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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
32. NonDur - Petroleum and Coal Products [
33. NonDur - Basic Chemicals [25S]
34. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Basic Chemicals [25S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |   | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 25S Basic Chemicals | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 25S 33 Column (2) : NAICS code : 25S Basic Chemicals | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 25S 181
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 25S      | NAICS code : 25S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  61878                   58631       7.04 %     -0.58 %     -6.80 % 
2010.05                  59913                   58976       9.20       -1.94      -20.97   
2010.04                  62184                   60144      11.67        0.55        6.76   
2010.03                  64266                   59817      11.73        2.09       28.11   
2010.02                  54683                   58595       7.62        1.92       25.67   
2010.01                  53226                   57490       6.66        1.01       12.80   
2009.12                  55879                   56916       5.58        0.63        7.89   
2009.11                  54138                   56557       0.39        0.85       10.75   
2009.10                  56706                   56078     -10.38        0.06        0.73   
2009.09                  56385                   56044     -10.20        1.29       16.68   
2009.08                  55761                   55328     -14.95        0.76        9.55   
2009.07                  55457                   54909     -16.91        0.25        3.00   
2009.06                  57642                   54774     -16.66        1.42       18.39   
2009.05                  54919                   54009     -16.02        0.28        3.44   
2009.04                  54737                   53857     -15.22        0.59        7.37   
2009.03                  56765                   53539     -14.46       -1.67      -18.27   
2009.02                  50711                   54447     -12.93        1.02       12.93   
2009.01                  50547                   53898     -14.81       -0.02       -0.24   
2008.12                  53223                   53909     -14.14       -4.31      -41.06   
2008.11                  53896                   56337      -9.35       -9.97      -71.64   
2008.10                  63587                   62575       0.17        0.27        3.26   
2008.09                  62198                   62408       2.23       -4.06      -39.21   
2008.08                  65524                   65051       6.25       -1.56      -17.24   
2008.07                  66993                   66085       8.43        0.55        6.77   
2008.06                  67812                   65725       8.81        2.20       29.77   
2008.05                  66030                   64313       6.13        1.24       15.99   
2008.04                  66043                   63523       5.81        1.49       19.45   
2008.03                  64691                   62589       6.51        0.09        1.10   
2008.02                  60467                   62532       8.27       -1.17      -13.15   
2008.01                  60566                   63271      12.05        0.78        9.72   
2007.12                  60119                   62784      12.07        1.02       12.93   
2007.11                  60239                   62151      13.22       -0.51       -5.94   
2007.10                  64288                   62469      14.02        2.33       31.88   
2007.09                  59593                   61045      10.81       -0.29       -3.43   
2007.08                  62856                   61223       8.63        0.45        5.55   
2007.07                  60772                   60948      10.02        0.90       11.31   
2007.06                  62583                   60406      10.41       -0.32       -3.77   
2007.05                  63182                   60600      10.46        0.94       11.90   
2007.04                  60160                   60035      10.58        2.16       29.22   
2007.03                  61970                   58766       9.51        1.75       23.07   
2007.02                  53925                   57758       8.65        2.28       31.11   
2007.01                  54395                   56469       3.39        0.80       10.01   
2006.12                  53668                   56022       6.18        2.05       27.59   
2006.11                  53724                   54896       2.65        0.20        2.44   
2006.10                  55594                   54786       6.02       -0.55       -6.38   
2006.09                  54388                   55088       6.81       -2.26      -23.98   
2006.08                  58140                   56361       8.45        1.74       22.95   
2006.07                  54153                   55399       9.06        1.26       16.20   
2006.06                  56603                   54710       9.68       -0.28       -3.27   
2006.05                  57510                   54862       9.24        1.05       13.33   
2006.04                  53999                   54293       7.83        1.17       15.01   
2006.03                  57691                   53664       7.14        0.95       11.99   
2006.02                  49788                   53160       8.09       -2.67      -27.74   
2006.01                  51825                   54619      10.63        3.52       51.45   
2005.12                  50903                   52762       9.22       -1.34      -14.95   
2005.11                  52926                   53479      10.33        3.49       50.88   
2005.10                  51686                   51677       8.00        0.20        2.40   
2005.09                  51242                   51575      12.75       -0.76       -8.77   
2005.08                  53446                   51971      13.55        2.31       31.55   
2005.07                  49250                   50797      11.67        1.83       24.37   
2005.06                  51931                   49882      11.76       -0.67       -7.78   
2005.05                  51776                   50220      14.55       -0.26       -3.08   
2005.04                  51526                   50351      16.41        0.53        6.54   
2005.03                  53620                   50086      16.42        1.84       24.49   
2005.02                  46199                   49180      18.24       -0.39       -4.59   
2005.01                  46368                   49373      17.82        2.20       29.88   
2004.12                  47094                   48309      16.92       -0.33       -3.94   
2004.11                  47672                   48471      18.37        1.30       16.71   
2004.10                  47741                   47851      13.86        4.61       71.67   
