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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
75. DurGds - Machinery - Photographic Equi
76. DurGds - Machinery - Ventilation, Heat
77. DurGds - Machinery - Metalworking Mach
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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  Value on last month of -->

Download  DurGds - Machinery - Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing [33H] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 33H Machinery - Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 33H 76 Column (2) : NAICS code : 33H Machinery - Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 33H 224
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 33H      | NAICS code : 33H      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   3398                    3447     -10.30 %     -0.43 %     -5.08 % 
2010.05                   3605                    3462     -10.57       -1.25      -14.06   
2010.04                   3656                    3506     -12.81        2.04       27.38   
2010.03                   3484                    3436     -16.36        2.81       39.50   
2010.02                   3392                    3342     -22.03       -3.44      -34.29   
2010.01                   3449                    3461     -21.89       -0.69       -7.96   
2009.12                   3276                    3485     -23.19       -1.83      -19.89   
2009.11                   3561                    3550     -22.37        1.28       16.54   
2009.10                   3504                    3505     -24.22       -1.63      -17.88   
2009.09                   3482                    3563     -23.31       -2.41      -25.38   
2009.08                   3638                    3651     -21.23       -2.74      -28.38   
2009.07                   3737                    3754     -18.97       -2.32      -24.51   
2009.06                   3781                    3843     -17.53       -0.72       -8.34   
2009.05                   4022                    3871     -17.67       -3.73      -36.63   
2009.04                   4185                    4021     -14.39       -2.12      -22.65   
2009.03                   4166                    4108     -13.50       -4.15      -39.89   
2009.02                   4357                    4286      -9.39       -3.27      -32.92   
2009.01                   4400                    4431      -4.98       -2.34      -24.70   
2008.12                   4246                    4537      -1.92       -0.79       -9.05   
2008.11                   4576                    4573      -2.14       -1.12      -12.69   
2008.10                   4638                    4625      -2.45       -0.45       -5.29   
2008.09                   4555                    4646      -3.39        0.24        2.89   
2008.08                   4627                    4635      -3.42        0.04        0.52   
2008.07                   4613                    4633      -4.26       -0.58       -6.74   
2008.06                   4581                    4660      -4.02       -0.89      -10.21   
2008.05                   4904                    4702      -3.88        0.11        1.28   
2008.04                   4891                    4697      -4.06       -1.09      -12.38   
2008.03                   4820                    4749      -1.37        0.40        4.93   
2008.02                   4810                    4730      -1.44        1.44       18.67   
2008.01                   4602                    4663      -2.79        0.80       10.03   
2007.12                   4297                    4626      -3.24       -1.01      -11.42   
2007.11                   4668                    4673      -2.54       -1.43      -15.92   
2007.10                   4767                    4741      -0.25       -1.41      -15.71   
2007.09                   4725                    4809       2.82        0.21        2.53   
2007.08                   4814                    4799       3.78       -0.83       -9.48   
2007.07                   4830                    4839       6.99       -0.33       -3.88   
2007.06                   4773                    4855      10.34       -0.76       -8.71   
2007.05                   5110                    4892      12.93       -0.08       -0.98   
2007.04                   5101                    4896      15.53        1.68       22.16   
2007.03                   4884                    4815      14.70        0.33        4.08   
2007.02                   4876                    4799      16.57        0.04        0.50   
2007.01                   4705                    4797      17.46        0.33        4.09   
2006.12                   4420                    4781      19.23       -0.29       -3.45   
2006.11                   4791                    4795      20.99        0.88       11.13   
2006.10                   4787                    4753      21.06        1.62       21.34   
2006.09                   4597                    4677      20.70        1.15       14.66   
2006.08                   4667                    4624      18.72        2.23       30.35   
2006.07                   4525                    4523      16.12        2.80       39.22   
2006.06                   4328                    4400      12.65        1.57       20.55   
