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35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
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370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 104.69 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code TCG 36 Column (2) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 104.68 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code TCG 184
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : TCG      | NAICS code : TCG      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                  145864                  146340      -1.06 %      2.86 %     11.94 % 
2010.1                  142175                  142272      -6.47        0.83        3.36   
2009.4                  137099                  141101      -9.97       -0.97       -3.84   
2009.3                  140773                  142490      -8.11       -3.66      -13.86   
2009.2                  146739                  147907      -3.94       -2.76      -10.60   
2009.1                  152134                  152109      -1.38       -2.95      -11.29   
2008.4                  152200                  156732       3.22        1.08        4.38   
2008.3                  153286                  155062       5.07        0.70        2.84   
2008.2                  152621                  153981       6.38       -0.17       -0.66   
2008.1                  153989                  154238       8.51        1.58        6.45   
2007.4                  147387                  151845       8.07        2.89       12.08   
2007.3                  146073                  147578       7.03        1.96        8.05   
2007.2                  143364                  144748       8.97        1.83        7.54   
2007.1                  141677                  142142       9.73        1.16        4.74   
2006.4                  136428                  140506      10.28        1.90        7.82   
2006.3                  136664                  137886       9.92        3.80       16.10   
2006.2                  131519                  132835       9.86        2.54       10.57   
2006.1                  128781                  129541       7.56        1.67        6.85   
2005.4                  123736                  127412       8.10        1.57        6.45   
2005.3                  124524                  125437       8.11        3.74       15.82   
2005.2                  119775                  120914       5.09        0.40        1.61   
2005.1                  119686                  120433       6.13        2.18        8.99   
2004.4                  114392                  117869       2.46        1.59        6.52   
2004.3                  115217                  116022       0.75        0.84        3.41   
2004.2                  114124                  115054      -1.92        1.39        5.69   
2004.1                  112613                  113474      -5.19       -1.36       -5.33   
2003.4                  111580                  115038      -6.07       -0.10       -0.41   
2003.3                  114304                  115155      -5.82       -1.84       -7.15   
2003.2                  116304                  117311      -5.25       -1.98       -7.69   
2003.1                  118583                  119681      -4.72       -2.28       -8.82   
2002.4                  118668                  122476      -4.84        0.17        0.68   
2002.3                  121341                  122268     -10.46       -1.25       -4.90   
2002.2                  122649                  123812     -12.97       -1.43       -5.59   
2002.1                  124377                  125606     -14.29       -2.41       -9.31   
2001.4                  124585                  128711     -13.69       -5.75      -21.08   
2001.3                  135479                  136558      -7.40       -4.01      -15.11   
2001.2                  140811                  142265      -2.68       -2.92      -11.18   
2001.1                  144963                  146544       0.33       -1.74       -6.77   
2000.4                  144315                  149133       1.92        1.12        4.57   
2000.3                  146618                  147477       0.36        0.88        3.57   
2000.2                  144749                  146188       0.42        0.08        0.33   
2000.1                  144421                  146066      -0.03       -0.18       -0.72   
1999.4                  141407                  146329       0.87       -0.42       -1.69   
1999.3                  146389                  146952       0.15        0.94        3.83   
1999.2                  144202                  145579       0.31       -0.36       -1.45   
1999.1                  144505                  146111       3.45        0.72        2.91   
1998.4                  140190                  145068       5.43       -1.14       -4.48   
1998.3                  146436                  146739       7.25        1.11        4.51   
1998.2                  143839                  145129       6.69        2.76       11.50   
1998.1                  139673                  141232       5.53        2.64       10.98   
1997.4                  132746                  137602       3.64        0.57        2.30   
1997.3                  136550                  136822       3.27        0.59        2.37   
1997.2                  135024                  136023       3.14        1.64        6.72   
1997.1                  132362                  133829       2.00        0.80        3.23   
1996.4                  128240                  132771       2.38        0.21        0.85   
1996.3                  132356                  132490       3.29        0.46        1.84   
1996.2                  131107                  131886       4.82        0.52        2.08   
1996.1                  129732                  131209       5.05        1.18        4.80   
1995.4                  125244                  129679       5.13        1.10        4.49   
1995.3                  128117                  128264       4.35        1.94        8.01   
1995.2                  125278                  125817       3.01        0.74        2.98   
1995.1                  123633                  124897       3.66        1.26        5.13   
1994.4                  119285                  123346       4.13        0.35        1.42   
1994.3                  122899                  122913       2.08        0.63        2.54   
1994.2                  121704                  122144       1.32        1.37        5.60   
1994.1                  119462                  120492       0.49        1.72        7.07   
