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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
68. DurGds - Fabricated Metal Products - O
69. DurGds - Machinery - Farm Machinery an
70. DurGds - Machinery - Lawn and Garden T
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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  Value on last month of -->

Download  DurGds - Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing [33A] CSV file  obs:0
370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 33A Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 11.79 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 33A 69 Column (2) : NAICS code : 33A Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 11.39 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 33A 217
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : 33A      | NAICS code : 33A      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    2469                    2427     -13.06 %      6.49 %     28.62 % 
2010.1                    2482                    2279     -24.58       -4.15      -15.59   
2009.4                    2273                    2378     -22.12       -7.41      -26.51   
2009.3                    2410                    2568      -9.45       -8.01      -28.40   
2009.2                    2831                    2792       0.46       -7.61      -27.14   
2009.1                    3289                    3022      10.03       -1.03       -4.04   
2008.4                    2931                    3053      14.05        7.65       34.30   
2008.3                    2668                    2836      10.52        2.05        8.46   
2008.2                    2813                    2779      10.69        1.19        4.84   
2008.1                    2981                    2746       5.87        2.59       10.77   
2007.4                    2575                    2677       3.83        4.33       18.46   
2007.3                    2422                    2566       2.54        2.20        9.11   
2007.2                    2538                    2511       5.61       -3.21      -12.24   
2007.1                    2804                    2594      13.44        0.61        2.45   
2006.4                    2485                    2578      11.17        3.04       12.71   
2006.3                    2372                    2502       5.36        5.26       22.75   
2006.2                    2399                    2377       0.01        3.97       16.83   
2006.1                    2459                    2287      -0.92       -1.41       -5.52   
2005.4                    2241                    2319       5.92       -2.34       -9.05   
2005.3                    2260                    2375      13.04       -0.08       -0.34   
2005.2                    2397                    2377      17.07        2.99       12.51   
2005.1                    2470                    2308      16.43        5.40       23.43   
2004.4                    2124                    2190      13.61        4.22       17.98   
2004.3                    2006                    2101       7.63        3.48       14.67   
2004.2                    2045                    2030       1.86        2.42       10.04   
2004.1                    2112                    1982      -3.30        2.85       11.91   
2003.4                    1875                    1927      -7.18       -1.26       -4.96   
2003.3                    1867                    1952      -4.36       -2.07       -8.04   
2003.2                    2004                    1993      -0.83       -2.76      -10.61   
2003.1                    2178                    2050       2.11       -1.27       -4.98   
2002.4                    2028                    2076      -0.69        1.73        7.11   
2002.3                    1953                    2041      -6.49        1.54        6.31   
2002.2                    2016                    2010      -9.87        0.12        0.47   
2002.1                    2131                    2008      -7.98       -3.97      -14.96   
2001.4                    2049                    2091      -4.72       -4.22      -15.82   
2001.3                    2088                    2183       1.22       -2.12       -8.22   
2001.2                    2231                    2230       7.21        2.22        9.16   
2001.1                    2317                    2182       5.17       -0.58       -2.29   
2000.4                    2155                    2194       7.64        1.76        7.24   
2000.3                    2061                    2156       7.92        3.67       15.51   
2000.2                    2078                    2080       2.50        0.27        1.10   
2000.1                    2205                    2074      -1.13        1.75        7.18   
1999.4                    2001                    2039     -10.49        2.04        8.39   
1999.3                    1910                    1998     -14.93       -1.54       -6.03   
1999.2                    2027                    2029     -12.18       -3.27      -12.46   
1999.1                    2232                    2098      -8.66       -7.89      -28.01   
1998.4                    2230                    2278       3.14       -3.02      -11.55   
1998.3                    2247                    2349      13.19        1.64        6.74   
1998.2                    2311                    2311      17.61        0.59        2.40   
1998.1                    2443                    2297      27.23        4.02       17.05   
1997.4                    2159                    2208      32.79        6.43       28.29   
1997.3                    1989                    2075      24.75        5.62       24.43   
1997.2                    1967                    1965      23.95        8.83       40.26   
1997.1                    1917                    1805      21.22        8.56       38.89   
1996.4                    1623                    1663      14.14       -0.02       -0.08   
1996.3                    1598                    1663      14.79        4.94       21.28   
1996.2                    1589                    1585       9.18        6.42       28.28   
1996.1                    1577                    1489       2.71        2.22        9.18   
1995.4                    1423                    1457       2.29        0.55        2.23   
1995.3                    1396                    1449       3.55       -0.18       -0.73   
1995.2                    1457                    1452      11.21        0.11        0.46   
1995.1                    1531                    1450      15.02        1.80        7.41   
1994.4                    1391                    1424      11.36        1.79        7.34   
