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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
34. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Construction Supplies [CMS] CSV file  obs:0
370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 153.64 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code CMS 35 Column (2) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 150.72 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code CMS 183
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : CMS      | NAICS code : CMS      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   43425                   41481       6.59 %      3.69 %     15.61 % 
2010.1                   36539                   40004       0.51        2.09        8.64   
2009.4                   38027                   39184      -7.85       -0.63       -2.51   
2009.3                   42206                   39434     -14.13        1.33        5.41   
2009.2                   40540                   38917     -15.99       -2.22       -8.58   
2009.1                   36536                   39800     -14.04       -6.40      -23.26   
2008.4                   41421                   42523      -7.69       -7.40      -26.48   
2008.3                   48975                   45922      -1.76       -0.87       -3.45   
2008.2                   48512                   46327      -2.68        0.06        0.24   
2008.1                   43010                   46299      -0.63        0.51        2.05   
2007.4                   44728                   46065       0.89       -1.45       -5.68   
2007.3                   49422                   46743       4.05       -1.81       -7.04   
2007.2                   49696                   47603       4.63        2.16        8.94   
2007.1                   43271                   46595       0.20        2.05        8.46   
2006.4                   44068                   45658       1.97        1.64        6.71   
2006.3                   47273                   44923       6.30       -1.26       -4.95   
2006.2                   47560                   45496       8.70       -2.16       -8.38   
2006.1                   43387                   46502      12.64        3.85       16.33   
2005.4                   43169                   44777      12.59        5.95       26.01   
2005.3                   44510                   42262       8.43        0.97        3.94   
2005.2                   43995                   41856       8.87        1.38        5.64   
2005.1                   38281                   41285      12.90        3.82       16.16   
2004.4                   38542                   39768       8.69        2.03        8.36   
2004.3                   40905                   38977       8.35        1.38        5.64   
2004.2                   40244                   38446       9.27        5.13       22.18   
2004.1                   34692                   36569       3.56       -0.05       -0.21   
2003.4                   35555                   36588       3.87        1.71        7.02   
2003.3                   37643                   35973       0.78        2.24        9.28   
2003.2                   36790                   35184      -1.18       -0.36       -1.42   
2003.1                   33073                   35310       1.64        0.24        0.98   
2002.4                   34209                   35224       2.49       -1.32       -5.17   
2002.3                   37229                   35695       1.68        0.26        1.04   
2002.2                   37412                   35602      -1.99        2.49       10.32   
2002.1                   32486                   34739      -2.48        1.07        4.37   
2001.4                   33395                   34370      -4.94       -2.10       -8.12   
2001.3                   36389                   35105      -4.45       -3.36      -12.77   
2001.2                   37948                   36325      -3.05        1.97        8.12   
2001.1                   33774                   35622      -5.73       -1.47       -5.77   
2000.4                   35040                   36155      -2.22       -1.59       -6.20   
2000.3                   37897                   36739       1.67       -1.95       -7.57   
2000.2                   39067                   37469       4.04       -0.84       -3.32   
2000.1                   36267                   37787       6.10        2.19        9.06   
1999.4                   35964                   36976       4.53        2.33        9.66   
1999.3                   37358                   36134       3.51        0.33        1.32   
1999.2                   37575                   36016       3.45        1.13        4.59   
1999.1                   33816                   35614       3.11        0.68        2.76   
1998.4                   34463                   35373       4.38        1.33        5.41   
1998.3                   35988                   34910       3.80        0.27        1.09   
1998.2                   36212                   34815       4.97        0.80        3.23   
1998.1                   32923                   34540       5.81        1.92        7.90   
1997.4                   33089                   33890       7.02        0.77        3.10   
1997.3                   34586                   33632       6.37        1.41        5.74   
1997.2                   34616                   33166       7.47        1.61        6.59   
1997.1                   31002                   32642      11.60        3.08       12.90   
1996.4                   30977                   31667       5.86        0.15        0.61   
1996.3                   32435                   31618       7.08        2.45       10.18   
1996.2                   32103                   30861       6.79        5.51       23.94   
1996.1                   28286                   29249      -1.18       -2.22       -8.60   
1995.4                   29139                   29914       4.03        1.31        5.35   
1995.3                   30104                   29527       5.59        2.17        8.96   
1995.2                   30038                   28900       5.09       -2.36       -9.12   
1995.1                   28452                   29599      10.25        2.93       12.26   
1994.4                   27989                   28756       9.32        2.84       11.84   
1994.3                   28614                   27962      11.29        1.68        6.89   
1994.2                   28672                   27500       9.92        2.44       10.11   
1994.1                   25636                   26846       8.80        2.06        8.52   
