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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
37. Nondefense Capital Goods [NDE]
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370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 120.33 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code TCG 36 Column (2) : NAICS code : TCG Total Capital Goods | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 116.99 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code TCG 184
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Avg over  Quarter     | Avg over  Quarter     |
        | NAICS code : TCG      | NAICS code : TCG      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   73915                   72930       5.36 %      0.93 %      3.78 % 
2010.1                   70102                   72257       1.66        0.98        3.96   
2009.4                   73256                   71559      -5.62        1.61        6.58   
2009.3                   69952                   70428     -13.07        1.75        7.18   
2009.2                   70163                   69218     -15.63       -2.61      -10.05   
2009.1                   68928                   71075     -11.65       -6.26      -22.79   
2008.4                   77379                   75822      -5.60       -6.41      -23.27   
2008.3                   80219                   81012       0.85       -1.25       -4.92   
2008.2                   83486                   82042       4.58        1.98        8.18   
2008.1                   78527                   80445       6.05        0.16        0.63   
2007.4                   81760                   80320       6.81       -0.01       -0.03   
2007.3                   79280                   80326       8.39        2.39        9.91   
2007.2                   79989                   78451       7.21        3.42       14.41   
2007.1                   73721                   75854       5.04        0.87        3.51   
2006.4                   76212                   75202       4.44        1.47        6.03   
2006.3                   73399                   74110       9.29        1.27        5.20   
2006.2                   74698                   73177       8.15        1.33        5.44   
2006.1                   70424                   72214       9.51        0.29        1.18   
2005.4                   73441                   72003      12.13        6.18       27.10   
2005.3                   67255                   67812       7.53        0.23        0.90   
2005.2                   69206                   67660       9.48        2.61       10.84   
2005.1                   64067                   65941       8.00        2.69       11.21   
2004.4                   65250                   64212       5.42        1.82        7.49   
2004.3                   62535                   63063       4.45        2.04        8.42   
2004.2                   63062                   61802       4.13        1.22        4.97   
2004.1                   60121                   61058       3.23        0.24        0.95   
2003.4                   61997                   60913       1.76        0.89        3.61   
2003.3                   59754                   60376      -1.09        1.72        7.07   
2003.2                   60568                   59353      -2.96        0.34        1.38   
2003.1                   57548                   59150      -3.85       -1.19       -4.66   
2002.4                   60765                   59860      -4.95       -1.93       -7.52   
2002.3                   60285                   61041      -6.12       -0.20       -0.81   
2002.2                   62329                   61166      -9.97       -0.57       -2.26   
2002.1                   59482                   61517     -14.17       -2.32       -8.98   
2001.4                   64539                   62980     -14.01       -3.14      -11.99   
2001.3                   63814                   65024     -11.56       -4.29      -16.10   
2001.2                   69250                   67940      -8.09       -5.20      -19.25   
2001.1                   69730                   71670       1.57       -2.15       -8.31   
2000.4                   74807                   73243       3.93       -0.38       -1.52   
2000.3                   72454                   73524       3.51       -0.54       -2.13   
2000.2                   75290                   73921       5.53        4.75       20.42   
2000.1                   69247                   70566       2.46        0.13        0.53   
1999.4                   72047                   70472       0.94       -0.79       -3.13   
1999.3                   69649                   71033       4.75        1.41        5.77   
1999.2                   71190                   70044       2.89        1.70        6.97   
1999.1                   67032                   68874       1.36       -1.35       -5.28   
1998.4                   71498                   69815       4.43        2.96       12.36   
1998.3                   66581                   67810       2.02       -0.39       -1.55   
1998.2                   69279                   68074       5.29        0.18        0.73   
1998.1                   66553                   67950      10.32        1.64        6.73   
1997.4                   68543                   66852      10.38        0.58        2.33   
1997.3                   65000                   66468      13.16        2.81       11.70   
1997.2                   65839                   64654      11.12        4.97       21.42   
1997.1                   60362                   61592       9.22        1.69        6.93   
1996.4                   62162                   60568       5.90        3.11       13.04   
1996.3                   57605                   58740       6.01        0.96        3.88   
1996.2                   59110                   58184       5.31        3.18       13.32   
1996.1                   56001                   56392       3.90       -1.41       -5.50   
1995.4                   58551                   57196       7.39        3.22       13.53   
1995.3                   54151                   55410       6.53        0.29        1.16   
1995.2                   56140                   55251       8.93        1.80        7.38   
1995.1                   53214                   54276       9.34        1.91        7.86   
1994.4                   54691                   53259       6.79        2.39        9.92   
1994.3                   50807                   52014       7.65        2.55       10.60   
1994.2                   51521                   50721       5.78        2.17        8.99   
