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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
127. NonDur - Food Products - Dairy Product
128. NonDur - Food Products - Meat, Poultry
129. NonDur - Food Products - Other Food Ma
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing [11C] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 11C Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 11C 128 Column (2) : NAICS code : 11C Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 11C 276
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 11C      | NAICS code : 11C      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   7786                    7937       4.42 %      0.27 %      3.23 % 
2010.05                   7955                    7916       2.37       -0.21       -2.54   
2010.04                   7934                    7933       3.11        0.61        7.55   
2010.03                   7796                    7885       3.18        0.43        5.32   
2010.02                   7797                    7851       2.47        0.82       10.32   
2010.01                   7667                    7787      -1.16        0.65        8.04   
2009.12                   7623                    7737      -2.74        0.45        5.59   
2009.11                   7957                    7702      -4.44        1.12       14.24   
2009.10                   7760                    7617      -5.60        4.04       60.90   
2009.09                   7442                    7321      -9.98       -3.78      -37.06   
2009.08                   7624                    7609      -6.45        0.22        2.72   
2009.07                   7542                    7592      -6.35       -0.12       -1.41   
2009.06                   7459                    7601      -6.43       -1.71      -18.67   
2009.05                   7747                    7733      -2.96        0.51        6.26   
2009.04                   7671                    7694      -1.82        0.68        8.48   
2009.03                   7601                    7642      -1.85       -0.26       -3.09   
2009.02                   7620                    7662       0.33       -2.74      -28.37   
2009.01                   7749                    7878       4.84       -0.97      -11.02   
2008.12                   7835                    7955       7.56       -1.30      -14.56   
2008.11                   8305                    8060      10.79       -0.11       -1.33   
2008.10                   8235                    8069      11.30       -0.79       -9.04   
2008.09                   8255                    8133      12.96       -0.01       -0.15   
2008.08                   8140                    8134      13.16        0.33        4.07   
2008.07                   8057                    8107      13.29       -0.20       -2.34   
2008.06                   7972                    8123      14.63        1.93       25.82   
2008.05                   7975                    7969      12.49        1.68       22.19   
2008.04                   7829                    7837      12.15        0.66        8.15   
2008.03                   7768                    7786      11.77        1.95       26.10   
2008.02                   7608                    7637      10.49        1.64       21.51   
2008.01                   7380                    7514       8.18        1.60       20.92   
2007.12                   7276                    7396       6.66        1.66       21.89   
2007.11                   7472                    7275       5.45        0.34        4.22   
2007.10                   7414                    7250       5.69        0.69        8.66   
2007.09                   7299                    7200       6.41        0.17        2.02   
2007.08                   7183                    7188       6.88        0.45        5.50   
2007.07                   7114                    7156       7.35        0.99       12.52   
2007.06                   6959                    7086       7.49        0.03        0.34   
2007.05                   7081                    7084       9.34        1.37       17.79   
2007.04                   6996                    6988       7.03        0.32        3.86   
2007.03                   6974                    6966       7.75        0.78        9.79   
2007.02                   6897                    6912       5.95       -0.49       -5.72   
2007.01                   6810                    6946       5.15        0.17        2.10   
2006.12                   6808                    6934       7.62        0.51        6.26   
2006.11                   7063                    6899       9.51        0.57        7.04   
2006.10                   7035                    6860      13.52        1.39       18.01   
2006.09                   6852                    6766      10.86        0.61        7.57   
2006.08                   6703                    6725      11.23        0.89       11.15   
2006.07                   6625                    6666      11.04        1.12       14.33   
2006.06                   6478                    6592      10.33        1.74       23.06   
2006.05                   6479                    6479       8.93       -0.77       -8.81   
2006.04                   6551                    6529       9.20        0.99       12.55   
2006.03                   6494                    6465       9.02       -0.90      -10.33   
2006.02                   6516                    6524      11.45       -1.24      -13.92   
2006.01                   6468                    6606      15.49        2.53       34.96   
2005.12                   6311                    6443      11.18        2.27       30.91   
2005.11                   6435                    6300      12.68        4.25       64.84   
2005.10                   6217                    6043       6.54       -0.98      -11.18   
2005.09                   6173                    6103       5.35        0.94       11.92   
2005.08                   6011                    6046       4.13        0.72        8.94   
2005.07                   5964                    6003       3.77        0.47        5.77   
2005.06                   5877                    5975       3.64        0.45        5.59   
2005.05                   5950                    5948       4.33       -0.52       -6.05   
2005.04                   6008                    5979       5.60        0.83       10.38   
2005.03                   5971                    5930       4.77        1.30       16.74   
2005.02                   5853                    5854       5.21        2.34       32.03   
2005.01                   5594                    5720       2.12       -1.29      -14.47   
2004.12                   5666                    5795       3.10        3.65       53.73   
2004.11                   5703                    5591      -3.57       -1.43      -15.85   
2004.10                   5851                    5672      -1.32       -2.09      -22.38   
