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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
68. DurGds - Fabricated Metal Products - O
69. DurGds - Machinery - Farm Machinery an
70. DurGds - Machinery - Lawn and Garden T
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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  Value on last month of -->

Download  DurGds - Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing [33A] CSV file  obs:0
370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 33A Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 11.79 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 33A 69 Column (2) : NAICS code : 33A Machinery - Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 11.39 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 33A 217
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 33A      | NAICS code : 33A      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    2502                    2489      -8.63 %      8.55 %     38.83 % 
2010.1                    2527                    2293     -22.06       -1.97       -7.64   
2009.4                    2341                    2339     -24.28       -6.48      -23.50   
2009.3                    2319                    2501     -13.07       -8.19      -28.94   
2009.2                    2706                    2724      -1.34       -7.41      -26.51   
2009.1                    3247                    2942       7.18       -4.76      -17.72   
2008.4                    3093                    3089      12.53        7.37       32.90   
2008.3                    2671                    2877      10.95        4.20       17.89   
2008.2                    2748                    2761      12.46        0.58        2.35   
2008.1                    3012                    2745       5.05        0.00        0.00   
2007.4                    2748                    2745       6.56        5.86       25.59   
2007.3                    2412                    2593       2.98        5.62       24.45   
2007.2                    2449                    2455       0.86       -6.05      -22.08   
2007.1                    2846                    2613      14.30        1.44        5.87   
2006.4                    2580                    2576      12.54        2.30        9.54   
2006.3                    2349                    2518       5.93        3.45       14.54   
2006.2                    2434                    2434       1.84        6.47       28.52   
2006.1                    2473                    2286      -2.01       -0.13       -0.52   
2005.4                    2295                    2289       4.05       -3.70      -14.01   
2005.3                    2223                    2377      12.23       -0.54       -2.16   
2005.2                    2394                    2390      16.13        2.44       10.14   
2005.1                    2506                    2333      16.36        6.05       26.46   
2004.4                    2213                    2200      15.67        3.87       16.41   
2004.3                    1988                    2118       8.95        2.92       12.18   
2004.2                    2061                    2058       4.79        2.64       11.00   
2004.1                    2138                    2005      -1.72        5.42       23.49   
2003.4                    1923                    1902      -8.29       -2.16       -8.37   
2003.3                    1830                    1944      -5.17       -1.02       -4.01   
2003.2                    1962                    1964      -3.25       -3.73      -14.09   
2003.1                    2162                    2040       2.46       -1.64       -6.40   
2002.4                    2110                    2074      -1.00        1.17        4.77   
2002.3                    1937                    2050      -4.65        0.99        4.00   
2002.2                    2017                    2030      -9.42        1.96        8.07   
2002.1                    2102                    1991      -8.84       -4.96      -18.43   
2001.4                    2145                    2095      -5.25       -2.56       -9.85   
2001.3                    2037                    2150       0.33       -4.06      -15.28   
2001.2                    2212                    2241       7.90        2.61       10.86   
2001.1                    2304                    2184       5.20       -1.22       -4.80   
2000.4                    2273                    2211       9.35        3.17       13.31   
2000.3                    2034                    2143       5.77        3.18       13.33   
2000.2                    2039                    2077       3.75        0.05        0.19   
2000.1                    2189                    2076      -1.05        2.67       11.12   
1999.4                    2086                    2022      -6.91       -0.20       -0.79   
1999.3                    1924                    2026     -13.90        1.20        4.88   
1999.2                    1958                    2002     -13.15       -4.58      -17.08   
1999.1                    2212                    2098      -9.84       -3.41      -12.95   
1998.4                    2242                    2172      -1.59       -7.69      -27.40   
1998.3                    2235                    2353      13.02        2.08        8.59   
1998.2                    2254                    2305      14.62       -0.95       -3.73   
1998.1                    2453                    2327      26.67        5.44       23.59   
1997.4                    2277                    2207      30.59        6.00       26.27   
1997.3                    1982                    2082      22.98        3.53       14.89   
1997.2                    1971                    2011      25.14        9.47       43.62   
1997.1                    1934                    1837      21.74        8.70       39.60   
1996.4                    1740                    1690      16.31       -0.18       -0.71   
1996.3                    1616                    1693      16.68        5.35       23.19   
1996.2                    1582                    1607      10.14        6.49       28.62   
1996.1                    1586                    1509       3.00        3.85       16.33   
1995.4                    1495                    1453       1.40        0.14        0.55   
1995.3                    1391                    1451       1.61       -0.55       -2.18   
1995.2                    1442                    1459       9.62       -0.41       -1.63   
1995.1                    1536                    1465      17.20        2.23        9.24   
1994.4                    1471                    1433      13.46        0.35        1.41   