2006.05                   4513                    4332       5.87        2.22       30.12   
2006.04                   4407                    4238       5.00        0.95       12.05   
2006.03                   4268                    4198       5.56        1.97       26.34   
2006.02                   4182                    4117       4.25        0.81       10.14   
2006.01                   3989                    4084       6.30        1.85       24.54   
2005.12                   3709                    4010       4.67        1.19       15.20   
2005.11                   3957                    3963       4.04        0.94       11.91   
2005.10                   3954                    3926       5.06        1.32       16.99   
2005.09                   3806                    3875       3.67       -0.51       -5.99   
2005.08                   3944                    3895       5.96        0.00        0.00   
2005.07                   3902                    3895       9.41       -0.28       -3.33   
2005.06                   3851                    3906      13.32       -4.55      -42.78   
2005.05                   4240                    4092      19.20        1.39       17.98   
2005.04                   4193                    4036      17.46        1.48       19.33   
2005.03                   4046                    3977      15.61        0.71        8.85   
2005.02                   4019                    3949      16.15        2.79       39.05   
2005.01                   3745                    3842      13.67        0.29        3.50   
2004.12                   3562                    3831      13.18        0.58        7.16   
2004.11                   3803                    3809      13.63        1.93       25.73   
2004.10                   3757                    3737      10.27       -0.03       -0.32   
2004.09                   3667                    3738      10.27        1.69       22.23   
2004.08                   3721                    3676       8.53        3.26       46.93   
2004.07                   3566                    3560       4.89        3.28       47.27   
2004.06                   3405                    3447       1.17        0.41        5.00   
2004.05                   3540                    3433       1.18       -0.09       -1.04   
2004.04                   3568                    3436       0.20       -0.12       -1.39   
2004.03                   3508                    3440      -0.06        1.18       15.07   
2004.02                   3469                    3400      -2.24        0.59        7.34   
2004.01                   3298                    3380      -3.15       -0.15       -1.76   
2003.12                   3163                    3385      -4.16        0.98       12.47   
2003.11                   3340                    3352      -4.83       -1.09      -12.34   
2003.10                   3400                    3389      -2.81       -0.03       -0.35   
2003.09                   3319                    3390      -1.85        0.09        1.07   
2003.08                   3417                    3387      -2.76       -0.21       -2.45   
2003.07                   3401                    3394      -3.63       -0.38       -4.48   
2003.06                   3371                    3407      -4.35        0.41        5.07   
2003.05                   3498                    3393      -6.09       -1.05      -11.90   
2003.04                   3567                    3429      -5.33       -0.38       -4.44   
2003.03                   3505                    3442      -6.54       -1.04      -11.74   
2003.02                   3552                    3478      -6.86       -0.34       -4.05   
2003.01                   3415                    3490      -7.65       -1.19      -13.37   
2002.12                   3310                    3532      -7.49        0.28        3.46   
2002.11                   3503                    3522     -10.93        1.00       12.73   
2002.10                   3489                    3487     -13.90        0.96       12.09   
2002.09                   3376                    3454     -16.99       -0.83       -9.55   
2002.08                   3502                    3483     -18.10       -1.11      -12.51   
2002.07                   3530                    3522     -18.83       -1.12      -12.67   
2002.06                   3532                    3562     -18.42       -1.41      -15.68   
2002.05                   3733                    3613     -18.90       -0.25       -2.94   
2002.04                   3772                    3622     -19.55       -1.66      -18.16   
2002.03                   3747                    3683     -17.35       -1.37      -15.21   
2002.02                   3804                    3734     -16.69       -1.19      -13.39   
2002.01                   3713                    3779     -15.70       -1.02      -11.59   
2001.12                   3575                    3818     -13.99       -3.44      -34.30   
2001.11                   3927                    3954      -9.02       -2.37      -25.01   
2001.10                   4050                    4050      -4.97       -2.67      -27.71   
2001.09                   4076                    4161      -4.23       -2.16      -23.08   
