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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
58. DurGds - Primary Metals - Alumina, Alu
59. DurGds - Primary Metals - Ferrous Meta
60. DurGds - Primary Metals - Nonferrous M
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Primary Metals - Ferrous Metal Foundries [31C] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |   | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 31C Primary Metals - Ferrous Metal Foundries | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 31C 59 Column (2) : NAICS code : 31C Primary Metals - Ferrous Metal Foundries | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 31C 207
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 31C      | NAICS code : 31C      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   1342                    1182      22.23 %      0.00 %      0.00 % 
2010.05                   1248                    1182      32.66        0.08        1.02   
2010.04                   1210                    1181      20.63       -1.17      -13.19   
2010.03                   1311                    1195       5.66        7.56      139.80   
2010.02                   1020                    1111      -6.17        1.09       13.92   
2010.01                   1006                    1099      -3.85       -4.52      -42.58   
2009.12                    997                    1151     -14.36        4.54       70.39   
2009.11                   1002                    1101     -20.39        0.27        3.33   
2009.10                   1126                    1098     -30.02        2.04       27.49   
2009.09                   1176                    1076     -34.71        3.07       43.66   
2009.08                   1077                    1044     -35.71        7.85      147.69   
2009.07                    920                     968     -42.14        0.10        1.25   
2009.06                   1084                     967     -39.07        8.53      167.05   
2009.05                    944                     891     -45.20       -8.99      -67.70   
2009.04                    996                     979     -37.44      -13.44      -82.31   
2009.03                   1207                    1131     -28.60       -4.48      -42.28   
2009.02                   1091                    1184     -24.15        3.59       52.64   
2009.01                   1061                    1143     -27.47      -14.96      -85.69   
2008.12                   1164                    1344     -13.23       -2.82      -29.05   
2008.11                   1250                    1383     -10.66      -11.85      -78.00   
2008.10                   1646                    1569       2.75       -4.79      -44.54   
2008.09                   1772                    1648       4.44        1.48       19.25   
2008.08                   1690                    1624       3.24       -2.93      -30.00   
2008.07                   1591                    1673       3.40        5.42       88.38   
2008.06                   1736                    1587      -2.82       -2.40      -25.27   
2008.05                   1734                    1626       1.75        3.90       58.22   
2008.04                   1653                    1565      -5.27       -1.20      -13.48   
2008.03                   1617                    1584      -1.86        1.47       19.19   
2008.02                   1518                    1561      -3.22       -0.95      -10.84   
2008.01                   1486                    1576      -6.64        1.74       23.04   
2007.12                   1291                    1549      -6.40        0.06        0.78   
2007.11                   1449                    1548      -8.02        1.38       17.81   
2007.10                   1602                    1527     -10.44       -3.23      -32.58   
2007.09                   1637                    1578      -6.18        0.32        3.88   
2007.08                   1689                    1573      -9.75       -2.78      -28.71   
2007.07                   1505                    1618      -7.54       -0.92      -10.48   
2007.06                   1804                    1633      -6.74        2.19       29.69   
2007.05                   1719                    1598      -8.00       -3.27      -32.89   
2007.04                   1649                    1652      -3.11        2.35       32.21   
2007.03                   1733                    1614      -6.11        0.06        0.75   
2007.02                   1518                    1613      -4.95       -4.44      -42.04   
2007.01                   1602                    1688      -4.31        1.99       26.73   
2006.12                   1396                    1655       0.36       -1.66      -18.24   
2006.11                   1582                    1683       2.62       -1.29      -14.43   
2006.10                   1752                    1705       0.77        1.37       17.70   
2006.09                   1774                    1682       5.99       -3.50      -34.79   
2006.08                   1859                    1743      12.23       -0.40       -4.70   
2006.07                   1592                    1750      14.98       -0.06       -0.68   
2006.06                   1931                    1751      15.65        0.81       10.11   
