Interest Rates etc.
G8 (G7+Russia)
| B R I C
| N America
| S America
| Europe
| Afr-MidEast
| Asia/Pacific
Billions of roubles, nominal. Before 1998 trillion rubles
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Column (1)
Gross domestic product
Column (2) __
Final consumption
Column (3) ___
Column (4) ___
Column (5) ___
non-profit institutions serving households
Column (6) __
Gross accumulation
Column (7) ___
gross capital formation1)
Column (8) ___
changes in inventories
Column (9) __
Net exports
Column (10) ___
Column (11) ___
Column (12) __
Statistical discrepancy
32 EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100605
GDP quarterly - Quarter
| (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) |
| Gross |____________ |............ |............ |............ |____________ |............ |............ |____________ |............ |............ |____________ |
| domestic | Final |____________ |____________ |____________ | Gross |____________ |____________ | Net exports |____________ |____________ | Statistical |
| product | consumption | households | government | non-profit |accumulation | gross | changes in | | exports | imports | discrepancy |
| | | | |institutions | | capital | inventories | | | | |
| | | | | serving | | formation1) | | | | | |
| | | | | households | | | | | | | |
| Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia | Russia |
| Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of | Billions of |
| roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, | roubles, |
| nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. | nominal. |
| Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 | Before 1998 |
| trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion | trillion |
| rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles | rubles |
| 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 | 1995q1 |
year.qt |_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|_____-2009q4_|
2009.4 qtr 10878.80 7840.40 5739.90 2041.10 59.400 2309.40 3085.70 -776.3000 875.50 3148.30 2272.80 -146.5000
2009.3 qtr 10505.20 7401.90 5366.90 1975.80 59.200 2323.40 2163.40 160.00 852.10 2938.10 2086.00 -72.2000
2009.2 qtr 9282.60 7119.90 5101.10 1960.70 58.100 1553.60 1793.40 -239.8000 650.70 2536.90 1886.20 -41.6000
2009.1 qtr 8397.00 6822.90 4876.50 1889.70 56.700 1139.60 1345.00 -205.4000 508.30 2223.80 1715.50 -73.8000
2008.4 qtr 10689.60 7580.70 5631.50 1892.10 57.100 2715.40 3221.80 -506.4000 533.70 3019.40 2485.70 -140.2000
2008.3 qtr 11589.40 7137.60 5266.60 1816.30 54.700 3481.10 2468.30 1012.80 1105.20 3674.90 2569.70 -134.5000
2008.2 qtr 10259.10 6631.80 4795.40 1783.00 53.400 2598.00 2089.80 508.20 1067.40 3306.90 2239.50 -38.1000
2008.1 qtr 8906.60 6067.20 4316.10 1699.60 51.500 1728.60 1402.70 325.90 1105.70 2921.80 1816.10 5.1000
2007.4 qtr 9800.30 6238.40 4673.40 1516.50 48.5000 2579.70 2742.80 -163.1000 857.10 2978.80 2121.70 125.10
2007.3 qtr 8905.20 5640.00 4151.80 1441.20 47.0000 2496.00 1806.20 689.80 649.80 2558.30 1908.50 119.40
2007.2 qtr 7769.90 5246.70 3783.30 1417.80 45.6000 1745.20 1480.10 265.10 696.40 2405.50 1709.10 81.600
2007.1 qtr 6782.80 4812.90 3398.30 1369.80 44.8000 1216.80 954.90 261.90 688.00 2086.20 1398.20 65.100
2006.4 qtr 7402.90 4899.20 3684.50 1175.80 38.9000 1827.80 1847.40 -19.6000 638.70 2353.90 1715.20 37.2000
2006.3 qtr 7299.20 4524.80 3327.00 1159.40 38.4000 1863.70 1350.30 513.40 877.90 2373.80 1495.90 32.8000
2006.2 qtr 6389.50 4261.40 3078.40 1145.00 38.0000 1208.00 1076.90 131.10 944.40 2288.70 1344.30 -24.3000
2006.1 qtr 5811.90 3944.30 2798.00 1109.00 37.3000 849.30 706.00 143.30 961.50 2062.90 1101.40 56.800
2005.4 qtr 6212.30 4001.00 3029.60 936.00 35.4000 1314.10 1370.70 -56.6000 790.00 2181.50 1391.50 107.20
2005.3 qtr 5873.00 3686.60 2742.40 909.30 34.9000 1470.50 1049.60 420.90 788.80 2049.70 1260.90 -72.9000
2005.2 qtr 5080.40 3460.50 2535.40 890.60 34.5000 876.40 832.60 43.8000 763.10 1844.80 1081.70 -19.6000
2005.1 qtr 4459.70 3170.80 2282.60 854.80 33.4000 677.70 584.00 93.700 617.10 1531.30 914.20 -5.9000
