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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
86. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Co
87. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Co
88. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Co
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Communications Equipment Manufacturing, Defense [34E] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 34E Computers/Elect Products - Communications Equipment Manufacturing, Defense | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 34E 87 Column (2) : NAICS code : 34E Computers/Elect Products - Communications Equipment Manufacturing, Defense | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 34E 235
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 34E      | NAICS code : 34E      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   2049                    2049      14.34 %      0.99 %     12.49 % 
2010.05                   2029                    2029      16.54        1.40       18.15   
2010.04                   2001                    2001      21.05       -2.39      -25.20   
2010.03                   2050                    2050      26.93        4.54       70.34   
2010.02                   1961                    1961      26.76        2.72       38.06   
2010.01                   1909                    1909      24.69       -0.05       -0.63   
2009.12                   1910                    1910      26.32       -1.34      -14.98   
2009.11                   1936                    1936      26.87       -0.46       -5.41   
2009.10                   1945                    1945      32.76       -1.52      -16.78   
2009.09                   1975                    1975      41.07        4.22       64.25   
2009.08                   1895                    1895      41.74        4.47       68.91   
2009.07                   1814                    1814      44.54        1.23       15.77   
2009.06                   1792                    1792      45.34        2.93       41.41   
2009.05                   1741                    1741      34.23        5.32       86.34   
2009.04                   1653                    1653      26.86        2.35       32.19   
2009.03                   1615                    1615      33.91        4.40       67.57   
2009.02                   1547                    1547      42.32        1.05       13.29   
2009.01                   1531                    1531      40.98        1.26       16.17   
2008.12                   1512                    1512      44.14       -0.92      -10.47   
2008.11                   1526                    1526      37.23        4.16       63.16   
2008.10                   1465                    1465      29.07        4.64       72.39   
2008.09                   1400                    1400      22.70        4.71       73.76   
2008.08                   1337                    1337      18.32        6.53      113.72   
2008.07                   1255                    1255      14.09        1.78       23.64   
2008.06                   1233                    1233      20.53       -4.93      -45.51   
2008.05                   1297                    1297      29.83       -0.46       -5.39   
2008.04                   1303                    1303      28.25        8.04      153.03   
2008.03                   1206                    1206      20.84       10.95      247.87   
2008.02                   1087                    1087       6.57        0.09        1.11   
2008.01                   1086                    1086       6.05        3.53       51.58   
2007.12                   1049                    1049      25.78       -5.67      -50.34   
2007.11                   1112                    1112      13.70       -2.03      -21.78   
2007.10                   1135                    1135      15.58       -0.53       -6.13   
2007.09                   1141                    1141      15.72        0.97       12.33   
2007.08                   1130                    1130      10.35        2.73       38.11   
2007.07                   1100                    1100       9.89        7.53      138.89   
2007.06                   1023                    1023       8.95        2.40       32.96   
2007.05                    999                     999     -15.55       -1.67      -18.33   
2007.04                   1016                    1016     -15.89        1.80       23.92   
2007.03                    998                     998     -16.97       -2.16      -23.02   
2007.02                   1020                    1020     -16.39       -0.39       -4.59   
2007.01                   1024                    1024     -12.93       22.78     1073.83   
2006.12                    834                     834     -18.87      -14.72      -85.21   
2006.11                    978                     978     -13.60       -0.41       -4.78   
2006.10                    982                     982      -7.97       -0.41       -4.76   
2006.09                    986                     986      -1.50       -3.71      -36.48   
2006.08                   1024                    1024       8.47        2.30       31.34   
2006.07                   1001                    1001       8.22        6.60      115.39   
2006.06                    939                     939       8.93      -20.63      -93.75   
2006.05                   1183                    1183      38.20       -2.07      -22.19   
2006.04                   1208                    1208      55.47        0.50        6.16   
2006.03                   1202                    1202      43.10       -1.48      -16.34   
2006.02                   1220                    1220      47.17        3.74       55.39   
2006.01                   1176                    1176      27.55       14.40      402.31   
2005.12                   1028                    1028      12.72       -9.19      -68.54   
2005.11                   1132                    1132      40.97        6.09      103.32   
2005.10                   1067                    1067      24.94        6.59      115.16   
2005.09                   1001                    1001      14.01        6.04      102.09   
2005.08                    944                     944       1.51        2.05       27.63   
2005.07                    925                     925       0.11        7.31      133.14   
2005.06                    862                     862     -15.07        0.70        8.74   
2005.05                    856                     856     -23.57       10.17      219.62   
2005.04                    777                     777     -33.13       -7.50      -60.76   
2005.03                    840                     840     -27.40        1.33       17.14   
2005.02                    829                     829     -29.02      -10.09      -72.08   
2005.01                    922                     922     -16.86        1.10       13.98   
2004.12                    912                     912     -28.81       13.57      360.63   
2004.11                    803                     803     -33.31       -5.97      -52.24   
