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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
127. NonDur - Food Products - Dairy Product
128. NonDur - Food Products - Meat, Poultry
129. NonDur - Food Products - Other Food Ma
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing [11C] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |   | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 11C Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 11C 128 Column (2) : NAICS code : 11C Food Products - Meat, Poultry and Seafood Product Processing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 11C 276
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 11C      | NAICS code : 11C      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  16216                   15535      10.29 %     -1.08 %    -12.24 % 
2010.05                  15953                   15705      12.27        0.41        5.02   
2010.04                  15338                   15641      10.37        0.11        1.31   
2010.03                  15701                   15624       9.30        1.43       18.55   
2010.02                  15030                   15404       6.31        1.70       22.47   
2010.01                  14529                   15146       3.16        0.89       11.25   
2009.12                  14525                   15012       4.34        1.56       20.36   
2009.11                  14714                   14782       0.98        1.52       19.81   
2009.10                  14923                   14561      -4.03        3.21       46.12   
2009.09                  14027                   14108     -10.50        1.05       13.39   
2009.08                  14440                   13961     -10.17       -0.48       -5.66   
2009.07                  13999                   14029      -9.65       -0.40       -4.75   
2009.06                  14718                   14086      -7.71        0.69        8.65   
2009.05                  14261                   13989      -7.35       -1.29      -14.44   
2009.04                  14019                   14172      -7.13       -0.86       -9.85   
2009.03                  14080                   14295      -1.85       -1.35      -15.01   
2009.02                  14090                   14490       3.22       -1.31      -14.61   
2009.01                  13991                   14682       1.19        2.04       27.47   
2008.12                  13971                   14388      -1.12       -1.71      -18.67   
2008.11                  14737                   14638       2.10       -3.53      -35.00   
2008.10                  15479                   15173       6.84       -3.75      -36.78   
2008.09                  15635                   15764      10.25        1.43       18.55   
2008.08                  16335                   15542       8.08        0.10        1.17   
2008.07                  15459                   15527       9.96        1.74       22.95   
2008.06                  15886                   15262       7.59        1.09       13.84   
2008.05                  15389                   15098       4.54       -1.06      -12.02   
2008.04                  14894                   15260       6.38        4.78       75.10   
2008.03                  14429                   14564       0.90        3.75       55.49   
2008.02                  14152                   14038      -0.81       -3.25      -32.70   
2008.01                  13771                   14509       3.95       -0.29       -3.41   
2007.12                  14194                   14551       4.09        1.49       19.46   
2007.11                  14466                   14337       2.87        0.95       12.02   
2007.10                  14473                   14202       4.69       -0.68       -7.84   
2007.09                  14298                   14299       7.52       -0.56       -6.55   
2007.08                  15018                   14380       7.94        1.84       24.48   
2007.07                  13969                   14120       5.47       -0.46       -5.36   
2007.06                  14951                   14185       7.45       -1.78      -19.38   
2007.05                  14752                   14442      10.44        0.68        8.42   
2007.04                  13859                   14345       9.70       -0.62       -7.15   
2007.03                  14208                   14434      10.03        1.99       26.71   
2007.02                  13706                   14152       6.94        1.39       18.01   
2007.01                  13259                   13958       4.28       -0.15       -1.79   
2006.12                  13786                   13979       5.61        0.30        3.68   
2006.11                  14075                   13937       4.44        2.73       38.23   
2006.10                  13865                   13566       6.63        2.01       26.94   
2006.09                  13400                   13299      -1.10       -0.17       -2.05   
2006.08                  13845                   13322       0.79       -0.49       -5.76   
2006.07                  13183                   13388       1.22        1.42       18.39   
2006.06                  13816                   13201      -2.70        0.95       11.99   
2006.05                  13409                   13077      -2.76        0.00        0.00   
2006.04                  12761                   13077      -1.83       -0.31       -3.69   
2006.03                  12724                   13118      -2.80       -0.87       -9.94   
2006.02                  12833                   13233      -1.97       -1.14      -12.81   
2006.01                  12722                   13385      -1.07        1.12       14.27   
2005.12                  13007                   13237       0.92       -0.81       -9.29   
2005.11                  13574                   13345      -1.67        4.89       77.32   
2005.10                  13095                   12723      -7.16       -5.38      -48.53   
2005.09                  13507                   13447      -2.35        1.74       23.00   
2005.08                  13671                   13217      -4.46       -0.07       -0.81   
2005.07                  13066                   13226      10.10       -2.52      -26.39   
2005.06                  14146                   13568      12.83        0.89       11.25   
2005.05                  13791                   13448      10.77        0.95       12.06   
2005.04                  12788                   13321      10.20       -1.30      -14.50   
2005.03                  13294                   13496      25.28       -0.02       -0.27   
2005.02                  13144                   13499      16.61       -0.23       -2.72   
2005.01                  12875                   13530      13.47        3.16       45.20   
2004.12                  12885                   13116       8.04       -3.35      -33.58   
2004.11                  13695                   13571      13.00       -0.97      -11.04   
2004.10                  14265                   13704      11.32       -0.49       -5.68   