2006.05                   1870                    1737      15.42        1.88       25.00   
2006.04                   1688                    1705      11.58       -0.81       -9.35   
2006.03                   1881                    1719      13.99        1.30       16.72   
2006.02                   1622                    1697      11.28       -3.80      -37.17   
2006.01                   1640                    1764       8.35        6.97      124.56   
2005.12                   1414                    1649       8.63        0.55        6.79   
2005.11                   1555                    1640      11.41       -3.07      -31.24   
2005.10                   1725                    1692      15.89        6.62      115.72   
2005.09                   1672                    1587      11.21        2.19       29.68   
2005.08                   1665                    1553       8.83        2.04       27.37   
2005.07                   1373                    1522       7.64        0.53        6.53   
2005.06                   1654                    1514       8.38        0.60        7.42   
2005.05                   1583                    1505      11.73       -1.51      -16.64   
2005.04                   1605                    1528       8.52        1.33       17.13   
2005.03                   1588                    1508       6.05       -1.11      -12.59   
2005.02                   1478                    1525      19.14       -6.33      -54.36   
2005.01                   1500                    1628      32.14        7.25      131.52   
2004.12                   1333                    1518      21.44        3.13       44.67   
2004.11                   1386                    1472      20.56        0.82       10.32   
2004.10                   1508                    1460      18.51        2.31       31.57   
2004.09                   1494                    1427      17.84        0.00        0.00   
2004.08                   1493                    1427      24.63        0.92       11.61   
2004.07                   1267                    1414      16.86        1.22       15.62   
2004.06                   1523                    1397      16.61        3.71       54.86   
2004.05                   1405                    1347      11.60       -4.33      -41.23   
2004.04                   1448                    1408      15.69       -0.98      -11.20   
2004.03                   1548                    1422      16.46       11.09      253.41   
2004.02                   1280                    1280       3.14        3.90       58.19   
2004.01                   1160                    1232      -0.16       -1.44      -15.98   
2003.12                   1095                    1250       9.46        2.38       32.54   
2003.11                   1125                    1221       1.58       -0.89      -10.20   
2003.10                   1317                    1232       0.41        1.73       22.91   
2003.09                   1258                    1211      -0.98        5.76       95.91   
2003.08                   1192                    1145      -8.33       -5.37      -48.45   
2003.07                   1080                    1210      -2.18        1.00       12.70   
2003.06                   1269                    1198      -6.19       -0.75       -8.59   
2003.05                   1291                    1207      -7.44       -0.82       -9.43   
2003.04                   1262                    1217      -5.37       -0.33       -3.86   
2003.03                   1280                    1221      -5.28       -1.61      -17.71   
2003.02                   1222                    1241      -2.44        0.57        7.02   
2003.01                   1183                    1234      -4.64        8.06      153.39   
2002.12                    974                    1142     -12.56       -4.99      -45.91   
2002.11                   1146                    1202     -12.20       -2.04      -21.89   
2002.10                   1306                    1227      -8.77        0.33        4.00   
2002.09                   1250                    1223     -10.14       -2.08      -22.31   
2002.08                   1310                    1249     -12.66        0.97       12.28   
2002.07                   1093                    1237     -12.39       -3.13      -31.74   
2002.06                   1340                    1277     -10.70       -2.07      -22.20   
2002.05                   1424                    1304      -9.38        1.40       18.15   
2002.04                   1366                    1286      -4.88       -0.23       -2.76   
2002.03                   1322                    1289      -7.73        1.34       17.27   
2002.02                   1258                    1272      -8.36       -1.70      -18.60   
2002.01                   1227                    1294      -9.19       -0.92      -10.49   
2001.12                   1096                    1306      -9.87       -4.60      -43.18   
2001.11                   1328                    1369      -5.98        1.78       23.64   
2001.10                   1440                    1345      -9.18       -1.18      -13.23   
2001.09                   1381                    1361      -8.47       -4.83      -44.76   
