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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
34. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
35. Construction Supplies [CMS]
36. Total Capital Goods [TCG]
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Construction Supplies [CMS] CSV file  obs:0
370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 153.64 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code CMS 35 Column (2) : NAICS code : CMS Construction Supplies | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 150.72 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code CMS 183
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : CMS      | NAICS code : CMS      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                   45319                   40952       5.43 %      0.48 %      1.93 % 
2010.1                   41044                   40757       4.28        4.94       21.28   
2009.4                   34967                   38838      -4.22       -1.52       -5.96   
2009.3                   42725                   39439     -12.76        1.53        6.28   
2009.2                   42978                   38843     -16.71       -0.62       -2.46   
2009.1                   39413                   39086     -14.77       -3.61      -13.67   
2008.4                   36474                   40549     -10.83      -10.30      -35.27   
2008.3                   48815                   45206      -1.87       -3.07      -11.73   
2008.2                   50906                   46638      -1.38        1.70        6.96   
2008.1                   45048                   45860      -2.54        0.85        3.43   
2007.4                   39918                   45475      -3.76       -1.29       -5.06   
2007.3                   48425                   46069       2.43       -2.58       -9.93   
2007.2                   51546                   47289       3.72        0.50        2.01   
2007.1                   47612                   47054       1.56       -0.41       -1.65   
2006.4                   41692                   47250       3.65        5.05       21.80   
2006.3                   47760                   44977       4.02       -1.35       -5.29   
2006.2                   50372                   45592       8.37       -1.59       -6.21   
2006.1                   47781                   46329      11.11        1.63        6.70   
2005.4                   40821                   45584      12.09        5.42       23.51   
2005.3                   46453                   43240      10.78        2.78       11.58   
2005.2                   46345                   42072      10.68        0.90        3.65   
2005.1                   42352                   41697       7.78        2.53       10.50   
2004.4                   37035                   40669      11.71        4.19       17.86   
2004.3                   41738                   39032       7.47        2.69       11.18   
2004.2                   41862                   38011       7.90       -1.75       -6.81   
2004.1                   39817                   38687       9.26        6.26       27.50   
2003.4                   33140                   36407       3.76        0.24        0.96   
2003.3                   38645                   36320       2.56        3.10       12.99   
2003.2                   38291                   35228      -1.80       -0.51       -2.03   
2003.1                   35546                   35409       1.08        0.91        3.70   
2002.4                   31500                   35089       2.21       -0.92       -3.62   
2002.3                   37157                   35414       2.95       -1.29       -5.04   
2002.2                   38488                   35875       0.69        2.41       10.00   
2002.1                   34684                   35030      -0.56        2.04        8.40   
2001.4                   30370                   34331      -5.42       -0.19       -0.78   
2001.3                   35551                   34398      -7.00       -3.46      -13.12   
2001.2                   38699                   35629      -4.34        1.14        4.66   
2001.1                   35878                   35226      -7.59       -2.96      -11.32   
2000.4                   32167                   36300      -3.51       -1.86       -7.24   
2000.3                   38709                   36988       2.95       -0.69       -2.74   
2000.2                   40969                   37246       3.31       -2.29       -8.84   
2000.1                   39318                   38118       6.88        1.32        5.38   
1999.4                   34168                   37622       5.69        4.71       20.24   
1999.3                   38104                   35928       3.61       -0.34       -1.36   
1999.2                   39527                   36051       3.34        1.09        4.42   
1999.1                   36458                   35663       2.97        0.18        0.73   
1998.4                   32187                   35598       5.20        2.66       11.08   
1998.3                   36828                   34675       2.32       -0.60       -2.40   
1998.2                   38124                   34886       4.98        0.73        2.95   
1998.1                   35125                   34633       4.22        2.34        9.71   
1997.4                   30518                   33840       8.34       -0.15       -0.59   
1997.3                   35979                   33890       6.12        1.98        8.17   
1997.2                   35806                   33231       4.92        0.00        0.01   
1997.1                   32759                   33230      10.93        6.39       28.12   
1996.4                   27826                   31234       2.66       -2.20       -8.51   
1996.3                   33540                   31936       6.57        0.83        3.35   
1996.2                   33651                   31674      10.08        5.74       24.99   
1996.1                   30026                   29956       3.06       -1.54       -6.02   
1995.4                   26792                   30425       4.75        1.52        6.24   
1995.3                   31524                   29968       7.22        4.15       17.68   
1995.2                   31371                   28773       4.70       -1.01       -3.98   
1995.1                   30029                   29067       7.39        0.08        0.32   
1994.4                   25884                   29044       9.32        3.92       16.62   
1994.3                   29836                   27949       9.38        1.70        6.99   
