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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
49. Computers and Related Products [CRP]
50. Turbines, Generators, and Other Power
51. Motor Vehicle Bodies, Trailers and Par
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Turbines, Generators, and Other Power Transmission Equipment [TGP] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Unfilled Orders |   | Seasonally adjusted. | uop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : TGP Turbines, Generators, and Other Power Transmission Equipment | Units : Mil$ nsa Code TGP 50 Column (2) : NAICS code : TGP Turbines, Generators, and Other Power Transmission Equipment | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code TGP 198
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : TGP      | NAICS code : TGP      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  14083                   14113      15.54 %      0.68 %      8.44 % 
2010.05                  14033                   14018      12.59       10.10      217.30   
2010.04                  12832                   12732       0.32        2.79       39.05   
2010.03                  12491                   12387      -3.42        0.45        5.59   
2010.02                  12461                   12331      -3.94       -1.03      -11.66   
2010.01                  12540                   12459      -5.23       -2.05      -22.03   
2009.12                  12813                   12720      -4.76       -2.51      -26.33   
2009.11                  12876                   13048      -6.06        1.21       15.53   
2009.10                  12705                   12892      -3.83        1.37       17.71   
2009.09                  12581                   12718      -4.56        3.71       54.83   
2009.08                  12237                   12263      -9.50       -0.75       -8.67   
2009.07                  12323                   12356     -10.44        1.15       14.77   
2009.06                  12174                   12215     -11.63       -1.89      -20.44   
2009.05                  12484                   12450     -10.51       -1.91      -20.63   
2009.04                  12801                   12692      -8.70       -1.04      -11.84   
2009.03                  12960                   12826      -8.59       -0.09       -1.02   
2009.02                  12991                   12837      -4.66       -2.35      -24.83   
2009.01                  13237                   13146      -1.11       -1.57      -17.32   
2008.12                  13458                   13356      -0.45       -3.84      -37.53   
2008.11                  13690                   13890       6.57        3.61       53.05   
2008.10                  13201                   13406       2.06        0.60        7.45   
2008.09                  13176                   13326       7.54       -1.65      -18.13   
2008.08                  13524                   13550       8.28       -1.78      -19.42   
2008.07                  13755                   13796      10.40       -0.20       -2.32   
2008.06                  13778                   13823      10.10       -0.64       -7.41   
2008.05                  13946                   13912       9.78        0.08        0.95   
2008.04                  14023                   13901       9.42       -0.93      -10.57   
2008.03                  14186                   14031       9.73        4.21       64.05   
2008.02                  13636                   13464       5.88        1.28       16.47   
2008.01                  13380                   13294       3.53       -0.91      -10.38   
2007.12                  13511                   13416       5.46        2.93       41.43   
2007.11                  12856                   13034       4.56       -0.78       -8.93   
2007.10                  12931                   13136       4.73        6.00      101.31   
2007.09                  12257                   12392       1.17       -0.97      -11.09   
2007.08                  12499                   12514       3.17        0.14        1.74   
2007.07                  12459                   12496       4.08       -0.47       -5.50   
2007.06                  12512                   12555       6.25       -0.93      -10.62   
2007.05                  12702                   12673       9.97       -0.24       -2.89   
2007.04                  12814                   12704      15.71       -0.65       -7.52   
2007.03                  12919                   12787      19.48        0.56        6.91   
2007.02                  12885                   12716      20.93       -0.97      -11.08   
2007.01                  12924                   12841      25.58        0.94       11.93   
2006.12                  12813                   12721      27.35        2.05       27.63   
2006.11                  12294                   12465      31.47       -0.62       -7.21   
2006.10                  12351                   12543      32.88        2.40       32.93   
2006.09                  12117                   12249      29.45        0.99       12.54   
2006.08                  12116                   12129      27.45        1.02       13.01   
2006.07                  11972                   12006      25.35        1.61       21.10   
