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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
23. Nondurable Goods Total (NonDur) [MNM]
24. NonDur - Food Products [11S]
25. NonDur - Beverage and Tobacco Products
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  NonDur - Food Products [11S] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Work in Process Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 11S Food Products | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 11S 24 Column (2) : NAICS code : 11S Food Products | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 11S 172
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : 11S      | NAICS code : 11S      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                   2985                    3489      -2.32 %      0.87 %     10.92 % 
2010.05                   3017                    3459      -4.74        0.99       12.58   
2010.04                   3147                    3425      -5.67       -4.60      -43.14   
2010.03                   3496                    3590      -6.78       -2.84      -29.24   
2010.02                   3743                    3695       2.81       -0.14       -1.61   
2010.01                   3954                    3700       1.96       -3.57      -35.36   
2009.12                   4316                    3837       7.72        0.89       11.27   
2009.11                   4630                    3803       1.60        2.07       27.82   
2009.10                   4716                    3726      -3.55        6.82      120.80   
2009.09                   3237                    3488      -8.98       -0.46       -5.34   
2009.08                   3063                    3504      -5.27       -1.49      -16.49   
2009.07                   3057                    3557      -3.11       -0.42       -4.92   
2009.06                   3092                    3572      -3.20       -1.62      -17.85   
2009.05                   3200                    3631      -2.55        0.00        0.00   
2009.04                   3355                    3631      -3.38       -5.71      -50.63   
2009.03                   3735                    3851       4.28        7.15      129.06   
2009.02                   3646                    3594      -4.11       -0.96      -10.98   
2009.01                   3878                    3629      -3.82        1.88       25.06   
2008.12                   3996                    3562       1.02       -4.84      -44.83   
2008.11                   4577                    3743      11.80       -3.11      -31.52   
2008.10                   4814                    3863      12.43        0.81       10.15   
2008.09                   3555                    3832       8.16        3.60       52.79   
2008.08                   3253                    3699       1.84        0.76        9.55   
2008.07                   3170                    3671       3.88       -0.51       -6.01   
2008.06                   3205                    3690       8.08       -0.97      -11.00   
2008.05                   3299                    3726       9.72       -0.85       -9.75   
2008.04                   3488                    3758      13.81        1.76       23.29   
2008.03                   3630                    3693      14.09       -1.47      -16.26   
2008.02                   3842                    3748      15.68       -0.66       -7.67   
2008.01                   4000                    3773      18.65        7.01      125.35   
2007.12                   3962                    3526      11.87        5.32       86.19   
2007.11                   4041                    3348       2.32       -2.56      -26.75   
2007.10                   4235                    3436       3.65       -3.02      -30.79   
2007.09                   3315                    3543      26.00       -2.45      -25.75   
2007.08                   3195                    3632      27.48        2.77       38.85   
2007.07                   3080                    3534      26.08        3.51       51.37   
2007.06                   3025                    3414      24.06        0.53        6.55   
2007.05                   3009                    3396      30.51        2.85       40.05   
2007.04                   3085                    3302      30.26        2.01       26.94   
2007.03                   3177                    3237      23.88       -0.09       -1.11   
2007.02                   3308                    3240      22.54        1.89       25.15   
2007.01                   3372                    3180      17.73        0.89       11.20   
2006.12                   3525                    3152      18.27       -3.67      -36.13   
2006.11                   3870                    3272      21.32       -1.30      -14.50   
2006.10                   4026                    3315      27.84       17.89      620.47   
2006.09                   2637                    2812      13.89       -1.30      -14.52   
2006.08                   2527                    2849      16.48        1.64       21.57   
2006.07                   2492                    2803      16.21        1.85       24.65   
2006.06                   2445                    2752      10.88        5.76       95.93   
