E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
capstk_Capital Stocks Table
capstk Capital Stocks Tables for Publication

      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
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Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
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  CAPITAL STOCKS TABLES FOR PUBLICATION   ( capstk )   ( 1/29/2012 6:52:22 PM )   { total observations, n=1986997 }     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk | mirror capstk ]
Number of SubTables = 75
capstk_1 National Bal Sheet: by Sector   capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_4 Gross Fixed Cap Formation: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Genl Gov   capstk_M Public sector  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_4 Gross Fixed Cap Formation: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Central Gov   capstk_M National bal sheet: by Asset  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Gross Fixed Cap Formation: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Local Gov   capstk_M Non-finl corps  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_3 Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_5 National Bal Sheet: by Sector1   capstk_M MA1.1.1_Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_M Public non-finl corps  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Asset & Sector   capstk_5 Hshlds & Non-Profit Instns Serving Hshlds (NPISH)   capstk_M MA1.1.2_Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_M Prvt non-finl corps  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Asset & Sector   capstk_5 Public Sector   capstk_M MA1.2.1_Net Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_M Finl corps  
capstk_1 Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Ind   capstk_5 National Bal Sheet: by Asset   capstk_M MA1.2.2_Net Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_M Genl gov  
capstk_2 National Bal Sheet: by Asset   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Ind   capstk_5 Non-Finl Corps   capstk_M MA1.3.1_Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2007 {3 pages}   capstk_M Central gov  
capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Public Non-Finl Corps   capstk_M MA1.3.2_Net Cap Stock: by Asset & Ind, 2007 {3 pages}   capstk_M Local gov  
capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Asset & Sector   capstk_3 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Asset & Ind, 2009 {3 pages}   capstk_5 Prvt Non-Finl Corps   capstk_M National bal sheet: by Sector1  
capstk_2 Gross Cap Stock: by Ind   capstk_4 Cons Of Fixed Cap: by Asset & Sector   capstk_5 Finl Corps   capstk_M Hshlds & non-profit instns serving hshlds (NPISH)  

More years
  1 National Balance Sheet: by Sector. { total observations, n=8272 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGRW 1. Public non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 2349 obs 3507 obs 1035 obs 0 to 2009 60825 60438 62277 51504 54823 62158 58275 60322
2 TMPN 2. Private non financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 3114 obs 3462 obs 992 obs 0 to 2009 40139 -51327 -93274 -359316 -497441 -465966 127080 -323251
3 CGRV 3. Non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 3137 obs 2999 obs 883 obs 0 to 2009 100964 9111 -30997 -307812 -442618 -403808 185355 -262929
4 CGRU 4. Financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 3262 obs 2986 obs 913 obs 0 to 2009 -326192 -293665 -300953 -366975 -376523 -359531 -263086 -389698
5 CGRY 5. Central government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 2228 obs 3221 obs 977 obs 0 to 2009 -104281 -121036 -161926 -167489 -169873 -196125 -260579 -394826
6 CGRZ 6. Local Government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 2888 obs 3245 obs 982 obs 0 to 2009 355640 395299 450883 484839 510727 552345 518659 472335
7 CGRX 7. General government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 3128 obs 2878 obs 917 obs 0 to 2009 251359 274263 288957 317349 340854 356219 258080 77509
8 CGRC 8. Household & NPISHs: Total net worth NSA nominal { 5th } 3374 obs 2986 obs 912 obs 0 to 2009 4932404 5415940 5900475 6403411 6972790 7473031 6582898 7244318
9 CGDA 9. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 6th } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
26360 obs 27333 obs 8272 obs

More years
  1.1.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=32143 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIWY 10. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2939 obs 2027 obs 657 obs 0 to 2009 68 69.80 71.70 74 75.70 76.70 77.80 79.10
2 CIWW 11. Net capital stock: Dwellings: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 3423 obs 2345 obs 764 obs 0 to 2009 51.5 53 54.5 56.30 57.90 59.60 61.5 63.20
3 EXGZ 12. Net Capital Stock: dwellings: Central Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 3rd } 2933 obs 2672 obs 863 obs 0 to 2009 9.200 9.600 10.10 10.5 10.70 10.80 11 11.20
4 CIWV 13. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2337 obs 1669 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 847.60 882.5 920.70 964.5 1020.7 1071.9 1118.2 1155.3
5 CIWZ 14. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 11th } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
6 CIXD 15. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2097 obs 1906 obs 616 obs 0 to 2009 54.60 37.5 38.60 39.90 41.10 41.80 41.60 41.70
7 CIXB 16. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1799 obs 1827 obs 625 obs 0 to 2009 395.10 437.80 457.20 471.5 488.90 511.60 536.80 554.5
8 CIXC 17. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Financial corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2063 obs 1976 obs 656 obs 0 to 2009 55.90 57.30 58.80 60.10 61.5 62.80 64.10 64
9 CIXE 18. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1659 obs 1423 obs 508 obs 0 to 2009 143.90 151.20 160.60 172.90 185.5 196.60 210 224.90
10 EXHH 19. Net Capital Stock: Other buildings & works: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 3rd } 1700 obs 1767 obs 601 obs 0 to 2009 155 166.40 180.40 197.80 214.90 227 241 256.30
11 GSWU 20. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 2173 obs 2462 obs 783 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 10.60 9.400 9.900 10.5 11.60 12.70 11.80
12 GSZO 21. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1822 obs 2410 obs 712 obs 0 to 2009 44.70 46.90 52 54.20 56.60 59.60 63 67.30
13 CIXA 22. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2213 obs 2509 obs 798 obs 0 to 2009 54.40 57.5 61.40 64 67.10 71.20 75.70 79.10
14 CIXF 23. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 5th } 2248 obs 2261 obs 694 obs 0 to 2009 858.90 907.70 957 1006.3 1059 1111 1169.2 1220.5
15 CIWR 24. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1838 obs 1778 obs 566 obs 0 to 2009 7.600 8.100 8.700 8.800 8.600 8.900 9.600 10.5
16 CIWP 25. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1835 obs 1485 obs 571 obs 0 to 2009 325.40 326 338 350.90 357.80 375.80 399.10 416.40
17 CIWQ 26. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Financial Corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1886 obs 2062 obs 720 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.5 11.80 12.40 13.10 14.60 16 15.60
18 CIWS 27. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Central Government (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1954 obs 1322 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.5 10.5 11 10.30 10.10 10.60 11.80
19 CIWT 28. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Local Authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1999 obs 2228 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 3.400 4.800 5.900 5.900 6 6.300 6.700
20 GSWY 29. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 2203 obs 2480 obs 812 obs 0 to 2009 21.5 22.10 24.40 27 27.80 29.90 32.20 33.60
21 GSZS 30. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1892 obs 2203 obs 703 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 4.100 5.600 6.300 6.900 7.800 8.900 10.5
22 CIWO 31. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1856 obs 2538 obs 763 obs 0 to 2009 25.20 26.20 30 33.30 34.70 37.70 41.10 44.10
23 CIWU 32. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 5th } 2010 obs 2300 obs 758 obs 0 to 2009 381.30 384.5 403.80 422.30 430.40 453.10 482.70 505.10
24 CIWM 33. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Pub corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2096 obs 2151 obs 826 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 2.100 2.400
25 CIWK 34. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1958 obs 1877 obs 765 obs 0 to 2009 59.80 62.5 63.5 64.80 66.20 68.80 73.20 76.30
26 CIWL 35. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Fin corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1843 obs 2113 obs 794 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 1.9000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.7000 0.5 0.3000
27 CIWN 36. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Central Gov (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2011 obs 2019 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.6000
28 EXGM 37. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 3rd } 2051 obs 2004 obs 660 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.4000 1.5 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.200
29 GSXG 38. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 2075 obs 2165 obs 766 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.600 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7 7.200
30 GTKX 39. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 2431 obs 1818 obs 709 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
31 BGUU 40. Net stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Households & NPISHs CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2192 obs 1723 obs 690 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.200 6.400 6.800 7 7.400 7.700 7.900
32 BGUV 41. Net capital stock: vehicles; ships & aircraft: whole economy (CP) n NSA nominal { 5th } 2064 obs 1982 obs 723 obs 0 to 2009 73.10 75.60 76.5 78 79.5 82.40 87.40 90.70
33 BGUN 42. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Public Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1924 obs 2240 obs 676 obs 0 to 2009 4 4.200 4.400 4.600 5 5.300 5.600 6
34 BGUL 43. Net Stock: Intangible assets: PNFCs CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1879 obs 2247 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 29.5 31.10 32.60 33.80 35.90 37.60 39.5 41.5
35 BGUM 44. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Financial Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2054 obs 1947 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 BGUO 45. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Central Government CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1943 obs 1695 obs 556 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
37 BGUP 46. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Local Authorities CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2098 obs 1349 obs 493 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
38 GUDK 47. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1834 obs 1470 obs 518 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
39 GUDM 48. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1943 obs 1724 obs 578 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
40 BGUK 49. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Households CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2023 obs 2308 obs 682 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1
41 BGUQ 50. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 5th } 1690 obs 1641 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 40.60 42.90 45.10 46.60 49.40 51.60 53.90 56.5
42 CIXJ 51. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1898 obs 1670 obs 456 obs 0 to 2009 135.90 121.20 125.20 129.20 132.20 134.5 136.70 139.70
43 CIXH 52. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1918 obs 1685 obs 492 obs 0 to 2009 861.30 910.40 945.80 977.30 1006.7 1053.4 1110.1 1151.9
44 CIXI 53. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Financial corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1920 obs 1636 obs 502 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82 84.90 87.70 87.20
45 CIXK 54. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1918 obs 1569 obs 480 obs 0 to 2009 164.40 172.60 183.30 196.5 208.60 219.5 233.60 249.60
46 CIXL 55. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Local authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1923 obs 1831 obs 574 obs 0 to 2009 159.80 171.70 187.40 206 223.30 235.60 249.90 265.80
47 GSXC 56. Net capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1673 obs 1417 obs 489 obs 0 to 2009 884.60 921 960.5 1007.7 1065.7 1120.4 1170.4 1208.2
48 GSZW 57. Net capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 1792 obs 1717 obs 568 obs 0 to 2009 49.30 52.10 58.80 61.70 64.80 68.80 73.30 79.20
49 CIXG 58. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 2003 obs 1358 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 933.90 973.10 1019.3 1069.4 1130.5 1189.2 1243.7 1287.4
50 CIXM 59. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 7th } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
102174 obs 96167 obs 32143 obs

More years
  1.1.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=30591 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DBUJ 60. Stocks of fixed assets; Resid bulidings - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1772 obs 2002 obs 607 obs 0 to 2009 78.10 77.80 77 76.30 75.70 75 74.20 73.5
2 GUAV 61. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2402 obs 1989 obs 630 obs 0 to 2009 58.5 58.5 58.20 58 57.90 58.40 58.90 59.20
3 GSVG 62. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1877 obs 2140 obs 672 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 11 10.90 10.90 10.70 10.60 10.40 10.30
4 GUCX 63. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1663 obs 2131 obs 674 obs 0 to 2009 970.40 984.70 996.30 1007.4 1020.7 1051.9 1075.3 1088.7
5 EXJF 64. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 10th } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
6 DBUK 65. Stocks of fixed assets; Non-resid build - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1750 obs 1760 obs 681 obs 0 to 2009 59.60 40.10 40.30 40.80 41.10 41.5 41.10 41
7 GUAS 66. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1695 obs 2053 obs 612 obs 0 to 2009 412.20 449.40 461.10 474.30 488.90 510.80 535.20 552.20
8 GSVS 67. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1852 obs 2014 obs 676 obs 0 to 2009 57.10 58.30 58.90 60.20 61.5 62.80 64.10 64
9 GSVD 68. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2151 obs 2344 obs 618 obs 0 to 2009 174.90 177.60 179.40 182.20 185.5 191.70 199.80 208.90
10 GSYM 69. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1664 obs 2216 obs 575 obs 0 to 2009 191.10 198.10 203.40 209.10 214.90 221.60 230.20 239.5
11 GSWV 70. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1651 obs 2326 obs 581 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 11.40 9.800 10.20 10.5 11.40 12.40 11.30
12 GSZP 71. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2042 obs 2228 obs 717 obs 0 to 2009 45.60 47.80 52.10 54.30 56.60 59.60 63 67.30
13 GSXK 72. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2042 obs 2294 obs 608 obs 0 to 2009 56.5 59.20 61.90 64.5 67.10 71 75.40 78.60
14 EXOZ 73. Net Capital Stock: Other Buildings & Works: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 4th } 2254 obs 2479 obs 673 obs 0 to 2009 951.40 982.70 1005 1031.1 1059 1099.4 1145.8 1184.2
15 EXLH 74. all_ind P pc ns-CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1349 obs 1208 obs 579 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.5 8.200 8.400 8.600 8.900 9.300 9.700
16 GUBN 75. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1270 obs 1761 obs 510 obs 0 to 2009 304.80 310 325.5 340.90 357.80 373 382.90 380.80
17 GSVV 76. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1596 obs 2232 obs 638 obs 0 to 2009 9.300 9.800 10.5 11.70 13.10 15.20 17.5 17.80
18 GSVJ 77. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 2200 obs 621 obs 0 to 2009 7.800 8.400 9.600 10.20 10.30 10.10 10.30 11.10
19 GSYP 78. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1814 obs 2088 obs 616 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.600 3.800 4.900 5.900 6.100 6.200 6.400
20 GSWZ 79. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1735 obs 2332 obs 730 obs 0 to 2009 19 19.80 22.20 24.90 27.80 29.70 30.80 30.30
21 GSZT 80. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1696 obs 2079 obs 682 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 3.5 4.900 5.900 6.900 8.100 9.300 10.5
22 GSXN 81. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1589 obs 2341 obs 689 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 23.30 27.10 30.80 34.70 37.80 40.10 40.80
23 EXLD 82. Net Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1660 obs 2109 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 352.80 361.60 384.70 406.90 430.40 451.10 466.30 466.60
24 EXLI 83. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Public Corporations: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1368 obs 1908 obs 606 obs 0 to 2009 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 1.9000 2
25 GUBT 84. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1905 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 62.40 65 65.40 65.90 66.20 67.30 67 63.90
26 GSWB 85. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1819 obs 669 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.7000 0.5 0.3000
27 GSVP 86. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1850 obs 597 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.5
28 GSYV 87. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 2062 obs 612 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2
29 GSXH 88. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1771 obs 1868 obs 639 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 5.800 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.5 6
30 GTVF 89. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1130 obs 1779 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
31 GSXT 90. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1440 obs 1961 obs 642 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.300 6.5 6.800 7 7.300 7.200 6.700
32 EXLE 91. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1706 obs 2246 obs 667 obs 0 to 2009 76.30 78.70 78.90 79.40 79.5 80.80 80.30 76.40
33 GUAA 92. Net capital stock: Total: PC: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1398 obs 1434 obs 470 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.700 4.800 4.900 5 5.200 5.400 5.600
34 GUAY 93. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1575 obs 1400 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 31.5 32.60 33.80 34.70 35.90 37.20 38.5 40
35 GUDI 94. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1769 obs 1866 obs 567 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GUDF 95. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1870 obs 506 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
37 GUDJ 96. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1622 obs 1596 obs 565 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
38 GUDL 97. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1637 obs 1607 obs 563 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
39 GUDN 98. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1765 obs 530 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
40 GUDE 99. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1622 obs 1362 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1 1
41 GUBV 100. Net capital stock: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1634 obs 1353 obs 555 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.20 46.80 48 49.40 51.10 52.70 54.60
42 GUAP 101. Net capital stock: Total: PC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1979 obs 1381 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 151 131.80 132 132.20 132.20 132.40 131.90 131.80
43 GUBQ 102. Net capital stock: Total: PR: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1979 obs 1769 obs 611 obs 0 to 2009 869.40 915.5 944 973.80 1006.7 1046.7 1082.5 1096.1
44 GSVY 103. Net capital stock: Total: FC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1429 obs 1083 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 74.40 76.20 77.30 79.60 82 85.5 89.20 89.40
45 GSVM 104. Net capital stock: Total: CG: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1958 obs 1560 obs 577 obs 0 to 2009 196 199.5 202.30 205.5 208.60 214.40 222.40 231.90
46 GSYS 105. Net capital stock: Total: LA: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1392 obs 1905 obs 677 obs 0 to 2009 195.20 202.90 209.5 216.40 223.30 230.30 238.90 248.5
47 GSXD 106. Net capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1779 obs 662 obs 0 to 2009 1006.2 1021.9 1034.4 1049 1065.7 1099.9 1125.3 1136.6
48 GSZX 107. Net capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1190 obs 1634 obs 617 obs 0 to 2009 49.5 52.40 58.30 61.5 64.80 69.10 73.70 79.20
49 GSXQ 108. Net capital stock: Total: HN: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1638 obs 582 obs 0 to 2009 1055.7 1074.3 1092.7 1110.5 1130.5 1169 1199 1215.8
50 GUCJ 109. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  PC = public corporation
83765 obs 94632 obs 30591 obs

More years
  1.2.1 Net Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=24693 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKG 110. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1176 obs 1543 obs 592 obs 0 to 2009 20.30 20.5 20.80 21 21.30 22.20 23.70 25
2 GSMW 111. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1176 obs 1845 obs 655 obs 0 to 2009 57.90 58.40 57.90 56.60 56.10 57.10 57.70 58.60
3 GSRJ 112. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1176 obs 1639 obs 521 obs 0 to 2009 26.90 27.30 26.90 26.80 27.40 29.10 31.30 33.40
4 JJMW 113. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1176 obs 1774 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.200 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4.100 3.900
5 GSRV 114. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1521 obs 1878 obs 624 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.200
6 GSRZ 115. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1521 obs 1826 obs 636 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 21.70 21.30 21.10 20.5 19.80 19.5 19.30
7 GSSD 116. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1521 obs 1690 obs 576 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.5 5.200 4.900
8 GSSH 117. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1211 obs 1326 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 30.30 29.80 30.20 30.40 30.90 31.90 33.10 34.10
9 GSSL 118. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1164 obs 1395 obs 448 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.400 8.100 7.900 7.700 7.700 7.700 7.800
10 GSSP 119. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1643 obs 1379 obs 416 obs 0 to 2009 6.600 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.700 7 7
11 GSST 120. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1516 obs 1254 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 15.90 15.80 15.40 15.20 15 15.10 15
12 GSSX 121. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1706 obs 1431 obs 467 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 10.90 10.40 9.900 9.400 9.100 8.900 8.800
13 JJBA 122. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1753 obs 1084 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000
14 JJBN 123. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1753 obs 1345 obs 414 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.200 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
15 JJED 124. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1554 obs 1412 obs 468 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 7 6.400 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.5 4.200
16 JJEQ 125. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1554 obs 1443 obs 426 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 2.900 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.900
17 JCZG 126. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
18 GSTB 127. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1581 obs 1604 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16.10 15.10 14.30 13.5 13.20 12.60
19 JJFD 128. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1126 obs 1646 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 17.90 17.70 17.30 17.20 17.10 17.5 17.80
20 JJFQ 129. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1224 obs 1860 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.200 7 7.900 8.700 9.5 10.5 11.5
21 JDEL 130. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 GSTF 131. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1236 obs 1747 obs 524 obs 0 to 2009 25.30 24.80 25.40 26 26.60 27.40 28.80 30.10
23 GSTJ 132. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 771 obs 1506 obs 465 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.5 4.600
24 GSRF 133. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 783 obs 1781 obs 546 obs 0 to 2009 184.80 182.20 179.70 177.20 175.40 176.40 180.70 183.70
25 GSTM 134. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1224 obs 1744 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 87.80 88.60 87.40 86.60 86.80 89.80 94.90 101.10
26 GSTP 135. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1323 obs 1925 obs 570 obs 0 to 2009 18.30 20.10 22.5 23.80 25.60 27.5 29.40 30.5
27 GSTT 136. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1434 obs 1823 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 133.20 138.70 150.30 161 170.90 184.10 196.80 206.40
28 GSTX 137. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1434 obs 1734 obs 535 obs 0 to 2009 45.40 46.80 51.40 55.40 59.5 64.70 70.70 74.80
29 JJOJ 138. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1434 obs 1449 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 101.70 111.20 118 123 128.60 134.80 144.30 153.30
30 JJOW 139. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1323 obs 1265 obs 415 obs 0 to 2009 57.20 56.40 56.90 56.80 56.80 56.80 56.5 55.20
31 JKNU 140. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
32 GSUB 141. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1334 obs 1399 obs 434 obs 0 to 2009 161.30 170.30 177.90 183 188.70 195 204.30 212.10
33 JJPJ 142. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1445 obs 1282 obs 396 obs 0 to 2009 36.30 36.90 37.40 38.20 39.10 41 42.90 42.80
34 JJGD 143. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1334 obs 1341 obs 425 obs 0 to 2009 33.20 33.80 34.90 35.60 36.40 37 37.60 37.10
35 JEUZ 144. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GSUF 145. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1445 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82.10 84.80 87.60 87.20
37 CIWZ 146. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
38 JJIT 147. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 881 obs 1615 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 87.90 98.10 101.40 105.30 108.70 113.80 120.10 124.10
39 JJJG 148. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1323 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 26.5 27.20 27.80 30.40 32.5 35.20 36.60 36.30
40 JJPW 149. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1323 obs 1923 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 42.70 43.90 46.30 47.60 47.30 50 53.10 54.80
41 JFJK 150. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
42 GSUJ 151. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1166 obs 1725 obs 501 obs 0 to 2009 161.60 174.30 181 189.40 195.40 206.10 217.20 222.90
43 GSUN 152. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1179 obs 1869 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 184.10 195.60 209.90 224.70 237.5 249.90 264 279.90
44 GSUR 153. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1323 obs 1809 obs 522 obs 0 to 2009 69.90 74.20 82.30 91.5 100.30 106.80 114.60 123.70
45 GSUV 154. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1002 obs 1409 obs 423 obs 0 to 2009 54.10 58 62.80 69.20 75.5 80.5 86.30 92.80
46 JJJT 155. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1013 obs 1627 obs 484 obs 0 to 2009 39.90 43.10 45.30 47.10 48.70 50.5 53.10 55.60
47 JKNL 156. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1248 obs 1474 obs 439 obs 0 to 2009 47 49 59.60 70.80 77 83.80 91.60 96.10
48 JKNI 157. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 6th } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
49 GSUZ 158. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 4th } 1392 obs 1586 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 100.20 106.40 120 133.70 143.20 153.20 165.30 174.10
50 CIXM 159. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
67451 obs 79514 obs 24693 obs

More years
  1.2.2 Net Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=19465 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKI 160. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1148 obs 1686 obs 503 obs 0 to 2009 21.90 21.60 21.40 21.30 21.30 21.40 21.90 21.70
2 GSQV 161. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 693 obs 1451 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 65.10 63.5 60.80 58.20 56.10 55.80 54.90 54.20
3 GSRK 162. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1079 obs 1385 obs 424 obs 0 to 2009 28.20 28.30 27.90 27.60 27.40 27.30 27 26.30
4 JJMY 163. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1079 obs 1453 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.300 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4 3.800
5 GSRW 164. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1314 obs 1316 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100
6 GSSA 165. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1331 obs 1697 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 22.10 22 21.5 21.30 20.5 19.5 18.60 17.60
7 GSSE 166. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1294 obs 1290 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.400 5 4.5
8 GSSI 167. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1283 obs 1631 obs 545 obs 0 to 2009 30.20 29.70 30.10 30.40 30.90 31.5 31.80 31.40
9 GSSM 168. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1283 obs 1104 obs 457 obs 0 to 2009 8.700 8.600 8.300 8 7.700 7.5 7.300 7
10 GSSQ 169. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1271 obs 1205 obs 482 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.700 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.600 6.700 6.5
11 GSSU 170. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1118 obs 1169 obs 474 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16.20 16 15.5 15.20 14.90 14.70 14.10
12 GSSY 171. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1084 obs 1146 obs 464 obs 0 to 2009 11.5 11 10.40 9.900 9.400 9 8.700 8.300
13 JJBC 172. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1307 obs 919 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.6000
14 JJBP 173. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1463 obs 1115 obs 411 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.100
15 JJEF 174. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1319 obs 1223 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 6.900 6.300 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.400 4
16 JJES 175. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 866 obs 908 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3.100 3 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.700
17 JCZH 176. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
18 GSTC 177. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1243 obs 1073 obs 401 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16 15.20 14.30 13.5 12.80 11.90
19 JJFF 178. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 737 obs 780 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 18.70 18.10 17.80 17.40 17.20 16.90 16.70 16.30
20 JJFS 179. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 974 obs 920 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6.900 7.800 8.700 9.5 10.20 10.90
21 JDEM 180. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 GSTG 181. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1353 obs 1034 obs 421 obs 0 to 2009 25.40 24.80 25.40 25.90 26.60 27.20 27.70 28
23 GSTK 182. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1051 obs 907 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.400 4.300
24 GSRG 183. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1099 obs 896 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 187.5 184.10 181.20 178.40 175.40 173.10 170.90 165.80
25 GSTN 184. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1243 obs 1098 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 86.80 87.60 86.40 85.90 86.80 89.5 92.80 96.60
26 GSTQ 185. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1209 obs 1004 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 20.40 22.70 23.90 25.60 27.20 28.10 28.10
27 GSTU 186. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1008 obs 1163 obs 404 obs 0 to 2009 135.5 141.10 151.40 161.60 170.90 182.30 191 195.70
28 GSTY 187. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 986 obs 910 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 47.40 51.70 55.60 59.5 64 68.30 70.30
29 JJOL 188. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1221 obs 1007 obs 372 obs 0 to 2009 105.10 113.30 119 123.5 128.60 134.10 141.10 146.10
30 JJOY 189. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1173 obs 852 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 50.90 51.10 52.80 54.80 56.80 59.10 61.10 62
31 JKNW 190. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
32 GSUC 191. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 912 obs 777 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 158.40 167.10 174.80 181.40 188.70 196.60 205.70 211.70
33 JJPL 192. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 912 obs 1178 obs 370 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 35.60 36 37.5 39.10 41.60 44.30 44.90
34 JJII 193. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 960 obs 747 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 34.30 34.90 35.70 36.40 37.10 37.60 37.10
35 JEVA 194. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GSUG 195. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1177 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 74.30 76 77.20 79.70 82.10 85.5 89 89.30
37 EXJF 196. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
38 JJIV 197. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 1449 obs 1113 obs 350 obs 0 to 2009 93.60 103.5 104.40 106.60 108.70 113.10 118.60 121.5
39 JJJI 198. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 960 obs 898 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 27.5 28 30.40 32.5 34.60 33.90 31.30
40 JJPY 199. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 943 obs 571 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 37.60 40.60 43 47.30 50.70 53 53
41 JFJL 200. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
42 GSUK 201. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 936 obs 1027 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 160.5 173.80 178.70 186.30 195.40 205.5 212.90 213.5
43 GSUO 202. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 677 obs 1054 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 217.60 223.10 228.5 232.90 237.5 244.10 252.40 260.40
44 GSUS 203. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 900 obs 715 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 84.10 86.90 91.5 95.80 100.30 105 110.5 117
45 GSUW 204. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 900 obs 1034 obs 391 obs 0 to 2009 67.10 69.80 71.40 73.30 75.5 78.60 82.30 86.60
46 JJJV 205. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 948 obs 669 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 41.80 44.30 45.80 47.40 48.70 50.5 52.5 54.30
47 JKNM 206. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 4th } 948 obs 813 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.5 55.40 66.60 77 84.70 92.30 95.70
48 JKNG 207. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 6th } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
49 GSVA 208. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CV NSA real 1995 { 4th } 948 obs 769 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 100.30 105.80 117.70 131.10 143.20 153.80 164.40 170.90
50 GUCJ 209. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
54413 obs 54158 obs 19465 obs

More years
  1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=27756 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSM 210. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 900 obs 1356 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 7.900 7.800 8 8.200 8.700 9.5 10.40
2 JAZZ 211. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 900 obs 865 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 10.40 9.700 9 8.400 7.800 7.800 8 8.200
3 JCIL 212. Net capital stock: DA : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 869 obs 784 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 15.70 15.70 15.40 15.5 16.20 17.90 20.10 22.40
4 JCKE 213. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 1002 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.700 2.5 2.300 2.100 2 2 1.9000
5 JCLF 214. Net capital stock: DD : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 1122 obs 393 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000
6 JCNQ 215. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 957 obs 1062 obs 422 obs 0 to 2009 14.40 14.20 13.90 13.80 13.20 12.70 12.40 12.30
7 JCQG 216. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 715 obs 844 obs 374 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.600 4.300 4 3.600 3.300 3.200 3.100
8 JCRI 217. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 875 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 20.80 20.10 20.20 20.5 21 21.80 23 24
9 JCRY 218. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 966 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6 5.800 5.600 5.400 5.400 5.5 5.600
10 JCSO 219. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 907 obs 1047 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.800 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.600 4.800 4.800
11 JCTT 220. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1352 obs 963 obs 361 obs 0 to 2009 9.400 9.200 9.100 9 8.900 8.800 9.100 9.100
12 JCUV 221. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1354 obs 1078 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.400 4.900 4.5 4.200 3.900 3.900 3.900
13 JCVH 222. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 963 obs 777 obs 322 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.3000 1.2000 1.1000 1 1 0.9000 0.9000
14 JCVT 223. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1080 obs 964 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.400 2.200 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000
15 JCWF 224. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1007 obs 1028 obs 384 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.400 3.800 3.200 2.800 2.400 2.200 1.9000
16 JCYU 225. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 995 obs 561 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 2 2 1.9000 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000
17 JCZK 226. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and machi  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1342 obs 681 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 11 10 9.200 8.300 7.700 7.200 6.800 6.5
18 JCZX 227. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 841 obs 992 obs 393 obs 0 to 2009 13.60 13 12.70 12.40 12.30 12.30 12.70 13.10
19 JDDE 228. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1295 obs 661 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.200 3.900 4.400 5 5.700 6 6.400
20 JDEV 229. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 889 obs 625 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 16.80 16.20 16.60 16.80 17.30 18 18.70 19.5
21 JDGM 230. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1139 obs 1098 obs 408 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.300 2.200 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.400
22 JIGS 231. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1186 obs 1090 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 116 112.20 109.70 108 107.40 109 113 116.60
23 JDID 232. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 995 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 50.60 50.80 49.5 48.60 47.80 48.70 51.10 53.60
24 JDJU 233. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 1018 obs 394 obs 0 to 2009 8.800 9.400 10.90 11.60 12.5 13.60 14.70 15.40
25 JDLL 234. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1810 obs 998 obs 384 obs 0 to 2009 52.30 55.40 61.30 66.90 71.60 79 86.60 93
26 JDNC 235. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 710 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 12.40 15.10 17.20 19.40 22.20 25.40 27.70
27 JEIS 236. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 876 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 6.900 7.800 8.900 10 9.900 10.20 11 11.70
28 JETJ 237. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 928 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 43.5 42.80 42.90 42.60 42.70 42.80 42.40 41
29 JEQL 238. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 865 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 50.30 50.5 51.80 52.60 52.60 53 53.40 52.70
30 JEXO 239. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 989 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 11 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.70 15 14.60
31 JJAD 240. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 986 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 1 1
32 JEVJ 241. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1383 obs 1165 obs 368 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.5 11.90 12.40 13.10 14.5 16 15.60
33 JFGD 242. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1531 obs 811 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 2 2.200 2.5 3.100 3.600 4.400 5.700 7.300
34 JFHQ 243. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 970 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 11.40 11.20 11.10 11.60 12.10 13 13.70 13.80
35 JFLH 244. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 1052 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 19 19.60 21.5 22.70 21.80 22.70 24 24.80
36 JFJU 245. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 1110 obs 383 obs 0 to 2009 32.40 33 35.10 37.40 37.5 40.10 43.40 45.90
37 JDOT 246. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 1151 obs 399 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.800 9.700 10.90 10.20 9.800 9.800 10.20
38 JHEB 247. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 784 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.200 2.800 3.400 3.700 4.100 4.800 5.600
39 JDQK 248. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machiner  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 565 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.5 5.600 5.600 5.600 5.5 5.600 5.600
40 JHCK 249. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1367 obs 854 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 7.400 8 8.800 9.600 10.70 12.30 13.70
41 JHIY 250. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1399 obs 748 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 7.900 8.700 15.5 22.40 24.30 26.70 29.60 31
42 JHFO 251. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 800 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 14.60 16.20 23.5 31.10 33.90 37.40 41.90 44.70
43 CIWU 252. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2010 obs 2300 obs 758 obs 0 to 2009 381.30 384.5 403.80 422.30 430.40 453.10 482.70 505.10
44 JABC 253. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1496 obs 1071 obs 352 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.7000 2
45 JCGR 254. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1556 obs 1013 obs 336 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5
46 JCIM 255. Net capital stock: DA : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 769 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
47 JCKI 256. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 618 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
48 JCLG 257. Net capital stock: DD : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 1031 obs 349 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
49 JCOD 258. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1303 obs 997 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
50 JCQT 259. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1413 obs 828 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRM 260. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 756 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
52 JCSC 261. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 1223 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JCSS 262. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1569 obs 1030 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
54 JCUG 263. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1397 obs 859 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
55 JCUZ 264. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1569 obs 1290 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
56 JCVL 265. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1131 obs 1240 obs 408 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVX 266. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1308 obs 1021 obs 373 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWJ 267. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1388 obs 936 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 JCYY 268. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1133 obs 799 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
60 JCZO 269. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1308 obs 726 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JDCH 270. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1164 obs 775 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
62 JDDR 271. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 939 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000
63 JDFI 272. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 892 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000
64 JDGZ 273. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1089 obs 825 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIHF 274. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 1113 obs 374 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.800 2.700 2.700 2.700
66 JDIQ 275. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1150 obs 1045 obs 357 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.3000 0.4000
67 JDKH 276. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 809 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 3 3.100 3.5 3.700 3.900 4 4.100 3.900
68 JDLY 277. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1230 obs 804 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.400 6.700 7.100 7 7 7.200 7.400
69 JDNP 278. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 973 obs 801 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000
70 JEJF 279. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1197 obs 1255 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 30.5 32.80 32.80 32.20 33.10 34.5 38.10 42.30
71 JETW 280. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 1373 obs 451 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.5 1.3000 1.2000 1 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000
72 JEQY 281. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1150 obs 1025 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 32.20 34.30 34.10 33.40 34.10 35.30 38.80 43
73 JFAF 282. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1247 obs 876 obs 364 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 1.9000 1.5 1.1000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
74 JJAF 283. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2003 obs 1412 obs 487 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
75 JEVW 284. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2201 obs 1003 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 1.9000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
76 JFGQ 285. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1908 obs 730 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000
77 JFID 286. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1891 obs 1196 obs 392 obs 0 to 2009 12.60 13.40 14.10 16.20 17.90 19.70 20.40 20
78 JFLU 287. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2292 obs 1476 obs 377 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 3.900 3.700 3.400 3.300 3.200 3.100
79 JFKH 288. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1970 obs 1124 obs 417 obs 0 to 2009 17.70 18.20 18.60 20.5 22 23.80 24.5 24
80 JDPG 289. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1436 obs 671 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.800 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.700
  CP = current price
103134 obs 77467 obs 27756 obs

More years
  1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=27042 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEO 290. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1436 obs 622 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
2 JDQX 291. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1792 obs 989 obs 358 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
3 JHCX 292. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1809 obs 709 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.6000
4 JHJL 293. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1764 obs 812 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000
5 JHGB 294. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1849 obs 803 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.900 3 3 3 3.100 3
6 BGUV 295. Net capital stock: vehicles; ships & aircraft: whole economy (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2064 obs 1982 obs 723 obs 0 to 2009 73.10 75.60 76.5 78 79.5 82.40 87.40 90.70
7 CIWZ 296. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
8 CIWZ 297. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
9 IZSE 298. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1781 obs 1187 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 10.80 11.20 11.5 11.5 11.70 11.90 12.5 12.70
10 JABO 299. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1380 obs 824 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 43.20 44.90 45.40 45 45.20 46.20 46.60 47.10
11 JCIJ 300. Net capital stock: DA : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1635 obs 808 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 10.90 11 10.80 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.60
12 JCJW 301. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1504 obs 690 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000
13 JCLE 302. Net capital stock: DD : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1884 obs 721 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1
14 JCMQ 303. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 580 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300
15 JCPP 304. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1325 obs 644 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 3.5 3.400 3.300 2.800 2.300 2 1.7000 1.5
16 JCRA 305. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 588 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.700 9 8.900 9 9.200 9.300 9.300
17 JCRQ 306. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1735 obs 873 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100
18 JCSG 307. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1243 obs 661 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2.100 2.100
19 JCTC 308. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1387 obs 791 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6 5.800 5.800 5.600 5.5 5.400
20 JCUN 309. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1322 obs 833 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
21 JCVD 310. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1781 obs 1038 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 JCVP 311. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1412 obs 748 obs 276 obs 0 to 2009 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5
23 JCWB 312. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 824 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300
24 JCYQ 313. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1476 obs 1099 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000
25 JCZC 314. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1584 obs 1145 obs 363 obs 0 to 2009 6 6.100 6 5.900 5.700 5.700 5.5 5.5
26 JCZT 315. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1500 obs 1112 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.900 5 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.600
27 JDCR 316. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1534 obs 1186 obs 367 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 3 3.400 3.600 3.700 4.300 4.900
28 JDEE 317. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1216 obs 898 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 7.800 7.900 8 8.300 8.400 8.5 9 9.5
29 JDFV 318. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1147 obs 916 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000
30 JIFS 319. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1387 obs 1142 obs 361 obs 0 to 2009 60.20 61.10 61.20 60.40 59.60 59.30 59.20 59
31 JDHM 320. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2284 obs 1357 obs 461 obs 0 to 2009 36.20 37 37.20 37.30 38.40 40.40 42.90 46.5
32 JDJD 321. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1345 obs 1163 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 7 7.5 8 8.800 9.5 10.10 10.5
33 JDKU 322. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1788 obs 1348 obs 385 obs 0 to 2009 72 74.10 79.30 83.90 89.20 95 99.90 102.90
34 JDML 323. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1584 obs 893 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 32.90 33.70 35.70 37.40 39.30 41.70 44.5 46.40
35 JEIF 324. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1413 obs 797 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 64.40 70.70 76.30 80.90 86.10 90.60 95.90 100
36 JESW 325. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1476 obs 812 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.20 12.70 13 13 13.20 13.40 13.40
37 JEPY 326. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 769 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 76.40 82.80 89 93.90 99.10 103.80 109.30 113.40
38 JEXB 327. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1788 obs 865 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 23.40 24 24.60 25.40 26 26.70 27.60 28.10
39 JJAB 328. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1692 obs 1063 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 32.5 33.30 34.20 34.80 35.5 36.10 36.5 36
40 JEUS 329. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1838 obs 963 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 55.90 57.30 58.80 60.10 61.5 62.80 64.10 64.10
41 JFFD 330. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1680 obs 909 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 85.30 95.40 98.30 101.5 104.30 108.40 113.20 115.5
42 JFHD 331. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1320 obs 822 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
43 JFKU 332. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1572 obs 831 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 19.20 20 20.80 21.30 22.30 24.30 26.20 27.20
44 JFIQ 333. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1404 obs 919 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 107 118 121.70 125.30 129.10 135.20 141.90 145.20
45 JDOC 334. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1653 obs 1012 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 173.70 184.10 196.70 210.40 224.60 236.90 251.40 266.80
46 JHDK 335. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1437 obs 824 obs 326 obs 0 to 2009 67 71.5 78.30 86.5 94.5 100.5 107.5 115.70
47 JDPT 336. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1776 obs 1091 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 47.90 51.60 56.40 62.80 69.10 74.10 79.90 86.40
48 JHBX 337. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1583 obs 969 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 32.30 34.70 36 36.90 37.70 38.40 39.30 40.5
49 JHHY 338. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1812 obs 985 obs 369 obs 0 to 2009 37.40 38.70 42.40 46.80 51.20 55.5 60.30 63.5
50 JHFB 339. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Build  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1826 obs 848 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 69.70 73.40 78.40 83.70 88.90 93.90 99.60 104
51 CIXF 340. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2248 obs 2261 obs 694 obs 0 to 2009 858.90 907.70 957 1006.3 1059 1111 1169.2 1220.5
52 IZSI 341. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1720 obs 1128 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JADU 342. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1399 obs 1076 obs 378 obs 0 to 2009 3.800 3.300 2.900 2.600 2.5 2.600 2.600 2.800
54 JCIK 343. Net capital stock: DA : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 1072 obs 377 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
55 JCKA 344. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed as  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1373 obs 756 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 JCND 345. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed as  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1346 obs 561 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.5 2.5
57 JCPW 346. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1721 obs 1096 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
58 JCRE 347. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed ass  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 785 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000
59 JCSK 348. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1541 obs 552 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTJ 349. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1344 obs 585 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JCUR 350. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1284 obs 818 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
62 JCZG 351. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
63 JDEL 352. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
64 JDGC 353. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1899 obs 992 obs 330 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIGF 354. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1153 obs 674 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.800 5.900 5.900 5.900 5.900 5.800 5.700
66 JDHT 355. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1153 obs 646 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
67 JDJK 356. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1679 obs 731 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000
68 JDLB 357. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2058 obs 986 obs 369 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.800 3 3.100 3.200 3.200 3.100 3.100
69 JDMS 358. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1304 obs 842 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
70 JKNU 359. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
71 JEUZ 360. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
72 JFJK 361. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
73 JDOJ 362. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1901 obs 988 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
74 JHDR 363. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1702 obs 864 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.3000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 1.9000 2 2
75 JDQA 364. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed a  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1601 obs 997 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
76 JKNI 365. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
77 BGUQ 366. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1690 obs 1641 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 40.60 42.90 45.10 46.60 49.40 51.60 53.90 56.5
78 JJKG 367. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1543 obs 592 obs 0 to 2009 20.30 20.5 20.80 21 21.30 22.20 23.70 25
79 GSMW 368. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1845 obs 655 obs 0 to 2009 57.90 58.40 57.90 56.60 56.10 57.10 57.70 58.60
80 GSRJ 369. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1639 obs 521 obs 0 to 2009 26.90 27.30 26.90 26.80 27.40 29.10 31.30 33.40
  CP = current price
125273 obs 81951 obs 27042 obs

More years
  1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=22925 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMW 370. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1774 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.200 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4.100 3.900
2 GSRV 371. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1878 obs 624 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.200
3 GSRZ 372. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1826 obs 636 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 21.70 21.30 21.10 20.5 19.80 19.5 19.30
4 GSSD 373. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1690 obs 576 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.5 5.200 4.900
5 GSSH 374. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1211 obs 1326 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 30.30 29.80 30.20 30.40 30.90 31.90 33.10 34.10
6 GSSL 375. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1164 obs 1395 obs 448 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.400 8.100 7.900 7.700 7.700 7.700 7.800
7 GSSP 376. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1643 obs 1379 obs 416 obs 0 to 2009 6.600 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.700 7 7
8 GSST 377. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1516 obs 1254 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 15.90 15.80 15.40 15.20 15 15.10 15
9 GSSX 378. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1706 obs 1431 obs 467 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 10.90 10.40 9.900 9.400 9.100 8.900 8.800
10 JJBA 379. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1084 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000
11 JJBN 380. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1345 obs 414 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.200 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
12 JJED 381. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1412 obs 468 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 7 6.400 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.5 4.200
13 JJEQ 382. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1443 obs 426 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 2.900 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.900
14 JCZG 383. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
15 GSTB 384. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1581 obs 1604 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16.10 15.10 14.30 13.5 13.20 12.60
16 JJFD 385. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1126 obs 1646 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 17.90 17.70 17.30 17.20 17.10 17.5 17.80
17 JJFQ 386. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1860 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.200 7 7.900 8.700 9.5 10.5 11.5
18 JDEL 387. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
19 GSTF 388. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1747 obs 524 obs 0 to 2009 25.30 24.80 25.40 26 26.60 27.40 28.80 30.10
20 GSTJ 389. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 771 obs 1506 obs 465 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.5 4.600
21 GSRF 390. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 783 obs 1781 obs 546 obs 0 to 2009 184.80 182.20 179.70 177.20 175.40 176.40 180.70 183.70
22 GSTM 391. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1744 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 87.80 88.60 87.40 86.60 86.80 89.80 94.90 101.10
23 GSTP 392. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1925 obs 570 obs 0 to 2009 18.30 20.10 22.5 23.80 25.60 27.5 29.40 30.5
24 GSTT 393. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1823 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 133.20 138.70 150.30 161 170.90 184.10 196.80 206.40
25 GSTX 394. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1734 obs 535 obs 0 to 2009 45.40 46.80 51.40 55.40 59.5 64.70 70.70 74.80
26 JJOJ 395. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1449 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 101.70 111.20 118 123 128.60 134.80 144.30 153.30
27 JJOW 396. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1265 obs 415 obs 0 to 2009 57.20 56.40 56.90 56.80 56.80 56.80 56.5 55.20
28 JKNU 397. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
29 GSUB 398. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1399 obs 434 obs 0 to 2009 161.30 170.30 177.90 183 188.70 195 204.30 212.10
30 JJPJ 399. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1282 obs 396 obs 0 to 2009 36.30 36.90 37.40 38.20 39.10 41 42.90 42.80
31 JJGD 400. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1341 obs 425 obs 0 to 2009 33.20 33.80 34.90 35.60 36.40 37 37.60 37.10
32 JEUZ 401. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
33 GSUF 402. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82.10 84.80 87.60 87.20
34 CIWZ 403. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
35 JJIT 404. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 881 obs 1615 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 87.90 98.10 101.40 105.30 108.70 113.80 120.10 124.10
36 JJJG 405. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 26.5 27.20 27.80 30.40 32.5 35.20 36.60 36.30
37 JJPW 406. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1923 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 42.70 43.90 46.30 47.60 47.30 50 53.10 54.80
38 JFJK 407. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
39 GSUJ 408. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 1725 obs 501 obs 0 to 2009 161.60 174.30 181 189.40 195.40 206.10 217.20 222.90
40 GSUN 409. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1869 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 184.10 195.60 209.90 224.70 237.5 249.90 264 279.90
41 GSUR 410. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1809 obs 522 obs 0 to 2009 69.90 74.20 82.30 91.5 100.30 106.80 114.60 123.70
42 GSUV 411. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1002 obs 1409 obs 423 obs 0 to 2009 54.10 58 62.80 69.20 75.5 80.5 86.30 92.80
43 JJJT 412. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1013 obs 1627 obs 484 obs 0 to 2009 39.90 43.10 45.30 47.10 48.70 50.5 53.10 55.60
44 JKNL 413. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1248 obs 1474 obs 439 obs 0 to 2009 47 49 59.60 70.80 77 83.80 91.60 96.10
45 JKNI 414. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
46 GSUZ 415. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1392 obs 1586 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 100.20 106.40 120 133.70 143.20 153.20 165.30 174.10
47 CIXM 416. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
63923 obs 74487 obs 22925 obs