2004.10                    854                     854     -29.94       -2.73      -28.29   
2004.09                    878                     878     -33.23       -5.59      -49.87   
2004.08                    930                     930     -24.88        0.65        8.08   
2004.07                    924                     924     -24.32       -8.97      -67.61   
2004.06                   1015                    1015     -16.74       -9.38      -69.31   
2004.05                   1120                    1120      -6.28       -3.61      -35.71   
2004.04                   1162                    1162      -6.14        0.43        5.31   
2004.03                   1157                    1157      -4.54       -0.94      -10.73   
2004.02                   1168                    1168       2.46        5.32       86.27   
2004.01                   1109                    1109      -2.38      -13.43      -82.27   
2003.12                   1281                    1281      10.15        6.40      110.41   
2003.11                   1204                    1204       9.16       -1.23      -13.81   
2003.10                   1219                    1219      18.70       -7.30      -59.73   
2003.09                   1315                    1315      22.78        6.22      106.28   
2003.08                   1238                    1238      23.55        1.39       18.05   
2003.07                   1221                    1221      26.66        0.16        1.99   
2003.06                   1219                    1219      25.80        2.01       26.95   
2003.05                   1195                    1195      21.20       -3.47      -34.57   
2003.04                   1238                    1238      30.87        2.15       29.01   
2003.03                   1212                    1212      36.64        6.32      108.53   
2003.02                   1140                    1140      25.97        0.35        4.31   
2003.01                   1136                    1136      31.33       -2.32      -24.56   
2002.12                   1163                    1163      39.28        5.44       88.82   
2002.11                   1103                    1103      19.11        7.40      135.54   
2002.10                   1027                    1027      21.83       -4.11      -39.55   
2002.09                   1071                    1071      10.75        6.89      122.36   
2002.08                   1002                    1002       9.63        3.94       59.03   
2002.07                    964                     964      10.68       -0.52       -6.02   
2002.06                    969                     969      10.11       -1.72      -18.84   
2002.05                    986                     986      12.30        4.23       64.37   
2002.04                    946                     946      14.11        6.65      116.58   
2002.03                    887                     887      22.68       -1.99      -21.42   
2002.02                    905                     905      21.15        4.62       72.02   
2002.01                    865                     865      16.26        3.59       52.74   
2001.12                    835                     835      16.30       -9.83      -71.10   
2001.11                    926                     926      39.67        9.85      208.60   
2001.10                    843                     843      30.09      -12.82      -80.73   
2001.09                    967                     967      39.34        5.80       96.68   
2001.08                    914                     914      27.48        4.94       78.29   
2001.07                    871                     871      26.60       -1.02      -11.61   
2001.06                    880                     880      24.65        0.23        2.77   
2001.05                    878                     878      27.25        5.91       99.20   
2001.04                    829                     829      22.45       14.66      416.41   
2001.03                    723                     723       9.88       -3.21      -32.42   
2001.02                    747                     747      16.36        0.40        4.95   
2001.01                    744                     744      13.41        3.62       53.24   
2000.12                    718                     718      10.97        8.30      160.21   
2000.11                    663                     663      -1.04        2.31       31.60   
2000.10                    648                     648      -8.35       -6.63      -56.09   
2000.09                    694                     694      -3.21       -3.21      -32.38   
2000.08                    717                     717      -2.98        4.22       64.12   
2000.07                    688                     688      -8.02       -2.55      -26.65   
2000.06                    706                     706     -14.01        2.32       31.66   
2000.05                    690                     690     -20.51        1.92       25.64   
2000.04                    677                     677     -23.16        2.89       40.72   
2000.03                    658                     658     -24.71        2.49       34.37   
2000.02                    642                     642     -29.37       -2.13      -22.81   
2000.01                    656                     656     -26.95        1.39       18.03   
1999.12                    647                     647     -33.09       -3.43      -34.24   
1999.11                    670                     670     -32.80       -5.23      -47.54   
1999.10                    707                     707     -34.11       -1.39      -15.51   
1999.09                    717                     717     -32.04       -2.98      -30.42   
1999.08                    739                     739     -28.18       -1.20      -13.52   
1999.07                    748                     748     -24.52       -8.89      -67.29   
1999.06                    821                     821     -20.21       -5.41      -48.73   
1999.05                    868                     868     -13.20       -1.48      -16.34   
1999.04                    881                     881      -8.70        0.80       10.05   
1999.03                    874                     874      -3.32       -3.85      -37.57   
1999.02                    909                     909      -2.57        1.22       15.73   
1999.01                    898                     898       1.58       -7.14      -58.87   
1998.12                    967                     967      12.57       -3.01      -30.69   
1998.11                    997                     997      20.27       -7.08      -58.59   
1998.10                   1073                    1073      35.65        1.71       22.51   
1998.09                   1055                    1055      39.92        2.53       34.91   
1998.08                   1029                    1029      33.46        3.83       57.07   
1998.07                    991                     991      21.60       -3.69      -36.34   
1998.06                   1029                    1029      34.69        2.90       40.92   