1993.4                  114645                  118453      -1.68       -1.62       -6.33   
1993.3                  120344                  120404      -0.25       -0.12       -0.49   
1993.2                  120293                  120552      -0.10        0.54        2.19   
1993.1                  118997                  119900      -2.35       -0.48       -1.91   
1992.4                  116720                  120478      -5.38       -0.19       -0.75   
1992.3                  120745                  120704      -7.14        0.02        0.09   
1992.2                  120474                  120677      -8.44       -1.72       -6.69   
1992.1                  121946                  122783      -8.40       -3.57      -13.52   
1991.4                  123110                  127325      -5.71       -2.05       -7.94   
1991.3                  129903                  129985      -3.60       -1.38       -5.39   
1991.2                  131442                  131799      -1.24       -1.67       -6.51   
1991.1                  133612                  134037       1.40       -0.74       -2.93   
1990.4                  130867                  135038       3.32        0.15        0.58   
1990.3                  134734                  134842       5.36        1.04        4.24   
1990.2                  133274                  133449       5.55        0.96        3.88   
1990.1                  131882                  132185       7.24        1.14        4.63   
1989.4                  126848                  130697       9.32        2.12        8.75   
1989.3                  127835                  127985      11.56        1.23        4.99   
1989.2                  126418                  126436      11.72        2.58       10.71   
1989.1                  123025                  123260      11.80        3.10       12.98   
1988.4                  116110                  119555      10.70        4.21       17.93   
1988.3                  114720                  114727       8.90        1.37        5.60   
1988.2                  113347                  113174       8.45        2.65       11.04   
1988.1                  110085                  110250       6.56        2.08        8.60   
1987.4                  104950                  107998       4.10        2.52       10.45   
1987.3                  105408                  105348      -0.64        0.95        3.85   
1987.2                  104655                  104358      -1.94        0.86        3.50   
1987.1                  103359                  103466      -3.68       -0.27       -1.07   
1986.4                  100927                  103745      -3.64       -2.15       -8.33   
1986.3                  106176                  106026      -2.86       -0.38       -1.50   
1986.2                  106834                  106427      -2.58       -0.92       -3.62   
1986.1                  107310                  107413      -0.96       -0.23       -0.91   
1985.4                  104847                  107659       0.22       -1.36       -5.33   
1985.3                  109364                  109142       4.49       -0.09       -0.38   
1985.2                  109666                  109245       9.49        0.73        2.95   
1985.1                  108367                  108455      13.25        0.96        3.91   
1984.4                  104846                  107420      14.57        2.84       11.86   
1984.3                  104376                  104453      12.51        4.69       20.12   
1984.2                  100158                   99774       6.87        4.19       17.82   
1984.1                   96212                   95766       2.17        2.14        8.85   
1983.4                   91598                   93756      -3.28        0.99        4.01   
1983.3                   92529                   92838      -4.34       -0.56       -2.22   
1983.2                   93718                   93362      -3.59       -0.40       -1.57   
1983.1                   94392                   93732      -1.70       -3.31      -12.58   
1982.4                   94905                   96937      14.16       -0.11       -0.44   
1982.3                   96412                   97045      16.09        0.21        0.85   
1982.2                   97190                   96839      19.08        1.56        6.38   
1982.1                   96157                   95353      20.10       12.30       59.03   
1981.4                   83293                   84910       8.83        1.57        6.45   
1981.3                   82924                   83595       9.61        2.80       11.66   
1981.2                   81604                   81321      10.38        2.42       10.06   
1981.1                   80058                   79396      13.23        1.76        7.24   
1980.4                   76616                   78021      16.79        2.30        9.54   
1980.3                   75537                   76265      21.05        3.52       14.84   
1980.2                   74003                   73672      23.34        5.07       21.88   
1980.1                   70772                   70117      23.97        4.96       21.36   
1979.4                   65656                   66804      22.17        6.03       26.41   
1979.3                   62307                   63003      21.10        5.48       23.77   
1979.2                   60071                   59732      19.44        5.61       24.40   
1979.1                   57136                   56559      18.13        3.43       14.44   
1978.4                   53785                   54683      18.68        5.10       22.04   
1978.3                   51418                   52027      15.53        4.04       17.15   
1978.2                   50343                   50009      13.55        4.45       19.04   
1978.1                   48383                   47877       9.84        3.91       16.58   
1977.4                   45820                   46075       7.23        2.31        9.57   
1977.3                   44600                   45035       5.84        2.25        9.31   
1977.2                   44124                   44043       4.34        1.04        4.24   
1977.1                   44067                   43588       4.15        1.44        5.90   
1976.4                   42744                   42968       2.15        0.98        3.97   
1976.3                   42152                   42552      -0.36        0.80        3.25   
1976.2                   42263                   42212      -1.40        0.87        3.51   
1976.1                   42297                   41850      -1.64       -0.51       -2.01   