More years
  1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=21804 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSN 417. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 1093 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 8 8 8.100 8.200 8.300 8.400 8.300
2 JCGG 418. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 935 obs 1098 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 11.10 10.30 9.400 8.5 7.800 7.600 7.400 7.100
3 JCIP 419. Net capital stock: DA : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1007 obs 997 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 16.40 16.5 16.40 16.30 16.20 16.10 15.90 15.30
4 JCKF 420. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1007 obs 736 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.700 2.5 2.300 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000
5 JCLC 421. Net capital stock: DD : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 809 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1 1 0.9000
6 JCNS 422. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 807 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 14.20 14.20 13.90 13.80 13.20 12.40 11.60 10.70
7 JCQI 423. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 838 obs 856 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.600 4.300 4 3.600 3.200 3 2.700
8 JCRJ 424. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1119 obs 861 obs 299 obs 0 to 2009 20.40 19.80 20.10 20.5 21 21.5 21.60 21.20
9 JCRZ 425. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 825 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.100 5.900 5.600 5.400 5.300 5.100 4.800
10 JCSP 426. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 859 obs 673 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.900 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.300
11 JCTV 427. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 651 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 9.600 9.5 9.400 9.200 8.900 8.700 8.700 8.300
12 JCUW 428. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1136 obs 658 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.400 5 4.600 4.200 3.900 3.600 3.400
13 JCVI 429. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 756 obs 509 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1 0.9000 0.8000
14 JCVU 430. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 520 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.400 2.200 2 1.9000 1.7000 1.7000 1.5
15 JCWG 431. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 600 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.300 3.800 3.200 2.800 2.400 2.100 1.8000
16 JCYV 432. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 787 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000
17 JCZL 433. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and machi  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1048 obs 562 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 10.80 10 9.300 8.400 7.700 7 6.5 5.900
18 JCZY 434. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 622 obs 403 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 13.5 13 12.70 12.40 12.30 12.10 12 11.60
19 JDDG 435. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 514 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 3 3.100 3.800 4.200 5 5.700 5.700 5.700
20 JDEX 436. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 652 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16 16.5 16.70 17.30 17.80 17.70 17.30
21 JDGO 437. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 651 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.100
22 JIGU 438. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 629 obs 596 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 115.90 113.10 111 109.10 107.40 105.70 103.40 98.70
23 JDIF 439. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 950 obs 785 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 48 49.10 48.30 47.80 47.80 48.30 48.90 48.80
24 JDJW 440. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 787 obs 729 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 8.800 9.5 11 11.70 12.5 13.30 13.60 13.40
25 JDLN 441. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 787 obs 726 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 52.90 56.30 62.30 67.20 71.60 77.20 81.40 83.5
26 JDNE 442. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 950 obs 785 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.5 15.20 17.30 19.40 21.5 23 23.20
27 JEIU 443. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 758 obs 716 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 5.300 6.400 7.600 8.800 9.900 10.40 10.90 11.10
28 JETL 444. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 722 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 36.80 37.10 38.70 40.5 42.70 45.10 47.10 48
29 JEQN 445. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 714 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 41.90 43.30 46.20 49.20 52.60 55.5 58 59.10
30 JEXQ 446. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 768 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.400 10 11 12.30 14.30 16.40 16.70
31 JJAK 447. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 729 obs 609 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.6000 0.8000 0.8000 1 1
32 JEVL 448. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 707 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 9.300 9.800 10.5 11.70 13.10 15.10 17.40 17.70
33 JFGF 449. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 933 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.7000 2.100 2.700 3.600 4.5 5.800 7
34 JFHS 450. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 757 obs 780 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 11.60 11.60 11.40 11.70 12.10 12.70 12.80 12.20
35 JFLJ 451. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 810 obs 899 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 14.20 16.60 18.5 21.80 23.40 24.20 23.60
36 JFJW 452. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 525 obs 554 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 25.10 26.90 29.80 32.80 37.5 40.60 42.80 42.80
37 JDOV 453. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 784 obs 568 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 6.600 8.400 9.800 10.20 10.10 9.900 10
38 JHED 454. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 885 obs 619 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.8000 2.300 3 3.700 4.300 4.900 5.600
39 JDQM 455. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1239 obs 515 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 5.200 5.300 5.5 5.5 5.600 5.400 5.200 5
40 JHCM 456. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 666 obs 330 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.900 8.300 9 9.600 10.60 11.70 12.30
41 JHJA 457. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1251 obs 719 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.5 12.30 18.30 24.30 27.5 30.30 30.80
42 JHFQ 458. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 891 obs 398 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 11.80 13.40 19.90 27 33.90 38.10 42 43.10
43 EXLD 459. Net Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1660 obs 2109 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 352.80 361.60 384.70 406.90 430.40 451.10 466.30 466.60
44 JABD 460. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1395 obs 497 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.6000
45 JCGT 461. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1220 obs 454 obs 292 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5
46 JCIQ 462. Net capital stock: DA : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 688 obs 418 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
47 JCKJ 463. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 536 obs 270 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
48 JCLD 464. Net capital stock: DD : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 785 obs 454 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
49 JCOF 465. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 654 obs 649 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
50 JCQV 466. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 670 obs 645 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRN 467. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 653 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
52 JCSD 468. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 819 obs 678 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JCST 469. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 833 obs 641 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
54 JCUI 470. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 649 obs 594 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000
55 JCVA 471. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 602 obs 439 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
56 JCVM 472. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 907 obs 859 obs 343 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVY 473. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1039 obs 511 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWK 474. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 666 obs 216 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 JCYZ 475. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1255 obs 527 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0
60 JCZP 476. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 503 obs 387 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000
61 JDCI 477. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 501 obs 465 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0
62 JDDT 478. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 644 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000
63 JDFK 479. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1016 obs 705 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.2000
64 JDHB 480. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 522 obs 624 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIHH 481. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 417 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.600 2.5 2.200
66 JDIS 482. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 524 obs 514 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.3000 0.3000
67 JDKJ 483. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1014 obs 575 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.300 3.700 3.800 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.5
68 JDMA 484. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 423 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.400 6.600 7 7 6.900 6.600 6.100
69 JDNR 485. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1262 obs 444 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
70 JEJH 486. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 884 obs 335 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 33.70 35.70 35.30 33.80 33.10 33.40 34.60 35.10
71 JETY 487. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1070 obs 765 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.4000 1.2000 1.1000 1 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000
72 JERA 488. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1058 obs 765 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 35.40 37.10 36.40 34.90 34.10 34.30 35.40 35.80
73 JFAH 489. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 765 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2 1.5 1.1000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
74 JJAM 490. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1070 obs 765 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
75 JEVY 491. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 893 obs 710 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
76 JFGS 492. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 891 obs 767 obs 317 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
77 JFIF 493. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1418 obs 392 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 12.5 13.30 14.10 16.10 17.90 19.30 18.60 16.60
78 JFLW 494. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 668 obs 394 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 4.400 4.200 4 3.700 3.400 3.200 3 2.600
79 JFKJ 495. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1125 obs 657 obs 339 obs 0 to 2009 17.5 18.10 18.60 20.40 22 23.30 22.40 20
80 JDPI 496. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 954 obs 485 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 3 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.800 2.600
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
69775 obs 52046 obs 21804 obs

More years
  1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=23763 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEQ 497. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 942 obs 485 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
2 JDQZ 498. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 796 obs 336 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
3 JHCZ 499. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 810 obs 433 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 1 1.1000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000
4 JHJN 500. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1146 obs 433 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.4000 1.2000
5 JHGD 501. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1092 obs 392 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.600 2.900 3 3 3 2.900 2.600
6 EXLE 502. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1706 obs 2246 obs 667 obs 0 to 2009 76.30 78.70 78.90 79.40 79.5 80.80 80.30 76.40
7 EXJF 503. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
8 EXJF 504. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
9 IZSF 505. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 870 obs 491 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 12.40 12.30 12.10 11.80 11.70 11.60 11.90 11.80
10 JABQ 506. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1001 obs 513 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 49.30 49 47.80 46.40 45.20 45.10 44.5 43.90
11 JCIN 507. Net capital stock: DA : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1373 obs 513 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 11.20 11.10 11 10.80 10.70 10.80 10.70 10.60
12 JCJX 508. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 694 obs 459 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.400 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000
13 JCLB 509. Net capital stock: DD : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1030 obs 459 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1
14 JCMS 510. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 620 obs 442 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300
15 JCPR 511. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 994 obs 446 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.5 3.300 2.800 2.300 2 1.7000 1.6000
16 JCRB 512. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 790 obs 499 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 8.900 9 8.900 9 9.200 9.300 9.400
17 JCRR 513. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1305 obs 554 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100
18 JCSH 514. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 673 obs 456 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2.100 2.100
19 JCTE 515. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1211 obs 599 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 6.400 6.300 6.100 5.900 5.800 5.700 5.5 5.400
20 JCUO 516. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 515 obs 305 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 5 4.900 4.700 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
21 JCVE 517. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1246 obs 502 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 JCVQ 518. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1234 obs 547 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5
23 JCWC 519. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1567 obs 641 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300
24 JCYR 520. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1246 obs 646 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000
25 JCZD 521. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 895 obs 534 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.100 6 5.800 5.700 5.700 5.5 5.5
26 JCZU 522. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 826 obs 511 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 5 5 5 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.700
27 JDCT 523. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1126 obs 411 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3 3 3.400 3.600 3.700 4.300 4.900
28 JDEG 524. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1115 obs 603 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 8 8 8.300 8.400 8.5 9 9.600
29 JDFX 525. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1585 obs 864 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000
30 JIFU 526. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1588 obs 796 obs 343 obs 0 to 2009 62.80 62.20 61.40 60.5 59.60 59.5 59.20 59.30
31 JDHO 527. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 830 obs 819 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 38 37.80 37.40 37.5 38.40 40.5 43.10 46.80
32 JDJF 528. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 985 obs 771 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 7.100 7.5 8 8.800 9.5 10.10 10.5
33 JDKW 529. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1385 obs 898 obs 318 obs 0 to 2009 73.70 75.5 79.70 84.30 89.20 95 99.90 102.90
34 JDMN 530. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1189 obs 842 obs 357 obs 0 to 2009 33.60 34.30 35.80 37.5 39.30 41.70 44.5 46.40
35 JEIH 531. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 508 obs 534 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 67.5 72.60 77.10 81.80 86.10 90.80 96.20 100.5
36 JESY 532. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 371 obs 538 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 12.60 12.70 12.90 13.10 13 13.10 13.30 13.30
37 JEQA 533. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 379 obs 721 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 80.10 85.20 90.10 94.90 99.10 103.90 109.5 113.80
38 JEXD 534. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 770 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 23.80 24.40 24.60 25.40 26 26.70 27.60 28.10
39 JJAH 535. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 853 obs 669 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 33.30 33.90 34.30 34.90 35.5 36.10 36.5 36
40 JEUU 536. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 539 obs 645 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 57.10 58.30 58.90 60.20 61.5 62.80 64.10 64.10
41 JFFF 537. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 551 obs 633 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 91.90 101.60 101.90 103.20 104.30 107.60 111.70 113.40
42 JFHF 538. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 735 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
43 JFKW 539. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 710 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 19.60 20.30 20.80 21.30 22.30 24.30 26.20 27.20
44 JFIS 540. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 611 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 114.10 124.40 125.20 127 129.10 134.40 140.40 143.10
45 JDOE 541. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 587 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 207.40 212.40 216.90 220.60 224.60 230.90 239.20 247.80
46 JHDM 542. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 478 obs 737 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 82.30 85.10 88.20 91.20 94.5 98.40 103.30 109.20
47 JDPV 543. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1182 obs 721 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 60.90 63.40 64.90 66.90 69.10 72.30 76.30 80.70
48 JHBZ 544. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1182 obs 949 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 35.40 36.10 37 37.70 38.5 39.5 40.70
49 JHIA 545. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1495 obs 795 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 38.5 39.70 42.80 47.30 51.20 55.5 60.30 63.5
50 JHFD 546. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Build  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1105 obs 518 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 72.40 75.20 79.10 84.40 88.90 94 99.80 104.20
51 EXOZ 547. Net Capital Stock: Other Buildings & Works: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2254 obs 2479 obs 673 obs 0 to 2009 951.40 982.70 1005 1031.1 1059 1099.4 1145.8 1184.2
52 IZSJ 548. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 793 obs 309 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JADW 549. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 529 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 4 3.400 3 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.600
54 JCIO 550. Net capital stock: DA : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1179 obs 743 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
55 JCKB 551. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed as  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 724 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 JCNF 552. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed as  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 942 obs 680 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400
57 JCPX 553. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 853 obs 725 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
58 JCRF 554. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed ass  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 774 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000
59 JCSL 555. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 569 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTK 556. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 470 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JCUS 557. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 462 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
62 JCZH 558. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
63 JDEM 559. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
64 JDGD 560. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 639 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIGH 561. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 610 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 6 6 6 5.900 5.900 5.700 5.600
66 JDHU 562. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 686 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
67 JDJL 563. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 639 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000
68 JDLC 564. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 695 obs 590 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.900 3.100 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200
69 JDMT 565. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 694 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
70 JKNW 566. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
71 JEVA 567. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
72 JFJL 568. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
73 JDOK 569. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 595 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
74 JHDS 570. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 995 obs 595 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.3000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 1.9000 2 2
75 JDQB 571. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 995 obs 588 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
76 JKNG 572. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
77 GUBV 573. Net capital stock: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1353 obs 555 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.20 46.80 48 49.40 51.10 52.70 54.60
78 JJKI 574. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1148 obs 1686 obs 503 obs 0 to 2009 21.90 21.60 21.40 21.30 21.30 21.40 21.90 21.70
79 GSQV 575. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 693 obs 1451 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 65.10 63.5 60.80 58.20 56.10 55.80 54.90 54.20
80 GSRK 576. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1385 obs 424 obs 0 to 2009 28.20 28.30 27.90 27.60 27.40 27.30 27 26.30
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
77972 obs 60955 obs 23763 obs

More years
  1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=18098 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMY 577. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1453 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.300 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4 3.800
2 GSRW 578. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1314 obs 1316 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100
3 GSSA 579. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1331 obs 1697 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 22.10 22 21.5 21.30 20.5 19.5 18.60 17.60
4 GSSE 580. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1294 obs 1290 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.400 5 4.5
5 GSSI 581. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1631 obs 545 obs 0 to 2009 30.20 29.70 30.10 30.40 30.90 31.5 31.80 31.40
6 GSSM 582. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1104 obs 457 obs 0 to 2009 8.700 8.600 8.300 8 7.700 7.5 7.300 7
7 GSSQ 583. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1271 obs 1205 obs 482 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.700 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.600 6.700 6.5
8 GSSU 584. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1118 obs 1169 obs 474 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16.20 16 15.5 15.20 14.90 14.70 14.10
9 GSSY 585. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1084 obs 1146 obs 464 obs 0 to 2009 11.5 11 10.40 9.900 9.400 9 8.700 8.300
10 JJBC 586. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1307 obs 919 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.6000
11 JJBP 587. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1463 obs 1115 obs 411 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.100
12 JJEF 588. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1319 obs 1223 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 6.900 6.300 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.400 4
13 JJES 589. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 908 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3.100 3 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.700
14 JCZH 590. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
15 GSTC 591. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1073 obs 401 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16 15.20 14.30 13.5 12.80 11.90
16 JJFF 592. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 737 obs 780 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 18.70 18.10 17.80 17.40 17.20 16.90 16.70 16.30
17 JJFS 593. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 974 obs 920 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6.900 7.800 8.700 9.5 10.20 10.90
18 JDEM 594. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
19 GSTG 595. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1353 obs 1034 obs 421 obs 0 to 2009 25.40 24.80 25.40 25.90 26.60 27.20 27.70 28
20 GSTK 596. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1051 obs 907 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.400 4.300
21 GSRG 597. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1099 obs 896 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 187.5 184.10 181.20 178.40 175.40 173.10 170.90 165.80
22 GSTN 598. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1098 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 86.80 87.60 86.40 85.90 86.80 89.5 92.80 96.60
23 GSTQ 599. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1209 obs 1004 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 20.40 22.70 23.90 25.60 27.20 28.10 28.10
24 GSTU 600. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1008 obs 1163 obs 404 obs 0 to 2009 135.5 141.10 151.40 161.60 170.90 182.30 191 195.70
25 GSTY 601. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 986 obs 910 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 47.40 51.70 55.60 59.5 64 68.30 70.30
26 JJOL 602. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1221 obs 1007 obs 372 obs 0 to 2009 105.10 113.30 119 123.5 128.60 134.10 141.10 146.10
27 JJOY 603. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1173 obs 852 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 50.90 51.10 52.80 54.80 56.80 59.10 61.10 62
28 JKNW 604. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
29 GSUC 605. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 777 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 158.40 167.10 174.80 181.40 188.70 196.60 205.70 211.70
30 JJPL 606. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 1178 obs 370 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 35.60 36 37.5 39.10 41.60 44.30 44.90
31 JJII 607. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 747 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 34.30 34.90 35.70 36.40 37.10 37.60 37.10
32 JEVA 608. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
33 GSUG 609. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1177 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 74.30 76 77.20 79.70 82.10 85.5 89 89.30
34 EXJF 610. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
35 JJIV 611. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1449 obs 1113 obs 350 obs 0 to 2009 93.60 103.5 104.40 106.60 108.70 113.10 118.60 121.5
36 JJJI 612. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 898 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 27.5 28 30.40 32.5 34.60 33.90 31.30
37 JJPY 613. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 943 obs 571 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 37.60 40.60 43 47.30 50.70 53 53
38 JFJL 614. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
39 GSUK 615. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 936 obs 1027 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 160.5 173.80 178.70 186.30 195.40 205.5 212.90 213.5
40 GSUO 616. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 677 obs 1054 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 217.60 223.10 228.5 232.90 237.5 244.10 252.40 260.40
41 GSUS 617. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 715 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 84.10 86.90 91.5 95.80 100.30 105 110.5 117
42 GSUW 618. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 1034 obs 391 obs 0 to 2009 67.10 69.80 71.40 73.30 75.5 78.60 82.30 86.60
43 JJJV 619. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 669 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 41.80 44.30 45.80 47.40 48.70 50.5 52.5 54.30
44 JKNM 620. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 813 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.5 55.40 66.60 77 84.70 92.30 95.70
45 JKNG 621. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
46 GSVA 622. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CV NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 948 obs 769 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 100.30 105.80 117.70 131.10 143.20 153.80 164.40 170.90
47 GUCJ 623. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
51493 obs 49636 obs 18098 obs

More years
  2 National Balance Sheet: by Asset. { total observations, n=4058 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGLK 624. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Residential Buildings  NSA nominal { 3rd } 999 obs 1034 obs 314 obs 0 to 2009 2737097 3054866 3426980 3555026 3915330 4313646 3922602 4048293
2 CGMP 625. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 3rd } 963 obs 844 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 53801 53717 53848 54064 54302 54028 52976 52516
3 CGMU 626. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Commercial; Industrial & Other Buildings  NSA nominal { 3rd } 999 obs 869 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 589808 608425 662115 663676 751964 700085 596469 559057
4 CGQZ 627. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 3rd } 967 obs 542 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 586214 622623 664474 704633 743177 778259 766302 725143
5 CGRA 628. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1151 obs 637 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 368881 373567 386805 402960 424887 452341 482109 506322
6 CGRB 629. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1147 obs 469 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 134550 146426 153475 154885 159146 177381 180477 172143
7 CGRD 630. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Stocks and Work in Progress  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 738 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 180396 184842 197328 207849 215808 229653 240612 230474
8 ZLDX 631. All Sectors: Tangible Asset: Spectrum NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 647 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGRE 632. All Sextors: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 738 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 4672679 5066398 5566957 5765025 6286546 6727325 6263479 6315880
10 CGRF 633. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n NSA nominal { 3rd } 970 obs 493 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 365310 413476 466123 486934 545141 611516 549349 574660
11 CGRG 634. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 555 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 40549 42926 45096 46606 48622 50231 51918 53693
12 CGRH 635. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 548 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 405859 456402 511219 533540 593763 661747 601267 628353
13 CGJB 636. Total: All Sectors: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 3rd } 1157 obs 559 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 5078538 5522800 6078176 6298565 6880309 7389072 6864746 6944233
14 NQFT 637. UK:NET FINANCIAL ASSETS/LIABILITIES:BF.90: CP NSA NSA nominal { 3rd } 1110 obs 539 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 -120005 -117150 -220692 -252592 -385808 -323160 -101498 -275032
15 CGDA 638. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
18128 obs 11261 obs 4058 obs

More years
  2.1.1 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=14251 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DBSQ 639. Stocks of fixed assets; Resid bulidings - Public enterp - OECD Gross CP NSA nominal 959 obs 505 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 112.10 116.60 121.5 127.10 131.70 135.20 139.10 143.10
2 GUAT 640. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Dwellings:  CP NSA nominal 959 obs 604 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 91.60 94.90 98.5 102.80 106.5 110 113.80 117.40
3 GSVE 641. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Dwellings:  CP NSA nominal 959 obs 604 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 12.40 13.10 13.80 14.5 15 15.40 15.90 16.40
4 GUCU 642. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings: Households& NPISH: (CP)  NSA nominal 772 obs 759 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 1381 1444.5 1515.1 1595.4 1682.8 1761.4 1837.5 1905.4
5 EXHW 643. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings CP  NSA nominal { 5th } 1296 obs 626 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 1597.2 1669.1 1748.9 1839.8 1936 2022 2106.3 2182.3
6 DBSR 644. Stocks of fixed assets; Non-resid build - Public enterp - OECD Gross CP NSA nominal 1387 obs 706 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 89.60 55.20 57.40 59.70 61.80 63.10 63.60 64.30
7 GUAQ 645. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1296 obs 559 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 594 666.10 696.40 718.5 743.60 774.20 807.60 833.60
8 GSVQ 646. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1318 obs 682 obs 292 obs 0 to 2009 74 76.40 79.10 81.40 83.70 86.10 88.40 89.30
9 GSVB 647. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1208 obs 570 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 233.90 244.80 259.10 277.20 295.30 311.10 329.30 349.30
10 GSYK 648. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1556 obs 669 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 232.20 248.90 270.60 297.40 322.70 340.80 360.90 382.70
11 GSWS 649. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1607 obs 596 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 12 13.10 12 12.60 13.30 14.5 15.80 15
12 GSZM 650. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 958 obs 589 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 68.30 71.40 77.60 80.5 83.80 87.70 92.10 97.30
13 GSXI 651. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1512 obs 765 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 80.30 84.5 89.60 93.10 97.10 102.20 107.90 112.30
14 ZLDR 652. Gross Capital Stock : Other buildings & works CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1526 obs 773 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 1304.1 1375.9 1452.2 1527.3 1604.2 1677.5 1757.7 1831.5
15 EXIX 653. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Public Corporations: (CP)  NSA nominal 1162 obs 667 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 18 18.20 18.80 18.80 18.60 18.90 20 21.40
16 GUBL 654. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1162 obs 659 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 590.30 593.5 609.60 627.60 639.30 667.40 709 749.20
17 GSVT 655. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1028 obs 758 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 17.20 17.5 18 18.70 19.60 21.30 23.30 23.20
18 GSVH 656. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1028 obs 757 obs 314 obs 0 to 2009 16.30 17.10 18.5 19.5 19 18.90 19.5 21.20
19 GSYN 657. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1028 obs 758 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 5 5.700 7.200 8.700 8.900 9 9.400 10
20 GSWW 658. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 989 obs 702 obs 290 obs 0 to 2009 34.40 35.60 38.30 41.60 42.80 45.80 49.5 52.80
21 GSZQ 659. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 989 obs 712 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 5.900 6.400 8.100 9.100 10.20 11.5 13.30 15.5
22 GSXL 660. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 792 obs 636 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 40.30 42 46.40 50.60 53 57.30 62.80 68.30
23 ZLDQ 661. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 770 obs 534 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 687.10 693.90 718.60 743.90 758.40 792.80 844 893.30
24 EXIY 662. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Public Corporations: (CP)  NSA nominal 950 obs 583 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.5 3.5 3.600 3.5 3.5 3.800 4.300
25 GUBR 663. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1284 obs 550 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 108.5 114.80 119.5 125.20 130.5 136.5 145.90 156.10
26 GSVZ 664. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 649 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.400 5 4.100 2.800 2.200 1.6000 1.1000
27 GSVN 665. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 903 obs 322 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 4.5 4.300 4.200 4.100 4 3.900 3.600
28 GSYT 666. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 761 obs 845 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.700 2.900 3 3.200 3.400 3.700 4
29 GSXE 667. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 942 obs 641 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 11 11 11.20 11.60 12 12.70 13.5 14.5
30 GSZY 668. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 769 obs 699 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000
31 GSXR 669. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 769 obs 699 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 12 12.30 12.80 13.20 14 14.80 15.90
32 EXIW 670. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 551 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 136.90 142.90 147.40 152.90 157.30 163.60 173.70 185
33 GTVG 671. Gross capital stock: Total: PC: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1284 obs 452 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 7.300 8 8.600 9.400 10.20 11 11.80
34 GUAW 672. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 967 obs 696 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 58.30 61 63.80 66.30 69.60 72.20 75.20 78.40
35 GUDG 673. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 1284 obs 642 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 11.30 12.10 12.5 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
36 GUCM 674. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 763 obs 683 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
37 GUCO 675. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 754 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 1.6000 1.4000 1.3000
38 GUCQ 676. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 663 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000
39 GUCS 677. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 812 obs 322 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000
40 GUDC 678. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 933 obs 688 obs 317 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2
41 ZLDS 679. Gross Stock: Intangible Assets: CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 770 obs 339 obs 0 to 2009 78.60 83 87.30 90.90 95.80 99.5 103.5 107.80
42 GUAN 680. Gross capital stock: Total: PC: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 852 obs 309 obs 0 to 2009 229.90 200.90 209.20 217.90 225 230.90 237.5 244.90
43 GUBO 681. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 1284 obs 694 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 1442.8 1530.3 1587.8 1640.4 1689.5 1760.3 1851.5 1934.7
44 GSVW 682. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 844 obs 307 obs 0 to 2009 107.10 110.60 114.10 116.60 119.10 123 127 127.70
45 GSVK 683. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 1109 obs 640 obs 299 obs 0 to 2009 267.90 280.10 296 315.70 333.70 349.60 368.80 390.70
46 GSYQ 684. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 774 obs 600 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 241.30 258.70 282.30 310.70 336.5 354.80 375.40 398
47 GSXA 685. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 761 obs 523 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 1438.7 1504.7 1577.2 1661.7 1751.4 1835 1916.9 1988.3
48 GSZU 686. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 660 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 76 79.70 87.80 91.90 96.5 101.80 108.10 115.60
49 GSXO 687. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: All assets :  CP NSA nominal 936 obs 623 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 1514.8 1584.4 1665 1753.7 1847.9 1936.8 2025 2103.9
50 ZLDO 688. Gross Capital Stock: Total CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 1284 obs 545 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 3803.8 3964.9 4154 4355 4552 4755 4985 5200
  CP = current price
  PC = public corporation
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
52475 obs 33451 obs 14251 obs

More years
  2.1.2 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=14334 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DBUD 689. Stocks of fixed assets; Resid bulidings - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 502 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 128.30 129.40 130.20 130.90 131.70 132.40 133 133.60
2 GUAU 690. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 599 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 103.80 104.70 105.30 105.90 106.5 107.80 109.10 110.10
3 GSVF 691. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 522 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 14.70 14.90 15 15 15 15 15 15
4 GUCW 692. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 636 obs 323 obs 0 to 2009 1570.5 1600.5 1627.6 1654.3 1682.8 1728.2 1766.2 1794.6
5 EXEO 693. Gross capital stock: dwellings n NSA real 1995 { 5th } 936 obs 481 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 1817.3 1849.5 1878.1 1906.1 1936 1983.4 2023.3 2053.3
6 DBUE 694. Stocks of fixed assets; Non-resid build - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 936 obs 580 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 98 59 59.80 61 61.80 62.70 62.80 63.20
7 GUAR 695. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1281 obs 580 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 621.5 684.30 702.60 722.40 743.60 772.40 804 828.10
8 GSVR 696. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 522 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 75.60 77.70 79.20 81.5 83.70 86.10 88.40 89.30
9 GSVC 697. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1500 obs 652 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 280 283.70 286.5 290.60 295.30 303.20 313.20 324.30
10 GSYL 698. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1212 obs 672 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 286.80 296.60 304.90 313.70 322.70 332.70 344.70 357.60
11 GSWT 699. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1560 obs 555 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 13.90 14.40 12.80 13 13.30 14.20 15.10 14
12 GSZN 700. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1136 obs 602 obs 299 obs 0 to 2009 69.70 72.60 77.70 80.60 83.80 87.70 92.10 97.30
13 GSXJ 701. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1529 obs 618 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 83.60 87 90.5 93.60 97.10 101.90 107.20 111.30
14 CIYA 702. Gross capital stock: Other buildings & works CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1212 obs 672 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 1445.5 1488.3 1523.5 1562.8 1604.2 1659 1720.3 1773.8
15 EXLF 703. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Public Corporations: CVM  NSA real 2006 1272 obs 692 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 16.70 17.30 18.10 18.30 18.60 18.80 19.20 19.60
16 GUBM 704. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1212 obs 652 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 560.80 571.90 593.80 615.60 639.30 661.20 677.5 681.30
17 GSVU 705. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1037 obs 594 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 14.30 15 16.10 17.80 19.60 22.40 25.60 26.70
18 GSVI 706. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1212 obs 751 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 14.5 15.70 17.30 18.5 19 19 19.20 20.10
19 GSYO 707. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1537 obs 743 obs 326 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4.5 6 7.400 8.900 9.300 9.600 9.900
20 GSWX 708. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1356 obs 756 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 31.20 32.70 35.70 39 42.80 45.30 47 47.30
21 GSZR 709. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1356 obs 580 obs 292 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.5 7.400 8.800 10.20 11.90 13.60 15.30
22 GSXM 710. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 594 obs 601 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 35.90 38.20 43.10 47.80 53 57.20 60.60 62.60
23 CIXZ 711. Gross capital stock: Plant & machinery CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 594 obs 601 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 646.10 662.60 694.40 725.40 758.40 787.90 811.70 820.20
24 EXLG 712. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Public Corporations: CVM  NSA real 2006 766 obs 560 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.400 3.5 3.600
25 GUBS 713. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 481 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 112.80 118.80 122.60 126.90 130.5 133.5 133.80 131.20
26 GSWA 714. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 1117 obs 483 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.400 5 4.100 2.800 2.200 1.6000 1.1000
27 GSVO 715. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 451 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.800 4.5 4.300 4.100 3.900 3.800 3.400
28 GSYU 716. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 530 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.900 3 3.100 3.200 3.400 3.5 3.700
29 GSXF 717. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 559 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 11 11.10 11.20 11.5 12 12.5 12.40 12.10
30 GSZZ 718. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 1117 obs 580 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
31 GSXS 719. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 769 obs 580 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 12.10 12.30 12.70 13.20 13.80 13.70 13.40
32 EXLC 720. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 607 obs 526 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 141.90 147.5 150.90 154.60 157.30 160.20 159.90 156.40
33 GTXA 721. Gross capital stock: Total: PC: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 1085 obs 781 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 7.400 8 8.600 9 9.400 10 10.5 11
34 GUAX 722. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 1085 obs 781 obs 340 obs 0 to 2009 61.80 63.5 65.60 67.60 69.60 71.60 73.80 76.30
35 GUDH 723. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 564 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 11.5 12.20 12.60 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
36 GUCN 724. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 564 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.8000 0.5 0.5 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
37 GUCP 725. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 564 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.5 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.4000 1.3000
38 GUCR 726. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 742 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000
39 GUCT 727. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 691 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000
40 GUDD 728. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 691 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.5 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2
41 BGUR 729. Gross Stock: Intangible assets: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 907 obs 691 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 83.5 86.80 90.30 93.20 95.80 98.70 101.60 104.90
42 GUAO 730. Gross capital stock: Total: PC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 564 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 254 217.20 220.20 222.70 225 227.30 229 231
43 GUBP 731. Gross capital stock: Total: PR: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 910 obs 564 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 1460.7 1543.2 1589.9 1638.4 1689.5 1746.5 1798.2 1827
44 GSVX 732. Gross capital stock: Total: FC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 1077 obs 564 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 106.30 109.60 112.5 116 119.10 124.10 129.30 131.20
45 GSVL 733. Gross capital stock: Total: CG: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 1077 obs 564 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 315 319.90 323.80 328.90 333.70 341.30 351.40 363
46 GSYR 734. Gross capital stock: Total: LA: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 1077 obs 488 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 295 305.5 315.60 325.90 336.5 347 359.20 372.5
47 GSXB 735. Gross capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 423 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 1627 1659.1 1687.8 1718.3 1751.4 1800.8 1841.3 1868.6
48 GSZV 736. Gross capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 761 obs 373 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 76.30 80.20 87.40 91.90 96.5 102.20 108.40 115.30
49 GSXP 737. Gross capital stock: Total: HN: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 594 obs 318 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 1703.3 1739.3 1775.2 1810.2 1847.9 1903 1949.7 1983.9
50 CIXX 738. Gross capital stock: Total CVM  NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 761 obs 294 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 4134 4235 4337 4442 4552 4689 4817 4909
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  PC = public corporation
49202 obs 29134 obs 14334 obs

More years
  2.2.1 Gross Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=12566 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKB 739. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 309 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 42.5 43.40 43.70 44 44.30 45.60 48.20 50.70
2 GSMV 740. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 393 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 118.20 120.60 122.20 122.20 122.40 124.30 126.30 128.60
3 GSRH 741. Gross capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 338 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 50.80 51.70 51.60 51.90 53.5 57.10 61.80 67
4 JJMR 742. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 335 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 12.70 12.40 12 11.60 11.20 10.80 10.60 10.40
5 GSRT 743. Gross capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 393 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.900
6 GSRX 744. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 338 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 40.80 41.10 40.90 41 40.5 40.30 40.70 41.5
7 GSSB 745. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 396 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 19.5 19.10 18.5 17.5 16.40 15.40 15 14.40
8 GSSF 746. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 758 obs 393 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 59.40 58.90 59.30 59.70 60.40 61.90 64.30 66.60
9 GSSJ 747. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 451 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 16.30 16.10 16 15.90 15.70 15.70 16 16.5
10 GSSN 748. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 472 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 13 13 13 13 13.30 13.70 13.90
11 GSSR 749. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 352 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 34.5 34.30 33.90 33.60 33.30 33.5 33.80
12 GSSV 750. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 352 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 25.90 25.40 24.60 23.90 23.10 22.40 22.10 21.90
13 JJAV 751. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 294 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 3.800 3.700 3.600 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.5
14 JJBI 752. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 339 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 10.30 10 9.700 9.200 9 8.900 8.700
15 JJBV 753. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 379 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 13.5 13 12.5 11.5 10.80 10.20 9.800 9.400
16 JJEL 754. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 391 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 5.100 5.200 5.200 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.400 5.5
17 JCZE 755. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 761 obs 505 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
18 GSSZ 756. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 34.20 33.60 32.70 31.5 30 29.10 28.60 28.10
19 JJEY 757. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 34.5 34.10 34.10 34 34 34.10 34.90 35.80
20 JJFL 758. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.10 13 14.10 15 16.10 17.5 19.10
21 JDEJ 759. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 761 obs 584 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
22 GSTD 760. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 284 obs 0 to 2009 47.70 47.40 48.40 49.40 50.40 51.70 53.90 56.5
23 GSTH 761. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.200 7.400 7.5 7.600 7.800 8.200 8.5
24 ZLDE 762. Gross Capital Stock:Manufacturing (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 366.80 365.10 363.60 361.60 360.10 363.5 373.20 384
25 GSTL 763. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 758 obs 485 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 168.5 169.70 169 168.30 168.40 172.30 180.40 190.5
26 ZLDF 764. Gross Capital Stock: Construction Cp  NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 566 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 29.60 31.90 34.80 36.90 39.60 42.5 45.70 48.30
27 GSTR 765. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 553 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 194 202.5 217.90 232.60 246.80 265.5 285 302.10
28 GSTV 766. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 454 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 60.40 62.60 68.40 73.5 78.90 85.70 93.70 100.10
29 JJOE 767. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 396 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 162.40 176.20 187.30 197 206.80 216.5 231.10 247.10
30 JJOR 768. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 565 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 91.20 91.90 93.30 93.5 93.70 94.10 94.40 93.30
31 JKNT 769. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 761 obs 460 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 5 5.600 6 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
32 GSTZ 770. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 257.90 273 286.20 296.5 306.90 317.30 332.5 347.5
33 JJPE 771. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 53.90 55.20 56.40 57.30 57.80 59.90 62.30 62.5
34 JJFY 772. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 42.90 44 45.70 46.90 48.20 49.5 50.70 50.90
35 JEUX 773. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 761 obs 569 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 11.30 12.10 12.5 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
36 GSUD 774. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 569 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 107.10 110.60 114.10 116.70 119 122.80 126.70 127.5
37 EXHW 775. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1296 obs 626 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 1597.2 1669.1 1748.9 1839.8 1936 2022 2106.3 2182.3
38 JJIO 776. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 490 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 115.5 127.5 133.10 139.40 145.20 152.40 161.20 167.70
39 JJJB 777. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 677 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 46.70 48.60 50.80 54.70 58.40 63.20 67.10 70.30
40 JJPR 778. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 57.80 60 63.20 65.30 65.20 68.20 71.90 75
41 JFJI 779. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 761 obs 586 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 9.400 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
42 GSUH 780. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 750 obs 586 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 228.30 245.5 257.5 271 281.70 297.40 314.60 328.10
43 GSUL 781. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 618 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 296.40 312.80 333.40 355.5 376.30 394.10 413.80 435.90
44 GSUP 782. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 398 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 118.10 124.70 136.90 151.5 164.60 174.30 185.70 198
45 GSUT 783. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 741 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 75.60 81.10 88.20 97.5 106.30 113.30 121.40 130.30
46 JJJO 784. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 717 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 57.5 62.20 65.80 68.90 71.90 75.20 79.5 84.10
47 JKNJ 785. Gross capital stock : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 717 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 61.70 64.5 76.30 89.10 96.70 105.10 114.90 121.5
48 JKNH 786. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 889 obs 759 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 23.90 25.70 27.40 29.20 31.80 34.5 37.30 40.40
49 GSUX 787. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1056 obs 708 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 143 152.30 169.60 187.20 200.40 214.80 231.70 246
50 ZLDO 788. Gross Capital Stock: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1284 obs 545 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 3803.8 3964.9 4154 4355 4552 4755 4985 5200
  CP = current price
37841 obs 25400 obs 12566 obs

More years
  2.2.2 Gross Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=13391 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKD 789. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 807 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 45.90 45.20 44.80 44.30 44.10 44.5 44.20
2 CIXO 790. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 704 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 132 130.30 127.80 125 122.40 121.60 120.20 118.90
3 GSRI 791. Gross capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 796 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 53.20 53.60 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.60 53.40 52.80
4 JJMT 792. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 693 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 12.5 12 11.60 11.20 10.80 10.40 10.10
5 GSRU 793. Gross capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 894 obs 652 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.900 4.900 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.5
6 GSRY 794. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 706 obs 318 obs 0 to 2009 41.30 41.40 41.20 41.20 40.5 39.70 38.80 37.70
7 GSSC 795. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 809 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 19.70 19.20 18.5 17.5 16.40 15.20 14.30 13.20
8 GSSG 796. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 809 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 59 58.5 59.10 59.60 60.40 61.30 61.70 61.20
9 GSSK 797. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 724 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 16.60 16.5 16.30 16.10 15.70 15.5 15.10 14.70
10 GSSO 798. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 612 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 13 13.10 13.10 13 13 13.10 13.10 12.80
11 GSSS 799. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 517 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 35.10 34.70 34.10 33.60 33.20 32.70 32
12 GSSW 800. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 612 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 26.30 25.60 24.80 24 23.10 22.30 21.40 20.5
13 JJAX 801. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 709 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 3.600 3.600 3.5 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
14 JJBK 802. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1544 obs 753 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 10.40 10 9.700 9.200 8.900 8.600 8.100
15 JJBX 803. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1238 obs 552 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 13.20 12.80 12.30 11.40 10.80 10.10 9.400 8.800
16 JJEN 804. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 709 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 5.200 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.200 5.100
17 JCZF 805. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1400 obs 611 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
18 GSTA 806. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 610 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 33.90 33.30 32.40 31.10 30 28.90 27.70 26.30
19 JJFA 807. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 705 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 34.40 34.40 34.20 34 33.70 33.40 32.90
20 JJFN 808. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 606 obs 338 obs 0 to 2009 11.80 11.90 12.80 13.90 15 16.10 17.10 18
21 JDEK 809. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1400 obs 606 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
22 GSTE 810. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 507 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 47.90 47.60 48.5 49.40 50.40 51.30 52 52.5
23 GSTI 811. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1210 obs 443 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.200 7.400 7.5 7.600 7.700 7.900 7.800
24 CIXP 812. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1367 obs 542 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 371.30 368.5 366.40 363.40 360.10 357.30 353.10 346.10
25 CIXQ 813. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water supply CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1215 obs 544 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 166.10 167.60 167.10 167.10 168.40 171.60 175.5 180.10
26 CIXR 814. Gross capital stock: Construction CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1458 obs 525 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 29.80 32.30 35.30 37.20 39.60 42 43.60 44.20
27 GSTS 815. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1455 obs 524 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 197.20 205.90 219.60 233.40 246.80 262.60 275.80 284.80
28 GSTW 816. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1611 obs 524 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 61.40 63.40 68.70 73.70 78.90 84.70 90.40 93.70
29 JJOG 817. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1450 obs 624 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 168.20 180.10 189.20 198 206.80 215 224.70 233
30 JJOT 818. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1615 obs 641 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 81 83 86.5 90 93.70 97.90 102 104.90
31 JKNV 819. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1459 obs 688 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 4.900 5.5 5.900 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
32 GSUA 820. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1219 obs 545 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 253.5 268 281.20 293.90 306.90 319.60 333.70 345
33 JJPG 821. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1615 obs 725 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 51.70 53.20 54.30 56.20 57.80 60.90 64.60 65.90
34 JJGA 822. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 590 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 44.40 45.5 46.80 48.20 49.5 50.70 50.80
35 JEUY 823. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1161 obs 625 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 11.5 12.20 12.60 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
36 GSUE 824. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1160 obs 683 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 105.60 109.10 112 115.60 119 123.80 129 130.80
37 EXEO 825. Gross capital stock: dwellings n NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 936 obs 481 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 1817.3 1849.5 1878.1 1906.1 1936 1983.4 2023.3 2053.3
38 JJIQ 826. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1317 obs 680 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 123.40 135 137.40 141.20 145.20 151.5 159 164.10
39 JJJD 827. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1161 obs 680 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 46.80 49.10 51 54.60 58.40 62.10 62.20 60.5
40 JJPT 828. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1152 obs 519 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 48.30 51.70 55.80 59.30 65.20 69.30 71.70 72.10
41 JFJJ 829. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1145 obs 517 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 9.5 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
42 GSUI 830. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1145 obs 517 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 227 245.30 254.60 266.70 281.70 296.5 307.30 311.80
43 GSUM 831. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1395 obs 485 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 347.10 353.40 361.80 370 376.30 385.5 396.10 407.5
44 GSUQ 832. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1047 obs 485 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 142.70 146.60 152.5 158.40 164.60 171 178.80 186.90
45 GSUU 833. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 616 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 92.90 96.80 99.70 102.80 106.30 110.60 115.60 121.10
46 JJJQ 834. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1143 obs 524 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 60.20 63.70 66.5 69.20 71.90 75.10 78.60 81.80
47 JKNK 835. Gross capital stock : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1143 obs 620 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 57.40 60.40 71.40 84.30 96.70 106.10 115.70 120.70
48 JKNF 836. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 1491 obs 620 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 28 29.30 30.5 31.80 33.70 35.60 37.70
49 GSUY 837. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 1491 obs 616 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 144.20 152.10 167.20 184 200.40 214.90 229.90 240.20
50 CIXX 838. Gross capital stock: Total CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 761 obs 294 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 4134 4235 4337 4442 4552 4689 4817 4909
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
61421 obs 30686 obs 13391 obs

More years
  2.3.1 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=22881 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSK 839. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 517 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 16.10 15.70 15.80 15.80 16.60 18 19.80
2 JAMZ 840. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 781 obs 307 obs 0 to 2009 26.40 25.30 24.60 23.80 22.5 22.10 22.20 22.20
3 JCID 841. Gross Capital Stock : Plant& Machinery: Manufacture of Food etc.: WE : (CP) : NSA nominal 1047 obs 917 obs 361 obs 0 to 2009 29.60 29.80 29.40 29.80 31.40 35 39.60 44.80
4 JCKC 842. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal 1047 obs 749 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 6.5 6.100 5.800 5.5 5.200 5 4.800 4.800
5 JCLM 843. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Manufacture of Wood prod. : WE: (CP)  NSA nominal 1143 obs 781 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.200 2.300
6 JCNL 844. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 876 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 26.5 26.30 26.5 26.10 25.80 26.30 27.10
7 JCQB 845. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 1011 obs 363 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 11.40 10.90 10.5 10 9.600 9.600 9.600
8 JCRG 846. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machiner  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 1052 obs 350 obs 0 to 2009 42.20 41 40.90 41.20 41.80 43.10 45.30 47.60
9 JCRW 847. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 1051 obs 330 obs 0 to 2009 12.30 12 11.80 11.60 11.40 11.40 11.70 12.10
10 JCSM 848. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 1011 obs 402 obs 0 to 2009 9.700 9.700 9.700 9.600 9.600 9.700 10 10.20
11 JCTO 849. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1143 obs 579 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 19.5 19 18.60 18.40 18.20 18.10 18.5 18.90
12 JCUT 850. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 561 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 14 13.30 12.5 11.80 11 10.5 10.20 10.20
13 JCVF 851. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal 1324 obs 573 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.400 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 2 2.100
14 JCVR 852. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 462 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.5 5.200 5 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.400
15 JCWD 853. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 660 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 9.700 9.100 8.200 7.5 6.900 6.5 6.100
16 JCYS 854. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 561 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.700 3.700 3.800
17 JCZI 855. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and mac  CP NSA nominal 1324 obs 688 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 22.20 21.20 20.30 19.10 17.80 17.10 16.60 16.40
18 JCZV 856. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 589 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 25.5 24.90 24.80 24.80 24.80 25 25.80 26.80
19 JDCZ 857. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 589 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 5.800 6.600 7.200 8.100 9 9.700 10.60
20 JDEQ 858. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 462 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 31.20 30.60 31.40 32 32.90 34 35.5 37.40
21 JDGH 859. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1228 obs 430 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.200 4.200 4.300 4.600 4.700
22 JIGN 860. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 462 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 231.90 227 224 222.40 221.70 225.70 234.90 246.10
23 JDHY 861. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1324 obs 462 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 106.40 106.10 104.70 103.80 102.70 104.5 109.60 115.5
24 JDJP 862. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 462 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 14.5 15.30 17 18.10 19.5 21.10 23.20 24.90
25 JDLG 863. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 269 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 81.40 86 94 102.20 109.70 120.70 133.10 144.70
26 JDMX 864. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 561 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 16.90 17.70 20.80 23.60 26.5 30.20 34.80 38.5
27 JEIN 865. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and ma  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 561 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 12.10 13.80 15.40 15.5 16 17.30 18.90
28 JETE 866. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 269 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 70.70 71 71.60 71.20 71.30 71.60 71.70 70.70
29 JEQG 867. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal 976 obs 462 obs 217 obs 0 to 2009 81.60 83.20 85.40 86.5 86.80 87.60 89 89.60
30 JEXJ 868. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 880 obs 430 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 16.20 16.5 17 17.60 18.30 19.90 21.60 21.5
31 JJAC 869. Gross capital stock:: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 594 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1 1 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.7000 1.7000
32 JEVE 870. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 594 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 17.20 17.5 18.10 18.70 19.60 21.30 23.30 23.20
33 JFFY 871. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 594 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 3.200 3.600 4.300 4.800 5.900 7.600 9.600
34 JFHL 872. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 712 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 20 20 20.40 21.10 22 23.40 25 26.20
35 JFLC 873. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 736 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 26.5 27.70 29.80 31.30 30.40 31.40 33.10 35
36 JFJP 874. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 633 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 49.40 50.90 53.80 56.60 57.20 60.70 65.70 70.80
37 JDOO 875. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 633 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 12.20 13.20 15.5 17.20 16.80 16.5 16.60 17.30
38 JHDW 876. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1539 obs 633 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 3.5 3.600 4.300 5 5.400 5.900 6.800 7.900
39 JDQF 877. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 633 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 10.10 10.5 10.70 10.90 11.10 11.60 12
40 JHCF 878. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 693 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 9.900 11.20 12.30 13.60 15 16.80 19.30 21.90
41 JHIT 879. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 693 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 10.80 18.10 25.70 28.10 31.30 35.20 37.70
42 JHFJ 880. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Pla  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 538 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 19.80 22 30.40 39.40 43.10 48.10 54.5 59.60
43 ZLDQ 881. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 770 obs 534 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 687.10 693.90 718.60 743.90 758.40 792.80 844 893.30
44 IZSO 882. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1191 obs 633 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 3 3.300 3.700
45 JCGM 883. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 828 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1
46 JCIE 884. Gross Capital Stock:Vehicles: Manufacture of Food etc. WE: (CP ) NSA nominal 1071 obs 856 obs 318 obs 0 to 2009 1 1 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000
47 JCKG 885. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 856 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
48 JCLN 886. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Manufacture of Wood Products: WE : (CP)  NSA nominal 1071 obs 856 obs 317 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000
49 JCNY 887. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 828 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
50 JCQO 888. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 828 obs 349 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRK 889. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 748 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000
52 JCSA 890. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1191 obs 748 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000
53 JCSQ 891. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 828 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.3000 0.2000
54 JCUB 892. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 748 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000
55 JCUX 893. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1191 obs 748 obs 299 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5
56 JCVJ 894. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 729 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVV 895. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1419 obs 729 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWH 896. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1191 obs 828 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0
59 JCYW 897. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1071 obs 633 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
60 JCZM 898. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 836 obs 555 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JCZZ 899. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 956 obs 456 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
62 JDDM 900. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 836 obs 456 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000
63 JDFD 901. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 836 obs 456 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5
64 JDGU 902. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1304 obs 572 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000
65 JIHA 903. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 836 obs 572 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.400 6.200 6 5.800 5.200 5.5 5.700
66 JDIL 904. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1146 obs 658 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.5 0.7000
67 JDKC 905. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1409 obs 706 obs 330 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.800 6.300 6.600 7.100 7.5 7.900 8
68 JDLT 906. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1494 obs 465 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.30 13.20 13.5 14.30 15.40
69 JDNK 907. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1289 obs 706 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 1 1 1.1000
70 JEJA 908. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1266 obs 658 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 54.5 59 61.10 63.30 66.5 69.70 76.40 85.10
71 JETR 909. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1409 obs 513 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 3.300 3.200 3.100 3 2.800 2.400 2 1.7000
72 JEQT 910. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1194 obs 634 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 57.80 62.20 64.20 66.30 69.30 72.10 78.40 86.80
73 JEXW 911. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1325 obs 678 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 5.300 5.200 4.800 3.900 2.700 2.200 1.6000 1.1000
74 JJAE 912. Gross capital stock:: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CP NSA nominal 1722 obs 1013 obs 414 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
75 JEVR 913. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1542 obs 931 obs 364 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.400 5 4.100 2.800 2.300 1.6000 1.1000
76 JFGL 914. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1254 obs 899 obs 307 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000
77 JFHY 915. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1397 obs 923 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 22.30 24.10 25.80 29.10 31.90 35.30 37.5 39.60
78 JFLP 916. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 1277 obs 1102 obs 386 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 8.100 8 8 7.900 7.800 7.700 7.300
79 JFKC 917. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1508 obs 1083 obs 376 obs 0 to 2009 31.70 33.40 35 38.30 41.10 44.5 46.70 48.5
80 JDPB 918. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1134 obs 883 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.900 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.700
  CP = current price
92237 obs 54401 obs 22881 obs