1994.3                    1375                    1428      17.72        7.29       32.50   
1994.2                    1319                    1331      11.66        6.48       28.55   
1994.1                    1311                    1250       4.87       -1.03       -4.05   
1993.4                    1296                    1263      10.89        4.12       17.54   
1993.3                    1172                    1213       4.12        1.76        7.24   
1993.2                    1182                    1192       2.94        0.00        0.00   
1993.1                    1251                    1192       5.49        4.65       19.95   
1992.4                    1168                    1139      -2.33       -2.23       -8.63   
1992.3                    1127                    1165      -2.30        0.60        2.44   
1992.2                    1148                    1158      -4.40        2.48       10.29   
1992.1                    1186                    1130     -10.07       -3.10      -11.83   
1991.4                    1238                    1166      -7.32       -2.21       -8.54   
1991.3                    1240                    1192      -4.99       -1.55       -6.06   
1991.2                    1231                    1211      -1.34       -3.61      -13.67   
1991.1                    1274                    1257       1.30       -0.14       -0.54   
1990.4                    1334                    1258       0.94        0.25        1.02   
1990.3                    1307                    1255      -1.32        2.24        9.25   
1990.2                    1250                    1228      -3.60       -1.03       -4.05   
1990.1                    1257                    1240      -0.96       -0.49       -1.96   
1989.4                    1315                    1247       4.26       -1.99       -7.72   
1989.3                    1325                    1272      11.85       -0.13       -0.50   
1989.2                    1302                    1273      18.50        1.68        6.90   
1989.1                    1268                    1252      19.95        4.75       20.37   
1988.4                    1254                    1196      21.75        5.15       22.25   
1988.3                    1184                    1137      20.60        5.81       25.34   
1988.2                    1105                    1075      16.92        2.92       12.22   
1988.1                    1056                    1044      12.88        6.32       27.79   
1987.4                    1022                     982       0.62        4.16       17.69   
1987.3                     983                     943      -4.10        2.58       10.72   
1987.2                     950                     919     -14.51       -0.63       -2.49   
1987.1                     934                     925     -15.04       -5.23      -19.33   
1986.4                    1015                     976     -11.76       -0.73       -2.89   
1986.3                    1023                     983     -14.62       -8.55      -30.06   
1986.2                    1115                    1075      -7.53       -1.25       -4.89   
1986.1                    1097                    1089      -9.16       -1.58       -6.16   
1985.4                    1146                    1106     -12.43       -3.95      -14.88   
1985.3                    1201                    1152     -13.50       -0.95       -3.75   
1985.2                    1209                    1163     -10.75       -2.99      -11.45   
1985.1                    1206                    1198      -4.98       -5.11      -18.94   
1984.4                    1304                    1263       0.20       -5.13      -18.98   
1984.3                    1394                    1331       6.60        2.20        9.11   
1984.2                    1356                    1303       1.49        3.28       13.77   
1984.1                    1268                    1261      -3.65        0.05        0.22   
1983.4                    1301                    1261     -11.87        0.94        3.81   
1983.3                    1309                    1249     -17.99       -2.70      -10.36   
1983.2                    1336                    1283     -20.34       -1.95       -7.57   
1983.1                    1315                    1309     -24.87       -8.49      -29.87   
1982.4                    1478                    1430      -6.01       -6.07      -22.15   
1982.3                    1597                    1523       1.57       -5.49      -20.21   
1982.2                    1676                    1611      15.65       -7.53      -26.87   
1982.1                    1750                    1742      21.48       14.48       71.79   
1981.4                    1601                    1522       9.92        1.51        6.19   
1981.3                    1535                    1499       7.10        7.61       34.11   
1981.2                    1430                    1393      -4.74       -2.87      -10.99   
1981.1                    1456                    1434       3.04        3.60       15.18   
1980.4                    1465                    1385       1.17       -1.10       -4.32   
1980.3                    1433                    1400       5.95       -4.28      -16.07   
1980.2                    1502                    1463      14.40        5.07       21.86   
1980.1                    1413                    1392      13.64        1.72        7.07   
1979.4                    1457                    1368      12.06        3.57       15.06   
1979.3                    1353                    1321      13.90        3.35       14.09   
1979.2                    1313                    1278      17.18        4.37       18.67   
1979.1                    1244                    1225      16.72        0.31        1.24   
1978.4                    1304                    1221       7.15        5.26       22.78   
1978.3                    1188                    1160      -2.04        6.33       27.82   
1978.2                    1121                    1091      -8.77        3.96       16.82   
1978.1                    1067                    1049     -10.40       -7.92      -28.10   
1977.4                    1216                    1140      -0.31       -3.76      -14.22   
1977.3                    1214                    1184       8.20       -0.98       -3.87   
1977.2                    1228                    1196      14.41        2.11        8.71   
1977.1                    1192                    1171      16.14        2.45       10.17   
1976.4                    1219                    1143      16.73        4.46       19.05   
1976.3                    1123                    1094      13.45        4.70       20.15   
