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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
18. DurGds - Computer and Electronic Produ
19. DurGds - Electronic Equipment, Applian
20. DurGds - Transportation Equipment [36S
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Electronic Equipment, Appliances and Components [35S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Unfilled Orders |   | Seasonally adjusted. | uop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 35S Electronic Equipment, Appliances and Components | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 35S 19 Column (2) : NAICS code : 35S Electronic Equipment, Appliances and Components | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 35S 167
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 35S      | NAICS code : 35S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  24701                   24379      13.08 %      2.51 %     34.72 % 
2010.05                  24054                   23781       7.97        1.14       14.63   
2010.04                  23723                   23512       5.29        0.98       12.46   
2010.03                  23397                   23283       1.79        4.46       68.89   
2010.02                  22545                   22288      -4.13        0.07        0.87   
2010.01                  22068                   22272      -6.65        1.37       17.80   
2009.12                  21101                   21970      -9.29       -1.31      -14.65   
2009.11                  21877                   22262      -8.53        1.60       20.94   
2009.10                  21745                   21912     -12.39        0.96       12.13   
2009.09                  21553                   21704     -16.74        0.15        1.79   
2009.08                  21928                   21672     -17.62        0.34        4.19   
2009.07                  22049                   21598     -18.53        0.18        2.14   
2009.06                  21790                   21560     -19.21       -2.11      -22.59   
2009.05                  22275                   22025     -14.88       -1.37      -15.21   
2009.04                  22515                   22330     -12.06       -2.38      -25.09   
2009.03                  22963                   22874      -8.52       -1.61      -17.73   
2009.02                  23505                   23249     -11.39       -2.56      -26.71   
2009.01                  23619                   23859      -5.12       -1.49      -16.53   
2008.12                  23289                   24221      -1.73       -0.48       -5.67   
2008.11                  23952                   24339       0.02       -2.68      -27.84   
2008.10                  24855                   25010       3.60       -4.05      -39.15   
2008.09                  25895                   26067       7.44       -0.92      -10.46   
2008.08                  26632                   26308       7.73       -0.76       -8.77   
2008.07                  27054                   26510       8.13       -0.66       -7.59   
2008.06                  26958                   26685       7.89        3.13       44.69   
2008.05                  26165                   25876       4.88        1.91       25.43   
2008.04                  25592                   25392       3.95        1.55       20.24   
2008.03                  25091                   25005       4.37       -4.70      -43.85   
2008.02                  26560                   26237      11.04        4.34       66.47   
2008.01                  24876                   25146       7.70        2.02       27.13   
2007.12                  23631                   24648       8.61        1.29       16.57   
2007.11                  23990                   24335       8.26        0.81       10.14   
2007.10                  24051                   24140       9.48       -0.50       -5.87   
2007.09                  24080                   24262      12.18       -0.65       -7.49   
2007.08                  24727                   24420      14.97       -0.39       -4.60   
2007.07                  24981                   24516      11.84       -0.88      -10.08   
2007.06                  24936                   24734      15.42        0.26        3.11   
2007.05                  24971                   24671      17.76        1.00       12.67   
2007.04                  24608                   24427      19.96        1.96       26.26   
2007.03                  24056                   23957      21.64        1.39       18.05   
2007.02                  24031                   23628      21.24        1.20       15.38   
2007.01                  23118                   23348      21.99        2.88       40.63   
2006.12                  21787                   22694      22.03        0.96       12.10   
2006.11                  22172                   22479      25.27        1.95       26.01   
2006.10                  21944                   22050      23.95        1.95       26.10   
2006.09                  21427                   21628      23.08        1.82       24.19   
2006.08                  21518                   21241      25.84       -3.10      -31.49   
2006.07                  22323                   21921      34.02        2.29       31.24   
