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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
50. Turbines, Generators, and Other Power
51. Motor Vehicle Bodies, Trailers and Par
52. Aluminum and Nonferrous Metal Products
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Motor Vehicle Bodies, Trailers and Parts [BTP] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Unfilled Orders |   | Seasonally adjusted. | uop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : BTP Motor Vehicle Bodies, Trailers and Parts | Units : Mil$ nsa Code BTP 51 Column (2) : NAICS code : BTP Motor Vehicle Bodies, Trailers and Parts | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code BTP 199
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : BTP      | NAICS code : BTP      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  13738                   13901      -8.59 %     -1.33 %    -14.89 % 
2010.05                  14147                   14089      -8.19       -0.41       -4.81   
2010.04                  14310                   14147      -8.54       -0.63       -7.33   
2010.03                  14346                   14237      -9.24       -0.84       -9.66   
2010.02                  14714                   14358      -9.05       -1.10      -12.38   
2010.01                  14800                   14517      -8.51       -0.95      -10.81   
2009.12                  14648                   14656      -9.73        0.10        1.15   
2009.11                  14305                   14642     -13.27       -1.03      -11.66   
2009.10                  14471                   14794     -14.02        1.59       20.79   
2009.09                  14282                   14563     -17.17       -0.86       -9.82   
2009.08                  14587                   14689     -18.03        0.23        2.74   
2009.07                  14868                   14656     -17.85       -3.63      -35.83   
2009.06                  15043                   15208     -15.36       -0.89      -10.20   
2009.05                  15381                   15345     -15.00       -0.80       -9.14   
2009.04                  15693                   15468     -14.54       -1.39      -15.46   
2009.03                  15820                   15686     -13.94       -0.64       -7.41   
2009.02                  16208                   15787     -13.26       -0.51       -5.96   
2009.01                  16192                   15868     -14.40       -2.26      -24.00   
2008.12                  16228                   16235     -14.23       -3.83      -37.43   
2008.11                  16471                   16882     -11.48       -1.89      -20.45   
2008.10                  16762                   17207      -8.18       -2.13      -22.80   
2008.09                  17198                   17582      -7.80       -1.88      -20.37   
2008.08                  17738                   17919      -7.21        0.44        5.37   
2008.07                  18125                   17841     -10.45       -0.71       -8.16   
2008.06                  17767                   17968     -10.38       -0.48       -5.57   
2008.05                  18112                   18054     -10.72       -0.25       -3.01   
2008.04                  18397                   18100     -10.00       -0.70       -8.05   
2008.03                  18424                   18227     -10.82        0.14        1.73   
2008.02                  18746                   18201     -11.88       -1.81      -19.71   
2008.01                  18942                   18537      -9.86       -2.07      -22.16   
2007.12                  18921                   18928      -6.78       -0.76       -8.69   
2007.11                  18586                   19072      -5.55        1.78       23.54   
2007.10                  18167                   18739      -7.02       -1.74      -18.95   
2007.09                  18609                   19070      -5.34       -1.25      -13.99   
2007.08                  19061                   19311      -2.10       -3.07      -31.23   
2007.07                  20236                   19923       1.36       -0.63       -7.29   
2007.06                  19787                   20049       3.83       -0.86       -9.80   
2007.05                  20294                   20222       5.36        0.55        6.83   
2007.04                  20483                   20111       4.32       -1.60      -17.65   
2007.03                  20759                   20439       8.93       -1.04      -11.80   
2007.02                  21406                   20654      12.40        0.43        5.32   
2007.01                  21081                   20565      12.62        1.29       16.56   
2006.12                  20357                   20304      14.50        0.55        6.80   
2006.11                  19685                   20193      17.35        0.20        2.41   
2006.10                  19431                   20153      16.44        0.03        0.42   
2006.09                  19543                   20146      20.00        2.13       28.76   
2006.08                  19372                   19726      22.30        0.36        4.42   
2006.07                  19949                   19655      25.69        1.79       23.75   
2006.06                  19039                   19309      24.61        0.60        7.50   
