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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
M3 release pdf (beginning month+2)
M3 historical (used by EconStats)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
82. DurGds - Machinery - All Other Machine
83. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - El
84. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Co
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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  Value on last month of -->

Download  DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Electronic Computer Manufacturing [34A] CSV file  obs:0
110 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | New Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | nop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 34A Computers/Elect Products - Electronic Computer Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 34A 83 Column (2) : NAICS code : 34A Computers/Elect Products - Electronic Computer Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 34A 231
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 34A      | NAICS code : 34A      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    4982                    4728      24.42 %     -0.67 %     -2.66 % 
2010.1                    4683                    4760      49.50       14.62       72.58   
2009.4                    4611                    4153      13.75       -4.46      -16.69   
2009.3                    4212                    4347      12.01       14.39       71.25   
2009.2                    4125                    3800     -25.85       19.35      102.88   
2009.1                    3250                    3184     -24.55      -12.79      -42.16   
2008.4                    4148                    3651     -11.94       -5.93      -21.68   
2008.3                    3934                    3881     -11.21      -24.27      -67.11   
2008.2                    5533                    5125      31.48       21.45      117.53   
2008.1                    4372                    4220      12.99        1.78        7.33   
2007.4                    4798                    4146      11.45       -5.15      -19.05   
2007.3                    4427                    4371      17.44       12.13       58.11   
2007.2                    4125                    3898       6.44        4.36       18.63   
2007.1                    3892                    3735      -2.43        0.40        1.62   
2006.4                    4233                    3720       6.32       -0.05       -0.21   
2006.3                    3907                    3722      16.86        1.64        6.72   
2006.2                    3855                    3662       2.20       -4.34      -16.25   
2006.1                    3999                    3828      35.41        9.40       43.26   
2005.4                    4085                    3499       2.52        9.86       45.66   
2005.3                    3489                    3185     -15.83      -11.11      -37.56   
2005.2                    3643                    3583       6.16       26.74      158.04   
2005.1                    2910                    2827      -8.95      -17.17      -52.93   
2004.4                    3916                    3413       2.71       -9.80      -33.82   
2004.3                    4119                    3784      -3.00       12.12       58.02   
2004.2                    3363                    3375      -4.69        8.70       39.59   
2004.1                    3275                    3105     -13.49       -6.56      -23.77   
2003.4                    3882                    3323     -24.80      -14.82      -47.35   
2003.3                    4414                    3901      -8.66       10.17       47.30   
2003.2                    3890                    3541      -8.50       -1.34       -5.24   
2003.1                    3929                    3589     -12.31      -18.78      -56.49   
2002.4                    5155                    4419      17.21        3.47       14.60   
2002.3                    4874                    4271      28.80       10.36       48.35   
2002.2                    4418                    3870     -20.35       -5.45      -20.08   
2002.1                    4553                    4093     -17.83        8.57       38.93   
2001.4                    4829                    3770     -21.31       13.69       67.07   
2001.3                    3883                    3316     -30.31      -31.76      -78.31   
2001.2                    5786                    4859      -2.59       -2.45       -9.44   
2001.1                    5845                    4981      -7.93        3.97       16.83   
2000.4                    6118                    4791     -16.95        0.69        2.80   
2000.3                    5630                    4758     -18.51       -4.61      -17.21   
2000.2                    6346                    4988     -21.62       -7.80      -27.74   
2000.1                    6641                    5410     -14.03       -6.22      -22.66   
1999.4                    7125                    5769     -14.77       -1.20       -4.71   
1999.3                    6827                    5839       4.34       -8.25      -29.13   
1999.2                    7745                    6364       3.31        1.13        4.59   
1999.1                    7921                    6293      11.64       -7.03      -25.30   
1998.4                    8281                    6769      33.88       20.96      114.09   
1998.3                    6476                    5596       5.07       -9.16      -31.89   
1998.2                    7974                    6160      30.59        9.28       42.60   
1998.1                    7526                    5637      28.73       11.49       54.51   
1997.4                    6617                    5056       7.37       -5.07      -18.79   
1997.3                    6678                    5326      21.99       12.91       62.53   
1997.2                    6568                    4717      -2.92        7.72       34.64   
1997.1                    6206                    4379      -7.19       -7.01      -25.22   
1996.4                    6156                    4709       8.18        7.86       35.33   
1996.3                    5633                    4366      -9.29      -10.15      -34.82   
1996.2                    6240                    4859       1.08        2.99       12.50   
1996.1                    6330                    4718       4.94        8.39       38.00   
1995.4                    5764                    4353      18.61       -9.56      -33.09   
1995.3                    6014                    4813      17.50        0.12        0.50   
1995.2                    6381                    4807      26.47        6.92       30.67   
1995.1                    5896                    4496      30.43       22.51      125.24   
1994.4                    4899                    3670      15.05      -10.40      -35.55   
1994.3                    5043                    4096      40.56        7.76       34.85   
1994.2                    4915                    3801      28.37       10.27       47.85   
1994.1                    4412                    3447      23.95        8.06       36.33   
1993.4                    4151                    3190       4.25        9.47       43.62   
1993.3                    3582                    2914     -10.31       -1.59       -6.20   
1993.2                    3671                    2961      -7.96        6.47       28.51   
1993.1                    3647                    2781     -14.30       -9.12      -31.78   
1992.4                    3791                    3060                  -5.82      -21.32   
1992.3                    2953                    3249                   0.99        4.04   
1992.2                    2605                    3217                  -0.86       -3.41   
1992.1                    2741                    3245