2006.06                  21579                   21430      30.69        2.29       31.16   
2006.05                  21195                   20951      29.17        2.89       40.80   
2006.04                  20489                   20362      26.74        3.39       49.13   
2006.03                  19760                   19695      22.66        1.06       13.45   
2006.02                  19874                   19489      21.67        1.83       24.29   
2006.01                  18972                   19139      20.20        2.91       41.16   
2005.12                  17839                   18597      17.47        3.63       53.46   
2005.11                  17739                   17945      12.45        0.88       11.05   
2005.10                  17720                   17789      13.74        1.23       15.79   
2005.09                  17399                   17573      11.57        4.11       62.06   
2005.08                  17094                   16880       9.58        3.20       45.89   
2005.07                  16635                   16357       7.53       -0.25       -2.96   
2005.06                  16428                   16398       7.87        1.10       13.99   
2005.05                  16410                   16220       4.57        0.96       12.13   
2005.04                  16159                   16066       4.46        0.06        0.67   
2005.03                  16090                   16057       8.46        0.24        2.96   
2005.02                  16343                   16018      11.12        0.60        7.40   
2005.01                  15824                   15923      12.43        0.58        7.20   
2004.12                  15226                   15831      10.88       -0.80       -9.14   
2004.11                  15824                   15958      11.23        2.03       27.32   
2004.10                  15570                   15640       7.78       -0.70       -8.14   
2004.09                  15576                   15751       9.53        2.25       30.65   
2004.08                  15568                   15404       7.89        1.27       16.33   
2004.07                  15436                   15211       7.84        0.07        0.79   
2004.06                  15174                   15201       6.11       -2.00      -21.51   
2004.05                  15679                   15511       9.26        0.85       10.71   
2004.04                  15488                   15380       7.07        3.89       58.10   
2004.03                  14860                   14804       2.15        2.70       37.65   
2004.02                  14677                   14415       1.03        1.78       23.57   
2004.01                  14093                   14163      -1.52       -0.81       -9.25   
2003.12                  13789                   14278      -3.68       -0.48       -5.62   
2003.11                  14264                   14347      -1.45       -1.13      -12.75   
2003.10                  14453                   14511      -1.59        0.91       11.50   
2003.09                  14210                   14380      -2.74        0.71        8.92   
2003.08                  14404                   14278      -2.15        1.23       15.75   
2003.07                  14294                   14105      -3.26       -1.54      -17.02   
2003.06                  14240                   14326      -4.36        0.91       11.47   
2003.05                  14325                   14197      -3.89       -1.17      -13.17   
2003.04                  14469                   14365      -1.95       -0.88      -10.10   
2003.03                  14559                   14493       0.01        1.58       20.65   
2003.02                  14535                   14268      -3.69       -0.79       -9.03   
2003.01                  14331                   14381      -1.95       -2.99      -30.52   
2002.12                  14349                   14824      -2.94        1.83       24.27   
2002.11                  14457                   14558      -3.30       -1.27      -14.20   
2002.10                  14678                   14745      -0.64       -0.27       -3.20   
2002.09                  14584                   14785      -2.90        1.32       17.08   
2002.08                  14699                   14592      -6.33        0.08        0.99   
2002.07                  14758                   14580      -7.73       -2.66      -27.67   
2002.06                  14869                   14979      -5.11        1.41       18.27   
2002.05                  14878                   14771      -8.82        0.82       10.28   
2002.04                  14773                   14651     -11.91        1.10       14.08   
2002.03                  14595                   14491     -15.34       -2.18      -23.24   
2002.02                  15123                   14814     -15.81        1.00       12.71   
2002.01                  14664                   14667     -18.06       -3.97      -38.48   
2001.12                  14792                   15273     -17.39        1.45       18.83   
2001.11                  14992                   15055     -17.41        1.45       18.84   
2001.10                  14779                   14840     -17.55       -2.54      -26.52   
2001.09                  14994                   15226     -15.48       -2.26      -23.99   