More years
  2.3.1 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=21976 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEJ 919. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1769 obs 822 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000
2 JDQS 920. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1506 obs 978 obs 386 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
3 JHCS 921. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 1397 obs 817 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.6000 2.100 2.300 2.5 2.700 3 3.200
4 JHJG 922. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal 1277 obs 1026 obs 368 obs 0 to 2009 3.5 3.400 3.5 3.600 3.5 3.300 3.400 3.100
5 JHFW 923. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Veh  CP NSA nominal 1508 obs 854 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 5 5.5 5.900 6 6 6.400 6.300
6 EXIW 924. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 551 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 136.90 142.90 147.40 152.90 157.30 163.60 173.70 185
7 EXHW 925. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1296 obs 626 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 1597.2 1669.1 1748.9 1839.8 1936 2022 2106.3 2182.3
8 EXHW 926. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1296 obs 626 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 1597.2 1669.1 1748.9 1839.8 1936 2022 2106.3 2182.3
9 IZSC 927. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1397 obs 603 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 23.40 24.30 24.90 25.10 25.40 25.80 26.60 26.90
10 JABJ 928. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1421 obs 710 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 81.40 85.80 89 90.5 92.80 95.60 97.80 100
11 JCIB 929. Gross Capital Stock: Buildings: Manufacture of Food etc.: Whole Economy: (CP)  NSA nominal 1508 obs 854 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 20 20.70 21 21 21.10 21.30 21.30 21.40
12 JCJU 930. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1290 obs 769 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.900 5.900 5.800 5.700 5.600 5.5 5.400
13 JCLL 931. Gross Capital Stock: Buildings: Manufacture of Wood Products: WE: (CP)  NSA nominal 1397 obs 727 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.300
14 JCML 932. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1722 obs 670 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 8.300 8.600 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.600 8.600
15 JCPK 933. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 765 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 7.300 7.300 7.200 6.600 6 5.400 4.900 4.400
16 JCQY 934. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 717 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 15.40 15.90 16.40 16.5 16.70 17 17.20 17.30
17 JCRO 935. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 765 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.700 3.800 3.800 3.800 3.900 3.900 3.900
18 JCSE 936. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 717 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 2.900 3 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
19 JCSX 937. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 765 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 14.10 14.30 14.30 14.20 14.10 14 13.80 13.60
20 JCUL 938. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 717 obs 316 obs 0 to 2009 10.40 10.60 10.60 10.5 10.30 10.30 10.20 10
21 JCVB 939. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 666 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
22 JCVN 940. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 765 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
23 JCVZ 941. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 805 obs 292 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3.200 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300
24 JCWL 942. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 524 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
25 JCZA 943. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 655 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.5 10.40 10.30
26 JCZR 944. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 758 obs 494 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.100 9.200 9.100 9.100 9 9 8.900
27 JDCM 945. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1277 obs 613 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.200 6.300 6.700 6.800 6.900 7.400 8
28 JDDZ 946. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1134 obs 459 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 15 15.30 15.5 15.80 15.90 15.90 16.40 16.90
29 JDFQ 947. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 455 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 1.9000 2.100 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.400 2.5
30 JIFN 948. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1134 obs 558 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 117.20 120.20 121.60 121.30 120.80 114.10 114.10 113.90
31 JDHH 949. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 455 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 60.10 61.80 62.60 63 64.30 66.5 69.20 73.10
32 JDIY 950. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 506 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 8.700 9.800 10.40 11 11.90 12.70 13.40 14.10
33 JDKP 951. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1157 obs 526 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 95.30 98.60 105.30 111.10 117.70 125 131.30 135.90
34 JDMG 952. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 554 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 42.30 43.70 46.30 48.60 51.10 54.10 57.60 60.10
35 JEIA 953. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1268 obs 563 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 97 105 112.30 118.30 124.80 130.90 137.80 143.60
36 JESQ 954. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 711 obs 374 obs 0 to 2009 17.20 17.70 18.60 19.30 19.70 20.20 20.70 21.10
37 JEPT 955. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 783 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 114.20 122.70 131 137.60 144.5 151.10 158.5 164.70
38 JEWW 956. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 636 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 32.5 33.5 34.60 35.80 36.80 38 39.30 40.10
39 JJAA 957. Gross capital stock:: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 759 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 41.60 42.90 44.5 45.60 46.90 48.10 49.10 49.20
40 JEUN 958. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 759 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 74.10 76.40 79.10 81.40 83.70 86.10 88.40 89.30
41 JFEY 959. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 783 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 111.30 123.10 128.30 133.80 138.80 144.90 151.70 156.10
42 JFGY 960. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 612 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.700 4.700
43 JFKP 961. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 455 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 23.10 24.20 25.40 26.10 27.5 29.80 32 33.5
44 JFIL 962. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 711 obs 336 obs 0 to 2009 138.90 151.80 158.30 164.5 170.90 179.30 188.40 194.30
45 JDNX 963. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 554 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 277.10 292.30 310.80 331.30 352.10 370.20 390.70 412.5
46 JHDF 964. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 455 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 112.90 119.80 130.60 143.90 156 164.60 174.30 185.30
47 JDPO 965. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1352 obs 492 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 64 69.20 76.10 85.20 93.90 100.70 108.40 117
48 JHBS 966. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 506 obs 317 obs 0 to 2009 46.10 49.40 51.5 53 54.5 55.80 57.30 59.10
49 JHHT 967. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 554 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 48.30 50.20 54.80 59.80 64.90 70 75.70 79.80
50 JHEW 968. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Bui  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 407 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 94.40 99.70 106.30 112.80 119.40 125.80 133 138.90
51 ZLDR 969. Gross Capital Stock : Other buildings & works CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1526 obs 773 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 1304.1 1375.9 1452.2 1527.3 1604.2 1677.5 1757.7 1831.5
52 IZSG 970. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fix  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 570 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
53 JABW 971. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1388 obs 758 obs 290 obs 0 to 2009 9.700 8.700 7.900 7 6.200 5.600 5.300 5.400
54 JCIC 972. Gross Capital Stock: Intangible Asset: Manufacture of Food etc. : WE : (CP)  NSA nominal 758 obs 508 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
55 JCJY 973. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 749 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
56 JCMY 974. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal 1098 obs 522 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 5 5.100 5.100 5.100 5.100 5.200 5.300 5.300
57 JCPU 975. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1241 obs 570 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.5
58 JCRC 976. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed a  CP NSA nominal 1280 obs 583 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000 1.3000 1.3000
59 JCSI 977. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal 1352 obs 687 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTH 978. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed asset  CP NSA nominal 980 obs 403 obs 160 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
61 JCUP 979. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1280 obs 503 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 1 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000
62 JCZE 980. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
63 JDEJ 981. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
64 JDGA 982. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1748 obs 567 obs 327 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
65 JIGA 983. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1436 obs 643 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 11.5 11.80 11.90 11.90 12 11.90 12
66 JDHR 984. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CP NSA nominal 1254 obs 459 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1.1000 1.2000
67 JDJI 985. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1145 obs 423 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000
68 JDKZ 986. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 758 obs 294 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 5.400 5.700 6 6.200 6.400 6.300 6.300
69 JDMQ 987. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal 1277 obs 507 obs 217 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000
70 JKNT 988. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 460 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 5 5.600 6 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
71 JEUX 989. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 569 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 11.30 12.10 12.5 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
72 JFJI 990. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 586 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 9.400 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
73 JDOH 991. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 788 obs 632 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.5 1.4000 1.2000 1 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
74 JHDP 992. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 788 obs 608 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 0.8000 1.3000 1.9000 2.600 3.200 4 3.900
75 JDPY 993. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal 704 obs 580 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
76 JKNH 994. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 889 obs 759 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 23.90 25.70 27.40 29.20 31.80 34.5 37.30 40.40
77 ZLDS 995. Gross Stock: Intangible Assets: CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 770 obs 339 obs 0 to 2009 78.60 83 87.30 90.90 95.80 99.5 103.5 107.80
78 JJKB 996. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 309 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 42.5 43.40 43.70 44 44.30 45.60 48.20 50.70
79 GSMV 997. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 393 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 118.20 120.60 122.20 122.20 122.40 124.30 126.30 128.60
80 GSRH 998. Gross capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 338 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 50.80 51.70 51.60 51.90 53.5 57.10 61.80 67
  CP = current price
93078 obs 49466 obs 21976 obs

More years
  2.3.1 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=11781 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMR 999. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 335 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 12.70 12.40 12 11.60 11.20 10.80 10.60 10.40
2 GSRT 1000. Gross capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 393 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.900
3 GSRX 1001. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 338 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 40.80 41.10 40.90 41 40.5 40.30 40.70 41.5
4 GSSB 1002. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 594 obs 396 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 19.5 19.10 18.5 17.5 16.40 15.40 15 14.40
5 GSSF 1003. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 758 obs 393 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 59.40 58.90 59.30 59.70 60.40 61.90 64.30 66.60
6 GSSJ 1004. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 451 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 16.30 16.10 16 15.90 15.70 15.70 16 16.5
7 GSSN 1005. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 472 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 13 13 13 13 13.30 13.70 13.90
8 GSSR 1006. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 352 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 34.5 34.30 33.90 33.60 33.30 33.5 33.80
9 GSSV 1007. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 352 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 25.90 25.40 24.60 23.90 23.10 22.40 22.10 21.90
10 JJAV 1008. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 294 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 3.800 3.700 3.600 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.5
11 JJBI 1009. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 339 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 10.30 10 9.700 9.200 9 8.900 8.700
12 JJBV 1010. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 379 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 13.5 13 12.5 11.5 10.80 10.20 9.800 9.400
13 JJEL 1011. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 599 obs 391 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 5.100 5.200 5.200 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.400 5.5
14 JCZE 1012. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
15 GSSZ 1013. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 34.20 33.60 32.70 31.5 30 29.10 28.60 28.10
16 JJEY 1014. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 34.5 34.10 34.10 34 34 34.10 34.90 35.80
17 JJFL 1015. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 505 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.10 13 14.10 15 16.10 17.5 19.10
18 JDEJ 1016. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
19 GSTD 1017. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 284 obs 0 to 2009 47.70 47.40 48.40 49.40 50.40 51.70 53.90 56.5
20 GSTH 1018. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.200 7.400 7.5 7.600 7.800 8.200 8.5
21 ZLDE 1019. Gross Capital Stock:Manufacturing (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 366.80 365.10 363.60 361.60 360.10 363.5 373.20 384
22 GSTL 1020. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 758 obs 485 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 168.5 169.70 169 168.30 168.40 172.30 180.40 190.5
23 ZLDF 1021. Gross Capital Stock: Construction Cp  NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 566 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 29.60 31.90 34.80 36.90 39.60 42.5 45.70 48.30
24 GSTR 1022. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 553 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 194 202.5 217.90 232.60 246.80 265.5 285 302.10
25 GSTV 1023. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 454 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 60.40 62.60 68.40 73.5 78.90 85.70 93.70 100.10
26 JJOE 1024. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 396 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 162.40 176.20 187.30 197 206.80 216.5 231.10 247.10
27 JJOR 1025. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 565 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 91.20 91.90 93.30 93.5 93.70 94.10 94.40 93.30
28 JKNT 1026. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 460 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 5 5.600 6 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
29 GSTZ 1027. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 257.90 273 286.20 296.5 306.90 317.30 332.5 347.5
30 JJPE 1028. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 53.90 55.20 56.40 57.30 57.80 59.90 62.30 62.5
31 JJFY 1029. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 557 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 42.90 44 45.70 46.90 48.20 49.5 50.70 50.90
32 JEUX 1030. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 569 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 10.30 11.30 12.10 12.5 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
33 GSUD 1031. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 569 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 107.10 110.60 114.10 116.70 119 122.80 126.70 127.5
34 EXHW 1032. Gross Capital Stock: Dwellings CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1296 obs 626 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 1597.2 1669.1 1748.9 1839.8 1936 2022 2106.3 2182.3
35 JJIO 1033. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 490 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 115.5 127.5 133.10 139.40 145.20 152.40 161.20 167.70
36 JJJB 1034. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 677 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 46.70 48.60 50.80 54.70 58.40 63.20 67.10 70.30
37 JJPR 1035. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 584 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 57.80 60 63.20 65.30 65.20 68.20 71.90 75
38 JFJI 1036. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 586 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 9.400 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
39 GSUH 1037. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 750 obs 586 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 228.30 245.5 257.5 271 281.70 297.40 314.60 328.10
40 GSUL 1038. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 618 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 296.40 312.80 333.40 355.5 376.30 394.10 413.80 435.90
41 GSUP 1039. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 588 obs 398 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 118.10 124.70 136.90 151.5 164.60 174.30 185.70 198
42 GSUT 1040. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 741 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 75.60 81.10 88.20 97.5 106.30 113.30 121.40 130.30
43 JJJO 1041. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 717 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 57.5 62.20 65.80 68.90 71.90 75.20 79.5 84.10
44 JKNJ 1042. Gross capital stock : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 761 obs 717 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 61.70 64.5 76.30 89.10 96.70 105.10 114.90 121.5
45 JKNH 1043. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 889 obs 759 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 23.90 25.70 27.40 29.20 31.80 34.5 37.30 40.40
46 GSUX 1044. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1056 obs 708 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 143 152.30 169.60 187.20 200.40 214.80 231.70 246
47 ZLDO 1045. Gross Capital Stock: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1284 obs 545 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 3803.8 3964.9 4154 4355 4552 4755 4985 5200
  CP = current price
35892 obs 24360 obs 11781 obs

More years
  2.3.2 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=15466 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSL 1046. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 1120 obs 344 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 16.10 15.90 15.90 15.80 15.90 16 16
2 JAZW 1047. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 242 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 28 26.80 25.40 23.90 22.5 21.70 20.60 19.40
3 JCIH 1048. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Manufacture of Food etc. : WE : CVM  NSA real 2006 748 obs 311 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 31.10 31.40 31.30 31.40 31.40 31.5 31.20 30.60
4 JCKD 1049. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 344 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 6.400 6.100 5.800 5.5 5.200 4.900 4.700 4.400
5 JCLP 1050. Gross Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Manufacture of Wood etc. :WE : CVM  NSA real 2006 748 obs 329 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.9000
6 JCNN 1051. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 892 obs 323 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 26.40 26.5 26.40 26.60 26.10 25.30 24.5 23.5
7 JCQD 1052. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1205 obs 416 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 11.5 11 10.60 10 9.400 8.900 8.300
8 JCRH 1053. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 342 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 41.10 40.40 40.60 41.10 41.80 42.40 42.60 42.10
9 JCRX 1054. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 892 obs 242 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 12.30 12.20 12 11.80 11.40 11.10 10.80 10.40
10 JCSN 1055. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 244 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 9.900 9.800 9.700 9.600 9.600 9.5 9.200
11 JCTQ 1056. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 904 obs 336 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 19.70 19.30 19 18.60 18.20 17.90 17.60 17.10
12 JCUU 1057. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 408 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 13.90 13.30 12.5 11.80 11 10.20 9.5 8.800
13 JCVG 1058. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 925 obs 235 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100 2.100 2 2 1.9000
14 JCVS 1059. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 976 obs 295 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.5 5.300 5 4.600 4.400 4.100 3.800
15 JCWE 1060. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 338 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 9.900 9.5 9.100 8.200 7.5 6.800 6.100 5.5
16 JCYT 1061. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 245 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.5 3.400
17 JCZJ 1062. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and mac  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 251 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 21.5 20.80 20.20 18.90 17.80 16.80 15.70 14.60
18 JCZW 1063. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 341 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 25.40 25 25 24.90 24.80 24.60 24.30 23.80
19 JDDB 1064. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 416 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.600 6.400 7 8.100 9 9.300 9.5
20 JDES 1065. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 341 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 30.80 30.60 31.40 31.90 32.90 33.60 33.60 33.30
21 JDGJ 1066. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 344 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 4 4 4.100 4.200 4.200 4.300 4.300 4.200
22 JIGP 1067. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 243 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 231.20 228.20 226.30 224.30 221.70 219 214.80 208.40
23 JDIA 1068. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 544 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 101.30 102.80 102.5 102.40 102.70 103.60 104.5 104.80
24 JDJR 1069. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 322 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 14.40 15.5 17.30 18.30 19.5 20.70 21.5 21.70
25 JDLI 1070. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 325 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 82.5 87.70 95.5 102.90 109.70 118.10 125.20 129.90
26 JDMZ 1071. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 519 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 17 17.70 21 23.80 26.5 29.30 31.60 32.30
27 JEIP 1072. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and ma  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 446 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 10.20 11.90 13.70 15.5 16.20 16.90 17.5
28 JETG 1073. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 494 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 59.80 61.5 64.60 67.70 71.30 75.5 79.70 82.70
29 JEQI 1074. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 688 obs 566 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 68.40 71.70 76.5 81.40 86.80 91.70 96.60 100.20
30 JEXL 1075. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 494 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.10 15.10 16.60 18.30 20.90 23.90 24.90
31 JJAJ 1076. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 576 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 1 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.7000 1.7000
32 JEVG 1077. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1096 obs 340 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 14.20 14.90 16.10 17.80 19.60 22.30 25.60 26.60
33 JFGA 1078. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.5 3 3.800 4.800 6 7.5 9.200
34 JFHN 1079. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 628 obs 249 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 20.40 20.80 20.90 21.30 22 22.90 23.30 23.10
35 JFLE 1080. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 196 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 18.40 20.5 23.40 26.10 30.40 32.5 33.30 33.30
36 JFJR 1081. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 41 43.80 47.30 51.20 57.20 61.40 64.10 65.60
37 JDOQ 1082. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 10.10 11.40 13.80 15.70 16.80 16.80 16.70 16.80
38 JHDY 1083. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 1012 obs 162 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.800 3.5 4.400 5.400 6.100 7 7.900
39 JDQH 1084. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 417 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 9.400 9.800 10.20 10.5 10.90 10.90 10.70 10.60
40 JHCH 1085. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 10.5 11.60 12.60 13.70 15 16.60 18.30 19.60
41 JHIV 1086. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 875 obs 332 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 7 8.200 14.30 21.10 28.10 32.20 36 37.30
42 JHFL 1087. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Pla  CVM NSA real 2006 875 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 17.5 19.80 26.90 34.80 43.10 48.80 54.30 56.90
43 CIXZ 1088. Gross capital stock: Plant & machinery CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 594 obs 601 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 646.10 662.60 694.40 725.40 758.40 787.90 811.70 820.20
44 JABB 1089. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 3 3.100
45 JCGO 1090. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 1012 obs 261 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 1 1 1 1 1 1
46 JCII 1091. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Manufacture of Food etc. : WE : CVM  NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1 1 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000
47 JCKH 1092. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
48 JCLQ 1093. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Manufacture of Wood etc. : WE: CVM  NSA real 2006 664 obs 261 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
49 JCOA 1094. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 1012 obs 242 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
50 JCQQ 1095. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRL 1096. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 628 obs 249 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
52 JCSB 1097. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 196 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
53 JCSR 1098. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
54 JCUD 1099. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 289 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
55 JCUY 1100. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 664 obs 261 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.4000
56 JCVK 1101. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 196 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVW 1102. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 664 obs 466 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWI 1103. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 664 obs 261 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0
59 JCYX 1104. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
60 JCZN 1105. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 302 obs 207 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JDCG 1106. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
62 JDDO 1107. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 467 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000
63 JDFF 1108. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 1205 obs 395 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000
64 JDGW 1109. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000
65 JIHC 1110. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.400 6.200 5.900 5.800 5.100 5.100 4.900
66 JDIN 1111. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 652 obs 190 obs 146 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5
67 JDKE 1112. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 262 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 6 6.5 6.700 7.100 7.400 7.5 7.200
68 JDLV 1113. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 12.20 12.5 12.70 13.10 13.20 13.30 13.10 12.80
69 JDNM 1114. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 93 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 1 1
70 JEJC 1115. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 59.30 63.30 64.5 65.40 66.5 67.60 69.30 70.70
71 JETT 1116. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 262 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 3.300 3.100 3 3 2.800 2.400 2.100 1.7000
72 JEQV 1117. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 62.60 66.40 67.5 68.40 69.30 70 71.40 72.40
73 JEXY 1118. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 5.300 4.800 3.900 2.700 2.200 1.6000 1.1000
74 JJAL 1119. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
75 JEVT 1120. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.5 5 4 2.800 2.300 1.6000 1.1000
76 JFGN 1121. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 262 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000
77 JFIA 1122. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 625 obs 97 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 22.20 23.90 25.70 28.90 31.90 34.70 34.30 32.80
78 JFLR 1123. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 628 obs 150 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 8 8 8 8 7.900 7.700 7.100 6.200
79 JFKE 1124. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 31.40 33.10 34.90 38.10 41.10 43.80 42.80 40.40
80 JDPD 1125. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 97 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6 5.900 5.800 5.700 5.700 5.400
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
62436 obs 23964 obs 15466 obs

More years
  2.3.2 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=18331 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEL 1126. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 97 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
2 JDQU 1127. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000
3 JHCU 1128. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 262 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.7000 2.200 2.400 2.5 2.700 2.800 2.900
4 JHJI 1129. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.400 3.5 3.600 3.5 3.300 3.100 2.700
5 JHFY 1130. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Veh  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 190 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 5.100 5.100 5.700 6 6 6 5.900 5.600
6 EXLC 1131. Gross Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 607 obs 526 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 141.90 147.5 150.90 154.60 157.30 160.20 159.90 156.40
7 EXEO 1132. Gross capital stock: dwellings n NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 936 obs 481 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 1817.3 1849.5 1878.1 1906.1 1936 1983.4 2023.3 2053.3
8 EXEO 1133. Gross capital stock: dwellings n NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 936 obs 481 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 1817.3 1849.5 1878.1 1906.1 1936 1983.4 2023.3 2053.3
9 IZSD 1134. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 1205 obs 395 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 26.90 26.60 26.20 25.80 25.40 25.20 25.20 24.90
10 JABL 1135. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 92.5 93.40 93.30 93 92.80 93.60 93.60 93.40
11 JCIF 1136. Gross Capital Stock: Buildings: Manufacture of Food etc. Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 20.80 21 21 21 21.10 21.30 21.40 21.5
12 JCJV 1137. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6 5.900 5.800 5.700 5.600 5.5 5.400
13 JCLO 1138. Gross Capital Stock: Buildings: Manufacture of Wood etc.: WE : CVM  NSA real 2006 688 obs 395 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400
14 JCMN 1139. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.600
15 JCPM 1140. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 7.600 7.5 7.200 6.600 6 5.400 4.900 4.400
16 JCQZ 1141. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 16.20 16.40 16.5 16.70 17 17.20 17.40
17 JCRP 1142. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 748 obs 395 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 3.800 3.800 3.800 3.800 3.900 3.900 3.900
18 JCSF 1143. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 700 obs 322 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 3 3 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
19 JCSZ 1144. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 14.60 14.5 14.30 14.20 14.10 14 13.90 13.70
20 JCUM 1145. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 10.80 10.70 10.60 10.5 10.30 10.30 10.20 10.10
21 JCVC 1146. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.4000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
22 JCVO 1147. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
23 JCWA 1148. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 472 obs 246 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300
24 JCYP 1149. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
25 JCZB 1150. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 472 obs 322 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 10.80 10.70 10.60 10.60 10.5 10.40 10.30
26 JCZS 1151. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 472 obs 322 obs 217 obs 0 to 2009 9.200 9.200 9.200 9.100 9.100 9 9 9
27 JDCO 1152. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 97 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 6.400 6.300 6.300 6.700 6.800 6.900 7.5 8.100
28 JDEB 1153. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 700 obs 322 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 15.60 15.5 15.5 15.80 15.90 15.90 16.5 17.10
29 JDFS 1154. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 97 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 2 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.400 2.5
30 JIFP 1155. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 322 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 121.90 122.30 121.70 121.30 120.80 120.70 120.90 120.90
31 JDHJ 1156. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 421 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 62.90 63 62.90 63.20 64.30 66.60 69.5 73.5
32 JDJA 1157. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 196 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 8.800 9.900 10.40 11 11.90 12.70 13.40 14.10
33 JDKR 1158. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 297 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 97.40 100.40 105.60 111.40 117.70 125 131.30 135.90
34 JDMI 1159. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 468 obs 297 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 44.5 46.40 48.70 51.10 54.10 57.60 60.10
35 JEIC 1160. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 703 obs 175 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 101.30 107.30 113 119 124.80 131.10 138.20 144.30
36 JESS 1161. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 703 obs 175 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 18.20 18.60 19.10 19.5 19.70 20.10 20.60 20.80
37 JEPV 1162. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 631 obs 400 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 119.5 125.90 132.10 138.5 144.5 151.20 158.80 165.10
38 JEWY 1163. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 623 obs 467 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 33.10 34 34.60 35.80 36.80 38 39.30 40.10
39 JJAG 1164. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 413 obs 175 obs 126 obs 0 to 2009 42.5 43.60 44.60 45.70 46.90 48.10 49.10 49.20
40 JEUP 1165. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 409 obs 175 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 75.60 77.60 79.20 81.5 83.70 86.10 88.40 89.30
41 JFFA 1166. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 696 obs 543 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 120.40 131.60 133.40 136.20 138.80 143.80 149.60 152.90
42 JFHA 1167. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 696 obs 489 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.700 4.700
43 JFKR 1168. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 413 obs 356 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 23.60 24.70 25.5 26.20 27.5 29.80 32 33.5
44 JFIN 1169. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 409 obs 358 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 148.5 160.90 163.5 167 170.90 178.20 186.30 191.10
45 JDNZ 1170. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 692 obs 395 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 327.40 334.10 340.30 346 352.10 360.80 371.80 383.20
46 JHDH 1171. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 696 obs 601 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 139.40 143.30 147.5 151.60 156 161 167.20 174.40
47 JDPQ 1172. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 696 obs 616 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 81.70 85.20 87.70 90.70 93.90 98.30 103.5 109.30
48 JHBU 1173. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 413 obs 464 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 48.30 50.40 51.80 53.20 54.5 55.90 57.5 59.40
49 JHHV 1174. Gross capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 413 obs 338 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 49.60 51.40 55.20 60.30 64.90 70 75.70 79.80
50 JHEY 1175. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Bui  CVM NSA real 2006 413 obs 368 obs 191 obs 0 to 2009 97.90 101.80 107 113.5 119.40 125.90 133.20 139.20
51 CIYA 1176. Gross capital stock: Other buildings & works CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1212 obs 672 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 1445.5 1488.3 1523.5 1562.8 1604.2 1659 1720.3 1773.8
52 IZSH 1177. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fix  CVM NSA real 2006 704 obs 574 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
53 JABY 1178. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 480 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 9.100 8.100 7.100 6.200 5.5 5.100 5.100
54 JCIG 1179. Gross Capital Stock: Intangible Assets: Manufacture of Food etc. : WE :CVM  NSA real 2006 566 obs 628 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
55 JCJZ 1180. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 704 obs 678 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
56 JCNA 1181. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 704 obs 532 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.400 5.300 5.200 5.100 5.200 5.100 5.100
57 JCPV 1182. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 704 obs 631 obs 307 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.5
58 JCRD 1183. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed a  CVM NSA real 2006 566 obs 371 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000 1.3000 1.2000
59 JCSJ 1184. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 630 obs 623 obs 377 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTI 1185. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed asset  CVM NSA real 2006 628 obs 351 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
61 JCUQ 1186. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 628 obs 404 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 1 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000
62 JCZF 1187. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 611 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
63 JDEK 1188. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 606 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
64 JDGB 1189. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 409 obs 358 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000
65 JIGC 1190. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 395 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.80 11.90 11.90 11.90 12 11.60 11.70
66 JDHS 1191. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CVM NSA real 2006 630 obs 392 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1.1000 1.2000
67 JDJJ 1192. Gross capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 448 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 1 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000
68 JDLA 1193. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 630 obs 478 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 5.100 5.5 5.800 6 6.200 6.300 6.300 6.200
69 JDMR 1194. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 607 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000
70 JKNV 1195. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1459 obs 688 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 4.900 5.5 5.900 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
71 JEUY 1196. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1161 obs 625 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 11.5 12.20 12.60 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
72 JFJJ 1197. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1145 obs 517 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 9.5 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
73 JDOI 1198. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 623 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.5 1.4000 1.2000 1 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
74 JHDQ 1199. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 454 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 0.8000 1.4000 2 2.600 3.200 4 3.900
75 JDPZ 1200. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 570 obs 424 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.5
76 JKNF 1201. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 620 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 28 29.30 30.5 31.80 33.70 35.60 37.70
77 BGUR 1202. Gross Stock: Intangible assets: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 907 obs 691 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 83.5 86.80 90.30 93.20 95.80 98.70 101.60 104.90
78 JJKD 1203. Gross capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 807 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 45.90 45.20 44.80 44.30 44.10 44.5 44.20
79 CIXO 1204. Gross capital stock: Mining & quarrying CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 704 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 132 130.30 127.80 125 122.40 121.60 120.20 118.90
80 GSRI 1205. Gross capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 796 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 53.20 53.60 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.60 53.40 52.80
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
55355 obs 33726 obs 18331 obs

More years
  2.3.2 Gross Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=12511 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMT 1206. Gross capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 693 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 12.5 12 11.60 11.20 10.80 10.40 10.10
2 GSRU 1207. Gross capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 894 obs 652 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.900 4.900 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.5
3 GSRY 1208. Gross capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 706 obs 318 obs 0 to 2009 41.30 41.40 41.20 41.20 40.5 39.70 38.80 37.70
4 GSSC 1209. Gross capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 809 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 19.70 19.20 18.5 17.5 16.40 15.20 14.30 13.20
5 GSSG 1210. Gross capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 809 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 59 58.5 59.10 59.60 60.40 61.30 61.70 61.20
6 GSSK 1211. Gross capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 724 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 16.60 16.5 16.30 16.10 15.70 15.5 15.10 14.70
7 GSSO 1212. Gross capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 612 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 13 13.10 13.10 13 13 13.10 13.10 12.80
8 GSSS 1213. Gross capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 517 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 35.10 34.70 34.10 33.60 33.20 32.70 32
9 GSSW 1214. Gross capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 612 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 26.30 25.60 24.80 24 23.10 22.30 21.40 20.5
10 JJAX 1215. Gross capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 709 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 3.600 3.600 3.5 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
11 JJBK 1216. Gross capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1544 obs 753 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 10.40 10 9.700 9.200 8.900 8.600 8.100
12 JJBX 1217. Gross capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1238 obs 552 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 13.20 12.80 12.30 11.40 10.80 10.10 9.400 8.800
13 JJEN 1218. Gross capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 709 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 5.200 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.300 5.200 5.100
14 JCZF 1219. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fi  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 611 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.2000 1.1000 1
15 GSTA 1220. Gross capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 610 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 33.90 33.30 32.40 31.10 30 28.90 27.70 26.30
16 JJFA 1221. Gross capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 705 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 34.40 34.40 34.20 34 33.70 33.40 32.90
17 JJFN 1222. Gross capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 606 obs 338 obs 0 to 2009 11.80 11.90 12.80 13.90 15 16.10 17.10 18
18 JDEK 1223. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 606 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000
19 GSTE 1224. Gross capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1400 obs 507 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 47.90 47.60 48.5 49.40 50.40 51.30 52 52.5
20 GSTI 1225. Gross capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1210 obs 443 obs 277 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.200 7.400 7.5 7.600 7.700 7.900 7.800
21 CIXP 1226. Gross capital stock: Manufacturing CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1367 obs 542 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 371.30 368.5 366.40 363.40 360.10 357.30 353.10 346.10
22 CIXQ 1227. Gross capital stock: Electricity; gas & water supply CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1215 obs 544 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 166.10 167.60 167.10 167.10 168.40 171.60 175.5 180.10
23 CIXR 1228. Gross capital stock: Construction CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1458 obs 525 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 29.80 32.30 35.30 37.20 39.60 42 43.60 44.20
24 GSTS 1229. Gross capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1455 obs 524 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 197.20 205.90 219.60 233.40 246.80 262.60 275.80 284.80
25 GSTW 1230. Gross capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1611 obs 524 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 61.40 63.40 68.70 73.70 78.90 84.70 90.40 93.70
26 JJOG 1231. Gross capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1450 obs 624 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 168.20 180.10 189.20 198 206.80 215 224.70 233
27 JJOT 1232. Gross capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1615 obs 641 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 81 83 86.5 90 93.70 97.90 102 104.90
28 JKNV 1233. Gross capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1459 obs 688 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 4.300 4.900 5.5 5.900 6.400 6.700 7 7.100
29 GSUA 1234. Gross capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1219 obs 545 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 253.5 268 281.20 293.90 306.90 319.60 333.70 345
30 JJPG 1235. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1615 obs 725 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 51.70 53.20 54.30 56.20 57.80 60.90 64.60 65.90
31 JJGA 1236. Gross capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 590 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 44.40 45.5 46.80 48.20 49.5 50.70 50.80
32 JEUY 1237. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed asse  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1161 obs 625 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 10.60 11.5 12.20 12.60 13 13.40 13.70 14.10
33 GSUE 1238. Gross capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1160 obs 683 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 105.60 109.10 112 115.60 119 123.80 129 130.80
34 EXEO 1239. Gross capital stock: dwellings n NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 936 obs 481 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 1817.3 1849.5 1878.1 1906.1 1936 1983.4 2023.3 2053.3
35 JJIQ 1240. Gross capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1317 obs 680 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 123.40 135 137.40 141.20 145.20 151.5 159 164.10
36 JJJD 1241. Gross capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1161 obs 680 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 46.80 49.10 51 54.60 58.40 62.10 62.20 60.5
37 JJPT 1242. Gross capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1152 obs 519 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 48.30 51.70 55.80 59.30 65.20 69.30 71.70 72.10
38 JFJJ 1243. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fix  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1145 obs 517 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 9.5 10.40 11.60 12.90 13.60 14.40 15.10
39 GSUI 1244. Gross capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1145 obs 517 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 227 245.30 254.60 266.70 281.70 296.5 307.30 311.80
40 GSUM 1245. Gross capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1395 obs 485 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 347.10 353.40 361.80 370 376.30 385.5 396.10 407.5
41 GSUQ 1246. Gross capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1047 obs 485 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 142.70 146.60 152.5 158.40 164.60 171 178.80 186.90
42 GSUU 1247. Gross capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 616 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 92.90 96.80 99.70 102.80 106.30 110.60 115.60 121.10
43 JJJQ 1248. Gross capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1143 obs 524 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 60.20 63.70 66.5 69.20 71.90 75.10 78.60 81.80
44 JKNK 1249. Gross capital stock : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1143 obs 620 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 57.40 60.40 71.40 84.30 96.70 106.10 115.70 120.70
45 JKNF 1250. Gross capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 620 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 28 29.30 30.5 31.80 33.70 35.60 37.70
46 GSUY 1251. Gross capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 1491 obs 616 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 144.20 152.10 167.20 184 200.40 214.90 229.90 240.20
47 CIXX 1252. Gross capital stock: Total CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 761 obs 294 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 4134 4235 4337 4442 4552 4689 4817 4909
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
58253 obs 28379 obs 12511 obs

More years
  3 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=32143 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIWY 1253. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2939 obs 2027 obs 657 obs 0 to 2009 68 69.80 71.70 74 75.70 76.70 77.80 79.10
2 CIWW 1254. Net capital stock: Dwellings: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 3423 obs 2345 obs 764 obs 0 to 2009 51.5 53 54.5 56.30 57.90 59.60 61.5 63.20
3 EXGZ 1255. Net Capital Stock: dwellings: Central Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2933 obs 2672 obs 863 obs 0 to 2009 9.200 9.600 10.10 10.5 10.70 10.80 11 11.20
4 CIWV 1256. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2337 obs 1669 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 847.60 882.5 920.70 964.5 1020.7 1071.9 1118.2 1155.3
5 CIWZ 1257. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
6 CIXD 1258. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2097 obs 1906 obs 616 obs 0 to 2009 54.60 37.5 38.60 39.90 41.10 41.80 41.60 41.70
7 CIXB 1259. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1799 obs 1827 obs 625 obs 0 to 2009 395.10 437.80 457.20 471.5 488.90 511.60 536.80 554.5
8 CIXC 1260. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Financial corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2063 obs 1976 obs 656 obs 0 to 2009 55.90 57.30 58.80 60.10 61.5 62.80 64.10 64
9 CIXE 1261. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1659 obs 1423 obs 508 obs 0 to 2009 143.90 151.20 160.60 172.90 185.5 196.60 210 224.90
10 EXHH 1262. Net Capital Stock: Other buildings & works: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1700 obs 1767 obs 601 obs 0 to 2009 155 166.40 180.40 197.80 214.90 227 241 256.30
11 GSWU 1263. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2173 obs 2462 obs 783 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 10.60 9.400 9.900 10.5 11.60 12.70 11.80
12 GSZO 1264. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1822 obs 2410 obs 712 obs 0 to 2009 44.70 46.90 52 54.20 56.60 59.60 63 67.30
13 CIXA 1265. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2213 obs 2509 obs 798 obs 0 to 2009 54.40 57.5 61.40 64 67.10 71.20 75.70 79.10
14 CIXF 1266. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2248 obs 2261 obs 694 obs 0 to 2009 858.90 907.70 957 1006.3 1059 1111 1169.2 1220.5
15 CIWR 1267. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1838 obs 1778 obs 566 obs 0 to 2009 7.600 8.100 8.700 8.800 8.600 8.900 9.600 10.5
16 CIWP 1268. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1835 obs 1485 obs 571 obs 0 to 2009 325.40 326 338 350.90 357.80 375.80 399.10 416.40
17 CIWQ 1269. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Financial Corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1886 obs 2062 obs 720 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.5 11.80 12.40 13.10 14.60 16 15.60
18 CIWS 1270. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Central Government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1954 obs 1322 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.5 10.5 11 10.30 10.10 10.60 11.80
19 CIWT 1271. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Local Authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1999 obs 2228 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 3.400 4.800 5.900 5.900 6 6.300 6.700
20 GSWY 1272. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2203 obs 2480 obs 812 obs 0 to 2009 21.5 22.10 24.40 27 27.80 29.90 32.20 33.60
21 GSZS 1273. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1892 obs 2203 obs 703 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 4.100 5.600 6.300 6.900 7.800 8.900 10.5
22 CIWO 1274. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1856 obs 2538 obs 763 obs 0 to 2009 25.20 26.20 30 33.30 34.70 37.70 41.10 44.10
23 CIWU 1275. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2010 obs 2300 obs 758 obs 0 to 2009 381.30 384.5 403.80 422.30 430.40 453.10 482.70 505.10
24 CIWM 1276. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Pub corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2096 obs 2151 obs 826 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 2.100 2.400
25 CIWK 1277. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1958 obs 1877 obs 765 obs 0 to 2009 59.80 62.5 63.5 64.80 66.20 68.80 73.20 76.30
26 CIWL 1278. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Fin corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1843 obs 2113 obs 794 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 1.9000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.7000 0.5 0.3000
27 CIWN 1279. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Central Gov (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2011 obs 2019 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.6000
28 EXGM 1280. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2051 obs 2004 obs 660 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.4000 1.5 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.200
29 GSXG 1281. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2075 obs 2165 obs 766 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.600 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7 7.200
30 GTKX 1282. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2431 obs 1818 obs 709 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
31 BGUU 1283. Net stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Households & NPISHs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2192 obs 1723 obs 690 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.200 6.400 6.800 7 7.400 7.700 7.900
32 BGUV 1284. Net capital stock: vehicles; ships & aircraft: whole economy (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2064 obs 1982 obs 723 obs 0 to 2009 73.10 75.60 76.5 78 79.5 82.40 87.40 90.70
33 BGUN 1285. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Public Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1924 obs 2240 obs 676 obs 0 to 2009 4 4.200 4.400 4.600 5 5.300 5.600 6
34 BGUL 1286. Net Stock: Intangible assets: PNFCs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1879 obs 2247 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 29.5 31.10 32.60 33.80 35.90 37.60 39.5 41.5
35 BGUM 1287. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Financial Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2054 obs 1947 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 BGUO 1288. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Central Government CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 1695 obs 556 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
37 BGUP 1289. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Local Authorities CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2098 obs 1349 obs 493 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
38 GUDK 1290. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1834 obs 1470 obs 518 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
39 GUDM 1291. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 1724 obs 578 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
40 BGUK 1292. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Households CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2023 obs 2308 obs 682 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1
41 BGUQ 1293. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1690 obs 1641 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 40.60 42.90 45.10 46.60 49.40 51.60 53.90 56.5
42 CIXJ 1294. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1898 obs 1670 obs 456 obs 0 to 2009 135.90 121.20 125.20 129.20 132.20 134.5 136.70 139.70
43 CIXH 1295. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1918 obs 1685 obs 492 obs 0 to 2009 861.30 910.40 945.80 977.30 1006.7 1053.4 1110.1 1151.9
44 CIXI 1296. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Financial corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1920 obs 1636 obs 502 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82 84.90 87.70 87.20
45 CIXK 1297. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1918 obs 1569 obs 480 obs 0 to 2009 164.40 172.60 183.30 196.5 208.60 219.5 233.60 249.60
46 CIXL 1298. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Local authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1923 obs 1831 obs 574 obs 0 to 2009 159.80 171.70 187.40 206 223.30 235.60 249.90 265.80
47 GSXC 1299. Net capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1673 obs 1417 obs 489 obs 0 to 2009 884.60 921 960.5 1007.7 1065.7 1120.4 1170.4 1208.2
48 GSZW 1300. Net capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1792 obs 1717 obs 568 obs 0 to 2009 49.30 52.10 58.80 61.70 64.80 68.80 73.30 79.20
49 CIXG 1301. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2003 obs 1358 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 933.90 973.10 1019.3 1069.4 1130.5 1189.2 1243.7 1287.4
50 CIXM 1302. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
102174 obs 96167 obs 32143 obs

More years
  3.1.1 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=11667 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIHD 1303. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 1448 1498 1549 1609 1678 1713 1761 1802
2 CIHC 1304. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 1287 1325 1358 1405 1458 1499 1539 1579
3 EXFB 1305. Central govt: capital consumption CRC: dwellings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 97 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 123 131 136 144 150 155 158 165
4 CIHB 1306. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 97 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 19842 20680 21504 22550 23861 24928 25987 26926
5 EXCT 1307. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 6th } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
6 GPMO 1308. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 14 obs 196 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 1116 1172 1119 1113 1102 1093 1065 1058
7 GPPO 1309. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 11746 12257 13073 13451 13891 14458 15059 15587
8 GRVO 1310. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 943 945 995 1024 1052 1083 1113 1123
9 GPIS 1311. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 3462 3574 3747 3834 4026 4308 4543 4738
10 GPLW 1312. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 3064 3245 3496 3838 4253 4504 4766 5055
11 GPQG 1313. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 377 397 395 396 413 425 452 441
12 GPOW 1314. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 922 941 1039 1081 1123 1176 1233 1304
13 GRUE 1315. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1299 1338 1434 1477 1536 1601 1685 1745
14 GRSH 1316. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 21630 22531 23864 24737 25860 27047 28231 29306
15 GPMU 1317. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 618 650 609 694 718 742 799 817
16 GPPU 1318. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 274 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 33766 34115 33650 34642 34869 35130 37103 39463
17 GRWA 1319. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 274 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 1547 1664 1767 1802 1798 1785 2111 2400
18 GPIY 1320. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 177 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1355 1431 1491 1563 1537 1445 1453 1569
19 GPMC 1321. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 362 424 563 705 729 728 747 772
20 GPQM 1322. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 2923 3099 3059 3200 3159 3076 3323 3615
21 GPPC 1323. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 436 479 623 708 802 885 996 1180
22 GRVC 1324. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 3359 3578 3682 3908 3961 3961 4319 4795
23 GRSN 1325. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 383 obs 196 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 41007 41862 41762 43314 43612 43791 46532 49816
24 GPNA 1326. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 197 191 188 193 189 181 183 196
25 GPQA 1327. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 10021 10602 11029 11539 12164 12638 13342 14280
26 GRWG 1328. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 562 520 505 456 367 258 202 151
27 GPJE 1329. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 478 465 441 424 411 397 385 351
28 GPMI 1330. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 229 233 244 262 275 296 320 349
29 GPQS 1331. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 1090 1091 1108 1145 1180 1220 1282 1365
30 GPPI 1332. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 90 96 104 110 119 125 132 136
31 GRVI 1333. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 395 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 1180 1187 1212 1255 1299 1345 1414 1501
32 GRST 1334. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 618 obs 274 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 12667 13198 13619 14129 14705 15115 15846 16828
33 GPUP 1335. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Land:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 1738 1688 2618 2538 3236 3607 2099 2215
34 EXHU 1336. Local Authority non trading transfer costs CS13 (Cap. Cons)CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 744 723 730 737 744 751 758 770
35 GPUN 1337. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Land:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 383 obs 365 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 9928 9648 14104 13650 17586 19695 11106 12006
36 EXCU 1338. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 6th } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
37 BGTZ 1339. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Public Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 425 466 513 560 612 664 718 772
38 BGTX 1340. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: PNFCs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 8004 8430 9008 9353 9941 10341 10714 11084
39 BGTY 1341. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Financial Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 1988 2159 2342 2425 2531 2636 2714 2768
40 BGUA 1342. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Central Government CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 130 114 89 63 53 53 47 46
41 BGUB 1343. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Local Authorities CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 243 273 303 304 323 320 292 273
42 NTFM 1344. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. Households. CP NSA.  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 74 82 92 97 105 110 116 119
43 NTFQ 1345. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. NPISHs. CP NSA.  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 170 191 213 228 247 260 272 279
44 BGTW 1346. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Households CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 244 273 305 325 352 370 388 398
45 BGUC 1347. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 3rd } 618 obs 443 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 11034 11715 12560 13030 13812 14384 14873 15341
46 NSRM 1348. Consumption of fixed capital for public corporations NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 443 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 3804 3977 3978 4169 4299 4393 4526 4645
47 NSRK 1349. AS:PR:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 986 obs 274 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 66562 68417 70736 72928 75559 77673 79856 84208
48 NHCE 1350. FC: FC: Prod acc: Uses: K.1: Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 5040 5288 5609 5707 5748 5762 6140 6442
49 NSRN 1351. Public sector finances: Central Government: Depreciation: : CPNSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5548 5715 5904 6028 6177 6358 6586 6869
50 NSRO 1352. ESA:LA:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital. NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 4642 4898 5336 5846 6324 6599 6883 7219
51 HAZH 1353. AS:HH:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 34234 34997 40262 41038 46304 49454 42266 44472
52 HACB 1354. AS:NP:K.1:less Consumption of Fixed Capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 1618 1707 1979 2127 2291 2446 2633 2899
53 QWLL 1355. ESA:HN:K.1;CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 35852 36704 42241 43165 48595 51900 44899 47371
54 NQAE 1356. Consumption of Fixed Capital: All Fixed Assets: Whole Economy: (CP) � mil NSA nominal { 4th } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 121448 124999 133804 137843 146702 152685 148890 156754
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  PC = public corporation
  ONS = Office of National Statistics
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
  CPNSA = current prices, not seas adj
23340 obs 15853 obs 11667 obs

