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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
125. DurGds - Miscellaneous Products - Othe
126. NonDur - Food Products - Grain and Oil
127. NonDur - Food Products - Dairy Product
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Food Products - Grain and Oilseed Milling [11A] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 11A Food Products - Grain and Oilseed Milling | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 11A 126 Column (2) : NAICS code : 11A Food Products - Grain and Oilseed Milling | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 11A 274
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 11A      | NAICS code : 11A      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   4951                    4944      -3.15 %     -2.64 %    -27.45 % 
2010.05                   4863                    5078      -2.72       -0.26       -3.02   
2010.04                   4996                    5091       4.39       -3.58      -35.43   
2010.03                   5288                    5280      10.44       -3.65      -35.99   
2010.02                   5497                    5480      12.18        1.71       22.53   
2010.01                   5480                    5388       4.76       -1.28      -14.35   
2009.12                   5485                    5458       3.78        3.25       46.85   
2009.11                   5416                    5286      -3.91        3.69       54.43   
2009.10                   5430                    5098     -10.33        8.05      153.34   
2009.09                   4586                    4718     -17.78       -4.13      -39.68   
2009.08                   4779                    4921     -19.43       -0.71       -8.15   
2009.07                   4904                    4956     -21.92       -2.92      -29.91   
2009.06                   5178                    5105     -22.12       -2.20      -23.46   
2009.05                   5002                    5220     -19.20        7.03      126.05   
2009.04                   4825                    4877     -23.96        2.01       26.94   
2009.03                   4748                    4781     -25.82       -2.13      -22.76   
2009.02                   4895                    4885     -17.82       -5.02      -46.08   
2009.01                   5225                    5143     -10.34       -2.21      -23.48   
2008.12                   5265                    5259      -7.91       -4.40      -41.72   
2008.11                   5621                    5501      -2.01       -3.24      -32.62   
2008.10                   6074                    5685       0.60       -0.92      -10.54   
2008.09                   5624                    5738      -0.86       -6.06      -52.76   
2008.08                   5937                    6108      11.09       -3.77      -36.91   
2008.07                   6269                    6347      24.38       -3.17      -32.09   
2008.06                   6611                    6555      12.09        1.47       19.15   
2008.05                   6160                    6460      15.09        0.72        8.95   
2008.04                   6356                    6414      40.44       -0.48       -5.62   
2008.03                   6415                    6445      43.64        8.43      164.08   
2008.02                   5975                    5944      33.21        3.63       53.33   
2008.01                   5833                    5736      29.57        0.44        5.38   
2007.12                   5711                    5711      33.15        1.73       22.82   
2007.11                   5734                    5614      32.88       -0.65       -7.58   
2007.10                   6063                    5651      42.06       -2.37      -24.98   
2007.09                   5712                    5788      38.70        5.27       85.30   
2007.08                   5324                    5498      34.66        7.74      144.65   
2007.07                   5011                    5103      29.03      -12.74      -80.51   
2007.06                   5830                    5848      52.89        4.19       63.59   
2007.05                   5325                    5613      49.72       22.90     1087.87   
2007.04                   4529                    4567      24.41        1.78       23.62   
2007.03                   4496                    4487      23.98        0.56        6.93   
2007.02                   4522                    4462      20.63        0.79        9.91   
2007.01                   4512                    4427      20.20        3.22       46.23   
2006.12                   4300                    4289      19.01        1.51       19.77   
2006.11                   4323                    4225      18.28        6.21      106.04   
2006.10                   4296                    3978       9.89       -4.67      -43.69   
2006.09                   4129                    4173      19.09        2.20       29.91   
2006.08                   3924                    4083      20.62        3.24       46.55   
2006.07                   3843                    3955      16.29        3.40       49.34   
2006.06                   3753                    3825      14.35        2.03       27.23   