2001.08                  15675                   15578     -14.11       -1.42      -15.74   
2001.07                  15979                   15802     -13.16        0.10        1.22   
2001.06                  15649                   15786     -13.77       -2.56      -26.70   
2001.05                  16285                   16200      -9.23       -2.59      -27.03   
2001.04                  16786                   16631      -6.19       -2.84      -29.22   
2001.03                  17319                   17117      -3.40       -2.72      -28.14   
2001.02                  18038                   17595      -1.46       -1.70      -18.58   
2001.01                  17963                   17899      -0.26       -3.19      -32.24   
2000.12                  17892                   18489       4.42        1.43       18.52   
2000.11                  18084                   18229       6.11        1.28       16.54   
2000.10                  17903                   17998       3.78       -0.09       -1.13   
2000.09                  17741                   18015       4.14       -0.68       -7.84   
2000.08                  18234                   18138       6.94       -0.32       -3.76   
2000.07                  18389                   18196      11.80       -0.61       -7.04   
2000.06                  18120                   18307      16.06        2.58       35.71   
2000.05                  17910                   17847      16.18        0.67        8.36   
2000.04                  17900                   17728      14.98        0.05        0.54   
2000.03                  18004                   17720      15.85       -0.76       -8.77   
2000.02                  18358                   17856      19.29       -0.50       -5.79   
2000.01                  18027                   17945      20.02        1.35       17.46   
1999.12                  17139                   17706      16.81        3.06       43.60   
1999.11                  16994                   17180      14.00       -0.94      -10.71   
1999.10                  17252                   17343      16.19        0.25        3.10   
1999.09                  17045                   17299      14.63        1.99       26.72   
1999.08                  17036                   16961      11.23        4.21       64.00   
1999.07                  16423                   16276       6.34        3.18       45.64   
1999.06                  15606                   15774       0.96        2.68       37.38   
1999.05                  15414                   15362      -0.84       -0.36       -4.27   
1999.04                  15554                   15418      -0.71        0.80       10.00   
1999.03                  15534                   15296      -1.14        2.18       29.60   
1999.02                  15368                   14969      -5.53        0.11        1.37   
1999.01                  15064                   14952      -2.40       -1.36      -15.14   
1998.12                  14678                   15158      -2.07        0.58        7.24   
1998.11                  14889                   15070      -0.95        0.96       12.21   
1998.10                  14845                   14926      -2.70       -1.09      -12.36   
1998.09                  14882                   15091      -6.87       -1.04      -11.75   
1998.08                  15312                   15249      -0.86       -0.37       -4.38   
1998.07                  15430                   15306       0.54       -2.04      -21.87   
1998.06                  15486                   15624       4.20        0.85       10.72   
1998.05                  15545                   15492       2.07       -0.23       -2.75   
1998.04                  15693                   15528       2.20        0.36        4.43   
1998.03                  15690                   15472       2.36       -2.36      -24.92   
1998.02                  16255                   15846       9.16        3.43       49.94   
1998.01                  15428                   15320       5.79       -1.02      -11.58   
1997.12                  14991                   15478       9.51        1.73       22.83   
1997.11                  14991                   15215       7.54       -0.81       -9.35   
1997.10                  15247                   15340       8.25       -5.33      -48.19   
1997.09                  15987                   16204      15.19        5.34       86.77   
1997.08                  15445                   15382       9.37        1.04       13.19   
1997.07                  15322                   15224       8.64        1.53       20.04   
1997.06                  14873                   14994       6.96       -1.21      -13.62   
1997.05                  15244                   15178       9.23       -0.10       -1.18   
1997.04                  15378                   15193       8.70        0.51        6.29   
1997.03                  15306                   15116       6.32        4.13       62.58   
1997.02                  14863                   14516       3.25        0.24        2.94   
1997.01                  14617                   14481       2.24        2.46       33.78   
1996.12                  13696                   14134      -3.48       -0.10       -1.18   
1996.11                  13948                   14148      -2.08       -0.16       -1.93   