2001.08                   1522                    1430      -0.83        1.27       16.42   
2001.07                   1210                    1412      -8.61       -1.26      -14.10   
2001.06                   1535                    1430      -3.25       -0.63       -7.25   
2001.05                   1557                    1439      -1.57        6.43      111.35   
2001.04                   1373                    1352     -10.46       -3.22      -32.49   
2001.03                   1494                    1397      -6.99        0.65        8.06   
2001.02                   1380                    1388      -7.22       -2.60      -27.07   
2001.01                   1352                    1425     -14.10       -1.66      -18.16   
2000.12                   1221                    1449      -8.00       -0.48       -5.62   
2000.11                   1421                    1456      -2.67       -1.69      -18.48   
2000.10                   1550                    1481      -0.27       -0.40       -4.74   
2000.09                   1554                    1487      -3.32        3.12       44.59   
2000.08                   1519                    1442      -5.01       -6.67      -56.30   
2000.07                   1300                    1545       1.11        4.53       70.23   
2000.06                   1586                    1478      -1.27        1.09       13.95   
2000.05                   1583                    1462      -1.35       -3.18      -32.14   
2000.04                   1525                    1510       3.07        0.53        6.58   
2000.03                   1636                    1502       2.46        0.40        4.92   
2000.02                   1560                    1496      -0.40       -9.83      -71.09   
2000.01                   1515                    1659      14.49        5.33       86.55   
1999.12                   1361                    1575       7.29        5.28       85.43   
1999.11                   1460                    1496       2.89        0.74        9.26   
1999.10                   1553                    1485       4.36       -3.45      -34.35   
1999.09                   1628                    1538       9.86        1.32       17.01   
1999.08                   1559                    1518       8.58       -0.65       -7.58   
1999.07                   1305                    1528      12.02        2.07       27.88   
1999.06                   1606                    1497       8.16        1.01       12.85   
1999.05                   1540                    1482       3.35        1.16       14.85   
1999.04                   1535                    1465       0.21       -0.07       -0.82   
1999.03                   1591                    1466      -3.11       -2.40      -25.26   
1999.02                   1522                    1502      -4.88        3.66       53.89   
1999.01                   1336                    1449       1.33       -1.29      -14.47   
1998.12                   1252                    1468       0.27        0.96       12.19   
1998.11                   1396                    1454      -2.02        2.18       29.51   
1998.10                   1511                    1423      -5.32        1.64       21.60   
1998.09                   1496                    1400      -4.50        0.14        1.73   
1998.08                   1414                    1398      -5.16        2.49       34.37   
1998.07                   1173                    1364      -8.27       -1.45      -16.03   
1998.06                   1470                    1384      -5.21       -3.49      -34.68   
1998.05                   1499                    1434       0.42       -1.92      -20.71   
1998.04                   1539                    1462       2.52       -3.37      -33.73   
1998.03                   1601                    1513       7.23       -4.18      -40.09   
1998.02                   1616                    1579      10.34       10.42      228.51   
1998.01                   1335                    1430       2.73       -2.32      -24.57   
1997.12                   1245                    1464      11.16       -1.35      -15.03   
1997.11                   1408                    1484       8.96       -1.26      -14.16   
1997.10                   1633                    1503      14.56        2.52       34.87   
1997.09                   1553                    1466       5.32       -0.54       -6.32   
1997.08                   1500                    1474       7.67       -0.87      -10.00   
1997.07                   1253                    1487       7.52        1.85       24.59   
1997.06                   1536                    1460       7.20        2.24       30.47   
1997.05                   1512                    1428       7.45        0.14        1.70   
1997.04                   1563                    1426       8.19        1.06       13.53   
1997.03                   1429                    1411      12.79       -1.40      -15.54   
1997.02                   1470                    1431      17.87        2.80       39.32   
1997.01                   1326                    1392      12.26        5.69       94.38   
1996.12                   1086                    1317       4.28       -3.30      -33.18   
1996.11                   1328                    1362      12.01        3.81       56.65   
