     284      -9.11        1.03        4.17   
1967.1                     303                     281     -13.90      -10.96      -37.15   
1966.4                     322                     315       8.53        1.55        6.33   
1966.3                     317                     311      19.25       -0.49       -1.95   
1966.2                     332                     312      18.53       -4.30      -16.12   
1966.1                     355                     326      30.21       12.23       58.63   
1965.4                     294                     291      19.42       11.58       54.99   
1965.3                     265                     260       8.13       -1.09       -4.31   
1965.2                     281                     263      18.60        5.14       22.19   
1965.1                     275                     250      22.33        2.92       12.20   
1964.4                     243                     243      14.87        1.04        4.21   
1964.3                     246                     241      19.20        8.48       38.47   
1964.2                     237                     222      12.45        8.44       38.29   
1964.1                     226                     205       1.72       -3.35      -12.76   
1963.4                     210                     212      18.60        4.85       20.85   
1963.3                     207                     202      14.22        2.33        9.67   
1963.2                     211                     197      13.47       -1.91       -7.42   
1963.1                     221                     201       5.86       12.69       61.26   
1962.4                     176                     179     -12.43        0.98        3.97   
1962.3                     182                     177      -4.56        1.66        6.79   
1962.2                     186                     174      -2.27       -8.48      -29.86   
1962.1                     208                     190      15.12       -6.78      -24.48   
1961.4                     203                     204      32.92       10.05       46.69   
1961.3                     191                     185       7.34        4.10       17.43   
1961.2                     191                     178       7.79        7.79       35.00   
1961.1                     180                     165      -1.26        7.63       34.22   
1960.4                     153                     153     -12.29      -11.12      -37.61   
1960.3                     178                     173       2.86        4.53       19.41   
1960.2                     175                     165      -1.04       -1.26       -4.96   
1960.1                     182                     167     -11.12       -4.39      -16.44   
1959.4                     176                     175      13.73        4.23       18.04   
1959.3                     173                     168      -5.21        0.58        2.32   
1959.2                     177                     167       8.90      -11.33      -38.17   
1959.1                     204                     188      67.24       22.35      124.07   
1958.4                     155                     154                 -13.12      -43.04   
1958.3                     182                     177                  15.54       78.20   
1958.2                     144                     153                  36.18      243.89   
1958.1                     121                     113