1994.2                   29875                   27481      10.14        1.53        6.24   
1994.1                   27713                   27068       9.13        1.88        7.74   
1993.4                   24000                   26568      11.87        3.97       16.86   
1993.3                   27273                   25553       8.48        2.41       10.01   
1993.2                   27124                   24951       4.51        0.60        2.41   
1993.1                   25509                   24803       7.51        4.43       18.95   
1992.4                   21412                   23750       9.75        0.83        3.35   
1992.3                   25154                   23555       7.07       -1.34       -5.25   
1992.2                   25877                   23875      10.60        3.49       14.71   
1992.1                   23513                   23070      13.78        6.61       29.18   
1991.4                   19999                   21640       0.81       -1.64       -6.39   
1991.3                   24081                   22000      -1.14        1.91        7.87   
1991.2                   24057                   21587      -6.00        6.47       28.49   
1991.1                   20975                   20276     -12.56       -5.54      -20.39   
1990.4                   19872                   21465      -5.11       -3.55      -13.46   
1990.3                   24347                   22255      -1.14       -3.10      -11.83   
1990.2                   25582                   22966       2.39       -0.96       -3.77   
1990.1                   24034                   23188       2.60        2.51       10.40   
1989.4                   20795                   22621      -3.72        0.49        1.97   
1989.3                   24581                   22511       1.49        0.36        1.46   
1989.2                   24951                   22429       1.29       -0.75       -2.98   
1989.1                   23481                   22600       2.54       -3.81      -14.39   
1988.4                   21516                   23495       6.96        5.93       25.89   
1988.3                   24252                   22181       4.76        0.17        0.68   
1988.2                   24616                   22143      10.52        0.47        1.90   
1988.1                   22911                   22039       8.26        0.34        1.35   
1987.4                   20070                   21965      14.15        3.74       15.84   
1987.3                   23175                   21173       8.21        5.68       24.73   
1987.2                   22261                   20035       3.28       -1.58       -6.19   
1987.1                   21138                   20357       6.88        5.80       25.28   
1986.4                   17673                   19242       5.92       -1.66       -6.46   
1986.3                   21500                   19566       4.33        0.86        3.49   
1986.2                   21603                   19399       3.96        1.85        7.62   
1986.1                   19729                   19046       5.29        4.84       20.80   
1985.4                   16642                   18167      -2.66       -3.13      -11.93   
1985.3                   20606                   18754       6.36        0.50        2.02   
1985.2                   20806                   18660       5.98        3.16       13.24   
1985.1                   18696                   18089       3.60       -3.08      -11.75   
1984.4                   16992                   18663       6.61        5.85       25.52   
1984.3                   19329                   17632       5.62        0.15        0.58   
1984.2                   19633                   17607       9.45        0.84        3.39   
1984.1                   18033                   17460      16.75       -0.26       -1.03   
1983.4                   15980                   17506      23.51        4.87       20.93   
1983.3                   18280                   16693      16.86        3.78       15.98   
1983.2                   17885                   16086      10.59        7.56       33.84   
1983.1                   15428                   14955       1.47        5.52       23.97   
1982.4                   13025                   14173       0.19       -0.78       -3.09   
1982.3                   15631                   14285      -5.81       -1.79       -6.98   
1982.2                   16084                   14546      -9.06       -1.31       -5.13   
1982.1                   15259                   14738      -7.69        4.19       17.83   
1981.4                   13081                   14146     -12.87       -6.73      -24.31   
1981.3                   16493                   15166       1.10       -5.17      -19.14   
1981.2                   17538                   15994      15.81        0.17        0.68   
1981.1                   16567                   15967       8.82       -1.65       -6.45   
1980.4                   15049                   16235       6.30        8.22       37.15   
1980.3                   16316                   15002      -0.52        8.63       39.26   
1980.2                   15090                   13810      -8.87       -5.88      -21.51   
1980.1                   15250                   14672      -1.69       -3.94      -14.84   
1979.4                   14150                   15274       4.08        1.28        5.22   
1979.3                   16366                   15081      10.72       -0.49       -1.94   
1979.2                   16488                   15154      12.02        1.55        6.33   
1979.1                   15493                   14924      19.22        1.69        6.95   
1978.4                   13660                   14675      17.90        7.75       34.77   
1978.3                   14788                   13620      13.56        0.68        2.75   
1978.2                   14712                   13528      18.45        8.07       36.38   
1978.1                   12982                   12518       9.48        0.57        2.30   
1977.4                   11597                   12448      19.63        3.78       16.01   
1977.3                   13047                   11994      20.58        5.01       21.62   
1977.2                   12763                   11421      16.82       -0.12       -0.47   
1977.1                   11712                   11435      18.96        9.89       45.84   
1976.4                    9688                   10405      15.34        4.61       19.74   
1976.3                   10830                    9947      12.28        1.74        7.15   
1976.2                   10913                    9777      21.03        1.71        7.01   
