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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
41. Consumer Durable Goods [CDG]
42. Consumer Nondurable Goods [CNG]
43. Aircraft And Parts [ACP]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Consumer Nondurable Goods [CNG] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |   | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : CNG Consumer Nondurable Goods | Units : Mil$ nsa Code CNG 42 Column (2) : NAICS code : CNG Consumer Nondurable Goods | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code CNG 190
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : CNG      | NAICS code : CNG      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                 148202                  142106       6.60 %     -1.34 %    -15.00 % 
2010.05                 147984                  144043      13.14       -3.27      -32.90   
2010.04                 146456                  148913      18.40       -1.29      -14.47   
2010.03                 150234                  150866      20.27        3.49       50.87   
2010.02                 131852                  145783      13.64       -0.57       -6.65   
2010.01                 134988                  146621      14.49        1.02       13.01   
2009.12                 141881                  145134      16.20        2.19       29.74   
2009.11                 140014                  142019       6.52        2.46       33.93   
2009.10                 143343                  138603      -6.43        3.05       43.37   
2009.09                 138009                  134504     -14.30        1.67       21.98   
2009.08                 139335                  132295     -19.90        1.99       26.68   
2009.07                 133160                  129713     -25.54       -2.70      -27.95   
2009.06                 139010                  133306     -22.42        4.71       73.69   
2009.05                 130357                  127312     -24.68        1.22       15.72   
2009.04                 123464                  125772     -24.80        0.27        3.26   
2009.03                 124194                  125436     -21.84       -2.22      -23.62   
2009.02                 117463                  128285     -17.28        0.17        2.09   
2009.01                 119601                  128064     -18.54        2.54       35.06   
2008.12                 122946                  124896     -19.73       -6.32      -54.33   
2008.11                 132021                  133325     -14.20       -9.99      -71.72   
2008.10                 153707                  148124       1.67       -5.62      -50.07   
2008.09                 160458                  156949      11.30       -4.97      -45.75   
2008.08                 176118                  165155      20.40       -5.19      -47.25   
2008.07                 180955                  174196      24.82        1.38       17.92   
2008.06                 178928                  171820      24.54        1.65       21.71   
2008.05                 176758                  169030      21.67        1.07       13.61   
2008.04                 164849                  167242      21.94        4.20       63.91   
2008.03                 156911                  160495      18.02        3.49       51.01   
2008.02                 145329                  155076      17.22       -1.36      -15.16   
2008.01                 146360                  157215      21.77        1.05       13.31   
2007.12                 150243                  155586      18.56        0.12        1.46   
2007.11                 153789                  155398      22.09        6.66      116.79   
2007.10                 151408                  145694      17.03        3.32       47.99   
2007.09                 142840                  141012      12.87        2.80       39.28   
2007.08                 146145                  137172       3.19       -1.71      -18.66   
2007.07                 141683                  139554       4.38        1.15       14.71   
2007.06                 143303                  137967       4.85       -0.69       -7.98   
2007.05                 144995                  138927       4.66        1.30       16.74   
2007.04                 133364                  137147       4.76        0.85       10.75   
2007.03                 134816                  135985       4.06        2.79       39.16   
2007.02                 121131                  132291       4.53        2.47       33.96   
2007.01                 121439                  129107      -1.76       -1.62      -17.75   
2006.12                 127218                  131227       2.52        3.10       44.20   
2006.11                 127022                  127285       0.24        2.24       30.46   
2006.10                 128560                  124496      -2.69       -0.35       -4.13   
2006.09                 127499                  124934      -2.79       -6.02      -52.51   
2006.08                 141628                  132932       5.42       -0.57       -6.64   
2006.07                 134875                  133695       9.25        1.61       21.06   
2006.06                 136199                  131583       9.05       -0.87       -9.96   
2006.05                 138751                  132738      10.96        1.39       18.06   
2006.04                 127469                  130914       8.90        0.18        2.17   
2006.03                 130150                  130680       8.44        3.26       46.97   
2006.02                 116450                  126553       9.22       -3.71      -36.45   
2006.01                 122350                  131426      14.05        2.67       37.22   
2005.12                 124665                  128006      14.19        0.81       10.15   
2005.11                 127099                  126979      10.91       -0.75       -8.67   
2005.10                 131814                  127942      13.49       -0.45       -5.26   
2005.09                 131559                  128519      19.42        1.92       25.71   
2005.08                 133909                  126092      16.44        3.04       43.23   
2005.07                 122384                  122373      14.43        1.42       18.38   
2005.06                 124717                  120664      14.40        0.86       10.88   
2005.05                 122919                  119630      13.93       -0.49       -5.70   
2005.04                 117610                  120216      15.67       -0.24       -2.89   
2005.03                 120735                  120510      17.84        4.00       60.12   
2005.02                 107575                  115874      16.87        0.56        6.88   
2005.01                 107578                  115233      14.27        2.80       39.23   
2004.12                 110074                  112098      12.98       -2.09      -22.36   
2004.11                 114569                  114487      16.69        1.56       20.38   
2004.10                 116505                  112731      13.89        4.75       74.56   