2004.09                   5851                    5793       2.53       -0.22       -2.65   
2004.08                   5756                    5806       4.82        0.36        4.44   
2004.07                   5741                    5785       4.48        0.35        4.24   
2004.06                   5674                    5765       3.97        1.12       14.34   
2004.05                   5710                    5701       1.95        0.69        8.59   
2004.04                   5695                    5662       2.39        0.04        0.42   
2004.03                   5710                    5660       2.48        1.73       22.79   
2004.02                   5571                    5564       1.20       -0.66       -7.65   
2004.01                   5477                    5601       1.61       -0.36       -4.19   
2003.12                   5486                    5621       2.29       -3.05      -31.07   
2003.11                   5909                    5798       5.88        0.87       10.95   
2003.10                   5936                    5748       5.22        1.73       22.92   
2003.09                   5697                    5650       4.73        2.00       26.88   
2003.08                   5478                    5539       1.34        0.04        0.43   
2003.07                   5491                    5537       1.24       -0.14       -1.72   
2003.06                   5466                    5545       2.46       -0.84       -9.63   
2003.05                   5607                    5592       3.54        1.12       14.32   
2003.04                   5565                    5530       2.75        0.13        1.53   
2003.03                   5580                    5523       3.00        0.45        5.60   
2003.02                   5512                    5498       2.56       -0.25       -3.01   
2003.01                   5395                    5512       3.49        0.31        3.78   
2002.12                   5356                    5495       2.48        0.35        4.24   
2002.11                   5573                    5476       2.37        0.24        2.89   
2002.10                   5643                    5463       1.00        1.26       16.22   
2002.09                   5430                    5395       1.43       -1.30      -14.52   
2002.08                   5392                    5466       3.52       -0.05       -0.66   
2002.07                   5417                    5469       4.19        1.05       13.40   
2002.06                   5346                    5412       3.05        0.20        2.47   
2002.05                   5424                    5401       2.10        0.35        4.32   
2002.04                   5423                    5382       1.72        0.37        4.57   
2002.03                   5423                    5362       0.21        0.02        0.22   
2002.02                   5388                    5361      -0.83        0.66        8.18   
2002.01                   5222                    5326      -2.35       -0.67       -7.77   
2001.12                   5216                    5362      -2.22        0.24        2.96   
2001.11                   5433                    5349      -2.09       -1.11      -12.53   
2001.10                   5577                    5409      -0.73        1.69       22.30   
2001.09                   5339                    5319      -2.55        0.74        9.23   
2001.08                   5202                    5280      -3.08        0.59        7.32   
2001.07                   5199                    5249      -4.34       -0.06       -0.68   
2001.06                   5204                    5252      -4.58       -0.72       -8.29   
2001.05                   5315                    5290      -3.01       -0.02       -0.23   
2001.04                   5342                    5291      -2.49       -1.12      -12.66   
2001.03                   5414                    5351      -2.37       -1.02      -11.55   
2001.02                   5450                    5406       1.92       -0.88      -10.06   
2001.01                   5355                    5454       2.96       -0.55       -6.37   
2000.12                   5322                    5484       6.40        0.38        4.71   
2000.11                   5536                    5463       5.52        0.26        3.13   
2000.10                   5598                    5449       5.34       -0.16       -1.96   
2000.09                   5466                    5458       7.10        0.18        2.23   
2000.08                   5365                    5448       8.25       -0.71       -8.20   
2000.07                   5436                    5487      10.85       -0.31       -3.64   
2000.06                   5471                    5504      12.01        0.92       11.57   
2000.05                   5484                    5454      12.29        0.52        6.37   
2000.04                   5495                    5426      11.99       -1.00      -11.40   
2000.03                   5548                    5481      14.64        3.34       48.28   
2000.02                   5363                    5304      11.48        0.13        1.60   
2000.01                   5205                    5297      13.28        2.77       38.88   
1999.12                   4987                    5154      11.03       -0.44       -5.20   
1999.11                   5230                    5177      10.55        0.08        0.93   
1999.10                   5291                    5173       9.88        1.51       19.72   
1999.09                   5099                    5096       6.74        1.25       16.10   
1999.08                   4960                    5033       3.82        1.68       22.08   
1999.07                   4909                    4950       0.08        0.73        9.15   
1999.06                   4900                    4914      -2.40        1.17       15.03   
1999.05                   4884                    4857      -4.20        0.25        3.01   
1999.04                   4921                    4845      -5.19        1.34       17.30   
1999.03                   4840                    4781      -8.65        0.48        5.96   
1999.02                   4819                    4758     -11.02        1.75       23.20   
1999.01                   4596                    4676     -14.23        0.73        9.15   
1998.12                   4478                    4642     -10.70       -0.88      -10.01   
1998.11                   4717                    4683      -9.82       -0.53       -6.19   
1998.10                   4797                    4708      -8.14       -1.38      -15.38   
1998.09                   4778                    4774      -6.54       -1.53      -16.85   
1998.08                   4785                    4848      -5.42       -1.98      -21.35   
1998.07                   4912                    4946      -2.87       -1.77      -19.27   
1998.06                   5030                    5035      -0.42       -0.69       -7.98   