2004.09                  13803                   13771      12.02       -0.46       -5.33   
2004.08                  14285                   13834      13.60       15.16      443.95   
2004.07                  11784                   12013      -1.61       -0.10       -1.19   
2004.06                  12557                   12025       0.28       -0.96      -10.88   
2004.05                  12446                   12141       4.29        0.44        5.39   
2004.04                  11689                   12088       4.31       12.21      298.30   
2004.03                  10499                   10773      -6.99       -6.94      -57.80   
2004.02                  11722                   11576      -0.50       -2.92      -29.91   
2004.01                  11380                   11924       3.73       -1.78      -19.38   
2003.12                  11970                   12140       9.42        1.08       13.79   
2003.11                  12175                   12010       8.91       -2.44      -25.70   
2003.10                  12690                   12311      14.76        0.15        1.77   
2003.09                  12331                   12293      14.94        0.94       11.94   
2003.08                  12708                   12178      13.24       -0.25       -3.00   
2003.07                  11897                   12209      13.19        1.81       24.01   
2003.06                  12313                   11992      12.77        3.01       42.68   
2003.05                  11953                   11642       5.25        0.46        5.63   
2003.04                  11400                   11589       3.93        0.05        0.62   
2003.03                  11303                   11583       3.35       -0.44       -5.14   
2003.02                  11397                   11634       2.47        1.21       15.52   
2003.01                  10927                   11495       1.99        3.61       52.96   
2002.12                  10976                   11095      -2.73        0.62        7.66   
2002.11                  11266                   11027      -3.40        2.79       39.08   
2002.10                  10964                   10728      -4.89        0.31        3.77   
2002.09                  10641                   10695      -5.11       -0.55       -6.39   
2002.08                  11188                   10754      -4.80       -0.30       -3.50   
2002.07                  10493                   10786      -3.07        1.43       18.57   
2002.06                  10918                   10634      -4.62       -3.86      -37.65   
2002.05                  11333                   11061      -0.78       -0.81       -9.27   
2002.04                  10824                   11151      -0.81       -0.51       -5.93   
2002.03                  11324                   11208      -0.51       -1.29      -14.38   
2002.02                  11080                   11354       4.22        0.74        9.20   
2002.01                  10618                   11271       3.33       -1.18      -13.31   
2001.12                  11322                   11406       5.02       -0.08       -0.94   
2001.11                  11614                   11415       7.03        1.21       15.47   
2001.10                  11511                   11279       5.09        0.07        0.86   
2001.09                  11300                   11271       6.20       -0.22       -2.62   
2001.08                  11735                   11296       5.40        1.51       19.70   
2001.07                  10772                   11128       2.24       -0.19       -2.24   
2001.06                  11478                   11149       4.52        0.01        0.11   
2001.05                  11382                   11148       4.74       -0.84       -9.58   
2001.04                  11118                   11242       6.36       -0.21       -2.53   
2001.03                  11213                   11266       6.97        3.41       49.62   
2001.02                  10577                   10894       5.00       -0.13       -1.53   
2001.01                  10221                   10908       5.36        0.43        5.32   
2000.12                  10860                   10861       3.86        1.84       24.42   
2000.11                  10844                   10665       2.18       -0.63       -7.34   
2000.10                  10954                   10733       3.29        1.13       14.44   
2000.09                  10740                   10613       3.39       -0.97      -11.04   
2000.08                  11135                   10717       7.57       -1.53      -16.94   
2000.07                  10506                   10884      10.34        2.03       27.34   
2000.06                  10901                   10667       7.80        0.23        2.74   
2000.05                  10855                   10643       9.71        0.69        8.61   
2000.04                  10553                   10570      10.29        0.36        4.42   
2000.03                  10464                   10532      10.27        1.51       19.75   
2000.02                  10429                   10375       7.35        0.21        2.58   
2000.01                   9635                   10353       7.32       -0.99      -11.30   
1999.12                  10341                   10457      10.20        0.19        2.32   
1999.11                  10660                   10437       8.22        0.44        5.44   
1999.10                  10729                   10391       8.34        1.23       15.77   
1999.09                  10365                   10265       4.43        3.03       43.10   
1999.08                  10368                    9963       1.83        1.00       12.73   
1999.07                   9534                    9864       2.43       -0.31       -3.70   
1999.06                  10162                    9895       1.33        2.00       26.82   
1999.05                   9869                    9701      -0.14        1.22       15.67   
1999.04                   9370                    9584      -3.26        0.35        4.23   
1999.03                   9599                    9551      -3.87       -1.18      -13.27   
1999.02                   9382                    9665      -2.71        0.19        2.26   
1999.01                   9046                    9647      -3.28        1.67       21.92   
1998.12                   9313                    9489      -5.33       -1.61      -17.67   
1998.11                   9827                    9644      -3.39        0.55        6.84   
1998.10                   9848                    9591      -3.52       -2.43      -25.57   
1998.09                  10063                    9830      -1.52        0.47        5.79   
1998.08                  10225                    9784      -2.73        1.60       20.97   
1998.07                   9298                    9630      -6.81       -1.38      -15.38   
1998.06                   9929                    9765      -2.69        0.51        6.35   