2001.08                   4265                    4253      -4.60       -1.98      -21.36   
2001.07                   4353                    4339      -0.28       -0.62       -7.17   
2001.06                   4336                    4366      -1.53       -2.00      -21.51   
2001.05                   4607                    4455       3.51       -1.04      -11.83   
2001.04                   4684                    4502       2.64        1.03       13.12   
2001.03                   4521                    4456       1.85       -0.58       -6.74   
2001.02                   4549                    4482       4.06       -0.02       -0.27   
2001.01                   4417                    4483       3.92        0.99       12.56   
2000.12                   4162                    4439       3.86        2.14       28.93   
2000.11                   4318                    4346       0.70        1.97       26.39   
2000.10                   4266                    4262      -0.09       -1.91      -20.66   
2000.09                   4282                    4345       3.75       -2.53      -26.52   
2000.08                   4463                    4458       8.13        2.46       33.85   
2000.07                   4361                    4351       6.25       -1.87      -20.29   
2000.06                   4409                    4434       9.92        3.02       42.92   
2000.05                   4441                    4304       7.39       -1.87      -20.27   
2000.04                   4538                    4386      11.66        0.25        3.06   
2000.03                   4433                    4375       9.79        1.58       20.68   
2000.02                   4360                    4307       8.60       -0.16       -1.93   
2000.01                   4259                    4314       9.30        0.94       11.83   
1999.12                   4018                    4274       7.74       -0.97      -11.07   
1999.11                   4296                    4316       9.13        1.17       15.01   
1999.10                   4276                    4266       8.47        1.86       24.79   
1999.09                   4159                    4188       7.14        1.58       20.65   
1999.08                   4121                    4123       7.62        0.68        8.52   
1999.07                   4103                    4095       8.02        1.51       19.73   
1999.06                   4010                    4034       7.63        0.65        8.07   
1999.05                   4121                    4008       6.57        2.04       27.37   
1999.04                   4037                    3928       5.25       -1.43      -15.88   
1999.03                   4028                    3985       6.38        0.48        5.90   
1999.02                   4014                    3966       4.48        0.48        5.93   
1999.01                   3902                    3947       3.65       -0.50       -5.88   
1998.12                   3756                    3967       4.28        0.30        3.70   
1998.11                   3942                    3955       3.48        0.56        6.92   
1998.10                   3935                    3933       0.67        0.61        7.62   
1998.09                   3902                    3909      -2.18        2.04       27.36   
1998.08                   3825                    3831      -5.92        1.06       13.42   
1998.07                   3791                    3791      -8.41        1.15       14.67   
1998.06                   3727                    3748     -11.83       -0.35       -4.07   
1998.05                   3856                    3761     -10.07        0.78        9.73   
1998.04                   3821                    3732     -11.14       -0.37       -4.39   
1998.03                   3783                    3746     -10.75       -1.32      -14.71   
1998.02                   3852                    3796      -9.94       -0.32       -3.72   
1998.01                   3771                    3808     -11.21        0.11        1.27   
1997.12                   3625                    3804     -12.35       -0.47       -5.51   
1997.11                   3808                    3822     -12.34       -2.18      -23.20   
1997.10                   3888                    3907      -8.57       -2.23      -23.68   
1997.09                   3988                    3996      -7.56       -1.87      -20.23   
1997.08                   4061                    4072      -6.69       -1.62      -17.79   
1997.07                   4133                    4139      -3.16       -2.63      -27.41   
1997.06                   4239                    4251      -0.21        1.65       21.70   
1997.05                   4286                    4182      -1.99       -0.43       -5.02   
1997.04                   4308                    4200      -3.20        0.07        0.86   
1997.03                   4240                    4197      -4.42       -0.43       -5.01   
1997.02                   4285                    4215      -4.66       -1.73      -18.85   
1997.01                   4243                    4289      -2.81       -1.18      -13.22   
1996.12                   4152                    4340      -2.34       -0.46       -5.37   
1996.11                   4336                    4360      -0.82        2.04       27.36   