1975.4                   41789                   42063       1.45       -1.50       -5.87   
1975.3                   42307                   42703       8.40       -0.26       -1.02   
1975.2                   42843                   42813      15.11        0.62        2.50   
1975.1                   42981                   42549      20.51        2.63       10.94   
1974.4                   41181                   41460      23.64        5.24       22.67   
1974.3                   39050                   39395      22.84        5.92       25.85   
1974.2                   37233                   37195      21.27        5.34       23.14   
1974.1                   35618                   35309      18.35        5.30       22.94   
1973.4                   33299                   33532      15.78        4.56       19.53   
1973.3                   31831                   32070      13.34        4.56       19.54   
1973.2                   30703                   30670      10.08        2.80       11.69   
1973.1                   30058                   29834       7.62        3.01       12.58   
1972.4                   28796                   28963       4.06        2.36        9.77   
1972.3                   28113                   28296       1.47        1.56        6.40   
1972.2                   27883                   27860      -0.73        0.50        2.02   
1972.1                   27901                   27721      -3.56       -0.40       -1.59   
1971.4                   27700                   27832      -4.57       -0.20       -0.78   
1971.3                   27721                   27887      -6.33       -0.64       -2.54   
1971.2                   28110                   28067      -5.87       -2.36       -9.11   
1971.1                   28917                   28745      -3.24       -1.44       -5.62   
1970.4                   29032                   29164      -2.77       -2.04       -7.91   
1970.3                   29605                   29771       1.58       -0.16       -0.63   
1970.2                   29892                   29818       4.42        0.37        1.49   
1970.1                   29884                   29708       6.88       -0.95       -3.76   
1969.4                   29810                   29994      11.45        2.34        9.69   
1969.3                   29146                   29308      11.04        2.64       10.98   
1969.2                   28643                   28554       9.90        2.73       11.38   
1969.1                   27951                   27795      10.90        3.28       13.78   
1968.4                   26755                   26913       9.40        1.97        8.10   
1968.3                   26258                   26394      11.35        1.58        6.49   
1968.2                   26057                   25982      13.12        3.66       15.48   
1968.1                   25192                   25064      13.50        1.89        7.77   
1967.4                   24448                   24599      18.74        3.78       16.00   
1967.3                   23458                   23703      21.30        3.19       13.40   
1967.2                   23105                   22970      25.78        4.02       17.05   
1967.1                   22246                   22083      27.44        6.59       29.08   
1966.4                   20595                   20718      24.92        6.02       26.35   
1966.3                   19350                   19541      21.54        7.00       31.10   
1966.2                   18368                   18262      18.18        5.39       23.36   
1966.1                   17459                   17328      14.27        4.48       19.17   
1965.4                   16484                   16585      11.05        3.15       13.21   
1965.3                   15927                   16078      11.31        4.05       17.22   
1965.2                   15545                   15452       8.74        1.90        7.81   
1965.1                   15285                   15164       8.25        1.54        6.28   
1964.4                   14832                   14935       8.25        3.39       14.27   
1964.3                   14305                   14445       4.31        1.66        6.80   
1964.2                   14298                   14210       2.35        1.43        5.86   
1964.1                   14122                   14009       1.36        1.53        6.27   
1963.4                   13687                   13797       1.70       -0.37       -1.47   
1963.3                   13710                   13849       3.86       -0.25       -0.99   
1963.2                   13985                   13883       7.01        0.45        1.80   
1963.1                   13949                   13821       9.45        1.88        7.71   
1962.4                   13432                   13567      11.24        1.75        7.19   
1962.3                   13190                   13333      10.97        2.78       11.57   
1962.2                   13088                   12973       8.38        2.74       11.40   
1962.1                   12762                   12628       4.88        3.54       14.91   
1961.4                   12061                   12197      -0.73        1.51        6.17   
1961.3                   11880                   12016      -4.57        0.38        1.51   
1961.2                   12091                   11970      -5.60       -0.58       -2.31   
1961.1                   12193                   12041      -6.43       -2.00       -7.77   
1960.4                   12138                   12287      -1.86       -2.42       -9.33   
1960.3                   12438                   12591       0.97       -0.70       -2.78   
1960.2                   12823                   12680       2.60       -1.46       -5.70   
1960.1                   13047                   12868       7.65        2.78       11.61   
1959.4                   12368                   12519       5.08        0.39        1.55   
1959.3                   12308                   12471       4.61        0.91        3.67   
1959.2                   12507                   12359       1.23        3.40       14.30   
1959.1                   12129                   11953      -5.92        0.33        1.31   
1958.4                   11771                   11914                  -0.06       -0.25   
1958.3                   11767                   11921                  -2.35       -9.07   
1958.2                   12365                   12208                  -3.91      -14.73   
1958.1                   12892                   12704