2006.05                  19268                   19193      24.46       -0.45       -5.22   
2006.04                  19680                   19279      27.48        2.75       38.48   
2006.03                  19167                   18763      24.80        2.11       28.50   
2006.02                  19115                   18375      22.41        0.63        7.82   
2006.01                  18714                   18260      22.61        2.98       42.21   
2005.12                  17764                   17732      18.21        3.05       43.43   
2005.11                  16718                   17207      13.56       -0.58       -6.78   
2005.10                  16611                   17308      13.25        3.10       44.20   
2005.09                  16275                   16788       5.41        4.09       61.70   
2005.08                  15904                   16129       2.56        3.14       44.92   
2005.07                  15897                   15638       2.40        0.92       11.65   
2005.06                  15265                   15495       0.49        0.48        5.91   
2005.05                  15470                   15421       1.50        1.97       26.38   
2005.04                  15483                   15123       2.18        0.59        7.34   
2005.03                  15398                   15034       2.43        0.15        1.85   
2005.02                  15608                   15011       3.62        0.79        9.93   
2005.01                  15236                   14893       4.72       -0.71       -8.23   
2004.12                  15013                   15000       4.87       -1.00      -11.40   
2004.11                  14677                   15152       8.06       -0.86       -9.81   
2004.10                  14627                   15283      12.14       -4.04      -39.06   
2004.09                  15434                   15927      22.24        1.27       16.37   
2004.08                  15471                   15727      25.60        2.98       42.23   
2004.07                  15482                   15272      22.44       -0.96      -10.93   
2004.06                  15184                   15420      24.80        1.49       19.48   
2004.05                  15252                   15193      23.02        2.65       36.85   
2004.04                  15207                   14801      18.02        0.84       10.53   
2004.03                  15113                   14678      16.27        1.32       17.02   
2004.02                  15079                   14487      14.16        1.86       24.80   
2004.01                  14554                   14222      13.21       -0.57       -6.59   
2003.12                  14302                   14303      14.94        2.00       26.88   
2003.11                  13577                   14022      13.33        2.89       40.78   
2003.10                  13012                   13628      10.88        4.60       71.50   
2003.09                  12623                   13029       3.06        4.06       61.16   
2003.08                  12353                   12521      -2.56        0.38        4.72   
2003.07                  12617                   12473      -4.08        0.95       11.97   
2003.06                  12153                   12356      -3.66        0.05        0.58   
2003.05                  12382                   12350      -3.15       -1.52      -16.82   
2003.04                  12895                   12541      -0.02       -0.66       -7.61   
2003.03                  13035                   12624       1.40       -0.52       -6.07   
2003.02                  13207                   12690       3.32        1.02       12.94   
2003.01                  12878                   12562       2.36        0.95       11.99   
2002.12                  12441                   12444       3.97        0.57        7.11   
2002.11                  11989                   12373       3.33        0.67        8.31   
2002.10                  11749                   12291       0.79       -2.78      -28.67   
2002.09                  12238                   12642       0.48       -1.62      -17.78   
2002.08                  12646                   12850       0.67       -1.18      -13.32   
2002.07                  13072                   13004       0.81        1.39       17.99   
2002.06                  12593                   12826      -3.15        0.58        7.19   
2002.05                  12771                   12752      -4.56        1.67       21.93   
2002.04                  12916                   12543      -7.89        0.75        9.34   
2002.03                  12921                   12450      -6.61        1.37       17.71   
2002.02                  12832                   12282      -7.08        0.08        0.98   
2002.01                  12653                   12272      -8.72        2.53       34.99   
2001.12                  11977                   11969     -12.46       -0.04       -0.50   
2001.11                  11604                   11974     -14.75       -1.81      -19.70   
2001.10                  11640                   12195     -12.94       -3.08      -31.26   
2001.09                  12143                   12582      -9.81       -1.43      -15.91   