1993.4                   25743                   26303      10.76        4.69       20.13   
1993.3                   25698                   25125       5.59        0.43        1.72   
1993.2                   26083                   25018       5.87        1.39        5.67   
1993.1                   23606                   24676      10.99        3.91       16.56   
1992.4                   23265                   23748       7.82       -0.20       -0.79   
1992.3                   24280                   23795       8.01        0.70        2.81   
1992.2                   24630                   23631      10.10        6.29       27.66   
1992.1                   21569                   22231       7.16        0.94        3.80   
1991.4                   22129                   22025       0.80       -0.02       -0.08   
1991.3                   23111                   22030      -2.96        2.64       10.99   
1991.2                   22779                   21463      -6.59        3.46       14.57   
1991.1                   20003                   20745     -10.31       -5.06      -18.75   
1990.4                   21985                   21851      -3.38       -3.75      -14.17   
1990.3                   23796                   22701       0.86       -1.20       -4.72   
1990.2                   24412                   22978       2.36       -0.66       -2.62   
1990.1                   22300                   23130       0.70        2.28        9.42   
1989.4                   22667                   22615       0.06        0.48        1.93   
1989.3                   23542                   22507       2.51        0.26        1.06   
1989.2                   23876                   22448       1.75       -2.27       -8.78   
1989.1                   22140                   22970       6.33        1.63        6.67   
1988.4                   22581                   22602       3.77        2.95       12.32   
1988.3                   22972                   21955       5.62       -0.49       -1.93   
1988.2                   23528                   22062      10.09        2.13        8.79   
1988.1                   20846                   21603       6.20       -0.82       -3.24   
1987.4                   21733                   21781      12.23        4.79       20.57   
1987.3                   21774                   20786       7.54        3.72       15.74   
1987.2                   21382                   20040       2.70       -1.48       -5.78   
1987.1                   19544                   20341       6.52        4.80       20.65   
1986.4                   19420                   19408       4.57        0.41        1.65   
1986.3                   20330                   19329       2.63       -0.94       -3.73   
1986.2                   20847                   19513       5.72        2.19        9.04   
1986.1                   18329                   19096       6.42        2.88       12.04   
1985.4                   18554                   18561       1.50       -1.45       -5.67   
1985.3                   19825                   18833       6.44        2.04        8.42   
1985.2                   19684                   18457       5.65        2.86       11.92   
1985.1                   17273                   17944       2.16       -1.87       -7.27   
1984.4                   18192                   18286       6.65        3.35       14.08   
1984.3                   18639                   17693       8.22        1.28        5.22   
1984.2                   18620                   17470      11.17       -0.54       -2.16   
1984.1                   16877                   17565      17.36        2.45       10.18   
1983.4                   17071                   17145      20.73        4.86       20.92   
1983.3                   17247                   16350      11.91        4.04       17.19   
1983.2                   16724                   15714       6.71        4.99       21.51   
1983.1                   14398                   14967       2.60        5.39       23.37   
1982.4                   14215                   14201      -1.52       -2.79      -10.71   
1982.3                   15374                   14609      -5.06       -0.79       -3.13   
1982.2                   15592                   14726      -8.24        0.95        3.84   
1982.1                   14112                   14588      -8.10        1.16        4.74   
1981.4                   14503                   14420      -9.08       -6.29      -22.90   
1981.3                   16082                   15389       5.80       -4.11      -15.47   
1981.2                   16958                   16049      15.99        1.10        4.49   
1981.1                   15369                   15873       3.11        0.08        0.32   
1980.4                   15972                   15861       4.41        9.05       41.42   
1980.3                   15228                   14545      -3.78        5.12       22.12   
1980.2                   14593                   13836      -6.60      -10.13      -34.76   
1980.1                   14858                   15395       8.93        1.34        5.47   
1979.4                   15360                   15191       7.93        0.50        2.00   
1979.3                   15762                   15116      11.68        2.05        8.43   
1979.2                   15604                   14813      10.41        4.82       20.70   
1979.1                   13717                   14133      16.12        0.41        1.65   
1978.4                   14255                   14075      15.24        3.99       16.94   
1978.3                   14121                   13535      15.65        0.88        3.58   
1978.2                   14128                   13416      18.67       10.24       47.68   
1978.1                   11791                   12170      11.80       -0.36       -1.42   
1977.4                   12180                   12214      19.95        4.37       18.64   
1977.3                   12305                   11703      17.91        3.52       14.84   
1977.2                   12172                   11305      16.74        3.85       16.33   
1977.1                   10399                   10886      16.40        6.90       30.60   
1976.4                   10172                   10183      13.35        2.60       10.80   
1976.3                   10422                    9925      14.81        2.49       10.34   
1976.2                   10417                    9684      20.10        3.55       14.98   
1976.1                    8908                    9352      17.98        4.10       17.46   
