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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
130. NonDur - Beverage and Tobacco Products
131. NonDur - Beverage and Tobacco Products
132. NonDur - Textiles - Textile Mills [13A
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Beverage and Tobacco Products - Tobacco Manufacturing [12B] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 12B Beverage and Tobacco Products - Tobacco Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 12B 131 Column (2) : NAICS code : 12B Beverage and Tobacco Products - Tobacco Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 12B 279
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 12B      | NAICS code : 12B      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   3525                    3671      -1.63 %      0.11 %      1.32 % 
2010.05                   3619                    3667      -2.11       -0.57       -6.62   
2010.04                   3728                    3688      -0.83       -1.05      -11.86   
2010.03                   3853                    3727       0.13       -0.64       -7.41   
2010.02                   3915                    3751       2.60       -0.13       -1.59   
2010.01                   3936                    3756       4.07       -1.03      -11.66   
2009.12                   3905                    3795       5.83        0.58        7.23   
2009.11                   3853                    3773       5.13        0.75        9.35   
2009.10                   3791                    3745       2.46        0.59        7.33   
2009.09                   3632                    3723       2.76       -0.24       -2.86   
2009.08                   3499                    3732       3.27       -0.45       -5.31   
2009.07                   3526                    3749       2.85        0.46        5.61   
2009.06                   3592                    3732       1.50       -0.37       -4.39   
2009.05                   3709                    3746       0.94        0.73        9.07   
2009.04                   3752                    3719      -0.80       -0.08       -0.96   
2009.03                   3820                    3722      -0.88        1.81       23.95   
2009.02                   3816                    3656      -7.00        1.30       16.80   
2009.01                   3790                    3609      -6.84        0.64        7.97   
2008.12                   3686                    3586      -7.67       -0.08       -1.00   
2008.11                   3668                    3589      -8.26       -1.81      -19.64   
2008.10                   3701                    3655      -5.51        0.88       11.13   
2008.09                   3550                    3623      -5.58        0.25        3.03   
2008.08                   3405                    3614      -7.45       -0.85       -9.74   
2008.07                   3427                    3645      -8.28       -0.87       -9.96   
2008.06                   3536                    3677      -9.01       -0.92      -10.46   
2008.05                   3658                    3711      -9.42       -1.01      -11.51   
2008.04                   3772                    3749      -9.64       -0.16       -1.90   
2008.03                   3842                    3755     -11.29       -4.48      -42.29   
2008.02                   4099                    3931      -7.74        1.47       19.16   
2008.01                   4075                    3874     -10.14       -0.26       -3.05   
2007.12                   3988                    3884      -9.86       -0.72       -8.26   
2007.11                   3999                    3912      -9.63        1.14       14.54   
2007.10                   3925                    3868     -10.83        0.81       10.14   
2007.09                   3783                    3837     -12.32       -1.74      -19.01   
2007.08                   3707                    3905     -11.81       -1.74      -18.96   
2007.07                   3734                    3974      -9.70       -1.66      -18.18   
2007.06                   3880                    4041      -8.45       -1.37      -15.22   
2007.05                   4015                    4097      -5.49       -1.25      -14.05   
2007.04                   4156                    4149      -5.04       -1.98      -21.38   
2007.03                   4313                    4233      -3.36       -0.66       -7.61   
2007.02                   4437                    4261      -3.31       -1.16      -13.06   
2007.01                   4539                    4311      -2.69        0.05        0.56   
2006.12                   4426                    4309      -2.60       -0.46       -5.41   
2006.11                   4430                    4329      -3.15       -0.21       -2.46   
2006.10                   4413                    4338      -3.94       -0.87       -9.94   
2006.09                   4343                    4376      -4.06       -1.17      -13.22   
2006.08                   4233                    4428      -3.61        0.61        7.62   
2006.07                   4134                    4401      -4.47       -0.29       -3.48   
2006.06                   4227                    4414      -4.29        1.82       24.20   