2006.05                   3537                    3749       9.36        2.12       28.70   
2006.04                   3643                    3671       2.71        1.44       18.67   
2006.03                   3653                    3619       3.46       -2.16      -23.08   
2006.02                   3791                    3699       6.38        0.43        5.34   
2006.01                   3776                    3683       9.87        2.19       29.72   
2005.12                   3640                    3604       6.09        0.90       11.30   
2005.11                   3674                    3572       5.77       -1.33      -14.80   
2005.10                   3921                    3620       7.77        3.31       47.82   
2005.09                   3457                    3504       2.07        3.52       51.38   
2005.08                   3227                    3385       2.39       -0.47       -5.50   
2005.07                   3268                    3401       2.69        1.67       22.05   
2005.06                   3227                    3345      -5.88       -2.42      -25.48   
2005.05                   3219                    3428      -7.48       -4.09      -39.38   
2005.04                   3545                    3574      -3.27        2.17       29.42   
2005.03                   3554                    3498      -8.26        0.60        7.49   
2005.02                   3604                    3477      -7.40        3.73       55.17   
2005.01                   3468                    3352      -7.94       -1.32      -14.79   
2004.12                   3468                    3397      -3.00        0.59        7.34   
2004.11                   3493                    3377     -13.12        0.54        6.62   
2004.10                   3640                    3359     -10.24       -2.16      -23.01   
2004.09                   3356                    3433      -2.00        3.84       57.20   
2004.08                   3127                    3306      -6.90       -0.18       -2.15   
2004.07                   3154                    3312      -3.66       -6.81      -57.10   
2004.06                   3383                    3554       3.10       -4.08      -39.31   
2004.05                   3468                    3705       9.36        0.27        3.30   
2004.04                   3671                    3695      11.30       -3.09      -31.42   
2004.03                   3888                    3813      15.30        1.54       20.19   
2004.02                   3916                    3755      14.69        3.13       44.77   
2004.01                   3804                    3641      10.43        3.97       59.53   
2003.12                   3615                    3502       7.92       -9.90      -71.40   
2003.11                   4044                    3887      21.24        3.87       57.81   
2003.10                   4040                    3742      20.36        6.82      120.78   
2003.09                   3387                    3503      12.49       -1.35      -15.07   
2003.08                   3339                    3551      11.35        3.29       47.41   
2003.07                   3261                    3438      12.06       -0.26       -3.09   
2003.06                   3256                    3447      16.57        1.74       23.02   
2003.05                   3171                    3388      19.21        2.05       27.55   
2003.04                   3304                    3320      16.78        0.39        4.82   
2003.03                   3379                    3307      15.91        1.01       12.79   
2003.02                   3419                    3274      13.88       -0.70       -8.06   
2003.01                   3469                    3297      12.18        1.60       21.02   
2002.12                   3373                    3245      11.44        1.22       15.62   
2002.11                   3349                    3206      13.13        3.12       44.58   
2002.10                   3348                    3109      12.24       -0.16       -1.91   
2002.09                   2981                    3114       9.80       -2.35      -24.84   
2002.08                   2991                    3189      10.46        3.94       59.07   
2002.07                   2907                    3068       3.47        3.75       55.61   
2002.06                   2787                    2957      -1.47        4.05       60.96   
2002.05                   2664                    2842      -7.82       -0.04       -0.42   
2002.04                   2836                    2843      -9.43       -0.35       -4.13   
2002.03                   2911                    2853      -8.97       -0.77       -8.81   
2002.02                   2997                    2875      -9.08       -2.18      -23.22   
2002.01                   3107                    2939      -9.18        0.93       11.71   
2001.12                   3036                    2912     -12.26        2.75       38.52   
2001.11                   2970                    2834     -14.72        2.31       31.53   
2001.10                   2972                    2770     -17.26       -2.33      -24.62   
2001.09                   2699                    2836     -15.37       -1.77      -19.26   
2001.08                   2706                    2887     -13.17       -2.63      -27.38   