1976.2                    1071                    1045       4.95        3.66       15.46   
1976.1                    1028                    1008      10.76        2.97       12.40   
1975.4                    1043                     979      26.06        1.52        6.23   
1975.3                     991                     965      42.90       -3.15      -12.00   
1975.2                    1018                     996      60.42        9.40       43.23   
1975.1                     930                     910      50.93       17.18       88.58   
1974.4                     828                     777      28.63       15.09       75.42   
1974.3                     693                     675      12.83        8.73       39.79   
1974.2                     633                     621       5.38        2.93       12.23   
1974.1                     617                     603       1.51       -0.13       -0.53   
1973.4                     644                     604      -1.58        0.95        3.86   
1973.3                     614                     598      -4.13        1.55        6.33   
1973.2                     599                     589      -4.13       -0.84       -3.33   
1973.1                     609                     594      -0.19       -3.17      -12.11   
1972.4                     653                     614       9.36       -1.66       -6.48   
1972.3                     640                     624      10.78        1.54        6.30   
1972.2                     624                     615      10.85        3.23       13.58   
1972.1                     611                     595       0.91        6.09       26.68   
1971.4                     597                     561      -1.28       -0.38       -1.53   
1971.3                     578                     563       1.52        1.60        6.57   
1971.2                     562                     554       2.40       -6.02      -22.01   
1971.1                     606                     590      15.32        3.79       16.03   
1970.4                     607                     568      12.11        2.44       10.14   
1970.3                     569                     555      10.03        2.48       10.31   
1970.2                     548                     541       9.82        5.83       25.46   
1970.1                     525                     512       6.98        0.90        3.64   
1969.4                     544                     507       5.80        0.54        2.19   
1969.3                     518                     504       4.24        2.29        9.47   
1969.2                     499                     493       2.17        3.10       12.97   
1969.1                     491                     478      -4.83       -0.21       -0.85   
1968.4                     517                     479      -4.75       -0.94       -3.71   
1968.3                     498                     484      -2.30        0.26        1.04   
1968.2                     488                     483      -1.17       -3.97      -14.95   
1968.1                     515                     503       6.26       -0.14       -0.54   
1967.4                     543                     503       8.39        1.61        6.60   
1967.3                     510                     495       8.54        1.42        5.82   
1967.2                     493                     488      10.38        3.25       13.66   
1967.1                     485                     473      10.43        1.87        7.67   
1966.4                     500                     464      12.66        1.75        7.18   
1966.3                     471                     456      13.01        3.14       13.17   
1966.2                     447                     442      12.00        3.30       13.86   
1966.1                     439                     428       8.36        3.93       16.65   
1965.4                     444                     412       1.60        2.06        8.50   
1965.3                     418                     404      -0.31        2.22        9.18   
1965.2                     399                     395      -1.03       -0.06       -0.23   
1965.1                     405                     395       0.58       -2.56       -9.84   
1964.4                     437                     406       2.92        0.14        0.56   
1964.3                     419                     405       3.13        1.48        6.07   
1964.2                     403                     399       1.74        1.57        6.41   
1964.1                     403                     393       0.41       -0.29       -1.15   
1963.4                     426                     394      -1.00        0.35        1.40   
1963.3                     406                     393      -4.83        0.12        0.47   
1963.2                     396                     392      -6.74        0.23        0.93   
1963.1                     402                     391      -6.89       -1.69       -6.59   
1962.4                     430                     398      -5.16       -3.53      -13.40   
1962.3                     426                     413       2.26       -1.90       -7.37   
1962.2                     424                     421       7.86        0.08        0.33   
1962.1                     432                     420       8.82        0.14        0.54   
1961.4                     454                     420       8.83        4.01       17.03   
1961.3                     416                     404       0.54        3.48       14.65   
1961.2                     392                     390      -0.73        0.97        3.95   
1961.1                     398                     386       6.77        0.15        0.59   
1960.4                     417                     386       8.88       -3.92      -14.77   
1960.3                     412                     401      21.65        2.18        8.99   
1960.2                     395                     393      16.68        8.60       39.09   
1960.1                     373                     362      -3.50        2.12        8.77   
1959.4                     384                     354      -5.42        7.35       32.83   
1959.3                     338                     330      -9.61       -2.00       -7.75   
1959.2                     338                     337      -1.57      -10.18      -34.92   
1959.1                     387                     375       4.38        0.09        0.37   
1958.4                     406                     374                   2.59       10.77   
1958.3                     374                     365                   6.73       29.76   
1958.2                     344                     342                  -4.76      -17.72   
1958.1                     371                     359