More years
  3.1.2 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=11601 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 GBJJ 1357. Capital consumption: Property: PC: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 1611 1633 1651 1660 1678 1685 1697 1709
2 GBJC 1358. Capital consumption: Property: PR: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 1414 1430 1442 1449 1458 1476 1493 1504
3 GABR 1359. Capital consumption: New dwellings: CG: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 144 149 149 149 150 152 150 152
4 GBEO 1360. Capital consumption: Property: HH: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 21785 22344 22855 23348 23861 24592 25281 25831
5 EXDG 1361. Capital consumption : dwellings  NSA real 2006 { 5th } 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 24954 25556 26097 26606 27147 27905 28621 29196
6 GPMP 1362. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 1192 1242 1153 1137 1102 1085 1051 1025
7 GPPP 1363. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 12549 12952 13324 13604 13891 14344 14832 15240
8 GRVP 1364. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 433 obs 274 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 949 973 996 1025 1052 1083 1113 1123
9 GPIT 1365. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 530 obs 274 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 4006 4053 4188 4075 4026 4197 4324 4419
10 GPLX 1366. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 529 obs 274 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 3784 3915 4021 4136 4253 4387 4541 4710
11 GPQH 1367. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 529 obs 274 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 432 441 415 406 413 412 429 409
12 GPOX 1368. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 542 obs 376 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 934 973 1042 1084 1123 1176 1233 1304
13 GRUF 1369. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 505 obs 363 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 1366 1414 1457 1490 1536 1588 1662 1713
14 GRSI 1370. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 722 obs 339 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 23846 24549 25139 25467 25860 26684 27523 28230
15 GPMV 1371. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 362 obs 316 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 273 361 450 600 718 751 798 831
16 GPPV 1372. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 31367 32087 32250 33504 34869 35362 36633 37152
17 GRWB 1373. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 337 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 1268 1457 1552 1692 1798 1872 2318 2747
18 GPIZ 1374. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 692 obs 426 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 1125 1220 1379 1470 1537 1478 1469 1535
19 GPMD 1375. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 268 333 461 599 729 750 774 774
20 GPQN 1376. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 337 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 2630 2746 2777 2946 3159 3101 3285 3382
21 GPPD 1377. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 403 obs 329 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 342 404 560 670 802 933 1072 1219
22 GRVD 1378. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 2972 3150 3337 3616 3961 4034 4357 4601
23 GRSO 1379. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 422 obs 336 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 37273 38608 39429 41481 43612 44247 46349 47640
24 GPNB 1380. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 205 195 191 196 189 177 172 172
25 GPQB 1381. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 10368 10940 11341 11736 12164 12604 12761 12515
26 GRWH 1382. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 594 540 505 456 367 258 202 149
27 GPJF 1383. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 487 478 449 428 411 392 376 339
28 GPMJ 1384. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 374 obs 320 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 230 237 246 263 275 292 311 331
29 GPQT 1385. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 1107 1107 1124 1155 1180 1224 1237 1194
30 GPPJ 1386. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 722 obs 436 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 90 96 104 110 119 125 130 130
31 GRVJ 1387. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 337 obs 307 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 1197 1203 1228 1265 1299 1349 1367 1324
32 GRSU 1388. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 282 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 13081 13593 13960 14344 14705 15072 15189 14830
33 GPUQ 1389. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Land:  CVM NSA real 2006 462 obs 400 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 3472 2966 4232 3370 3236 2447 1707 1615
34 GPUM 1390. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Land:  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 358 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 748 640 709 675 744 817 827 797
35 GPUO 1391. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Land:  CVM NSA real 2006 187 obs 309 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 14584 12481 16605 14529 17586 18397 9883 12659
36 EXDH 1392. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA real 2006 { 5th } 487 obs 409 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 18804 16087 21546 18574 21566 21661 12417 15071
37 GRYD 1393. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 30 obs 285 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 470 508 546 584 612 648 683 719
38 GRYJ 1394. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 409 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 8361 8709 9126 9500 9941 10297 10622 10934
39 LLGA 1395. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 438 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 2043 2203 2341 2450 2531 2637 2715 2770
40 LLFX 1396. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 306 obs 348 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 134 117 91 64 53 52 47 46
41 LLFY 1397. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 409 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 249 279 302 307 323 321 293 274
42 NTFN 1398. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. Households. KP NSA.  NSA real 2006 306 obs 348 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 76 85 93 99 105 110 116 119
43 NTFR 1399. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. NPISHs. KP NSA.  NSA real 2006 487 obs 409 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 178 199 217 235 247 259 271 278
44 LLFZ 1400. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 211 obs 317 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 254 284 310 334 352 369 387 397
45 GRYP 1401. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 322 obs 339 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 11511 12100 12716 13239 13812 14324 14747 15140
46 GSLW 1402. Capital consumption: Total: PC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 358 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 3751 3939 3991 4177 4299 4346 4401 4456
47 GSMC 1403. Capital consumption: Total: PR: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 405 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 67531 69084 71715 73163 75559 76530 78048 78960
48 GRZB 1404. Capital consumption: Total: FC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 274 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 4854 5173 5394 5623 5748 5850 6348 6789
49 GRYV 1405. Capital consumption: Total: CG: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 276 obs 274 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 5896 6017 6256 6186 6177 6271 6366 6491
50 GSLE 1406. Capital consumption: Total: LA: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 358 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 5279 5404 5739 5980 6324 6567 6746 6886
51 GRZN 1407. Capital consumption: Total: HH: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 511 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 40614 39204 43869 42483 46304 47836 40231 43594
52 GSLQ 1408. Capital consumption: Total: NP: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 487 obs 416 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 1544 1672 1923 2099 2291 2493 2706 2931
53 GRZT 1409. Capital consumption: Total: HN: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 283 obs 424 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 42158 40876 45792 44582 48595 50329 42937 46525
54 CIHA 1410. Consumption of fixed capital: Total CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 258 obs 402 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 129469 130493 138887 139711 146702 149893 144846 150107
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  PC = public corporation
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
26325 obs 19206 obs 11601 obs

More years
  3.2.1 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Industry. { total observations, n=10603 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJJY 1411. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 358 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 2992 3100 3072 2969 2915 2889 2974 3143
2 CIGH 1412. Consumption of fixed capital: Mining & quarrying (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 6325 6296 6341 6329 6322 6318 6416 6542
3 GRMR 1413. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 2178 2246 2190 2195 2196 2353 2552 2798
4 JJMO 1414. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 486 obs 491 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 531 511 479 451 427 408 381 374
5 GRNJ 1415. Capital consumption: Wood: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 205 207 206 205 204 201 202 205
6 GRNP 1416. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 283 obs 424 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 2241 2294 2127 2126 2083 2027 2011 2022
7 GRNV 1417. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 199 obs 396 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1129 1107 1079 1006 927 855 812 766
8 GROB 1418. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 199 obs 396 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 2731 2673 2687 2693 2728 2781 2863 2972
9 GROH 1419. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 6 obs 331 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 909 891 808 790 772 762 756 768
10 GRON 1420. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 328 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 605 606 606 599 599 600 613 619
11 GROT 1421. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 1506 1487 1480 1457 1457 1442 1442 1440
12 GROZ 1422. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 1340 1313 1272 1230 1185 1144 1124 1121
13 JJAS 1423. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 328 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 174 165 158 152 140 131 128 131
14 JJBF 1424. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 516 491 462 441 416 386 385 372
15 JJBS 1425. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 810 753 699 630 555 491 450 415
16 JJEI 1426. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 403 obs 367 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 302 305 299 296 290 286 285 290
17 GQOB 1427. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 3rd } 258 obs 415 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 229 242 256 260 267 254 242 222
18 GRPF 1428. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 66 obs 428 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2031 1956 1874 1779 1668 1548 1490 1430
19 JJEV 1429. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   424 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 1708 1661 1499 1488 1491 1476 1497 1534
20 JJFI 1430. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 66 obs 428 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 503 512 540 600 670 734 788 865
21 GQOH 1431. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA nominal { 3rd } --   424 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 248 253 262 253 273 289 303 309
22 GRPL 1432. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 359 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 2459 2426 2301 2341 2434 2499 2588 2708
23 GRPR 1433. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 462 476 466 474 485 491 509 523
24 CIGI 1434. Consumption of fixed capital: Manufacturing (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 18327 18193 17575 17346 17165 17111 17343 17746
25 CIGJ 1435. Consumption of fixed capital: Electricity; gas & water supply (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4871 4740 4642 4703 4727 4849 5087 5278
26 CIGK 1436. Consumption of fixed capital: Construction (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 1434 1533 1688 1769 1886 2000 2121 2216
27 GRQF 1437. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 359 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 7360 7699 8170 8685 9075 9516 10224 10991
28 GRQL 1438. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 206 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1831 2025 1800 2013 2249 2580 2962 3454
29 JJOB 1439. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 6807 7473 7981 8409 8888 9350 9960 10844
30 JJOO 1440. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 5117 5144 5198 5144 5071 5012 4965 4886
31 CHAB 1441. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Transport: Computer software: (CP)  NSA nominal { 3rd } 235 obs 274 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 811 929 1066 1145 1253 1318 1375 1415
32 GRQR 1442. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 283 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 12735 13546 14245 14698 15212 15680 16300 17145
33 JJPB 1443. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 2384 2474 2574 2566 2484 2382 2628 2831
34 JJFV 1444. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 671 660 697 721 736 743 788 823
35 NTES 1445. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer Software: Financial Corporations: (CP )� mil NSA nominal { 3rd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 1988 2159 2342 2425 2531 2636 2714 2768
36 GRQX 1446. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 5043 5293 5613 5712 5751 5761 6130 6422
37 EXCT 1447. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
38 JJIL 1448. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 1806 1957 2083 2221 2347 2479 2774 3137
39 JJIY 1449. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 3361 3477 3635 4002 4303 4597 4880 5070
40 JJPO 1450. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 3781 4105 4303 4387 4022 3672 3958 4395
41 GPSH 1451. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 3rd } 235 obs 443 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1610 1786 2001 2199 2466 2629 2778 2920
42 GRRD 1452. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 10558 11325 12022 12809 13138 13377 14390 15522
43 GRRJ 1453. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   365 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 5439 5753 6183 6572 6799 6936 7085 7289
44 GRRP 1454. Capital consumption: Education: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 2040 2057 2347 2654 3013 3265 3531 3908
45 GRRV 1455. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 2256 2358 2305 2259 2324 2394 2482 2608
46 JJJL 1456. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 1272 1404 1528 1645 1757 1876 2033 2209
47 JKNC 1457. Capital consumption : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 2072 2069 2220 2875 3301 3249 3683 3899
48 JHKH 1458. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CP NSA nominal { 3rd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 1783 1915 2054 2172 2355 2536 2721 2919
49 GRSB 1459. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: asset=bpvi NSA nominal { 2nd } --   289 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 5127 5388 5802 6692 7413 7661 8437 9027
50 EXCU 1460. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
51 NQAE 1461. Consumption of Fixed Capital: All Fixed Assets: Whole Economy: (CP) � mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 121448 124999 133804 137843 146702 152685 148890 156754
  CP = current price
13414 obs 18433 obs 10603 obs

More years
  3.2.2 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Industry. { total observations, n=9680 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJJZ 1462. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 3243 3151 3095 2970 2915 2825 2822 2812
2 CIGR 1463. Consumption of fixed capital: Mining & quarrying CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 7099 6882 6671 6477 6322 6207 6131 6059
3 GRMS 1464. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 2216 2239 2221 2214 2196 2185 2154 2095
4 JJMP 1465. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 527 507 473 446 427 406 377 358
5 GRNK 1466. Capital consumption: Wood: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 208 213 213 208 204 202 197 187
6 GRNQ 1467. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 2261 2302 2139 2138 2083 2018 1954 1879
7 GRNW 1468. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 1144 1114 1076 1004 927 850 790 715
8 GROC 1469. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 2676 2643 2660 2686 2728 2778 2798 2763
9 GROI 1470. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 902 900 823 798 772 752 723 687
10 GROO 1471. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 606 612 612 601 599 595 592 571
11 GROU 1472. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 1520 1506 1498 1473 1457 1442 1420 1362
12 GRPA 1473. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 175 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 1349 1321 1277 1237 1185 1146 1107 1054
13 JJAT 1474. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 163 158 153 150 140 133 129 128
14 JJBG 1475. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 520 496 467 442 416 385 374 340
15 JJBT 1476. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 78 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 780 733 688 628 555 494 442 390
16 JJEJ 1477. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 304 306 302 299 290 285 278 270
17 GQOC 1478. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 235 obs 371 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 236 247 255 263 267 255 244 224
18 GRPG 1479. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2003 1940 1865 1782 1668 1552 1467 1352
19 JJEW 1480. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 1701 1669 1505 1494 1491 1470 1453 1415
20 JJFJ 1481. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 475 492 524 586 670 736 779 810
21 GQOI 1482. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 235 obs 370 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 256 259 262 257 273 290 304 310
22 GRPM 1483. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2432 2420 2291 2337 2434 2496 2536 2535
23 GRPS 1484. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 450 470 463 475 485 491 498 489
24 CIGS 1485. Consumption of fixed capital: Manufacturing CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 18294 18187 17611 17399 17165 16913 16613 16047
25 CIGT 1486. Consumption of fixed capital: Electric; gas & water CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4283 4324 4421 4593 4727 4885 5033 5207
26 CIGU 1487. Consumption of fixed capital: Construction CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 1440 1557 1719 1791 1886 1995 2060 2053
27 GRQG 1488. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 7409 7784 8247 8693 9075 9513 9990 10043
28 GRQM 1489. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1843 2032 1802 2015 2249 2553 2830 3107
29 JJOC 1490. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 6936 7593 8064 8418 8888 9282 9627 9836
30 JJOP 1491. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4485 4588 4747 4918 5071 5248 5448 5620
31 CIBQ 1492. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Transport: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 830 944 1064 1155 1253 1317 1376 1417
32 GRQS 1493. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 12251 13125 13875 14491 15212 15847 16451 16873
33 JJPC 1494. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2128 2299 2361 2457 2484 2459 2815 3163
34 JJFW 1495. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 636 650 679 713 736 751 801 827
35 NTET 1496. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Financial corporations: (KP) � mil NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2042 2202 2343 2450 2531 2637 2715 2769
36 GRQY 1497. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 4806 5151 5383 5620 5751 5847 6331 6759
37 EXDG 1498. Capital consumption : dwellings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 24954 25556 26097 26606 27147 27905 28621 29196
38 JJIM 1499. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 1792 1988 2082 2211 2347 2495 2784 3099
39 JJIZ 1500. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 3347 3520 3676 4020 4303 4637 4708 4492
40 JJPP 1501. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 243 obs 370 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 2810 3209 3541 3782 4022 3831 4124 4340
41 GPSI 1502. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 3rd } --   351 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 1649 1817 1998 2219 2466 2631 2778 2919
42 GRRE 1503. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 9598 10534 11297 12232 13138 13594 14394 14850
43 GRRK 1504. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 5814 6095 6420 6658 6799 6852 6880 6892
44 GRRQ 1505. Capital consumption: Education: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2250 2268 2514 2739 3013 3234 3468 3778
45 GRRW 1506. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 2329 2426 2505 2367 2324 2367 2374 2418
46 JJJM 1507. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1330 1452 1562 1667 1757 1872 2000 2098
47 JKND 1508. Capital consumption : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 1720 1788 1947 2579 3301 3336 3814 4092
48 JHKI 1509. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CVM NSA real 2006 { 3rd } --   351 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1956 2069 2175 2261 2355 2487 2617 2752
49 GRSC 1510. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: asset=bpvi NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 5006 5309 5684 6507 7413 7695 8431 8942
50 EXDH 1511. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 409 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 18804 16087 21546 18574 21566 21661 12417 15071
51 CIHA 1512. Consumption of fixed capital: Total CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 258 obs 402 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 129469 130493 138887 139711 146702 149893 144846 150107
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
8941 obs 16787 obs 9680 obs

More years
  3.3.1 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=16114 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZRA 1513. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1956 2041 1971 1855 1785 1746 1788 1905
2 JAMW 1514. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 1478 1399 1320 1302 1248 1140 1177 1197
3 ZTBJ 1515. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 1700 1756 1699 1709 1717 1883 2089 2336
4 JCJC 1516. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 391 369 340 319 295 281 262 257
5 ZANP 1517. Capital consumption: Wood: Plant & machinery  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 144 143 141 140 141 138 138 140
6 JCNI 1518. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 1511 1551 1372 1375 1332 1276 1250 1253
7 JCPY 1519. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 604 570 540 517 489 460 458 457
8 ZOBO 1520. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2172 2087 2065 2068 2106 2166 2252 2373
9 ZNTG 1521. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   158 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 804 785 701 686 670 661 656 670
10 ZOCP 1522. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 522 522 519 513 513 515 526 532
11 JCTL 1523. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 243 obs 78 obs 81 obs 0 to 2009 1098 1076 1058 1040 1037 1026 1031 1034
12 ZNOB 1524. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 946 908 854 806 756 710 685 683
13 ZNPC 1525. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 145 135 129 123 114 104 101 104
14 ZNQD 1526. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   356 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 421 397 371 349 328 299 299 289
15 ZNXK 1527. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 748 691 636 569 495 432 391 357
16 ZNRE 1528. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 259 262 256 254 248 245 247 251
17 ZTJR 1529. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Plant and machinery: NSA nominal --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1573 1485 1392 1295 1185 1080 1038 1001
18 ZNUH 1530. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 1548 1499 1334 1325 1330 1315 1338 1374
19 JDCW 1531. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   355 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 391 399 425 472 538 602 633 694
20 JDEN 1532. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 1939 1898 1759 1797 1868 1917 1971 2068
21 JDGE 1533. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 300 301 282 283 285 283 293 301
22 JIGK 1534. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   99 obs 130 obs 0 to 2009 13704 13451 12722 12548 12394 12396 12649 13105
23 JDHV 1535. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   352 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 3398 3268 3159 3242 3272 3357 3519 3647
24 JDJM 1536. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   356 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 626 654 735 776 833 894 959 1026
25 JDLD 1537. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   433 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 3969 4199 4444 4798 5077 5490 5969 6430
26 JDMU 1538. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   581 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 1141 1320 1041 1223 1424 1711 2049 2501
27 JEIK 1539. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and ma  CP NSA nominal --   408 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 907 982 1142 1302 1310 1330 1364 1425
28 JETB 1540. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   336 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 4495 4541 4590 4524 4460 4417 4390 4342
29 JEQD 1541. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machine  CP NSA nominal --   556 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 5402 5523 5732 5826 5770 5747 5754 5767
30 JEXG 1542. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   364 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 1433 1560 1656 1676 1670 1663 1951 2204
31 AYZL 1543. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Plant and machinery:  C NSA nominal --   352 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 117 109 114 131 133 128 166 203
32 JEVB 1544. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   556 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1550 1669 1770 1807 1803 1791 2117 2407
33 JFFV 1545. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   498 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 277 318 369 429 472 521 710 995
34 JFHI 1546. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   497 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1144 1107 1097 1149 1152 1225 1290 1315
35 JFKZ 1547. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 575 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2684 3008 3206 3290 2939 2603 2844 3248
36 JFJM 1548. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 599 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 4105 4433 4672 4868 4563 4349 4844 5558
37 JDOL 1549. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 941 1040 1266 1422 1387 1337 1280 1271
38 JHDT 1550. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 254 263 322 386 425 455 505 600
39 JDQC 1551. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 374 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 861 895 839 843 888 818 838 866
40 JHCC 1552. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal --   293 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 526 599 646 719 791 877 990 1119
41 JHIQ 1553. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal --   292 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 1096 1108 1123 1699 2028 1929 2262 2452
42 JHFG 1554. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Pla  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 1622 1707 1769 2418 2819 2806 3252 3571
43 GRSN 1555. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 383 obs 196 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 41007 41862 41762 43314 43612 43791 46532 49816
44 IZRJ 1556. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 374 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 261 261 272 274 278 280 298 338
45 JCGJ 1557. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 56 54 57 59 56 62 64 63
46 ZTBP 1558. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 374 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 106 102 96 94 92 83 81 85
47 JCJL 1559. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   296 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 32 31 28 26 27 24 22 21
48 ZAOI 1560. Capital consumption: Wood: Vehicles  CP NSA nominal --   292 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 23 25 26 25 24 24 24 26
49 JCNV 1561. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 98 90 84 74 65 59 54 53
50 JCQL 1562. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1
51 ZOBC 1563. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 177 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 61 52 51 51 49 48 48 51
52 ZNSU 1564. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 370 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 46 45 43 40 38 37 34 33
53 ZOCD 1565. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 342 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 31 31 31 29 28 25 25 25
54 JCTY 1566. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   293 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 82 82 81 78 77 74 73 74
55 ZNNP 1567. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   293 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 71 66 61 60 58 53 50 47
56 ZNOQ 1568. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 8 8 7 6 4 4 5 4
57 ZNPR 1569. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 20 18 15 16 14 14 14 13
58 ZNWY 1570. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 11 10 8 7 5 5 4 3
59 ZNQS 1571. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 21 20 19 17 17 15 13 13
60 ZTJX 1572. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 374 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 60 56 49 46 40 38 36 33
61 ZNTV 1573. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 12
62 JDDJ 1574. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   293 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 10 10 10 18 17 18 30 37
63 JDFA 1575. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 24 23 22 29 27 28 39 49
64 JDGR 1576. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 57 57 57 59 61 62 66 67
65 JIGX 1577. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 272 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 693 662 632 613 587 556 553 565
66 JDII 1578. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 176 obs 0 to 2009 84 66 56 50 42 36 45 61
67 JDJZ 1579. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 371 obs 176 obs 0 to 2009 531 565 612 642 680 709 746 770
68 JDLQ 1580. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 1218 1240 1279 1331 1322 1315 1359 1455
69 JDNH 1581. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   420 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 76 76 84 90 90 91 95 106
70 JEIX 1582. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 499 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 4531 4987 5179 5331 5696 6035 6494 7239
71 JETO 1583. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 499 obs 284 obs 0 to 2009 332 311 298 300 283 257 230 195
72 JEQQ 1584. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 499 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 4863 5298 5477 5631 5979 6292 6724 7434
73 JEXT 1585. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 576 obs 327 obs 0 to 2009 537 500 482 440 355 249 196 146
74 AYZW 1586. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 580 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 25 20 23 16 13 9 6 5
75 JEVO 1587. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   498 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 562 520 505 456 368 258 202 151
76 JFGI 1588. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   502 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 122 119 116 127 131 136 146 153
77 JFHV 1589. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 449 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 2160 2314 2481 2795 3093 3314 3532 3697
78 JFLM 1590. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 349 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 806 794 777 771 777 770 773 752
79 JFJZ 1591. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 209 obs 262 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 3088 3227 3374 3693 4001 4220 4451 4602
80 JDOY 1592. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal 209 obs 427 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 590 592 588 581 575 573 575 553
  CP = current price
8329 obs 29528 obs 16114 obs

More years
  3.3.1 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=15486 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEG 1593. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   358 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 49 53 65 67 73 74 79 82
2 JDQP 1594. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   370 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 99 91 86 80 77 77 76 77
3 JHCP 1595. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal --   359 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 134 152 192 215 233 247 272 293
4 JHJD 1596. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 436 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 363 341 340 347 349 339 330 325
5 JHFT 1597. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Veh  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 78 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 497 493 532 562 582 586 602 618
6 GRST 1598. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 12667 13198 13619 14129 14705 15115 15846 16828
7 EXCT 1599. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
8 EXCT 1600. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
9 IZQR 1601. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 748 768 797 806 817 828 853 864
10 JABG 1602. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 3705 3890 4117 4199 4318 4468 4586 4709
11 ZTBD 1603. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 235 obs 274 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 330 340 351 351 352 356 356 357
12 JCIT 1604. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 229 obs 272 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 97 97 99 95 95 94 90 90
13 ZANE 1605. Capital consumption: Wood: Buildings  CP NSA nominal 80 obs 220 obs 137 obs 0 to 2009 38 39 39 40 39 39 40 39
14 JCMI 1606. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 80 obs 220 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 138 140 144 145 146 145 144 142
15 JCPH 1607. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 472 474 468 415 355 308 264 218
16 ZOBI 1608. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal --   196 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 255 262 275 275 279 283 287 288
17 ZNTA 1609. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 127 obs 238 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 59 61 64 64 64 64 66 65
18 ZOCJ 1610. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 47 48 51 53 54 57 59 60
19 JCSU 1611. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 232 233 240 236 234 233 231 228
20 ZNNV 1612. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 248 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 171 174 176 174 172 171 169 167
21 ZNOW 1613. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 21 22 22 23 22 23 22 23
22 ZNPX 1614. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 544 obs 314 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 75 76 76 76 74 73 72 70
23 ZNXE 1615. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 313 obs 238 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 51 52 55 54 55 54 55 55
24 ZNQY 1616. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 289 obs 250 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 22 23 24 25 25 26 25 26
25 ZTJL 1617. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 316 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 169 173 177 178 176 176 174 174
26 ZNUB 1618. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 471 obs 289 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 146 149 153 152 151 151 150 148
27 JDCJ 1619. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 326 obs 205 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 102 103 105 110 115 114 125 134
28 JDDW 1620. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 326 obs 205 obs 125 obs 0 to 2009 248 252 258 262 266 265 275 282
29 JDFN 1621. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 301 obs 196 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 33 35 36 36 38 39 39 41
30 JIFK 1622. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 301 obs 196 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 2289 2328 2378 2324 2270 2230 2194 2151
31 JDHE 1623. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 301 obs 196 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 1156 1175 1197 1194 1200 1243 1309 1422
32 JDIV 1624. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 536 obs 274 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 110 122 130 138 150 159 170 176
33 JDKM 1625. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 536 obs 274 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 1213 1221 1324 1398 1481 1571 1653 1708
34 JDMD 1626. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 535 obs 274 obs 142 obs 0 to 2009 538 541 582 612 643 682 724 757
35 JEHX 1627. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 536 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 1369 1504 1660 1776 1907 2029 2170 2284
36 JESN 1628. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 415 obs 234 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 290 292 310 320 328 338 346 351
37 JEPQ 1629. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 316 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 1659 1796 1970 2096 2235 2367 2516 2635
38 JEWT 1630. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 316 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 414 414 436 450 462 477 496 504
39 AYYX 1631. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 316 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 529 531 560 574 590 606 618 619
40 JEUK 1632. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 316 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 943 945 996 1024 1052 1083 1114 1123
41 JFEV 1633. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 477 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 1407 1520 1598 1665 1742 1818 1903 1958
42 JFGV 1634. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 397 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 57 56 57 58 58 58 58 58
43 JFKM 1635. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal 536 obs 406 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 291 303 320 326 345 375 404 421
44 JFII 1636. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 397 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 1755 1879 1975 2049 2145 2251 2365 2437
45 JDNU 1637. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 493 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 3652 3834 4057 4323 4646 4896 5166 5455
46 JHDC 1638. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 548 obs 393 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 1498 1564 1688 1859 2063 2181 2307 2455
47 JDPL 1639. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 536 obs 274 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 1139 1195 1206 1175 1209 1359 1443 1557
48 JHBP 1640. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal 350 obs 439 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 612 653 690 711 733 752 770 796
49 JHHQ 1641. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CP NSA nominal 350 obs 439 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 613 620 757 829 900 978 1064 1161
50 JHET 1642. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Bui  CP NSA nominal 482 obs 352 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 1225 1273 1447 1540 1633 1730 1834 1957
51 GRSH 1643. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 21630 22531 23864 24737 25860 27047 28231 29306
52 CGXI 1644. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Agriculture: (CP)  NSA nominal 537 obs 457 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 27 30 32 34 36 36 36 38
53 JABT 1645. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 1101 obs 274 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 1086 953 847 769 697 641 582 565
54 GQMF 1646. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 42 48 44 41 35 30 25 18
55 GQML 1647. Capital consumption: Textiles & clothes: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA nominal 350 obs 278 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 11 14 12 11 10 9 7 6
56 JCMV 1648. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 494 513 527 532 542 551 568 580
57 GQMX 1649. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 51 61 68 72 82 86 89 90
58 GQND 1650. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible: computer softw NSA nominal 362 obs 217 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 243 272 296 299 294 284 276 260
59 GQNJ 1651. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
60 GQNP 1652. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 94 96 101 103 109 109 107 104
61 GQNV 1653. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 152 165 181 190 199 210 220 224
62 GQOB 1654. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 2nd } 258 obs 415 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 229 242 256 260 267 254 242 222
63 GQOH 1655. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   424 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 248 253 262 253 273 289 303 309
64 GPRP 1656. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 72 83 91 96 101 107 111 114
65 JIFX 1657. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 1641 1752 1843 1861 1916 1932 1951 1929
66 CGXL 1658. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Comp software: Elec. Gas & Water: (CP)  NSA nominal 362 obs 316 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 233 231 230 217 213 213 214 225
67 CGXM 1659. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Construction: (CP)  NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 167 192 211 213 223 238 246 245
68 GPRV 1660. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 960 1039 1123 1158 1207 1233 1256 1252
69 GPSB 1661. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 76 88 93 88 92 95 92 87
70 CHAB 1662. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Transport: Computer software: (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 811 929 1066 1145 1253 1318 1375 1415
71 NTES 1663. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer Software: Financial Corporations: (CP )� mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 1988 2159 2342 2425 2531 2636 2714 2768
72 GPSH 1664. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1610 1786 2001 2199 2466 2629 2778 2920
73 GPSN 1665. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 256 287 272 246 219 186 151 113
74 GQON 1666. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal 350 obs 274 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 239 177 272 342 457 564 651 785
75 GPST 1667. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible: computer so NSA nominal 332 obs 271 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 157 177 174 161 149 135 119 101
76 JHKH 1668. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 1783 1915 2054 2172 2355 2536 2721 2919
77 BGUC 1669. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 11034 11715 12560 13030 13812 14384 14873 15341
78 EXCU 1670. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
79 EXCU 1671. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
80 JJJY 1672. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 358 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 2992 3100 3072 2969 2915 2889 2974 3143
  CP = current price
28287 obs 24398 obs 15486 obs

More years
  3.3.1 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=10389 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIGH 1673. Consumption of fixed capital: Mining & quarrying (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 6325 6296 6341 6329 6322 6318 6416 6542
2 GRMR 1674. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 262 obs 0 to 2009 2178 2246 2190 2195 2196 2353 2552 2798
3 JJMO 1675. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 486 obs 491 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 531 511 479 451 427 408 381 374
4 GRNJ 1676. Capital consumption: Wood: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 487 obs 492 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 205 207 206 205 204 201 202 205
5 GRNP 1677. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 283 obs 424 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 2241 2294 2127 2126 2083 2027 2011 2022
6 GRNV 1678. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 199 obs 396 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1129 1107 1079 1006 927 855 812 766
7 GROB 1679. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 199 obs 396 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 2731 2673 2687 2693 2728 2781 2863 2972
8 GROH 1680. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 6 obs 331 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 909 891 808 790 772 762 756 768
9 GRON 1681. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 328 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 605 606 606 599 599 600 613 619
10 GROT 1682. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 1506 1487 1480 1457 1457 1442 1442 1440
11 GROZ 1683. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 1340 1313 1272 1230 1185 1144 1124 1121
12 JJAS 1684. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 328 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 174 165 158 152 140 131 128 131
13 JJBF 1685. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 516 491 462 441 416 386 385 372
14 JJBS 1686. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 294 obs 427 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 810 753 699 630 555 491 450 415
15 JJEI 1687. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 403 obs 367 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 302 305 299 296 290 286 285 290
16 GQOB 1688. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 2nd } 258 obs 415 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 229 242 256 260 267 254 242 222
17 GRPF 1689. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 66 obs 428 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2031 1956 1874 1779 1668 1548 1490 1430
18 JJEV 1690. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   424 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 1708 1661 1499 1488 1491 1476 1497 1534
19 JJFI 1691. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 66 obs 428 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 503 512 540 600 670 734 788 865
20 GQOH 1692. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   424 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 248 253 262 253 273 289 303 309
21 GRPL 1693. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 359 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 2459 2426 2301 2341 2434 2499 2588 2708
22 GRPR 1694. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 462 476 466 474 485 491 509 523
23 CIGI 1695. Consumption of fixed capital: Manufacturing (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 18327 18193 17575 17346 17165 17111 17343 17746
24 CIGJ 1696. Consumption of fixed capital: Electricity; gas & water supply (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4871 4740 4642 4703 4727 4849 5087 5278
25 CIGK 1697. Consumption of fixed capital: Construction (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 1434 1533 1688 1769 1886 2000 2121 2216
26 GRQF 1698. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 359 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 7360 7699 8170 8685 9075 9516 10224 10991
27 GRQL 1699. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 206 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1831 2025 1800 2013 2249 2580 2962 3454
28 JJOB 1700. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 6807 7473 7981 8409 8888 9350 9960 10844
29 JJOO 1701. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 5117 5144 5198 5144 5071 5012 4965 4886
30 CHAB 1702. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Transport: Computer software: (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 811 929 1066 1145 1253 1318 1375 1415
31 GRQR 1703. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 489 obs 283 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 12735 13546 14245 14698 15212 15680 16300 17145
32 JJPB 1704. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 2384 2474 2574 2566 2484 2382 2628 2831
33 JJFV 1705. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 671 660 697 721 736 743 788 823
34 NTES 1706. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer Software: Financial Corporations: (CP )� mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 1988 2159 2342 2425 2531 2636 2714 2768
35 GRQX 1707. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 5043 5293 5613 5712 5751 5761 6130 6422
36 EXCT 1708. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
37 JJIL 1709. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 1806 1957 2083 2221 2347 2479 2774 3137
38 JJIY 1710. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 3361 3477 3635 4002 4303 4597 4880 5070
39 JJPO 1711. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 193 obs 0 to 2009 3781 4105 4303 4387 4022 3672 3958 4395
40 GPSH 1712. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1610 1786 2001 2199 2466 2629 2778 2920
41 GRRD 1713. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 10558 11325 12022 12809 13138 13377 14390 15522
42 GRRJ 1714. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   365 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 5439 5753 6183 6572 6799 6936 7085 7289
43 GRRP 1715. Capital consumption: Education: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 2040 2057 2347 2654 3013 3265 3531 3908
44 GRRV 1716. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: asset=bpvi:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 2256 2358 2305 2259 2324 2394 2482 2608
45 JJJL 1717. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 1272 1404 1528 1645 1757 1876 2033 2209
46 JKNC 1718. Capital consumption : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 2072 2069 2220 2875 3301 3249 3683 3899
47 JHKH 1719. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 1783 1915 2054 2172 2355 2536 2721 2919
48 GRSB 1720. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: asset=bpvi NSA nominal { 2nd } --   289 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 5127 5388 5802 6692 7413 7661 8437 9027
49 EXCU 1721. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
50 NQAE 1722. Consumption of Fixed Capital: All Fixed Assets: Whole Economy: (CP) � mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 121448 124999 133804 137843 146702 152685 148890 156754
  CP = current price
12927 obs 18075 obs 10389 obs

More years
  3.3.2 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=15228 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZRB 1723. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 512 obs 324 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 2069 1985 1945 1830 1785 1706 1688 1681
2 JAMX 1724. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 122 obs 225 obs 146 obs 0 to 2009 1569 1481 1398 1315 1248 1146 1131 1084
3 ZTBK 1725. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   324 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 1720 1737 1729 1727 1717 1716 1693 1643
4 JCJD 1726. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 4 obs 324 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 381 361 334 314 295 279 258 242
5 ZANQ 1727. Capital consumption: Wood: Plant & machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 --   200 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 148 148 146 143 141 138 132 124
6 JCNJ 1728. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 --   200 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 1496 1529 1372 1375 1332 1270 1203 1129
7 JCPZ 1729. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   324 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 600 566 539 517 489 456 437 406
8 ZOBP 1730. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 4 obs 324 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 2096 2043 2038 2057 2106 2162 2184 2165
9 ZNTH 1731. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 376 obs 324 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 798 795 716 694 670 652 625 593
10 ZOCQ 1732. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   324 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 523 529 525 515 513 510 506 487
11 JCTM 1733. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   324 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 1098 1087 1075 1054 1037 1026 1011 964
12 ZNOC 1734. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 4 obs 457 obs 266 obs 0 to 2009 941 907 856 809 756 709 665 616
13 ZNPD 1735. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   353 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 134 128 124 121 114 106 102 101
14 ZNQE 1736. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   429 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 419 399 376 350 328 298 288 258
15 ZNXL 1737. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 650 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 714 670 624 567 495 435 383 332
16 ZNRF 1738. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Plant and machinery:  CV NSA real 2006 297 obs 502 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 262 263 259 257 248 244 240 232
17 ZTJS 1739. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Plant and machinery: NSA real 2006 293 obs 277 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 1529 1460 1383 1295 1185 1083 1013 923
18 ZNUI 1740. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 405 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 1533 1503 1340 1331 1330 1309 1294 1255
19 JDCX 1741. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 425 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 364 380 410 458 538 604 626 645
20 JDEO 1742. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 329 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 1897 1883 1750 1789 1868 1913 1920 1900
21 JDGF 1743. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 329 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 286 291 276 281 285 284 285 276
22 JIGL 1744. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 277 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 13513 13336 12739 12570 12394 12198 11932 11468
23 JDHW 1745. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 369 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 2769 2831 2945 3132 3272 3395 3463 3501
24 JDJN 1746. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 611 651 741 783 833 889 919 921
25 JDLE 1747. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 3992 4230 4526 4806 5077 5432 5713 5881
26 JDMV 1748. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 349 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 1143 1302 1041 1223 1424 1684 1920 2165
27 JEIL 1749. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and ma  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 421 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 710 817 984 1147 1310 1364 1389 1372
28 JETC 1750. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   200 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 3868 3980 4142 4299 4460 4656 4878 5080
29 JEQE 1751. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machine  CVM NSA real 2006 --   252 obs 123 obs 0 to 2009 4578 4797 5126 5446 5770 6020 6267 6452
30 JEXH 1752. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   324 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 1185 1375 1458 1574 1670 1741 2143 2544
31 AYZM 1753. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Plant and machinery:  K NSA real 2006 437 obs 345 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 84 87 97 123 133 136 179 207
32 JEVC 1754. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   292 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 1269 1462 1555 1697 1803 1877 2322 2751
33 JFFW 1755. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 208 254 313 383 472 547 747 1009
34 JFHJ 1756. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   200 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 1142 1141 1125 1154 1152 1208 1229 1184
35 JFLA 1757. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   200 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 1831 2191 2497 2725 2939 2748 3014 3250
36 JFJN 1758. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 245 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 3181 3586 3935 4262 4563 4503 4990 5443
37 JDOM 1759. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 389 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 770 889 1116 1289 1387 1375 1322 1267
38 JHDU 1760. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 319 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 186 208 269 341 425 478 542 621
39 JDQD 1761. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 319 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 760 792 834 839 888 828 801 790
40 JHCD 1762. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 556 622 671 732 791 874 963 1029
41 JHIR 1763. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 790 848 900 1413 2028 2005 2388 2509
42 JHFH 1764. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Pla  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 1346 1470 1571 2145 2819 2879 3351 3538
43 GRSO 1765. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 422 obs 336 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 37273 38608 39429 41481 43612 44247 46349 47640
44 IZRK 1766. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 279 277 278 276 278 277 288 293
45 JCGK 1767. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 133 obs 0 to 2009 57 54 55 57 56 59 59 56
46 ZTBQ 1768. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 194 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 107 103 97 95 92 83 79 75
47 JCJM 1769. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 374 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 33 31 28 26 27 24 22 20
48 ZAOJ 1770. Capital consumption: Wood: Vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 322 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 23 25 26 25 24 24 24 24
49 JCNW 1771. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 194 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 96 90 84 74 65 60 54 49
50 JCQM 1772. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1
51 ZOBD 1773. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 217 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 60 52 51 51 49 48 48 47
52 ZNSV 1774. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 47 46 43 40 38 37 33 29
53 ZOCE 1775. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 361 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 31 31 31 29 28 25 24 22
54 JCTZ 1776. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 330 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 82 82 81 78 77 75 72 67
55 ZNNQ 1777. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 437 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 71 66 61 60 58 54 50 43
56 ZNOR 1778. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 8 8 7 6 4 4 5 4
57 ZNPS 1779. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 20 18 15 16 14 14 14 12
58 ZNWZ 1780. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 421 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 11 10 8 7 5 5 4 3
59 ZNQT 1781. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 437 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 21 20 19 17 17 15 13 12
60 ZTJY 1782. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 192 obs 0 to 2009 60 56 49 46 40 38 36 31
61 ZNTW 1783. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 582 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 11
62 JDDK 1784. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 290 obs 191 obs 0 to 2009 10 10 10 18 17 18 28 31
63 JDFB 1785. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 190 obs 0 to 2009 24 23 22 29 27 28 37 42
64 JDGS 1786. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 349 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 56 57 57 59 61 62 64 59
65 JIGY 1787. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 97 obs 119 obs 0 to 2009 691 664 633 614 587 559 544 509
66 JDIJ 1788. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 82 66 56 50 42 36 44 53
67 JDKA 1789. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 545 584 637 655 680 709 725 710
68 JDLR 1790. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 361 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 1218 1247 1281 1327 1322 1331 1315 1278
69 JDNI 1791. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 361 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 75 75 83 89 90 92 93 96
70 JEIY 1792. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 349 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 4892 5308 5471 5517 5696 5914 6094 6217
71 JETP 1793. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 421 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 322 302 290 296 283 259 233 201
72 JEQR 1794. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 5214 5610 5761 5813 5979 6173 6327 6418
73 JEXU 1795. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 571 522 483 441 355 249 196 145
74 AYZX 1796. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 297 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 25 20 23 16 13 9 6 4
75 JEVP 1797. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 596 542 506 457 368 258 202 149
76 JFGJ 1798. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 118 119 115 126 131 137 143 141
77 JFHW 1799. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 982 obs 425 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 2153 2326 2495 2808 3093 3372 3422 3251
78 JFLN 1800. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 982 obs 578 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 800 789 781 775 777 770 745 671
79 JFKA 1801. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 982 obs 526 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 3071 3234 3391 3709 4001 4279 4310 4063
80 JDOZ 1802. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 898 obs 498 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 603 610 601 589 575 565 560 532
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
21274 obs 25739 obs 15228 obs

