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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
29. NonDur - Leather and Allied Products [
30. NonDur - Paper Products [22S]
31. NonDur - Printing [23s]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |   | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 22S Paper Products | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 22S 30 Column (2) : NAICS code : 22S Paper Products | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 22S 178
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 22S      | NAICS code : 22S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  14567                   13978       5.37 %     -0.90 %    -10.29 % 
2010.05                  14189                   14105       6.61        0.28        3.38   
2010.04                  13776                   14066       5.59       -0.52       -6.02   
2010.03                  14530                   14139       5.36        2.55       35.21   
2010.02                  12938                   13788      -3.76        1.15       14.73   
2010.01                  13223                   13631       2.89        0.15        1.87   
2009.12                  13349                   13610      -1.44        2.02       27.07   
2009.11                  13117                   13341      -6.97        0.10        1.18   
2009.10                  13586                   13328     -10.18        0.57        7.01   
2009.09                  13572                   13253     -12.73        0.23        2.85   
2009.08                  13500                   13222     -13.04       -0.65       -7.57   
2009.07                  13381                   13309     -11.57        0.32        3.96   
2009.06                  13868                   13266     -10.53        0.27        3.31   
2009.05                  13260                   13230     -10.77       -0.68       -7.90   
2009.04                  13048                   13321     -11.47       -0.74       -8.50   
2009.03                  13611                   13420     -10.25       -6.32      -54.34   
2009.02                  13444                   14326      -3.76        8.14      155.68   
2009.01                  12953                   13248     -12.93       -4.06      -39.21   
2008.12                  13615                   13809      -7.85       -3.70      -36.41   
2008.11                  13940                   14340      -3.99       -3.36      -33.61   
2008.10                  15305                   14838      -0.09       -2.30      -24.34   
2008.09                  15505                   15187       2.71       -0.11       -1.33   
2008.08                  15522                   15204       3.65        1.02       12.99   
2008.07                  15104                   15050       1.81        1.50       19.62   
2008.06                  15335                   14827       1.36        0.00        0.00   
2008.05                  14990                   14827       0.94       -1.46      -16.20   
2008.04                  14899                   15047       3.04        0.63        7.81   
2008.03                  14934                   14953       3.73        0.45        5.54   
2008.02                  14559                   14886       3.50       -2.17      -23.13   
2008.01                  15040                   15216       5.76        1.53       20.05   
2007.12                  14481                   14986      -1.35        0.33        4.09   
2007.11                  14757                   14936       7.19        0.57        7.00   
2007.10                  15346                   14852       5.70        0.45        5.49   
2007.09                  14741                   14786       6.11        0.80       10.00   
2007.08                  15222                   14669       4.56       -0.76       -8.80   
2007.07                  14687                   14782       6.31        1.05       13.39   
2007.06                  15167                   14628       3.22       -0.42       -4.87   
2007.05                  15039                   14689       2.83        0.59        7.30   
2007.04                  14177                   14603       4.97        1.30       16.73   
2007.03                  14638                   14416       3.25        0.24        2.87   
2007.02                  13567                   14382       3.94       -0.03       -0.42   
2007.01                  14286                   14387       2.75       -5.29      -47.93   
2006.12                  14714                   15191      11.63        9.02      181.92   
2006.11                  13735                   13934       3.60       -0.83       -9.55   
2006.10                  14314                   14051       5.85        0.84       10.55   
2006.09                  14030                   13934       7.73       -0.68       -7.83   
2006.08                  14522                   14029       6.51        0.90       11.34   
2006.07                  13663                   13904       4.22       -1.88      -20.41   
2006.06                  14768                   14171       2.56       -0.80       -9.17   
2006.05                  14717                   14285       4.00        2.68       37.37   
2006.04                  13356                   13912       1.26       -0.36       -4.21   
2006.03                  14386                   13962       1.65        0.90       11.40   
2006.02                  13114                   13837       0.87       -1.18      -13.26   
2006.01                  13714                   14002       2.88        2.90       40.85   
2005.12                  13296                   13608       2.54        1.17       15.04   
2005.11                  13275                   13450       1.99        1.33       17.12   
2005.10                  13391                   13274       2.03        2.63       36.53   
2005.09                  13071                   12934      -0.90       -1.80      -19.58   
2005.08                  13688                   13171      -0.51       -1.27      -14.26   
2005.07                  13099                   13341       2.26       -3.45      -34.34   
2005.06                  14404                   13817       4.89        0.60        7.40   
2005.05                  13954                   13735       8.83       -0.03       -0.35   
2005.04                  13454                   13739       8.54        0.03        0.35   
2005.03                  14052                   13735       9.01        0.12        1.50   
2005.02                  13054                   13718      10.47        0.79        9.95   
2005.01                  13190                   13610       6.86        2.55       35.35   
2004.12                  13108                   13271       7.90        0.63        7.82   
2004.11                  12962                   13188       7.34        1.37       17.71   
2004.10                  13154                   13010       5.09       -0.31       -3.71   
