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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
14. DurGds - Nonmetallic Mineral Products
15. DurGds - Primary Metals [31S]
16. DurGds - Fabricated Metal Products [32
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Primary Metals [31S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 31S Primary Metals | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 31S 15 Column (2) : NAICS code : 31S Primary Metals | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 31S 163
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 31S      | NAICS code : 31S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  30638                   30907      11.73 %      0.78 %      9.72 % 
2010.05                  30624                   30669       8.18        2.96       41.99   
2010.04                  29535                   29786       1.78        3.88       57.93   
2010.03                  28192                   28673      -5.37        2.38       32.64   
2010.02                  27930                   28006     -11.40        1.75       23.11   
2010.01                  27560                   27525     -15.70        1.15       14.66   
2009.12                  27094                   27213     -19.18        1.20       15.41   
2009.11                  27036                   26890     -23.93        0.62        7.76   
2009.10                  26996                   26723     -27.01       -0.34       -3.95   
2009.09                  27144                   26813     -27.92        0.60        7.49   
2009.08                  26919                   26652     -28.91       -1.34      -14.98   
2009.07                  27018                   27015     -27.00       -2.34      -24.72   
2009.06                  27389                   27662     -24.30       -2.43      -25.56   
2009.05                  28231                   28351     -21.42       -3.13      -31.69   
2009.04                  29105                   29266     -17.10       -3.41      -34.08   
2009.03                  30009                   30300     -12.35       -4.14      -39.78   
2009.02                  31468                   31608      -6.54       -3.19      -32.27   
2009.01                  32654                   32651      -2.77       -3.04      -30.92   
2008.12                  33593                   33673       0.17       -4.74      -44.19   
2008.11                  35592                   35350       6.38       -3.45      -34.40   
2008.10                  36860                   36614      10.79       -1.58      -17.38   
2008.09                  37650                   37201      11.58       -0.78       -8.93   
2008.08                  37898                   37492      10.66        1.31       16.95   
2008.07                  37063                   37006       8.40        1.27       16.39   
2008.06                  36241                   36541       8.15        1.28       16.46   
2008.05                  35870                   36080       8.39        2.21       29.94   
2008.04                  35188                   35301       6.32        2.12       28.59   
2008.03                  34325                   34569       5.02        2.21       30.06   
2008.02                  33623                   33820       4.04        0.71        8.88   
2008.01                  33567                   33581       3.60       -0.11       -1.28   
2007.12                  33601                   33617       4.10        1.16       14.91   
2007.11                  33246                   33230       3.68        0.55        6.85   
2007.10                  33230                   33047       4.20       -0.88      -10.02   
2007.09                  33694                   33339       7.12       -1.60      -17.59   
2007.08                  34050                   33881      12.08       -0.76       -8.70   
2007.07                  34263                   34139      14.72        1.04       13.20   
2007.06                  33474                   33788      15.57        1.51       19.63   
2007.05                  33053                   33287      15.50        0.25        3.04   
2007.04                  33182                   33204      18.98        0.87       10.98   
2007.03                  32670                   32917      19.86        1.26       16.19   
2007.02                  32424                   32508      19.43        0.29        3.54   
2007.01                  32476                   32414      21.47        0.37        4.55   
2006.12                  32354                   32294      23.64        0.76        9.49   
2006.11                  32087                   32051      24.51        1.06       13.52   
2006.10                  31856                   31714      24.52        1.90       25.28   
2006.09                  31304                   31124      21.48        2.96       41.93   
2006.08                  30379                   30229      16.89        1.58       20.74   
2006.07                  29895                   29758      13.98        1.79       23.71   
2006.06                  28910                   29235      10.99        1.44       18.77   
2006.05                  28665                   28819       8.95        3.26       47.03   
2006.04                  27930                   27908       6.33        1.62       21.27   
2006.03                  27217                   27463       5.06        0.89       11.25   
2006.02                  27225                   27220       7.33        2.01       26.95   
2006.01                  26808                   26684       7.03        2.16       29.28   
2005.12                  26137                   26119       7.93        1.46       19.06   
2005.11                  25785                   25742       9.19        1.07       13.65   
2005.10                  25567                   25469      11.55       -0.59       -6.85   
2005.09                  25634                   25620      16.76       -0.93      -10.59   
2005.08                  25985                   25860      21.43       -0.95      -10.86   
2005.07                  26249                   26109      25.77       -0.88      -10.03   
2005.06                  26060                   26340      28.58       -0.42       -4.92   
2005.05                  26328                   26451      32.36        0.78        9.79   
2005.04                  26193                   26246      32.81        0.41        4.98   
2005.03                  25931                   26140      34.59        3.07       43.70   
2005.02                  25416                   25362      33.77        1.73       22.84   
2005.01                  25115                   24931      33.12        3.02       42.85   
2004.12                  24198                   24201      30.67        2.66       36.96   
2004.11                  23630                   23575      28.32        3.26       46.93   
2004.10                  22904                   22831      25.35        4.05       61.06   
