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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
M3 release pdf (beginning month+2)
M3 historical (used by EconStats)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
2. Durable Goods Total [MDM]
3. Nondurable Goods Total (NonDur) [MNM]
4. Manufacturing Excluding Transportation
5. Manufacturing Excluding Defense [MXD]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
  Avg over ...months in -->
  Value on last month of -->

Download  Durable Goods Total [MDM] CSV file  obs:0
123 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to yearly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : MDM Durable Goods Total | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 98.99 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code MDM 2 Column (2) : NAICS code : MDM Durable Goods Total | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 97.77 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code MDM 150
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Year        | Avg over  Year        |
        | NAICS code : MDM      | NAICS code : MDM      |
Year    |_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj
2010                    192778p                 193799p      5.79 % 
2009                    183154                  183193     -16.03   
2008                    218725                  218162      -2.93   
2007                    224653                  224745       5.26   
2006                    213516                  213512       5.67   
2005                    202070                  202047       7.52   
2004                    188722                  187909       5.26   
2003                    178549                  178518       0.76   
2002                    176968                  177166      -2.24   
2001                    181201                  181228      -8.22   
2000                    197807                  197463       1.79   
1999                    193895                  193994       4.43   
1998                    185966                  185760       3.77   
1997                    178949                  179008       8.89   
1996                    164883                  164398       3.65   
1995                    158568                  158606       7.70   
1994                    147005                  147269      10.18   
1993                    133712                  133667       5.86   
1992                    126572                  126273       6.65   
1991                    119780                  118399      -2.01   
1990                    122529                  120832       0.48   
1989                    121917                  120253       3.91   
1988                    117265                  115732       9.59   
1987                    107038                  105605       4.71   
1986                    102198                  100853       1.92   
1985                    100259                   98950       3.39   
1984                     96953                   95707      14.44   
1983                     84619                   83633       8.05   
1982                     78413                   77400      -5.37   
1981                     82883                   81796       8.03   
1980                     76639                   75717       2.06   
1979                     75162                   74187      12.03   
1978                     67049                   66219      14.45   
1977                     58572                   57859      16.80   
1976                     50113                   49538      16.10   
1975                     43159                   42669      -1.19   
1974                     43728                   43181      11.47   
1973                     39236                   38737      16.63   
1972                     33644                   33215      13.55   
1971                     29623                   29251       6.17   
1970                     27873                   27552      -4.25   
1969                     29107                   28773       6.65   
1968                     27346                   26980       9.36   
1967                     24979                   24670       2.66   
1966                     24369                   24030      10.69   
1965                     21970                   21709      13.17   
1964                     19413                   19182       7.57   
1963                     18071                   17831       5.83   
1962                     17073                   16850      10.45   
1961                     15444                   15256      -1.58   
1960                     15710                   15502       1.87   
1959                     15440                   15217      14.63   
1958                     13416                   13275