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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
96. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Ma
97. DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances &
98. DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances &
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing [35A] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 35A Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 35A 97 Column (2) : NAICS code : 35A Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 35A 245
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 35A      | NAICS code : 35A      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   1579                    1544      -2.83 %     -1.34 %    -14.97 % 
2010.05                   1618                    1565      -7.83       -0.45       -5.21   
2010.04                   1605                    1572      -8.39        0.58        7.13   
2010.03                   1563                    1563     -10.17        2.09       28.18   
2010.02                   1537                    1531     -16.16       -1.29      -14.42   
2010.01                   1538                    1551     -16.12       -1.77      -19.32   
2009.12                   1511                    1579     -15.79        0.19        2.31   
2009.11                   1549                    1576     -17.53       -0.69       -8.01   
2009.10                   1545                    1587     -17.39       -1.49      -16.48   
2009.09                   1563                    1611     -16.36       -1.35      -15.02   
2009.08                   1662                    1633     -16.08       -1.39      -15.45   
2009.07                   1701                    1656     -15.08        4.22       64.15   
2009.06                   1631                    1589     -19.01       -6.42      -54.89   
2009.05                   1741                    1698     -13.68       -1.05      -11.89   
2009.04                   1750                    1716     -12.76       -1.38      -15.35   
2009.03                   1748                    1740      -6.40       -4.71      -43.95   
2009.02                   1834                    1826      -6.12       -1.24      -13.95   
2009.01                   1833                    1849      -3.29       -1.39      -15.43   
2008.12                   1791                    1875       0.00       -1.88      -20.40   
2008.11                   1879                    1911       3.69       -0.52       -6.07   
2008.10                   1873                    1921       6.43       -0.26       -3.07   
2008.09                   1871                    1926       7.78       -1.03      -11.66   
2008.08                   1982                    1946      10.19       -0.21       -2.43   
2008.07                   2003                    1950      11.17       -0.61       -7.10   
2008.06                   2013                    1962      12.69       -0.25       -3.01   
2008.05                   2016                    1967       6.79        0.00        0.00   
2008.04                   2003                    1967       3.09        5.81       96.92   
2008.03                   1866                    1859       2.82       -4.42      -41.88   
2008.02                   1955                    1945       9.89        1.73       22.79   
2008.01                   1894                    1912       9.82        1.97       26.43   
2007.12                   1787                    1875       7.20        1.74       22.95   
2007.11                   1813                    1843       9.31        2.11       28.40   
2007.10                   1764                    1805       7.83        1.01       12.78   
2007.09                   1739                    1787       7.33        1.19       15.24   
2007.08                   1800                    1766       0.97        0.68        8.53   
2007.07                   1803                    1754       5.35        0.75        9.34   
2007.06                   1785                    1741       3.88       -5.48      -49.17   
2007.05                   1888                    1842       8.10       -3.46      -34.46   
2007.04                   1939                    1908      12.63        5.53       90.79   
2007.03                   1812                    1808       7.62        2.15       29.03   
2007.02                   1779                    1770       5.36        1.67       21.93   
2007.01                   1723                    1741       2.53       -0.46       -5.35   
2006.12                   1664                    1749       8.97        3.74       55.31   
2006.11                   1660                    1686       6.57        0.72        8.95   
2006.10                   1641                    1674       5.55        0.54        6.68   
2006.09                   1623                    1665       4.98       -4.80      -44.60   
2006.08                   1784                    1749      11.47        5.05       80.51   
2006.07                   1712                    1665       7.49       -0.66       -7.60   
2006.06                   1717                    1676       7.64       -1.64      -18.03   
2006.05                   1747                    1704       9.30        0.59        7.32   
2006.04                   1718                    1694       8.31        0.83       10.47   
2006.03                   1680                    1680       7.07        0.00        0.00   
2006.02                   1689                    1680       6.67       -1.06      -12.00   
2006.01                   1679                    1698       9.13        5.79       96.59   
2005.12                   1523                    1605       3.68        1.45       18.91   
2005.11                   1561                    1582       1.35       -0.25       -2.98   
2005.10                   1561                    1586       1.86        0.00        0.00   
2005.09                   1550                    1586       1.54        1.08       13.81   
2005.08                   1601                    1569       0.64        1.29       16.64   
2005.07                   1593                    1549      -0.06       -0.51       -5.99   
2005.06                   1594                    1557       0.84       -0.13       -1.53   
2005.05                   1599                    1559       3.66       -0.32       -3.77   
2005.04                   1584                    1564       4.48       -0.32       -3.76   
2005.03                   1564                    1569       4.46       -0.38       -4.48   
2005.02                   1584                    1575       5.42        1.22       15.68   
2005.01                   1536                    1556       4.15        0.52        6.38   
2004.12                   1465                    1548       3.55       -0.83       -9.55   
2004.11                   1543                    1561       4.77        0.26        3.13   
2004.10                   1539                    1557       3.73       -0.32       -3.77   
