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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
47. Motor Vehicles and Parts [MVP]
48. Other Durable Goods [ODG]
49. Computers and Related Products [CRP]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Other Durable Goods [ODG] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Unfilled Orders |   | Seasonally adjusted. | uop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : ODG Other Durable Goods | Units : Mil$ nsa Code ODG 48 Column (2) : NAICS code : ODG Other Durable Goods | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code ODG 196
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : ODG      | NAICS code : ODG      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  13125                   12703      12.67 %     -0.70 %     -8.04 % 
2010.05                  13188                   12792      12.02        0.08        0.94   
2010.04                  12941                   12782      10.07        0.13        1.61   
2010.03                  12705                   12765       9.27        0.54        6.72   
2010.02                  12323                   12696       7.04        2.78       38.91   
2010.01                  11849                   12353      -0.99        2.73       38.12   
2009.12                  11508                   12025      -4.35        3.01       42.69   
2009.11                  11679                   11674      -8.04        2.93       41.37   
2009.10                  11458                   11342     -12.42        0.83       10.38   
2009.09                  11288                   11249     -15.10       -0.73       -8.44   
2009.08                  11392                   11332     -15.06        0.30        3.67   
2009.07                  11689                   11298     -15.74        0.20        2.48   
2009.06                  11666                   11275     -14.68       -1.26      -14.13   
2009.05                  11752                   11419     -12.43       -1.67      -18.30   
2009.04                  11749                   11613     -11.64       -0.59       -6.86   
2009.03                  11584                   11682     -10.59       -1.51      -16.68   
2009.02                  11467                   11861      -9.01       -4.94      -45.53   
2009.01                  11937                   12477      -6.47       -0.76       -8.70   
2008.12                  12050                   12572      -7.11       -0.96      -10.94   
2008.11                  12740                   12694      -7.19       -1.98      -21.31   
2008.10                  13113                   12950      -4.55       -2.26      -23.96   
2008.09                  13306                   13249      -1.34       -0.69       -7.97   
2008.08                  13403                   13341      -0.07       -0.50       -5.83   
2008.07                  13872                   13408      -1.00        1.46       19.00   
2008.06                  13651                   13215      -1.62        1.34       17.35   
2008.05                  13394                   13040      -1.92       -0.78       -9.01   
2008.04                  13294                   13143       2.58        0.59        7.31   
2008.03                  12960                   13066       4.21        0.24        2.89   
2008.02                  12625                   13035       1.89       -2.29      -24.24   
2008.01                  12769                   13340       3.25       -1.43      -15.91   
2007.12                  12968                   13534       7.65       -1.05      -11.93   
2007.11                  13764                   13678       5.69        0.81       10.17   
2007.10                  13721                   13568       6.70        1.04       13.15   
2007.09                  13458                   13429       8.12        0.58        7.24   
2007.08                  13383                   13351       8.58       -1.42      -15.82   
2007.07                  13954                   13544       9.26        0.83       10.48   
2007.06                  13769                   13432      10.96        1.03       13.09   
2007.05                  13608                   13295       7.88        3.77       55.90   
2007.04                  12956                   12812       4.85        2.19       29.62   
2007.03                  12466                   12538       3.05       -1.99      -21.46   
2007.02                  12453                   12793       1.79       -0.98      -11.18   
2007.01                  12453                   12920       4.32        2.77       38.77   
2006.12                  12081                   12572       0.61       -2.86      -29.39   
2006.11                  13057                   12942      -3.87        1.78       23.54   
2006.10                  12838                   12716      -6.49        2.38       32.66   
2006.09                  12420                   12420      -6.01        1.01       12.80   
2006.08                  12306                   12296      -6.24       -0.81       -9.26   
2006.07                  12752                   12396      -1.04        2.40       32.98   
2006.06                  12360                   12105      -3.68       -1.78      -19.36   