1996.10                   4230                    4273      -1.68       -1.16      -13.03   
1996.09                   4302                    4323      -1.30       -0.94      -10.71   
1996.08                   4342                    4364      -1.40        2.11       28.41   
1996.07                   4255                    4274      -4.87        0.33        4.02   
1996.06                   4268                    4260      -5.52       -0.16       -1.95   
1996.05                   4386                    4267      -5.28       -1.66      -18.19   
1996.04                   4467                    4339      -2.67       -1.18      -13.32   
1996.03                   4449                    4391       0.30       -0.68       -7.85   
1996.02                   4504                    4421       2.48        0.18        2.20   
1996.01                   4359                    4413       4.57       -0.70       -8.06   
1995.12                   4245                    4444       6.44        1.09       13.92   
1995.11                   4355                    4396       5.09        1.15       14.71   
1995.10                   4291                    4346       4.00       -0.78       -8.93   
1995.09                   4343                    4380       6.78       -1.04      -11.78   
1995.08                   4394                    4426      10.98       -1.49      -16.50   
1995.07                   4471                    4493      15.38       -0.35       -4.18   
1995.06                   4547                    4509      16.03        0.09        1.07   
1995.05                   4653                    4505      16.14        1.05       13.41   
1995.04                   4604                    4458      16.85        1.83       24.27   
1995.03                   4441                    4378      14.49        1.48       19.33   
1995.02                   4389                    4314      13.50        2.23       30.26   
1995.01                   4152                    4220      10.97        1.08       13.73   
1994.12                   3969                    4175      13.42       -0.19       -2.27   
1994.11                   4134                    4183      16.29        0.10        1.15   
1994.10                   4133                    4179      16.99        1.88       25.00   
1994.09                   4069                    4102      18.08        2.86       40.24   
1994.08                   3958                    3988      12.12        2.41       33.14   
1994.07                   3878                    3894       9.57        0.21        2.50   
1994.06                   3938                    3886       8.70        0.18        2.19   
1994.05                   4015                    3879       9.02        1.68       22.10   
1994.04                   3940                    3815       6.42       -0.24       -2.79   
1994.03                   3879                    3824       7.60        0.61        7.51   
1994.02                   3857                    3801       6.53       -0.05       -0.63   
1994.01                   3733                    3803       5.58        3.31       47.89   
1993.12                   3486                    3681      -0.73        2.34       31.92   
1993.11                   3546                    3597      -5.02        0.70        8.73   
1993.10                   3537                    3572      -6.07        2.82       39.63   
1993.09                   3449                    3474      -9.98       -2.33      -24.67   
1993.08                   3537                    3557      -7.71        0.08        1.02   
1993.07                   3551                    3554      -7.71       -0.59       -6.83   
1993.06                   3637                    3575      -5.17        0.48        5.89   
1993.05                   3680                    3558      -3.84       -0.75       -8.67   
1993.04                   3702                    3585      -1.97        0.87       10.98   
1993.03                   3601                    3554      -2.95       -0.39       -4.61   
1993.02                   3607                    3568      -2.27       -0.94      -10.76   
1993.01                   3525                    3602      -1.40       -2.86      -29.39   
1992.12                   3507                    3708                  -2.09      -22.35   
1992.11                   3734                    3787                  -0.42       -4.93   
1992.10                   3770                    3803                  -1.45      -16.09   
1992.09                   3839                    3859                   0.13        1.57   
1992.08                   3840                    3854                   0.08        0.94   
1992.07                   3858                    3851                   2.15       29.06   
1992.06                   3840                    3770                   1.89       25.22   
1992.05                   3819                    3700                   1.18       15.06   
1992.04                   3773                    3657                  -0.14       -1.63   
1992.03                   3709                    3662                   0.30        3.68   
1992.02                   3684                    3651                  -0.05       -0.66   
1992.01                   3571                    3653