More years
  3.3.2 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=13333 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEH 1803. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 526 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 50 54 66 68 73 74 78 79
2 JDQQ 1804. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 526 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 95 88 83 77 77 78 74 70
3 JHCQ 1805. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 374 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 136 157 196 219 233 246 265 270
4 JHJE 1806. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 197 obs 342 obs 191 obs 0 to 2009 361 341 342 349 349 342 319 285
5 JHFU 1807. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Veh  CVM NSA real 2006 982 obs 425 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 497 498 538 568 582 588 584 555
6 GRSU 1808. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 282 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 13081 13593 13960 14344 14705 15072 15189 14830
7 EXDG 1809. Capital consumption : dwellings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 24954 25556 26097 26606 27147 27905 28621 29196
8 EXDG 1810. Capital consumption : dwellings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 24954 25556 26097 26606 27147 27905 28621 29196
9 IZQS 1811. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 864 856 839 830 817 807 812 802
10 JABH 1812. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 4269 4327 4333 4319 4318 4364 4370 4374
11 ZTBE 1813. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: PT: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 389 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 347 351 351 351 352 356 357 359
12 JCIU 1814. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: PT: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 319 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 102 101 99 95 95 94 90 90
13 ZANF 1815. Capital consumption: Wood: Buildings  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 319 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 40 40 39 40 39 39 40 39
14 JCMJ 1816. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 142 144 144 145 146 145 144 143
15 JCPI 1817. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 489 482 464 412 355 308 264 219
16 ZOBJ 1818. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 269 271 276 276 279 283 288 289
17 ZNTB 1819. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 62 63 64 64 64 64 66 65
18 ZOCK 1820. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 49 49 51 53 54 57 59 60
19 JCSV 1821. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 194 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 243 238 240 236 234 233 231 228
20 ZNNW 1822. Capital consumption: Machinery and equipment: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 389 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 180 179 176 174 172 171 170 168
21 ZNOX 1823. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 322 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 20 22 22 23 22 23 22 23
22 ZNPY 1824. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 222 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 80 79 76 76 74 73 72 70
23 ZNXF 1825. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 133 obs 0 to 2009 54 53 55 54 55 54 55 55
24 ZNQZ 1826. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 21 23 24 25 25 26 25 26
25 ZTJM 1827. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: PT: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 297 obs 293 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 175 177 177 178 176 176 174 174
26 ZNUC 1828. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 153 153 153 152 151 151 150 149
27 JDCK 1829. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 101 103 105 110 115 114 125 134
28 JDDX 1830. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 254 256 258 262 266 265 275 283
29 JDFO 1831. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 33 36 37 37 38 39 39 41
30 JIFL 1832. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 2385 2387 2376 2323 2270 2230 2197 2158
31 JDHF 1833. Capital consumption: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1219 1208 1198 1195 1200 1243 1311 1426
32 JDIW 1834. Capital consumption: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 111 126 130 138 150 159 170 176
33 JDKN 1835. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 1225 1260 1328 1403 1481 1571 1653 1708
34 JDME 1836. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 543 559 584 614 643 682 724 757
35 JEHY 1837. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 1434 1562 1675 1794 1907 2029 2175 2292
36 JESO 1838. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 303 312 318 324 328 335 341 345
37 JEPR 1839. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 1737 1874 1993 2118 2235 2364 2516 2637
38 JEWU 1840. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 196 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 417 426 436 450 462 477 495 504
39 AYZC 1841. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: IP: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 533 548 561 575 590 606 618 619
40 JEUL 1842. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 361 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 950 974 997 1025 1052 1083 1113 1123
41 JFEW 1843. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 293 obs 293 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 1504 1648 1672 1709 1742 1806 1878 1918
42 JFGW 1844. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 514 obs 366 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 55 56 57 58 58 58 58 58
43 JFKN 1845. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 502 obs 265 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 288 308 320 326 345 375 404 421
44 JFIJ 1846. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 335 obs 306 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 1847 2012 2049 2093 2145 2239 2340 2397
45 JDNV 1847. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 323 obs 302 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 4314 4408 4493 4566 4646 4763 4905 5056
46 JHDD 1848. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 335 obs 339 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 1843 1895 1951 2006 2063 2130 2209 2308
47 JDPM 1849. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 323 obs 302 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 1327 1382 1429 1293 1209 1323 1375 1450
48 JHBQ 1850. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 526 obs 370 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 637 673 695 716 733 752 772 799
49 JHHR 1851. Capital consumption: Membership organisations and other service activiti  CVM NSA real 2006 982 obs 423 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 620 641 762 835 900 978 1064 1142
50 JHEU 1852. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Bui  CVM NSA real 2006 526 obs 370 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 1257 1314 1457 1551 1633 1730 1836 1941
51 GRSI 1853. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 722 obs 339 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 23846 24549 25139 25467 25860 26684 27523 28230
52 CHBO 1854. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Agriculture: CVM.  NSA real 2006 526 obs 273 obs 128 obs 0 to 2009 27 30 32 34 36 36 36 38
53 JABU 1855. Capital consumption: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 514 obs 366 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 1180 1008 879 781 697 631 564 537
54 GQMG 1856. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 526 obs 370 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 43 48 44 41 35 30 25 18
55 GQMM 1857. Capital consumption: Textiles & clothes: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA real 2006 598 obs 245 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 11 14 12 11 10 9 7 6
56 JCMW 1858. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 209 obs 265 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 526 538 541 546 542 546 558 564
57 GQMY 1859. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 53 63 68 73 82 86 89 90
58 GQNE 1860. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible: computer softw NSA real 2006 184 obs 277 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 250 277 296 302 294 284 276 260
59 GQNK 1861. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 184 obs 196 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
60 GQNQ 1862. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 160 obs 219 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 98 99 102 105 109 109 107 104
61 GQNW 1863. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 184 obs 196 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 157 169 183 194 199 210 220 224
62 GQOC 1864. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 371 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 236 247 255 263 267 255 244 224
63 GQOI 1865. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 256 259 262 257 273 290 304 310
64 GPRQ 1866. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA real 2006 184 obs 99 obs 123 obs 0 to 2009 74 86 92 98 101 107 111 114
65 JIFY 1867. Capital consumption: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 184 obs 233 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 1709 1805 1860 1894 1916 1929 1944 1916
66 CHMP 1868. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Elec; Gas & Water: ( CVM)  NSA real 2006 184 obs 196 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 238 234 229 218 213 213 214 225
67 CHMR 1869. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Construction: CVM  NSA real 2006 184 obs 196 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 172 197 212 216 223 238 246 245
68 GPRW 1870. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 184 obs 277 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 985 1058 1122 1169 1207 1233 1255 1251
69 GPSC 1871. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 184 obs 225 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 78 90 93 89 92 95 92 87
70 CIBQ 1872. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Transport: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 830 944 1064 1155 1253 1317 1376 1417
71 NTET 1873. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Financial corporations: (KP) � mil NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2042 2202 2343 2450 2531 2637 2715 2769
72 GPSI 1874. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 1649 1817 1998 2219 2466 2631 2778 2919
73 GPSO 1875. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: Intangible: computer software: NSA real 2006 184 obs 196 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 265 295 274 251 219 186 151 114
74 GQOO 1876. Capital consumption: Education: WE: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 184 obs 253 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 243 181 271 344 457 560 649 784
75 GPSU 1877. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible: computer so NSA real 2006 184 obs 99 obs 100 obs 0 to 2009 162 181 174 163 149 135 119 101
76 JHKI 1878. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1956 2069 2175 2261 2355 2487 2617 2752
77 GRYP 1879. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 322 obs 339 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 11511 12100 12716 13239 13812 14324 14747 15140
78 EXDH 1880. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 409 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 18804 16087 21546 18574 21566 21661 12417 15071
79 EXDH 1881. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 409 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 18804 16087 21546 18574 21566 21661 12417 15071
80 JJJZ 1882. Capital consumption: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 3243 3151 3095 2970 2915 2825 2822 2812
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
25440 obs 22950 obs 13333 obs

More years
  3.3.2 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=9491 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIGR 1883. Consumption of fixed capital: Mining & quarrying CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 7099 6882 6671 6477 6322 6207 6131 6059
2 GRMS 1884. Capital consumption: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 443 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 2216 2239 2221 2214 2196 2185 2154 2095
3 JJMP 1885. Capital consumption: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 527 507 473 446 427 406 377 358
4 GRNK 1886. Capital consumption: Wood: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 208 213 213 208 204 202 197 187
5 GRNQ 1887. Capital consumption: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 2261 2302 2139 2138 2083 2018 1954 1879
6 GRNW 1888. Capital consumption: Fuels: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 1144 1114 1076 1004 927 850 790 715
7 GROC 1889. Capital consumption: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 2676 2643 2660 2686 2728 2778 2798 2763
8 GROI 1890. Capital consumption: Rubber & plastic: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 902 900 823 798 772 752 723 687
9 GROO 1891. Capital consumption: Other mineral products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 606 612 612 601 599 595 592 571
10 GROU 1892. Capital consumption: Metals & metal products: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 1520 1506 1498 1473 1457 1442 1420 1362
11 GRPA 1893. Capital consumption: Machinery & equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 175 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 1349 1321 1277 1237 1185 1146 1107 1054
12 JJAT 1894. Capital consumption: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 163 158 153 150 140 133 129 128
13 JJBG 1895. Capital consumption: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 520 496 467 442 416 385 374 340
14 JJBT 1896. Capital consumption: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 78 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 780 733 688 628 555 494 442 390
15 JJEJ 1897. Capital consumption: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   196 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 304 306 302 299 290 285 278 270
16 GQOC 1898. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 371 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 236 247 255 263 267 255 244 224
17 GRPG 1899. Capital consumption: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2003 1940 1865 1782 1668 1552 1467 1352
18 JJEW 1900. Capital consumption: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; v  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 1701 1669 1505 1494 1491 1470 1453 1415
19 JJFJ 1901. Capital consumption: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 475 492 524 586 670 736 779 810
20 GQOI 1902. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible: computer software:  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 256 259 262 257 273 290 304 310
21 GRPM 1903. Capital consumption: Transport equipment: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2432 2420 2291 2337 2434 2496 2536 2535
22 GRPS 1904. Capital consumption: Other manufacturing: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 450 470 463 475 485 491 498 489
23 CIGS 1905. Consumption of fixed capital: Manufacturing CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 18294 18187 17611 17399 17165 16913 16613 16047
24 CIGT 1906. Consumption of fixed capital: Electric; gas & water CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4283 4324 4421 4593 4727 4885 5033 5207
25 CIGU 1907. Consumption of fixed capital: Construction CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 1440 1557 1719 1791 1886 1995 2060 2053
26 GRQG 1908. Capital consumption: Distribution: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 7409 7784 8247 8693 9075 9513 9990 10043
27 GRQM 1909. Capital consumption: Hotels and restaurants: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1843 2032 1802 2015 2249 2553 2830 3107
28 JJOC 1910. Capital consumption: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; p  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 6936 7593 8064 8418 8888 9282 9627 9836
29 JJOP 1911. Capital consumption: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4485 4588 4747 4918 5071 5248 5448 5620
30 CIBQ 1912. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Transport: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 830 944 1064 1155 1253 1317 1376 1417
31 GRQS 1913. Capital consumption: Transport and communications: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 12251 13125 13875 14491 15212 15847 16451 16873
32 JJPC 1914. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2128 2299 2361 2457 2484 2459 2815 3163
33 JJFW 1915. Capital consumption: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 636 650 679 713 736 751 801 827
34 NTET 1916. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Computer software: Financial corporations: (KP) � mil NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 2042 2202 2343 2450 2531 2637 2715 2769
35 GRQY 1917. Capital consumption: Financial intermediation: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 4806 5151 5383 5620 5751 5847 6331 6759
36 EXDG 1918. Capital consumption : dwellings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 24954 25556 26097 26606 27147 27905 28621 29196
37 JJIM 1919. Capital consumption: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 1792 1988 2082 2211 2347 2495 2784 3099
38 JJIZ 1920. Capital consumption: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 235 obs 370 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 3347 3520 3676 4020 4303 4637 4708 4492
39 JJPP 1921. Capital consumption: Computer activities;research and business services:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 243 obs 370 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 2810 3209 3541 3782 4022 3831 4124 4340
40 GPSI 1922. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible: computer NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 1649 1817 1998 2219 2466 2631 2778 2919
41 GRRE 1923. Capital consumption: Real estate; renting & business: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 9598 10534 11297 12232 13138 13594 14394 14850
42 GRRK 1924. Capital consumption: Public administration: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 5814 6095 6420 6658 6799 6852 6880 6892
43 GRRQ 1925. Capital consumption: Education: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2250 2268 2514 2739 3013 3234 3468 3778
44 GRRW 1926. Capital consumption: Health & social work; welfare: WE: asset=bpvi:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 201 obs 0 to 2009 2329 2426 2505 2367 2324 2367 2374 2418
45 JJJM 1927. Capital consumption: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1330 1452 1562 1667 1757 1872 2000 2098
46 JKND 1928. Capital consumption : Membership Orgs & other: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 1720 1788 1947 2579 3301 3336 3814 4092
47 JHKI 1929. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Int  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1956 2069 2175 2261 2355 2487 2617 2752
48 GRSC 1930. Capital consumption: Other community; social & personal service: WE: asset=bpvi NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   351 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 5006 5309 5684 6507 7413 7695 8431 8942
49 EXDH 1931. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 487 obs 409 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 18804 16087 21546 18574 21566 21661 12417 15071
50 CIHA 1932. Consumption of fixed capital: Total CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 258 obs 402 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 129469 130493 138887 139711 146702 149893 144846 150107
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
8706 obs 16344 obs 9491 obs

More years
  4 Consumption Of Fixed Capital: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=11667 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIHD 1933. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 1448 1498 1549 1609 1678 1713 1761 1802
2 CIHC 1934. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 1287 1325 1358 1405 1458 1499 1539 1579
3 EXFB 1935. Central govt: capital consumption CRC: dwellings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 97 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 123 131 136 144 150 155 158 165
4 CIHB 1936. Consumption of fixed capital: Dwellings: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 97 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 19842 20680 21504 22550 23861 24928 25987 26926
5 EXCT 1937. Consumption of Fixed Capital: Dwellings: Whole Economy; (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 22700 23634 24547 25708 27147 28295 29445 30472
6 GPMO 1938. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 14 obs 196 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 1116 1172 1119 1113 1102 1093 1065 1058
7 GPPO 1939. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 11746 12257 13073 13451 13891 14458 15059 15587
8 GRVO 1940. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 943 945 995 1024 1052 1083 1113 1123
9 GPIS 1941. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 197 obs 0 to 2009 3462 3574 3747 3834 4026 4308 4543 4738
10 GPLW 1942. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 48 obs 196 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 3064 3245 3496 3838 4253 4504 4766 5055
11 GPQG 1943. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 377 397 395 396 413 425 452 441
12 GPOW 1944. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 922 941 1039 1081 1123 1176 1233 1304
13 GRUE 1945. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1299 1338 1434 1477 1536 1601 1685 1745
14 GRSH 1946. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 196 obs 0 to 2009 21630 22531 23864 24737 25860 27047 28231 29306
15 GPMU 1947. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 235 obs 274 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 618 650 609 694 718 742 799 817
16 GPPU 1948. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 274 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 33766 34115 33650 34642 34869 35130 37103 39463
17 GRWA 1949. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 274 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 1547 1664 1767 1802 1798 1785 2111 2400
18 GPIY 1950. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 177 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1355 1431 1491 1563 1537 1445 1453 1569
19 GPMC 1951. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 362 424 563 705 729 728 747 772
20 GPQM 1952. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 2923 3099 3059 3200 3159 3076 3323 3615
21 GPPC 1953. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 436 479 623 708 802 885 996 1180
22 GRVC 1954. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 3359 3578 3682 3908 3961 3961 4319 4795
23 GRSN 1955. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 383 obs 196 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 41007 41862 41762 43314 43612 43791 46532 49816
24 GPNA 1956. Capital consumption: Total: PC: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 197 191 188 193 189 181 183 196
25 GPQA 1957. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 10021 10602 11029 11539 12164 12638 13342 14280
26 GRWG 1958. Capital consumption: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 562 520 505 456 367 258 202 151
27 GPJE 1959. Capital consumption: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 478 465 441 424 411 397 385 351
28 GPMI 1960. Capital consumption: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 229 233 244 262 275 296 320 349
29 GPQS 1961. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 1090 1091 1108 1145 1180 1220 1282 1365
30 GPPI 1962. Capital consumption: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 236 obs 0 to 2009 90 96 104 110 119 125 132 136
31 GRVI 1963. Capital consumption: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 395 obs 274 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 1180 1187 1212 1255 1299 1345 1414 1501
32 GRST 1964. Capital consumption: Total: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 274 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 12667 13198 13619 14129 14705 15115 15846 16828
33 GPUP 1965. Capital consumption: Total: PR: Land:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 1738 1688 2618 2538 3236 3607 2099 2215
34 EXHU 1966. Local Authority non trading transfer costs CS13 (Cap. Cons)CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 214 obs 0 to 2009 744 723 730 737 744 751 758 770
35 GPUN 1967. Capital consumption: Total: HH: Land:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 383 obs 365 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 9928 9648 14104 13650 17586 19695 11106 12006
36 EXCU 1968. Capital consumption : transfer costs of land & buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 14991
37 BGTZ 1969. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Public Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 425 466 513 560 612 664 718 772
38 BGTX 1970. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: PNFCs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 8004 8430 9008 9353 9941 10341 10714 11084
39 BGTY 1971. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Financial Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 1988 2159 2342 2425 2531 2636 2714 2768
40 BGUA 1972. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Central Government CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 130 114 89 63 53 53 47 46
41 BGUB 1973. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Local Authorities CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 243 273 303 304 323 320 292 273
42 NTFM 1974. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. Households. CP NSA.  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 244 obs 0 to 2009 74 82 92 97 105 110 116 119
43 NTFQ 1975. ESA: ConsFixedCap. Computer software. NPISHs. CP NSA.  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 170 191 213 228 247 260 272 279
44 BGTW 1976. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Households CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 244 273 305 325 352 370 388 398
45 BGUC 1977. Con fixed cap: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 618 obs 443 obs 295 obs 0 to 2009 11034 11715 12560 13030 13812 14384 14873 15341
46 NSRM 1978. Consumption of fixed capital for public corporations NSA nominal { 2nd } 458 obs 443 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 3804 3977 3978 4169 4299 4393 4526 4645
47 NSRK 1979. AS:PR:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 986 obs 274 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 66562 68417 70736 72928 75559 77673 79856 84208
48 NHCE 1980. FC: FC: Prod acc: Uses: K.1: Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 5040 5288 5609 5707 5748 5762 6140 6442
49 NSRN 1981. Public sector finances: Central Government: Depreciation: : CPNSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5548 5715 5904 6028 6177 6358 6586 6869
50 NSRO 1982. ESA:LA:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital. NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 4642 4898 5336 5846 6324 6599 6883 7219
51 HAZH 1983. AS:HH:K.1:Consumption of fixed capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 34234 34997 40262 41038 46304 49454 42266 44472
52 HACB 1984. AS:NP:K.1:less Consumption of Fixed Capital NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 1618 1707 1979 2127 2291 2446 2633 2899
53 QWLL 1985. ESA:HN:K.1;CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 35852 36704 42241 43165 48595 51900 44899 47371
54 NQAE 1986. Consumption of Fixed Capital: All Fixed Assets: Whole Economy: (CP) � mil NSA nominal { 2nd } 433 obs 274 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 121448 124999 133804 137843 146702 152685 148890 156754
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  PC = public corporation
  ONS = Office of National Statistics
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
  CPNSA = current prices, not seas adj
23340 obs 15853 obs 11667 obs

More years
  4.1.1 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=11538 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DCFU 1987. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 456 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 1654 1736 1910 1849 1854 2019 2090 1982
2 DFTU 1988. Total Economy: GDFCF: P & M: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 462 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 375 657 477 443 568 932 938 851
3 IMXP 1989. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 500 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 1826 1891 1516 1664 1547 1807 1786 1552
4 IMXQ 1990. Capex : Textiles & leather : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 440 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 278 190 108 131 116 146 170 123
5 IMZA 1991. Capex : Wood & wood products : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 361 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 84 145 120 111 93 131 82 84
6 YGJX 1992. GFCF: Plant: WE: Paper; publishing & printing : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 251 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 1308 1501 1087 1302 704 472 380 297
7 YGSN 1993. GFCF: Plant: WE: Fuels: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 327 331 250 219 73 72 276 121
8 IMZF 1994. Capex : Chemicals : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 480 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 1776 1548 2241 2371 2523 2714 2399 1931
9 IMZG 1995. Capex : Rubber & plastics : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 568 634 446 423 409 497 449 385
10 IMZH 1996. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 507 492 360 351 468 523 499 299
11 YGKB 1997. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metals & metal products: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   307 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 974 968 942 755 789 899 953 613
12 IMZK 1998. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 545 528 401 438 370 419 406 426
13 IMZL 1999. Capex : Office machinery & computers : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 160 obs 0 to 2009 94 94 58 68 52 10 44 41
14 KWPZ 2000. Capex : Electrical machinery : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 129 obs 0 to 2009 -26 201 186 160 155 182 224 126
15 KWQI 2001. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 352 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 369 198 119 -37 94 56 39 26
16 IMZN 2002. Capex : Medical equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 129 obs 0 to 2009 270 203 226 255 188 211 146 172
17 IMXZ 2003. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 707 696 589 446 489 459 453 365
18 IMZO 2004. Capex : Motor vehicles : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 1087 947 1059 1044 1181 1121 1210 1021
19 RNFA 2005. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 693 476 1035 825 1186 1292 678 729
20 YGKD 2006. GFCF: Plant: WE: Transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 1780 1423 2094 1869 2367 2413 1888 1750
21 XYOU 2007. GFCF Plant: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 349 259 333 265 302 298 287 165
22 GGBX 2008. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 115 obs 0 to 2009 11029 10606 10487 10345 10250 10850 10028 8111
23 DFTV 2009. Total Economy: GDFCF: P&M: Electricity; gas and water NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 3865 4089 1936 2578 3054 3990 4558 4183
24 IMXF 2010. Capex : Construction : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 1570 1422 2288 1420 1616 1700 1334 795
25 YGKH 2011. GFCF: Plant: WE: Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 393 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 7502 7605 10095 9634 9227 11163 10296 8703
26 IMXI 2012. Capex : Hotels & catering : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 1958 1839 3661 3271 3445 3790 3648 2713
27 JGRH 2013. GFCF: Transport & Storage: P&M CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 349 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 2246 2419 1993 1980 2126 2500 2650 2327
28 JGRK 2014. GFCF: Post and Telecom: P&M CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 349 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 7852 5750 6302 6461 6891 6939 6568 6077
29 DCGA 2015. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 122 obs 0 to 2009 10098 8169 8295 8441 9017 9439 9218 8404
30 JGRN 2016. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: P&M:CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 3826 2808 2354 2845 3001 3621 4061 2807
31 XXYA 2017. GFCF: PT: Plant: Insurance & Pension funds: A60 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 28 146 213 324 262 185 348 158
32 IMXK 2018. Capex : Other finance : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 3854 2954 2567 3169 3263 3806 4409 2965
33 TKVL 2019. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant and machinery: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 806 950 1000 1099 1239 1668 2185 2529
34 IMXM 2020. Capex : Hiring : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 92 obs 0 to 2009 1344 1173 877 1459 1538 1763 1407 635
35 JGRQ 2021. GFCF: Other business activities: P&M; CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 98 obs 0 to 2009 5914 5792 4705 4389 5292 6541 5585 4360
36 YGKJ 2022. GFCF: Plant: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 69 obs 0 to 2009 8064 7915 6582 6947 8069 9972 9177 7524
37 RXZX 2023. GFCF: Plant: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 650 obs 412 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 1924 2096 982 1678 1348 1513 1680 2052
38 DFNY 2024. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 846 774 1083 997 1084 1132 1255 1427
39 DFGC 2025. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 1098 887 771 775 845 659 586 647
40 DFNZ 2026. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 316 obs 101 obs 0 to 2009 1133 1318 1124 1366 1521 1841 2126 1767
41 JGRT 2027. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational cultural and sporting: P&M CP NSA; NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 2294 2549 5864 6225 6336 6605 6494 3952
42 YGKN 2028. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 316 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 3427 3867 6988 7591 7857 8446 8620 5719
43 DLXI 2029. GFCF:Total Economy:Total Other Machinery & Equipment & Cultivated Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 437 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 57264 54616 58122 59138 61497 69411 67837 56076
44 DCGD 2030. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 485 obs 357 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 276 241 289 329 318 345 383 355
45 DFTS 2031. Total Economy:GDFCF:CPNSA:Vehicles:Mining & Quarrying incl. Oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 284 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 156 51 64 33 19 21 30 6
46 IMME 2032. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 92 obs 0 to 2009 56 96 68 80 68 56 62 57
47 IMMF 2033. Capex : Textiles & leather : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 348 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 18 27 17 13 14 17 8 6
48 IMNP 2034. Capex : Wood & wood products : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 26 38 30 17 16 29 28 13
49 YGQV 2035. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 81 68 49 42 22 28 27 12
50 YGSV 2036. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Fuels: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 404 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2
51 IMNU 2037. Capex : Chemicals : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 46 29 61 62 58 51 58 38
52 IMNV 2038. Capex : Rubber & plastics : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 340 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34 39 24 21 28 30 17 18
53 IMNW 2039. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 92 obs 322 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 21 36 22 19 18 25 19 3
54 YGTN 2040. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metals & metal products: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 119 obs 232 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 89 83 74 59 61 68 52 27
55 IMNZ 2041. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 59 39 38 58 34 15 29 22
56 IMOA 2042. Capex : Office machinery & computers : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 7 3 3 3 1 4 4 1
57 KWPW 2043. Capex : Electrical machinery : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 -2 14 12 19 13 12 16 8
58 KWQF 2044. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 1 4 2 0 1 1 4 4
59 IMOC 2045. Capex : Medical equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 23 11 11 15 13 3 6 5
60 IMMO 2046. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 29 32 28 37 28 20 30 18
61 IMOD 2047. Capex : Motor vehicles : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 8 9 17 16 1 13 11 3
62 RNFK 2048. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 12 6 10 103 0 30 127 39
63 YGLN 2049. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 20 15 27 119 1 43 138 42
64 YGLP 2050. GFCF: Vehicles: WE:Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 56 49 51 56 81 70 79 34
65 GGBW 2051. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 535 551 490 583 429 453 548 292
66 DFTT 2052. Total Economy: GDFCF: Vehicles: Electricity Gas and Water NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 337 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 -3 40 13 15 24 32 167 158
67 IMLU 2053. Capex : Construction : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 341 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 958 748 938 734 786 775 673 430
68 YGLR 2054. GFCF: Vehicles: WE:Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 337 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 1521 1362 1425 1671 1220 1224 1065 910
69 IMLX 2055. Capex : Hotels & catering : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 79 75 153 112 92 116 70 100
70 JGRJ 2056. GFCF: Transport & Storage: Vehicles CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 7549 6927 5067 4276 5367 5823 6990 7129
71 JGRM 2057. GFCF: Post and Telecom: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 184 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 116 99 105 257 117 66 137 124
72 DCGJ 2058. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 7665 7026 5172 4533 5484 5889 7127 7253
73 JGRP 2059. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 84 obs 0 to 2009 179 130 22 76 -5 105 21 23
74 XXVF 2060. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Insurance & pension funds: Total: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 0 -21 84 -11 2 2 -5 -4
75 XXUG 2061. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Financial intermediation: Total: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 179 109 106 65 -3 107 16 19
76 TKVP 2062. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 113 86 86 205 203 191 200 113
77 TKTX 2063. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Hiring: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 725 obs 437 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 3169 3423 3172 4872 4833 4782 2754 1378
78 JGRS 2064. GFCF: Other business activities: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 868 obs 637 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 632 563 492 468 506 565 555 340
79 YGLT 2065. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 868 obs 637 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 3914 4072 3750 5545 5542 5538 3509 1831
80 RXZZ 2066. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 497 703 273 233 268 335 279 331
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
  CPNSA = current prices, not seas adj
19355 obs 25024 obs 11538 obs

More years
  4.1.1 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=12200 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DFMO 2067. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 59 93 158 67 84 74 72 90
2 DFGD 2068. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C95 NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 130 62 81 57 77 66 51 38
3 DFMQ 2069. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 188 254 477 291 247 251 289 208
4 JGRV 2070. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational; cultural and sporting: Vehicles NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 160 205 312 335 268 256 291 93
5 YGLX 2071. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 348 459 789 626 515 507 580 301
6 DLWZ 2072. Gross Fixed Capital Formation :Total Economy:Total Transport Equipment: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 538 obs 526 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 16314 15592 13701 14603 14855 15482 14570 12114
7 DFDK 2073. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 6th } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
8 DFDK 2074. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 2nd } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
9 DCFL 2075. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 573 obs 378 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 565 652 674 690 728 741 1117 677
10 DFTY 2076. Total Economy: GDFCF: Buildings: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 754 obs 533 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 4291 3629 3438 3336 3617 4355 3872 3926
11 IMAT 2077. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 754 obs 621 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 236 314 211 196 293 371 321 269
12 IMAU 2078. Capex : Textiles & leather : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 665 obs 493 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 21 10 15 14 18 13 25 30
13 IMCE 2079. Capex : Wood & wood products : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 871 obs 569 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 73 14 28 20 33 33 39 10
14 YGIN 2080. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Paper; publishing & printing : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 735 obs 529 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 91 123 81 129 85 92 81 25
15 YGIP 2081. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Fuels : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 446 obs 344 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 375 363 327 -95 -144 -10 22 28
16 IMCJ 2082. Capex : Chemicals : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 293 272 441 237 355 468 427 318
17 IMCK 2083. Capex : Rubber & plastics : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 71 60 68 34 38 45 75 25
18 IMCL 2084. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 68 40 96 159 127 162 166 57
19 YGIR 2085. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Metals & metal products : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 485 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 89 80 53 100 168 137 108 116
20 IMCO 2086. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 56 52 23 40 46 121 87 37
21 IMCP 2087. Capex : Office machinery & computers : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 748 obs 196 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 24 1 1 5 4 3 0 3
22 KWPT 2088. Capex : Electrical machinery : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 1 10 11 12 16 16 39 17
23 KWQC 2089. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 23 8 6 0 2 6 11 4
24 IMCR 2090. Capex : Medical equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 61 66 25 60 25 29 15 21
25 IMBD 2091. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 146 obs 0 to 2009 109 85 43 77 47 54 65 45
26 IMCS 2092. Capex : Motor vehicles : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs --   89 obs 0 to 2009 99 131 136 66 101 91 101 91
27 RABC 2093. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 103 39 140 555 256 255 705 757
28 YGIT 2094. GFCF: Buildings: WE: TRansport equipment : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   250 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 202 170 276 621 357 346 806 848
29 YGIV 2095. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 129 obs 347 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 25 170 41 30 53 86 129 113
30 GGBY 2096. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   455 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 1709 1753 1703 1562 1476 1918 2351 1921
31 DFTZ 2097. Total Economy: GDFCF: Buildings: Electricity; gas and water NSA nominal { 2nd } --   455 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 1201 998 940 1406 2298 3309 3954 5111
32 IMBK 2098. Capex : Construction : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 701 1041 508 644 914 827 780 648
33 YGIX 2099. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 3788 2969 5706 6299 6795 7394 6535 4764
34 IMAM 2100. Capex : Hotels & catering : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 1668 1225 2099 2537 2550 3062 3534 2581
35 JGRI 2101. GFCF: Transport & Storage: Buildings CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 6026 6899 7421 7681 7622 7371 8464 7292
36 JGRL 2102. GFCF: Post and Telecom: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 468 357 588 443 245 457 512 305
37 DCFR 2103. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 6494 7256 8009 8124 7867 7828 8976 7597
38 JGRO 2104. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 627 953 611 1249 1113 1197 1403 910
39 XXVH 2105. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Insurance and pension funds: A60 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 1381 1137 991 1232 1301 1241 966 125
40 XXWE 2106. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Financial intermediation: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 2008 2090 1602 2481 2414 2438 2369 1035
41 TKVH 2107. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   368 obs 123 obs 0 to 2009 8654 10467 2008 3165 3132 5232 6132 3600
42 IMAQ 2108. Capex : Hiring : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 105 47 43 22 77 54 42 36
43 JGRR 2109. GFCF:Other business activities: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   419 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 1015 1028 828 766 1399 2365 2274 1483
44 YGIZ 2110. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 127 obs 362 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 9774 11542 2879 3953 4608 7651 8448 5119
45 RXZV 2111. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 285 obs 343 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 5848 8141 10104 10447 10357 11408 13873 14145
46 DFOZ 2112. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 285 obs 440 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 3508 3870 4852 5477 6071 6306 7815 8760
47 DFGB 2113. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } 108 obs 440 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 2434 3146 3547 3590 4021 4675 5754 6169
48 DFPA 2114. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 425 obs 372 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 1515 2231 1643 1739 1576 1539 1728 2056
49 JGRU 2115. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational; cultural and sporting: Buildings: NSA nominal { 2nd } 256 obs 413 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 2028 1810 4040 5560 5162 5304 5867 4360
50 YGJD 2116. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 3543 4041 5683 7299 6738 6843 7595 6416
51 DLWS 2117. ESA:GFCF:Total Economy:Total of Other Buildings & Structures NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 47532 52353 51744 57845 60454 68755 76973 68869
52 RXVX 2118. GFCF: Computer Software: Agriculture & forestry: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 20 20 34 38 40 33 39 47
53 HJOG 2119. GFCF: WE Intangible Asset: Mining & Quarrying; CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 408 351 410 420 547 657 561 625
54 RXWB 2120. GFCF: Computer Software: Food; drink & tobacco: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23
55 RXWD 2121. GFCF: Computer Software: Textiles: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 242 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7
56 HJOI 2122. GFCF: Intangible assets: publishing & printing: DE. CP NSA  NSA nominal { 2nd } 92 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 463 505 460 483 481 494 525 542
57 RXWH 2123. GFCF: Computer Software: Fuels: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 63 76 72 80 109 85 95 96
58 RXWJ 2124. GFCF: Computer Software: Chemicals: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   145 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 273 339 314 285 243 243 241 253
59 RXWL 2125. GFCF: Computer Software: Other mineral products: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   112 obs 81 obs 0 to 2009 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
60 RXWN 2126. GFCF: Computer Software: Metal and metal products: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 79 98 119 114 114 94 88 96
61 RXWP 2127. GFCF: Computer Software :Machinery and equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 15 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 171 207 218 216 206 225 237 248
62 RXWR 2128. GFCF: Computer Software: Electrical & optical equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   200 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 238 267 258 274 261 203 194 161
63 RXWT 2129. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 145 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 235 284 297 237 314 340 341 343
64 RXWV 2130. GFCF: Computer Software: Other Manufacturing: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 64 obs 116 obs 82 obs 0 to 2009 88 106 101 106 96 121 128 134
65 EQEE 2131. ESA:GFCF:Manufacturing:Intangible Fixed Assets:Private sector: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 60 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 1630 1903 1862 1819 1849 1833 1878 1906
66 RXWX 2132. GFCF: Computer Software: Electricity; gas & water: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 338 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 260 178 181 173 215 260 273 275
67 RXWZ 2133. GFCF: Computer Software: Construction: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 475 obs 273 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 181 245 214 202 202 292 293 289
68 RXXB 2134. GFCF: Computer Software: Distribution: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 271 obs 120 obs 0 to 2009 1053 1268 1288 1231 1248 1242 1272 1318
69 RXXD 2135. GFCF: Computer Software: Hotels & restaurants: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 586 obs 379 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 82 118 90 55 94 89 94 100
70 RXXF 2136. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport & communication: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 382 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 1107 1237 1341 1268 1452 1452 1525 1562
71 NPNX 2137. ESA:GFCF - computer software. Financial corporations. CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 341 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 2455 2630 2534 2552 2650 2936 3063 3159
72 RXXH 2138. GFCF: Computer Software: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 341 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 2253 2450 2414 2789 3095 2911 3159 3360
73 RXXJ 2139. GFCF: Computer Software: Public Administration : CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 475 obs 466 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 87 93 100 106 114 122 131 140
74 RXXP 2140. GFCF: Computer Software: Education: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 465 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 686 736 762 729 848 837 797 875
75 RXXL 2141. GFCF: Computer Software: Health & social work : CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 402 obs 338 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 77 86 92 96 95 109 113 123
76 HJOZ 2142. GFCF: Intangible Asset: Industry O; CP;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 474 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 2315 2535 2807 2888 3082 3276 3528 3812
77 DLXP 2143. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total Intangible Fixed Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 470 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 12614 13850 14129 14366 15531 16049 16726 17591
78 DFBH 2144. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 6th } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
79 DFBH 2145. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
80 DFKI 2146. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: D0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 425 obs 265 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 2515 2649 2907 2906 2940 3138 3629 3061
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
22896 obs 27285 obs 12200 obs

More years
  4.1.1 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=3540 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DFTO 2147. Total Economy: GDFCF: BPV: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 5230 4688 4389 4232 4751 5965 5401 5408
2 INIR 2148. Capex : Manu : Food; Drink & Tobacco : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 75 obs 242 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 2132 2316 1811 1957 1926 2254 2190 1901
3 INIS 2149. Capex : Manu : Textiles & Leather : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   209 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 321 231 145 163 153 182 209 166
4 RXZM 2150. GFCF: PT: BPVI: Wood: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 213 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 183 197 178 148 142 193 149 107
5 YGNC 2151. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 96 obs 0 to 2009 1943 2197 1677 1956 1292 1086 1013 876
6 YGND 2152. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Fuels: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 84 obs 0 to 2009 765 770 650 204 38 148 394 247
7 INIW 2153. Capex : Manufacturing : Chemicals : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 99 obs 0 to 2009 2388 2188 3057 2955 3179 3476 3125 2540
8 YGSE 2154. GFCF:PT: BPVI: Rubber & plastic: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 143 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 673 733 538 478 475 572 541 428
9 INIX 2155. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 203 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 598 570 480 531 615 712 686 362
10 YGOQ 2156. GFCF: BPVI:WE: Metals & metal products: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 199 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 1231 1229 1188 1028 1132 1198 1201 852
11 INIZ 2157. Capex : Machinery & eqpt : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 102 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 831 826 680 752 656 780 759 733
12 INJA 2158. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 599 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 1083 1080 918 834 825 736 742 589
13 YGOT 2159. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Transport equipment: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 256 obs 544 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 2237 1892 2694 2846 3039 3142 3173 2983
14 YGNF 2160. GFCF BPVI: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 295 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 518 584 526 457 532 575 623 446
15 DFDD 2161. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: Manufacturing (Revised def.) NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 542 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 14903 14813 14542 14309 14004 15054 14805 12230
16 DFTP 2162. Total Economy: GDFCF: BPV: Electricity; Gas and Water supply NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 598 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5323 5305 3070 4172 5591 7591 8952 9727
17 KWOD 2163. Capex : Construction : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 3410 3456 3948 3000 3518 3594 3080 2162
18 YHFA 2164. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Distribution CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 13864 13204 18514 18835 18490 21023 19168 15695
19 DFPP 2165. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C66 NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 3787 3257 6003 5975 6181 7057 7346 5494
20 DFDI 2166. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 25364 23688 22817 22366 23820 24608 26846 24816
21 YGNG 2167. GFCF: BPVI: PT: financial intermediation: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 137 obs 0 to 2009 8496 7783 6809 8267 8324 9287 9857 7178
22 DFDK 2168. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 2nd } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
23 YHFD 2169. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Real estate; renting & business:CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 24005 25979 15625 19234 21314 26072 24293 17834
24 YGNH 2170. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 8356 11033 11459 12464 12087 13378 15963 16668
25 DFQA 2171. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 5099 5473 6855 7270 8087 8349 9939 11152
26 DFQB 2172. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 56 obs 0 to 2009 3739 4181 4491 4518 5038 5509 6504 6977
27 YGNI 2173. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 9633 10902 16267 18404 18192 19072 20323 16248
28 DFBH 2174. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
29 NPQX 2175. Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation CP NSA  NSA nominal { 2nd } 170 obs 252 obs 93 obs 0 to 2009 180617 187011 199438 210807 227234 249517 240361 205063
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
2737 obs 8606 obs 3540 obs

More years
  4.1.2 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=11740 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 TJVA 2176. GFCF:Whole economy:Plant & machinery:Agriculture; forestry & fishing:CVM NSA NSA real 2006 170 obs 252 obs 93 obs 0 to 2009 1706 1575 1886 1876 1854 1943 1890 1671
2 TJYU 2177. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Mining & quarrying: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 336 obs 308 obs 100 obs 0 to 2009 398 703 501 447 568 933 898 767
3 INBK 2178. Capex:Food; beverages & tobacco:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 336 obs 308 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 1846 1871 1546 1682 1547 1649 1445 1087
4 INBL 2179. Capex:Textiles & leather:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 336 obs 308 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 273 190 107 131 116 145 167 117
5 INCV 2180. Capex:Wood & wood products:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 336 obs 308 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 86 149 124 114 93 131 79 75
6 YGJY 2181. GFCF: Plant: WE: Paper; publishing & printing:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 336 obs 308 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 1290 1474 1083 1298 704 471 366 268
7 YGSO 2182. GFCF: Plant: WE: Fuels: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 338 obs 404 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 324 329 250 219 73 71 264 110
8 INDA 2183. Capex:Chemicals:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 175 obs 305 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 1702 1505 2213 2368 2523 2708 2324 1764
9 INDB 2184. Capex:Rubber & plastics:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 175 obs 155 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 566 644 458 429 409 491 428 342
10 INDC 2185. Capex:Non-metallic mineral products:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 319 obs 252 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 505 495 364 353 468 518 478 273
11 YGKC 2186. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metals & metal products: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 206 obs 252 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 974 980 964 769 789 897 932 570
12 INDF 2187. Capex:Machinery & equipment nes:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 166 obs 155 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 541 525 403 441 370 419 393 384
13 INDG 2188. Capex:Office machinery & computers:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 166 obs 155 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 83 85 56 68 52 10 44 40
14 KWPY 2189. Capex:Electrical machinery:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 166 obs 652 obs 242 obs 0 to 2009 -26 201 187 160 155 182 217 113
15 KWQH 2190. Capex:Radio & TV Equipment:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 138 obs 596 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 348 190 116 -37 94 56 39 25
16 INDI 2191. Capex:Medical equipment:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 214 obs 579 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 274 206 232 259 188 211 143 159
17 INBU 2192. Capex:Electrical & optical equipment:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 236 obs 495 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 698 693 595 449 489 459 443 337
18 INDJ 2193. Capex:Motor vehicles:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 236 obs 495 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 1074 947 1064 1050 1181 1115 1169 932
19 RNFG 2194. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other transport equipment: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 236 obs 495 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 645 453 1016 821 1186 1301 670 677
20 YGKE 2195. GFCF: Plant: WE: Transport equipment: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 192 obs 433 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 1711 1389 2081 1870 2367 2416 1839 1609
21 XYOV 2196. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other manufacturing: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 660 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 330 250 326 265 302 298 281 150
22 DFQN 2197. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: P&M: D2-4 NSA real 2006 168 obs 413 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 10830 10458 10511 10389 10250 10673 9439 7087
23 TKCI 2198. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Electricity; gas & water: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 413 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 3559 3830 1888 2552 3054 4028 4487 3915
24 INBA 2199. Capex:Construction:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 234 obs 678 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 1527 1410 2306 1433 1616 1691 1282 713
25 YGKI 2200. GFCF: Plant: WE: Distribution: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 234 obs 475 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 7490 7603 10256 9676 9227 11019 9833 7966
26 INBD 2201. Capex:Hotels & catering:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 234 obs 475 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 1956 1808 3657 3280 3445 3732 3422 2353
27 JGQN 2202. GFCF:Transport & Storage:P&M: CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 517 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 1838 2143 1863 1930 2126 2558 2644 2196
28 JGQR 2203. GFCF:Post & Telecom :P&M; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 268 obs 96 obs 0 to 2009 7037 5257 5966 6347 6891 7174 6955 6154
29 TKIA 2204. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Transport & communications: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 461 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 8875 7400 7829 8277 9017 9732 9599 8350
30 JGQV 2205. GFCF: Financial Intermediation: P&M; CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 168 obs 461 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 2804 2237 2065 2688 3001 3832 4341 2875
31 XXYB 2206. GFCF: PT: Plant: Insurance & Pension funds: A60 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   229 obs 88 obs 0 to 2009 24 127 199 311 262 198 381 166
32 INBF 2207. Capex:Other finance:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 196 obs 294 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 2828 2364 2264 2999 3263 4030 4722 3041
33 TKVN 2208. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Property: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 374 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 650 808 914 1051 1239 1742 2298 2564
34 INBH 2209. Capex:Hiring:Plant & Machinery:CVM NSA real 2006 196 obs 329 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 1346 1204 897 1467 1538 1747 1349 575
35 JGQZ 2210. GFCF: Other Business Activities: P&M; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 374 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 4444 4692 4216 4159 5292 6844 5839 4328
36 YGKK 2211. GFCF: Plant: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 374 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 6440 6704 6027 6677 8069 10333 9486 7467
37 RXZY 2212. GFCF: Plant: WE: Public administration: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 374 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 1247 1399 928 1512 1348 1619 1503 1740
38 TLBM 2213. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Education: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 370 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 633 624 952 945 1084 1193 1342 1467
39 DFGF 2214. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: P&M: C95 NSA real 2006 --   305 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 1052 846 755 774 845 670 567 593
40 TLDH 2215. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant & machinery: Sewage: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   305 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 1183 1360 1160 1376 1521 1839 2064 1619
41 JGRD 2216. GFCF: Membership;recreational; cultural and sporting: P&M; CVM nsa NSA real 2006 --   305 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 1683 1991 5307 5996 6336 6857 6847 4036
42 YGKO 2217. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   206 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 2866 3351 6467 7372 7857 8696 8911 5655
43 DLWM 2218. Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Plant & Machinery: CVM NSA:  NSA real 2006 --   305 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 51464 50143 55948 58169 61497 70292 67381 52786
44 TJVD 2219. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   457 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 295 257 297 330 318 343 376 311
45 TJYW 2220. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Mining & quarrying: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   457 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 160 52 66 33 19 21 30 6
46 IMPZ 2221. Capex:Food; beverages & tobacco:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   596 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 56 100 68 80 68 55 60 50
47 IMQA 2222. Capex:Textiles & leather:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   596 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 18 26 17 13 14 17 8 5
48 IMRK 2223. Capex:Wood & wood products:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 26 38 30 17 16 29 28 13
49 YGQW 2224. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 78 67 49 42 22 28 27 12
50 YGSW 2225. GFCF: Plant: WE: Fuels: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
51 IMRP 2226. Capex:Chemicals:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 46 29 61 62 58 51 58 34
52 IMRQ 2227. Capex:Rubber & plastics:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 34 39 24 21 28 30 17 16
53 IMRR 2228. Capex:Non-metallic mineral products:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 21 36 22 19 18 25 19 3
54 YGTO 2229. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metal & metal products: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 130 obs 0 to 2009 89 83 74 59 61 68 52 24
55 IMRU 2230. Capex:Machinery & equipment nes:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 59 39 38 58 34 15 29 20
56 IMRV 2231. Capex:Office machinery & computers:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 7 3 3 3 1 4 4 1
57 KWPV 2232. Capex:Electrical machinery:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 -2 14 12 19 13 12 16 8
58 KWQE 2233. Capex:Radio & TV Equipment:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 1 4 2 0 1 1 4 4
59 IMRX 2234. Capex:Medical equipment:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 23 11 11 15 13 3 6 5
60 IMQJ 2235. Capex:Electrical & optical equipment:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 29 32 28 37 28 20 30 18
61 IMRY 2236. Capex:Motor vehicles:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 8 9 17 16 1 13 11 3
62 RNGG 2237. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other transport equipment: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 12 6 10 104 0 22 66 72
63 YGLO 2238. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Transport equipment: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 97 obs 0 to 2009 20 15 27 119 1 35 77 75
64 YGLQ 2239. GFCF: Vehicles: WE:Other manufacturing: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 100 obs 0 to 2009 56 49 51 56 81 70 76 31
65 TKFD 2240. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Manufacturing: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 113 obs 0 to 2009 531 551 489 583 429 443 482 300
66 TKCL 2241. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Electricity; gas & water: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 99 obs 0 to 2009 -3 40 13 15 24 32 163 137
67 IMPP 2242. Capex:Construction:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 --   286 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 993 783 985 747 786 775 657 398
68 YGLS 2243. GFCF: Vehicles:WE: Distribution: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   459 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 1534 1376 1441 1674 1220 1240 1036 803
69 IMPS 2244. Capex:Hotels & catering:Vehicles:CVM NSA real 2006 260 obs 459 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 79 75 153 112 92 118 69 90
70 JGQO 2245. GFCF: Transport & Storage : Vehicles :CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   783 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 8106 7318 5292 4374 5367 5727 6563 6111
71 JGQS 2246. GFCF: Post & Telecom : Vehicles; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   535 obs 207 obs 0 to 2009 117 99 105 259 117 66 132 119
72 TKID 2247. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Transport & communications: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   210 obs 126 obs 0 to 2009 8223 7417 5397 4633 5484 5793 6695 6230
73 JGQW 2248. GFCF: Financial Intermediation : Vehicles NSA real 1995 260 obs 210 obs 133 obs 0 to 2009 173 124 21 76 -5 106 21 21
74 XXVG 2249. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Insurance & pension funds: Total: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   404 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 0 -16 85 -11 2 2 -5 -4
75 XXUO 2250. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Financial intermediation: Total: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   155 obs 112 obs 0 to 2009 173 108 106 65 -3 108 16 17
76 TKVR 2251. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Property: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   155 obs 119 obs 0 to 2009 111 87 87 205 203 193 196 104
77 TKTZ 2252. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Hiring: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   286 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 3175 3452 3207 4897 4833 4866 2687 1211
78 JGRA 2253. GFCF: Other Business Activities: Vehicles; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 260 obs 445 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 618 555 495 469 506 565 541 304
79 YGLU 2254. GFCF: Vehicles:WE: Real estate; renting & business: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 3904 4094 3789 5571 5542 5624 3424 1619
80 RYFV 2255. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Public administration: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 235 321 304 244 268 270 269 255
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
8843 obs 27119 obs 11740 obs