1994.1                   48460                   49641       4.21       -0.46       -1.83   
1993.4                   51290                   49871       4.04        3.21       13.48   
1993.3                   47179                   48319       1.89        0.77        3.13   
1993.2                   48671                   47948       2.17        0.65        2.64   
1993.1                   46479                   47637       3.55       -0.62       -2.46   
1992.4                   49433                   47935       4.30        1.08        4.39   
1992.3                   46229                   47423       2.98        1.05        4.27   
1992.2                   47610                   46929       2.54        2.01        8.28   
1992.1                   45483                   46005       2.35        0.10        0.42   
1991.4                   49252                   45957      -0.77       -0.20       -0.80   
1991.3                   45964                   46049      -0.84        0.62        2.50   
1991.2                   47951                   45766      -0.15        1.82        7.47   
1991.1                   44310                   44949      -1.81       -2.94      -11.26   
1990.4                   50017                   46312       5.76       -0.27       -1.08   
1990.3                   46494                   46438       5.02        1.32        5.37   
1990.2                   48057                   45834       4.01        0.13        0.51   
1990.1                   45218                   45776       5.49        4.54       19.42   
1989.4                   47318                   43790       0.98       -0.97       -3.83   
1989.3                   44420                   44219       2.13        0.34        1.37   
1989.2                   46153                   44069       4.31        1.56        6.38   
1989.1                   42945                   43393       3.92        0.06        0.24   
1988.4                   46750                   43366       7.01        0.16        0.66   
1988.3                   43469                   43295       8.56        2.48       10.28   
1988.2                   44113                   42249       8.86        1.18        4.81   
1988.1                   41381                   41756       8.66        3.04       12.71   
1987.4                   43738                   40525       3.87        1.62        6.63   
1987.3                   39995                   39880       4.48        2.76       11.48   
1987.2                   40446                   38811       0.17        1.00        4.06   
1987.1                   38157                   38427       0.49       -1.51       -5.89   
1986.4                   42179                   39014       0.44        2.21        9.13   
1986.3                   38181                   38172       0.92       -1.48       -5.78   
1986.2                   40421                   38744       3.29        1.32        5.38   
1986.1                   38113                   38240       2.79       -1.56       -6.08   
1985.4                   41820                   38845       5.46        2.70       11.26   
1985.3                   37724                   37823       6.40        0.84        3.39   
1985.2                   39163                   37509       7.67        0.83        3.35   
1985.1                   37222                   37201      11.86        1.00        4.05   
1984.4                   39506                   36834      14.60        3.61       15.26   
1984.3                   35415                   35549      14.84        2.05        8.45   
1984.2                   36481                   34836      14.75        4.74       20.37   
1984.1                   33472                   33258      12.44        3.48       14.65   
1983.4                   34270                   32141       9.94        3.83       16.20   
1983.3                   30827                   30956       2.74        1.97        8.13   
1983.2                   31844                   30357      -1.40        2.64       10.97   
1983.1                   29853                   29578      -5.97        1.17        4.77   
1982.4                   30966                   29235      -6.33       -2.97      -11.36   
1982.3                   29991                   30130      -4.10       -2.14       -8.29   
1982.2                   32344                   30789      -0.69       -2.12       -8.23   
1982.1                   31958                   31457       4.62        0.79        3.19   
1981.4                   32830                   31211       8.00       -0.66       -2.62   
1981.3                   31242                   31419      12.40        1.34        5.49   
1981.2                   32660                   31002      12.34        3.11       13.03   
1981.1                   30665                   30067       9.57        4.04       17.16   
1980.4                   30205                   28900      11.61        3.39       14.25   
1980.3                   27781                   27953      10.50        1.29        5.27   
1980.2                   29065                   27596      13.50        0.56        2.27   
1980.1                   28115                   27442      15.22        5.98       26.14   
1979.4                   27039                   25894      14.95        2.36        9.79   
1979.3                   25060                   25297      17.12        4.04       17.16   
1979.2                   25633                   24315      16.15        2.09        8.62   
1979.1                   24447                   23817      21.71        5.73       24.98   
1978.4                   23422                   22526      18.17        4.30       18.32   
1978.3                   21423                   21598      17.51        3.17       13.31   
1978.2                   22105                   20934      18.04        6.98       30.97   
1978.1                   20154                   19569      13.53        2.66       11.05   
1977.4                   19626                   19062      14.42        3.71       15.70   
1977.3                   18162                   18380      15.18        3.64       15.37   
1977.2                   18920                   17734      13.81        2.89       12.07   
1977.1                   17710                   17236      14.84        3.46       14.57   
1976.4                   17218                   16660      13.68        4.41       18.83   
1976.3                   15776                   15957      10.47        2.40        9.95   
1976.2                   16624                   15583       7.10        3.82       16.20   