2006.05                   4223                    4335      -6.67       -0.78       -8.95   
2006.04                   4356                    4369      -7.24       -0.25       -2.97   
2006.03                   4448                    4380      -2.99       -0.61       -7.11   
2006.02                   4583                    4407      -5.41       -0.52       -6.06   
2006.01                   4661                    4430      -6.00        0.14        1.64   
2005.12                   4548                    4424      -6.63       -1.03      -11.67   
2005.11                   4582                    4470      -4.97       -1.02      -11.56   
2005.10                   4611                    4516      -5.01       -0.99      -11.22   
2005.09                   4553                    4561      -5.90       -0.72       -8.29   
2005.08                   4423                    4594      -3.49       -0.28       -3.33   
2005.07                   4328                    4607      -2.17       -0.11       -1.29   
2005.06                   4403                    4612      -2.37       -0.71       -8.20   
2005.05                   4497                    4645      -2.17       -1.38      -15.36   
2005.04                   4671                    4710      -0.04        4.32       66.10   
2005.03                   4573                    4515      -2.76       -3.09      -31.39   
2005.02                   4842                    4659      -3.54       -1.15      -12.92   
2005.01                   4951                    4713      -2.74       -0.53       -6.15   
2004.12                   4882                    4738      -2.97        0.72        9.03   
2004.11                   4834                    4704      -3.90       -1.05      -11.92   
2004.10                   4870                    4754      -2.90       -1.92      -20.74   
2004.09                   4858                    4847      -1.80        1.83       24.28   
2004.08                   4606                    4760      -2.70        1.08       13.80   
2004.07                   4423                    4709      -4.66       -0.32       -3.74   
2004.06                   4493                    4724      -4.68       -0.51       -5.90   
2004.05                   4573                    4748      -4.91        0.76        9.56   
2004.04                   4654                    4712      -6.30        1.49       19.37   
2004.03                   4690                    4643      -7.33       -3.87      -37.74   
2004.02                   5022                    4830      -3.21       -0.33       -3.89   
2004.01                   5083                    4846      -2.48       -0.76       -8.72   
2003.12                   5047                    4883      -1.75       -0.25       -2.90   
2003.11                   5050                    4895      -3.07       -0.02       -0.24   
2003.10                   5036                    4896      -3.53       -0.81       -9.30   
2003.09                   4961                    4936      -3.03        0.90       11.34   
2003.08                   4739                    4892      -5.49       -0.95      -10.84   
2003.07                   4629                    4939      -5.04       -0.34       -4.04   
2003.06                   4691                    4956      -4.01       -0.74       -8.54   
2003.05                   4785                    4993      -2.06       -0.72       -8.26   
2003.04                   4947                    5029      -1.53        0.38        4.65   
2003.03                   5049                    5010      -3.41        0.40        4.92   
2003.02                   5211                    4990      -1.52        0.42        5.19   
2003.01                   5220                    4969      -1.66       -0.02       -0.24   
2002.12                   5163                    4970      -2.28       -1.58      -17.44   
2002.11                   5233                    5050       0.50       -0.49       -5.75   
2002.10                   5238                    5075       1.04       -0.29       -3.48   
2002.09                   5115                    5090      -0.20       -1.66      -18.21   
2002.08                   4996                    5176      -0.80       -0.48       -5.62   
2002.07                   4850                    5201      -1.76        0.74        9.20   
2002.06                   4857                    5163      -1.07        1.28       16.42   
2002.05                   4871                    5098      -2.36       -0.18       -2.09   
2002.04                   5011                    5107      -2.13       -1.54      -17.02   
2002.03                   5215                    5187       0.29        2.37       32.43   
2002.02                   5326                    5067      -3.39        0.28        3.38   
2002.01                   5333                    5053      -4.71       -0.65       -7.51   
2001.12                   5319                    5086      -5.29        1.21       15.58   
2001.11                   5232                    5025     -10.12        0.04        0.48   
2001.10                   5204                    5023     -10.22       -1.51      -16.69   
2001.09                   5105                    5100     -11.15       -2.26      -24.00   
2001.08                   5006                    5218      -7.40       -1.44      -15.93   