2004.09                  13220                   13051       5.85       -1.41      -15.69   
2004.08                  13571                   13238       7.56        1.47       19.16   
2004.07                  12891                   13046       4.43       -0.96      -10.97   
2004.06                  13776                   13173       3.78        4.37       67.14   
2004.05                  12671                   12621      -0.09       -0.29       -3.45   
2004.04                  12401                   12658      -0.55        0.46        5.67   
2004.03                  13011                   12600      -3.34        1.47       19.08   
2004.02                  12190                   12418      -4.84       -2.50      -26.17   
2004.01                  12425                   12736      -1.61        3.55       52.04   
2003.12                  12199                   12299      -5.96        0.11        1.28   
2003.11                  11798                   12286      -5.63       -0.76       -8.74   
2003.10                  12796                   12380      -5.82        0.41        4.98   
2003.09                  12562                   12330      -6.82        0.19        2.27   
2003.08                  12513                   12307      -5.44       -1.48      -16.39   
2003.07                  12454                   12492      -3.35       -1.58      -17.43   
2003.06                  13102                   12693       1.45        0.48        5.95   
2003.05                  12739                   12632      -1.43       -0.75       -8.68   
2003.04                  12534                   12728       0.59       -2.36      -24.87   
2003.03                  13115                   13035       4.15       -0.11       -1.37   
2003.02                  12518                   13050       5.93        0.82       10.28   
2003.01                  12768                   12944       2.75       -1.03      -11.71   
2002.12                  12789                   13079       5.65        0.46        5.67   
2002.11                  12648                   13019       1.16       -0.96      -10.92   
2002.10                  13604                   13145       0.84       -0.66       -7.61   
2002.09                  13392                   13232       2.94        1.67       21.95   
2002.08                  13353                   13015      -1.50        0.70        8.68   
2002.07                  12916                   12925      -1.59        3.30       47.65   
2002.06                  12776                   12512       0.81       -2.36      -24.96   
2002.05                  13021                   12815      -0.36        1.28       16.49   
2002.04                  12527                   12653      -1.85        1.09       13.96   
2002.03                  12459                   12516      -5.57        1.59       20.85   
2002.02                  11894                   12320     -10.18       -2.21      -23.49   
2002.01                  12376                   12598      -5.13        1.77       23.42   
2001.12                  11983                   12379     -10.30       -3.82      -37.30   
2001.11                  12591                   12870      -6.60       -1.27      -14.25   
2001.10                  13593                   13036      -3.33        1.42       18.38   
2001.09                  12898                   12854      -7.44       -2.72      -28.15   
2001.08                  13762                   13213      -1.24        0.60        7.46   
2001.07                  12906                   13134      -5.52        5.83       97.28   
2001.06                  12818                   12411      -9.81       -3.50      -34.78   
2001.05                  12983                   12861      -6.27       -0.24       -2.85   
2001.04                  12539                   12892      -8.52       -2.73      -28.27   
2001.03                  13349                   13254      -5.04       -3.38      -33.77   
2001.02                  13337                   13717       0.28        3.30       47.61   
2001.01                  13086                   13279      -3.28       -3.78      -37.04   
2000.12                  13349                   13801       0.12        0.16        1.93   
2000.11                  13545                   13779      -0.19        2.18       29.54   
2000.10                  13870                   13485       1.03       -2.89      -29.71   
2000.09                  14142                   13887       3.16        3.80       56.39   
2000.08                  13913                   13379      -0.71       -3.76      -36.83   
2000.07                  13482                   13901       8.70        1.02       12.92   
2000.06                  14274                   13761       8.45        0.29        3.55   
2000.05                  13846                   13721       8.60       -2.63      -27.40   
2000.04                  13565                   14092      11.59        0.96       12.15   
2000.03                  14201                   13958      12.06        2.04       27.42   
2000.02                  13924                   13679       4.16       -0.37       -4.37   
2000.01                  13187                   13730       7.67       -0.40       -4.68   
1999.12                  13582                   13785       7.44       -0.14       -1.72   
1999.11                  13670                   13805      10.87        3.42       49.78   
1999.10                  13609                   13348       5.48       -0.85       -9.70   
1999.09                  13804                   13462       6.04       -0.10       -1.15   
1999.08                  13897                   13475       3.77        5.37       87.38   
1999.07                  12463                   12788      -1.54        0.78        9.77   
1999.06                  13204                   12689      -2.68        0.43        5.25   
1999.05                  12420                   12635      -3.96        0.06        0.67   
1999.04                  12368                   12628      -3.40        1.38       17.89   
1999.03                  12722                   12456      -4.64       -5.15      -47.01   
1999.02                  12947                   13133       0.54        2.99       42.37   
1999.01                  12229                   12752      -2.71       -0.61       -7.06   
1998.12                  12608                   12830      -2.37        3.04       43.17   
1998.11                  12227                   12452      -4.69       -1.60      -17.64   
1998.10                  12972                   12655      -0.95       -0.32       -3.72   
1998.09                  13118                   12695       0.54       -2.24      -23.81   
1998.08                  13228                   12986       4.26       -0.02       -0.18   
1998.07                  12799                   12988       6.81       -0.38       -4.51   
1998.06                  13539                   13038       5.59       -0.90      -10.25   