1994.3                    1350                    1399      17.13        7.20       32.07   
1994.2                    1309                    1305      10.06        3.54       14.94   
1994.1                    1329                    1261       8.00       -1.43       -5.61   
1993.4                    1250                    1279      12.59        7.06       31.37   
1993.3                    1154                    1195       3.23        0.73        2.96   
1993.2                    1189                    1186       2.42        1.60        6.55   
1993.1                    1231                    1167       3.76        2.76       11.50   
1992.4                    1111                    1136      -2.97       -1.84       -7.17   
1992.3                    1118                    1157      -3.07       -0.06       -0.23   
1992.2                    1160                    1158      -5.34        2.93       12.26   
1992.1                    1186                    1125     -10.01       -3.91      -14.73   
1991.4                    1226                    1171      -6.69       -1.95       -7.59   
1991.3                    1239                    1194      -4.02       -2.40       -9.26   
1991.2                    1249                    1223      -0.79       -2.14       -8.28   
1991.1                    1290                    1250      -0.65       -0.37       -1.46   
1990.4                    1314                    1255      -0.67        0.85        3.46   
1990.3                    1291                    1244      -2.67        0.89        3.61   
1990.2                    1260                    1233      -2.75       -2.00       -7.76   
1990.1                    1297                    1258       2.43       -0.39       -1.55   
1989.4                    1322                    1263       7.74       -1.17       -4.60   
1989.3                    1328                    1278      14.73        0.80        3.25   
1989.2                    1299                    1268      18.75        3.22       13.51   
1989.1                    1263                    1228      19.34        4.78       20.54   
1988.4                    1225                    1172      20.49        5.24       22.66   
1988.3                    1158                    1114      19.51        4.33       18.49   
1988.2                    1096                    1068      16.27        3.73       15.79   
1988.1                    1055                    1029       9.15        5.79       25.24   
1987.4                    1016                     973       0.57        4.39       18.74   
1987.3                     972                     932      -8.54        1.50        6.14   
1987.2                     945                     918     -15.11       -2.62      -10.07   
1987.1                     963                     943     -13.62       -2.53       -9.73   
1986.4                    1010                     967     -13.99       -5.07      -18.79   
1986.3                    1065                    1019     -11.43       -5.79      -21.21   
1986.2                    1115                    1082      -7.59       -0.91       -3.61   
1986.1                    1109                    1092      -9.93       -2.94      -11.27   
1985.4                    1175                    1125     -12.17       -2.24       -8.68   
1985.3                    1207                    1151     -13.09       -1.71       -6.65   
1985.2                    1207                    1171      -9.39       -3.42      -13.00   
1985.1                    1225                    1212      -3.92       -5.36      -19.77   
1984.4                    1338                    1281       1.82       -3.27      -12.45   
1984.3                    1393                    1324       5.07        2.48       10.29   
1984.2                    1333                    1292      -1.15        2.41       10.01   
1984.1                    1271                    1262      -7.28        0.30        1.19   
1983.4                    1315                    1258     -13.90       -0.18       -0.73   
1983.3                    1329                    1260     -18.68       -3.59      -13.59   
1983.2                    1348                    1307     -20.73       -3.94      -14.84   
1983.1                    1368                    1361     -23.14       -6.87      -24.77   
1982.4                    1529                    1461      -3.65       -5.73      -21.03   
1982.3                    1636                    1550       6.11       -6.01      -21.95   
1982.2                    1700                    1649      18.36       -6.85      -24.73   
1982.1                    1778                    1770      25.71       16.74       85.75   
1981.4                    1568                    1516       9.47        3.82       16.18   
1981.3                    1506                    1460       2.61        4.84       20.82   
1981.2                    1427                    1393      -3.49       -1.07       -4.21   
1981.1                    1473                    1408       1.73        1.66        6.83   
1980.4                    1436                    1385       2.46       -2.69      -10.32   
1980.3                    1466                    1423       8.50       -1.39       -5.45   
1980.2                    1478                    1443      13.89        4.28       18.26   
1980.1                    1446                    1384      13.08        2.39        9.90   
1979.4                    1407                    1352      11.80        3.05       12.76   
1979.3                    1350                    1312      15.71        3.51       14.79   
1979.2                    1298                    1267      17.63        3.54       14.94   
1979.1                    1276                    1224      12.98        1.23        5.00   
1978.4                    1261                    1209       3.88        6.65       29.37   
1978.3                    1166                    1134      -4.73        5.23       22.61   
1978.2                    1104                    1077      -9.26       -0.54       -2.16   
1978.1                    1129                    1083      -6.78       -6.93      -24.96   
1977.4                    1215                    1164       2.99       -2.19       -8.48   
1977.3                    1224                    1190      10.62        0.23        0.91   
1977.2                    1216                    1187      15.14        2.17        8.98   
1977.1                    1210                    1162      16.98        2.83       11.79   
1976.4                    1180                    1130      14.69        5.05       21.79   
1976.3                    1106                    1076       9.53        4.33       18.46   