2006.05                  12603                   12324      -3.50        0.86       10.81   
2006.04                  12364                   12219      -1.81        0.43        5.25   
2006.03                  12090                   12167      -3.62       -3.19      -32.23   
2006.02                  12260                   12568      -1.06        1.48       19.25   
2006.01                  11950                   12385      -2.61       -0.89      -10.15   
2005.12                  11991                   12496      -6.53       -7.18      -59.12   
2005.11                  13624                   13463       0.43       -0.99      -11.28   
2005.10                  13718                   13598       6.89        2.91       41.02   
2005.09                  13200                   13214       5.56        0.76        9.54   
2005.08                  13117                   13114       5.96        4.69       73.41   
2005.07                  12853                   12526       1.72       -0.33       -3.85   
2005.06                  12796                   12567       0.14       -1.60      -17.57   
2005.05                  13021                   12771       2.08        2.63       36.51   
2005.04                  12570                   12444       1.87       -1.43      -15.83   
2005.03                  12528                   12624       2.05       -0.62       -7.21   
2005.02                  12428                   12703       2.94       -0.11       -1.31   
2005.01                  12343                   12717      -0.31       -4.88      -45.12   
2004.12                  12900                   13369       6.80       -0.28       -3.26   
2004.11                  13570                   13406       7.05        5.38       87.64   
2004.10                  12813                   12721       6.74        1.62       21.29   
2004.09                  12510                   12518       9.87        1.15       14.67   
2004.08                  12394                   12376       9.58        0.50        6.21   
2004.07                  12648                   12314       7.26       -1.87      -20.30   
2004.06                  12763                   12549       8.16        0.30        3.71   
2004.05                  12747                   12511       8.74        2.41       33.15   
2004.04                  12322                   12216       6.45       -1.25      -14.04   
2004.03                  12256                   12371       9.20        0.25        3.06   
2004.02                  12090                   12340       3.44       -3.26      -32.82   
2004.01                  12430                   12756      13.90        1.90       25.36   
2003.12                  12106                   12518      12.51       -0.04       -0.48   
2003.11                  12664                   12523      13.57        5.08       81.16   
2003.10                  11998                   11918       9.01        4.61       71.71   
2003.09                  11406                   11393      10.09        0.88       11.04   
2003.08                  11344                   11294      12.31       -1.62      -17.80   
2003.07                  11812                   11480      12.21       -1.05      -11.91   
2003.06                  11807                   11602      12.40        0.84       10.60   
2003.05                  11706                   11505       9.31        0.25        3.07   
2003.04                  11554                   11476       9.09        1.30       16.73   
2003.03                  11194                   11329       5.65       -5.04      -46.22   
2003.02                  11686                   11930       8.48        6.53      113.57   
2003.01                  10938                   11199       1.32        0.66        8.16   
2002.12                  10754                   11126       3.86        0.90       11.32   
2002.11                  11156                   11027       5.86        0.86       10.82   
2002.10                  11012                   10933       6.31        5.64       93.24   
2002.09                  10378                   10349       1.24        2.91       41.15   
2002.08                  10135                   10056      -2.10       -1.71      -18.70   
2002.07                  10553                   10231      -0.65       -0.88      -10.08   
2002.06                  10442                   10322       2.11       -1.93      -20.84   
2002.05                  10671                   10525       0.85        0.05        0.57   
2002.04                  10571                   10520      -4.44       -1.89      -20.50   
2002.03                  10567                   10723      -9.02       -2.49      -26.12   
2002.02                  10736                   10997     -15.58       -0.51       -5.91   
2002.01                  10811                   11053     -15.86        3.17       45.49   
2001.12                  10366                   10713     -18.66        2.84       39.97   
2001.11                  10532                   10417     -22.44        1.29       16.67   
2001.10                  10380                   10284     -22.85        0.61        7.53   
2001.09                  10295                   10222     -19.87       -0.49       -5.69   
2001.08                  10408                   10272     -17.75       -0.25       -2.99   