1996.10                   1420                    1312       5.21       -5.75      -50.85   
1996.09                   1443                    1392      10.30        1.68       22.13   
1996.08                   1405                    1369       7.71       -1.01      -11.49   
1996.07                   1147                    1383      15.15        1.54       20.15   
1996.06                   1432                    1362       8.44        2.48       34.22   
1996.05                   1441                    1329       5.64        0.83       10.49   
1996.04                   1393                    1318       2.73        5.36       87.02   
1996.03                   1319                    1251      -3.32        3.05       43.37   
1996.02                   1292                    1214      -7.26       -2.10      -22.45   
1996.01                   1177                    1240      -6.49       -1.82      -19.79   
1995.12                   1033                    1263      -8.94        3.87       57.63   
1995.11                   1200                    1216      -1.86       -2.49      -26.07   
1995.10                   1326                    1247       2.55       -1.19      -13.37   
1995.09                   1320                    1262       5.43       -0.71       -8.17   
1995.08                   1313                    1271       8.45        5.83       97.35   
1995.07                    941                    1201       5.26       -4.38      -41.57   
1995.06                   1375                    1256       9.60       -0.16       -1.89   
1995.05                   1366                    1258       8.45       -1.95      -21.03   
1995.04                   1323                    1283      12.35       -0.85       -9.74   
1995.03                   1409                    1294      13.11       -1.15      -12.92   
1995.02                   1346                    1309      15.13       -1.28      -14.34   
1995.01                   1227                    1326      15.61       -4.40      -41.71   
1994.12                   1146                    1387      26.78       11.95      287.31   
1994.11                   1245                    1239      12.94        1.89       25.21   
1994.10                   1281                    1216       9.55        1.59       20.80   
1994.09                   1252                    1197      14.22        2.13       28.82   
1994.08                   1208                    1172      10.57        2.72       37.94   
1994.07                    886                    1141      19.10       -0.44       -5.11   
1994.06                   1264                    1146       6.90       -1.21      -13.56   
1994.05                   1234                    1160       8.51        1.58       20.64   
1994.04                   1210                    1142       5.55       -0.17       -2.08   
1994.03                   1236                    1144       7.92        0.62        7.64   
1994.02                   1169                    1137       6.26       -0.87       -9.97   
1994.01                   1049                    1147       8.62        4.84       76.42   
1993.12                    921                    1094       5.19       -0.27       -3.23   
1993.11                   1100                    1097       5.99       -1.17      -13.18   
1993.10                   1182                    1110       8.93        5.92       99.32   
1993.09                   1088                    1048       4.70       -1.13      -12.77   
1993.08                   1060                    1060       5.89       10.65      236.73   
1993.07                    746                     958      -5.24      -10.63      -74.06   
1993.06                   1197                    1072       5.82        0.28        3.42   
1993.05                   1127                    1069       3.69       -1.20      -13.50   
1993.04                   1157                    1082      13.54        2.08       27.95   
1993.03                   1147                    1060      13.37       -0.93      -10.66   
1993.02                   1098                    1070      19.82        1.33       17.12   
1993.01                    975                    1056      21.94        1.54       20.11   
1992.12                    868                    1040                   0.48        5.95   
1992.11                   1025                    1035                   1.57       20.56   
1992.10                   1099                    1019                   1.80       23.85   
1992.09                   1041                    1001                   0.00        0.00   
1992.08                    985                    1001                  -0.99      -11.24   
1992.07                    801                    1011                  -0.20       -2.34   
1992.06                   1126                    1013                  -1.75      -19.05   
1992.05                   1099                    1031                   8.18      157.03   
1992.04                   1019                     953                   1.93       25.71   
1992.03                    987                     935                   4.70       73.59   
1992.02                    941                     893                   3.12       44.54   
1992.01                    824                     866