2006.06                  11773                   11816      24.16        2.53       35.02   
2006.05                  11547                   11524      25.32        4.96       78.85   
2006.04                  11079                   10979      19.70        2.59       35.89   
2006.03                  10812                   10702      16.00        1.78       23.56   
2006.02                  10669                   10515      12.42        2.84       39.88   
2006.01                  10297                   10225      14.45        2.36       32.34   
2005.12                  10061                    9989       9.71        5.36       87.07   
2005.11                   9335                    9481       1.06        0.44        5.47   
2005.10                   9271                    9439      -4.71       -0.24       -2.88   
2005.09                   9353                    9462      -8.70       -0.58       -6.72   
2005.08                   9504                    9517     -11.86       -0.64       -7.38   
2005.07                   9548                    9578     -11.85        0.64        7.97   
2005.06                   9478                    9517     -17.73        3.49       50.94   
2005.05                   9213                    9196     -24.38        0.26        3.19   
2005.04                   9265                    9172     -25.59       -0.59       -6.80   
2005.03                   9331                    9226     -28.28       -1.36      -15.13   
2005.02                   9508                    9353     -24.52        4.69       73.32   
2005.01                   9005                    8934     -32.48       -1.88      -20.35   
2004.12                   9172                    9105     -33.96       -2.95      -30.21   
2004.11                   9218                    9382     -23.66       -5.29      -47.91   
2004.10                   9711                    9906     -13.41       -4.42      -41.86   
2004.09                  10246                   10364      -6.43       -4.01      -38.81   
2004.08                  10767                   10797      -1.45       -0.64       -7.36   
2004.07                  10822                   10866       1.10       -6.07      -52.82   
2004.06                  11514                   11568       9.30       -4.88      -45.11   
2004.05                  12187                   12161      15.26       -1.35      -15.01   
2004.04                  12475                   12327      15.21       -4.17      -40.05   
2004.03                  13044                   12864      19.83        3.81       56.61   
2004.02                  12642                   12392      12.40       -6.34      -54.44   
2004.01                  13363                   13231      22.80       -4.03      -38.98   
2003.12                  13898                   13787      27.49       12.18      297.21   
2003.11                  12045                   12290       6.56        7.43      136.33   
2003.10                  11193                   11440      -5.73        3.29       47.41   
2003.09                  10952                   11076     -14.50        1.10       13.96   
2003.08                  10909                   10956     -21.44        1.94       25.86   
2003.07                  10697                   10748     -26.14        1.55       20.26   
2003.06                  10526                   10584     -30.64        0.31        3.82   
2003.05                  10571                   10551     -35.43       -1.39      -15.49   
2003.04                  10838                   10700     -38.60       -0.33       -3.84   
2003.03                  10883                   10735     -40.40       -2.63      -27.38   
2003.02                  11257                   11025     -42.87        2.33       31.83   
2003.01                  10878                   10774     -48.35       -0.37       -4.35   
2002.12                  10882                   10814     -49.92       -6.23      -53.81   
2002.11                  11316                   11533     -44.07       -4.96      -45.70   
2002.10                  11886                   12135     -40.31       -6.33      -54.37   
2002.09                  12821                   12955     -37.99       -7.11      -58.71   
2002.08                  13868                   13946     -28.80       -4.16      -39.98   
2002.07                  14465                   14552     -25.51       -4.64      -43.45   
2002.06                  15146                   15260     -21.36       -6.62      -56.01   
2002.05                  16383                   16341     -15.50       -6.23      -53.80   
2002.04                  17685                   17427      -8.59       -3.24      -32.67   
2002.03                  18260                   18011      -4.62       -6.66      -56.29   
2002.02                  19717                   19297       3.34       -7.49      -60.73   
2002.01                  21049                   20860      16.24       -3.39      -33.93   
2001.12                  21689                   21593      25.31        4.72       74.00   
2001.11                  20277                   20619      20.57        1.42       18.39   
2001.10                  19960                   20331      21.37       -2.68      -27.82   
2001.09                  20690                   20891      25.34        6.66      116.85   