2004.09                   1530                    1562       3.99        0.19        2.33   
2004.08                   1592                    1559       1.04        0.58        7.19   
2004.07                   1594                    1550       0.91        0.39        4.76   
2004.06                   1579                    1544       0.52        2.66       37.02   
2004.05                   1542                    1504      -2.72        0.47        5.76   
2004.04                   1514                    1497      -2.67       -0.33       -3.92   
2004.03                   1493                    1502      -3.78        0.54        6.62   
2004.02                   1501                    1494      -4.23        0.00        0.00   
2004.01                   1470                    1494      -4.41       -0.07       -0.80   
2003.12                   1411                    1495      -3.80        0.34        4.10   
2003.11                   1477                    1490      -3.25       -0.73       -8.45   
2003.10                   1492                    1501      -2.41       -0.07       -0.80   
2003.09                   1475                    1502      -3.41       -2.66      -27.62   
2003.08                   1577                    1543       0.65        0.46        5.61   
2003.07                   1580                    1536       0.33        0.00        0.00   
2003.06                   1570                    1536       1.19       -0.65       -7.49   
2003.05                   1584                    1546       0.26        0.52        6.42   
2003.04                   1554                    1538      -0.39       -1.47      -16.32   
2003.03                   1547                    1561       0.58        0.06        0.77   
2003.02                   1566                    1560      -0.45       -0.19       -2.28   
2003.01                   1534                    1563      -1.76        0.58        7.18   
2002.12                   1462                    1554      -2.33        0.91       11.47   
2002.11                   1532                    1540      -2.65        0.13        1.57   
2002.10                   1537                    1538      -2.04       -1.09      -12.36   
2002.09                   1530                    1555      -0.89        1.44       18.65   
2002.08                   1568                    1533      -1.60        0.13        1.58   
2002.07                   1577                    1531      -3.22        0.86       10.77   
2002.06                   1550                    1518      -4.41       -1.56      -17.16   
2002.05                   1579                    1542      -3.38       -0.13       -1.54   
2002.04                   1559                    1544      -3.80       -0.52       -6.01   
2002.03                   1533                    1552      -5.48       -0.96      -10.90   
2002.02                   1570                    1567      -7.50       -1.51      -16.67   
2002.01                   1557                    1591      -8.35        0.00        0.00   
2001.12                   1493                    1591      -5.58        0.57        7.04   
2001.11                   1579                    1582      -2.10        0.76        9.57   
2001.10                   1576                    1570      -4.38        0.06        0.77   
2001.09                   1545                    1569      -4.85        0.71        8.81   
2001.08                   1596                    1558      -6.26       -1.52      -16.76   
2001.07                   1631                    1582      -3.42       -0.38       -4.44   
2001.06                   1620                    1588      -5.19       -0.50       -5.85   
2001.05                   1634                    1596      -6.17       -0.56       -6.53   
2001.04                   1620                    1605      -4.69       -2.25      -23.93   
2001.03                   1617                    1642       2.75       -3.07      -31.21   
2001.02                   1695                    1694       4.18       -2.42      -25.46   
2001.01                   1696                    1736       9.05        3.03       43.02   
2000.12                   1578                    1685       5.12        4.27       65.16   
2000.11                   1617                    1616      -1.22       -1.58      -17.43   
2000.10                   1654                    1642      -1.50       -0.42       -4.98   
2000.09                   1625                    1649       0.49       -0.78       -8.99   
2000.08                   1704                    1662       2.97        1.47       19.07   
2000.07                   1691                    1638       1.24       -2.21      -23.51   
2000.06                   1707                    1675       3.27       -1.53      -16.88   
2000.05                   1743                    1701       6.98        1.01       12.81   
2000.04                   1699                    1684       3.63        5.38       87.58   
2000.03                   1569                    1598      -0.19       -1.72      -18.82   
2000.02                   1623                    1626       1.88        2.14       28.86   
2000.01                   1552                    1592      -1.18       -0.69       -7.93   
1999.12                   1500                    1603      -2.08       -2.02      -21.69   
1999.11                   1639                    1636      -2.33       -1.86      -20.17   
1999.10                   1685                    1667      -1.30        1.58       20.76   
1999.09                   1619                    1641      -1.85        1.67       22.03   
1999.08                   1656                    1614      -3.81       -0.25       -2.93   
1999.07                   1673                    1618      -2.18       -0.25       -2.92   
1999.06                   1653                    1622       1.57        2.01       27.01   
1999.05                   1630                    1590      -1.61       -2.15      -22.99   
1999.04                   1639                    1625      -0.12        1.50       19.55   
1999.03                   1570                    1601      -1.05        0.31        3.82   
1999.02                   1589                    1596      -2.21       -0.93      -10.62   
1999.01                   1567                    1611      -1.77       -1.59      -17.48   
1998.12                   1530                    1637       0.31       -2.27      -24.07   
1998.11                   1679                    1675       0.42       -0.83       -9.51   
1998.10                   1711                    1689       1.50        1.02       12.91   
1998.09                   1651                    1672       2.39       -0.36       -4.21   
1998.08                   1722                    1678       2.07        1.45       18.87   
1998.07                   1710                    1654       0.67        3.57       52.32   
1998.06                   1629                    1597      -1.36       -1.18      -13.23   
