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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
103. DurGds - TransEqpt - Light Truck and U
104. DurGds - TransEqpt - Heavy Duty Truck
105. DurGds - TransEqpt - Motor Vehicle Bod
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - TransEqpt - Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing [36C] CSV file  obs:0
370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 36C TransEqpt - Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 30.15 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 36C 104 Column (2) : NAICS code : 36C TransEqpt - Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 31.53 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 36C 252
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : 36C      | NAICS code : 36C      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    1301                    1327      -1.04 %     -3.96 %    -14.91 % 
2010.1                    1368                    1381      -2.19        0.53        2.15   
2009.4                    1393                    1374      -9.41        4.28       18.23   
2009.3                    1337                    1318     -17.08       -1.72       -6.69   
2009.2                    1320                    1341     -18.93       -5.07      -18.80   
2009.1                    1393                    1412     -10.10       -6.88      -24.81   
2008.4                    1537                    1517      -6.61       -4.55      -17.00   
2008.3                    1616                    1589      -2.61       -3.91      -14.75   
2008.2                    1630                    1654       8.84        5.26       22.77   
2008.1                    1549                    1571      13.13       -3.26      -12.43   
2007.4                    1638                    1624      13.01       -0.47       -1.87   
2007.3                    1663                    1632      11.78        7.39       33.02   
2007.2                    1499                    1519       5.19        9.41       43.29   
2007.1                    1369                    1389      -3.34       -3.36      -12.79   
2006.4                    1445                    1437       0.47       -1.55       -6.07   
2006.3                    1491                    1460       2.89        1.06        4.31   
2006.2                    1426                    1444       0.53        0.53        2.15   
2006.1                    1417                    1437       6.16        0.44        1.78   
2005.4                    1434                    1430      18.86        0.82        3.33   
2005.3                    1451                    1419      26.55       -1.25       -4.92   
2005.2                    1420                    1437      35.71        6.16       27.00   
2005.1                    1336                    1353      34.08       12.47       59.98   
2004.4                    1202                    1203      24.96        7.34       32.78   
2004.3                    1148                    1121      21.54        5.89       25.71   
2004.2                    1047                    1059      20.39        4.89       21.03   
2004.1                     998                    1009      11.86        4.81       20.68   
2003.4                     960                     963      -0.69        4.41       18.84   
2003.3                     944                     922     -10.13        4.89       21.04   
2003.2                     870                     879      -5.04       -2.55       -9.81   
2003.1                     895                     902       1.16       -6.94      -25.01   
2002.4                     965                     970       3.41       -5.52      -20.32   
2002.3                    1049                    1026      -2.81       10.84       50.91   
2002.2                     917                     926     -21.70        3.81       16.14   
2002.1                     888                     892     -26.60       -4.87      -18.10   
2001.4                     933                     938     -15.37      -11.21      -37.84   
2001.3                    1075                    1056      -8.73      -10.71      -36.44   
2001.2                    1172                    1183       3.35       -2.69      -10.33   
2001.1                    1214                    1215       4.98        9.69       44.75   
2000.4                    1101                    1108       1.00       -4.24      -15.89   
2000.3                    1175                    1157      12.18        1.11        4.50   
2000.2                    1134                    1144       8.95       -1.15       -4.53   
2000.1                    1161                    1158      12.25        5.53       24.02   
1999.4                    1089                    1097      10.66        6.37       28.01   
1999.3                    1043                    1031      11.42       -1.81       -7.04   
1999.2                    1041                    1050      16.75        1.84        7.58   
1999.1                    1038                    1031      16.89        4.03       17.14   
1998.4                     985                     991      18.82        7.09       31.54   
1998.3                     932                     926      12.57        2.89       12.07   
1998.2                     891                     900      12.65        1.96        8.09   
1998.1                     891                     882      12.40        5.75       25.08   
1997.4                     829                     834       2.50        1.46        5.97   
1997.3                     824                     822       1.36        2.96       12.39   
1997.2                     792                     799      -8.30        1.74        7.15   
1997.1                     796                     785     -11.76       -3.56      -13.51   
1996.4                     810                     814      -5.39        0.33        1.32   
1996.3                     809                     811      -8.19       -6.85      -24.71   
1996.2                     864                     871       4.81       -2.10       -8.13   
1996.1                     904                     890       5.58        3.41       14.35   
1995.4                     857                     860       0.51       -2.64      -10.15   
1995.3                     879                     884       6.42        6.34       27.86   
1995.2                     825                     831       2.13       -1.38       -5.42   
1995.1                     858                     843       6.62       -1.56       -6.09   
1994.4                     853                     856       8.49        3.09       12.95   
1994.3                     825                     830       5.02        2.05        8.45   