2001.08                  12511                   12765      -9.62       -1.05      -11.86   
2001.07                  12883                   12900     -10.32       -2.59      -27.01   
2001.06                  12981                   13243      -8.07       -0.88      -10.10   
2001.05                  13348                   13361     -10.57       -1.88      -20.37   
2001.04                  14012                   13617      -9.71        2.15       29.01   
2001.03                  13887                   13331     -15.14        0.85       10.76   
2001.02                  13858                   13218     -16.65       -1.68      -18.41   
2001.01                  13951                   13444     -16.62       -1.67      -18.35   
2000.12                  13681                   13673     -16.49       -2.65      -27.54   
2000.11                  13590                   14045     -13.31        0.26        3.22   
2000.10                  13377                   14008     -15.97        0.42        5.10   
2000.09                  13429                   13950     -15.12       -1.22      -13.75   
2000.08                  13770                   14123     -14.35       -1.82      -19.79   
2000.07                  14249                   14385     -10.38       -0.14       -1.65   
2000.06                  14121                   14405     -10.32       -3.59      -35.49   
2000.05                  14914                   14941      -5.55       -0.93      -10.66   
2000.04                  15578                   15082      -4.88       -4.00      -38.71   
2000.03                  16525                   15710      -1.10       -0.93      -10.64   
2000.02                  16788                   15858      -2.06       -1.65      -18.10   
2000.01                  16899                   16124      -1.05       -1.51      -16.74   
1999.12                  16391                   16372       4.92        1.06       13.43   
1999.11                  15615                   16201       4.27       -2.82      -29.05   
1999.10                  15831                   16671       7.57        1.44       18.75   
1999.09                  15686                   16434      10.16       -0.33       -3.93   
1999.08                  15929                   16489      15.38        2.72       38.03   
1999.07                  15813                   16052      11.59       -0.06       -0.74   
1999.06                  15776                   16062       9.62        1.54       20.07   
1999.05                  15791                   15819       7.07       -0.23       -2.69   
1999.04                  16396                   15855      11.21       -0.18       -2.17   
1999.03                  16745                   15884      10.33       -1.90      -20.52   
1999.02                  17178                   16191      12.75       -0.64       -7.40   
1999.01                  17120                   16295      12.62        4.43       68.20   
1998.12                  15580                   15604       9.09        0.42        5.22   
1998.11                  14960                   15538      11.27        0.26        3.14   
1998.10                  14807                   15498      12.64        3.89       58.04   
1998.09                  14311                   14918       9.00        4.39       67.41   
1998.08                  13876                   14291       2.74       -0.65       -7.57   
1998.07                  14186                   14385       4.07       -1.83      -19.87   
1998.06                  14355                   14653       6.24       -0.83       -9.47   
1998.05                  14680                   14775       6.71        3.63       53.46   
1998.04                  14649                   14257       4.34       -0.97      -11.06   
1998.03                  15103                   14397       4.56        0.26        3.14   
1998.02                  15164                   14360       5.25       -0.75       -8.67   
1998.01                  15142                   14469       6.66        1.15       14.76   
1997.12                  14236                   14304       6.50        2.43       33.47   
1997.11                  13554                   13964       1.46        1.49       19.42   
1997.10                  13319                   13759       0.07        0.53        6.59   
1997.09                  13378                   13686      -1.90       -1.61      -17.70   
1997.08                  13698                   13910       0.37        0.63        7.82   
1997.07                  13686                   13823      -2.62        0.22        2.64   
1997.06                  13412                   13793      -0.79       -0.38       -4.50   
1997.05                  13627                   13846      -0.90        1.33       17.21   
1997.04                  13908                   13664      -4.36       -0.76       -8.78   
1997.03                  14324                   13769      -3.36        0.92       11.57   
1997.02                  14312                   13644      -6.46        0.58        7.22   
1997.01                  14122                   13565      -8.75        1.00       12.65   
1996.12                  13382                   13431     -11.24       -2.41      -25.40   
1996.11                  13412                   13763     -10.85        0.10        1.23   