1998.05                   1658                    1616      -1.94       -0.68       -7.82   
1998.04                   1642                    1627      -0.49        0.56        6.88   
1998.03                   1586                    1618       1.25       -0.86       -9.82   
1998.02                   1620                    1632       1.94       -0.49       -5.70   
1998.01                   1591                    1640       2.69        0.49        6.04   
1997.12                   1524                    1632       2.90       -2.16      -23.04   
1997.11                   1673                    1668       6.58        0.24        2.92   
1997.10                   1690                    1664       7.77        1.90       25.32   
1997.09                   1615                    1633       6.59       -0.67       -7.74   
1997.08                   1687                    1644       4.71        0.06        0.73   
1997.07                   1699                    1643       4.78        1.48       19.31   
1997.06                   1655                    1619       5.06       -1.76      -19.19   
1997.05                   1690                    1648       6.19        0.80        9.97   
1997.04                   1652                    1635       4.34        2.32       31.61   
1997.03                   1568                    1598       1.98       -0.19       -2.23   
1997.02                   1584                    1601      -0.37        0.25        3.05   
1997.01                   1545                    1597      -1.60        0.69        8.65   
1996.12                   1479                    1586      -1.43        1.34       17.35   
1996.11                   1569                    1565      -3.22        1.36       17.60   
1996.10                   1570                    1544      -5.10        0.78        9.82   
1996.09                   1516                    1532      -6.24       -2.42      -25.47   
1996.08                   1611                    1570      -3.98        0.13        1.54   
1996.07                   1623                    1568      -3.69        1.75       23.17   
1996.06                   1577                    1541      -6.04       -0.71       -8.18   
1996.05                   1592                    1552      -6.22       -0.96      -10.90   
1996.04                   1586                    1567      -3.33        0.00        0.00   
1996.03                   1540                    1567      -3.15       -2.49      -26.10   
1996.02                   1584                    1607       0.06       -0.99      -11.21   
1996.01                   1567                    1623       1.56        0.87       10.96   
1995.12                   1500                    1609       0.37       -0.49       -5.78   
1995.11                   1620                    1617       4.12       -0.61       -7.13   
1995.10                   1656                    1627       5.79       -0.43       -5.02   
1995.09                   1619                    1634       6.66       -0.06       -0.73   
1995.08                   1678                    1635       9.00        0.43        5.28   
1995.07                   1687                    1628       8.32       -0.73       -8.44   
1995.06                   1680                    1640       8.04       -0.91      -10.35   
1995.05                   1698                    1655      10.19        2.10       28.29   
1995.04                   1641                    1621       8.07        0.19        2.25   
1995.03                   1592                    1618       5.54        0.75        9.34   
1995.02                   1579                    1606       6.85        0.50        6.18   
1995.01                   1542                    1598       6.96       -0.31       -3.68   
1994.12                   1494                    1603       7.08        3.22       46.27   
1994.11                   1554                    1553       5.00        0.98       12.35   
1994.10                   1565                    1538       6.88        0.39        4.80   
1994.09                   1518                    1532       1.66        2.13       28.83   
1994.08                   1539                    1500      -2.28       -0.20       -2.37   
1994.07                   1558                    1503      -1.89       -0.99      -11.23   
1994.06                   1557                    1518      -1.56        1.07       13.56   
1994.05                   1542                    1502      -1.77        0.13        1.61   
1994.04                   1519                    1500      -2.28       -2.15      -22.98   
1994.03                   1510                    1533      -0.13        2.00       26.76   
1994.02                   1475                    1503       0.74        0.60        7.47   
1994.01                   1440                    1494       0.40       -0.20       -2.38   
1993.12                   1396                    1497      -1.84        1.22       15.62   
1993.11                   1477                    1479      -5.31        2.78       38.96   
1993.10                   1463                    1439      -8.92       -4.51      -42.54   
1993.09                   1495                    1507      -6.46       -1.82      -19.82   
1993.08                   1575                    1535      -2.85        0.20        2.38   
1993.07                   1589                    1532      -4.31       -0.65       -7.51   
1993.06                   1585                    1542      -4.10        0.85       10.69   
1993.05                   1570                    1529      -4.14       -0.39       -4.59   
1993.04                   1554                    1535      -3.88        0.00        0.00   
1993.03                   1515                    1535      -3.64        2.88       40.63   
1993.02                   1462                    1492      -5.03        0.27        3.27   
1993.01                   1433                    1488      -4.12       -2.43      -25.53   
1992.12                   1422                    1525                  -2.37      -25.00   
1992.11                   1558                    1562                  -1.14      -12.85   
1992.10                   1606                    1580                  -1.92      -20.80   
1992.09                   1601                    1611                   1.96       26.26   
1992.08                   1619                    1580                  -1.31      -14.65   
1992.07                   1660                    1601                  -0.44       -5.10   
1992.06                   1656                    1608                   0.82       10.23   
1992.05                   1638                    1595                  -0.13       -1.49   
1992.04                   1617                    1597                   0.25        3.06   
1992.03                   1575                    1593                   1.40       18.16   
1992.02                   1536                    1571                   1.22       15.72   
1992.01                   1492                    1552