2004.09                  46222                   45744      10.15       -0.05       -0.63   
2004.08                  46200                   45768      13.47        0.61        7.59   
2004.07                  43963                   45490       8.71        1.92       25.67   
2004.06                  46908                   44632      11.69        1.80       23.90   
2004.05                  44515                   43842      11.23        1.36       17.62   
2004.04                  43795                   43253       9.97        0.54        6.67   
2004.03                  46849                   43021       5.17        3.43       49.90   
2004.02                  40224                   41594       2.36       -0.74       -8.52   
2004.01                  39701                   41904       4.67        1.42       18.38   
2003.12                  40762                   41319       3.23        0.90       11.37   
2003.11                  39330                   40950       3.75       -2.56      -26.75   
2003.10                  42586                   42026       6.19        1.20       15.41   
2003.09                  42540                   41527       1.91        2.96       41.88   
2003.08                  40096                   40334       5.81       -3.62      -35.72   
2003.07                  40775                   41847      11.33        4.72       73.97   
2003.06                  41120                   39960      -1.49        1.39       17.95   
2003.05                  40257                   39414       1.90        0.21        2.59   
2003.04                  40192                   39330       5.42       -3.86      -37.63   
2003.03                  43334                   40908      10.47        0.67        8.33   
2003.02                  38420                   40636      10.60        1.51       19.65   
2003.01                  38330                   40033       9.98        0.01        0.15   
2002.12                  39100                   40028       9.49        1.42       18.42   
2002.11                  38418                   39468       8.49       -0.27       -3.20   
2002.10                  40350                   39575      11.60       -2.88      -29.57   
2002.09                  41341                   40748      15.97        6.89      122.49   
2002.08                  38066                   38121       5.30        1.42       18.45   
2002.07                  36553                   37587       4.66       -7.34      -59.92   
2002.06                  41711                   40563      14.41        4.87       77.01   
2002.05                  39848                   38678       4.60        3.67       54.15   
2002.04                  38531                   37308       0.82        0.75        9.32   
2002.03                  38611                   37032      -0.64        0.79        9.89   
2002.02                  34915                   36742      -4.72        0.94       11.88   
2002.01                  35055                   36400      -3.35       -0.43       -5.10   
2001.12                  35513                   36559      -5.62        0.50        6.14   
2001.11                  35390                   36378      -2.10        2.59       35.89   
2001.10                  36032                   35460      -5.24        0.92       11.64   
2001.09                  35548                   35136      -8.30       -2.94      -30.12   
2001.08                  36415                   36201      -3.49        0.80       10.10   
2001.07                  34249                   35912      -4.85        1.29       16.69   
2001.06                  37190                   35453      -6.47       -4.12      -39.63   
2001.05                  38332                   36976       0.12       -0.08       -0.90   
2001.04                  36948                   37004      -1.69       -0.71       -8.24   
2001.03                  39700                   37270       2.29       -3.35      -33.54   
2001.02                  36889                   38561       6.73        2.39       32.76   
2001.01                  36204                   37661       3.53       -2.77      -28.62   
2000.12                  37770                   38734       6.92        4.24       64.67   
2000.11                  36312                   37157       3.51       -0.71       -8.17   
2000.10                  37296                   37422       3.76       -2.34      -24.69   
2000.09                  39315                   38317       7.80        2.15       29.06   
2000.08                  37934                   37511       7.05       -0.61       -7.10   
2000.07                  35501                   37742       7.54       -0.43       -5.04   
2000.06                  40091                   37905       8.79        2.64       36.67   
2000.05                  38174                   36931       7.66       -1.89      -20.45   
2000.04                  37363                   37642       8.62        3.31       47.81   
2000.03                  39087                   36436       6.19        0.85       10.72   
2000.02                  36405                   36128       4.70       -0.69       -7.94   
2000.01                  33911                   36378       7.35        0.42        5.12   
1999.12                  35930                   36227       4.36        0.92       11.57   
1999.11                  35063                   35898       5.20       -0.47       -5.45   
1999.10                  35337                   36066       6.30        1.47       19.12   
1999.09                  36805                   35544       2.98        1.44       18.73   
1999.08                  34806                   35039       1.99       -0.17       -1.97   
1999.07                  33290                   35097       1.70        0.73        9.11   
1999.06                  37598                   34843      -0.26        1.57       20.61   
1999.05                  34466                   34303      -2.18       -1.02      -11.56   
1999.04                  35417                   34656      -0.82        1.01       12.76   
1999.03                  36596                   34311      -1.70       -0.57       -6.61   
1999.02                  33439                   34507      -1.83        1.83       24.26   
1999.01                  31574                   33888      -3.95       -2.37      -25.05   
1998.12                  34592                   34712      -0.18        1.72       22.71   
1998.11                  32645                   34125      -3.05        0.57        7.12   
1998.10                  33338                   33930      -3.54       -1.69      -18.52   
1998.09                  36201                   34514      -0.69        0.46        5.62   
1998.08                  33703                   34357      -1.17       -0.44       -5.19   
1998.07                  32944                   34510       0.38       -1.21      -13.60   
1998.06                  37639                   34933       0.78       -0.38       -4.52   