2006.05                   2328                    2602      -1.40        2.64       36.76   
2006.04                   2409                    2535      -5.45       -2.99      -30.49   
2006.03                   2545                    2613      -1.17       -1.17      -13.20   
2006.02                   2674                    2644       1.89       -2.11      -22.58   
2006.01                   2847                    2701      14.55        1.35       17.47   
2005.12                   2962                    2665       0.41       -1.19      -13.34   
2005.11                   3144                    2697       8.71        4.01       60.30   
2005.10                   3157                    2593       2.90        5.02       80.04   
2005.09                   2323                    2469      -3.14        0.94       11.89   
2005.08                   2200                    2446      -5.23        1.41       18.29   
2005.07                   2172                    2412      -5.30       -2.82      -29.06   
2005.06                   2209                    2482      -2.13       -5.95      -52.10   
2005.05                   2366                    2639       3.98       -1.57      -17.26   
2005.04                   2556                    2681       8.81        1.40       18.15   
2005.03                   2564                    2644       9.08        1.89       25.17   
2005.02                   2620                    2595       7.68       10.05      215.59   
2005.01                   2500                    2358      -3.48      -11.15      -75.81   
2004.12                   2913                    2654       8.06        6.97      124.54   
2004.11                   2863                    2481       0.53       -1.55      -17.07   
2004.10                   3046                    2520      -1.25       -1.14      -12.83   
2004.09                   2399                    2549      -5.07       -1.24      -13.90   
2004.08                   2336                    2581      -2.86        1.33       17.25   
2004.07                   2310                    2547      -6.67        0.43        5.33   
2004.06                   2272                    2536      -5.83       -0.08       -0.94   
2004.05                   2309                    2538      -4.98        3.00       42.63   
2004.04                   2353                    2464      -8.40        1.65       21.70   
2004.03                   2348                    2424      -9.25        0.58        7.20   
2004.02                   2429                    2410      -7.49       -1.35      -15.06   
2004.01                   2570                    2443      -0.61       -0.53       -6.17   
2003.12                   2683                    2456      -2.27       -0.49       -5.68   
2003.11                   2845                    2468      -0.16       -3.29      -33.08   
2003.10                   3045                    2552       2.90       -4.95      -45.65   
2003.09                   2551                    2685       9.19        1.05       13.41   
2003.08                   2450                    2657       5.90       -2.64      -27.45   
2003.07                   2474                    2729       7.27        1.34       17.28   
2003.06                   2430                    2693      11.19        0.82       10.34   
2003.05                   2423                    2671      12.65       -0.71       -8.15   
2003.04                   2541                    2690      13.36        0.71        8.88   
2003.03                   2605                    2671      12.46        2.53       35.02   
2003.02                   2648                    2605       4.79        5.98      100.78   
2003.01                   2552                    2458       0.24       -2.19      -23.32   
2002.12                   2720                    2513       4.36        1.66       21.82   
2002.11                   2841                    2472      -2.87       -0.32       -3.80   
2002.10                   2952                    2480      -3.54        0.85       10.74   
2002.09                   2360                    2459      -0.89       -1.99      -21.46   
2002.08                   2319                    2509       2.74       -1.38      -15.32   
2002.07                   2321                    2544       5.74        5.04       80.35   
2002.06                   2226                    2422      -2.89        2.15       29.10   
2002.05                   2136                    2371      -5.84       -0.08       -1.01   
2002.04                   2231                    2373      -6.43       -0.08       -1.01   
2002.03                   2315                    2375      -8.16       -4.47      -42.20   
2002.02                   2521                    2486      -5.08        1.39       17.97   
2002.01                   2529                    2452     -10.12        1.83       24.27   
2001.12                   2609                    2408     -11.76       -5.38      -48.52   
2001.11                   2918                    2545      -3.53       -1.01      -11.48   
2001.10                   3058                    2571       0.31        3.63       53.36   
2001.09                   2433                    2481      -7.53        1.60       20.94   
2001.08                   2253                    2442     -10.29        1.50       19.51   
