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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
126. NonDur - Food Products - Grain and Oil
127. NonDur - Food Products - Dairy Product
128. NonDur - Food Products - Meat, Poultry
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Food Products - Dairy Product Manufacturing [11B] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 11B Food Products - Dairy Product Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 11B 127 Column (2) : NAICS code : 11B Food Products - Dairy Product Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 11B 275
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 11B      | NAICS code : 11B      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   5621                    5451       8.72 %      1.70 %     22.39 % 
2010.05                   5554                    5360       4.40        0.68        8.42   
2010.04                   5496                    5324       3.22        0.99       12.50   
2010.03                   5262                    5272       0.88        0.44        5.39   
2010.02                   5230                    5249       1.08        0.27        3.26   
2010.01                   5128                    5235       0.27        1.89       25.16   
2009.12                   4758                    5138      -1.23        1.28       16.51   
2009.11                   4850                    5073      -4.55        1.44       18.71   
2009.10                   4958                    5001      -6.73        1.05       13.36   
2009.09                   4934                    4949      -8.05       -0.78       -8.99   
2009.08                   5095                    4988      -8.06        0.20        2.44   
2009.07                   5158                    4978      -7.56       -0.72       -8.28   
2009.06                   5164                    5014      -7.34       -2.34      -24.71   
2009.05                   5329                    5134      -5.05       -0.47       -5.44   
2009.04                   5320                    5158      -4.73       -1.30      -14.54   
2009.03                   5206                    5226      -3.72        0.64        7.90   
2009.02                   5167                    5193      -5.46       -0.54       -6.25   
2009.01                   5107                    5221      -6.62        0.37        4.47   
2008.12                   4827                    5202      -9.02       -2.13      -22.73   
2008.11                   5077                    5315      -7.61       -0.88      -10.03   
2008.10                   5316                    5362      -6.32       -0.37       -4.37   
2008.09                   5378                    5382      -6.55       -0.79       -9.11   
2008.08                   5541                    5425      -6.32        0.74        9.29   
2008.07                   5588                    5385      -5.38       -0.48       -5.62   
2008.06                   5579                    5411      -1.22        0.07        0.89   
2008.05                   5617                    5407       2.42       -0.13       -1.54   
2008.04                   5576                    5414       5.19       -0.26       -3.05   
2008.03                   5402                    5428       8.54       -1.18      -13.31   
2008.02                   5459                    5493      11.06       -1.75      -19.12   
2008.01                   5462                    5591      15.23       -2.22      -23.63   
2007.12                   5311                    5718      18.14       -0.61       -7.06   
2007.11                   5485                    5753      22.98        0.51        6.25   
2007.10                   5675                    5724      25.17       -0.61       -7.05   
2007.09                   5763                    5759      28.15       -0.55       -6.43   
2007.08                   5904                    5791      33.43        1.76       23.25   
2007.07                   5912                    5691      31.83        3.89       58.05   
2007.06                   5663                    5478      26.86        3.77       55.90   
2007.05                   5495                    5279      21.97        2.56       35.51   
2007.04                   5300                    5147      18.98        2.92       41.24   
2007.03                   4979                    5001      14.99        1.11       14.19   
2007.02                   4912                    4946      13.39        1.94       25.89   
2007.01                   4731                    4852      13.15        0.25        3.02   
2006.12                   4497                    4840      14.07        3.46       50.46   
2006.11                   4449                    4678      11.83        2.30       31.31   
2006.10                   4528                    4573       7.60        1.76       23.26   
2006.09                   4495                    4494       6.04        3.55       51.96   
2006.08                   4414                    4340       2.48        0.53        6.58   
2006.07                   4486                    4317       1.84       -0.02       -0.28   
2006.06                   4478                    4318       3.80       -0.23       -2.74   
2006.05                   4518                    4328       4.36        0.05        0.56   
2006.04                   4460                    4326       4.82       -0.53       -6.16   
2006.03                   4340                    4349       6.41       -0.30       -3.52   
2006.02                   4335                    4362       8.00        1.73       22.79   
2006.01                   4170                    4288       5.36        1.06       13.50   
2005.12                   3940                    4243       5.65        1.43       18.64   
2005.11                   3968                    4183       4.26       -1.58      -17.36   
2005.10                   4199                    4250       5.43        0.28        3.45   
2005.09                   4232                    4238       4.49        0.07        0.85   
2005.08                   4297                    4235       3.49       -0.09       -1.13   
2005.07                   4401                    4239       2.00        1.90       25.33   
2005.06                   4328                    4160      -1.96        0.31        3.83   
2005.05                   4341                    4147      -2.49        0.48        5.97   
2005.04                   4268                    4127       1.95        0.98       12.40   
2005.03                   4090                    4087       4.82        1.19       15.23   
2005.02                   4020                    4039       5.79       -0.76       -8.77   
2005.01                   3949                    4070       6.49        1.34       17.38   
2004.12                   3720                    4016       5.30        0.10        1.20   
2004.11                   3796                    4012       5.00       -0.47       -5.51   
2004.10                   3980                    4031       8.54       -0.62       -7.15   