1994.2                     807                     814       0.58        2.95       12.34   
1994.1                     805                     790      -2.31        0.17        0.68   
1993.4                     786                     789       0.68       -0.21       -0.84   
1993.3                     784                     791       3.04       -2.27       -8.76   
1993.2                     803                     809       2.36        0.00        0.00   
1993.1                     825                     809       3.85        3.23       13.57   
1992.4                     781                     784       0.89        2.13        8.79   
1992.3                     760                     767      -4.57       -2.91      -11.14   
1992.2                     784                     790      -4.25        1.45        5.95   
1992.1                     795                     779     -12.57        0.29        1.17   
1991.4                     702                     777     -20.60       -3.40      -12.92   
1991.3                     746                     804     -18.76       -2.58       -9.95   
1991.2                     838                     825     -19.00       -7.36      -26.35   
1991.1                     869                     891     -11.76       -8.92      -31.18   
1990.4                     887                     978      -4.29       -1.17       -4.59   
1990.3                     920                     990      -3.28       -2.87      -10.99   
1990.2                    1033                    1019       8.51        0.92        3.71   
1990.1                     984                    1010       8.48       -1.20       -4.73   
1989.4                     928                    1022      16.48       -0.12       -0.49   
1989.3                     952                    1023      20.09        8.96       40.98   
1989.2                     952                     939       9.19        0.89        3.62   
1989.1                     905                     931       9.44        6.09       26.65   
1988.4                     796                     877       4.01        2.97       12.43   
1988.3                     794                     852       6.98       -0.93       -3.66   
1988.2                     873                     860       6.33        1.12        4.57   
1988.1                     827                     851       5.31        0.82        3.33   
1987.4                     764                     844       4.51        5.91       25.83   
1987.3                     742                     797      -3.65       -1.53       -5.99   
1987.2                     823                     809      -1.76        0.16        0.63   
1987.1                     785                     808       0.87        0.05        0.21   
1986.4                     729                     807      -1.98       -2.35       -9.08   
1986.3                     771                     827      -6.97        0.40        1.59   
1986.2                     839                     823      -5.78        2.84       11.83   
1986.1                     778                     801     -11.28       -2.77      -10.63   
1985.4                     742                     824      -9.54       -7.32      -26.23   
1985.3                     828                     889       3.60        1.67        6.86   
1985.2                     893                     874       5.43       -3.17      -12.08   
1985.1                     878                     903      18.28       -0.85       -3.37   
1984.4                     818                     910      24.60        6.14       26.91   
1984.3                     798                     858      21.27        3.46       14.58   
1984.2                     847                     829      11.30        8.64       39.28   
1984.1                     745                     763       1.33        4.45       19.00   
1983.4                     655                     731      -5.98        3.30       13.86   
1983.3                     658                     707     -11.57       -5.04      -18.68   
1983.2                     762                     745      -4.77       -1.10       -4.34   
1983.1                     735                     753      -4.70       -3.08      -11.78   
1982.4                     696                     777      14.21       -2.84      -10.88   
1982.3                     744                     800      22.77        2.26        9.34   
1982.2                     801                     782      28.34       -1.02       -4.03   
1982.1                     771                     790      34.08       16.14       81.96   
1981.4                     609                     680      14.65        4.44       18.96   
1981.3                     606                     651      12.10        6.90       30.59   
1981.2                     624                     609       0.09        3.41       14.34   
1981.1                     575                     589      -1.39       -0.69       -2.73   
1980.4                     531                     593       1.09        2.12        8.74   
1980.3                     541                     581       0.71       -4.56      -17.02   
1980.2                     623                     609       5.83        1.88        7.74   
1980.1                     582                     598       1.61        1.81        7.43   
1979.4                     526                     587      -4.14        1.73        7.10   
1979.3                     538                     577      -7.84        0.29        1.17   
1979.2                     589                     575      -1.90       -2.18       -8.44   
1979.1                     572                     588       5.07       -3.95      -14.88   
1978.4                     549                     612      13.59       -2.20       -8.51   
1978.3                     585                     626      18.59        6.76       29.89   
1978.2                     600                     587       9.91        4.77       20.48   
1978.1                     544                     560      11.91        3.84       16.27   
1977.4                     494                     539       8.41        2.11        8.71   
1977.3                     499                     528       8.07       -1.06       -4.19   
1977.2                     536                     534      12.20        6.68       29.53   
1977.1                     479                     500      13.09        0.59        2.39   
1976.4                     458                     497      15.81        1.79        7.34   
1976.3                     461                     489      13.31        2.72       11.32   
1976.2                     475                     476       8.85        7.53       33.71   