1975.4                    8991                    8983       4.09        3.92       16.61   
1975.3                    9078                    8645      -2.03        7.21       32.11   
1975.2                    8665                    8063      -8.42        1.72        7.08   
1975.1                    7571                    7927      -6.00       -8.15      -28.83   
1974.4                    8651                    8630       8.27       -2.20       -8.51   
1974.3                    9234                    8824      14.39        0.22        0.89   
1974.2                    9452                    8804      13.07        4.41       18.84   
1974.1                    8074                    8433       8.12        5.79       25.26   
1973.4                    7963                    7971       7.79        3.33       13.99   
1973.3                    8063                    7714      11.61       -0.93       -3.66   
1973.2                    8360                    7786      18.28       -0.16       -0.64   
1973.1                    7482                    7799      23.88        5.46       23.70   
1972.4                    7383                    7395      25.14        6.99       31.04   
1972.3                    7238                    6912      18.84        4.99       21.51   
1972.2                    7054                    6583      15.51        4.57       19.58   
1972.1                    6041                    6295      15.80        6.53       28.79   
1971.4                    5923                    5910      10.47        1.61        6.58   
1971.3                    6076                    5816       7.66        2.05        8.47   
1971.2                    6110                    5699      10.81        4.83       20.78   
1971.1                    5223                    5436       4.96        1.62        6.66   
1970.4                    5362                    5349      -0.76       -0.98       -3.85   
1970.3                    5628                    5402       2.69        5.04       21.74   
1970.2                    5503                    5143      -3.38       -0.71       -2.80   
1970.1                    4988                    5180      -3.70       -3.91      -14.76   
1969.4                    5416                    5391       5.07        2.47       10.27   
1969.3                    5474                    5260       5.47       -1.17       -4.60   
1969.2                    5695                    5323       7.49       -1.04       -4.08   
1969.1                    5177                    5379      11.27        4.84       20.80   
1968.4                    5149                    5130       8.33        2.86       11.94   
1968.3                    5187                    4988       8.96        0.72        2.91   
1968.2                    5304                    4952      11.96        2.44       10.13   
1968.1                    4651                    4834       8.39        2.07        8.53   
1967.4                    4749                    4736       6.46        3.46       14.56   
1967.3                    4761                    4578       1.04        3.50       14.75   
1967.2                    4747                    4423      -1.85       -0.82       -3.25   
1967.1                    4287                    4460       1.04        0.25        1.00   
1966.4                    4467                    4449       3.75       -1.81       -7.04   
1966.3                    4707                    4531       7.77        0.54        2.16   
1966.2                    4855                    4506       9.47        2.09        8.64   
1966.1                    4225                    4414       6.91        2.94       12.29   
1965.4                    4294                    4288       7.41        2.00        8.22   
1965.3                    4380                    4204       7.53        2.12        8.77   
1965.2                    4452                    4117       9.11       -0.29       -1.16   
1965.1                    3921                    4129       9.54        3.42       14.41   
1964.4                    3995                    3992       8.32        2.11        8.70   
1964.3                    4085                    3910       7.74        3.62       15.29   
1964.2                    4094                    3773       5.70        0.11        0.43   
1964.1                    3544                    3769       9.53        2.26        9.36   
1963.4                    3698                    3685       9.22        1.56        6.41   
1963.3                    3810                    3629       6.69        1.66        6.81   
1963.2                    3882                    3569       4.75        3.74       15.81   
1963.1                    3228                    3441       2.24        1.97        8.10   
1962.4                    3391                    3375       0.46       -0.78       -3.09   
1962.3                    3579                    3401       3.80       -0.19       -0.76   
1962.2                    3710                    3408       7.41        1.25        5.11   
1962.1                    3158                    3365      12.85        0.19        0.78   
1961.4                    3360                    3359       6.01        2.51       10.44   
1961.3                    3450                    3277       1.99        3.28       13.77   
1961.2                    3456                    3173      -2.52        6.38       28.09   
1961.1                    2792                    2982     -11.59       -5.88      -21.53   
1960.4                    3166                    3169      -2.74       -1.38       -5.39   
1960.3                    3386                    3213       0.30       -1.28       -5.03   
1960.2                    3540                    3254      -4.55       -3.52      -13.34   
1960.1                    3165                    3373       1.85        3.53       14.89   
1959.4                    3243                    3258       4.11        1.71        7.02   
1959.3                    3387                    3203       6.60       -6.06      -22.11   
1959.2                    3707                    3410      24.26        2.96       12.37   
1959.1                    3121                    3312      16.30        5.83       25.43   
1958.4                    3109                    3129                   4.15       17.65   
1958.3                    3164                    3005                   9.50       43.78   
1958.2                    2976                    2744                  -3.63      -13.76   
1958.1                    2676                    2848