2001.07                   2204                    2406     -12.76       -3.53      -35.02   
2001.06                   2308                    2494      -9.51       -0.95      -10.86   
2001.05                   2254                    2518     -10.39       -0.71       -8.19   
2001.04                   2354                    2536      -6.28       -1.93      -20.89   
2001.03                   2504                    2586      -3.83       -1.26      -14.12   
2001.02                   2645                    2619       0.96       -4.00      -38.70   
2001.01                   2816                    2728       6.90       -0.04       -0.44   
2000.12                   2928                    2729       5.29        3.45       50.23   
2000.11                   3026                    2638       0.46        2.93       41.36   
2000.10                   3057                    2563       0.87       -4.47      -42.25   
2000.09                   2654                    2683       5.46       -1.43      -15.90   
2000.08                   2513                    2722       9.85       -1.31      -14.59   
2000.07                   2557                    2758       9.36        0.07        0.87   
2000.06                   2553                    2756       9.37       -1.92      -20.77   
2000.05                   2510                    2810      13.81        3.84       57.23   
2000.04                   2523                    2706       7.59        0.63        7.86   
2000.03                   2575                    2689       4.75        3.66       53.97   
2000.02                   2585                    2594       0.70        1.65       21.64   
2000.01                   2667                    2552       0.28       -1.54      -17.02   
1999.12                   2744                    2592       4.26       -1.29      -14.48   
1999.11                   3023                    2626       5.84        3.35       48.42   
1999.10                   3068                    2541       4.05       -0.12       -1.41   
1999.09                   2522                    2544       3.00        2.66       37.08   
1999.08                   2292                    2478      -2.44       -1.74      -19.04   
1999.07                   2331                    2522      -0.75        0.08        0.96   
1999.06                   2317                    2520       0.04        2.07       27.81   
1999.05                   2215                    2469      -3.14       -1.83      -19.87   
1999.04                   2326                    2515      -1.87       -2.03      -21.78   
1999.03                   2447                    2567       2.52       -0.35       -4.11   
1999.02                   2551                    2576      -2.02        1.22       15.64   
1999.01                   2671                    2545      -4.25        2.37       32.51   
1998.12                   2625                    2486     -13.14        0.20        2.45   
1998.11                   2854                    2481     -14.86        1.60       20.94   
1998.10                   2959                    2442     -17.28       -1.13      -12.79   
1998.09                   2478                    2470     -14.80       -2.76      -28.49   
1998.08                   2373                    2540     -13.10       -0.04       -0.47   
1998.07                   2326                    2541     -12.26        0.87       11.00   
1998.06                   2315                    2519     -13.79       -1.18      -13.24   
1998.05                   2272                    2549     -13.86       -0.55       -6.36   
1998.04                   2348                    2563     -11.35        2.36       32.24   
1998.03                   2384                    2504     -11.68       -4.75      -44.27   
1998.02                   2588                    2629      -9.13       -1.09      -12.33   
1998.01                   2800                    2658      -7.58       -7.13      -58.83   
1997.12                   3021                    2862      -2.35       -1.78      -19.43   
1997.11                   3362                    2914      -3.51       -1.29      -14.40   
1997.10                   3560                    2952       0.14        1.83       24.28   
1997.09                   2953                    2899      -3.50       -0.82       -9.42   
1997.08                   2733                    2923       0.24        0.93       11.78   
1997.07                   2652                    2896       2.80       -0.89      -10.17   
1997.06                   2676                    2922      -0.65       -1.25      -14.01   
1997.05                   2607                    2959       3.82        2.35       32.18   
1997.04                   2642                    2891       0.52        1.98       26.46   
1997.03                   2735                    2835       1.29       -2.00      -21.57   
1997.02                   2872                    2893       7.67        0.59        7.33   
1997.01                   3030                    2876       5.04       -1.88      -20.33   
1996.12                   3089                    2931       7.88       -2.95      -30.16   
1996.11                   3456                    3020      14.79        2.44       33.58   