2004.09                   4044                    4056      10.82       -0.88      -10.06   
2004.08                   4145                    4092      12.02       -1.54      -16.99   
2004.07                   4312                    4156      15.28       -2.05      -22.01   
2004.06                   4422                    4243      16.69       -0.24       -2.79   
2004.05                   4459                    4253      15.66        5.06       80.91   
2004.04                   4196                    4048      11.06        3.82       56.84   
2004.03                   3912                    3899       4.90        2.12       28.65   
2004.02                   3804                    3818       4.32       -0.10       -1.25   
2004.01                   3700                    3822       8.06        0.21        2.55   
2003.12                   3522                    3814       7.50       -0.18       -2.18   
2003.11                   3612                    3821      10.75        2.88       40.61   
2003.10                   3671                    3714       9.88        1.48       19.21   
2003.09                   3648                    3660       7.58        0.19        2.32   
2003.08                   3700                    3653       6.97        1.33       17.20   
2003.07                   3740                    3605       7.10       -0.85       -9.76   
2003.06                   3791                    3636       7.29       -1.12      -12.59   
2003.05                   3851                    3677       8.15        0.88       11.06   
2003.04                   3783                    3645       5.47       -1.94      -20.92   
2003.03                   3731                    3717       8.40        1.56       20.38   
2003.02                   3650                    3660       7.24        3.48       50.71   
2003.01                   3418                    3537       2.79       -0.31       -3.66   
2002.12                   3266                    3548       4.94        2.84       39.95   
2002.11                   3267                    3450       2.13        2.07       27.89   
2002.10                   3351                    3380      -2.26       -0.65       -7.49   
2002.09                   3392                    3402      -2.21       -0.38       -4.47   
2002.08                   3464                    3415       1.55        1.46       18.94   
2002.07                   3494                    3366      -1.35       -0.68       -7.85   
2002.06                   3526                    3389       0.12       -0.32       -3.81   
2002.05                   3549                    3400       2.84       -1.62      -17.80   
2002.04                   3583                    3456       6.18        0.79        9.87   
2002.03                   3440                    3429       5.48        0.47        5.77   
2002.02                   3411                    3413       5.34       -0.81       -9.34   
2002.01                   3326                    3441       5.68        1.77       23.50   
2001.12                   3106                    3381       1.47        0.09        1.07   
2001.11                   3209                    3378       0.66       -2.31      -24.49   
2001.10                   3440                    3458       2.67       -0.60       -7.01   
2001.09                   3471                    3479       2.81        3.45       50.22   
2001.08                   3418                    3363       0.03       -1.44      -15.94   
2001.07                   3542                    3412       1.43        0.80       10.00   
2001.06                   3504                    3385       2.11        2.39       32.76   
2001.05                   3437                    3306       0.46        1.57       20.51   
2001.04                   3371                    3255      -0.76        0.12        1.49   
2001.03                   3259                    3251       0.03        0.34        4.15   
2001.02                   3246                    3240      -2.23       -0.49       -5.74   
2001.01                   3158                    3256       1.46       -2.28      -24.19   
2000.12                   3052                    3332       3.64       -0.72       -8.25   
2000.11                   3199                    3356       4.32       -0.36       -4.19   
2000.10                   3363                    3368       5.18       -0.47       -5.53   
2000.09                   3376                    3384       7.22        0.65        8.14   
2000.08                   3421                    3362       5.46       -0.06       -0.71   
2000.07                   3493                    3364       7.30        1.48       19.25   
2000.06                   3415                    3315       6.15        0.73        9.11   
2000.05                   3404                    3291       4.94        0.34        4.10   
2000.04                   3393                    3280       4.89        0.92       11.66   
2000.03                   3257                    3250       3.47       -1.93      -20.86   
2000.02                   3323                    3314       5.14        3.27       47.16   
2000.01                   3128                    3209       1.10       -0.19       -2.22   
1999.12                   2942                    3215       3.78       -0.06       -0.74   
1999.11                   3075                    3217       3.24        0.47        5.77   
1999.10                   3206                    3202       3.83        1.46       18.96   
1999.09                   3151                    3156       2.83       -1.00      -11.40   
1999.08                   3246                    3188       2.81        1.69       22.28   
1999.07                   3256                    3135       0.67        0.38        4.71   
1999.06                   3202                    3123       0.94       -0.41       -4.86   
1999.05                   3227                    3136      -1.82        0.29        3.51   
1999.04                   3233                    3127      -1.73       -0.45       -5.22   
1999.03                   3148                    3141      -2.09       -0.35       -4.11   
1999.02                   3156                    3152      -2.81       -0.69       -8.01   
1999.01                   3109                    3174      -0.09        2.45       33.75   
1998.12                   2837                    3098       0.52       -0.58       -6.72   
1998.11                   2990                    3116       1.70        1.04       13.19   
1998.10                   3095                    3084       2.66        0.49        6.03   
1998.09                   3062                    3069       0.92       -1.03      -11.70   
1998.08                   3157                    3101       1.41       -0.42       -4.90   
1998.07                   3235                    3114       1.01        0.65        8.04   
1998.06                   3164                    3094      -3.70       -3.13      -31.73   