1998.05                  12929                   13156       7.32        0.64        7.99   
1998.04                  12824                   13072       5.68        0.08        0.92   
1998.03                  13174                   13062       5.40       -0.01       -0.09   
1998.02                  12941                   13063       4.45       -0.34       -3.95   
1998.01                  12625                   13107       7.19       -0.27       -3.15   
1997.12                  12954                   13142       6.31        0.59        7.31   
1997.11                  12687                   13065       4.44        2.26       30.79   
1997.10                  13215                   12776       3.50        1.18       15.12   
1997.09                  13076                   12627       0.57        1.38       17.89   
1997.08                  12669                   12455      -1.24        2.43       33.33   
1997.07                  11968                   12160      -3.74       -1.52      -16.82   
1997.06                  12694                   12348      -5.43        0.73        9.07   
1997.05                  12125                   12259      -3.28       -0.90      -10.25   
1997.04                  12272                   12370      -3.20       -0.19       -2.20   
1997.03                  12316                   12393      -4.86       -0.90      -10.32   
1997.02                  12427                   12506      -1.81        2.27       30.97   
1997.01                  11893                   12228      -6.99       -1.08      -12.26   
1996.12                  11994                   12362     -10.60       -1.18      -13.31   
1996.11                  12289                   12510      -9.80        1.34       17.39   
1996.10                  12712                   12344     -11.07       -1.69      -18.48   
1996.09                  12896                   12556     -11.08       -0.44       -5.11   
1996.08                  12892                   12611     -10.22       -0.17       -1.98   
1996.07                  12517                   12632      -9.84       -3.25      -32.77   
1996.06                  13322                   13057      -8.80        3.01       42.81   
1996.05                  12696                   12675      -9.09       -0.81       -9.34   
1996.04                  12574                   12779      -8.08       -1.90      -20.53   
1996.03                  13030                   13026      -3.96        2.28       31.02   
1996.02                  13126                   12736      -6.08       -3.13      -31.69   
1996.01                  12812                   13147      -0.08       -4.92      -45.40   
1995.12                  13265                   13827      10.80       -0.30       -3.57   
1995.11                  13716                   13869      12.72       -0.08       -0.95   
1995.10                  14143                   13880      14.16       -1.70      -18.59   
1995.09                  14519                   14120      19.90        0.52        6.42   
1995.08                  14484                   14047      21.45        0.26        3.13   
1995.07                  13621                   14011      23.24       -2.14      -22.84   
1995.06                  14895                   14317      28.47        2.68       37.39   
1995.05                  14028                   13943      26.25        0.29        3.60   
1995.04                  13403                   13902      28.01        2.50       34.48   
1995.03                  13795                   13563      24.98        0.02        0.27   
1995.02                  13524                   13560      25.29        3.06       43.63   
1995.01                  12658                   13157      23.10        5.43       88.68   
1994.12                  12018                   12479      18.32        1.42       18.47   
1994.11                  12264                   12304      16.71        1.20       15.40   
1994.10                  12271                   12158      14.65        3.24       46.68   
1994.09                  12129                   11776      10.52        1.82       24.10   
1994.08                  11977                   11566      10.59        1.73       22.89   
1994.07                  11059                   11369       7.21        2.02       27.11   
1994.06                  11612                   11144       6.38        0.91       11.42   
1994.05                  10984                   11044       3.21        1.69       22.34   
1994.04                  10591                   10860       2.03        0.07        0.89   
1994.03                  11027                   10852       3.60        0.27        3.26   
1994.02                  10787                   10823       2.51        1.26       16.26   
1994.01                  10203                   10688      -0.72        1.34       17.28   
1993.12                  10270                   10547      -1.65        0.05        0.57   
1993.11                  10526                   10542      -0.73       -0.58       -6.79   
1993.10                  10712                   10604       1.03       -0.48       -5.59   
1993.09                  10944                   10655       0.95        1.88       25.10   
1993.08                  10678                   10458      -2.29       -1.38      -15.33   
1993.07                  10400                   10604      -0.31        1.22       15.69   
1993.06                  10945                   10476      -1.28       -2.10      -22.51   
1993.05                  10547                   10701       1.80        0.54        6.62   
1993.04                  10450                   10644       0.54        1.61       21.17   
1993.03                  10709                   10475      -1.48       -0.79       -9.04   
1993.02                  10498                   10558       1.79       -1.93      -20.87   
1993.01                  10303                   10766       4.00        0.39        4.80   
1992.12                  10430                   10724                   0.98       12.41   
1992.11                  10512                   10620                   1.18       15.14   
1992.10                  10674                   10496                  -0.56       -6.51   
1992.09                  10851                   10555                  -1.38      -15.39   
1992.08                  10821                   10703                   0.62        7.71   
1992.07                  10565                   10637                   0.24        2.86   
1992.06                  11057                   10612                   0.95       12.03   
1992.05                  10370                   10512                  -0.71       -8.18   
1992.04                  10403                   10587                  -0.42       -4.96   
1992.03                  10742                   10632                   2.51       34.60   
1992.02                  10596                   10372                   0.19        2.34   
1992.01                  10101                   10352