1996.10                  14084                   14171      -1.75        0.74        9.24   
1996.09                  13876                   14067      -2.29        0.02        0.26   
1996.08                  14127                   14064      -3.47        0.36        4.46   
1996.07                  14076                   14013      -4.37       -0.04       -0.43   
1996.06                  13915                   14018      -3.52        0.88       11.06   
1996.05                  13958                   13896      -5.30       -0.58       -6.74   
1996.04                  14162                   13977      -4.37       -1.70      -18.55   
1996.03                  14407                   14218      -3.50        1.13       14.45   
1996.02                  14409                   14059      -2.73       -0.74       -8.54   
1996.01                  14340                   14164      -1.53       -3.28      -32.96   
1995.12                  14142                   14644       2.38        1.35       17.45   
1995.11                  14224                   14449       2.87        0.17        2.10   
1995.10                  14328                   14424       2.59        0.19        2.27   
1995.09                  14206                   14397       6.46       -1.19      -13.35   
1995.08                  14634                   14570       9.83       -0.57       -6.67   
1995.07                  14685                   14654       9.35        0.85       10.74   
1995.06                  14422                   14530       8.61       -0.98      -11.16   
1995.05                  14760                   14674      11.13        0.40        4.95   
1995.04                  14834                   14615      11.86       -0.81       -9.27   
1995.03                  14941                   14734      13.83        1.94       25.89   
1995.02                  14782                   14454      12.31        0.49        6.00   
1995.01                  14554                   14384      12.56        0.56        6.92   
1994.12                  13784                   14304      11.45        1.84       24.41   
1994.11                  13826                   14046      10.99       -0.10       -1.19   
1994.10                  13970                   14060      12.11        3.96       59.43   
1994.09                  13356                   13524       7.16        1.94       26.00   
1994.08                  13313                   13266       7.24       -1.01      -11.44   
1994.07                  13403                   13401       9.75        0.17        2.08   
1994.06                  13262                   13378       9.07        1.32       17.01   
1994.05                  13294                   13204       6.96        1.06       13.44   
1994.04                  13284                   13066       6.24        0.94       11.92   
1994.03                  13134                   12944       5.61        0.57        7.12   
1994.02                  13183                   12870       5.20        0.71        8.89   
1994.01                  12901                   12779       4.57       -0.43       -5.02   
1993.12                  12396                   12834       5.25        1.41       18.36   
1993.11                  12467                   12655       3.30        0.91       11.47   
1993.10                  12471                   12541       1.93       -0.63       -7.26   
1993.09                  12484                   12620       2.24        2.02       27.14   
1993.08                  12414                   12370      -1.59        1.30       16.79   
1993.07                  12208                   12211      -2.62       -0.44       -5.16   
1993.06                  12156                   12265      -3.43       -0.65       -7.51   
1993.05                  12440                   12345      -2.73        0.38        4.68   
1993.04                  12518                   12298      -3.40        0.34        4.19   
1993.03                  12440                   12256      -2.94        0.18        2.18   
1993.02                  12500                   12234      -3.71        0.11        1.38   
1993.01                  12324                   12220      -5.00        0.21        2.59   
1992.12                  11779                   12194                  -0.47       -5.44   
1992.11                  12077                   12251                  -0.43       -5.05   
1992.10                  12236                   12304                  -0.32       -3.82   
1992.09                  12223                   12344                  -1.80      -19.56   
1992.08                  12613                   12570                   0.25        3.01   
1992.07                  12524                   12539                  -1.28      -14.28   
1992.06                  12590                   12701                   0.08        0.95   
1992.05                  12798                   12691                  -0.31       -3.71   
1992.04                  12963                   12731                   0.82       10.34   
1992.03                  12796                   12627                  -0.61       -7.12   
1992.02                  12944                   12705                  -1.23      -13.78   
1992.01                  12958                   12863