1998.05                  35423                   35068       1.12        0.36        4.45   
1998.04                  36000                   34941       2.39        0.11        1.31   
1998.03                  36875                   34903       0.91       -0.71       -8.15   
1998.02                  34280                   35151       1.79       -0.37       -4.30   
1998.01                  33102                   35280       3.95        1.46       18.93   
1997.12                  34521                   34774       4.81       -1.20      -13.51   
1997.11                  33430                   35197       6.16        0.06        0.68   
1997.10                  34781                   35177       7.01        1.22       15.66   
1997.09                  36268                   34753       5.47       -0.03       -0.41   
1997.08                  34062                   34765       5.74        1.12       14.26   
1997.07                  33006                   34381       6.51       -0.81       -9.31   
1997.06                  36723                   34662       8.40       -0.05       -0.62   
1997.05                  35367                   34680       8.35        1.62       21.32   
1997.04                  35931                   34126       8.91       -1.34      -14.90   
1997.03                  35577                   34588       9.75        0.16        1.89   
1997.02                  33758                   34534      15.03        1.75       23.10   
1997.01                  32193                   33941       9.87        2.30       31.42   
1996.12                  32264                   33177       4.89        0.07        0.80   
1996.11                  31811                   33155       5.79        0.86       10.83   
1996.10                  32741                   32872       3.79       -0.24       -2.80   
1996.09                  33780                   32950       4.70        0.22        2.66   
1996.08                  32441                   32878       4.42        1.86       24.69   
1996.07                  30988                   32279      -0.09        0.95       11.98   
1996.06                  33812                   31976       1.26       -0.10       -1.16   
1996.05                  32891                   32007       4.29        2.15       29.05   
1996.04                  32548                   31334      -0.80       -0.57       -6.68   
1996.03                  32674                   31515       1.23        4.98       79.10   
1996.02                  30412                   30021      -5.62       -2.82      -29.02   
1996.01                  29557                   30891      -1.14       -2.33      -24.67   
1995.12                  30293                   31629       1.52        0.92       11.60   
1995.11                  30234                   31341       3.53       -1.04      -11.81   
1995.10                  31031                   31671       5.17        0.63        7.86   
1995.09                  32619                   31472       4.04       -0.04       -0.53   
1995.08                  31583                   31486       7.00       -2.54      -26.57   
1995.07                  30141                   32307      11.27        2.31       31.56   
1995.06                  33839                   31577       9.54        2.89       40.71   
1995.05                  31717                   30691       6.99       -2.84      -29.23   
1995.04                  31784                   31588      10.98        1.46       19.06   
1995.03                  33187                   31132       9.11       -2.13      -22.78   
1995.02                  31153                   31810      14.56        1.80       23.90   
1995.01                  29414                   31247      11.94        0.30        3.64   
1994.12                  29978                   31154      12.94        2.91       41.15   
1994.11                  29483                   30272       9.21        0.52        6.48   
1994.10                  29227                   30114       8.56       -0.45       -5.23   
1994.09                  31506                   30249      10.17        2.80       39.29   
1994.08                  29547                   29425       7.97        1.34       17.32   
1994.07                  27186                   29036       5.41        0.72        9.01   
1994.06                  31028                   28828       3.36        0.49        6.06   
1994.05                  29157                   28687       4.45        0.79        9.91   
1994.04                  29572                   28462       2.94       -0.25       -2.95   
1994.03                  30207                   28533       4.64        2.76       38.62   
1994.02                  27169                   27767      -0.12       -0.52       -6.10   
1994.01                  26038                   27913       1.86        1.19       15.24   
1993.12                  26802                   27585       1.89       -0.49       -5.69   
1993.11                  26819                   27720       2.81       -0.07       -0.82   
1993.10                  26981                   27739       4.01        1.03       13.09   
1993.09                  28809                   27456       3.46        0.74        9.27   
1993.08                  26946                   27254       1.00       -1.06      -12.00   
1993.07                  26072                   27546       2.28       -1.24      -13.87   
1993.06                  30356                   27891       4.63        1.55       20.34   
1993.05                  27656                   27464       2.03       -0.67       -7.78   
1993.04                  28456                   27650       4.78        1.40       18.12   
1993.03                  29066                   27269       6.42       -1.91      -20.66   
1993.02                  27186                   27800       8.90        1.45       18.79   
1993.01                  25611                   27404       5.17        1.22       15.70   
1992.12                  26510                   27073                   0.41        5.01   
1992.11                  25659                   26963                   1.10       14.06   
1992.10                  26176                   26669                   0.50        6.14   
1992.09                  28125                   26537                  -1.66      -18.20   
1992.08                  26362                   26985                   0.20        2.43   
1992.07                  25711                   26931                   1.03       13.06   
1992.06                  28842                   26657                  -0.97      -11.03   
1992.05                  27191                   26918                   2.01       26.95   
1992.04                  27305                   26388                   2.98       42.20   
1992.03                  27002                   25625                   0.38        4.61   
1992.02                  25764                   25529                  -2.03      -21.82   
1992.01                  24854                   26058