2001.08                  19474                   19586      20.95        0.26        3.11   
2001.07                  19415                   19536      23.56        0.68        8.48   
2001.06                  19231                   19404      28.08        0.34        4.17   
2001.05                  19392                   19338      37.02        1.43       18.60   
2001.04                  19337                   19065      38.54        0.96       12.20   
2001.03                  19116                   18883      33.37        1.12       14.36   
2001.02                  19043                   18673      31.91        4.05       61.05   
2001.01                  18068                   17946      24.37        4.15       62.89   
2000.12                  17279                   17231      19.49        0.76        9.51   
2000.11                  16891                   17101      16.84        2.09       28.16   
2000.10                  16503                   16751      14.51        0.50        6.14   
2000.09                  16526                   16668      16.79        2.93       41.37   
2000.08                  16111                   16194      21.16        2.42       33.27   
2000.07                  15717                   15811      19.82        4.36       66.94   
2000.06                  15010                   15150      16.76        7.35      134.16   
2000.05                  14151                   14113       6.74        2.56       35.40   
2000.04                  13935                   13761       4.56       -2.80      -28.92   
2000.03                  14300                   14158      12.81        0.01        0.17   
2000.02                  14387                   14156      14.67       -1.89      -20.48   
2000.01                  14508                   14429      16.12        0.06        0.75   
1999.12                  14451                   14420      16.27       -1.48      -16.34   
1999.11                  14502                   14636      22.83        0.05        0.66   
1999.10                  14452                   14628      22.65        2.49       34.40   
1999.09                  14172                   14272      24.57        6.78      119.69   
1999.08                  13301                   13366      44.15        1.29       16.60   
1999.07                  13118                   13196      56.42        1.70       22.47   
1999.06                  12847                   12975      61.18       -1.87      -20.25   
1999.05                  13260                   13222      61.99        0.46        5.71   
1999.04                  13317                   13161      58.09        4.87       76.91   
1999.03                  12652                   12550      46.82        1.66       21.85   
1999.02                  12514                   12345      36.15       -0.65       -7.55   
1999.01                  12493                   12426      32.69        0.19        2.35   
1998.12                  12428                   12402      31.31        4.08       61.56   
1998.11                  11839                   11916      22.86       -0.09       -1.10   
1998.10                  11822                   11927      25.88        4.10       62.00   
1998.09                  11402                   11457      25.87       23.57     1166.98   
1998.08                   9228                    9272       6.23        9.91      210.77   
1998.07                   8394                    8436      -1.38        4.80       75.42   
1998.06                   7985                    8050      -5.62       -1.37      -15.28   
1998.05                   8176                    8162      -6.85       -1.96      -21.12   
1998.04                   8400                    8325      -8.45       -2.61      -27.18   
1998.03                   8604                    8548     -10.88       -5.72      -50.70   
1998.02                   9161                    9067      -9.01       -3.18      -32.16   
1998.01                   9408                    9365      -7.41       -0.85       -9.70   
1997.12                   9461                    9445      -8.47       -2.62      -27.27   
1997.11                   9655                    9699      -6.85        2.36       32.36   
1997.10                   9415                    9475      -5.97        4.10       61.92   
1997.09                   9070                    9102      -5.58        4.29       65.45   
1997.08                   8680                    8728      -6.10        2.03       27.33   
1997.07                   8505                    8554      -7.21        0.29        3.57   
1997.06                   8452                    8529      -3.69       -2.66      -27.63   
1997.05                   8774                    8762      -3.05       -3.64      -35.92   
1997.04                   9164                    9093       1.38       -5.20      -47.33   
1997.03                   9661                    9592       3.17       -3.74      -36.73   
1997.02                  10057                    9965      -0.44       -1.47      -16.31   
1997.01                  10157                   10114      -0.92       -1.99      -21.40   
1996.12                  10339                   10319      -0.05       -0.89      -10.21   
1996.11                  10383                   10412      -1.58        3.32       48.06   
