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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
10. Durables Excluding Aircraft and Parts
11. Durables Excluding Transportation [DXT
12. Durable Goods Total [MDM]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Durables Excluding Transportation [DXT] CSV file  obs:0
111 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Unfilled Orders |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | uop.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : DXT Durables Excluding Transportation | Units : Mil$ nsa Code DXT 11 Column (2) : NAICS code : DXT Durables Excluding Transportation | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code DXT 159
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : DXT      | NAICS code : DXT      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                  327620                  325860       3.63 %      1.82 %      7.50 % 
2010.1                  323111                  320022      -1.14        1.63        6.70   
2009.4                  309729                  314874      -9.59        0.44        1.77   
2009.3                  312440                  313494     -15.22       -0.30       -1.21   
2009.2                  315797                  314452     -15.87       -2.86      -10.96   
2009.1                  327133                  323713     -11.06       -7.05      -25.35   
2008.4                  342691                  348265      -2.54       -5.81      -21.30   
2008.3                  367833                  369756       8.18       -1.07       -4.23   
2008.2                  375508                  373770      12.86        2.69       11.21   
2008.1                  368325                  363972      12.08        1.86        7.65   
2007.4                  351134                  357328      13.59        4.55       19.47   
2007.3                  339299                  341788      13.10        3.20       13.43   
2007.2                  332891                  331185      12.91        1.98        8.17   
2007.1                  329196                  324745      15.40        3.23       13.56   
2006.4                  309032                  314587      15.88        4.10       17.43   
2006.3                  299468                  302203      14.63        3.03       12.70   
2006.2                  294988                  293306      15.09        4.23       18.00   
2006.1                  285562                  281415      12.07        3.66       15.48   
2005.4                  266290                  271472       9.32        2.98       12.45   
2005.3                  260728                  263627       7.63        3.44       14.51   
2005.2                  256321                  254849       4.75        1.49        6.08   
2005.1                  255055                  251114       4.89        1.12        4.57   
2004.4                  243518                  248322       7.62        1.38        5.64   
2004.3                  241973                  244941      11.26        0.68        2.73   
2004.2                  244663                  243298      11.72        1.63        6.67   
2004.1                  243033                  239402       8.88        3.75       15.87   
2003.4                  226416                  230744       4.76        4.81       20.68   
2003.3                  217360                  220151      -3.52        1.10        4.45   
2003.2                  218843                  217766      -8.65       -0.96       -3.77   
2003.1                  222989                  219869     -10.72       -0.18       -0.71   
2002.4                  216105                  220259     -15.69       -3.47      -13.18   
2002.3                  225159                  228182     -13.98       -4.28      -16.04   
2002.2                  239329                  238374     -11.63       -3.21      -12.23   
2002.1                  249812                  246274     -11.38       -5.73      -21.03   
2001.4                  256791                  261249      -9.10       -1.51       -5.90   
2001.3                  261676                  265253      -8.11       -1.67       -6.50   
2001.2                  270607                  269746      -4.95       -2.93      -11.21   
2001.1                  281743                  277888       1.75       -3.31      -12.60   
2000.4                  282331                  287405       7.70       -0.43       -1.73   
2000.3                  285047                  288660      13.43        1.71        7.03   
2000.2                  284615                  283800      15.59        3.91       16.60   
2000.1                  277127                  273108      12.34        2.34        9.71   
1999.4                  262028                  266852      10.59        4.86       20.92   
1999.3                  251360                  254476       4.74        3.64       15.38   
1999.2                  246241                  245533       0.28        1.00        4.05   
1999.1                  246866                  243108      -0.68        0.75        3.02   
1998.4                  237024                  241309      -1.65       -0.68       -2.69   
1998.3                  240017                  242960      -0.55       -0.78       -3.07   
1998.2                  245475                  244859       3.86        0.03        0.13   
1998.1                  248785                  244780       5.36       -0.24       -0.96   
1997.4                  240969                  245368       7.91        0.44        1.76   
1997.3                  241103                  244299       7.13        3.63       15.32   
1997.2                  236074                  235748       4.14        1.47        6.01   
1997.1                  236137                  232332       3.63        2.18        9.01   
1996.4                  223827                  227377       2.58       -0.29       -1.16   
1996.3                  224888                  228042       4.79        0.73        2.97   
1996.2                  226472                  226382       4.62        0.98        3.96   
1996.1                  228135                  224194       5.25        1.14        4.64   
1995.4                  218453                  221668       6.19        1.86        7.67   
1995.3                  214516                  217610       6.31        0.57        2.30   
1995.2                  216360                  216378       8.20        1.58        6.49   
1995.1                  216955                  213003       9.90        2.04        8.42   
1994.4                  205800                  208740       8.69        1.98        8.16   
1994.3                  201521                  204685       6.14        2.35        9.75   
1994.2                  199825                  199978       4.29        3.18       13.36   
1994.1                  197601                  193807       0.44        0.91        3.70   
1993.4                  189640                  192053       0.13       -0.41       -1.63   
1993.3                  189909                  192845       1.03        0.57        2.29   
1993.2                  191468                  191756      -0.55       -0.63       -2.48   
1993.1                  196819                  192966      -0.38        0.60        2.44   
1992.4                  189625                  191807                   0.49        1.97   
1992.3                  188055                  190874                  -1.01       -3.97   
1992.2                  192490                  192818                  -0.46       -1.83   
1992.1                  197398                  193710