1996.10                  13356                   13749     -12.24       -1.45      -16.06   
1996.09                  13698                   13951     -13.93        0.66        8.26   
1996.08                  13729                   13859     -14.37       -2.37      -24.98   
1996.07                  14078                   14195      -8.36        2.10       28.33   
1996.06                  13447                   13903     -11.28       -0.49       -5.77   
1996.05                  13729                   13972     -10.97       -2.20      -23.47   
1996.04                  14525                   14287     -10.05        0.27        3.33   
1996.03                  14785                   14248     -10.46       -2.32      -24.52   
1996.02                  15250                   14586      -7.88       -1.88      -20.34   
1996.01                  15425                   14865      -5.23       -1.76      -19.17   
1995.12                  15064                   15131      -4.44       -1.99      -21.42   
1995.11                  15036                   15438      -1.63       -1.46      -16.20   
1995.10                  15200                   15667      -0.32       -3.34      -33.46   
1995.09                  15832                   16208       5.10        0.15        1.79   
1995.08                  16022                   16184       4.88        4.48       69.21   
1995.07                  15403                   15490       2.73       -1.15      -13.01   
1995.06                  15157                   15671       6.75       -0.14       -1.67   
1995.05                  15509                   15693       7.63       -1.20      -13.45   
1995.04                  16215                   15883      11.60       -0.19       -2.24   
1995.03                  16568                   15913      13.50        0.51        6.23   
1995.02                  16556                   15833      17.13        0.94       11.93   
1995.01                  16235                   15685      18.48       -0.94      -10.73   
1994.12                  15729                   15834      18.72        0.89       11.25   
1994.11                  15237                   15694      23.40       -0.15       -1.74   
1994.10                  15244                   15717      25.23        1.92       25.63   
1994.09                  15059                   15421      25.64       -0.06       -0.77   
1994.08                  15353                   15431      25.56        2.33       31.90   
1994.07                  14997                   15079      24.23        2.72       37.96   
1994.06                  14179                   14680      21.16        0.69        8.55   
1994.05                  14435                   14580      20.32        2.45       33.63   
1994.04                  14510                   14232      25.06        1.51       19.73   
1994.03                  14549                   14020      22.26        3.72       55.03   
1994.02                  14111                   13517      17.11        2.11       28.44   
1994.01                  13671                   13238      14.42       -0.74       -8.55   
1993.12                  13263                   13337      15.19        4.87       76.88   
1993.11                  12376                   12718       7.85        1.33       17.19   
1993.10                  12229                   12551       7.91        2.26       30.71   
1993.09                  12043                   12274       1.91       -0.13       -1.55   
1993.08                  12277                   12290       2.08        1.25       16.11   
1993.07                  12063                   12138       0.27        0.18        2.20   
1993.06                  11684                   12116      -0.92       -0.02       -0.20   
1993.05                  12006                   12118      -0.83        6.49      112.55   
1993.04                  11590                   11380      -6.77       -0.76       -8.73   
1993.03                  11895                   11467      -1.25       -0.65       -7.52   
1993.02                  12052                   11542      -2.85       -0.24       -2.87   
1993.01                  11933                   11570      -2.90       -0.07       -0.83   
1992.12                  11513                   11578                  -1.81      -19.73   
1992.11                  11442                   11792                   1.38       17.94   
1992.10                  11303                   11631                  -3.43      -34.21   
1992.09                  11760                   12044                   0.04        0.50   
1992.08                  12018                   12039                  -0.55       -6.35   
1992.07                  12025                   12105                  -1.01      -11.51   
1992.06                  11817                   12229                   0.07        0.89   
1992.05                  12152                   12220                   0.11        1.39   
1992.04                  12437                   12206                   5.12       81.97   
1992.03                  12080                   11612                  -2.26      -23.95   
1992.02                  12420                   11880                  -0.29       -3.47   
1992.01                  12281                   11915