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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
38. Nondefense Capital Goods Excluding Air
39. Defense Capital Goods [DEF]
40. Consumer Goods, Total [COG]
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148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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310 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : DEF Defense Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 85.14 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code DEF 39 Column (2) : NAICS code : DEF Defense Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 84.74 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code DEF 187
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : DEF      | NAICS code : DEF      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan68_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan68_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   17786                   17895       1.24 %     -1.77 %     -6.89 % 
2010.1                   18343                   18217       2.06        2.70       11.25   
2009.4                   17682                   17738       2.30        1.85        7.60   
2009.3                   17351                   17416       0.51       -1.47       -5.73   
2009.2                   17565                   17675      -2.49       -0.97       -3.84   
2009.1                   17946                   17849      -2.99        2.94       12.29   
2008.4                   17261                   17339      -6.86        0.07        0.28   
2008.3                   17260                   17327      -2.32       -4.41      -16.50   
2008.2                   18026                   18126       3.91       -1.49       -5.82   
2008.1                   18480                   18400       8.19       -1.16       -4.56   
2007.4                   18543                   18616      10.47        4.94       21.29   
2007.3                   17684                   17739       3.52        1.69        6.94   
2007.2                   17363                   17444       6.29        2.57       10.68   
2007.1                   17064                   17007       4.47        0.92        3.73   
2006.4                   16752                   16852       3.12       -1.66       -6.47   
2006.3                   17088                   17136       4.09        4.42       18.88   
2006.2                   16347                   16411      -1.11        0.81        3.28   
2006.1                   16314                   16279      -5.95       -0.39       -1.53   
2005.4                   16227                   16342     -11.55       -0.73       -2.91   
2005.3                   16436                   16463      -3.32       -0.80       -3.17   
2005.2                   16519                   16596      -0.71       -4.11      -15.47   
2005.1                   17279                   17308      10.28       -6.33      -23.01   
2004.4                   18290                   18477      19.05        8.51       38.63   
2004.3                   17033                   17028      16.69        1.88        7.73   
2004.2                   16660                   16714      13.77        6.50       28.64   
2004.1                   15672                   15694      12.10        1.12        4.56   
2003.4                   15392                   15520       9.61        6.36       27.97   
2003.3                   14600                   14592       4.72       -0.67       -2.67   
2003.2                   14674                   14691       5.71        4.94       21.25   
2003.1                   13960                   14000       1.28       -1.12       -4.42   
2002.4                   14025                   14159       3.37        1.61        6.62   
2002.3                   13954                   13934      -5.39        0.27        1.07   
2002.2                   13891                   13897      -6.93        0.54        2.16   
2002.1                   13771                   13823     -12.12        0.92        3.73   
2001.4                   13543                   13697     -21.28       -7.00      -25.20   
2001.3                   14771                   14728     -21.93       -1.36       -5.33   
2001.2                   14915                   14931     -24.24       -5.07      -18.80   
2001.1                   15625                   15729     -17.34       -9.60      -33.23   
2000.4                   17153                   17400     -13.14       -7.77      -27.63   
2000.3                   19070                   18865      -4.16       -4.28      -16.06   
2000.2                   19648                   19709       4.42        3.58       15.10   
2000.1                   18840                   19028       5.56       -5.01      -18.59   
1999.4                   19754                   20032      11.42        1.77        7.26   
1999.3                   19923                   19684      11.35        4.29       18.30   
1999.2                   18839                   18874       9.86        4.71       20.21   
1999.1                   17868                   18025      10.48        0.26        1.03   
1998.4                   17775                   17979      20.01        1.70        6.99   
1998.3                   17872                   17678       9.29        2.90       12.11   
1998.2                   17163                   17180       6.76        5.30       22.95   
1998.1                   16166                   16315      -3.60        8.90       40.66   