2001.07                   4899                    5294      -7.71        1.44       18.68   
2001.06                   4873                    5219     -10.45       -0.04       -0.46   
2001.05                   4973                    5221     -10.28        0.06        0.69   
2001.04                   5109                    5218     -11.62        0.89       11.21   
2001.03                   5201                    5172     -12.71       -1.39      -15.48   
2001.02                   5563                    5245     -12.38       -1.09      -12.36   
2001.01                   5639                    5303     -10.07       -1.25      -13.99   
2000.12                   5660                    5370      -7.41       -3.95      -38.37   
2000.11                   5839                    5591      -1.08       -0.07       -0.85   
2000.10                   5807                    5595      -2.41       -2.53      -26.44   
2000.09                   5706                    5740       2.41        1.86       24.80   
2000.08                   5368                    5635       1.06       -1.76      -19.20   
2000.07                   5265                    5736       2.98       -1.58      -17.38   
2000.06                   5399                    5828       4.05        0.15        1.87   
2000.05                   5537                    5819       1.54       -1.44      -15.97   
2000.04                   5782                    5904       3.23       -0.35       -4.17   
2000.03                   5956                    5925       3.51       -1.02      -11.57   
2000.02                   6398                    5986       2.45        1.51       19.69   
2000.01                   6323                    5897      -0.82        1.67       22.02   
1999.12                   6161                    5800      -4.64        2.62       36.37   
1999.11                   5918                    5652      -7.07       -1.41      -15.70   
1999.10                   5952                    5733      -7.10        2.28       31.12   
1999.09                   5533                    5605      -5.22        0.52        6.42   
1999.08                   5274                    5576      -3.75        0.11        1.30   
1999.07                   5070                    5570      -7.26       -0.55       -6.44   
1999.06                   5155                    5601      -7.04       -2.27      -24.07   
1999.05                   5449                    5731      -6.26        0.21        2.55   
1999.04                   5603                    5719      -6.57       -0.09       -1.04   
1999.03                   5768                    5724      -8.55       -2.04      -21.88   
1999.02                   6293                    5843      -6.03       -1.73      -18.92   
1999.01                   6427                    5946      -6.66       -2.24      -23.77   
1998.12                   6498                    6082      -0.72        0.00        0.00   
1998.11                   6360                    6082      -1.03       -1.44      -16.00   
1998.10                   6390                    6171       2.02        4.35       66.61   
1998.09                   5803                    5914      -0.90        2.09       28.15   
1998.08                   5456                    5793      -4.69       -3.55      -35.16   
1998.07                   5442                    6006      -1.80       -0.32       -3.72   
1998.06                   5525                    6025      -0.08       -1.46      -16.14   
1998.05                   5816                    6114       1.51       -0.11       -1.36   
1998.04                   6010                    6121       1.93       -2.20      -23.47   
1998.03                   6316                    6259       6.72        0.66        8.21   
1998.02                   6728                    6218       6.75       -2.39      -25.16   
1998.01                   6920                    6370       9.00        3.98       59.79   
1997.12                   6566                    6126       4.84       -0.31       -3.65   
1997.11                   6402                    6145       6.11        1.59       20.80   
1997.10                   6229                    6049       5.36        1.36       17.56   
1997.09                   5836                    5968       4.48       -1.81      -19.68   
1997.08                   5720                    6078       8.52       -0.62       -7.21   
1997.07                   5546                    6116      10.76        1.43       18.52   
1997.06                   5537                    6030       6.95        0.12        1.40   
1997.05                   5736                    6023       7.19        0.30        3.66   
1997.04                   5907                    6005       6.38        2.39       32.72   
1997.03                   5930                    5865       2.04        0.69        8.56   
1997.02                   6310                    5825       0.97       -0.33       -3.83   
1997.01                   6353                    5844       1.04        0.02        0.21   
1996.12                   6257                    5843       2.19        0.90       11.32   
1996.11                   5997                    5791       3.80        0.87       10.97   