2001.07                  10681                   10298     -19.59        1.87       24.89   
2001.06                  10229                   10109     -20.75       -3.13      -31.75   
2001.05                  10563                   10436     -25.46       -5.20      -47.35   
2001.04                  11017                   11009     -17.96       -6.59      -55.89   
2001.03                  11575                   11786     -10.91       -9.52      -69.89   
2001.02                  12697                   13026       1.13       -0.84       -9.60   
2001.01                  12850                   13136       6.71       -0.27       -3.14   
2000.12                  12813                   13171       8.44       -1.94      -20.91   
2000.11                  13541                   13431       8.17        0.76        9.48   
2000.10                  13471                   13330       1.45        4.49       69.43   
2000.09                  12897                   12757       7.20        2.15       29.14   
2000.08                  12698                   12488       5.93       -2.49      -26.12   
2000.07                  13253                   12807       7.84        0.40        4.90   
2000.06                  12848                   12756       9.14       -8.89      -67.29   
2000.05                  14087                   14001      16.68        4.34       66.44   
2000.04                  13376                   13419       8.58        1.43       18.56   
2000.03                  12951                   13230       8.00        2.71       37.82   
2000.02                  12539                   12881       8.78        4.64       72.31   
2000.01                  12065                   12310      11.05        1.35       17.46   
1999.12                  11814                   12146      10.79       -2.18      -23.26   
1999.11                  12582                   12417      14.33       -5.50      -49.25   
1999.10                  13326                   13139      17.21       10.41      228.23   
1999.09                  12069                   11900      12.66        0.94       11.90   
1999.08                  12009                   11789      11.55       -0.73       -8.45   
1999.07                  12248                   11876      14.89        1.61       21.10   
1999.06                  11669                   11688      13.90       -2.60      -27.10   
1999.05                  12029                   12000      21.86       -2.90      -29.79   
1999.04                  12277                   12359      31.73        0.89       11.22   
1999.03                  11992                   12250      24.56        3.45       50.30   
1999.02                  11550                   11841      14.22        6.82      120.72   
1999.01                  10886                   11085       3.30        1.11       14.20   
1998.12                  10702                   10963       4.40        0.94       11.87   
1998.11                  11052                   10861       3.04       -3.11      -31.58   
1998.10                  11429                   11210       4.83        6.13      104.09   
1998.09                  10746                   10563       3.40       -0.05       -0.57   
1998.08                  10786                   10568       3.41        2.23       30.37   
1998.07                  10654                   10337      -0.32        0.73        9.13   
1998.06                  10187                   10262       5.66        4.21       64.11   
1998.05                   9849                    9847       2.46        4.96       78.69   
1998.04                   9276                    9382       3.59       -4.61      -43.21   
1998.03                   9540                    9835      15.27       -5.13      -46.86   
1998.02                  10062                   10367      23.30       -3.39      -33.91   
1998.01                  10510                   10731      33.69        2.19       29.69   
1997.12                  10257                   10501      32.54       -0.38       -4.46   
1997.11                  10781                   10541      29.88       -1.42      -15.79   
1997.10                  10973                   10693      25.23        4.67       72.91   
1997.09                  10424                   10216      23.10       -0.04       -0.47   
1997.08                  10455                   10220      17.95       -1.45      -16.04   
1997.07                  10654                   10370      18.22        6.78      119.60   
1997.06                   9618                    9712      10.62        1.05       13.37   
1997.05                   9603                    9611       4.83        6.12      103.90   
1997.04                   8951                    9057       3.01        6.15      104.74   
1997.03                   8293                    8532       1.49        1.47       19.21   
1997.02                   8191                    8408       7.37        4.75       74.45   
1997.01                   7884                    8027       6.18        1.31       16.94   
1996.12                   7771                    7923      15.82       -2.38      -25.08   
1996.11                   8317                    8116       9.10       -4.95      -45.65   