1976.2                    1056                    1031       6.38        3.80       16.09   
1976.1                    1036                     993      13.73        0.82        3.31   
1975.4                    1028                     985      35.20        0.32        1.29   
1975.3                    1009                     982      50.33        1.33        5.42   
1975.2                     992                     969      59.28       10.98       51.69   
1975.1                     913                     873      44.45       19.84      106.26   
1974.4                     761                     729      22.09       11.55       54.83   
1974.3                     670                     653       9.69        7.36       32.87   
1974.2                     622                     609       2.17        0.65        2.61   
1974.1                     634                     605       0.75        1.28        5.24   
1973.4                     624                     597      -3.70        0.22        0.90   
1973.3                     609                     596      -3.98        0.00        0.00   
1973.2                     608                     596      -2.01       -0.75       -2.95   
1973.1                     630                     600       2.74       -3.19      -12.17   
1972.4                     649                     620      10.34       -0.07       -0.27   
1972.3                     633                     620      15.29        2.05        8.45   
1972.2                     620                     608       7.01        4.06       17.27   
1972.1                     612                     584      -0.41        3.97       16.87   
1971.4                     590                     562      -1.39        4.41       18.84   
1971.3                     549                     538      -2.90       -5.28      -19.51   
1971.2                     579                     568       5.97       -3.15      -12.00   
1971.1                     614                     587      16.52        2.95       12.31   
1970.4                     600                     570      12.93        2.82       11.75   
1970.3                     566                     554      10.80        3.37       14.18   
1970.2                     545                     536      10.29        6.50       28.62   
1970.1                     526                     503       5.37       -0.23       -0.90   
1969.4                     533                     505       5.65        0.88        3.57   
1969.3                     511                     500       6.23        2.89       12.07   
1969.2                     493                     486      -1.54        1.74        7.15   
1969.1                     498                     478      -5.11        0.04        0.16   
1968.4                     506                     478      -4.37        1.44        5.87   
1968.3                     481                     471      -4.94       -4.63      -17.28   
1968.2                     500                     494       1.96       -1.95       -7.56   
1968.1                     525                     503       6.99        0.81        3.29   
1967.4                     530                     499       7.68        0.84        3.39   
1967.3                     506                     495       9.55        2.29        9.48   
1967.2                     489                     484      11.16        2.89       12.07   
1967.1                     490                     471      11.11        1.47        5.99   
1966.4                     493                     464      13.46        2.59       10.76   
1966.3                     462                     452      12.57        3.79       16.06   
1966.2                     440                     436      13.28        2.84       11.86   
1966.1                     442                     424       5.25        3.61       15.26   
1965.4                     435                     409       0.22        1.78        7.30   
1965.3                     411                     402      -0.39        4.45       19.04   
1965.2                     388                     384      -2.58       -4.45      -16.66   
1965.1                     420                     402       2.70       -1.33       -5.22   
1964.4                     434                     408       3.68        1.16        4.72   
1964.3                     413                     403       2.94        2.16        8.90   
1964.2                     398                     395       0.87        0.73        2.94   
1964.1                     409                     392      -0.22       -0.40       -1.57   
1963.4                     419                     393      -2.09        0.44        1.76   
1963.3                     401                     392      -6.13        0.11        0.43   
1963.2                     394                     391      -6.92       -0.37       -1.46   
1963.1                     410                     393      -6.88       -2.26       -8.73   
1962.4                     427                     402      -3.17       -3.71      -14.05   
1962.3                     427                     417       4.22       -0.73       -2.90   
1962.2                     423                     420       7.93       -0.32       -1.29   
1962.1                     441                     422       9.74        1.64        6.72   
1961.4                     441                     415       6.05        3.63       15.34   
1961.3                     409                     400       0.00        2.80       11.67   
1961.2                     392                     389       1.32        1.35        5.53   
1961.1                     403                     384       6.94       -1.79       -6.95   
1960.4                     416                     391      15.09       -2.28       -8.80   
1960.3                     408                     400      20.13        4.16       17.70   
1960.2                     387                     384       8.23        6.98       30.96   
1960.1                     378                     359      -4.28        5.70       24.81   
1959.4                     361                     340      -8.28        2.01        8.27   
1959.3                     338                     333      -7.55       -6.16      -22.45   
1959.2                     358                     355       0.91       -5.39      -19.89   
1959.1                     395                     375       4.56        1.28        5.22   
1958.4                     394                     371                   2.81       11.73   
1958.3                     365                     360                   2.43       10.07   
1958.2                     355                     352                  -1.97       -7.64   
1958.1                     379                     359