2001.07                   2812                    2965     -12.38       -1.20      -13.48   
2001.06                   2827                    3001     -11.19       -2.66      -27.64   
2001.05                   2898                    3083      -9.30       -1.78      -19.43   
2001.04                   3138                    3139      -7.70        0.16        1.93   
2001.03                   3187                    3134      -6.73       -0.89      -10.12   
2001.02                   3296                    3162      -4.70       -2.29      -24.24   
2001.01                   3431                    3236      -2.09       -2.50      -26.21   
2000.12                   3456                    3319       0.51       -0.12       -1.43   
2000.11                   3494                    3323      -1.25       -0.75       -8.60   
2000.10                   3591                    3348      -3.65       -0.09       -1.07   
2000.09                   3174                    3351      -2.16        0.78        9.80   
2000.08                   3108                    3325      -2.38       -1.74      -19.03   
2000.07                   3208                    3384      -0.56        0.15        1.79   
2000.06                   3184                    3379      -2.03       -0.59       -6.84   
2000.05                   3206                    3399      -0.85       -0.06       -0.70   
2000.04                   3407                    3401      -1.02        1.22       15.67   
2000.03                   3412                    3360      -1.75        1.27       16.29   
2000.02                   3468                    3318      -3.12        0.39        4.82   
2000.01                   3506                    3305      -4.20        0.09        1.10   
1999.12                   3430                    3302      -4.95       -1.87      -20.29   
1999.11                   3549                    3365      -5.02       -3.17      -32.02   
1999.10                   3722                    3475      -5.90        1.46       19.00   
1999.09                   3233                    3425      -8.96        0.56        6.90   
1999.08                   3168                    3406     -11.02        0.09        1.06   
1999.07                   3220                    3403     -11.79       -1.33      -14.88   
1999.06                   3250                    3449      -9.02        0.61        7.60   
1999.05                   3248                    3428     -11.47       -0.23       -2.76   
1999.04                   3445                    3436     -11.85        0.47        5.76   
1999.03                   3482                    3420     -11.12       -0.15       -1.74   
1999.02                   3597                    3425     -14.22       -0.72       -8.36   
1999.01                   3658                    3450     -11.13       -0.69       -7.98   
1998.12                   3599                    3474     -10.46       -1.95      -21.02   
1998.11                   3744                    3543     -11.09       -4.06      -39.20   
1998.10                   3948                    3693      -4.87       -1.83      -19.92   
1998.09                   3537                    3762       0.45       -1.72      -18.84   
1998.08                   3547                    3828       2.74       -0.78       -8.94   
1998.07                   3638                    3858       3.96        1.77       23.40   
1998.06                   3576                    3791      -2.19       -2.09      -22.41   
1998.05                   3684                    3872       0.28       -0.67       -7.72   
1998.04                   3903                    3898      -0.56        1.30       16.76   
1998.03                   3940                    3848      -5.25       -3.63      -35.85   
1998.02                   4217                    3993      -3.01        2.86       40.26   
1998.01                   4121                    3882      -5.32        0.05        0.62   
1997.12                   4014                    3880      -3.96       -2.63      -27.42   
1997.11                   4207                    3985      -5.52        2.65       36.92   
1997.10                   4123                    3882       0.47        3.66       53.90   
1997.09                   3504                    3745      -1.21        0.51        6.29   
1997.08                   3452                    3726     -12.08        0.40        4.96   
1997.07                   3497                    3711     -13.56       -4.26      -40.67   
1997.06                   3653                    3876     -10.09        0.39        4.76   
1997.05                   3692                    3861     -10.04       -1.51      -16.64   
1997.04                   3921                    3920     -11.07       -3.47      -34.56   
1997.03                   4182                    4061      -1.38       -1.36      -15.16   
1997.02                   4361                    4117       3.29        0.41        5.09   
1997.01                   4367                    4100       3.96        1.49       19.35   
1996.12                   4184                    4040       1.20       -4.22      -40.39   
1996.11                   4435                    4218       8.13        9.16      186.31   