1997.4                   14814                   14981     -14.52       -7.38      -26.42   
1997.3                   16386                   16175     -11.92        0.52        2.08   
1997.2                   16095                   16092     -13.79       -4.92      -18.28   
1997.1                   16770                   16925      -7.95       -3.42      -13.01   
1996.4                   17336                   17525      -3.29       -4.57      -17.06   
1996.3                   18582                   18364      -3.99       -1.61       -6.30   
1996.2                   18686                   18665      -3.46        1.51        6.19   
1996.1                   18234                   18387      -7.92        1.47        6.00   
1995.4                   17929                   18121      -9.47       -5.26      -19.45   
1995.3                   19325                   19128     -10.08       -1.06       -4.17   
1995.2                   19366                   19333     -11.50       -3.18      -12.13   
1995.1                   19841                   19968      -9.79       -0.24       -0.98   
1994.4                   19810                   20017      -6.09       -5.90      -21.59   
1994.3                   21488                   21272      -6.82       -2.63      -10.10   
1994.2                   21882                   21846      -3.13       -1.30       -5.10   
1994.1                   22040                   22134      -2.33        3.84       16.26   
1993.4                   21130                   21316      -7.89       -6.63      -23.99   
1993.3                   22987                   22829      -4.76        1.23        5.02   
1993.2                   22583                   22551      -9.04       -0.49       -1.93   
1993.1                   22580                   22661     -13.09       -2.08       -8.06   
1992.4                   22922                   23142     -16.41       -3.45      -13.12   
1992.3                   24142                   23970     -18.24       -3.32      -12.63   
1992.2                   24831                   24793     -17.27       -4.92      -18.26   
1992.1                   25980                   26075     -15.74       -5.82      -21.32   
1991.4                   26669                   27686     -14.26       -5.56      -20.46   
1991.3                   29690                   29317     -11.45       -2.17       -8.41   
1991.2                   30298                   29967      -9.49       -3.16      -12.05   
1991.1                   31048                   30945      -6.05       -4.16      -15.64   
1990.4                   31170                   32289       0.40       -2.47       -9.52   
1990.3                   33510                   33107       4.16       -0.01       -0.02   
1990.2                   33438                   33109       3.68        0.51        2.07   
1990.1                   33109                   32939       3.62        2.42       10.02   
1989.4                   31119                   32162       3.25        1.19        4.83   
1989.3                   32146                   31785       7.32       -0.47       -1.87   
1989.2                   32244                   31935       5.86        0.46        1.87   
1989.1                   31960                   31788       8.69        2.05        8.44   
1988.4                   30189                   31150       6.76        5.18       22.38   
1988.3                   29984                   29617       4.32       -1.83       -7.12   
1988.2                   30475                   30168       9.68        3.15       13.21   
1988.1                   29412                   29247       8.46        0.23        0.93   
1987.4                   28333                   29179       9.40        2.78       11.57   
1987.3                   28749                   28391       4.53        3.22       13.51   
1987.2                   27823                   27506       0.85        2.00        8.25   
1987.1                   27140                   26966       0.38        1.11        4.50   
1986.4                   25944                   26671       1.26       -1.81       -7.03   
1986.3                   27519                   27162       5.43       -0.41       -1.64   
1986.2                   27655                   27274      10.29        1.53        6.28   
1986.1                   27055                   26862      12.73        1.99        8.21   
1985.4                   25636                   26338      14.48        2.24        9.25   
1985.3                   26125                   25762      17.42        4.18       17.79   
1985.2                   25131                   24729      23.23        3.77       15.97   
1985.1                   24038                   23829      27.66        3.58       15.09   
1984.4                   22429                   23007      28.41        4.87       20.94   
1984.3                   22168                   21939      27.17        9.32       42.84   
1984.2                   20438                   20068      16.82        7.50       33.57   
1984.1                   18990                   18667      13.13        4.19       17.85   
1983.4                   17484                   17916      12.14        3.86       16.34   
1983.3                   17356                   17251      15.00        0.42        1.69   
1983.2                   17507                   17179      19.22        4.11       17.47   
1983.1                   16850                   16501      18.41        3.28       13.79   