1976.1                    9822                    9613      26.15        6.55       28.88   
1975.4                    8372                    9022       8.58        1.84        7.55   
1975.3                    9652                    8859       0.93        9.66       44.63   
1975.2                    9014                    8078      -8.66        6.01       26.31   
1975.1                    7799                    7620     -10.45       -8.29      -29.26   
1974.4                    7708                    8309       2.28       -5.34      -19.71   
1974.3                    9533                    8778      15.33       -0.75       -2.97   
1974.2                    9859                    8844      13.74        3.93       16.68   
1974.1                    8708                    8509       8.81        4.75       20.40   
1973.4                    7501                    8124       8.34        6.73       29.77   
1973.3                    8269                    7611       7.84       -2.11       -8.19   
1973.2                    8656                    7775      16.80       -0.58       -2.29   
1973.1                    8008                    7821      21.78        4.30       18.35   
1972.4                    6934                    7498      24.87        6.24       27.37   
1972.3                    7660                    7058      22.62        6.02       26.35   
1972.2                    7410                    6657      15.69        3.66       15.47   
1972.1                    6559                    6422      16.61        6.95       30.85   
1971.4                    5596                    6005       9.84        4.32       18.43   
1971.3                    6258                    5756       5.56        0.03        0.10   
1971.2                    6405                    5754       9.40        4.49       19.20   
1971.1                    5628                    5507       7.34        0.74        3.01   
1970.4                    5119                    5466       2.66        0.25        1.00   
1970.3                    5907                    5453       3.08        3.67       15.50   
1970.2                    5847                    5260      -0.37        2.53       10.50   
1970.1                    5245                    5130      -4.76       -3.65      -13.82   
1969.4                    5021                    5325       4.50        0.66        2.65   
1969.3                    5720                    5290       4.93        0.20        0.80   
1969.2                    5866                    5280       6.25       -1.99       -7.71   
1969.1                    5508                    5387      10.99        5.71       24.86   
1968.4                    4786                    5096       4.64        1.08        4.37   
1968.3                    5431                    5041       8.67        1.46        5.95   
1968.2                    5523                    4969      11.84        2.39        9.91   
1968.1                    4959                    4853       8.89       -0.34       -1.35   
1967.4                    4598                    4870       9.97        4.97       21.42   
1967.3                    4972                    4639       0.85        4.41       18.84   
1967.2                    4946                    4443      -2.06       -0.30       -1.21   
1967.1                    4548                    4457      -0.61        0.65        2.61   
1966.4                    4174                    4428       0.51       -3.74      -14.12   
1966.3                    4901                    4600      10.74        1.40        5.70   
1966.2                    5059                    4537       9.89        1.18        4.79   
1966.1                    4554                    4484       7.91        1.78        7.31   
1965.4                    4124                    4405       8.38        6.06       26.53   
1965.3                    4425                    4154       4.95        0.62        2.51   
1965.2                    4614                    4128       9.25       -0.65       -2.59   
1965.1                    4185                    4155      11.80        2.22        9.20   
1964.4                    3781                    4065      11.96        2.70       11.26   
1964.3                    4216                    3958       9.92        4.75       20.38   
1964.2                    4236                    3778       4.33        1.66        6.82   
1964.1                    3704                    3717       7.40        2.37        9.81   
1963.4                    3365                    3631      11.58        0.84        3.39   
1963.3                    3862                    3601       5.71       -0.58       -2.31   
1963.2                    4073                    3622       8.29        4.66       19.99   
1963.1                    3428                    3460      -0.48        6.35       27.90   
1962.4                    3019                    3254      -4.89       -4.47      -16.71   
1962.3                    3675                    3406       3.29        1.85        7.60   
1962.2                    3773                    3344       1.51       -3.81      -14.41   
1962.1                    3438                    3477      13.09        1.63        6.68   
1961.4                    3171                    3421       6.62        3.75       15.85   
1961.3                    3584                    3298       1.72        0.09        0.37   
1961.2                    3726                    3295       0.41        7.16       31.85   
1961.1                    3031                    3075      -5.99       -4.18      -15.70   
1960.4                    2973                    3209      -6.00       -1.02       -4.03   
1960.3                    3548                    3242       3.31       -1.19       -4.69   
1960.2                    3718                    3281      -3.33        0.32        1.30   
1960.1                    3251                    3271      -3.85       -4.19      -15.75   
1959.4                    3153                    3414      10.70        8.79       40.07   
1959.3                    3471                    3138       0.97       -7.55      -26.95   
1959.2                    3853                    3394      20.11       -0.22       -0.88   
1959.1                    3388                    3402      24.63       10.31       48.08   
1958.4                    2848                    3084                  -0.78       -3.07   
1958.3                    3415                    3108                   9.97       46.27   
1958.2                    3211                    2826                   3.53       14.90   
1958.1                    2709                    2729