2004.09                 110843                  107617       9.97       -0.62       -7.17   
2004.08                 112977                  108286      10.90        1.26       16.16   
2004.07                 105979                  106943       8.50        1.39       18.00   
2004.06                 108776                  105478       9.72        0.45        5.52   
2004.05                 106725                  105007      11.43        1.04       13.22   
2004.04                 101557                  103926      10.78        1.63       21.36   
2004.03                 103357                  102263       3.43        3.14       44.95   
2004.02                  95518                   99148       2.33       -1.68      -18.40   
2004.01                  94773                  100842       5.01        1.64       21.51   
2003.12                  98133                   99218       4.06        1.12       14.36   
2003.11                  97892                   98115       5.01       -0.88      -10.03   
2003.10                 103263                   98983       5.43        1.15       14.67   
2003.09                 101280                   97860       3.97        0.22        2.71   
2003.08                 101250                   97642       7.19       -0.94      -10.67   
2003.07                  97288                   98564      10.59        2.52       34.88   
2003.06                  97759                   96137       5.50        2.02       27.07   
2003.05                  95482                   94237       4.11        0.46        5.60   
2003.04                  92290                   93810       4.64       -5.12      -46.77   
2003.03                  98882                   98871       9.04        2.05       27.52   
2003.02                  91168                   96888       8.83        0.90       11.29   
2003.01                  90821                   96028       6.10        0.71        8.92   
2002.12                  93855                   95347       4.57        2.05       27.55   
2002.11                  93870                   93433       3.02       -0.48       -5.60   
2002.10                  97940                   93883       2.61       -0.25       -2.97   
2002.09                  97137                   94119       2.53        3.32       48.05   
2002.08                  94583                   91091      -3.44        2.20       29.91   
2002.07                  87684                   89126      -2.36       -2.20      -23.39   
2002.06                  92414                   91127       0.08        0.67        8.38   
2002.05                  91849                   90518      -4.90        0.97       12.23   
2002.04                  87815                   89652      -3.93       -1.13      -12.75   
2002.03                  91192                   90677      -2.73        1.85       24.65   
2002.02                  84553                   89027      -6.04       -1.63      -17.94   
2002.01                  85730                   90506      -5.35       -0.74       -8.53   
2001.12                  89450                   91181      -3.95        0.53        6.61   
2001.11                  91355                   90696      -4.74       -0.87       -9.94   
2001.10                  95419                   91491      -2.00       -0.34       -3.97   
2001.09                  94815                   91800      -1.38       -2.69      -27.94   
2001.08                  98286                   94341       2.38        3.36       48.64   
2001.07                  88731                   91276      -1.74        0.25        3.02   
2001.06                  93143                   91050      -2.40       -4.34      -41.29   
2001.05                  96354                   95182       4.29        2.00       26.84   
2001.04                  90882                   93315       2.11        0.10        1.24   
2001.03                  93822                   93219       1.43       -1.62      -17.80   
2001.02                  90318                   94754       6.65       -0.91      -10.35   
2001.01                  90398                   95621       7.57        0.72        9.04   
2000.12                  93004                   94934       7.94       -0.29       -3.45   
2000.11                  95911                   95212       7.98        1.99       26.68   
2000.10                  96815                   93354       7.56        0.29        3.59   
2000.09                  97081                   93080       7.75        1.01       12.78   
2000.08                  95943                   92152       8.24       -0.80       -9.16   
2000.07                  89872                   92893      10.11       -0.42       -4.94   
2000.06                  95738                   93286      10.98        2.22       30.08   
2000.05                  91940                   91264       9.86       -0.14       -1.65   
2000.04                  89001                   91391      10.89       -0.56       -6.52   
2000.03                  92634                   91906      12.08        3.45       50.21   
2000.02                  88133                   88842       9.19       -0.05       -0.62   
2000.01                  82997                   88888      10.59        1.06       13.53   
1999.12                  86619                   87953       8.88       -0.25       -3.01   
1999.11                  89083                   88177       9.91        1.60       20.97   
1999.10                  89992                   86789       7.75        0.47        5.79   
1999.09                  90567                   86383       6.33        1.47       19.11   
1999.08                  87715                   85133       4.31        0.91       11.54   
1999.07                  81750                   84362       4.13        0.36        4.40   
1999.06                  86741                   84060       2.88        1.18       15.18   
1999.05                  82112                   83076       1.77        0.80       10.00   
1999.04                  80358                   82419       0.61        0.51        6.26   
1999.03                  83392                   82003      -0.72        0.78        9.83   
1999.02                  78561                   81365      -1.92        1.23       15.82   
1999.01                  75292                   80375      -3.33       -0.50       -5.88   
1998.12                  79522                   80782      -3.17        0.69        8.64   
1998.11                  80881                   80226      -4.88       -0.40       -4.68   
1998.10                  83900                   80547      -3.68       -0.85       -9.77   
1998.09                  85742                   81240      -2.39       -0.46       -5.38   
1998.08                  83561                   81615      -2.49        0.74        9.26   
1998.07                  78810                   81015      -2.39       -0.85       -9.72   
1998.06                  84045                   81708      -1.28        0.10        1.15   