1998.05                   5096                    5070       0.44       -0.78       -9.00   
1998.04                   5203                    5110       2.45       -2.37      -25.00   
1998.03                   5298                    5234       6.90       -2.11      -22.61   
1998.02                   5420                    5347      10.75       -1.93      -20.81   
1998.01                   5361                    5452      12.85        4.89       77.27   
1997.12                   5001                    5198       6.12        0.10        1.16   
1997.11                   5219                    5193       6.04        1.33       17.14   
1997.10                   5205                    5125       4.02        0.33        4.07   
1997.09                   5116                    5108       3.67       -0.35       -4.13   
1997.08                   5071                    5126       7.26        0.67        8.31   
1997.07                   5068                    5092       5.97        0.71        8.89   
1997.06                   5056                    5056       5.07        0.16        1.92   
1997.05                   5067                    5048       4.23        1.20       15.43   
1997.04                   5084                    4988       2.32        1.88       25.03   
1997.03                   4953                    4896       0.66        1.41       18.27   
1997.02                   4896                    4828      -0.94       -0.06       -0.74   
1997.01                   4758                    4831      -0.33       -1.37      -15.23   
1996.12                   4704                    4898       1.18        0.02        0.25   
1996.11                   4914                    4897       2.17       -0.61       -7.07   
1996.10                   4991                    4927       3.08        0.00        0.00   
1996.09                   4941                    4927       2.84        3.10       44.19   
1996.08                   4742                    4779       6.25       -0.54       -6.30   
1996.07                   4789                    4805       6.26       -0.15       -1.73   
1996.06                   4810                    4812       8.13       -0.64       -7.42   
1996.05                   4851                    4843      10.17       -0.66       -7.60   
1996.04                   4968                    4875      12.59        0.23        2.75   
1996.03                   4918                    4864       9.25       -0.21       -2.43   
1996.02                   4942                    4874       9.70        0.56        6.89   
1996.01                   4783                    4847       9.09        0.12        1.50   
1995.12                   4645                    4841       9.70        1.00       12.70   
1995.11                   4807                    4793       8.05        0.27        3.31   
1995.10                   4838                    4780       7.80       -0.23       -2.72   
1995.09                   4810                    4791       6.94        6.51      113.25   
1995.08                   4471                    4498      -0.51       -0.53       -6.19   
1995.07                   4509                    4522      -1.76        1.62       21.24   
1995.06                   4447                    4450       0.91        1.23       15.78   
1995.05                   4394                    4396      -0.32        1.52       19.91   
1995.04                   4409                    4330      -0.69       -2.74      -28.35   
1995.03                   4499                    4452       4.04        0.20        2.46   
1995.02                   4504                    4443       2.87        0.00        0.00   
1995.01                   4398                    4443       2.68        0.68        8.47   
1994.12                   4233                    4413       3.40       -0.52       -6.05   
1994.11                   4447                    4436       4.40        0.05        0.54   
1994.10                   4486                    4434       4.01       -1.03      -11.65   
1994.09                   4500                    4480       3.94       -0.91      -10.36   
1994.08                   4502                    4521       4.85       -1.78      -19.40   
1994.07                   4591                    4603       7.95        4.38       67.20   
1994.06                   4405                    4410       6.14        0.00        0.00   
1994.05                   4397                    4410       4.23        1.15       14.66   
1994.04                   4435                    4360       2.71        1.89       25.24   
1994.03                   4325                    4279       0.00       -0.93      -10.56   
1994.02                   4377                    4319       1.67       -0.18       -2.20   
1994.01                   4293                    4327       2.51        1.38       17.91   
1993.12                   4091                    4268       0.40        0.45        5.50   
1993.11                   4261                    4249      -0.19       -0.33       -3.87   
1993.10                   4314                    4263       1.57       -1.09      -12.33   
1993.09                   4328                    4310       6.82       -0.05       -0.56   
1993.08                   4296                    4312       6.86        1.13       14.38   
1993.07                   4252                    4264       6.89        2.62       36.44   
1993.06                   4152                    4155       4.82       -1.80      -19.55   
1993.05                   4214                    4231       7.85       -0.33       -3.89   
1993.04                   4314                    4245      11.21       -0.79       -9.13   
1993.03                   4324                    4279       9.27        0.73        9.12   
1993.02                   4305                    4248       8.15        0.64        7.95   
1993.01                   4198                    4221       5.98       -0.71       -8.15   
1992.12                   4073                    4251                  -0.14       -1.68   
1992.11                   4270                    4257                   1.43       18.57   
1992.10                   4246                    4197                   4.01       60.38   
1992.09                   4051                    4035                   0.00        0.00   
1992.08                   4022                    4035                   1.15       14.75   
1992.07                   3978                    3989                   0.63        7.84   
1992.06                   3962                    3964                   1.05       13.29   
1992.05                   3906                    3923                   2.78       38.92   
1992.04                   3877                    3817                  -2.53      -26.45   
1992.03                   3956                    3916                  -0.31       -3.61   
1992.02                   3979                    3928                  -1.38      -15.37   
1992.01                   3965                    3983