More years
  4.1.2 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=12450 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 TLBP 2256. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Education: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 49 obs 211 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 59 93 158 67 84 74 72 87
2 DFGG 2257. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: VSA: C95 NSA real 2006 49 obs 99 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 130 62 81 57 77 66 51 35
3 TLDK 2258. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Sewage: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 49 obs 99 obs 133 obs 0 to 2009 194 267 497 296 247 251 282 191
4 JGRE 2259. GFCF: Membership; recreational; cultural and sporting : Vehicles; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 49 obs 196 obs 87 obs 0 to 2009 160 206 315 337 268 257 283 86
5 YGLY 2260. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 51 obs 104 obs 63 obs 0 to 2009 354 473 812 633 515 508 565 277
6 DLWJ 2261. Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Vehicles; Ships & Aircraft: CVM NSA:  NSA real 2006 51 obs 104 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 16413 15603 14056 14782 14855 15414 13905 10565
7 DFDV 2262. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:: Dwellings: D0-9:CVM NSA NSA real 2006 { 3rd } 49 obs 99 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 43065 45122 48634 49436 53331 54352 48305 39674
8 DFDV 2263. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:: Dwellings: D0-9:CVM NSA NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 49 obs 99 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 43065 45122 48634 49436 53331 54352 48305 39674
9 TJUX 2264. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 255 obs 348 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 639 713 697 695 728 726 1090 661
10 TJYR 2265. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Mining & quarrying: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 255 obs 348 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 4859 3968 3550 3361 3617 4269 3715 3841
11 IMEO 2266. Capex:Food; beverages & tobacco:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 156 obs 348 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 247 324 211 196 293 371 321 269
12 IMEP 2267. Capex:Textiles & leather:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 157 obs 348 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 21 10 15 14 18 13 25 30
13 IMFZ 2268. Capex:Wood & wood products:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 155 obs 348 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 77 14 28 20 33 33 39 10
14 YGIO 2269. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Paper; publishing & printing:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 58 obs 348 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 95 125 81 129 85 92 81 25
15 YGIQ 2270. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Fuels:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 243 obs 348 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 426 398 342 -94 -144 -9 22 28
16 IMGE 2271. Capex:Chemicals:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 133 obs 99 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 309 280 441 237 355 468 427 318
17 IMGF 2272. Capex:Rubber & plastics:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   292 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 75 61 68 34 38 45 75 25
18 IMGG 2273. Capex:Non-metallic mineral products:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 72 40 96 159 127 162 166 57
19 YGIS 2274. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Metals & metal products:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 92 81 53 100 168 137 108 116
20 IMGJ 2275. Capex:Machinery & equipment nes:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 60 53 23 40 46 121 87 37
21 IMGK 2276. Capex:Office machinery & computers:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 24 1 1 5 4 3 0 3
22 KWPS 2277. Capex:Electrical machinery:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 407 obs 128 obs 155 obs 0 to 2009 1 10 11 12 16 16 39 17
23 KWQB 2278. Capex:Radio & TV Equipment:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 244 obs 277 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 24 8 6 0 2 6 11 4
24 IMGM 2279. Capex:Medical equipment:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 406 obs 331 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 63 68 25 60 25 29 15 21
25 IMEY 2280. Capex:Electrical & optical equipment:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 406 obs 631 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 111 86 43 77 47 54 65 45
26 IMGN 2281. Capex:Motor vehicles:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 328 obs 552 obs 210 obs 0 to 2009 105 135 136 66 101 91 101 91
27 RNEM 2282. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other transport equipment: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 406 obs 539 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 107 39 140 555 256 255 705 757
28 YGIU 2283. GFCF: Buildings: WE: TRansport equipment:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 244 obs 429 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 211 172 276 621 357 346 806 848
29 YGIW 2284. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other manufacturing: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 244 obs 524 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 25 174 41 30 53 86 129 113
30 DFQO 2285. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: Buildings: D2-4 NSA real 2006 406 obs 234 obs 78 obs 0 to 2009 1788 1795 1699 1563 1476 1919 2351 1921
31 TKCF 2286. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Electricity; gas & water: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 322 obs 206 obs 101 obs 0 to 2009 1259 1026 944 1407 2298 3308 3954 5111
32 IMFF 2287. Capex:Construction:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   196 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 707 1072 508 644 914 827 780 648
33 YGIY 2288. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Distribution: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 322 obs 303 obs 125 obs 0 to 2009 3821 3061 5706 6299 6795 7394 6535 4764
34 IMEH 2289. Capex:Hotels & catering:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 81 obs 196 obs 125 obs 0 to 2009 1682 1264 2099 2537 2550 3062 3534 2581
35 JGQP 2290. GFCF: Transport & Storage: Buildings NSA real 1995 81 obs 256 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 6498 7313 7619 7776 7622 7259 8332 7191
36 JGQT 2291. GFCF: Post & Telecom : Buildings ; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   256 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 472 368 588 443 245 457 512 305
37 TKHX 2292. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Transport & communications: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   256 obs 145 obs 0 to 2009 6970 7681 8207 8219 7867 7716 8844 7496
38 JGQX 2293. GFCF:Financial Intermediation: Buildings; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   159 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 632 983 611 1249 1113 1196 1400 910
39 XXVI 2294. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Insurance & pension funds: A60 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   656 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 1392 1171 991 1232 1301 1241 966 125
40 XXWK 2295. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Financial intermediation: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   159 obs 120 obs 0 to 2009 2024 2154 1602 2481 2414 2437 2366 1035
41 TKVJ 2296. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Property: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 9069 11210 2087 3220 3132 5182 6015 3519
42 IMEL 2297. Capex:Hiring:New Building Work:CVM NSA real 2006 --   99 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 105 47 43 22 77 54 42 36
43 JGRB 2298. GFCF: Other Business Activities: Buildings; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   595 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 989 1006 839 760 1399 2361 2267 1478
44 YGJA 2299. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   348 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 10163 12263 2969 4002 4608 7597 8324 5033
45 RXZW 2300. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Public administration: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 365 obs 220 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 7109 9537 11754 10889 10357 11188 13532 14149
46 TLBJ 2301. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Education: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 149 obs 502 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 4257 4611 5535 5788 6071 5993 7078 8147
47 DFGE 2302. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: Buildings: C95 NSA real 2006 149 obs 502 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2973 3772 4053 3782 4021 4439 5211 5700
48 TLDE 2303. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Sewage: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 149 obs 502 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 1612 2323 1664 1751 1576 1528 1719 2052
49 JGRF 2304. GFCF: Membership; recreational; cultural and sporting : Buildings; CVM NSA NSA real 2006 149 obs 502 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 2148 1949 4164 5636 5162 5237 5712 4229
50 YGJE 2305. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   453 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 3760 4272 5828 7387 6738 6765 7431 6281
51 EQDP 2306. ESA:GFCF:Total Economy:Tangible Fixed Assets:Other Buildings and Structures NSA real 2006 --   453 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 52247 57187 54832 59027 60454 67640 74745 67368
52 RXVY 2307. GFCF: Computer Software: Agriculture & forestry: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   204 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 21 21 35 39 40 33 38 46
53 ISTI 2308. GFCF:Mining & Quarrying: WE Intangible Asset : CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 --   204 obs 104 obs 0 to 2009 419 370 428 430 547 671 578 636
54 RXWC 2309. GFCF: Computer Software: Food; drink & tobacco: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   204 obs 128 obs 0 to 2009 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19
55 RXWE 2310. GFCF: Computer Software: Textiles: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   301 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
56 ISTJ 2311. GFCF:Manufacture of Publishing & Printing: WE Intangible Asset : CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 --   301 obs 128 obs 0 to 2009 490 529 477 495 481 482 502 512
57 RXWI 2312. GFCF: Computer Software: Fuels: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   204 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 65 78 73 81 109 85 92 91
58 RXWK 2313. GFCF: Computer Software: Chemicals: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   301 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 274 342 321 287 243 239 234 240
59 RXWM 2314. GFCF: Computer Software: Other mineral products: CVM: NSA:Value NSA real 2006 --   301 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
60 RXWO 2315. GFCF: Computer Software: Other mineral products: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   354 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 81 99 123 115 114 93 85 90
61 RXWQ 2316. GFCF: Computer Software: Machinery & equipment: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   255 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 172 210 223 217 206 222 230 236
62 RXWS 2317. GFCF: Computer Software: Electrical & optical equipment:CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   202 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 240 270 263 276 261 199 188 151
63 RXWU 2318. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport equipment: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   413 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 236 287 304 238 314 334 331 326
64 RXWW 2319. GFCF: Computer Software: Other Manufacturing: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   413 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 91 109 102 107 96 120 123 127
65 EQEW 2320. ESA:GFCF:Manufacturing:Intangible Fixed Assets:Private sector: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   164 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 1664 1942 1909 1834 1849 1800 1812 1800
66 RXWY 2321. GFCF: Computer Software: Electricity; gas & water: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   261 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 263 180 186 174 215 256 264 261
67 RXXA 2322. GFCF: Computer Software: Construction: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   261 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 184 251 221 204 202 288 283 272
68 RXXC 2323. GFCF: Computer Software: Distribution: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   164 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 1054 1283 1315 1239 1248 1221 1234 1253
69 RXXE 2324. GFCF: Computer Software: Hotels & restaurants: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   164 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 84 120 93 55 94 88 90 93
70 RXXG 2325. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport & communication: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 161 obs 662 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1108 1249 1369 1277 1452 1429 1481 1488
71 NPNY 2326. ESA:GFCF - computer software. Financial corporations. CVM NSA;  NSA real 2006 --   661 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 2520 2708 2616 2584 2650 2874 2945 2964
72 RXXI 2327. GFCF: Computer Software: Real estate; renting & business: CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   616 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 2237 2468 2459 2811 3095 2860 3071 3210
73 RXXK 2328. GFCF: Computer Software: Public Administration:CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   413 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 114 114 114 113 114 115 115 116
74 RXXQ 2329. GFCF: Computer Software: Education: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 --   413 obs 133 obs 0 to 2009 790 825 830 754 848 805 733 765
75 RXXM 2330. GFCF: Computer Software: Health & social work:CVM: NSA: Value NSA real 2006 --   472 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 91 96 100 100 95 104 104 108
76 JEYK 2331. GFCF: Other Industries: WE Intangible Asset: CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   413 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 2318 2500 2936 2953 3082 3152 3275 3543
77 JEYK 2332. GFCF: Other Industries: WE Intangible Asset: CVM; NSA NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   413 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 2318 2500 2936 2953 3082 3152 3275 3543
78 EQDT 2333. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:All Intangible Fixed Assets CVM NSA NSA real 2006 --   354 obs 166 obs 0 to 2009 13106 14371 14630 14585 15531 15694 16024 16554
79 DFDW 2334. Total Economy: GFCF: CVMNSA:Transfer costs of Non-Produced assets NSA real 2006 { 3rd } --   354 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 18718 16012 21306 18463 21566 21661 12417 10903
80 DFDW 2335. Total Economy: GFCF: CVMNSA:Transfer costs of Non-Produced assets NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   354 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 18718 16012 21306 18463 21566 21661 12417 10903
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
6827 obs 24981 obs 12450 obs

More years
  4.1.2 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=3876 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DFKR 2336. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVMNSA: BPVI: D0 NSA real 2006 245 obs 249 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 2653 2551 2916 2940 2940 3044 3394 2689
2 DFTM 2337. Total Economy: GDFCF: Mining & Quarrying including Oil extraction:CVMNSA BPVI NSA real 2006 234 obs 249 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 5836 5093 4545 4271 4751 5894 5221 5250
3 INJT 2338. Capex : Manu : Food; Drink & Tobacco : Private Sector : Total :  : CVM : NSA NSA real 2006 196 obs 249 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 2164 2309 1842 1975 1926 2094 1845 1425
4 INJU 2339. Capex : Manu : Textiles & Leather : Private Sector : Total :  : CVM : NSA NSA real 2006 235 obs --   72 obs 0 to 2009 318 231 144 163 153 180 206 158
5 YGTD 2340. GFCF:PT: BPVI: Wood: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 113 obs 193 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 186 201 182 151 142 193 146 98
6 YGNT 2341. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 235 obs 193 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 1953 2195 1690 1964 1292 1073 976 817
7 YGPV 2342. GFCF: Total BPVI: WE: Fuels: CVM NSA NSA real 2006 235 obs 97 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 826 818 675 217 38 147 379 229
8 INJY 2343. Capex : Manufacturing : Chemicals : Private Sector : Total :  : CVM : NSA NSA real 2006 113 obs 97 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 2330 2151 3032 2954 3179 3466 3043 2356
9 RZGA 2344. GFCF: PT: BPVI: Rubber & plastic: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 113 obs 97 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 675 745 551 484 475 566 520 383
10 INJZ 2345. Capex:Non-metallic mineral products:Total:CVM NSA real 2006 12 obs 97 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 598 573 484 533 615 707 665 335
11 YGPX 2346. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Metals & metal products: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 28 obs 97 obs 56 obs 0 to 2009 1234 1241 1211 1042 1132 1195 1177 800
12 INKB 2347. Capex:Machinery & eqpt:Total:CVM NSA real 2006 28 obs --   32 obs 0 to 2009 832 827 687 756 656 777 739 677
13 INKC 2348. Capex:Electrical & optical equipment:Total:CVM NSA real 2006 28 obs 156 obs 117 obs 0 to 2009 1078 1081 930 839 825 732 726 551
14 YGQA 2349. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Transport equipment: A31 Totals: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 243 obs 97 obs 128 obs 0 to 2009 2180 1862 2687 2848 3039 3131 3053 2858
15 YGNV 2350. GFCF BPVI: WE: Other manufacturing: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 365 obs 97 obs 81 obs 0 to 2009 502 575 521 458 532 574 609 421
16 DFDN 2351. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVM NSA: BPV: Manufacturing (Revised Def.) NSA real 2006 365 obs 97 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 14821 14743 14608 14370 14004 14835 14084 11108
17 DFTN 2352. Total Economy :GDFCF: Electricity; Gas and Water:CVMNSA BPVI NSA real 2006 365 obs 97 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 5107 5138 3033 4150 5591 7624 8868 9424
18 KWOC 2353. Capex : Construction : Private Sector : Total :  : CVM : NSA NSA real 2006 365 obs 97 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 3387 3492 4017 3026 3518 3580 3002 2031
19 YHFE 2354. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Distribution CVM NSA NSA real 2006 357 obs 249 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 13907 13337 18707 18886 18490 20874 18638 14786
20 DBQS 2355. Gross fixed cap form; Restaurents & hotels - OECD GCF CVM NSA real 2006 255 obs 581 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 3791 3259 6001 5985 6181 7000 7115 5117
21 DFDT 2356. Total Economy: GDFCF: CVM NSA: BPV: Div 7 NSA real 2006 334 obs 363 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 25173 23560 22739 22404 23820 24670 26619 23564
22 YGNX 2357. GFCF: BPVI: PT: financial intermediation: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 332 obs 610 obs 234 obs 0 to 2009 7588 7242 6542 8119 8324 9449 10049 7057
23 DFDV 2358. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:: Dwellings: D0-9:CVM NSA NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 49 obs 99 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 43065 45122 48634 49436 53331 54352 48305 39674
24 YHFF 2359. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Real estate; renting & business:CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 31 obs 348 obs 165 obs 0 to 2009 22100 24655 15297 19037 21314 26414 24305 17329
25 YGNY 2360. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Public administration: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 149 obs 24 obs 96 obs 0 to 2009 9117 11753 12976 12772 12087 13191 15420 16260
26 DBQZ 2361. Gross fixed cap form; Educational services - OECD GCF CVM NSA real 2006 394 obs 228 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 5708 6092 7487 7544 8087 8065 9225 10466
27 DBRA 2362. Gross fixed cap form; Medical; dental; other health & vets - OECD GCF CVM NSA real 2006 394 obs 324 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 4357 4794 4979 4711 5038 5279 5933 6436
28 YGOB 2363. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CVM: NSA NSA real 2006 169 obs 212 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 9298 10596 16043 18345 18192 19121 20182 15756
29 DFDW 2364. Total Economy: GFCF: CVMNSA:Transfer costs of Non-Produced assets NSA real 2006 { 2nd } --   354 obs 213 obs 0 to 2009 18718 16012 21306 18463 21566 21661 12417 10903
30 NPQR 2365. Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation CVM NSA  NSA real 2006 394 obs 287 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 194997 198550 209014 214603 227234 245053 232777 197850
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
6376 obs 5938 obs 3876 obs

More years
  5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 1. { total observations, n=11538 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DCFU 2366. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 456 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 1654 1736 1910 1849 1854 2019 2090 1982
2 DFTU 2367. Total Economy: GDFCF: P & M: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 462 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 375 657 477 443 568 932 938 851
3 IMXP 2368. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 500 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 1826 1891 1516 1664 1547 1807 1786 1552
4 IMXQ 2369. Capex : Textiles & leather : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 440 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 278 190 108 131 116 146 170 123
5 IMZA 2370. Capex : Wood & wood products : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 361 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 84 145 120 111 93 131 82 84
6 YGJX 2371. GFCF: Plant: WE: Paper; publishing & printing : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 251 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 1308 1501 1087 1302 704 472 380 297
7 YGSN 2372. GFCF: Plant: WE: Fuels: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 327 331 250 219 73 72 276 121
8 IMZF 2373. Capex : Chemicals : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 480 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 1776 1548 2241 2371 2523 2714 2399 1931
9 IMZG 2374. Capex : Rubber & plastics : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 568 634 446 423 409 497 449 385
10 IMZH 2375. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 507 492 360 351 468 523 499 299
11 YGKB 2376. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metals & metal products: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   307 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 974 968 942 755 789 899 953 613
12 IMZK 2377. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 545 528 401 438 370 419 406 426
13 IMZL 2378. Capex : Office machinery & computers : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 160 obs 0 to 2009 94 94 58 68 52 10 44 41
14 KWPZ 2379. Capex : Electrical machinery : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 129 obs 0 to 2009 -26 201 186 160 155 182 224 126
15 KWQI 2380. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 352 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 369 198 119 -37 94 56 39 26
16 IMZN 2381. Capex : Medical equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 129 obs 0 to 2009 270 203 226 255 188 211 146 172
17 IMXZ 2382. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 352 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 707 696 589 446 489 459 453 365
18 IMZO 2383. Capex : Motor vehicles : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 1087 947 1059 1044 1181 1121 1210 1021
19 RNFA 2384. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 693 476 1035 825 1186 1292 678 729
20 YGKD 2385. GFCF: Plant: WE: Transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 1780 1423 2094 1869 2367 2413 1888 1750
21 XYOU 2386. GFCF Plant: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 349 259 333 265 302 298 287 165
22 GGBX 2387. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 115 obs 0 to 2009 11029 10606 10487 10345 10250 10850 10028 8111
23 DFTV 2388. Total Economy: GDFCF: P&M: Electricity; gas and water NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 241 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 3865 4089 1936 2578 3054 3990 4558 4183
24 IMXF 2389. Capex : Construction : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 1570 1422 2288 1420 1616 1700 1334 795
25 YGKH 2390. GFCF: Plant: WE: Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 226 obs 393 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 7502 7605 10095 9634 9227 11163 10296 8703
26 IMXI 2391. Capex : Hotels & catering : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 163 obs 0 to 2009 1958 1839 3661 3271 3445 3790 3648 2713
27 JGRH 2392. GFCF: Transport & Storage: P&M CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 349 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 2246 2419 1993 1980 2126 2500 2650 2327
28 JGRK 2393. GFCF: Post and Telecom: P&M CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 349 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 7852 5750 6302 6461 6891 6939 6568 6077
29 DCGA 2394. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 144 obs 122 obs 0 to 2009 10098 8169 8295 8441 9017 9439 9218 8404
30 JGRN 2395. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: P&M:CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 3826 2808 2354 2845 3001 3621 4061 2807
31 XXYA 2396. GFCF: PT: Plant: Insurance & Pension funds: A60 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 28 146 213 324 262 185 348 158
32 IMXK 2397. Capex : Other finance : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 146 obs 369 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 3854 2954 2567 3169 3263 3806 4409 2965
33 TKVL 2398. GFCF: Whole economy: Plant and machinery: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 806 950 1000 1099 1239 1668 2185 2529
34 IMXM 2399. Capex : Hiring : Plant & Machinery : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 92 obs 0 to 2009 1344 1173 877 1459 1538 1763 1407 635
35 JGRQ 2400. GFCF: Other business activities: P&M; CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 98 obs 0 to 2009 5914 5792 4705 4389 5292 6541 5585 4360
36 YGKJ 2401. GFCF: Plant: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 69 obs 0 to 2009 8064 7915 6582 6947 8069 9972 9177 7524
37 RXZX 2402. GFCF: Plant: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 650 obs 412 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 1924 2096 982 1678 1348 1513 1680 2052
38 DFNY 2403. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 846 774 1083 997 1084 1132 1255 1427
39 DFGC 2404. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 1098 887 771 775 845 659 586 647
40 DFNZ 2405. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: P&M: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 316 obs 101 obs 0 to 2009 1133 1318 1124 1366 1521 1841 2126 1767
41 JGRT 2406. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational cultural and sporting: P&M CP NSA; NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 413 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 2294 2549 5864 6225 6336 6605 6494 3952
42 YGKN 2407. GFCF: Plant: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 316 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 3427 3867 6988 7591 7857 8446 8620 5719
43 DLXI 2408. GFCF:Total Economy:Total Other Machinery & Equipment & Cultivated Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 653 obs 437 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 57264 54616 58122 59138 61497 69411 67837 56076
44 DCGD 2409. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 485 obs 357 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 276 241 289 329 318 345 383 355
45 DFTS 2410. Total Economy:GDFCF:CPNSA:Vehicles:Mining & Quarrying incl. Oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 284 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 156 51 64 33 19 21 30 6
46 IMME 2411. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 92 obs 0 to 2009 56 96 68 80 68 56 62 57
47 IMMF 2412. Capex : Textiles & leather : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 348 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 18 27 17 13 14 17 8 6
48 IMNP 2413. Capex : Wood & wood products : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 26 38 30 17 16 29 28 13
49 YGQV 2414. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 81 68 49 42 22 28 27 12
50 YGSV 2415. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Fuels: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 404 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2
51 IMNU 2416. Capex : Chemicals : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 46 29 61 62 58 51 58 38
52 IMNV 2417. Capex : Rubber & plastics : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 340 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34 39 24 21 28 30 17 18
53 IMNW 2418. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 92 obs 322 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 21 36 22 19 18 25 19 3
54 YGTN 2419. GFCF: Plant: WE: Metals & metal products: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 119 obs 232 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 89 83 74 59 61 68 52 27
55 IMNZ 2420. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 59 39 38 58 34 15 29 22
56 IMOA 2421. Capex : Office machinery & computers : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   292 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 7 3 3 3 1 4 4 1
57 KWPW 2422. Capex : Electrical machinery : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 -2 14 12 19 13 12 16 8
58 KWQF 2423. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 1 4 2 0 1 1 4 4
59 IMOC 2424. Capex : Medical equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 23 11 11 15 13 3 6 5
60 IMMO 2425. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 29 32 28 37 28 20 30 18
61 IMOD 2426. Capex : Motor vehicles : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 8 9 17 16 1 13 11 3
62 RNFK 2427. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 109 obs 0 to 2009 12 6 10 103 0 30 127 39
63 YGLN 2428. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 20 15 27 119 1 43 138 42
64 YGLP 2429. GFCF: Vehicles: WE:Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 56 49 51 56 81 70 79 34
65 GGBW 2430. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 535 551 490 583 429 453 548 292
66 DFTT 2431. Total Economy: GDFCF: Vehicles: Electricity Gas and Water NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 337 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 -3 40 13 15 24 32 167 158
67 IMLU 2432. Capex : Construction : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 341 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 958 748 938 734 786 775 673 430
68 YGLR 2433. GFCF: Vehicles: WE:Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 337 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 1521 1362 1425 1671 1220 1224 1065 910
69 IMLX 2434. Capex : Hotels & catering : Vehicles : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 79 75 153 112 92 116 70 100
70 JGRJ 2435. GFCF: Transport & Storage: Vehicles CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 7549 6927 5067 4276 5367 5823 6990 7129
71 JGRM 2436. GFCF: Post and Telecom: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 184 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 116 99 105 257 117 66 137 124
72 DCGJ 2437. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 7665 7026 5172 4533 5484 5889 7127 7253
73 JGRP 2438. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 155 obs 84 obs 0 to 2009 179 130 22 76 -5 105 21 23
74 XXVF 2439. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Insurance & pension funds: Total: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 380 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 0 -21 84 -11 2 2 -5 -4
75 XXUG 2440. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Financial intermediation: Total: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 168 obs 252 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 179 109 106 65 -3 107 16 19
76 TKVP 2441. GFCF: Whole economy: Vehicles: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 113 86 86 205 203 191 200 113
77 TKTX 2442. GFCF: Private sector: Vehicles: Hiring: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 725 obs 437 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 3169 3423 3172 4872 4833 4782 2754 1378
78 JGRS 2443. GFCF: Other business activities: Vehicles: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 868 obs 637 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 632 563 492 468 506 565 555 340
79 YGLT 2444. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 868 obs 637 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 3914 4072 3750 5545 5542 5538 3509 1831
80 RXZZ 2445. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 497 703 273 233 268 335 279 331
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
  CPNSA = current prices, not seas adj
19355 obs 25024 obs 11538 obs

More years
  5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 2. { total observations, n=12200 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DFMO 2446. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 59 93 158 67 84 74 72 90
2 DFGD 2447. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C95 NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 130 62 81 57 77 66 51 38
3 DFMQ 2448. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: VSA: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 471 obs 352 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 188 254 477 291 247 251 289 208
4 JGRV 2449. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational; cultural and sporting: Vehicles NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 160 205 312 335 268 256 291 93
5 YGLX 2450. GFCF: Vehicles: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 614 obs 400 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 348 459 789 626 515 507 580 301
6 DLWZ 2451. Gross Fixed Capital Formation :Total Economy:Total Transport Equipment: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 538 obs 526 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 16314 15592 13701 14603 14855 15482 14570 12114
7 DFDK 2452. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 2nd } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
8 DFDK 2453. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 2nd } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
9 DCFL 2454. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: Div 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 573 obs 378 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 565 652 674 690 728 741 1117 677
10 DFTY 2455. Total Economy: GDFCF: Buildings: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } 754 obs 533 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 4291 3629 3438 3336 3617 4355 3872 3926
11 IMAT 2456. Capex : Food; beverages & tobacco : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 754 obs 621 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 236 314 211 196 293 371 321 269
12 IMAU 2457. Capex : Textiles & leather : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 665 obs 493 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 21 10 15 14 18 13 25 30
13 IMCE 2458. Capex : Wood & wood products : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 871 obs 569 obs 219 obs 0 to 2009 73 14 28 20 33 33 39 10
14 YGIN 2459. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Paper; publishing & printing : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 735 obs 529 obs 175 obs 0 to 2009 91 123 81 129 85 92 81 25
15 YGIP 2460. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Fuels : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 446 obs 344 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 375 363 327 -95 -144 -10 22 28
16 IMCJ 2461. Capex : Chemicals : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 293 272 441 237 355 468 427 318
17 IMCK 2462. Capex : Rubber & plastics : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 71 60 68 34 38 45 75 25
18 IMCL 2463. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 557 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 68 40 96 159 127 162 166 57
19 YGIR 2464. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Metals & metal products : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 485 obs 381 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 89 80 53 100 168 137 108 116
20 IMCO 2465. Capex : Machinery & equipment nes : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 56 52 23 40 46 121 87 37
21 IMCP 2466. Capex : Office machinery & computers : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 748 obs 196 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 24 1 1 5 4 3 0 3
22 KWPT 2467. Capex : Electrical machinery : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 1 10 11 12 16 16 39 17
23 KWQC 2468. Capex : Radio & TV Equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 23 8 6 0 2 6 11 4
24 IMCR 2469. Capex : Medical equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 61 66 25 60 25 29 15 21
25 IMBD 2470. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 146 obs 0 to 2009 109 85 43 77 47 54 65 45
26 IMCS 2471. Capex : Motor vehicles : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs --   89 obs 0 to 2009 99 131 136 66 101 91 101 91
27 RABC 2472. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other transport equipment: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 208 obs 196 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 103 39 140 555 256 255 705 757
28 YGIT 2473. GFCF: Buildings: WE: TRansport equipment : CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   250 obs 152 obs 0 to 2009 202 170 276 621 357 346 806 848
29 YGIV 2474. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 129 obs 347 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 25 170 41 30 53 86 129 113
30 GGBY 2475. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: D2-4 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   455 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 1709 1753 1703 1562 1476 1918 2351 1921
31 DFTZ 2476. Total Economy: GDFCF: Buildings: Electricity; gas and water NSA nominal { 2nd } --   455 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 1201 998 940 1406 2298 3309 3954 5111
32 IMBK 2477. Capex : Construction : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   443 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 701 1041 508 644 914 827 780 648
33 YGIX 2478. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Distribution: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 3788 2969 5706 6299 6795 7394 6535 4764
34 IMAM 2479. Capex : Hotels & catering : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 1668 1225 2099 2537 2550 3062 3534 2581
35 JGRI 2480. GFCF: Transport & Storage: Buildings CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 6026 6899 7421 7681 7622 7371 8464 7292
36 JGRL 2481. GFCF: Post and Telecom: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 468 357 588 443 245 457 512 305
37 DCFR 2482. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 6494 7256 8009 8124 7867 7828 8976 7597
38 JGRO 2483. GFCF: Financial intermediation and auxiliary activities: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 627 953 611 1249 1113 1197 1403 910
39 XXVH 2484. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Insurance and pension funds: A60 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 1381 1137 991 1232 1301 1241 966 125
40 XXWE 2485. GFCF: PT: Buildings: Financial intermediation: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 189 obs 0 to 2009 2008 2090 1602 2481 2414 2438 2369 1035
41 TKVH 2486. GFCF: Whole economy: Buildings: Property: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   368 obs 123 obs 0 to 2009 8654 10467 2008 3165 3132 5232 6132 3600
42 IMAQ 2487. Capex : Hiring : New Building Work : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } --   436 obs 187 obs 0 to 2009 105 47 43 22 77 54 42 36
43 JGRR 2488. GFCF:Other business activities: Buildings: CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   419 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 1015 1028 828 766 1399 2365 2274 1483
44 YGIZ 2489. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 127 obs 362 obs 159 obs 0 to 2009 9774 11542 2879 3953 4608 7651 8448 5119
45 RXZV 2490. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 285 obs 343 obs 140 obs 0 to 2009 5848 8141 10104 10447 10357 11408 13873 14145
46 DFOZ 2491. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } 285 obs 440 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 3508 3870 4852 5477 6071 6306 7815 8760
47 DFGB 2492. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } 108 obs 440 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 2434 3146 3547 3590 4021 4675 5754 6169
48 DFPA 2493. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: Buildings: C92 NSA nominal { 2nd } 425 obs 372 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 1515 2231 1643 1739 1576 1539 1728 2056
49 JGRU 2494. GFCF: Membership organisations; recreational; cultural and sporting: Buildings: NSA nominal { 2nd } 256 obs 413 obs 157 obs 0 to 2009 2028 1810 4040 5560 5162 5304 5867 4360
50 YGJD 2495. GFCF: Buildings: WE: Other community; social & personal services: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 3543 4041 5683 7299 6738 6843 7595 6416
51 DLWS 2496. ESA:GFCF:Total Economy:Total of Other Buildings & Structures NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 47532 52353 51744 57845 60454 68755 76973 68869
52 RXVX 2497. GFCF: Computer Software: Agriculture & forestry: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 138 obs 0 to 2009 20 20 34 38 40 33 39 47
53 HJOG 2498. GFCF: WE Intangible Asset: Mining & Quarrying; CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   328 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 408 351 410 420 547 657 561 625
54 RXWB 2499. GFCF: Computer Software: Food; drink & tobacco: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23
55 RXWD 2500. GFCF: Computer Software: Textiles: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 242 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7
56 HJOI 2501. GFCF: Intangible assets: publishing & printing: DE. CP NSA  NSA nominal { 2nd } 92 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 463 505 460 483 481 494 525 542
57 RXWH 2502. GFCF: Computer Software: Fuels: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 63 76 72 80 109 85 95 96
58 RXWJ 2503. GFCF: Computer Software: Chemicals: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   145 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 273 339 314 285 243 243 241 253
59 RXWL 2504. GFCF: Computer Software: Other mineral products: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   112 obs 81 obs 0 to 2009 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
60 RXWN 2505. GFCF: Computer Software: Metal and metal products: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 79 98 119 114 114 94 88 96
61 RXWP 2506. GFCF: Computer Software :Machinery and equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 15 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 171 207 218 216 206 225 237 248
62 RXWR 2507. GFCF: Computer Software: Electrical & optical equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } --   200 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 238 267 258 274 261 203 194 161
63 RXWT 2508. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport equipment: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 145 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 235 284 297 237 314 340 341 343
64 RXWV 2509. GFCF: Computer Software: Other Manufacturing: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 64 obs 116 obs 82 obs 0 to 2009 88 106 101 106 96 121 128 134
65 EQEE 2510. ESA:GFCF:Manufacturing:Intangible Fixed Assets:Private sector: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 60 obs 213 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 1630 1903 1862 1819 1849 1833 1878 1906
66 RXWX 2511. GFCF: Computer Software: Electricity; gas & water: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 338 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 260 178 181 173 215 260 273 275
67 RXWZ 2512. GFCF: Computer Software: Construction: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 475 obs 273 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 181 245 214 202 202 292 293 289
68 RXXB 2513. GFCF: Computer Software: Distribution: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 271 obs 120 obs 0 to 2009 1053 1268 1288 1231 1248 1242 1272 1318
69 RXXD 2514. GFCF: Computer Software: Hotels & restaurants: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 586 obs 379 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 82 118 90 55 94 89 94 100
70 RXXF 2515. GFCF: Computer Software: Transport & communication: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 382 obs 144 obs 0 to 2009 1107 1237 1341 1268 1452 1452 1525 1562
71 NPNX 2516. ESA:GFCF - computer software. Financial corporations. CP NSA;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 341 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 2455 2630 2534 2552 2650 2936 3063 3159
72 RXXH 2517. GFCF: Computer Software: Real estate; renting & business: CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 386 obs 341 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 2253 2450 2414 2789 3095 2911 3159 3360
73 RXXJ 2518. GFCF: Computer Software: Public Administration : CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 475 obs 466 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 87 93 100 106 114 122 131 140
74 RXXP 2519. GFCF: Computer Software: Education: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 465 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 686 736 762 729 848 837 797 875
75 RXXL 2520. GFCF: Computer Software: Health & social work : CP: NSA: Value NSA nominal { 2nd } 402 obs 338 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 77 86 92 96 95 109 113 123
76 HJOZ 2521. GFCF: Intangible Asset: Industry O; CP;  NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 474 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 2315 2535 2807 2888 3082 3276 3528 3812
77 DLXP 2522. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total Intangible Fixed Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 497 obs 470 obs 168 obs 0 to 2009 12614 13850 14129 14366 15531 16049 16726 17591
78 DFBH 2523. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
79 DFBH 2524. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
80 DFKI 2525. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: D0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 425 obs 265 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 2515 2649 2907 2906 2940 3138 3629 3061
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
22896 obs 27285 obs 12200 obs

More years
  5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation: by Asset and Industry, 2009 page 3. { total observations, n=3540 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DFTO 2526. Total Economy: GDFCF: BPV: Mining and quarrying including oil extraction NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 5230 4688 4389 4232 4751 5965 5401 5408
2 INIR 2527. Capex : Manu : Food; Drink & Tobacco : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 75 obs 242 obs 105 obs 0 to 2009 2132 2316 1811 1957 1926 2254 2190 1901
3 INIS 2528. Capex : Manu : Textiles & Leather : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   209 obs 85 obs 0 to 2009 321 231 145 163 153 182 209 166
4 RXZM 2529. GFCF: PT: BPVI: Wood: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 213 obs 106 obs 0 to 2009 183 197 178 148 142 193 149 107
5 YGNC 2530. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Paper; publishing & printing: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 96 obs 0 to 2009 1943 2197 1677 1956 1292 1086 1013 876
6 YGND 2531. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Fuels: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 84 obs 0 to 2009 765 770 650 204 38 148 394 247
7 INIW 2532. Capex : Manufacturing : Chemicals : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   213 obs 99 obs 0 to 2009 2388 2188 3057 2955 3179 3476 3125 2540
8 YGSE 2533. GFCF:PT: BPVI: Rubber & plastic: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 89 obs 143 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 673 733 538 478 475 572 541 428
9 INIX 2534. Capex : Non-metallic mineral products : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 203 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 598 570 480 531 615 712 686 362
10 YGOQ 2535. GFCF: BPVI:WE: Metals & metal products: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 199 obs 103 obs 0 to 2009 1231 1229 1188 1028 1132 1198 1201 852
11 INIZ 2536. Capex : Machinery & eqpt : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 102 obs 79 obs 0 to 2009 831 826 680 752 656 780 759 733
12 INJA 2537. Capex : Electrical & optical equipment : Total : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 599 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 1083 1080 918 834 825 736 742 589
13 YGOT 2538. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Transport equipment: A31 Totals: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 256 obs 544 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 2237 1892 2694 2846 3039 3142 3173 2983
14 YGNF 2539. GFCF BPVI: WE: Other manufacturing: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 295 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 518 584 526 457 532 575 623 446
15 DFDD 2540. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: Manufacturing (Revised def.) NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 542 obs 188 obs 0 to 2009 14903 14813 14542 14309 14004 15054 14805 12230
16 DFTP 2541. Total Economy: GDFCF: BPV: Electricity; Gas and Water supply NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 598 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5323 5305 3070 4172 5591 7591 8952 9727
17 KWOD 2542. Capex : Construction : Private Sector : Total :  : CP : NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 3410 3456 3948 3000 3518 3594 3080 2162
18 YHFA 2543. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Distribution CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 13864 13204 18514 18835 18490 21023 19168 15695
19 DFPP 2544. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C66 NSA nominal { 2nd } 95 obs 351 obs 141 obs 0 to 2009 3787 3257 6003 5975 6181 7057 7346 5494
20 DFDI 2545. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: Div 7 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 25364 23688 22817 22366 23820 24608 26846 24816
21 YGNG 2546. GFCF: BPVI: PT: financial intermediation: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 137 obs 0 to 2009 8496 7783 6809 8267 8324 9287 9857 7178
22 DFDK 2547. Gross Fixed Capital Formation:Total Economy:Total New Dwellings;excluding land NSA nominal { 2nd } 604 obs 396 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 34483 38541 44290 47930 53331 55767 50292 39558
23 YHFD 2548. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Real estate; renting & business:CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 24005 25979 15625 19234 21314 26072 24293 17834
24 YGNH 2549. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Public administration: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   348 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 8356 11033 11459 12464 12087 13378 15963 16668
25 DFQA 2550. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C93 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 5099 5473 6855 7270 8087 8349 9939 11152
26 DFQB 2551. Total Economy: GDFCF: CP NSA: BPV: C85 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 56 obs 0 to 2009 3739 4181 4491 4518 5038 5509 6504 6977
27 YGNI 2552. GFCF: BPVI: WE: Other community; social & personal service: CP: NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 80 obs 0 to 2009 9633 10902 16267 18404 18192 19072 20323 16248
28 DFBH 2553. Total Economy: GFCF CP NSA:Transfer Costs of Non-Produced Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 589 obs 281 obs 167 obs 0 to 2009 12410 12059 17452 16925 21566 24053 13963 10855
29 NPQX 2554. Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation CP NSA  NSA nominal { 2nd } 170 obs 252 obs 93 obs 0 to 2009 180617 187011 199438 210807 227234 249517 240361 205063
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  GFCF = Gross Fixed Capital Formation
2737 obs 8606 obs 3540 obs

More years
  5.1 National Balance Sheet: by Sector1. { total observations, n=8272 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGRW 2555. Public non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2349 obs 3507 obs 1035 obs 0 to 2009 60825 60438 62277 51504 54823 62158 58275 60322
2 TMPN 2556. Private non financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3114 obs 3462 obs 992 obs 0 to 2009 40139 -51327 -93274 -359316 -497441 -465966 127080 -323251
3 CGRV 2557. Non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3137 obs 2999 obs 883 obs 0 to 2009 100964 9111 -30997 -307812 -442618 -403808 185355 -262929
4 CGRU 2558. Financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3262 obs 2986 obs 913 obs 0 to 2009 -326192 -293665 -300953 -366975 -376523 -359531 -263086 -389698
5 CGRY 2559. Central government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2228 obs 3221 obs 977 obs 0 to 2009 -104281 -121036 -161926 -167489 -169873 -196125 -260579 -394826
6 CGRZ 2560. Local Government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2888 obs 3245 obs 982 obs 0 to 2009 355640 395299 450883 484839 510727 552345 518659 472335
7 CGRX 2561. General government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3128 obs 2878 obs 917 obs 0 to 2009 251359 274263 288957 317349 340854 356219 258080 77509
8 CGRC 2562. Household & NPISHs: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3374 obs 2986 obs 912 obs 0 to 2009 4932404 5415940 5900475 6403411 6972790 7473031 6582898 7244318
9 CGDA 2563. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
26360 obs 27333 obs 8272 obs

More years
  5.10 Households & Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH). { total observations, n=2591 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGRI 2564. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 2568135 2869034 3221327 3336152 3696320 4077283 3688803 3826524
2 CGRJ 2565. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 112 obs 0 to 2009 46905 46873 46986 47127 47281 47106 46330 46052
3 CGRK 2566. Households & NPISHs : Tangible Assets: Comm; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   204 obs 115 obs 0 to 2009 48908 50573 50548 55858 59932 55691 45934 44209
4 CGRL 2567. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 2165 2099 2018 1961 1961 1952 1944 1944
5 CGRM 2568. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   211 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 17961 18461 20371 22542 24985 28383 31342 34507
6 CGRN 2569. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 68849 73097 77119 79346 80197 81429 73076 77246
7 CGRO 2570. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 90 obs 0 to 2009 16213 16686 16813 16346 16404 16733 16922 16613
8 CGRP 2571. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 114 obs 0 to 2009 2769136 3076823 3435182 3559332 3927080 4308577 3904351 4047095
9 CGRQ 2572. Households & NPISHs: Intangible Assets: Non-marketable tenancy rights n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 173 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 365310 413476 466123 486934 545141 611516 549349 574660
10 CGRS 2573. Households and NPISHs: Intangible Assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 692 755 834 885 924 947 958 969
11 CGRT 2574. Households & NPISHs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 366002 414231 466957 487819 546065 612463 550307 575629
12 CGCZ 2575. Households & NPISHs: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 378 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 3135138 3491054 3902139 4047151 4473145 4921040 4454658 4622724
13 NZEA 2576. Levels:HN:Net financial assetsliabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 1797266 1924886 1998336 2356260 2499645 2551991 2128240 2621594
14 CGRC 2577. Household & NPISHs: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3374 obs 2986 obs 912 obs 0 to 2009 4932404 5415940 5900475 6403411 6972790 7473031 6582898 7244318
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
3414 obs 6165 obs 2591 obs

More years
  5.11 Public Sector. { total observations, n=2305 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGWX 2578. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: residential buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 378 obs 160 obs 0 to 2009 94528 104440 116256 126002 116604 121987 123796 111076
2 CGWY 2579. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 70 obs 0 to 2009 2910 2898 2913 2934 2956 2924 2975 2898
3 CGWZ 2580. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other beuildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 88 obs 0 to 2009 171766 181929 199776 227037 239787 254184 259663 272917
4 CGXA 2581. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 334573 353479 391448 420740 453134 492822 465233 419844
5 CGXB 2582. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 21868 25701 25338 25936 30209 28374 29878 31001
6 CGXC 2583. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 366 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 5975 5709 6241 7644 8104 8779 8703 9117
7 CGXD 2584. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 196 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 5282 5237 5373 5388 5481 5444 5457 5517
8 ZLDC 2585. Non-financial Balance Sheets: Public Sector: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 196 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGXE 2586. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 658834 701325 769277 837613 878207 936446 917637 874302
10 CGXF 2587. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 371 obs 304 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGXG 2588. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: other n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 4889 5128 5397 5551 5783 5905 5934 6005
12 CGXH 2589. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 371 obs 304 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4889 5128 5397 5551 5783 5905 5934 6005
13 CGJA 2590. Public Sector: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 663723 706453 774674 843164 883990 942351 923571 880307
14 CGSA 2591. Public sector: bf90: net financial assets/liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } 28 obs 304 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 -351539 -371752 -423440 -474311 -488313 -523974 -607216 -742476
15 CGTY 2592. Public sector: Total net wealth NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 312184 334701 351234 368853 395677 418377 316355 137831
Abbreviations: 3424 obs 4002 obs 2305 obs

More years
  5.2 National Balance Sheet: by Asset. { total observations, n=4058 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGLK 2593. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Residential Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 999 obs 1034 obs 314 obs 0 to 2009 2737097 3054866 3426980 3555026 3915330 4313646 3922602 4048293
2 CGMP 2594. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 963 obs 844 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 53801 53717 53848 54064 54302 54028 52976 52516
3 CGMU 2595. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Commercial; Industrial & Other Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 999 obs 869 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 589808 608425 662115 663676 751964 700085 596469 559057
4 CGQZ 2596. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 967 obs 542 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 586214 622623 664474 704633 743177 778259 766302 725143
5 CGRA 2597. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1151 obs 637 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 368881 373567 386805 402960 424887 452341 482109 506322
6 CGRB 2598. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1147 obs 469 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 134550 146426 153475 154885 159146 177381 180477 172143
7 CGRD 2599. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Stocks and Work in Progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 738 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 180396 184842 197328 207849 215808 229653 240612 230474
8 ZLDX 2600. All Sectors: Tangible Asset: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 647 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGRE 2601. All Sextors: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 738 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 4672679 5066398 5566957 5765025 6286546 6727325 6263479 6315880
10 CGRF 2602. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n NSA nominal { 2nd } 970 obs 493 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 365310 413476 466123 486934 545141 611516 549349 574660
11 CGRG 2603. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 555 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 40549 42926 45096 46606 48622 50231 51918 53693
12 CGRH 2604. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 548 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 405859 456402 511219 533540 593763 661747 601267 628353
13 CGJB 2605. Total: All Sectors: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 559 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 5078538 5522800 6078176 6298565 6880309 7389072 6864746 6944233
14 NQFT 2606. UK:NET FINANCIAL ASSETS/LIABILITIES:BF.90: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 1110 obs 539 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 -120005 -117150 -220692 -252592 -385808 -323160 -101498 -275032
15 CGDA 2607. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
18128 obs 11261 obs 4058 obs

More years
  5.3 Non-Financial Corporations. { total observations, n=3119 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGUT 2608. NFCs: Tangible Assets: residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 403 obs 261 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 164806 181988 200875 214229 212786 228352 219723 211068
2 CGWM 2609. Local Government: Tangible Assets: residential building  NSA nominal { 4th } 535 obs 429 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 86528 96319 107927 118066 107242 111820 113267 100436
3 CGUU 2610. NFCs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } 535 obs 232 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 4079 4026 4037 4107 4184 4092 3848 3677
4 CGUV 2611. NFCs: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 232 obs 332 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 291812 290519 319745 285278 353798 287863 213164 174437
5 CGUW 2612. NFCs: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 333 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 271888 282990 286527 297639 305235 302493 322131 327768
6 CGUX 2613. NFCs: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 325383 325982 337999 350857 365443 390285 414980 434067
7 CGUY 2614. NFCs: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 333 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 60606 68561 71228 69521 72896 89205 100718 88353
8 CGUZ 2615. NFCs: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 377 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 164047 168005 180344 191338 199243 212779 223549 213690
9 CGVA 2616. NFCs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 52 obs 332 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 1282621 1322071 1400755 1412969 1513585 1515069 1498113 1453060
10 CGVB 2617. NFCs: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 206 obs 142 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVC 2618. NFCs: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 224 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 33476 35278 37049 38444 40234 41638 43226 44861
12 CGVE 2619. NFCs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 127 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 33476 35278 37049 38444 40234 41638 43226 44861
13 CGES 2620. Non-Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 268 obs --   115 obs 0 to 2009 1316097 1357349 1437804 1451413 1553819 1556707 1541339 1497921
14 NYOM 2621. ESA:Levels:NF:Assets:Net Financial Assets/Liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } 238 obs 200 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 -1215133 -1348238 -1468801 -1759225 -1996437 -1960515 -1355984 -1760850
15 CGRV 2622. Non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3137 obs 2999 obs 883 obs 0 to 2009 100964 9111 -30997 -307812 -442618 -403808 185355 -262929
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
7268 obs 6689 obs 3119 obs