1998.05                  80667                   81630      -1.88       -0.35       -4.11   
1998.04                  80086                   81916      -0.39       -0.83       -9.47   
1998.03                  83044                   82598      -0.20       -0.43       -5.08   
1998.02                  80197                   82958      -0.45       -0.22       -2.61   
1998.01                  77953                   83141      -0.21       -0.35       -4.06   
1997.12                  81878                   83429       0.38       -1.08      -12.21   
1997.11                  84929                   84339       1.43        0.86       10.77   
1997.10                  87499                   83623       1.58        0.47        5.85   
1997.09                  87618                   83228       2.70       -0.56       -6.52   
1997.08                  86032                   83697       4.04        0.85       10.64   
1997.07                  81017                   82995       3.39        0.28        3.36   
1997.06                  84726                   82767       4.56       -0.52       -6.04   
1997.05                  82612                   83198       4.10        1.17       14.99   
1997.04                  80592                   82235       2.71       -0.64       -7.43   
1997.03                  82520                   82766       4.19       -0.69       -7.92   
1997.02                  80559                   83337       9.94        0.02        0.27   
1997.01                  78341                   83318       7.67        0.24        2.96   
1996.12                  80886                   83116       3.74       -0.04       -0.53   
1996.11                  84272                   83153       6.27        1.01       12.83   
1996.10                  86160                   82321       5.35        1.58       20.73   
1996.09                  84939                   81039       3.19        0.74        9.20   
1996.08                  82772                   80447       3.21        0.21        2.57   
1996.07                  78416                   80277       3.12        1.41       18.29   
1996.06                  81106                   79161       1.39       -0.95      -10.83   
1996.05                  79652                   79921       3.40       -0.18       -2.12   
1996.04                  77967                   80064       2.83        0.79        9.91   
1996.03                  79570                   79436       4.06        4.79       75.35   
1996.02                  76075                   75804      -1.78       -2.04      -21.95   
1996.01                  72738                   77386       2.26       -3.41      -34.03   
1995.12                  77959                   80116       3.86        2.39       32.79   
1995.11                  79393                   78245       4.41        0.14        1.67   
1995.10                  81202                   78137       5.65       -0.50       -5.89   
1995.09                  83055                   78533       6.36        0.75        9.40   
1995.08                  80453                   77947       5.54        0.13        1.58   
1995.07                  75139                   77845       6.91       -0.30       -3.52   
1995.06                  80694                   78078       7.03        1.02       12.89   
1995.05                  76840                   77293       7.31       -0.73       -8.43   
1995.04                  75235                   77862       9.20        1.99       26.73   
1995.03                  77029                   76340       6.18       -1.09      -12.31   
1995.02                  75144                   77180       7.37        1.99       26.66   
1995.01                  70432                   75675       6.96       -1.89      -20.50   
1994.12                  75185                   77136      10.53        2.93       41.49   
1994.11                  76271                   74937       6.83        1.33       17.11   
1994.10                  76650                   73957       4.44        0.16        1.93   
1994.09                  78439                   73839       3.24       -0.02       -0.29   
1994.08                  76196                   73857       5.28        1.43       18.63   
1994.07                  70368                   72813       2.73       -0.18       -2.18   
1994.06                  75573                   72947       1.20        1.28       16.47   
1994.05                  70858                   72026       0.52        1.02       12.93   
1994.04                  68947                   71300       0.92       -0.83       -9.48   
1994.03                  73047                   71894      -0.64        0.02        0.18   
1994.02                  70064                   71883       0.46        1.60       20.96   
1994.01                  65569                   70752      -1.18        1.39       17.96   
1993.12                  68342                   69785      -3.30       -0.52       -6.05   
1993.11                  71140                   70149      -2.62       -0.94      -10.70   
1993.10                  73571                   70814       1.14       -0.99      -11.24   
1993.09                  76135                   71521      -1.55        1.95       26.04   
1993.08                  71799                   70155       1.07       -1.02      -11.61   
1993.07                  68664                   70880       0.17       -1.67      -18.31   
1993.06                  74927                   72085      -0.87        0.60        7.44   
1993.05                  70310                   71655       1.03        1.42       18.41   
1993.04                  68609                   70653       2.58       -2.35      -24.83   
1993.03                  73292                   72354       4.03        1.11       14.22   
1993.02                  69598                   71557       7.18       -0.05       -0.65   
1993.01                  66429                   71596       6.36       -0.79       -9.06   
1992.12                  70505                   72165                   0.17        2.10   
1992.11                  72618                   72040                   2.90       40.84   
1992.10                  72890                   70013                  -3.62      -35.77   
1992.09                  77361                   72644                   4.66       72.69   
1992.08                  70759                   69411                  -1.91      -20.65   
1992.07                  68984                   70762                  -2.68      -27.86   
1992.06                  75339                   72714                   2.52       34.82   
1992.05                  69758                   70926                   2.97       42.13   
1992.04                  67166                   68878                  -0.97      -11.04   
1992.03                  69885                   69553                   4.18       63.50   
1992.02                  67035                   66761                  -0.82       -9.39   
1992.01                  63069                   67312