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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
96. DurGds - Computers/Elect Products - Ma
97. DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances &
98. DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances &
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing [35A] CSV file  obs:0
111 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 35A Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 35A 97 Column (2) : NAICS code : 35A Electrical Eqpt, Appliances & Compts - Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 35A 245
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 35A      | NAICS code : 35A      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    1200                    1170       7.93 %      1.92 %      7.89 % 
2010.1                    1204                    1148       0.17       -3.37      -12.80   
2009.4                    1256                    1188       7.71        8.79       40.08   
2009.3                    1184                    1092      -9.23        0.74        2.98   
2009.2                    1130                    1084      -7.90       -5.41      -19.95   
2009.1                    1222                    1146       3.80        3.90       16.53   
2008.4                    1170                    1103      -4.91       -8.31      -29.33   
2008.3                    1330                    1203       4.25        2.21        9.13   
2008.2                    1221                    1177      -1.83        6.61       29.19   
2008.1                    1146                    1104      -3.33       -4.83      -17.96   
2007.4                    1213                    1160       6.13        0.52        2.10   
2007.3                    1255                    1154       7.85       -3.75      -14.19   
2007.2                    1243                    1199       9.20        4.99       21.51   
2007.1                    1220                    1142       5.55        4.48       19.17   
2006.4                    1128                    1093       4.10        2.15        8.88   
2006.3                    1179                    1070      -0.65       -2.55       -9.82   
2006.2                    1153                    1098       6.09        1.48        6.05   
2006.1                    1168                    1082      -0.09        3.05       12.76   
2005.4                    1121                    1050      -1.87       -2.51       -9.66   
2005.3                    1194                    1077       1.41        4.06       17.25   
2005.2                    1105                    1035       8.15       -4.43      -16.58   
2005.1                    1141                    1083       3.64        1.21        4.95   
2004.4                    1177                    1070       8.85        0.75        3.05   
2004.3                    1183                    1062      10.28       10.97       51.65   
2004.2                    1024                     957      -1.95       -8.42      -29.66   
2004.1                    1148                    1045       6.52        6.31       27.72   
2003.4                    1125                     983      -3.82        2.08        8.57   
2003.3                    1080                     963      -2.83       -1.33       -5.22   
2003.2                    1051                     976      -7.40       -0.51       -2.02   
2003.1                    1065                     981      -9.00       -4.01      -15.11   
2002.4                    1176                    1022      -1.26        3.13       13.11   
2002.3                    1105                     991       4.54       -5.98      -21.85   
2002.2                    1121                    1054       0.57       -2.23       -8.61   
2002.1                    1118                    1078       5.89        4.15       17.68   
2001.4                    1207                    1035      -2.73        9.18       42.08   
2001.3                    1049                     948     -13.11       -9.54      -33.04   
2001.2                    1125                    1048     -10.58        2.95       12.32   
2001.1                    1104                    1018      -9.75       -4.32      -16.20   
2000.4                    1232                    1064      -7.48       -2.47       -9.54   
2000.3                    1227                    1091      -4.97       -6.91      -24.91   
2000.2                    1264                    1172       2.45        3.90       16.54   
2000.1                    1224                    1128       1.08       -1.91       -7.44   
1999.4                    1367                    1150      -0.35        0.17        0.70   
1999.3                    1317                    1148       0.35        0.35        1.41   
1999.2                    1235                    1144      11.50        2.51       10.42   
1999.1                    1200                    1116      -2.11       -3.29      -12.54   
1998.4                    1371                    1154       4.81        0.87        3.54   
1998.3                    1310                    1144       3.81       11.50       54.57   
1998.2                    1116                    1026       3.01      -10.00      -34.39   
1998.1                    1229                    1140      11.76        3.54       14.94   
1997.4                    1302                    1101       9.55       -0.09       -0.36   
1997.3                    1269                    1102      13.03       10.64       49.86   
1997.2                    1070                     996       0.61       -2.35       -9.08   
1997.1                    1067                    1020      -0.39        1.49        6.11   
1996.4                    1146                    1005       2.76        3.08       12.89   
1996.3                    1101                     975       1.88       -1.52       -5.92   
1996.2                    1047                     990       9.51       -3.32      -12.63   
1996.1                    1078                    1024      11.67        4.70       20.18   
1995.4                    1069                     978       5.50        2.19        9.07   
1995.3                    1061                     957       3.13        5.86       25.60   
1995.2                     967                     904       0.11       -1.42       -5.55   
1995.1                     994                     917       5.77       -1.08       -4.25   
1994.4                    1010                     927      14.02       -0.11       -0.43   
1994.3                    1027                     928      17.62        2.77       11.54   
1994.2                     971                     903       5.00        4.15       17.67   
1994.1                     921                     867       0.46        6.64       29.33   
1993.4                     881                     813      -4.24        3.04       12.73   
1993.3                     877                     789      -5.62       -8.26      -29.15   
1993.2                     921                     860       4.37       -0.35       -1.38   
1993.1                     947                     863       8.01        1.65        6.76   
1992.4                     921                     849                   1.56        6.37   
1992.3                     923                     836                   1.46        5.95   
1992.2                     892                     824                   3.13       13.12   
1992.1                     865                     799