1996.10                  10032                   10077      -0.42        4.53       70.24   
1996.09                   9611                    9640      -4.26        3.71       54.86   
1996.08                   9240                    9295      -4.69        0.82       10.35   
1996.07                   9162                    9219      -3.93        4.10       61.94   
1996.06                   8771                    8856      -6.83       -2.01      -21.66   
1996.05                   9046                    9038       1.36        0.77        9.63   
1996.04                   9031                    8969      -1.57       -3.53      -35.01   
1996.03                   9365                    9297      -2.00       -7.11      -58.75   
1996.02                  10091                   10009       1.57       -1.95      -21.04   
1996.01                  10248                   10208       0.13       -1.12      -12.68   
1995.12                  10350                   10324       0.04       -2.41      -25.38   
1995.11                  10562                   10579      -3.37        4.55       70.48   
1995.10                  10085                   10119      -6.20        0.50        6.12   
1995.09                  10040                   10069      -2.04        3.25       46.80   
1995.08                   9703                    9752      -4.91        1.63       21.35   
1995.07                   9538                    9596       0.96        0.96       12.11   
1995.06                   9419                    9505       1.97        6.59      115.18   
1995.05                   8920                    8917      -2.05       -2.14      -22.86   
1995.04                   9161                    9112       0.60       -3.95      -38.37   
1995.03                   9548                    9487       1.52       -3.72      -36.58   
1995.02                   9922                    9854       2.03       -3.34      -33.52   
1995.01                  10232                   10195       4.04       -1.21      -13.60   
1994.12                  10346                   10320       5.09       -5.74      -50.78   
1994.11                  10944                   10948      13.59        1.48       19.32   
1994.10                  10760                   10788       9.09        4.95       78.60   
1994.09                  10250                   10279       3.83        0.22        2.72   
1994.08                  10209                   10256       4.28        7.90      149.06   
1994.07                   9446                    9505      -2.90        1.97       26.44   
1994.06                   9239                    9321      -3.73        2.38       32.67   
1994.05                   9100                    9104      -5.62        0.51        6.27   
1994.04                   9096                    9058      -8.69       -3.07      -31.22   
1994.03                   9411                    9345      -8.73       -3.24      -32.66   
1994.02                   9730                    9658      -7.09       -1.44      -15.96   
1994.01                   9840                    9799      -9.07       -0.21       -2.54   
1993.12                   9852                    9820     -10.34        1.89       25.17   
1993.11                   9645                    9638     -11.09       -2.54      -26.55   
1993.10                   9860                    9889      -6.87       -0.11       -1.33   
1993.09                   9873                    9900      -4.97        0.66        8.23   
1993.08                   9782                    9835      -2.18        0.47        5.79   
1993.07                   9718                    9789       1.02        1.11       14.10   
1993.06                   9593                    9682       2.96        0.37        4.57   
1993.05                   9627                    9646       7.00       -2.76      -28.55   
1993.04                   9947                    9920      13.11       -3.12      -31.60   
1993.03                  10329                   10239      16.63       -1.50      -16.59   
1993.02                  10474                   10395      16.98       -3.54      -35.08   
1993.01                  10829                   10776      20.36       -1.62      -17.76   
1992.12                  10997                   10953                   1.04       13.25   
1992.11                  10857                   10840                   2.08       28.04   
1992.10                  10588                   10619                   1.93       25.77   
1992.09                  10399                   10418                   3.62       53.23   
1992.08                   9992                   10054                   3.76       55.66   
1992.07                   9620                    9690                   3.04       43.26   
1992.06                   9323                    9404                   4.32       66.02   
1992.05                   8991                    9015                   2.79       39.19   
1992.04                   8786                    8770                  -0.10       -1.22   
1992.03                   8858                    8779                  -1.20      -13.53   
1992.02                   8941                    8886                  -0.75       -8.62   
1992.01                   8999                    8953