1976.1                   15427                   15009       1.72        2.42       10.02   
1975.4                   15095                   14655      -1.04        1.45        5.94   
1975.3                   14282                   14445       1.75       -0.72       -2.85   
1975.2                   15525                   14550       5.95       -1.39       -5.46   
1975.1                   15137                   14755      10.95       -0.36       -1.44   
1974.4                   15276                   14809      13.20        4.31       18.40   
1974.3                   14072                   14197      13.24        3.38       14.22   
1974.2                   14693                   13732      15.62        3.26       13.68   
1974.1                   13647                   13299      19.03        1.66        6.80   
1973.4                   13500                   13082      21.17        4.36       18.59   
1973.3                   12427                   12536      19.58        5.55       24.11   
1973.2                   12694                   11877      14.98        6.30       27.68   
1973.1                   11480                   11173       9.59        3.49       14.69   
1972.4                   11112                   10797      11.14        2.99       12.51   
1972.3                   10400                   10484      11.40        1.49        6.08   
1972.2                   11045                   10330       6.31        1.31        5.35   
1972.1                   10439                   10196       5.93        4.95       21.34   
1971.4                   10027                    9715      -0.16        3.23       13.55   
1971.3                    9336                    9411      -4.65       -3.14      -11.99   
1971.2                   10364                    9716      -3.87        0.94        3.83   
1971.1                    9838                    9626      -5.53       -1.07       -4.23   
1970.4                   10087                    9730      -6.99       -1.42       -5.55   
1970.3                    9777                    9870      -5.20       -2.35       -9.06   
1970.2                   10752                   10107      -1.23       -0.80       -3.18   
1970.1                   10409                   10189       0.11       -2.60      -10.01   
1969.4                   10874                   10461       6.58        0.48        1.92   
1969.3                   10296                   10412       8.38        1.75        7.17   
1969.2                   10878                   10233       6.69        0.54        2.19   
1969.1                   10377                   10178       2.73        3.69       15.60   
1968.4                   10265                    9815       0.70        2.17        8.97   
1968.3                    9487                    9607       2.94        0.16        0.64   
1968.2                   10182                    9592       7.15       -3.18      -12.14   
1968.1                   10054                    9907      14.22        1.64        6.72   
1967.4                   10005                    9747      12.68        4.45       19.01   
1967.3                    9225                    9332      10.41        4.26       18.14   
1967.2                    9568                    8951       9.66        3.20       13.43   
1967.1                    8945                    8674      10.84        0.27        1.07   
1966.4                    8878                    8651      16.56        2.35        9.73   
1966.3                    8345                    8452      20.36        3.54       14.95   
1966.2                    8734                    8163      19.52        4.32       18.41   
1966.1                    8052                    7825      17.88        5.43       23.57   
1965.4                    7630                    7422      15.40        5.69       24.76   
1965.3                    6933                    7022      10.96        2.83       11.80   
1965.2                    7327                    6829       8.11        2.88       12.02   
1965.1                    6835                    6638       6.75        3.22       13.52   
1964.4                    6600                    6431       4.68        1.61        6.62   
1964.3                    6237                    6329       2.09        0.19        0.74   
1964.2                    6784                    6317       7.73        1.59        6.50   
1964.1                    6385                    6219       9.72        1.23        4.99   
1963.4                    6316                    6143       8.63       -0.91       -3.57   
1963.3                    6097                    6200       9.03        5.73       24.95   
1963.2                    6300                    5864       0.93        3.45       14.55   
1963.1                    5828                    5668      -1.28        0.22        0.89   
1962.4                    5827                    5656       2.54       -0.54       -2.15   
1962.3                    5583                    5686       7.97       -2.13       -8.24   
1962.2                    6237                    5810      13.09        1.20        4.87   
1962.1                    5901                    5741      13.95        4.09       17.41   
1961.4                    5704                    5516       8.94        4.72       20.28   
1961.3                    5174                    5267       5.34        2.52       10.47   
1961.2                    5509                    5137       0.25        1.96        8.07   
1961.1                    5176                    5039      -2.17       -0.48       -1.90   
1960.4                    5238                    5063      -2.91        1.26        5.12   
1960.3                    4905                    5000      -3.25       -2.43       -9.36   
1960.2                    5494                    5124       4.20       -0.50       -1.98   
1960.1                    5288                    5150       9.79       -1.23       -4.85   
1959.4                    5386                    5214      14.34        0.91        3.67   
1959.3                    5067                    5168      16.76        5.08       21.94   
1959.2                    5272                    4918      10.57        4.84       20.81   
1959.1                    4825                    4691      -0.77        2.86       11.92   
1958.4                    4709                    4560                   3.04       12.73   
1958.3                    4341                    4426                  -0.49       -1.95   
1958.2                    4763                    4448                  -5.91      -21.62   
1958.1                    4859                    4727