More years
  5.4 Public Non-Financial Corporations. { total observations, n=3498 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGVF 2623. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 52 obs 224 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 91028 101140 111906 122252 111776 116656 117853 105133
2 CGWM 2624. Local Government: Tangible Assets: residential building  NSA nominal { 2nd } 535 obs 429 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 86528 96319 107927 118066 107242 111820 113267 100436
3 CGVG 2625. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 224 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 939 927 938 954 971 945 1021 953
4 CGVH 2626. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 242 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 25665 23825 25393 26427 26848 27520 24452 37778
5 CGVI 2627. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   273 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 22412 15945 15519 15707 17153 19008 23006 24413
6 CGVJ 2628. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 7647 8054 8743 8785 8887 9213 10006 10231
7 CGVK 2629. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   176 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 1601 1442 1722 2077 2258 2292 2167 2845
8 CGVL 2630. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   77 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 5146 5086 5202 5223 5320 5303 5316 5346
9 CGVM 2631. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   465 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 154438 156419 169423 181425 173213 180937 183821 186699
10 CGVN 2632. Public NFCs: Intang Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n Permanent set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   469 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVO 2633. Public NFCs: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 350 obs 686 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 3956 4184 4426 4643 4832 5005 5173 5340
12 CGVP 2634. Public NFCs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 350 obs 450 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 3956 4184 4426 4643 4832 5005 5173 5340
13 CGGN 2635. Public Non-Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-fin Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 158394 160603 173849 186068 178045 185942 188994 192039
14 NYOP 2636. Levels:PC:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities:CP NSA: NSA nominal { 2nd } --   276 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 -97569 -100165 -111572 -134564 -123222 -123784 -130719 -131717
15 CGRW 2637. Public non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2349 obs 3507 obs 1035 obs 0 to 2009 60825 60438 62277 51504 54823 62158 58275 60322
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  PC = public corporation
4512 obs 7998 obs 3498 obs

More years
  5.5 Private Non-Financial Corporations. { total observations, n=3607 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 TMPB 2638. Private nfcs - Tangible assets: Residential buildings () NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 264 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 73777 80848 88969 91977 101009 111696 101870 105935
2 TMPC 2639. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Agricultural  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 348 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 3140 3100 3099 3153 3213 3146 2826 2724
3 TMPD 2640. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Commercial; indus building NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 127 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 266147 266694 294352 258851 326950 260343 188712 136659
4 TMPE 2641. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 215 obs 99 obs 0 to 2009 249476 267045 271009 281931 288082 283485 299125 303355
5 TMPF 2642. Private nfcs: Tangible assets: Plant & machinary  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 324 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 317736 317928 329256 342072 356556 381072 404974 423836
6 TMPO 2643. Private nfcs: Tangible assets: Vehicles; ships & aircraft  NSA nominal { 2nd } 72 obs --   99 obs 0 to 2009 59005 67119 69506 67444 70639 86913 98551 85508
7 TMPG 2644. Private non-financial corps: Tangible assets: Stocks & works in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 561 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 158901 162919 175142 186115 193923 207476 218233 208344
8 TMPH 2645. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Total NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 594 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 1128183 1165652 1231332 1231544 1340372 1334132 1314292 1266361
9 TMPI 2646. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: Non marketable tenancy rights NSA nominal { 2nd } 267 obs 598 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 TMPJ 2647. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 526 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 29520 31094 32623 33801 35402 36633 38053 39521
11 TMPK 2648. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: Total NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 373 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 29520 31094 32623 33801 35402 36633 38053 39521
12 TMPL 2649. Private non financial corporations: Total non financial assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 332 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1157703 1196746 1263955 1265345 1375774 1370765 1352345 1305882
13 NYOT 2650. Levels:PR:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities:CP NSA:  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 316 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 -1117564 -1248073 -1357229 -1624661 -1873215 -1836731 -1225265 -1629133
14 TMPN 2651. Private non financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3114 obs 3462 obs 992 obs 0 to 2009 40139 -51327 -93274 -359316 -497441 -465966 127080 -323251
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
6845 obs 8040 obs 3607 obs

More years
  5.6 Financial Corporations. { total observations, n=3269 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGUD 2652. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 114 obs 318 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 657 543 427 895 1397 2681 8133 4758
2 CGUE 2653. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 114 obs 99 obs 125 obs 0 to 2009 847 847 849 851 852 850 844 842
3 CGUF 2654. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: commercial industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs --   129 obs 0 to 2009 102987 109229 117439 121929 125295 129866 102160 105272
4 CGUG 2655. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering n. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 409 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 CGUH 2656. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 167 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 11316 11477 11840 12410 13137 14512 15915 16978
6 CGUI 2657. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 97 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 721 501 609 451 207 260 147 272
7 CGUO 2658. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress . Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 97 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 CGUP 2659. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 264 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 116528 122597 131164 136536 140888 148169 127199 128122
9 CGUQ 2660. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n.Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 292 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 CGUR 2661. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 293 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 5448 5949 6242 6369 6513 6746 6973 7198
11 CGUS 2662. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 292 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5448 5949 6242 6369 6513 6746 6973 7198
12 CGDB 2663. Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   380 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 121976 128546 137406 142905 147401 154915 134172 135320
13 NYOE 2664. ESA:Levels:FC:Assets:Net financial assets/liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } --   380 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 -448168 -422211 -438359 -509880 -523924 -514446 -397258 -525018
14 CGRU 2665. Financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3262 obs 2986 obs 913 obs 0 to 2009 -326192 -293665 -300953 -366975 -376523 -359531 -263086 -389698
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
6163 obs 6074 obs 3269 obs

More years
  5.7 General Government. { total observations, n=2778 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGVQ 2666. General Government: Tangible Assets: residential buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   119 obs 93 obs 0 to 2009 3500 3300 4350 3750 4828 5331 5943 5943
2 CGVR 2667. General Government: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   20 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 1971 1971 1975 1980 1985 1979 1954 1945
3 CGVS 2668. General Government: Tangible Assets: comm; ind; & other buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   20 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 146101 158104 174383 200610 212939 226664 235211 235139
4 CGVT 2669. General Government: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 312161 337534 375929 405033 435981 473814 442227 395431
5 CGVU 2670. General Government: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 14221 17647 16595 17151 21322 19161 19872 20770
6 CGVV 2671. General Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 117 obs 0 to 2009 4374 4267 4519 5567 5846 6487 6536 6272
7 CGVW 2672. General Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   340 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 136 151 171 165 161 141 141 171
8 ZLDB 2673. Non-financial Balance Sheets: GG: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } --   216 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGVX 2674. General Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   220 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 504396 544906 599854 656188 704994 755509 733816 687603
10 CGVY 2675. General Government: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. (0) NSA nominal { 2nd } --   262 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVZ 2676. General Government: Intangible Assets: other n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   216 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 933 944 971 908 951 900 761 665
12 CGWA 2677. General Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   245 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 933 944 971 908 951 900 761 665
13 CGIX 2678. General Government: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   244 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 505329 545850 600825 657096 705945 756409 734577 688268
14 NYOG 2679. ESA:Levels:GG:Assets:Net Financial Assets/ Liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } --   147 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 -253970 -271587 -311868 -339747 -365091 -400190 -476497 -610759
15 CGRX 2680. General government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3128 obs 2878 obs 917 obs 0 to 2009 251359 274263 288957 317349 340854 356219 258080 77509
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
3128 obs 5278 obs 2778 obs

More years
  5.8 Central Government. { total observations, n=3753 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGWB 2681. CG: Tangible assets: Residential Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 441 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 3500 3300 4350 3750 4828 5331 5943 5943
2 CGWC 2682. Central Government: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   392 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 CGWD 2683. CG: Tangible assets: Commercial; Industrial & Other Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   539 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 56731 63012 69054 87916 92947 97573 99996 97547
4 CGWE 2684. CG: Tangible assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   532 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 100147 105236 109875 121070 130184 139877 147364 147364
5 CGWF 2685. CG: Tangible assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   474 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 11412 14284 11842 11241 14446 11480 11307 11307
6 CGWG 2686. Central Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   497 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 3640 3600 3582 4347 4354 4830 5024 5024
7 CGWH 2687. Central Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   649 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 136 151 171 165 161 141 141 171
8 ZLDA 2688. Balance Sheets: CG: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } --   462 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGWI 2689. Central Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   593 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 197598 211615 220906 250521 268952 281264 291807 289388
10 CGWJ 2690. Central Govt: Intangible Assets: non-market tenancy rights n. Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   414 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGWK 2691. Central Government: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   401 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 242 188 151 125 116 120 123 125
12 CGWL 2692. Central Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   317 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 242 188 151 125 116 120 123 125
13 CGIY 2693. Central Government: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   256 obs 126 obs 0 to 2009 197840 211803 221057 250646 269068 281384 291930 289513
14 NZDZ 2694. Central Government: Levels:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 253 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 -302121 -332839 -382983 -418135 -438941 -477509 -552509 -684339
15 CGRY 2695. Central government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2228 obs 3221 obs 977 obs 0 to 2009 -104281 -121036 -161926 -167489 -169873 -196125 -260579 -394826
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
2236 obs 9441 obs 3753 obs

More years
  5.9 Local Government. { total observations, n=2826 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 ZLCS 2696. New local authoruty housing for balance sheets. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   277 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 CGWN 2697. Local Government: Tangible Assets: agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   296 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 1871 1871 1875 1880 1885 1879 1854 1845
3 CGWO 2698. Local Government: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   125 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 89370 95092 105329 112695 119992 129092 135215 137592
4 CGWP 2699. Local Government: Tangible Assets: civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   125 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 212014 232298 266054 283963 305797 333937 294863 248067
5 CGWQ 2700. Local Government: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   292 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 2809 3363 4753 5910 6876 7681 8565 9463
6 CGWR 2701. Local Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   230 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 734 667 937 1220 1492 1657 1512 1248
7 CGWS 2702. Local Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress . Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   376 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 CGWT 2703. Local Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   280 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 306798 333291 378948 405668 436042 474246 442009 398215
9 CGWU 2704. Local Government: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   376 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 CGWV 2705. Local Government: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 691 756 820 783 835 780 638 540
11 CGWW 2706. Local Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   229 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 691 756 820 783 835 780 638 540
12 CGIZ 2707. Local Authorities: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 119 obs 0 to 2009 307489 334047 379768 406451 436877 475026 442647 398755
13 NYOJ 2708. Levels:LA:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 48151 61252 71115 78388 73850 77319 76012 73580
14 CGRZ 2709. Local Government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2888 obs 3245 obs 982 obs 0 to 2009 355640 395299 450883 484839 510727 552345 518659 472335
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
2888 obs 6523 obs 2826 obs

More years
  MA1.1.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=32143 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CIWY 2710. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2939 obs 2027 obs 657 obs 0 to 2009 68 69.80 71.70 74 75.70 76.70 77.80 79.10
2 CIWW 2711. Net capital stock: Dwellings: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 3423 obs 2345 obs 764 obs 0 to 2009 51.5 53 54.5 56.30 57.90 59.60 61.5 63.20
3 EXGZ 2712. Net Capital Stock: dwellings: Central Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2933 obs 2672 obs 863 obs 0 to 2009 9.200 9.600 10.10 10.5 10.70 10.80 11 11.20
4 CIWV 2713. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2337 obs 1669 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 847.60 882.5 920.70 964.5 1020.7 1071.9 1118.2 1155.3
5 CIWZ 2714. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
6 CIXD 2715. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2097 obs 1906 obs 616 obs 0 to 2009 54.60 37.5 38.60 39.90 41.10 41.80 41.60 41.70
7 CIXB 2716. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1799 obs 1827 obs 625 obs 0 to 2009 395.10 437.80 457.20 471.5 488.90 511.60 536.80 554.5
8 CIXC 2717. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Financial corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2063 obs 1976 obs 656 obs 0 to 2009 55.90 57.30 58.80 60.10 61.5 62.80 64.10 64
9 CIXE 2718. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1659 obs 1423 obs 508 obs 0 to 2009 143.90 151.20 160.60 172.90 185.5 196.60 210 224.90
10 EXHH 2719. Net Capital Stock: Other buildings & works: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1700 obs 1767 obs 601 obs 0 to 2009 155 166.40 180.40 197.80 214.90 227 241 256.30
11 GSWU 2720. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2173 obs 2462 obs 783 obs 0 to 2009 9.800 10.60 9.400 9.900 10.5 11.60 12.70 11.80
12 GSZO 2721. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1822 obs 2410 obs 712 obs 0 to 2009 44.70 46.90 52 54.20 56.60 59.60 63 67.30
13 CIXA 2722. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2213 obs 2509 obs 798 obs 0 to 2009 54.40 57.5 61.40 64 67.10 71.20 75.70 79.10
14 CIXF 2723. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2248 obs 2261 obs 694 obs 0 to 2009 858.90 907.70 957 1006.3 1059 1111 1169.2 1220.5
15 CIWR 2724. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1838 obs 1778 obs 566 obs 0 to 2009 7.600 8.100 8.700 8.800 8.600 8.900 9.600 10.5
16 CIWP 2725. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1835 obs 1485 obs 571 obs 0 to 2009 325.40 326 338 350.90 357.80 375.80 399.10 416.40
17 CIWQ 2726. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Financial Corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1886 obs 2062 obs 720 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.5 11.80 12.40 13.10 14.60 16 15.60
18 CIWS 2727. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Central Government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1954 obs 1322 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.5 10.5 11 10.30 10.10 10.60 11.80
19 CIWT 2728. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Local Authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1999 obs 2228 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 3.400 4.800 5.900 5.900 6 6.300 6.700
20 GSWY 2729. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2203 obs 2480 obs 812 obs 0 to 2009 21.5 22.10 24.40 27 27.80 29.90 32.20 33.60
21 GSZS 2730. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1892 obs 2203 obs 703 obs 0 to 2009 3.700 4.100 5.600 6.300 6.900 7.800 8.900 10.5
22 CIWO 2731. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1856 obs 2538 obs 763 obs 0 to 2009 25.20 26.20 30 33.30 34.70 37.70 41.10 44.10
23 CIWU 2732. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2010 obs 2300 obs 758 obs 0 to 2009 381.30 384.5 403.80 422.30 430.40 453.10 482.70 505.10
24 CIWM 2733. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Pub corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2096 obs 2151 obs 826 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 2.100 2.400
25 CIWK 2734. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1958 obs 1877 obs 765 obs 0 to 2009 59.80 62.5 63.5 64.80 66.20 68.80 73.20 76.30
26 CIWL 2735. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Fin corps (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1843 obs 2113 obs 794 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 1.9000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.7000 0.5 0.3000
27 CIWN 2736. Net capital stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Central Gov (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2011 obs 2019 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.6000
28 EXGM 2737. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Local Government: (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2051 obs 2004 obs 660 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.2000 1.4000 1.5 1.7000 1.8000 2 2.200
29 GSXG 2738. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2075 obs 2165 obs 766 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.600 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7 7.200
30 GTKX 2739. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2431 obs 1818 obs 709 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
31 BGUU 2740. Net stock: Vehicles; ships & aircraft: Households & NPISHs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2192 obs 1723 obs 690 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.200 6.400 6.800 7 7.400 7.700 7.900
32 BGUV 2741. Net capital stock: vehicles; ships & aircraft: whole economy (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2064 obs 1982 obs 723 obs 0 to 2009 73.10 75.60 76.5 78 79.5 82.40 87.40 90.70
33 BGUN 2742. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Public Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1924 obs 2240 obs 676 obs 0 to 2009 4 4.200 4.400 4.600 5 5.300 5.600 6
34 BGUL 2743. Net Stock: Intangible assets: PNFCs CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1879 obs 2247 obs 740 obs 0 to 2009 29.5 31.10 32.60 33.80 35.90 37.60 39.5 41.5
35 BGUM 2744. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Financial Corporations CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2054 obs 1947 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 BGUO 2745. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Central Government CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 1695 obs 556 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
37 BGUP 2746. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Local Authorities CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2098 obs 1349 obs 493 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
38 GUDK 2747. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1834 obs 1470 obs 518 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
39 GUDM 2748. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 1724 obs 578 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
40 BGUK 2749. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Households CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2023 obs 2308 obs 682 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1
41 BGUQ 2750. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1690 obs 1641 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 40.60 42.90 45.10 46.60 49.40 51.60 53.90 56.5
42 CIXJ 2751. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Public corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1898 obs 1670 obs 456 obs 0 to 2009 135.90 121.20 125.20 129.20 132.20 134.5 136.70 139.70
43 CIXH 2752. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: PNFCs (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1918 obs 1685 obs 492 obs 0 to 2009 861.30 910.40 945.80 977.30 1006.7 1053.4 1110.1 1151.9
44 CIXI 2753. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Financial corporations (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1920 obs 1636 obs 502 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82 84.90 87.70 87.20
45 CIXK 2754. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Central government (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1918 obs 1569 obs 480 obs 0 to 2009 164.40 172.60 183.30 196.5 208.60 219.5 233.60 249.60
46 CIXL 2755. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Local authorities (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1923 obs 1831 obs 574 obs 0 to 2009 159.80 171.70 187.40 206 223.30 235.60 249.90 265.80
47 GSXC 2756. Net capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1673 obs 1417 obs 489 obs 0 to 2009 884.60 921 960.5 1007.7 1065.7 1120.4 1170.4 1208.2
48 GSZW 2757. Net capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1792 obs 1717 obs 568 obs 0 to 2009 49.30 52.10 58.80 61.70 64.80 68.80 73.30 79.20
49 CIXG 2758. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Households (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2003 obs 1358 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 933.90 973.10 1019.3 1069.4 1130.5 1189.2 1243.7 1287.4
50 CIXM 2759. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
102174 obs 96167 obs 32143 obs

More years
  MA1.1.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Sector. { total observations, n=30591 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 DBUJ 2760. Stocks of fixed assets; Resid bulidings - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1772 obs 2002 obs 607 obs 0 to 2009 78.10 77.80 77 76.30 75.70 75 74.20 73.5
2 GUAV 2761. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2402 obs 1989 obs 630 obs 0 to 2009 58.5 58.5 58.20 58 57.90 58.40 58.90 59.20
3 GSVG 2762. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1877 obs 2140 obs 672 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 11 10.90 10.90 10.70 10.60 10.40 10.30
4 GUCX 2763. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Dwellings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1663 obs 2131 obs 674 obs 0 to 2009 970.40 984.70 996.30 1007.4 1020.7 1051.9 1075.3 1088.7
5 EXJF 2764. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
6 DBUK 2765. Stocks of fixed assets; Non-resid build - Public enterp - OECD CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1750 obs 1760 obs 681 obs 0 to 2009 59.60 40.10 40.30 40.80 41.10 41.5 41.10 41
7 GUAS 2766. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1695 obs 2053 obs 612 obs 0 to 2009 412.20 449.40 461.10 474.30 488.90 510.80 535.20 552.20
8 GSVS 2767. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1852 obs 2014 obs 676 obs 0 to 2009 57.10 58.30 58.90 60.20 61.5 62.80 64.10 64
9 GSVD 2768. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2151 obs 2344 obs 618 obs 0 to 2009 174.90 177.60 179.40 182.20 185.5 191.70 199.80 208.90
10 GSYM 2769. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1664 obs 2216 obs 575 obs 0 to 2009 191.10 198.10 203.40 209.10 214.90 221.60 230.20 239.5
11 GSWV 2770. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1651 obs 2326 obs 581 obs 0 to 2009 10.90 11.40 9.800 10.20 10.5 11.40 12.40 11.30
12 GSZP 2771. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2042 obs 2228 obs 717 obs 0 to 2009 45.60 47.80 52.10 54.30 56.60 59.60 63 67.30
13 GSXK 2772. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2042 obs 2294 obs 608 obs 0 to 2009 56.5 59.20 61.90 64.5 67.10 71 75.40 78.60
14 EXOZ 2773. Net Capital Stock: Other Buildings & Works: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2254 obs 2479 obs 673 obs 0 to 2009 951.40 982.70 1005 1031.1 1059 1099.4 1145.8 1184.2
15 EXLH 2774. all_ind P pc ns-CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1349 obs 1208 obs 579 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.5 8.200 8.400 8.600 8.900 9.300 9.700
16 GUBN 2775. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1270 obs 1761 obs 510 obs 0 to 2009 304.80 310 325.5 340.90 357.80 373 382.90 380.80
17 GSVV 2776. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1596 obs 2232 obs 638 obs 0 to 2009 9.300 9.800 10.5 11.70 13.10 15.20 17.5 17.80
18 GSVJ 2777. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1491 obs 2200 obs 621 obs 0 to 2009 7.800 8.400 9.600 10.20 10.30 10.10 10.30 11.10
19 GSYP 2778. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1814 obs 2088 obs 616 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.600 3.800 4.900 5.900 6.100 6.200 6.400
20 GSWZ 2779. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1735 obs 2332 obs 730 obs 0 to 2009 19 19.80 22.20 24.90 27.80 29.70 30.80 30.30
21 GSZT 2780. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1696 obs 2079 obs 682 obs 0 to 2009 2.800 3.5 4.900 5.900 6.900 8.100 9.300 10.5
22 GSXN 2781. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1589 obs 2341 obs 689 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 23.30 27.10 30.80 34.70 37.80 40.10 40.80
23 EXLD 2782. Net Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1660 obs 2109 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 352.80 361.60 384.70 406.90 430.40 451.10 466.30 466.60
24 EXLI 2783. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Public Corporations: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1368 obs 1908 obs 606 obs 0 to 2009 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 1.9000 2
25 GUBT 2784. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1905 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 62.40 65 65.40 65.90 66.20 67.30 67 63.90
26 GSWB 2785. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1819 obs 669 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.7000 0.5 0.3000
27 GSVP 2786. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 1850 obs 597 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.5
28 GSYV 2787. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1732 obs 2062 obs 612 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2
29 GSXH 2788. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1771 obs 1868 obs 639 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 5.800 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.5 6
30 GTVF 2789. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1130 obs 1779 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
31 GSXT 2790. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1440 obs 1961 obs 642 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.300 6.5 6.800 7 7.300 7.200 6.700
32 EXLE 2791. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1706 obs 2246 obs 667 obs 0 to 2009 76.30 78.70 78.90 79.40 79.5 80.80 80.30 76.40
33 GUAA 2792. Net capital stock: Total: PC: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1398 obs 1434 obs 470 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.700 4.800 4.900 5 5.200 5.400 5.600
34 GUAY 2793. Net capital stock: Total: PR: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1575 obs 1400 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 31.5 32.60 33.80 34.70 35.90 37.20 38.5 40
35 GUDI 2794. Net capital stock: Total: FC: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1769 obs 1866 obs 567 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GUDF 2795. Net capital stock: Total: CG: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1870 obs 506 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
37 GUDJ 2796. Net capital stock: Total: LA: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1622 obs 1596 obs 565 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.6000 0.6000
38 GUDL 2797. Net capital stock: Total: HH: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1637 obs 1607 obs 563 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
39 GUDN 2798. Net capital stock: Total: NP: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1765 obs 530 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000
40 GUDE 2799. Net capital stock: Total: HN: Intangible: computer software:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1622 obs 1362 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.8000 0.9000 1 1 1 1 1
41 GUBV 2800. Net capital stock: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1353 obs 555 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.20 46.80 48 49.40 51.10 52.70 54.60
42 GUAP 2801. Net capital stock: Total: PC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1979 obs 1381 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 151 131.80 132 132.20 132.20 132.40 131.90 131.80
43 GUBQ 2802. Net capital stock: Total: PR: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1979 obs 1769 obs 611 obs 0 to 2009 869.40 915.5 944 973.80 1006.7 1046.7 1082.5 1096.1
44 GSVY 2803. Net capital stock: Total: FC: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1429 obs 1083 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 74.40 76.20 77.30 79.60 82 85.5 89.20 89.40
45 GSVM 2804. Net capital stock: Total: CG: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1958 obs 1560 obs 577 obs 0 to 2009 196 199.5 202.30 205.5 208.60 214.40 222.40 231.90
46 GSYS 2805. Net capital stock: Total: LA: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1392 obs 1905 obs 677 obs 0 to 2009 195.20 202.90 209.5 216.40 223.30 230.30 238.90 248.5
47 GSXD 2806. Net capital stock: Total: HH: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1779 obs 662 obs 0 to 2009 1006.2 1021.9 1034.4 1049 1065.7 1099.9 1125.3 1136.6
48 GSZX 2807. Net capital stock: Total: NP: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1190 obs 1634 obs 617 obs 0 to 2009 49.5 52.40 58.30 61.5 64.80 69.10 73.70 79.20
49 GSXQ 2808. Net capital stock: Total: HN: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1638 obs 582 obs 0 to 2009 1055.7 1074.3 1092.7 1110.5 1130.5 1169 1199 1215.8
50 GUCJ 2809. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
  PC = public corporation
83765 obs 94632 obs 30591 obs

More years
  MA1.2.1 Net Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=24693 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKG 2810. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1543 obs 592 obs 0 to 2009 20.30 20.5 20.80 21 21.30 22.20 23.70 25
2 GSMW 2811. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1845 obs 655 obs 0 to 2009 57.90 58.40 57.90 56.60 56.10 57.10 57.70 58.60
3 GSRJ 2812. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1639 obs 521 obs 0 to 2009 26.90 27.30 26.90 26.80 27.40 29.10 31.30 33.40
4 JJMW 2813. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1774 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.200 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4.100 3.900
5 GSRV 2814. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1878 obs 624 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.200
6 GSRZ 2815. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1826 obs 636 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 21.70 21.30 21.10 20.5 19.80 19.5 19.30
7 GSSD 2816. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1690 obs 576 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.5 5.200 4.900
8 GSSH 2817. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1211 obs 1326 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 30.30 29.80 30.20 30.40 30.90 31.90 33.10 34.10
9 GSSL 2818. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1164 obs 1395 obs 448 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.400 8.100 7.900 7.700 7.700 7.700 7.800
10 GSSP 2819. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1643 obs 1379 obs 416 obs 0 to 2009 6.600 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.700 7 7
11 GSST 2820. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1516 obs 1254 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 15.90 15.80 15.40 15.20 15 15.10 15
12 GSSX 2821. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1706 obs 1431 obs 467 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 10.90 10.40 9.900 9.400 9.100 8.900 8.800
13 JJBA 2822. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1084 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000
14 JJBN 2823. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1345 obs 414 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.200 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
15 JJED 2824. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1412 obs 468 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 7 6.400 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.5 4.200
16 JJEQ 2825. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1443 obs 426 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 2.900 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.900
17 JCZG 2826. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
18 GSTB 2827. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1581 obs 1604 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16.10 15.10 14.30 13.5 13.20 12.60
19 JJFD 2828. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1126 obs 1646 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 17.90 17.70 17.30 17.20 17.10 17.5 17.80
20 JJFQ 2829. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1860 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.200 7 7.900 8.700 9.5 10.5 11.5
21 JDEL 2830. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 GSTF 2831. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1747 obs 524 obs 0 to 2009 25.30 24.80 25.40 26 26.60 27.40 28.80 30.10
23 GSTJ 2832. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 771 obs 1506 obs 465 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.5 4.600
24 GSRF 2833. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 783 obs 1781 obs 546 obs 0 to 2009 184.80 182.20 179.70 177.20 175.40 176.40 180.70 183.70
25 GSTM 2834. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1744 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 87.80 88.60 87.40 86.60 86.80 89.80 94.90 101.10
26 GSTP 2835. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1925 obs 570 obs 0 to 2009 18.30 20.10 22.5 23.80 25.60 27.5 29.40 30.5
27 GSTT 2836. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1823 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 133.20 138.70 150.30 161 170.90 184.10 196.80 206.40
28 GSTX 2837. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1734 obs 535 obs 0 to 2009 45.40 46.80 51.40 55.40 59.5 64.70 70.70 74.80
29 JJOJ 2838. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1449 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 101.70 111.20 118 123 128.60 134.80 144.30 153.30
30 JJOW 2839. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1265 obs 415 obs 0 to 2009 57.20 56.40 56.90 56.80 56.80 56.80 56.5 55.20
31 JKNU 2840. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
32 GSUB 2841. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1399 obs 434 obs 0 to 2009 161.30 170.30 177.90 183 188.70 195 204.30 212.10
33 JJPJ 2842. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1282 obs 396 obs 0 to 2009 36.30 36.90 37.40 38.20 39.10 41 42.90 42.80
34 JJGD 2843. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1341 obs 425 obs 0 to 2009 33.20 33.80 34.90 35.60 36.40 37 37.60 37.10
35 JEUZ 2844. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GSUF 2845. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82.10 84.80 87.60 87.20
37 CIWZ 2846. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
38 JJIT 2847. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 881 obs 1615 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 87.90 98.10 101.40 105.30 108.70 113.80 120.10 124.10
39 JJJG 2848. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 26.5 27.20 27.80 30.40 32.5 35.20 36.60 36.30
40 JJPW 2849. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1923 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 42.70 43.90 46.30 47.60 47.30 50 53.10 54.80
41 JFJK 2850. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
42 GSUJ 2851. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 1725 obs 501 obs 0 to 2009 161.60 174.30 181 189.40 195.40 206.10 217.20 222.90
43 GSUN 2852. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1869 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 184.10 195.60 209.90 224.70 237.5 249.90 264 279.90
44 GSUR 2853. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1809 obs 522 obs 0 to 2009 69.90 74.20 82.30 91.5 100.30 106.80 114.60 123.70
45 GSUV 2854. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1002 obs 1409 obs 423 obs 0 to 2009 54.10 58 62.80 69.20 75.5 80.5 86.30 92.80
46 JJJT 2855. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1013 obs 1627 obs 484 obs 0 to 2009 39.90 43.10 45.30 47.10 48.70 50.5 53.10 55.60
47 JKNL 2856. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1248 obs 1474 obs 439 obs 0 to 2009 47 49 59.60 70.80 77 83.80 91.60 96.10
48 JKNI 2857. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
49 GSUZ 2858. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1392 obs 1586 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 100.20 106.40 120 133.70 143.20 153.20 165.30 174.10
50 CIXM 2859. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
67451 obs 79514 obs 24693 obs

More years
  MA1.2.2 Net Capital Stock: by Industry. { total observations, n=19465 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJKI 2860. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1148 obs 1686 obs 503 obs 0 to 2009 21.90 21.60 21.40 21.30 21.30 21.40 21.90 21.70
2 GSQV 2861. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 693 obs 1451 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 65.10 63.5 60.80 58.20 56.10 55.80 54.90 54.20
3 GSRK 2862. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1385 obs 424 obs 0 to 2009 28.20 28.30 27.90 27.60 27.40 27.30 27 26.30
4 JJMY 2863. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1453 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.300 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4 3.800
5 GSRW 2864. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1314 obs 1316 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100
6 GSSA 2865. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1331 obs 1697 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 22.10 22 21.5 21.30 20.5 19.5 18.60 17.60
7 GSSE 2866. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1294 obs 1290 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.400 5 4.5
8 GSSI 2867. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1631 obs 545 obs 0 to 2009 30.20 29.70 30.10 30.40 30.90 31.5 31.80 31.40
9 GSSM 2868. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1104 obs 457 obs 0 to 2009 8.700 8.600 8.300 8 7.700 7.5 7.300 7
10 GSSQ 2869. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1271 obs 1205 obs 482 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.700 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.600 6.700 6.5
11 GSSU 2870. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1118 obs 1169 obs 474 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16.20 16 15.5 15.20 14.90 14.70 14.10
12 GSSY 2871. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1084 obs 1146 obs 464 obs 0 to 2009 11.5 11 10.40 9.900 9.400 9 8.700 8.300
13 JJBC 2872. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1307 obs 919 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.6000
14 JJBP 2873. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1463 obs 1115 obs 411 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.100
15 JJEF 2874. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1319 obs 1223 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 6.900 6.300 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.400 4
16 JJES 2875. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 908 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3.100 3 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.700
17 JCZH 2876. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
18 GSTC 2877. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1073 obs 401 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16 15.20 14.30 13.5 12.80 11.90
19 JJFF 2878. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 737 obs 780 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 18.70 18.10 17.80 17.40 17.20 16.90 16.70 16.30
20 JJFS 2879. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 974 obs 920 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6.900 7.800 8.700 9.5 10.20 10.90
21 JDEM 2880. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 GSTG 2881. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1353 obs 1034 obs 421 obs 0 to 2009 25.40 24.80 25.40 25.90 26.60 27.20 27.70 28
23 GSTK 2882. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1051 obs 907 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.400 4.300
24 GSRG 2883. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1099 obs 896 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 187.5 184.10 181.20 178.40 175.40 173.10 170.90 165.80
25 GSTN 2884. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1098 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 86.80 87.60 86.40 85.90 86.80 89.5 92.80 96.60
26 GSTQ 2885. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1209 obs 1004 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 20.40 22.70 23.90 25.60 27.20 28.10 28.10
27 GSTU 2886. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1008 obs 1163 obs 404 obs 0 to 2009 135.5 141.10 151.40 161.60 170.90 182.30 191 195.70
28 GSTY 2887. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 986 obs 910 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 47.40 51.70 55.60 59.5 64 68.30 70.30
29 JJOL 2888. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1221 obs 1007 obs 372 obs 0 to 2009 105.10 113.30 119 123.5 128.60 134.10 141.10 146.10
30 JJOY 2889. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1173 obs 852 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 50.90 51.10 52.80 54.80 56.80 59.10 61.10 62
31 JKNW 2890. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
32 GSUC 2891. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 777 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 158.40 167.10 174.80 181.40 188.70 196.60 205.70 211.70
33 JJPL 2892. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 1178 obs 370 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 35.60 36 37.5 39.10 41.60 44.30 44.90
34 JJII 2893. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 747 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 34.30 34.90 35.70 36.40 37.10 37.60 37.10
35 JEVA 2894. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
36 GSUG 2895. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1177 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 74.30 76 77.20 79.70 82.10 85.5 89 89.30
37 EXJF 2896. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
38 JJIV 2897. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1449 obs 1113 obs 350 obs 0 to 2009 93.60 103.5 104.40 106.60 108.70 113.10 118.60 121.5
39 JJJI 2898. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 898 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 27.5 28 30.40 32.5 34.60 33.90 31.30
40 JJPY 2899. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 943 obs 571 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 37.60 40.60 43 47.30 50.70 53 53
41 JFJL 2900. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
42 GSUK 2901. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 936 obs 1027 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 160.5 173.80 178.70 186.30 195.40 205.5 212.90 213.5
43 GSUO 2902. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 677 obs 1054 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 217.60 223.10 228.5 232.90 237.5 244.10 252.40 260.40
44 GSUS 2903. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 715 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 84.10 86.90 91.5 95.80 100.30 105 110.5 117
45 GSUW 2904. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 1034 obs 391 obs 0 to 2009 67.10 69.80 71.40 73.30 75.5 78.60 82.30 86.60
46 JJJV 2905. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 669 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 41.80 44.30 45.80 47.40 48.70 50.5 52.5 54.30
47 JKNM 2906. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 813 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.5 55.40 66.60 77 84.70 92.30 95.70
48 JKNG 2907. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
49 GSVA 2908. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CV NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 948 obs 769 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 100.30 105.80 117.70 131.10 143.20 153.80 164.40 170.90
50 GUCJ 2909. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
54413 obs 54158 obs 19465 obs

More years
  MA1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 1. { total observations, n=27756 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSM 2910. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 900 obs 1356 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 7.900 7.800 8 8.200 8.700 9.5 10.40
2 JAZZ 2911. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 900 obs 865 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 10.40 9.700 9 8.400 7.800 7.800 8 8.200
3 JCIL 2912. Net capital stock: DA : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 869 obs 784 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 15.70 15.70 15.40 15.5 16.20 17.90 20.10 22.40
4 JCKE 2913. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 1002 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.700 2.5 2.300 2.100 2 2 1.9000
5 JCLF 2914. Net capital stock: DD : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 1122 obs 393 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000
6 JCNQ 2915. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 957 obs 1062 obs 422 obs 0 to 2009 14.40 14.20 13.90 13.80 13.20 12.70 12.40 12.30
7 JCQG 2916. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 715 obs 844 obs 374 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.600 4.300 4 3.600 3.300 3.200 3.100
8 JCRI 2917. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 875 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 20.80 20.10 20.20 20.5 21 21.80 23 24
9 JCRY 2918. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 936 obs 966 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6 5.800 5.600 5.400 5.400 5.5 5.600
10 JCSO 2919. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 907 obs 1047 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.800 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.600 4.800 4.800
11 JCTT 2920. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1352 obs 963 obs 361 obs 0 to 2009 9.400 9.200 9.100 9 8.900 8.800 9.100 9.100
12 JCUV 2921. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1354 obs 1078 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.400 4.900 4.5 4.200 3.900 3.900 3.900
13 JCVH 2922. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 963 obs 777 obs 322 obs 0 to 2009 1.4000 1.3000 1.2000 1.1000 1 1 0.9000 0.9000
14 JCVT 2923. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1080 obs 964 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.400 2.200 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000
15 JCWF 2924. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1007 obs 1028 obs 384 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.400 3.800 3.200 2.800 2.400 2.200 1.9000
16 JCYU 2925. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 995 obs 561 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 2 2 1.9000 2 2 2 1.9000 1.9000
17 JCZK 2926. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and machi  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1342 obs 681 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 11 10 9.200 8.300 7.700 7.200 6.800 6.5
18 JCZX 2927. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 841 obs 992 obs 393 obs 0 to 2009 13.60 13 12.70 12.40 12.30 12.30 12.70 13.10
19 JDDE 2928. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1295 obs 661 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.200 3.900 4.400 5 5.700 6 6.400
20 JDEV 2929. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 889 obs 625 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 16.80 16.20 16.60 16.80 17.30 18 18.70 19.5
21 JDGM 2930. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1139 obs 1098 obs 408 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.300 2.200 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.400
22 JIGS 2931. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1186 obs 1090 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 116 112.20 109.70 108 107.40 109 113 116.60
23 JDID 2932. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 995 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 50.60 50.80 49.5 48.60 47.80 48.70 51.10 53.60
24 JDJU 2933. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 948 obs 1018 obs 394 obs 0 to 2009 8.800 9.400 10.90 11.60 12.5 13.60 14.70 15.40
25 JDLL 2934. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1810 obs 998 obs 384 obs 0 to 2009 52.30 55.40 61.30 66.90 71.60 79 86.60 93
26 JDNC 2935. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 710 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 11.90 12.40 15.10 17.20 19.40 22.20 25.40 27.70
27 JEIS 2936. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and mach  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 876 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 6.900 7.800 8.900 10 9.900 10.20 11 11.70
28 JETJ 2937. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 928 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 43.5 42.80 42.90 42.60 42.70 42.80 42.40 41
29 JEQL 2938. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machinery  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 865 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 50.30 50.5 51.80 52.60 52.60 53 53.40 52.70
30 JEXO 2939. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 989 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 11 11.30 11.70 12.30 13.70 15 14.60
31 JJAD 2940. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 986 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 1 1
32 JEVJ 2941. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1383 obs 1165 obs 368 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 11.5 11.90 12.40 13.10 14.5 16 15.60
33 JFGD 2942. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1531 obs 811 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 2 2.200 2.5 3.100 3.600 4.400 5.700 7.300
34 JFHQ 2943. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 970 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 11.40 11.20 11.10 11.60 12.10 13 13.70 13.80
35 JFLH 2944. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1351 obs 1052 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 19 19.60 21.5 22.70 21.80 22.70 24 24.80
36 JFJU 2945. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and machin  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 1110 obs 383 obs 0 to 2009 32.40 33 35.10 37.40 37.5 40.10 43.40 45.90
37 JDOT 2946. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 1151 obs 399 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.800 9.700 10.90 10.20 9.800 9.800 10.20
38 JHEB 2947. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 784 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.200 2.800 3.400 3.700 4.100 4.800 5.600
39 JDQK 2948. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machiner  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1097 obs 565 obs 228 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.5 5.600 5.600 5.600 5.5 5.600 5.600
40 JHCK 2949. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1367 obs 854 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 7.400 8 8.800 9.600 10.70 12.30 13.70
41 JHIY 2950. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1399 obs 748 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 7.900 8.700 15.5 22.40 24.30 26.70 29.60 31
42 JHFO 2951. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1543 obs 800 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 14.60 16.20 23.5 31.10 33.90 37.40 41.90 44.70
43 CIWU 2952. Net capital stock: Plant & machinery: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2010 obs 2300 obs 758 obs 0 to 2009 381.30 384.5 403.80 422.30 430.40 453.10 482.70 505.10
44 JABC 2953. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1496 obs 1071 obs 352 obs 0 to 2009 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.7000 2
45 JCGR 2954. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1556 obs 1013 obs 336 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5
46 JCIM 2955. Net capital stock: DA : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1289 obs 769 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
47 JCKI 2956. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 618 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
48 JCLG 2957. Net capital stock: DD : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1145 obs 1031 obs 349 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
49 JCOD 2958. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1303 obs 997 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
50 JCQT 2959. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1413 obs 828 obs 291 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRM 2960. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 756 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
52 JCSC 2961. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 1223 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JCSS 2962. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1569 obs 1030 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
54 JCUG 2963. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1397 obs 859 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
55 JCUZ 2964. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1569 obs 1290 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
56 JCVL 2965. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1131 obs 1240 obs 408 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVX 2966. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1308 obs 1021 obs 373 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWJ 2967. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1388 obs 936 obs 325 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 JCYY 2968. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1133 obs 799 obs 270 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
60 JCZO 2969. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1308 obs 726 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JDCH 2970. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1164 obs 775 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
62 JDDR 2971. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 939 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000
63 JDFI 2972. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 892 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000
64 JDGZ 2973. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1089 obs 825 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIHF 2974. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 1113 obs 374 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.800 2.700 2.700 2.700
66 JDIQ 2975. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1150 obs 1045 obs 357 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.3000 0.4000
67 JDKH 2976. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 809 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 3 3.100 3.5 3.700 3.900 4 4.100 3.900
68 JDLY 2977. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1230 obs 804 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.400 6.700 7.100 7 7 7.200 7.400
69 JDNP 2978. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 973 obs 801 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000
70 JEJF 2979. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1197 obs 1255 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 30.5 32.80 32.80 32.20 33.10 34.5 38.10 42.30
71 JETW 2980. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1294 obs 1373 obs 451 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.5 1.3000 1.2000 1 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000
72 JEQY 2981. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1150 obs 1025 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 32.20 34.30 34.10 33.40 34.10 35.30 38.80 43
73 JFAF 2982. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1247 obs 876 obs 364 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 1.9000 1.5 1.1000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
74 JJAF 2983. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2003 obs 1412 obs 487 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
75 JEVW 2984. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2201 obs 1003 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 1.9000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
76 JFGQ 2985. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1908 obs 730 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000
77 JFID 2986. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1891 obs 1196 obs 392 obs 0 to 2009 12.60 13.40 14.10 16.20 17.90 19.70 20.40 20
78 JFLU 2987. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2292 obs 1476 obs 377 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 3.900 3.700 3.400 3.300 3.200 3.100
79 JFKH 2988. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1970 obs 1124 obs 417 obs 0 to 2009 17.70 18.20 18.60 20.5 22 23.80 24.5 24
80 JDPG 2989. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1436 obs 671 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.800 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.700
  CP = current price
103134 obs 77467 obs 27756 obs

More years
  MA1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 2. { total observations, n=27042 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEO 2990. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1436 obs 622 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
2 JDQX 2991. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1792 obs 989 obs 358 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
3 JHCX 2992. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1809 obs 709 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 1 1.3000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.6000
4 JHJL 2993. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1764 obs 812 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000
5 JHGB 2994. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Vehic  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1849 obs 803 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.900 3 3 3 3.100 3
6 BGUV 2995. Net capital stock: vehicles; ships & aircraft: whole economy (CP) n NSA nominal { 2nd } 2064 obs 1982 obs 723 obs 0 to 2009 73.10 75.60 76.5 78 79.5 82.40 87.40 90.70
7 CIWZ 2996. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
8 CIWZ 2997. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
9 IZSE 2998. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1781 obs 1187 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 10.80 11.20 11.5 11.5 11.70 11.90 12.5 12.70
10 JABO 2999. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1380 obs 824 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 43.20 44.90 45.40 45 45.20 46.20 46.60 47.10
11 JCIJ 3000. Net capital stock: DA : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1635 obs 808 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 10.70 10.90 11 10.80 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.60
12 JCJW 3001. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1504 obs 690 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000
13 JCLE 3002. Net capital stock: DD : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1884 obs 721 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1
14 JCMQ 3003. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 580 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300
15 JCPP 3004. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1325 obs 644 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 3.5 3.400 3.300 2.800 2.300 2 1.7000 1.5
16 JCRA 3005. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 588 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.700 9 8.900 9 9.200 9.300 9.300
17 JCRQ 3006. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1735 obs 873 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100
18 JCSG 3007. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1243 obs 661 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2.100 2.100
19 JCTC 3008. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1387 obs 791 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6 5.800 5.800 5.600 5.5 5.400
20 JCUN 3009. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1322 obs 833 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
21 JCVD 3010. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1781 obs 1038 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 JCVP 3011. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1412 obs 748 obs 276 obs 0 to 2009 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5
23 JCWB 3012. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1943 obs 824 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300
24 JCYQ 3013. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1476 obs 1099 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 0.8000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000
25 JCZC 3014. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1584 obs 1145 obs 363 obs 0 to 2009 6 6.100 6 5.900 5.700 5.700 5.5 5.5
26 JCZT 3015. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1500 obs 1112 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.900 5 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.600
27 JDCR 3016. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1534 obs 1186 obs 367 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 3 3.400 3.600 3.700 4.300 4.900
28 JDEE 3017. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1216 obs 898 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 7.800 7.900 8 8.300 8.400 8.5 9 9.5
29 JDFV 3018. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1147 obs 916 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000
30 JIFS 3019. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1387 obs 1142 obs 361 obs 0 to 2009 60.20 61.10 61.20 60.40 59.60 59.30 59.20 59
31 JDHM 3020. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2284 obs 1357 obs 461 obs 0 to 2009 36.20 37 37.20 37.30 38.40 40.40 42.90 46.5
32 JDJD 3021. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1345 obs 1163 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 7 7.5 8 8.800 9.5 10.10 10.5
33 JDKU 3022. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1788 obs 1348 obs 385 obs 0 to 2009 72 74.10 79.30 83.90 89.20 95 99.90 102.90
34 JDML 3023. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1584 obs 893 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 32.90 33.70 35.70 37.40 39.30 41.70 44.5 46.40
35 JEIF 3024. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1413 obs 797 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 64.40 70.70 76.30 80.90 86.10 90.60 95.90 100
36 JESW 3025. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1476 obs 812 obs 264 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.20 12.70 13 13 13.20 13.40 13.40
37 JEPY 3026. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1440 obs 769 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 76.40 82.80 89 93.90 99.10 103.80 109.30 113.40
38 JEXB 3027. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1788 obs 865 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 23.40 24 24.60 25.40 26 26.70 27.60 28.10
39 JJAB 3028. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1692 obs 1063 obs 331 obs 0 to 2009 32.5 33.30 34.20 34.80 35.5 36.10 36.5 36
40 JEUS 3029. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1838 obs 963 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 55.90 57.30 58.80 60.10 61.5 62.80 64.10 64.10
41 JFFD 3030. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1680 obs 909 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 85.30 95.40 98.30 101.5 104.30 108.40 113.20 115.5
42 JFHD 3031. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1320 obs 822 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
43 JFKU 3032. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1572 obs 831 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 19.20 20 20.80 21.30 22.30 24.30 26.20 27.20
44 JFIQ 3033. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1404 obs 919 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 107 118 121.70 125.30 129.10 135.20 141.90 145.20
45 JDOC 3034. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1653 obs 1012 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 173.70 184.10 196.70 210.40 224.60 236.90 251.40 266.80
46 JHDK 3035. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1437 obs 824 obs 326 obs 0 to 2009 67 71.5 78.30 86.5 94.5 100.5 107.5 115.70
47 JDPT 3036. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1776 obs 1091 obs 320 obs 0 to 2009 47.90 51.60 56.40 62.80 69.10 74.10 79.90 86.40
48 JHBX 3037. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1583 obs 969 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 32.30 34.70 36 36.90 37.70 38.40 39.30 40.5
49 JHHY 3038. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1812 obs 985 obs 369 obs 0 to 2009 37.40 38.70 42.40 46.80 51.20 55.5 60.30 63.5
50 JHFB 3039. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Build  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1826 obs 848 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 69.70 73.40 78.40 83.70 88.90 93.90 99.60 104
51 CIXF 3040. Net capital stock: Other buildings & works: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2248 obs 2261 obs 694 obs 0 to 2009 858.90 907.70 957 1006.3 1059 1111 1169.2 1220.5
52 IZSI 3041. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1720 obs 1128 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JADU 3042. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1399 obs 1076 obs 378 obs 0 to 2009 3.800 3.300 2.900 2.600 2.5 2.600 2.600 2.800
54 JCIK 3043. Net capital stock: DA : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 1072 obs 377 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
55 JCKA 3044. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed as  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1373 obs 756 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 JCND 3045. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed as  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1346 obs 561 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.5 2.5
57 JCPW 3046. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1721 obs 1096 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
58 JCRE 3047. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed ass  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1557 obs 785 obs 261 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000
59 JCSK 3048. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1541 obs 552 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTJ 3049. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1344 obs 585 obs 255 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JCUR 3050. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1284 obs 818 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
62 JCZG 3051. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
63 JDEL 3052. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
64 JDGC 3053. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1899 obs 992 obs 330 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIGF 3054. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1153 obs 674 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.800 5.900 5.900 5.900 5.900 5.800 5.700
66 JDHT 3055. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1153 obs 646 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
67 JDJK 3056. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1679 obs 731 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000
68 JDLB 3057. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 2058 obs 986 obs 369 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.800 3 3.100 3.200 3.200 3.100 3.100
69 JDMS 3058. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1304 obs 842 obs 296 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
70 JKNU 3059. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
71 JEUZ 3060. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
72 JFJK 3061. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
73 JDOJ 3062. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1901 obs 988 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
74 JHDR 3063. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1702 obs 864 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.3000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 1.9000 2 2
75 JDQA 3064. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed a  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1601 obs 997 obs 334 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
76 JKNI 3065. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
77 BGUQ 3066. Net Stock: Intangible assets: Total CP  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1690 obs 1641 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 40.60 42.90 45.10 46.60 49.40 51.60 53.90 56.5
78 JJKG 3067. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1543 obs 592 obs 0 to 2009 20.30 20.5 20.80 21 21.30 22.20 23.70 25
79 GSMW 3068. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1845 obs 655 obs 0 to 2009 57.90 58.40 57.90 56.60 56.10 57.10 57.70 58.60
80 GSRJ 3069. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1639 obs 521 obs 0 to 2009 26.90 27.30 26.90 26.80 27.40 29.10 31.30 33.40
  CP = current price
125273 obs 81951 obs 27042 obs