2004.4 qtr 4946.40 3182.30 2399.80 744.00 38.5000 1099.10 1093.40 5.7000 608.50 1703.50 1095.00 56.500
2004.3 qtr 4615.20 2919.60 2165.60 716.60 37.4000 1206.50 850.30 356.20 557.50 1585.60 1028.10 -68.4000
2004.2 qtr 3969.80 2714.90 1975.40 702.80 36.7000 760.30 690.50 69.800 495.00 1391.30 896.30 -0.4000
2004.1 qtr 3516.80 2584.70 1864.80 684.10 35.8000 493.00 496.30 -3.3000 425.50 1180.00 754.50 13.6000
2003.4 qtr 3655.00 2497.90 1852.40 605.80 39.7000 807.10 853.10 -46.0000 376.30 1265.20 888.90 -26.3000
2003.3 qtr 3629.80 2289.90 1663.30 587.70 38.9000 985.20 672.10 313.10 360.20 1206.60 846.40 -5.5000
2003.2 qtr 3107.80 2165.80 1547.80 579.70 38.3000 580.30 530.90 49.4000 351.50 1103.10 751.60 10.2000
2003.1 qtr 2850.70 2071.10 1476.60 557.40 37.1000 382.50 376.20 6.3000 414.00 1081.00 667.00 -16.9000
2002.4 qtr 3023.10 2070.90 1539.90 497.90 33.1000 635.10 672.50 -37.4000 311.40 1081.50 770.10 5.7000
2002.3 qtr 3009.20 1907.00 1391.50 483.40 32.1000 745.50 542.60 202.90 329.70 1043.20 713.50 27.0000
2002.2 qtr 2525.70 1779.90 1273.80 474.60 31.5000 456.40 418.20 38.2000 290.70 929.50 638.80 -1.3000
2002.1 qtr 2259.50 1691.00 1203.20 457.40 30.4000 333.50 305.50 28.0000 235.70 759.50 523.80 -0.7000
2001.4 qtr 2449.80 1643.90 1233.00 385.00 25.9000 617.10 587.10 30.0000 207.40 819.40 612.00 -18.6000
2001.3 qtr 2487.90 1523.90 1125.00 373.80 25.1000 682.70 470.30 212.40 274.50 848.70 574.20 6.8000
2001.2 qtr 2105.00 1412.70 1023.20 365.20 24.5000 409.60 367.50 42.1000 294.70 838.80 544.10 -12.0000
2001.1 qtr 1900.90 1306.30 937.10 345.90 23.3000 253.70 264.40 -10.7000 357.10 792.70 435.60 -16.2000
2000.4 qtr 2043.80 1266.70 952.70 292.80 21.2000 435.40 453.50 -18.1000 330.00 826.60 496.60 11.7000
2000.3 qtr 2037.80 1167.30 857.60 289.50 20.2000 470.10 346.30 123.80 372.20 834.10 461.90 28.2000
2000.2 qtr 1696.60 1045.10 760.90 265.00 19.2000 283.20 252.50 30.7000 388.60 803.00 414.40 -20.3000
2000.1 qtr 1527.40 997.70 724.00 255.20 18.5000 177.00 179.70 -2.7000 372.30 755.20 382.90 -19.6000
1999.4 qtr 1447.30 958.90 753.70 190.00 15.2000 162.00 258.90 -96.9000 326.40 696.40 370.00 na
1999.3 qtr 1373.10 852.50 655.30 182.60 14.6000 313.80 194.00 119.80 206.80 529.00 322.20 na
1999.2 qtr 1101.50 766.30 580.50 172.00 13.8000 170.10 139.10 31.0000 165.10 470.90 305.80 na
1999.1 qtr 901.30 708.00 536.70 158.60 12.7000 69.400 101.90 -32.5000 123.90 388.30 264.40 na
1998.4 qtr 800.70 653.10 471.10 165.70 16.3000 -16.2000 145.90 -162.1000 147.70 365.90 218.20 16.1000
1998.3 qtr 675.50 503.60 371.60 120.10 11.9000 119.70 115.20 4.5000 35.6000 197.30 161.70 16.6000
1998.2 qtr 602.50 427.00 312.40 104.10 10.5000 162.80 90.000 72.800 -1.3000 133.00 134.30 14.0000
1998.1 qtr 550.90 420.10 307.20 102.70 10.2000 127.20 73.600 53.600 -6.6000 124.80 131.40 10.2000
1997.4 qtr 640.80 483.60 345.40 126.10 12.1000 137.60 145.30 -7.7000 11.3000 165.40 154.10 8.3000
1997.3 qtr 634.20 452.30 315.00 125.30 12.0000 186.00 116.00 70.000 8.5000 148.40 139.90 -12.6000
1997.2 qtr 555.10 426.90 292.00 123.10 11.8000 107.80 90.100 17.7000 10.2000 135.20 125.00 10.2000
1997.1 qtr 512.40 413.30 282.80 119.00 11.5000 83.400 77.100 6.3000 21.6000 130.30 108.70 -5.9000
1996.4 qtr 565.20 391.00 278.80 102.60 9.6000 139.90 161.70 -21.8000 36.4000 155.10 118.70 -2.1000
1996.3 qtr 548.90 364.90 256.10 99.500 9.3000 170.60 97.600 73.000 19.4000 134.70 115.30 -6.0000
1996.2 qtr 468.40 349.60 242.90 97.500 9.2000 91.300 78.900 12.4000 16.0000 123.50 107.50 11.5000
1996.1 qtr 425.30 330.40 230.00 91.800 8.6000 73.400 63.400 10.0000 13.0000 110.20 97.200 8.5000
1995.4 qtr 448.10 320.70 229.20 84.000 7.5000 130.90 133.60 -2.7000 5.2000 114.10 108.90 -8.7000
1995.3 qtr 421.10 281.70 200.90 74.200 6.6000 132.20 75.800 56.400 5.2000 101.90 96.700 2.0000
1995.2 qtr 324.30 233.00 163.70 63.600 5.7000 69.400 61.700 7.7000 19.2000 113.90 94.700 2.7000
1995.1 qtr 235.00 181.20 126.00 50.700 4.5000 30.9000 30.0000 0.9000 18.9000 88.500 69.600 4.0000
1994.4 qtr na na na na na na na na na na na na