1998.05                   9992                    9715      -3.55       -1.94      -20.93   
1998.04                   9711                    9907      -0.81       -0.29       -3.45   
1998.03                   9881                    9936      -0.09        0.02        0.24   
1998.02                   9676                    9934       0.78       -0.40       -4.71   
1998.01                   9295                    9974       3.02       -0.49       -5.71   
1997.12                   9811                   10023       2.52        0.41        5.04   
1997.11                  10222                    9982       2.64        0.41        5.06   
1997.10                  10184                    9941       3.18       -0.41       -4.82   
1997.09                  10185                    9982       5.88       -0.77       -8.81   
1997.08                  10624                   10059       7.12       -2.66      -27.65   
1997.07                  10006                   10334      11.05        2.98       42.24   
1997.06                  10128                   10035       9.18       -0.38       -4.43   
1997.05                  10351                   10073       8.64        0.85       10.70   
1997.04                   9724                    9988       9.66        0.43        5.31   
1997.03                  10004                    9945       8.22        0.89       11.26   
1997.02                   9633                    9857      10.90        1.81       23.98   
1997.01                   9026                    9682       4.44       -0.97      -11.06   
1996.12                   9517                    9777       1.31        0.53        6.61   
1996.11                   9921                    9725       2.19        0.93       11.80   
1996.10                   9887                    9635       0.46        2.20       29.77   
1996.09                   9624                    9428      -5.19        0.40        4.97   
1996.08                   9854                    9390       2.66        0.90       11.39   
1996.07                   9052                    9306       0.09        1.25       16.09   
1996.06                   9315                    9191       0.42       -0.87       -9.99   
1996.05                   9543                    9272       5.03        1.80       23.88   
1996.04                   8862                    9108      -0.21       -0.89      -10.20   
1996.03                   9258                    9190       2.56        3.40       49.33   
1996.02                   8971                    8888      -1.44       -4.12      -39.65   
1996.01                   8709                    9270       3.80       -3.95      -38.33   
1995.12                   9416                    9651       1.40        1.41       18.27   
1995.11                   9481                    9517       7.23       -0.77       -8.88   
1995.10                   9871                    9591       5.84       -3.55      -35.19   
1995.09                  10326                    9944      10.15        8.71      172.51   
1995.08                   9528                    9147       2.53       -1.62      -17.84   
1995.07                   9058                    9298       4.50        1.58       20.76   
1995.06                   9258                    9153       3.17        3.68       54.32   
1995.05                   9092                    8828      -0.29       -3.28      -32.95   
1995.04                   9015                    9127       2.13        1.85       24.64   
1995.03                   8856                    8961      -0.85       -0.63       -7.33   
1995.02                   8845                    9018      -3.16        0.97       12.34   
1995.01                   8477                    8931      -3.28       -6.17      -53.41   
1994.12                   9157                    9518       5.33        7.25      131.49   
1994.11                   8812                    8875      -1.75       -2.06      -22.14   
1994.10                   9363                    9062      -0.95        0.38        4.61   
1994.09                   9360                    9028      -1.38        1.20       15.38   
1994.08                   9248                    8921      -3.81        0.26        3.15   
1994.07                   8723                    8898      -4.26        0.29        3.57   
1994.06                   8976                    8872      -4.98        0.20        2.47   
1994.05                   9139                    8854      -5.12       -0.93      -10.59   
1994.04                   8720                    8937      -3.40       -1.12      -12.62   
1994.03                   9076                    9038      -1.33       -2.94      -30.12   
1994.02                   9115                    9312       2.78        0.84       10.62   
1994.01                   8851                    9234       1.83        2.19       29.71   
1993.12                   8624                    9036      -0.07        0.03        0.40   
1993.11                   8857                    9033      -0.12       -1.27      -14.20   
1993.10                   9538                    9149       3.31       -0.05       -0.65   
1993.09                   9487                    9154       2.96       -1.29      -14.47   
1993.08                   9565                    9274       6.17       -0.22       -2.55   
1993.07                   9037                    9294       6.36       -0.46       -5.39   
1993.06                   9567                    9337       6.27        0.05        0.64   
1993.05                   9683                    9332       4.80        0.86       10.88   
1993.04                   9032                    9252       7.52        1.00       12.74   
1993.03                   9144                    9160       6.74        1.10       14.08   
1993.02                   8828                    9060       7.97       -0.09       -1.05   
1993.01                   8791                    9068       9.68        0.29        3.51   
1992.12                   8595                    9042                  -0.02       -0.27   
1992.11                   8833                    9044                   2.12       28.67   
1992.10                   9180                    8856                  -0.39       -4.62   
1992.09                   9303                    8891                   1.79       23.67   
1992.08                   8984                    8735                  -0.03       -0.41   
1992.07                   8458                    8738                  -0.55       -6.36   
1992.06                   8973                    8786                  -1.34      -14.91   
1992.05                   9367                    8905                   3.49       50.87   
1992.04                   8409                    8605                   0.27        3.26   
1992.03                   8534                    8582                   2.28       31.01   
1992.02                   8462                    8391                   1.49       19.39   
1992.01                   7951                    8268