1998.05                   3269                    3194      -0.25        0.38        4.62   
1998.04                   3292                    3182      -2.06       -0.81       -9.30   
1998.03                   3216                    3208      -0.47       -1.08      -12.21   
1998.02                   3234                    3243       2.56        2.08       27.98   
1998.01                   3120                    3177       3.93        3.08       43.95   
1997.12                   2832                    3082     -10.15        0.59        7.28   
1997.11                   2948                    3064      -8.40        2.00       26.78   
1997.10                   3018                    3004     -13.70       -1.22      -13.66   
1997.09                   3035                    3041     -12.94       -0.56       -6.47   
1997.08                   3116                    3058      -8.44       -0.81       -9.31   
1997.07                   3203                    3083      -5.78       -4.05      -39.08   
1997.06                   3279                    3213       3.85        0.34        4.20   
1997.05                   3267                    3202       8.14       -1.45      -16.04   
1997.04                   3366                    3249      11.88        0.81       10.12   
1997.03                   3227                    3223      16.65        1.93       25.77   
1997.02                   3138                    3162       8.88        3.43       49.97   
1997.01                   3006                    3057       0.99      -10.87      -74.88   
1996.12                   3159                    3430       9.13        2.54       35.14   
1996.11                   3226                    3345      16.43       -3.91      -38.01   
1996.10                   3500                    3481      23.88       -0.34       -4.05   
1996.09                   3488                    3493      29.90        4.58       71.17   
1996.08                   3409                    3340      22.79        2.08       28.00   
1996.07                   3399                    3272      17.99        5.75       95.67   
1996.06                   3164                    3094      13.00        4.49       69.43   
1996.05                   3020                    2961       8.86        1.96       26.27   
1996.04                   3010                    2904       1.36        5.10       81.71   
1996.03                   2758                    2763      -1.92       -4.86      -44.97   
1996.02                   2865                    2904       4.69       -4.06      -39.21   
1996.01                   2970                    3027       8.46       -3.69      -36.32   
1995.12                   2901                    3143      11.37        9.40      193.84   
1995.11                   2772                    2873       2.68        2.24       30.48   
1995.10                   2825                    2810       1.33        4.50       69.58   
1995.09                   2691                    2689      -3.90       -1.14      -12.85   
1995.08                   2787                    2720      -2.26       -1.91      -20.67   
1995.07                   2882                    2773       0.22        1.28       16.47   
1995.06                   2809                    2738      -3.22        0.66        8.24   
1995.05                   2780                    2720      -6.27       -5.06      -46.38   
1995.04                   2962                    2865      -1.51        1.70       22.48   
1995.03                   2801                    2817      -2.80        1.55       20.27   
1995.02                   2726                    2774      -5.07       -0.61       -7.07   
1995.01                   2729                    2791      -6.44       -1.10      -12.41   
1994.12                   2607                    2822       1.15        0.86       10.79   
1994.11                   2703                    2798      -0.43        0.90       11.37   
1994.10                   2786                    2773      -0.29       -0.89      -10.21   
1994.09                   2801                    2798       1.12        0.54        6.66   
1994.08                   2865                    2783      -0.36        0.58        7.16   
1994.07                   2876                    2767       0.18       -2.19      -23.35   
1994.06                   2913                    2829       1.84       -2.52      -26.34   
1994.05                   2976                    2902       3.98       -0.24       -2.85   
1994.04                   3001                    2909       9.69        0.38        4.65   
1994.03                   2871                    2898      11.38       -0.82       -9.42   
1994.02                   2864                    2922      10.81       -2.04      -21.96   
1994.01                   2907                    2983      11.26        6.92      123.15   
1993.12                   2578                    2790       3.07       -0.71       -8.21   
1993.11                   2715                    2810       3.84        1.04       13.26   
1993.10                   2789                    2781       1.98        0.51        6.24   
1993.09                   2771                    2767       0.00       -0.93      -10.62   
1993.08                   2888                    2793       0.25        1.12       14.33   
1993.07                   2870                    2762       0.47       -0.58       -6.70   
1993.06                   2867                    2778       2.58       -0.47       -5.45   
1993.05                   2874                    2791       5.60        5.24       84.60   
1993.04                   2728                    2652       3.43        1.92       25.66   
1993.03                   2572                    2602       1.28       -1.33      -14.81   
1993.02                   2584                    2637       4.06       -1.64      -18.01   
1993.01                   2608                    2681       6.81       -0.96      -10.94   
1992.12                   2500                    2707                   0.04        0.44   
1992.11                   2616                    2706                  -0.77       -8.86   
1992.10                   2730                    2727                  -1.45      -16.03   
1992.09                   2771                    2767                  -0.68       -7.88   
1992.08                   2887                    2786                   1.35       17.40   
1992.07                   2852                    2749                   1.51       19.76   
1992.06                   2800                    2708                   2.46       33.85   
1992.05                   2730                    2643                   3.08       43.93   
1992.04                   2635                    2564                  -0.19       -2.31   
1992.03                   2535                    2569                   1.38       17.89   
1992.02                   2485                    2534                   0.96       12.10   
1992.01                   2438                    2510