2004.09                  21928                   21942      19.62        3.03       43.05   
2004.08                  21401                   21297      14.45        2.59       35.86   
2004.07                  20826                   20760      10.25        1.34       17.35   
2004.06                  20300                   20485       7.64        2.51       34.60   
2004.05                  19931                   19984       2.01        1.12       14.35   
2004.04                  19697                   19762       0.26        1.75       23.15   
2004.03                  19314                   19422      -1.68        2.44       33.50   
2004.02                  19047                   18960      -4.73        1.24       15.92   
2004.01                  18862                   18728      -4.80        1.12       14.34   
2003.12                  18566                   18520      -5.10        0.81       10.11   
2003.11                  18432                   18372      -5.29        0.87       10.92   
2003.10                  18149                   18214      -5.21       -0.70       -8.12   
2003.09                  18332                   18343      -3.79       -1.42      -15.81   
2003.08                  18718                   18608      -2.12       -1.18      -13.27   
2003.07                  18866                   18830       0.00       -1.06      -11.96   
2003.06                  18893                   19031       1.20       -2.86      -29.39   
2003.05                  19502                   19591       4.92       -0.60       -7.01   
2003.04                  19661                   19710       5.36       -0.22       -2.58   
2003.03                  19667                   19753       5.30       -0.74       -8.57   
2003.02                  19913                   19901       4.17        1.16       14.90   
2003.01                  19790                   19672       1.99        0.80       10.03   
2002.12                  19620                   19516      -0.30        0.60        7.48   
2002.11                  19415                   19399      -2.08        0.95       12.05   
2002.10                  19151                   19216      -3.91        0.79        9.93   
2002.09                  19061                   19065      -4.85        0.28        3.40   
2002.08                  19073                   19012      -6.04        0.97       12.24   
2002.07                  18885                   18830      -7.83        0.13        1.61   
2002.06                  18688                   18805      -9.16        0.71        8.89   
2002.05                  18553                   18672     -11.44       -0.19       -2.28   
2002.04                  18682                   18708     -12.58       -0.27       -3.15   
2002.03                  18706                   18758     -13.18       -1.82      -19.74   
2002.02                  19153                   19105     -12.71       -0.95      -10.81   
2002.01                  19431                   19288     -12.48       -1.47      -16.24   
2001.12                  19717                   19575     -10.96       -1.20      -13.45   
2001.11                  19766                   19812     -11.08       -0.93      -10.61   
2001.10                  19932                   19998     -10.71       -0.19       -2.31   
2001.09                  20040                   20037     -10.89       -0.97      -11.08   
2001.08                  20240                   20234     -10.36       -0.96      -10.92   
2001.07                  20507                   20430      -9.88       -1.31      -14.68   
2001.06                  20520                   20702      -8.58       -1.81      -19.70   
2001.05                  20964                   21084      -6.84       -1.48      -16.35   
2001.04                  21374                   21400      -4.96       -0.95      -10.86   
2001.03                  21489                   21606      -3.74       -1.29      -14.41   
2001.02                  21972                   21888      -2.19       -0.69       -7.92   
2001.01                  22232                   22039      -1.53        0.25        3.04   
2000.12                  22199                   21984      -0.94       -1.33      -14.83   
2000.11                  22249                   22280       1.75       -0.52       -6.09   
2000.10                  22349                   22397       3.73       -0.40       -4.65   
2000.09                  22440                   22486       4.51       -0.39       -4.53   
2000.08                  22608                   22573       5.01       -0.42       -4.97   
2000.07                  22783                   22669       5.59        0.11        1.28   
2000.06                  22376                   22645       5.69        0.06        0.74   
2000.05                  22509                   22631       5.53        0.51        6.25   
2000.04                  22493                   22517       5.60        0.32        3.86   
2000.03                  22272                   22446       4.95        0.30        3.71   
2000.02                  22492                   22378       3.51       -0.01       -0.16   
2000.01                  22616                   22381       2.42        0.85       10.71   
1999.12                  22309                   22192       0.16        1.35       17.42   
1999.11                  21900                   21897      -1.48        1.42       18.40   
1999.10                  21581                   21591      -3.43        0.35        4.32   
1999.09                  21438                   21515      -4.81        0.08        1.01   
1999.08                  21568                   21497      -4.44        0.14        1.63   
1999.07                  21548                   21468      -4.59        0.20        2.44   
1999.06                  21212                   21425      -4.27       -0.09       -1.11   
1999.05                  21377                   21445      -3.55        0.58        7.15   
1999.04                  21191                   21322      -4.22       -0.31       -3.64   
1999.03                  21256                   21388      -3.50       -1.07      -12.09   
1999.02                  21775                   21619      -2.86       -1.07      -12.12   
1999.01                  22101                   21853      -3.11       -1.37      -15.28   
1998.12                  22305                   22157      -1.81       -0.31       -3.61   
1998.11                  22249                   22225      -0.32       -0.60       -6.96   
1998.10                  22313                   22359       0.30       -1.08      -12.17   
1998.09                  22558                   22602       2.01        0.48        5.86   
1998.08                  22601                   22495       1.67       -0.02       -0.27   
1998.07                  22535                   22500       1.92        0.54        6.63   
1998.06                  22162                   22380       1.60        0.65        8.11   