1996.10                   8764                    8539       7.65        2.89       40.79   
1996.09                   8440                    8299       0.86       -4.22      -40.42   
1996.08                   8823                    8665      -2.51       -1.22      -13.69   
1996.07                   8956                    8772      -2.75       -0.09       -1.09   
1996.06                   8649                    8780       2.06       -4.23      -40.48   
1996.05                   9149                    9168       4.45        4.28       65.29   
1996.04                   8701                    8792       6.52        4.58       71.14   
1996.03                   8189                    8407       5.48        7.36      134.36   
1996.02                   7654                    7831       0.88        3.58       52.60   
1996.01                   7454                    7560      -0.33       10.51      231.76   
1995.12                   6721                    6841      -3.36       -8.04      -63.42   
1995.11                   7648                    7439       1.60       -6.22      -53.70   
1995.10                   8166                    7932      -0.75       -3.60      -35.57   
1995.09                   8356                    8228      -1.14       -7.43      -60.38   
1995.08                   9036                    8888       5.32       -1.46      -16.21   
1995.07                   9198                    9020       8.05        4.85       76.47   
1995.06                   8469                    8603       4.71       -1.98      -21.36   
1995.05                   8763                    8777       8.13        6.34      109.02   
1995.04                   8149                    8254       8.66        3.56       52.22   
1995.03                   7740                    7970       8.32        2.67       37.13   
1995.02                   7569                    7763       9.83        2.35       32.10   
1995.01                   7471                    7585       7.54        7.15      128.98   
1994.12                   6968                    7079       5.99       -3.32      -33.30   
1994.11                   7536                    7322      12.32       -8.38      -65.03   
1994.10                   8243                    7992      13.85       -3.98      -38.55   
1994.09                   8447                    8323      13.10       -1.37      -15.30   
1994.08                   8576                    8439       7.83        1.09       13.89   
1994.07                   8508                    8348       5.60        1.61       21.08   
1994.06                   8075                    8216       5.40        1.22       15.66   
1994.05                   8101                    8117       5.24        6.86      121.68   
1994.04                   7494                    7596      -0.22        3.23       46.52   
1994.03                   7144                    7358       6.07        4.10       62.02   
1994.02                   6900                    7068       4.79        0.21        2.58   
1994.01                   6969                    7053       8.56        5.60       92.29   
1993.12                   6584                    6679      18.44        2.45       33.77   
1993.11                   6716                    6519       9.62       -7.14      -58.87   
1993.10                   7236                    7020      17.08       -4.61      -43.22   
1993.09                   7465                    7359      15.91       -5.97      -52.21   
1993.08                   7936                    7826      16.89       -1.00      -11.35   
1993.07                   8040                    7905      12.11        1.41       18.31   
1993.06                   7663                    7795      11.85        1.06       13.53   
1993.05                   7696                    7713       8.60        1.31       16.95   
1993.04                   7511                    7613       7.80        9.74      205.22   
1993.03                   6758                    6937       7.48        2.85       40.05   
1993.02                   6594                    6745       4.03        3.82       56.76   
1993.01                   6427                    6497       4.49       15.22      447.18   
1992.12                   5561                    5639                  -5.18      -47.17   
1992.11                   6107                    5947                  -0.82       -9.38   
1992.10                   6181                    5996                  -5.56      -49.66   
1992.09                   6442                    6349                  -5.17      -47.10   
1992.08                   6789                    6695                  -5.05      -46.30   
1992.07                   7172                    7051                   1.18       15.07   
1992.06                   6868                    6969                  -1.87      -20.30   
1992.05                   7083                    7102                   0.57        7.01   
1992.04                   6970                    7062                   9.42      194.57   
1992.03                   6302                    6454                  -0.46       -5.41   
1992.02                   6343                    6484                   4.28       65.31   
1992.01                   6149                    6218