1996.10                   5869                    5741       0.42        0.51        6.27   
1996.09                   5585                    5712      -3.10        1.98       26.55   
1996.08                   5292                    5601      -1.70        1.43       18.59   
1996.07                   5042                    5522      -1.36       -2.06      -22.08   
1996.06                   5206                    5638       2.45        0.34        4.13   
1996.05                   5363                    5619       2.16       -0.46       -5.39   
1996.04                   5564                    5645       1.06       -1.79      -19.51   
1996.03                   5805                    5748       2.11       -0.36       -4.28   
1996.02                   6230                    5769      -0.55       -0.26       -3.07   
1996.01                   6266                    5784       1.56        1.15       14.77   
1995.12                   6101                    5718       0.09        2.49       34.35   
1995.11                   5740                    5579      -0.46       -2.41      -25.41   
1995.10                   5815                    5717       2.36       -3.02      -30.78   
1995.09                   5777                    5895       2.43        3.46       50.36   
1995.08                   5409                    5698      -1.61        1.79       23.67   
1995.07                   5154                    5598      -7.07        1.73       22.80   
1995.06                   5131                    5503      -9.10        0.05        0.66   
1995.05                   5270                    5500     -10.17       -1.54      -16.99   
1995.04                   5519                    5586      -8.87       -0.76       -8.79   
1995.03                   5666                    5629      -9.65       -2.97      -30.31   
1995.02                   6232                    5801      -2.04        1.86       24.77   
1995.01                   6133                    5695      -5.77       -0.32       -3.72   
1994.12                   6063                    5713      -8.09        1.93       25.74   
1994.11                   5731                    5605     -13.99        0.36        4.38   
1994.10                   5672                    5585     -15.04       -2.95      -30.22   
1994.09                   5656                    5755     -14.79       -0.62       -7.21   
1994.08                   5528                    5791     -15.03       -3.87      -37.71   
1994.07                   5591                    6024     -11.75       -0.50       -5.79   
1994.06                   5691                    6054     -11.28       -1.13      -12.72   
1994.05                   5889                    6123      -9.90       -0.11       -1.36   
1994.04                   6070                    6130      -9.69       -1.61      -17.65   
1994.03                   6242                    6230      -9.51        5.20       83.75   
1994.02                   6327                    5922     -12.71       -2.02      -21.71   
1994.01                   6470                    6044     -10.21       -2.77      -28.59   
1993.12                   6574                    6216      -4.49       -4.62      -43.30   
1993.11                   6631                    6517      -0.56       -0.87       -9.92   
1993.10                   6680                    6574      -2.78       -2.67      -27.69   
1993.09                   6644                    6754       2.77       -0.90      -10.23   
1993.08                   6531                    6815      -2.86       -0.16       -1.92   
1993.07                   6374                    6826       0.77        0.03        0.35   
1993.06                   6460                    6824       6.61        0.41        5.06   
1993.05                   6564                    6796      -1.79        0.12        1.42   
1993.04                   6734                    6788      -1.71       -1.41      -15.66   
1993.03                   6869                    6885       3.67        1.49       19.40   
1993.02                   7211                    6784       2.26        0.79        9.87   
1993.01                   7167                    6731       2.06        3.43       49.83   
1992.12                   6871                    6508                  -0.70       -8.10   
1992.11                   6658                    6554                  -3.08      -31.27   
1992.10                   6871                    6762                   2.89       40.78   
1992.09                   6471                    6572                  -6.33      -54.37   
1992.08                   6739                    7016                   3.57       52.38   
1992.07                   6351                    6774                   5.83       97.32   
1992.06                   6079                    6401                  -7.50      -60.76   
1992.05                   6697                    6920                   0.20        2.46   
1992.04                   6855                    6906                   3.99       59.93   
1992.03                   6608                    6641                   0.11        1.27   
1992.02                   7027                    6634                   0.59        7.33   
1992.01                   7000                    6595