1998.05                  22185                   22235       1.04       -0.12       -1.45   
1998.04                  22136                   22262       1.38        0.45        5.49   
1998.03                  22046                   22163       0.33       -0.42       -4.90   
1998.02                  22358                   22256       1.95       -1.33      -14.80   
1998.01                  22737                   22555       4.05       -0.04       -0.53   
1997.12                  22728                   22565       3.63        1.21       15.48   
1997.11                  22325                   22296       2.77        0.01        0.16   
1997.10                  22200                   22293       3.00        0.62        7.68   
1997.09                  22145                   22156       2.00        0.14        1.64   
1997.08                  22265                   22126       2.98        0.22        2.70   
1997.07                  22142                   22077       2.55        0.22        2.70   
1997.06                  21839                   22028       1.73        0.10        1.15   
1997.05                  21918                   22007       1.65        0.21        2.60   
1997.04                  21859                   21960       1.42       -0.59       -6.84   
1997.03                  21999                   22090       1.49        1.19       15.20   
1997.02                  21863                   21831       0.98        0.71        8.87   
1997.01                  21781                   21677       0.24       -0.45       -5.27   
1996.12                  21945                   21775       1.74        0.37        4.52   
1996.11                  21659                   21695       0.41        0.24        2.92   
1996.10                  21582                   21643       0.34       -0.36       -4.23   
1996.09                  21751                   21721       0.79        1.10       14.01   
1996.08                  21589                   21485      -0.63       -0.20       -2.43   
1996.07                  21619                   21529      -0.19       -0.57       -6.66   
1996.06                  21488                   21653       0.84        0.01        0.17   
1996.05                  21519                   21650       1.42       -0.01       -0.11   
1996.04                  21573                   21652       1.63       -0.52       -6.06   
1996.03                  21695                   21765       3.34        0.68        8.41   
1996.02                  21657                   21619       3.76       -0.03       -0.39   
1996.01                  21750                   21626       5.69        1.04       13.24   
1995.12                  21598                   21403       6.44       -0.94      -10.76   
1995.11                  21526                   21607       8.69        0.18        2.13   
1995.10                  21556                   21569      10.43        0.08        1.01   
1995.09                  21568                   21551      12.43       -0.33       -3.87   
1995.08                  21717                   21622      13.71        0.24        2.93   
1995.07                  21708                   21570      14.13        0.46        5.62   
1995.06                  21213                   21472      15.03        0.59        7.32   
1995.05                  21255                   21346      14.94        0.19        2.33   
1995.04                  21273                   21305      15.64        1.16       14.82   
1995.03                  20896                   21061      14.64        1.08       13.82   
1995.02                  20895                   20835      14.16        1.82       24.21   
1995.01                  20579                   20462      13.03        1.76       23.30   
1994.12                  20229                   20108      11.63        1.15       14.66   
1994.11                  19820                   19880       9.91        1.79       23.68   
1994.10                  19548                   19531       6.69        1.89       25.17   
1994.09                  19145                   19169       4.25        0.81       10.16   
1994.08                  19124                   19015       2.59        0.61        7.62   
1994.07                  19041                   18899       2.33        1.24       15.98   
1994.06                  18455                   18667       0.66        0.51        6.31   
1994.05                  18507                   18572      -0.50        0.81       10.15   
1994.04                  18351                   18423      -1.28        0.28        3.38   
1994.03                  18247                   18372      -2.42        0.66        8.25   
1994.02                  18318                   18251       3.43        0.82       10.26   
1994.01                  18220                   18103       2.28        0.50        6.16   
1993.12                  18071                   18013       0.11       -0.41       -4.86   
1993.11                  18053                   18088      -0.01       -1.20      -13.45   
1993.10                  18347                   18307       0.50       -0.44       -5.16   
1993.09                  18387                   18388      -0.47       -0.79       -9.11   
1993.08                  18667                   18535       0.84        0.36        4.37   
1993.07                  18565                   18469       0.98       -0.40       -4.75   
1993.06                  18351                   18544       1.05       -0.65       -7.51   
1993.05                  18617                   18665       1.87        0.02        0.26   
1993.04                  18541                   18661       1.28       -0.88      -10.08   
1993.03                  18706                   18827       2.66        6.69      117.58   
1993.02                  17724                   17646       5.19       -0.30       -3.53   
1993.01                  17820                   17699       4.51       -1.64      -17.99   
1992.12                  18055                   17994                  -0.53       -6.12   
1992.11                  18070                   18089                  -0.70       -8.05   
1992.10                  18213                   18216                  -1.40      -15.53   
1992.09                  18490                   18474                   0.51        6.31   
1992.08                  18535                   18380                   0.49        6.07   
1992.07                  18341                   18290                  -0.34       -3.98   
1992.06                  18178                   18352                   0.16        1.92   
1992.05                  18296                   18323                  -0.56       -6.51   
1992.04                  18340                   18426                   0.47        5.77   
1992.03                  18246                   18340                   9.33      191.64   
1992.02                  16802                   16775                  -0.94      -10.77   
1992.01                  16953                   16935