1996.10                   3559                    2948       9.39       -1.86      -20.21   
1996.09                   3079                    3004      11.18        3.02       42.87   
1996.08                   2711                    2916      12.67        3.51       51.36   
1996.07                   2581                    2817      11.04       -4.22      -40.36   
1996.06                   2712                    2941      17.92        3.19       45.81   
1996.05                   2464                    2850      16.23       -0.90      -10.32   
1996.04                   2624                    2876      16.67        2.75       38.49   
1996.03                   2714                    2799      12.91        4.17       63.24   
1996.02                   2661                    2687      16.37       -1.86      -20.20   
1996.01                   2899                    2738       9.61        0.77        9.68   
1995.12                   2909                    2717       9.82        3.27       47.10   
1995.11                   2976                    2631       8.49       -2.37      -25.05   
1995.10                   3257                    2695       8.84       -0.26       -3.06   
1995.09                   2818                    2702       8.17        4.40       67.75   
1995.08                   2381                    2588       6.90        2.01       26.98   
1995.07                   2346                    2537      -0.24        1.72       22.77   
1995.06                   2280                    2494      -0.91        1.71       22.61   
1995.05                   2098                    2452      -1.01       -0.53       -6.15   
1995.04                   2266                    2465      -0.48       -0.56       -6.57   
1995.03                   2397                    2479      -0.12        7.36      134.55   
1995.02                   2274                    2309      -3.87       -7.57      -61.10   
1995.01                   2647                    2498       2.71        0.97       12.28   
1994.12                   2661                    2474       3.30        2.02       27.13   
1994.11                   2731                    2425       2.54       -2.06      -22.10   
1994.10                   3018                    2476       9.03       -0.88      -10.07   
1994.09                   2602                    2498       8.99        3.18       45.60   
1994.08                   2219                    2421       5.54       -4.80      -44.57   
1994.07                   2356                    2543      11.19        1.03       13.12   
1994.06                   2277                    2517      11.62        1.61       21.20   
1994.05                   2107                    2477       9.80        0.00        0.00   
1994.04                   2279                    2477      10.73       -0.20       -2.39   
1994.03                   2417                    2482      10.85        3.33       48.16   
1994.02                   2377                    2402       7.86       -1.23      -13.84   
1994.01                   2607                    2432      11.41        1.54       20.20   
1993.12                   2567                    2395       8.52        1.27       16.33   
1993.11                   2658                    2365       7.79        4.14       62.69   
1993.10                   2758                    2271       6.02       -0.92      -10.46   
1993.09                   2369                    2292      10.14       -0.09       -1.04   
1993.08                   2096                    2294       7.05        0.31        3.74   
1993.07                   2120                    2287       9.06        1.42       18.42   
1993.06                   2027                    2255       9.79       -0.04       -0.53   
1993.05                   1932                    2256       7.63        0.85       10.68   
1993.04                   2049                    2237       7.14       -0.09       -1.07   
1993.03                   2190                    2239       8.48        0.54        6.66   
1993.02                   2215                    2227       2.96        2.02       27.06   
1993.01                   2347                    2183       2.63       -1.09      -12.30   
1992.12                   2369                    2207                   0.59        7.35   
1992.11                   2458                    2194                   2.43       33.35   
1992.10                   2592                    2142                   2.93       41.44   
1992.09                   2142                    2081                  -2.89      -29.69   
1992.08                   1973                    2143                   2.19       29.74   
1992.07                   1934                    2097                   2.09       28.23   
1992.06                   1845                    2054                  -2.00      -21.56   
1992.05                   1794                    2096                   0.38        4.70   
1992.04                   1895                    2088                   1.16       14.88   
1992.03                   2019                    2064                  -4.58      -43.00   
1992.02                   2178                    2163                   1.69       22.31   
1992.01                   2270                    2127