1996.10                   4067                    3864       0.70        1.93       25.72   
1996.09                   3527                    3791      -1.33      -10.55      -73.75   
1996.08                   3933                    4238      15.13       -1.28      -14.34   
1996.07                   4051                    4293      19.85       -0.42       -4.90   
1996.06                   4066                    4311      23.74        0.44        5.44   
1996.05                   4120                    4292      24.95       -2.63      -27.39   
1996.04                   4408                    4408      29.19        7.04      126.29   
1996.03                   4260                    4118      17.09        3.31       47.84   
1996.02                   4223                    3986       9.51        1.06       13.55   
1996.01                   4224                    3944      10.97       -1.20      -13.51   
1995.12                   4138                    3992      11.91        2.33       31.88   
1995.11                   4079                    3901       9.15        1.67       21.96   
1995.10                   3999                    3837       5.73       -0.13       -1.55   
1995.09                   3557                    3842       4.92        4.37       67.15   
1995.08                   3428                    3681      -2.64        2.76       38.70   
1995.07                   3391                    3582      -6.21        2.81       39.50   
1995.06                   3287                    3484      -8.44        1.43       18.53   
1995.05                   3317                    3435     -12.15        0.67        8.40   
1995.04                   3416                    3412     -10.33       -2.99      -30.49   
1995.03                   3646                    3517      -5.20       -3.38      -33.80   
1995.02                   3844                    3640       3.35        2.42       33.23   
1995.01                   3824                    3554      -0.03       -0.36       -4.29   
1994.12                   3699                    3567      -1.27       -0.20       -2.33   
1994.11                   3714                    3574       6.97       -1.52      -16.74   
1994.10                   3755                    3629       9.34       -0.90      -10.29   
1994.09                   3382                    3662      15.16       -3.15      -31.87   
1994.08                   3534                    3781      15.63       -1.00      -11.31   
1994.07                   3625                    3819      16.36        0.37        4.51   
1994.06                   3595                    3805      17.77       -2.69      -27.87   
1994.05                   3793                    3910      25.84        2.76       38.63   
1994.04                   3813                    3805      19.43        2.56       35.45   
1994.03                   3847                    3710      18.72        5.34       86.64   
1994.02                   3709                    3522      11.46       -0.93      -10.59   
1994.01                   3840                    3555       9.69       -1.61      -17.65   
1993.12                   3742                    3613      12.48        8.14      155.80   
1993.11                   3455                    3341       1.18        0.66        8.25   
1993.10                   3419                    3319       0.94        4.37       67.09   
1993.09                   2933                    3180      -4.27       -2.75      -28.46   
1993.08                   3067                    3270      -0.34       -0.37       -4.30   
1993.07                   3122                    3282       1.80        1.58       20.68   
1993.06                   3053                    3231      -1.25        3.99       59.94   
1993.05                   3028                    3107      -7.39       -2.48      -26.01   
1993.04                   3195                    3186      -3.22        1.95       26.11   
1993.03                   3236                    3125      -6.69       -1.11      -12.51   
1993.02                   3319                    3160      -6.56       -2.50      -26.19   
1993.01                   3509                    3241      -4.03        0.90       11.39   
1992.12                   3323                    3212                  -2.73      -28.22   
1992.11                   3406                    3302                   0.43        5.23   
1992.10                   3384                    3288                  -1.02      -11.61   
1992.09                   3060                    3322                   1.25       16.07   
1992.08                   3084                    3281                   1.77       23.41   
1992.07                   3070                    3224                  -1.47      -16.25   
1992.06                   3093                    3272                  -2.47      -25.96   
1992.05                   3275                    3355                   1.91       25.54   
1992.04                   3302                    3292                  -1.70      -18.62   
1992.03                   3465                    3349                  -0.98      -11.10   
1992.02                   3548                    3382                   0.15        1.79   
1992.01                   3662                    3377