1982.4                   15632                   15976      39.69        6.50       28.66   
1982.3                   15009                   15001      37.94        4.10       17.46   
1982.2                   14687                   14410      36.81        3.41       14.33   
1982.1                   14239                   13935      42.79       21.84      120.40   
1981.4                   11249                   11437      24.51        5.17       22.32   
1981.3                   10829                   10875      24.80        3.25       13.65   
1981.2                   10728                   10533      30.58        7.93       35.69   
1981.1                    9964                    9759      29.36        6.25       27.42   
1980.4                    9031                    9185      28.68        5.41       23.45   
1980.3                    8645                    8714      32.56        8.04       36.24   
1980.2                    8215                    8066      32.51        6.92       30.69   
1980.1                    7681                    7544      31.01        5.69       24.76   
1979.4                    7023                    7138      28.07        8.59       39.02   
1979.3                    6509                    6573      18.99        7.99       36.00   
1979.2                    6194                    6087      12.04        5.71       24.87   
1979.1                    5851                    5758       8.46        3.31       13.93   
1978.4                    5495                    5573       5.52        0.89        3.61   
1978.3                    5475                    5524       3.25        1.68        6.91   
1978.2                    5527                    5433       0.61        2.33        9.65   
1978.1                    5390                    5309      -2.73        0.51        2.07   
1977.4                    5214                    5282      -5.52       -1.28       -5.03   
1977.3                    5404                    5351      -4.17       -0.91       -3.59   
1977.2                    5467                    5400      -0.98       -1.07       -4.22   
1977.1                    5473                    5458       4.97       -2.36       -9.13   
1976.4                    5516                    5590      11.97        0.12        0.49   
1976.3                    5639                    5584      15.27        2.39        9.92   
1976.2                    5525                    5453      18.23        4.87       20.96   
1976.1                    5224                    5200      18.16        4.14       17.62   
1975.4                    4904                    4993      17.32        3.08       12.90   
1975.3                    4879                    4844      15.13        5.02       21.62   
1975.2                    4684                    4613      13.33        4.81       20.69   
1975.1                    4435                    4401       9.77        3.41       14.33   
1974.4                    4166                    4256       9.84        1.15        4.67   
1974.3                    4231                    4207       9.22        3.37       14.19   
1974.2                    4141                    4070       5.51        1.52        6.23   
1974.1                    4043                    4009       9.24        3.48       14.65   
1973.4                    3791                    3874       5.59        0.57        2.31   
1973.3                    3870                    3852       6.21       -0.13       -0.53   
1973.2                    3923                    3857       8.61        5.10       22.03   
1973.1                    3705                    3670       3.41        0.02        0.09   
1972.4                    3598                    3669       4.79        1.17        4.76   
1972.3                    3637                    3627       8.60        2.12        8.77   
1972.2                    3605                    3552       2.42        0.07        0.29   
1972.1                    3588                    3549      -8.84        1.36        5.53   
1971.4                    3444                    3502     -18.16        4.85       20.84   
1971.3                    3338                    3340     -32.44       -3.69      -13.96   
1971.2                    3516                    3468     -36.40      -10.93      -37.05   
1971.1                    3948                    3893     -34.73       -9.01      -31.46   
1970.4                    4218                    4279     -35.01      -13.44      -43.86   
1970.3                    4932                    4943     -27.07       -9.34      -32.45   
1970.2                    5516                    5452     -17.79       -8.58      -30.16   
1970.1                    6047                    5964     -11.11       -9.41      -32.65   
1969.4                    6500                    6584       2.89       -2.86      -10.97   
1969.3                    6764                    6778       7.60        2.20        9.09   
1969.2                    6703                    6632       5.83       -1.16       -4.57   
1969.1                    6787                    6710      14.27        4.86       20.90   
1968.4                    6321                    6399                   1.59        6.50   
1968.3                    6295                    6299                   0.51        2.07   
1968.2                    6324                    6267                   6.73       29.74   
1968.1                    5923                    5872