1998.05                   1000                    1000      22.25        3.63       53.35   
1998.04                    965                     965      25.32        6.75      118.93   
1998.03                    904                     904      22.49       -3.11      -31.54   
1998.02                    933                     933      34.05        5.54       91.05   
1998.01                    884                     884      29.43        2.91       41.09   
1997.12                    859                     859      28.59        3.62       53.20   
1997.11                    829                     829      14.66        4.80       75.60   
1997.10                    791                     791       6.32        4.91       77.69   
1997.09                    754                     754       7.10       -2.20      -23.47   
1997.08                    771                     771       8.90       -5.40      -48.62   
1997.07                    815                     815      25.58        6.68      117.16   
1997.06                    764                     764      22.24       -6.60      -55.94   
1997.05                    818                     818      36.11        6.23      106.61   
1997.04                    770                     770      36.77        4.34       66.42   
1997.03                    738                     738      37.69        6.03      102.01   
1997.02                    696                     696      18.97        1.90       25.39   
1997.01                    683                     683      23.96        2.25       30.54   
1996.12                    668                     668      17.81       -7.61      -61.30   
1996.11                    723                     723      10.89       -2.82      -29.08   
1996.10                    744                     744      17.91        5.68       94.09   
1996.09                    704                     704      17.53       -0.56       -6.57   
1996.08                    708                     708      14.19        9.09      184.09   
1996.07                    649                     649       3.84        3.84       57.17   
1996.06                    625                     625       2.63        3.99       59.98   
1996.05                    601                     601      -2.91        6.75      118.97   
1996.04                    563                     563      -9.92        5.04       80.35   
1996.03                    536                     536     -16.90       -8.38      -65.00   
1996.02                    585                     585     -11.23        6.17      105.14   
1996.01                    551                     551     -10.41       -2.82      -29.07   
1995.12                    567                     567     -11.96      -13.04      -81.29   
1995.11                    652                     652      -5.78        3.33       48.12   
1995.10                    631                     631      -4.25        5.34       86.74   
1995.09                    599                     599     -10.86       -3.39      -33.87   
1995.08                    620                     620      -9.09       -0.80       -9.19   
1995.07                    625                     625      -6.58        2.63       36.51   
1995.06                    609                     609      -9.64       -1.62      -17.75   
1995.05                    619                     619      -7.61       -0.96      -10.93   
1995.04                    625                     625     -13.55       -3.10      -31.48   
1995.03                    645                     645     -12.36       -2.12      -22.72   
1995.02                    659                     659      -0.30        7.15      129.15   
1995.01                    615                     615       0.49       -4.50      -42.47   
1994.12                    644                     644       2.22       -6.94      -57.80   
1994.11                    692                     692      -1.00        5.01       79.74   
1994.10                    659                     659      -2.66       -1.93      -20.90   
1994.09                    672                     672       1.82       -1.47      -16.24   
1994.08                    682                     682       0.89        1.94       25.98   
1994.07                    669                     669      -5.91       -0.74       -8.55   
1994.06                    674                     674     -10.01        0.60        7.40   
1994.05                    670                     670      -8.34       -7.33      -59.89   
1994.04                    723                     723       4.33       -1.77      -19.25   
1994.03                    736                     736      10.68       11.35      263.18   
1994.02                    661                     661       1.69        8.01      152.00   
1994.01                    612                     612      -1.29       -2.86      -29.38   
1993.12                    630                     630       2.11       -9.87      -71.27   
1993.11                    699                     699       9.73        3.25       46.78   
1993.10                    677                     677       6.95        2.58       35.69   
1993.09                    660                     660       4.93       -2.37      -24.98   
1993.08                    676                     676      17.98       -4.92      -45.43   
1993.07                    711                     711      29.27       -5.07      -46.46   
1993.06                    749                     749      35.20        2.46       33.90   
1993.05                    731                     731      33.15        5.48       89.76   
1993.04                    693                     693      26.23        4.21       64.04   
1993.03                    665                     665      21.13        2.31       31.49   
1993.02                    650                     650      28.21        4.84       76.30   
1993.01                    620                     620      16.32        0.49        5.99   
1992.12                    617                     617                  -3.14      -31.81   
1992.11                    637                     637                   0.63        7.85   
1992.10                    633                     633                   0.64        7.90   
1992.09                    629                     629                   9.77      206.16   
1992.08                    573                     573                   4.18       63.49   
1992.07                    550                     550                  -0.72       -8.33   
1992.06                    554                     554                   0.91       11.49   
1992.05                    549                     549                   0.00        0.00   
1992.04                    549                     549                   0.00        0.00   
1992.03                    549                     549                   8.28      159.88   
1992.02                    507                     507                  -4.88      -45.13   
1992.01                    533                     533