1976.1                     425                     442      -5.29        3.01       12.60   
1975.4                     397                     429      -8.78       -0.41       -1.65   
1975.3                     407                     431      -4.23       -1.32       -5.19   
1975.2                     434                     437       1.19       -6.44      -23.37   
1975.1                     450                     467       3.69       -0.78       -3.09   
1974.4                     436                     471       8.95        4.55       19.49   
1974.3                     424                     450       7.67        4.26       18.16   
1974.2                     427                     432       5.09       -4.13      -15.53   
1974.1                     435                     450      13.75        4.26       18.15   
1973.4                     402                     432      16.53        3.32       13.95   
1973.3                     393                     418      16.49        1.77        7.25   
1973.2                     405                     411      17.18        3.77       15.95   
1973.1                     383                     396      15.16        6.80       30.12   
1972.4                     345                     371       6.01        3.28       13.78   
1972.3                     338                     359       0.06        2.37        9.81   
1972.2                     346                     351      -1.80        1.99        8.19   
1972.1                     333                     344      -2.12       -1.68       -6.56   
1971.4                     325                     350      -6.49       -2.52       -9.70   
1971.3                     337                     359      -0.47        0.47        1.90   
1971.2                     353                     357       3.47        1.65        6.75   
1971.1                     340                     351       1.58       -6.07      -22.16   
1970.4                     348                     374       8.31        3.76       15.92   
1970.3                     338                     360       3.41        4.45       19.01   
1970.2                     341                     345      -0.39       -0.21       -0.85   
1970.1                     335                     346       3.23        0.15        0.61   
1969.4                     321                     345       6.35       -0.93       -3.69   
1969.3                     326                     349       4.97        0.61        2.45   
1969.2                     343                     346       4.01        3.42       14.40   
1969.1                     325                     335       2.91        3.17       13.31   
1968.4                     301                     325       1.48       -2.22       -8.57   
1968.3                     310                     332       8.82       -0.32       -1.26   
1968.2                     331                     333      10.96        2.32        9.63   
1968.1                     317                     326       2.31        1.74        7.15   
1967.4                     296                     320       2.49        4.86       20.89   
1967.3                     284                     305       6.26        1.65        6.75   
1967.2                     300                     300       7.29       -5.65      -20.75   
1967.1                     310                     318      19.74        1.92        7.90   
1966.4                     287                     312      19.18        8.71       39.67   
1966.3                     266                     287       5.36        2.63       10.94   
1966.2                     281                     280       5.13        5.30       22.95   
1966.1                     259                     266       5.69        1.44        5.90   
1965.4                     239                     262       7.55       -3.90      -14.69   
1965.3                     252                     273      16.38        2.41        9.99   
1965.2                     270                     266      13.39        5.85       25.55   
1965.1                     245                     251       6.50        3.24       13.59   
1964.4                     221                     244       4.89        3.99       16.96   
1964.3                     217                     234       4.90       -0.22       -0.89   
1964.2                     240                     235      11.32       -0.58       -2.30   
1964.1                     230                     236      15.71        1.67        6.87   
1963.4                     209                     232      12.19        4.00       16.99   
1963.3                     207                     223       8.53        5.88       25.69   
1963.2                     217                     211       4.75        3.35       14.08   
1963.1                     198                     204       3.91       -1.42       -5.57   
1962.4                     185                     207      12.45        0.61        2.48   
1962.3                     191                     206      14.18        2.19        9.07   
1962.2                     208                     201       5.39        2.52       10.45   
1962.1                     190                     196      -1.63        6.68       29.53   
1961.4                     164                     184      -6.51        2.16        8.92   
1961.3                     168                     180     -14.30       -5.67      -20.82   
1961.2                     198                     191     -13.97       -4.32      -16.19   
1961.1                     192                     200      -1.96        1.39        5.67   
1960.4                     175                     197       0.27       -6.35      -23.08   
1960.3                     198                     210      11.79       -5.30      -19.58   
1960.2                     230                     222      30.53        9.03       41.34   
1960.1                     195                     204      17.04        3.69       15.61   
1959.4                     175                     196       4.36        4.42       18.87   
1959.3                     177                     188       0.56       10.57       49.46   
1959.2                     176                     170      -2.82       -2.24       -8.65   
1959.1                     165                     174      -8.61       -7.54      -26.92   
1958.4                     168                     188                   0.62        2.50   
1958.3                     177                     187                   6.85       30.33   
1958.2                     181                     175                  -8.06      -28.55   
1958.1                     181                     190