More years
  MA1.3.1 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 3. { total observations, n=22925 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMW 3070. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1176 obs 1774 obs 573 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.200 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4.100 3.900
2 GSRV 3071. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1878 obs 624 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.200
3 GSRZ 3072. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1826 obs 636 obs 0 to 2009 21.80 21.70 21.30 21.10 20.5 19.80 19.5 19.30
4 GSSD 3073. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1521 obs 1690 obs 576 obs 0 to 2009 8.400 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.5 5.200 4.900
5 GSSH 3074. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1211 obs 1326 obs 397 obs 0 to 2009 30.30 29.80 30.20 30.40 30.90 31.90 33.10 34.10
6 GSSL 3075. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1164 obs 1395 obs 448 obs 0 to 2009 8.5 8.400 8.100 7.900 7.700 7.700 7.700 7.800
7 GSSP 3076. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1643 obs 1379 obs 416 obs 0 to 2009 6.600 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.700 7 7
8 GSST 3077. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1516 obs 1254 obs 413 obs 0 to 2009 16.10 15.90 15.80 15.40 15.20 15 15.10 15
9 GSSX 3078. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1706 obs 1431 obs 467 obs 0 to 2009 11.30 10.90 10.40 9.900 9.400 9.100 8.900 8.800
10 JJBA 3079. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1084 obs 389 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000 1.7000
11 JJBN 3080. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1753 obs 1345 obs 414 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.200 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.300
12 JJED 3081. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1412 obs 468 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 7 6.400 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.5 4.200
13 JJEQ 3082. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1554 obs 1443 obs 426 obs 0 to 2009 3 3 2.900 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.900
14 JCZG 3083. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1471 obs 1415 obs 419 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
15 GSTB 3084. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1581 obs 1604 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16.10 15.10 14.30 13.5 13.20 12.60
16 JJFD 3085. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1126 obs 1646 obs 532 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 17.90 17.70 17.30 17.20 17.10 17.5 17.80
17 JJFQ 3086. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1860 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.200 7 7.900 8.700 9.5 10.5 11.5
18 JDEL 3087. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1733 obs 441 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
19 GSTF 3088. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1236 obs 1747 obs 524 obs 0 to 2009 25.30 24.80 25.40 26 26.60 27.40 28.80 30.10
20 GSTJ 3089. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 771 obs 1506 obs 465 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.5 4.600
21 GSRF 3090. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 783 obs 1781 obs 546 obs 0 to 2009 184.80 182.20 179.70 177.20 175.40 176.40 180.70 183.70
22 GSTM 3091. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1224 obs 1744 obs 548 obs 0 to 2009 87.80 88.60 87.40 86.60 86.80 89.80 94.90 101.10
23 GSTP 3092. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1925 obs 570 obs 0 to 2009 18.30 20.10 22.5 23.80 25.60 27.5 29.40 30.5
24 GSTT 3093. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1823 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 133.20 138.70 150.30 161 170.90 184.10 196.80 206.40
25 GSTX 3094. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1734 obs 535 obs 0 to 2009 45.40 46.80 51.40 55.40 59.5 64.70 70.70 74.80
26 JJOJ 3095. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1434 obs 1449 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 101.70 111.20 118 123 128.60 134.80 144.30 153.30
27 JJOW 3096. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1265 obs 415 obs 0 to 2009 57.20 56.40 56.90 56.80 56.80 56.80 56.5 55.20
28 JKNU 3097. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1137 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
29 GSUB 3098. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1399 obs 434 obs 0 to 2009 161.30 170.30 177.90 183 188.70 195 204.30 212.10
30 JJPJ 3099. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1282 obs 396 obs 0 to 2009 36.30 36.90 37.40 38.20 39.10 41 42.90 42.80
31 JJGD 3100. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1334 obs 1341 obs 425 obs 0 to 2009 33.20 33.80 34.90 35.60 36.40 37 37.60 37.10
32 JEUZ 3101. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1860 obs 560 obs 0 to 2009 5.400 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
33 GSUF 3102. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1445 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 75 76.70 78.40 80.10 82.10 84.80 87.60 87.20
34 CIWZ 3103. Net capital stock: Dwellings: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2073 obs 1427 obs 483 obs 0 to 2009 976.30 1014.9 1056.9 1105.2 1165 1219 1268.5 1308.8
35 JJIT 3104. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 881 obs 1615 obs 476 obs 0 to 2009 87.90 98.10 101.40 105.30 108.70 113.80 120.10 124.10
36 JJJG 3105. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1696 obs 495 obs 0 to 2009 26.5 27.20 27.80 30.40 32.5 35.20 36.60 36.30
37 JJPW 3106. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1923 obs 551 obs 0 to 2009 42.70 43.90 46.30 47.60 47.30 50 53.10 54.80
38 JFJK 3107. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1492 obs 443 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 5.100 5.600 6.200 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
39 GSUJ 3108. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1166 obs 1725 obs 501 obs 0 to 2009 161.60 174.30 181 189.40 195.40 206.10 217.20 222.90
40 GSUN 3109. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1179 obs 1869 obs 537 obs 0 to 2009 184.10 195.60 209.90 224.70 237.5 249.90 264 279.90
41 GSUR 3110. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1323 obs 1809 obs 522 obs 0 to 2009 69.90 74.20 82.30 91.5 100.30 106.80 114.60 123.70
42 GSUV 3111. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1002 obs 1409 obs 423 obs 0 to 2009 54.10 58 62.80 69.20 75.5 80.5 86.30 92.80
43 JJJT 3112. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1013 obs 1627 obs 484 obs 0 to 2009 39.90 43.10 45.30 47.10 48.70 50.5 53.10 55.60
44 JKNL 3113. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1248 obs 1474 obs 439 obs 0 to 2009 47 49 59.60 70.80 77 83.80 91.60 96.10
45 JKNI 3114. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1234 obs 1917 obs 539 obs 0 to 2009 13.40 14.30 15.10 15.90 17.5 18.90 20.60 22.40
46 GSUZ 3115. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CP NSA nominal { 2nd } 1392 obs 1586 obs 473 obs 0 to 2009 100.20 106.40 120 133.70 143.20 153.20 165.30 174.10
47 CIXM 3116. Net capital stock: All fixed assets: Total (CP)  NSA nominal { 2nd } 2068 obs 1734 obs 589 obs 0 to 2009 2330.2 2425.8 2539.4 2658.5 2783.3 2917.1 3061.7 3181.6
  CP = current price
63923 obs 74487 obs 22925 obs

More years
  MA1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 1. { total observations, n=21804 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 IZSN 3117. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 1093 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 8 8 8.100 8.200 8.300 8.400 8.300
2 JCGG 3118. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 935 obs 1098 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 11.10 10.30 9.400 8.5 7.800 7.600 7.400 7.100
3 JCIP 3119. Net capital stock: DA : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1007 obs 997 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 16.40 16.5 16.40 16.30 16.20 16.10 15.90 15.30
4 JCKF 3120. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1007 obs 736 obs 293 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 2.700 2.5 2.300 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000
5 JCLC 3121. Net capital stock: DD : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 809 obs 313 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1 1 0.9000
6 JCNS 3122. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 807 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 14.20 14.20 13.90 13.80 13.20 12.40 11.60 10.70
7 JCQI 3123. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 838 obs 856 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.600 4.300 4 3.600 3.200 3 2.700
8 JCRJ 3124. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1119 obs 861 obs 299 obs 0 to 2009 20.40 19.80 20.10 20.5 21 21.5 21.60 21.20
9 JCRZ 3125. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 825 obs 294 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.100 5.900 5.600 5.400 5.300 5.100 4.800
10 JCSP 3126. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 859 obs 673 obs 278 obs 0 to 2009 4.900 4.900 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.300
11 JCTV 3127. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1003 obs 651 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 9.600 9.5 9.400 9.200 8.900 8.700 8.700 8.300
12 JCUW 3128. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1136 obs 658 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 5.400 5 4.600 4.200 3.900 3.600 3.400
13 JCVI 3129. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 756 obs 509 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.1000 1.1000 1 1 1 0.9000 0.8000
14 JCVU 3130. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 520 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.400 2.200 2 1.9000 1.7000 1.7000 1.5
15 JCWG 3131. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 600 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 4.800 4.300 3.800 3.200 2.800 2.400 2.100 1.8000
16 JCYV 3132. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 787 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.8000 1.8000
17 JCZL 3133. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Plant and machi  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1048 obs 562 obs 195 obs 0 to 2009 10.80 10 9.300 8.400 7.700 7 6.5 5.900
18 JCZY 3134. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 622 obs 403 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 13.5 13 12.70 12.40 12.30 12.10 12 11.60
19 JDDG 3135. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 514 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 3 3.100 3.800 4.200 5 5.700 5.700 5.700
20 JDEX 3136. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 652 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16 16.5 16.70 17.30 17.80 17.70 17.30
21 JDGO 3137. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 651 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.100
22 JIGU 3138. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 629 obs 596 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 115.90 113.10 111 109.10 107.40 105.70 103.40 98.70
23 JDIF 3139. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 950 obs 785 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 48 49.10 48.30 47.80 47.80 48.30 48.90 48.80
24 JDJW 3140. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 787 obs 729 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 8.800 9.5 11 11.70 12.5 13.30 13.60 13.40
25 JDLN 3141. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 787 obs 726 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 52.90 56.30 62.30 67.20 71.60 77.20 81.40 83.5
26 JDNE 3142. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 950 obs 785 obs 298 obs 0 to 2009 12 12.5 15.20 17.30 19.40 21.5 23 23.20
27 JEIU 3143. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Plant and mach  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 758 obs 716 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 5.300 6.400 7.600 8.800 9.900 10.40 10.90 11.10
28 JETL 3144. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 773 obs 722 obs 283 obs 0 to 2009 36.80 37.10 38.70 40.5 42.70 45.10 47.10 48
29 JEQN 3145. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Plant and machinery  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 714 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 41.90 43.30 46.20 49.20 52.60 55.5 58 59.10
30 JEXQ 3146. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 768 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 9.400 10 11 12.30 14.30 16.40 16.70
31 JJAK 3147. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : P : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 729 obs 609 obs 253 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.6000 0.8000 0.8000 1 1
32 JEVL 3148. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 707 obs 271 obs 0 to 2009 9.300 9.800 10.5 11.70 13.10 15.10 17.40 17.70
33 JFGF 3149. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 902 obs 933 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.7000 2.100 2.700 3.600 4.5 5.800 7
34 JFHS 3150. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 757 obs 780 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 11.60 11.60 11.40 11.70 12.10 12.70 12.80 12.20
35 JFLJ 3151. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 810 obs 899 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 12.90 14.20 16.60 18.5 21.80 23.40 24.20 23.60
36 JFJW 3152. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Plant and machin  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 525 obs 554 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 25.10 26.90 29.80 32.80 37.5 40.60 42.80 42.80
37 JDOV 3153. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 784 obs 568 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 5.700 6.600 8.400 9.800 10.20 10.10 9.900 10
38 JHED 3154. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 885 obs 619 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.8000 2.300 3 3.700 4.300 4.900 5.600
39 JDQM 3155. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Plant and machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1239 obs 515 obs 256 obs 0 to 2009 5.200 5.300 5.5 5.5 5.600 5.400 5.200 5
40 JHCM 3156. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Plant and machinery:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 666 obs 330 obs 179 obs 0 to 2009 7 7.900 8.300 9 9.600 10.60 11.70 12.30
41 JHJA 3157. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1251 obs 719 obs 329 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.5 12.30 18.30 24.30 27.5 30.30 30.80
42 JHFQ 3158. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 891 obs 398 obs 200 obs 0 to 2009 11.80 13.40 19.90 27 33.90 38.10 42 43.10
43 EXLD 3159. Net Capital Stock: Plant & Machinery: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1660 obs 2109 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 352.80 361.60 384.70 406.90 430.40 451.10 466.30 466.60
44 JABD 3160. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1395 obs 497 obs 280 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6000 1.6000
45 JCGT 3161. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1220 obs 454 obs 292 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5
46 JCIQ 3162. Net capital stock: DA : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 688 obs 418 obs 222 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
47 JCKJ 3163. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 536 obs 270 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
48 JCLD 3164. Net capital stock: DD : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 785 obs 454 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
49 JCOF 3165. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 654 obs 649 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
50 JCQV 3166. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 670 obs 645 obs 304 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 JCRN 3167. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 821 obs 653 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
52 JCSD 3168. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 819 obs 678 obs 301 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JCST 3169. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 833 obs 641 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
54 JCUI 3170. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 649 obs 594 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000
55 JCVA 3171. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 602 obs 439 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
56 JCVM 3172. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 907 obs 859 obs 343 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 JCVY 3173. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1039 obs 511 obs 258 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
58 JCWK 3174. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 666 obs 216 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 JCYZ 3175. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1255 obs 527 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0
60 JCZP 3176. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 503 obs 387 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000
61 JDCI 3177. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 501 obs 465 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0
62 JDDT 3178. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 644 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000
63 JDFK 3179. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1016 obs 705 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.2000
64 JDHB 3180. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 522 obs 624 obs 275 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIHH 3181. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 417 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.600 2.5 2.200
66 JDIS 3182. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 524 obs 514 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1000 0.1000 0.3000 0.3000
67 JDKJ 3183. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1014 obs 575 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 3.200 3.300 3.700 3.800 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.5
68 JDMA 3184. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 517 obs 423 obs 225 obs 0 to 2009 6.300 6.400 6.600 7 7 6.900 6.600 6.100
69 JDNR 3185. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1262 obs 444 obs 281 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
70 JEJH 3186. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 884 obs 335 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 33.70 35.70 35.30 33.80 33.10 33.40 34.60 35.10
71 JETY 3187. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1070 obs 765 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 1.5 1.4000 1.2000 1.1000 1 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000
72 JERA 3188. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1058 obs 765 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 35.40 37.10 36.40 34.90 34.10 34.30 35.40 35.80
73 JFAH 3189. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1056 obs 765 obs 311 obs 0 to 2009 2.300 2 1.5 1.1000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
74 JJAM 3190. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : V : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1070 obs 765 obs 319 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0 0.1000 0.1000 0 0 0 0
75 JEVY 3191. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 893 obs 710 obs 289 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.3000
76 JFGS 3192. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 891 obs 767 obs 317 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
77 JFIF 3193. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1418 obs 392 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 12.5 13.30 14.10 16.10 17.90 19.30 18.60 16.60
78 JFLW 3194. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 668 obs 394 obs 221 obs 0 to 2009 4.400 4.200 4 3.700 3.400 3.200 3 2.600
79 JFKJ 3195. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1125 obs 657 obs 339 obs 0 to 2009 17.5 18.10 18.60 20.40 22 23.30 22.40 20
80 JDPI 3196. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 954 obs 485 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 2.900 3 3 3 2.900 2.900 2.800 2.600
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
69775 obs 52046 obs 21804 obs

More years
  MA1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 2. { total observations, n=23763 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JHEQ 3197. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 942 obs 485 obs 243 obs 0 to 2009 0.3000 0.3000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000
2 JDQZ 3198. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 796 obs 336 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 0.3000
3 JHCZ 3199. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Vehicles:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 810 obs 433 obs 230 obs 0 to 2009 1 1.1000 1.4000 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4000
4 JHJN 3200. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1146 obs 433 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5 1.4000 1.2000
5 JHGD 3201. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Vehic  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1092 obs 392 obs 224 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.600 2.900 3 3 3 2.900 2.600
6 EXLE 3202. Net Capital Stock: Vehicles: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1706 obs 2246 obs 667 obs 0 to 2009 76.30 78.70 78.90 79.40 79.5 80.80 80.30 76.40
7 EXJF 3203. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
8 EXJF 3204. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
9 IZSF 3205. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 870 obs 491 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 12.40 12.30 12.10 11.80 11.70 11.60 11.90 11.80
10 JABQ 3206. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1001 obs 513 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 49.30 49 47.80 46.40 45.20 45.10 44.5 43.90
11 JCIN 3207. Net capital stock: DA : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1373 obs 513 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 11.20 11.10 11 10.80 10.70 10.80 10.70 10.60
12 JCJX 3208. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 694 obs 459 obs 203 obs 0 to 2009 2.5 2.400 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.100 2 1.9000
13 JCLB 3209. Net capital stock: DD : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1030 obs 459 obs 259 obs 0 to 2009 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 1
14 JCMS 3210. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 620 obs 442 obs 209 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.600 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300
15 JCPR 3211. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 994 obs 446 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 3.600 3.5 3.300 2.800 2.300 2 1.7000 1.6000
16 JCRB 3212. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 790 obs 499 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 8.900 8.900 9 8.900 9 9.200 9.300 9.400
17 JCRR 3213. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1305 obs 554 obs 274 obs 0 to 2009 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100
18 JCSH 3214. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 673 obs 456 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2 2.100 2.100
19 JCTE 3215. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1211 obs 599 obs 246 obs 0 to 2009 6.400 6.300 6.100 5.900 5.800 5.700 5.5 5.400
20 JCUO 3216. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 515 obs 305 obs 174 obs 0 to 2009 5 4.900 4.700 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200
21 JCVE 3217. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1246 obs 502 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
22 JCVQ 3218. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1234 obs 547 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5 1.5
23 JCWC 3219. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1567 obs 641 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300
24 JCYR 3220. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1246 obs 646 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000
25 JCZD 3221. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 895 obs 534 obs 229 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 6.100 6 5.800 5.700 5.700 5.5 5.5
26 JCZU 3222. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 826 obs 511 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 5 5 5 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.700
27 JDCT 3223. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1126 obs 411 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3 3 3.400 3.600 3.700 4.300 4.900
28 JDEG 3224. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1115 obs 603 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 8.100 8 8 8.300 8.400 8.5 9 9.600
29 JDFX 3225. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1585 obs 864 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 1.2000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1.5 1.6000
30 JIFU 3226. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1588 obs 796 obs 343 obs 0 to 2009 62.80 62.20 61.40 60.5 59.60 59.5 59.20 59.30
31 JDHO 3227. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 830 obs 819 obs 305 obs 0 to 2009 38 37.80 37.40 37.5 38.40 40.5 43.10 46.80
32 JDJF 3228. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 985 obs 771 obs 288 obs 0 to 2009 6.200 7.100 7.5 8 8.800 9.5 10.10 10.5
33 JDKW 3229. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1385 obs 898 obs 318 obs 0 to 2009 73.70 75.5 79.70 84.30 89.20 95 99.90 102.90
34 JDMN 3230. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1189 obs 842 obs 357 obs 0 to 2009 33.60 34.30 35.80 37.5 39.30 41.70 44.5 46.40
35 JEIH 3231. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 508 obs 534 obs 232 obs 0 to 2009 67.5 72.60 77.10 81.80 86.10 90.80 96.20 100.5
36 JESY 3232. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 371 obs 538 obs 231 obs 0 to 2009 12.60 12.70 12.90 13.10 13 13.10 13.30 13.30
37 JEQA 3233. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 379 obs 721 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 80.10 85.20 90.10 94.90 99.10 103.90 109.5 113.80
38 JEXD 3234. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 770 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 23.80 24.40 24.60 25.40 26 26.70 27.60 28.10
39 JJAH 3235. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds : WE : B : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 853 obs 669 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 33.30 33.90 34.30 34.90 35.5 36.10 36.5 36
40 JEUU 3236. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 539 obs 645 obs 249 obs 0 to 2009 57.10 58.30 58.90 60.20 61.5 62.80 64.10 64.10
41 JFFF 3237. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 551 obs 633 obs 286 obs 0 to 2009 91.90 101.60 101.90 103.20 104.30 107.60 111.70 113.40
42 JFHF 3238. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 735 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
43 JFKW 3239. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 537 obs 710 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 19.60 20.30 20.80 21.30 22.30 24.30 26.20 27.20
44 JFIS 3240. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 611 obs 260 obs 0 to 2009 114.10 124.40 125.20 127 129.10 134.40 140.40 143.10
45 JDOE 3241. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 587 obs 245 obs 0 to 2009 207.40 212.40 216.90 220.60 224.60 230.90 239.20 247.80
46 JHDM 3242. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 478 obs 737 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 82.30 85.10 88.20 91.20 94.5 98.40 103.30 109.20
47 JDPV 3243. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1182 obs 721 obs 285 obs 0 to 2009 60.90 63.40 64.90 66.90 69.10 72.30 76.30 80.70
48 JHBZ 3244. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1182 obs 949 obs 341 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 35.40 36.10 37 37.70 38.5 39.5 40.70
49 JHIA 3245. Net capital stock: Membership organisations and other service activities  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1495 obs 795 obs 310 obs 0 to 2009 38.5 39.70 42.80 47.30 51.20 55.5 60.30 63.5
50 JHFD 3246. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: Build  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1105 obs 518 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 72.40 75.20 79.10 84.40 88.90 94 99.80 104.20
51 EXOZ 3247. Net Capital Stock: Other Buildings & Works: Whole Economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 2254 obs 2479 obs 673 obs 0 to 2009 951.40 982.70 1005 1031.1 1059 1099.4 1145.8 1184.2
52 IZSJ 3248. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 793 obs 309 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
53 JADW 3249. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 529 obs 263 obs 0 to 2009 4 3.400 3 2.600 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.600
54 JCIO 3250. Net capital stock: DA : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1179 obs 743 obs 303 obs 0 to 2009 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0 0
55 JCKB 3251. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Intangible fixed as  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 945 obs 724 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 JCNF 3252. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: Intangible fixed as  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 942 obs 680 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400
57 JCPX 3253. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 853 obs 725 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
58 JCRF 3254. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: Intangible fixed ass  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 774 obs 306 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000
59 JCSL 3255. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 569 obs 257 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 JCTK 3256. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 470 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000
61 JCUS 3257. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 630 obs 462 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 0.4000 0.4000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
62 JCZH 3258. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
63 JDEM 3259. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
64 JDGD 3260. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 639 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
65 JIGH 3261. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 610 obs 254 obs 0 to 2009 5.800 6 6 6 5.900 5.900 5.700 5.600
66 JDHU 3262. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 686 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6000 0.6000
67 JDJL 3263. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 639 obs 265 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000
68 JDLC 3264. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 695 obs 590 obs 252 obs 0 to 2009 2.700 2.900 3.100 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200
69 JDMT 3265. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 694 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 0.2000 0.3000 0.3000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000
70 JKNW 3266. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
71 JEVA 3267. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
72 JFJL 3268. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
73 JDOK 3269. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 865 obs 595 obs 251 obs 0 to 2009 0.7000 0.8000 0.6000 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
74 JHDS 3270. Net capital stock: Education: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 995 obs 595 obs 227 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.3000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 1.9000 2 2
75 JDQB 3271. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: Intangible fixed a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 995 obs 588 obs 226 obs 0 to 2009 0.5 0.5 0.4000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000 0.3000
76 JKNG 3272. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
77 GUBV 3273. Net capital stock: Total: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1634 obs 1353 obs 555 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.20 46.80 48 49.40 51.10 52.70 54.60
78 JJKI 3274. Net capital stock: Agriculture; forestry & fishing: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1148 obs 1686 obs 503 obs 0 to 2009 21.90 21.60 21.40 21.30 21.30 21.40 21.90 21.70
79 GSQV 3275. Net capital stock: Mining & quarrying: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 693 obs 1451 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 65.10 63.5 60.80 58.20 56.10 55.80 54.90 54.20
80 GSRK 3276. Net capital stock: Food; drink & tobacco: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1385 obs 424 obs 0 to 2009 28.20 28.30 27.90 27.60 27.40 27.30 27 26.30
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
77972 obs 60955 obs 23763 obs

More years
  MA1.3.2 Net Capital Stock: by Asset and Industry, 2007 page 3. { total observations, n=18098 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 JJMY 3277. Net capital stock: Textiles; clothes & footwear: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1079 obs 1453 obs 440 obs 0 to 2009 5.5 5.300 4.900 4.700 4.400 4.200 4 3.800
2 GSRW 3278. Net capital stock: Wood: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1314 obs 1316 obs 406 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.100
3 GSSA 3279. Net capital stock: Paper; publishing & printing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1331 obs 1697 obs 561 obs 0 to 2009 22.10 22 21.5 21.30 20.5 19.5 18.60 17.60
4 GSSE 3280. Net capital stock: Fuels: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1294 obs 1290 obs 460 obs 0 to 2009 8.600 8.200 7.700 7 6.100 5.400 5 4.5
5 GSSI 3281. Net capital stock: Chemicals & man-made fibres: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1631 obs 545 obs 0 to 2009 30.20 29.70 30.10 30.40 30.90 31.5 31.80 31.40
6 GSSM 3282. Net capital stock: Rubber & plastic: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1283 obs 1104 obs 457 obs 0 to 2009 8.700 8.600 8.300 8 7.700 7.5 7.300 7
7 GSSQ 3283. Net capital stock: Other mineral products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1271 obs 1205 obs 482 obs 0 to 2009 6.700 6.700 6.600 6.5 6.5 6.600 6.700 6.5
8 GSSU 3284. Net capital stock: Metals & metal products: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1118 obs 1169 obs 474 obs 0 to 2009 16.5 16.20 16 15.5 15.20 14.90 14.70 14.10
9 GSSY 3285. Net capital stock: Machinery & equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1084 obs 1146 obs 464 obs 0 to 2009 11.5 11 10.40 9.900 9.400 9 8.700 8.300
10 JJBC 3286. Net capital stock: Office machinery & computers: WE: Buildings; plant &  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1307 obs 919 obs 398 obs 0 to 2009 2.100 2.100 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7000 1.6000
11 JJBP 3287. Net capital stock: Electrical machinery: WE: Buildings; plant & machiner  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1463 obs 1115 obs 411 obs 0 to 2009 4.5 4.300 4 3.800 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.100
12 JJEF 3288. Net capital stock: Radio & TV: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicle  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1319 obs 1223 obs 437 obs 0 to 2009 7.5 6.900 6.300 5.700 5.200 4.800 4.400 4
13 JJES 3289. Net capital stock: Medical & precision instruments: WE: Buildings; plant  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 908 obs 360 obs 0 to 2009 3.100 3.100 3 3.100 3 2.900 2.800 2.700
14 JCZH 3290. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: Intangible fixe  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 866 obs 836 obs 356 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.6000 0.6000 0.5
15 GSTC 3291. Net capital stock: Electrical and Optical equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1073 obs 401 obs 0 to 2009 17.80 17 16 15.20 14.30 13.5 12.80 11.90
16 JJFF 3292. Net capital stock: Motor vehicles: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; veh  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 737 obs 780 obs 328 obs 0 to 2009 18.70 18.10 17.80 17.40 17.20 16.90 16.70 16.30
17 JJFS 3293. Net capital stock: Other transport equipment: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 974 obs 920 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 6.100 6.100 6.900 7.800 8.700 9.5 10.20 10.90
18 JDEM 3294. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: Intangible fixed assets:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1180 obs 1059 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 0.6000 0.6000 0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000
19 GSTG 3295. Net capital stock: Transport equipment: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1353 obs 1034 obs 421 obs 0 to 2009 25.40 24.80 25.40 25.90 26.60 27.20 27.70 28
20 GSTK 3296. Net capital stock: Other manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1051 obs 907 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 3.900 4 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.300 4.400 4.300
21 GSRG 3297. Net capital stock: Manufacturing: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1099 obs 896 obs 312 obs 0 to 2009 187.5 184.10 181.20 178.40 175.40 173.10 170.90 165.80
22 GSTN 3298. Net capital stock: Electricity; gas & water: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1243 obs 1098 obs 345 obs 0 to 2009 86.80 87.60 86.40 85.90 86.80 89.5 92.80 96.60
23 GSTQ 3299. Net capital stock: Construction: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1209 obs 1004 obs 362 obs 0 to 2009 18.5 20.40 22.70 23.90 25.60 27.20 28.10 28.10
24 GSTU 3300. Net capital stock: Distribution: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1008 obs 1163 obs 404 obs 0 to 2009 135.5 141.10 151.40 161.60 170.90 182.30 191 195.70
25 GSTY 3301. Net capital stock: Hotels and restaurants: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 986 obs 910 obs 348 obs 0 to 2009 46.20 47.40 51.70 55.60 59.5 64 68.30 70.30
26 JJOL 3302. Net capital stock: Transport and supporting services: WE: Buildings; pla  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1221 obs 1007 obs 372 obs 0 to 2009 105.10 113.30 119 123.5 128.60 134.10 141.10 146.10
27 JJOY 3303. Net capital stock: Post & telecommunications: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1173 obs 852 obs 333 obs 0 to 2009 50.90 51.10 52.80 54.80 56.80 59.10 61.10 62
28 JKNW 3304. Net capital stock :Transport & communi : WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 720 obs 764 obs 302 obs 0 to 2009 2.400 2.700 3 3.100 3.300 3.400 3.5 3.600
29 GSUC 3305. Net capital stock: Transport and communications: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 777 obs 315 obs 0 to 2009 158.40 167.10 174.80 181.40 188.70 196.60 205.70 211.70
30 JJPL 3306. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation.: WE: Buildings; plant & mac  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 912 obs 1178 obs 370 obs 0 to 2009 34.90 35.60 36 37.5 39.10 41.60 44.30 44.90
31 JJII 3307. Net capital stock: Insurance and Pension Funds: WE: Buildings; plant & m  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 747 obs 273 obs 0 to 2009 33.80 34.30 34.90 35.70 36.40 37.10 37.60 37.10
32 JEVA 3308. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: Intangible fixed assets  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 739 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 5.600 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.600 6.800 7.100 7.300
33 GSUG 3309. Net capital stock: Financial intermediation: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1177 obs 942 obs 308 obs 0 to 2009 74.30 76 77.20 79.70 82.10 85.5 89 89.30
34 EXJF 3310. Net Capital Stock: Dwellings: Whole economy: CVM  NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1824 obs 2287 obs 713 obs 0 to 2009 1117.9 1132 1142.4 1152.6 1165 1195.9 1218.8 1231.7
35 JJIV 3311. Net capital stock: Property: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1449 obs 1113 obs 350 obs 0 to 2009 93.60 103.5 104.40 106.60 108.70 113.10 118.60 121.5
36 JJJI 3312. Net capital stock: Renting: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery; vehicles a  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 898 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 26.60 27.5 28 30.40 32.5 34.60 33.90 31.30
37 JJPY 3313. Net capital stock: Computer activities;research and business services: W  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 943 obs 571 obs 240 obs 0 to 2009 35.60 37.60 40.60 43 47.30 50.70 53 53
38 JFJL 3314. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: Intangible fixed  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 960 obs 1032 obs 381 obs 0 to 2009 4.700 5.200 5.700 6.300 6.900 7.100 7.400 7.700
39 GSUK 3315. Net capital stock: Real estate; renting & business: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 936 obs 1027 obs 388 obs 0 to 2009 160.5 173.80 178.70 186.30 195.40 205.5 212.90 213.5
40 GSUO 3316. Net capital stock: Public administration: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 677 obs 1054 obs 335 obs 0 to 2009 217.60 223.10 228.5 232.90 237.5 244.10 252.40 260.40
41 GSUS 3317. Net capital stock: Education: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 715 obs 250 obs 0 to 2009 84.10 86.90 91.5 95.80 100.30 105 110.5 117
42 GSUW 3318. Net capital stock: Health & social work; welfare: WE: BPVI:  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 900 obs 1034 obs 391 obs 0 to 2009 67.10 69.80 71.40 73.30 75.5 78.60 82.30 86.60
43 JJJV 3319. Net capital stock: Sanitary services: WE: Buildings; plant & machinery;  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 669 obs 300 obs 0 to 2009 41.80 44.30 45.80 47.40 48.70 50.5 52.5 54.30
44 JKNM 3320. Net capital stock : Membership orgs & oth: WE : BPV : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 813 obs 342 obs 0 to 2009 43.30 45.5 55.40 66.60 77 84.70 92.30 95.70
45 JKNG 3321. Net capital stock : Other community; social: WE : I : CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 948 obs 970 obs 375 obs 0 to 2009 15.20 16 16.5 17.10 17.5 18.60 19.60 20.90
46 GSVA 3322. Net capital stock: Other community; social & personal service: WE: BPVI:  CV NSA real 1995 { 2nd } 948 obs 769 obs 344 obs 0 to 2009 100.30 105.80 117.70 131.10 143.20 153.80 164.40 170.90
47 GUCJ 3323. Net capital stock: Total: WE: All assets :  CVM NSA real 2006 { 2nd } 1377 obs 1619 obs 619 obs 0 to 2009 2541.7 2600.2 2657.8 2718 2783.3 2878.3 2963.9 3013.5
  CVM = Chained Volume Measure(s) (or constant or real prices c.f. CP)
51493 obs 49636 obs 18098 obs

More years
  MA5.1 National balance sheet: by Sector1. { total observations, n=8272 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGRW 3324. Public non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2349 obs 3507 obs 1035 obs 0 to 2009 60825 60438 62277 51504 54823 62158 58275 60322
2 TMPN 3325. Private non financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3114 obs 3462 obs 992 obs 0 to 2009 40139 -51327 -93274 -359316 -497441 -465966 127080 -323251
3 CGRV 3326. Non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3137 obs 2999 obs 883 obs 0 to 2009 100964 9111 -30997 -307812 -442618 -403808 185355 -262929
4 CGRU 3327. Financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3262 obs 2986 obs 913 obs 0 to 2009 -326192 -293665 -300953 -366975 -376523 -359531 -263086 -389698
5 CGRY 3328. Central government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2228 obs 3221 obs 977 obs 0 to 2009 -104281 -121036 -161926 -167489 -169873 -196125 -260579 -394826
6 CGRZ 3329. Local Government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2888 obs 3245 obs 982 obs 0 to 2009 355640 395299 450883 484839 510727 552345 518659 472335
7 CGRX 3330. General government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3128 obs 2878 obs 917 obs 0 to 2009 251359 274263 288957 317349 340854 356219 258080 77509
8 CGRC 3331. Household & NPISHs: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3374 obs 2986 obs 912 obs 0 to 2009 4932404 5415940 5900475 6403411 6972790 7473031 6582898 7244318
9 CGDA 3332. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
26360 obs 27333 obs 8272 obs

More years
  MA5.10 Households & non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). { total observations, n=2591 }3     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGRI 3333. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 2568135 2869034 3221327 3336152 3696320 4077283 3688803 3826524
2 CGRJ 3334. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 112 obs 0 to 2009 46905 46873 46986 47127 47281 47106 46330 46052
3 CGRK 3335. Households & NPISHs : Tangible Assets: Comm; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   204 obs 115 obs 0 to 2009 48908 50573 50548 55858 59932 55691 45934 44209
4 CGRL 3336. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 134 obs 0 to 2009 2165 2099 2018 1961 1961 1952 1944 1944
5 CGRM 3337. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   211 obs 116 obs 0 to 2009 17961 18461 20371 22542 24985 28383 31342 34507
6 CGRN 3338. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 68849 73097 77119 79346 80197 81429 73076 77246
7 CGRO 3339. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 90 obs 0 to 2009 16213 16686 16813 16346 16404 16733 16922 16613
8 CGRP 3340. Households & NPISHs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 114 obs 0 to 2009 2769136 3076823 3435182 3559332 3927080 4308577 3904351 4047095
9 CGRQ 3341. Households & NPISHs: Intangible Assets: Non-marketable tenancy rights n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 173 obs 107 obs 0 to 2009 365310 413476 466123 486934 545141 611516 549349 574660
10 CGRS 3342. Households and NPISHs: Intangible Assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 692 755 834 885 924 947 958 969
11 CGRT 3343. Households & NPISHs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 366002 414231 466957 487819 546065 612463 550307 575629
12 CGCZ 3344. Households & NPISHs: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 378 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 3135138 3491054 3902139 4047151 4473145 4921040 4454658 4622724
13 NZEA 3345. Levels:HN:Net financial assetsliabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 1797266 1924886 1998336 2356260 2499645 2551991 2128240 2621594
14 CGRC 3346. Household & NPISHs: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3374 obs 2986 obs 912 obs 0 to 2009 4932404 5415940 5900475 6403411 6972790 7473031 6582898 7244318
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  NPISH = non-profit institutions serving households
3414 obs 6165 obs 2591 obs

More years
  MA5.11 Public sector. { total observations, n=2305 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGWX 3347. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: residential buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 378 obs 160 obs 0 to 2009 94528 104440 116256 126002 116604 121987 123796 111076
2 CGWY 3348. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 70 obs 0 to 2009 2910 2898 2913 2934 2956 2924 2975 2898
3 CGWZ 3349. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other beuildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   99 obs 88 obs 0 to 2009 171766 181929 199776 227037 239787 254184 259663 272917
4 CGXA 3350. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 334573 353479 391448 420740 453134 492822 465233 419844
5 CGXB 3351. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 270 obs 131 obs 0 to 2009 21868 25701 25338 25936 30209 28374 29878 31001
6 CGXC 3352. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } 8 obs 366 obs 151 obs 0 to 2009 5975 5709 6241 7644 8104 8779 8703 9117
7 CGXD 3353. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 196 obs 153 obs 0 to 2009 5282 5237 5373 5388 5481 5444 5457 5517
8 ZLDC 3354. Non-financial Balance Sheets: Public Sector: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 196 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGXE 3355. Public Sector: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 658834 701325 769277 837613 878207 936446 917637 874302
10 CGXF 3356. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 371 obs 304 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGXG 3357. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: other n NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 218 obs 0 to 2009 4889 5128 5397 5551 5783 5905 5934 6005
12 CGXH 3358. Public Sector: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 371 obs 304 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 4889 5128 5397 5551 5783 5905 5934 6005
13 CGJA 3359. Public Sector: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 663723 706453 774674 843164 883990 942351 923571 880307
14 CGSA 3360. Public sector: bf90: net financial assets/liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } 28 obs 304 obs 164 obs 0 to 2009 -351539 -371752 -423440 -474311 -488313 -523974 -607216 -742476
15 CGTY 3361. Public sector: Total net wealth NSA nominal { 2nd } 437 obs 304 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 312184 334701 351234 368853 395677 418377 316355 137831
Abbreviations: 3424 obs 4002 obs 2305 obs

More years
  MA5.2 National balance sheet: by Asset. { total observations, n=4058 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGLK 3362. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Residential Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 999 obs 1034 obs 314 obs 0 to 2009 2737097 3054866 3426980 3555026 3915330 4313646 3922602 4048293
2 CGMP 3363. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 963 obs 844 obs 272 obs 0 to 2009 53801 53717 53848 54064 54302 54028 52976 52516
3 CGMU 3364. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Commercial; Industrial & Other Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 999 obs 869 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 589808 608425 662115 663676 751964 700085 596469 559057
4 CGQZ 3365. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 967 obs 542 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 586214 622623 664474 704633 743177 778259 766302 725143
5 CGRA 3366. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1151 obs 637 obs 235 obs 0 to 2009 368881 373567 386805 402960 424887 452341 482109 506322
6 CGRB 3367. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1147 obs 469 obs 198 obs 0 to 2009 134550 146426 153475 154885 159146 177381 180477 172143
7 CGRD 3368. All Sectors: Tangible Assets: Stocks and Work in Progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 738 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 180396 184842 197328 207849 215808 229653 240612 230474
8 ZLDX 3369. All Sectors: Tangible Asset: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 647 obs 282 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGRE 3370. All Sextors: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 738 obs 267 obs 0 to 2009 4672679 5066398 5566957 5765025 6286546 6727325 6263479 6315880
10 CGRF 3371. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n NSA nominal { 2nd } 970 obs 493 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 365310 413476 466123 486934 545141 611516 549349 574660
11 CGRG 3372. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 555 obs 239 obs 0 to 2009 40549 42926 45096 46606 48622 50231 51918 53693
12 CGRH 3373. All Sectors: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 548 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 405859 456402 511219 533540 593763 661747 601267 628353
13 CGJB 3374. Total: All Sectors: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 1157 obs 559 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 5078538 5522800 6078176 6298565 6880309 7389072 6864746 6944233
14 NQFT 3375. UK:NET FINANCIAL ASSETS/LIABILITIES:BF.90: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 1110 obs 539 obs 216 obs 0 to 2009 -120005 -117150 -220692 -252592 -385808 -323160 -101498 -275032
15 CGDA 3376. UK: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2880 obs 2049 obs 661 obs 0 to 2009 4958535 5405649 5857482 6045973 6494503 7065911 6763247 6669200
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
18128 obs 11261 obs 4058 obs

More years
  MA5.3 Non-financial corporations. { total observations, n=3119 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGUT 3377. NFCs: Tangible Assets: residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 403 obs 261 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 164806 181988 200875 214229 212786 228352 219723 211068
2 CGWM 3378. Local Government: Tangible Assets: residential building  NSA nominal { 2nd } 535 obs 429 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 86528 96319 107927 118066 107242 111820 113267 100436
3 CGUU 3379. NFCs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } 535 obs 232 obs 161 obs 0 to 2009 4079 4026 4037 4107 4184 4092 3848 3677
4 CGUV 3380. NFCs: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 232 obs 332 obs 169 obs 0 to 2009 291812 290519 319745 285278 353798 287863 213164 174437
5 CGUW 3381. NFCs: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 333 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 271888 282990 286527 297639 305235 302493 322131 327768
6 CGUX 3382. NFCs: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 139 obs 0 to 2009 325383 325982 337999 350857 365443 390285 414980 434067
7 CGUY 3383. NFCs: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 333 obs 173 obs 0 to 2009 60606 68561 71228 69521 72896 89205 100718 88353
8 CGUZ 3384. NFCs: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 377 obs 184 obs 0 to 2009 164047 168005 180344 191338 199243 212779 223549 213690
9 CGVA 3385. NFCs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 52 obs 332 obs 127 obs 0 to 2009 1282621 1322071 1400755 1412969 1513585 1515069 1498113 1453060
10 CGVB 3386. NFCs: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 248 obs 206 obs 142 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVC 3387. NFCs: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 224 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 33476 35278 37049 38444 40234 41638 43226 44861
12 CGVE 3388. NFCs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 127 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 33476 35278 37049 38444 40234 41638 43226 44861
13 CGES 3389. Non-Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 268 obs --   115 obs 0 to 2009 1316097 1357349 1437804 1451413 1553819 1556707 1541339 1497921
14 NYOM 3390. ESA:Levels:NF:Assets:Net Financial Assets/Liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } 238 obs 200 obs 158 obs 0 to 2009 -1215133 -1348238 -1468801 -1759225 -1996437 -1960515 -1355984 -1760850
15 CGRV 3391. Non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3137 obs 2999 obs 883 obs 0 to 2009 100964 9111 -30997 -307812 -442618 -403808 185355 -262929
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
7268 obs 6689 obs 3119 obs

More years
  MA5.4 Public non-financial corporations. { total observations, n=3498 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGVF 3392. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 52 obs 224 obs 147 obs 0 to 2009 91028 101140 111906 122252 111776 116656 117853 105133
2 CGWM 3393. Local Government: Tangible Assets: residential building  NSA nominal { 2nd } 535 obs 429 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 86528 96319 107927 118066 107242 111820 113267 100436
3 CGVG 3394. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 224 obs 185 obs 0 to 2009 939 927 938 954 971 945 1021 953
4 CGVH 3395. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 438 obs 242 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 25665 23825 25393 26427 26848 27520 24452 37778
5 CGVI 3396. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   273 obs 156 obs 0 to 2009 22412 15945 15519 15707 17153 19008 23006 24413
6 CGVJ 3397. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   196 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 7647 8054 8743 8785 8887 9213 10006 10231
7 CGVK 3398. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   176 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 1601 1442 1722 2077 2258 2292 2167 2845
8 CGVL 3399. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   77 obs 108 obs 0 to 2009 5146 5086 5202 5223 5320 5303 5316 5346
9 CGVM 3400. Public NFCs: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   465 obs 204 obs 0 to 2009 154438 156419 169423 181425 173213 180937 183821 186699
10 CGVN 3401. Public NFCs: Intang Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n Permanent set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   469 obs 211 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVO 3402. Public NFCs: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 350 obs 686 obs 279 obs 0 to 2009 3956 4184 4426 4643 4832 5005 5173 5340
12 CGVP 3403. Public NFCs: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 350 obs 450 obs 205 obs 0 to 2009 3956 4184 4426 4643 4832 5005 5173 5340
13 CGGN 3404. Public Non-Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-fin Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   304 obs 170 obs 0 to 2009 158394 160603 173849 186068 178045 185942 188994 192039
14 NYOP 3405. Levels:PC:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities:CP NSA: NSA nominal { 2nd } --   276 obs 177 obs 0 to 2009 -97569 -100165 -111572 -134564 -123222 -123784 -130719 -131717
15 CGRW 3406. Public non-financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2349 obs 3507 obs 1035 obs 0 to 2009 60825 60438 62277 51504 54823 62158 58275 60322
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
  PC = public corporation
4512 obs 7998 obs 3498 obs

More years
  MA5.5 Private non-financial corporations. { total observations, n=3607 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 TMPB 3407. Private nfcs - Tangible assets: Residential buildings () NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 264 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 73777 80848 88969 91977 101009 111696 101870 105935
2 TMPC 3408. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Agricultural  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 348 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 3140 3100 3099 3153 3213 3146 2826 2724
3 TMPD 3409. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Commercial; indus building NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 127 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 266147 266694 294352 258851 326950 260343 188712 136659
4 TMPE 3410. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } 422 obs 215 obs 99 obs 0 to 2009 249476 267045 271009 281931 288082 283485 299125 303355
5 TMPF 3411. Private nfcs: Tangible assets: Plant & machinary  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 324 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 317736 317928 329256 342072 356556 381072 404974 423836
6 TMPO 3412. Private nfcs: Tangible assets: Vehicles; ships & aircraft  NSA nominal { 2nd } 72 obs --   99 obs 0 to 2009 59005 67119 69506 67444 70639 86913 98551 85508
7 TMPG 3413. Private non-financial corps: Tangible assets: Stocks & works in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 561 obs 268 obs 0 to 2009 158901 162919 175142 186115 193923 207476 218233 208344
8 TMPH 3414. Private non-financial corporations: Tangible assets: Total NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 594 obs 223 obs 0 to 2009 1128183 1165652 1231332 1231544 1340372 1334132 1314292 1266361
9 TMPI 3415. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: Non marketable tenancy rights NSA nominal { 2nd } 267 obs 598 obs 269 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 TMPJ 3416. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: other intangible assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 526 obs 297 obs 0 to 2009 29520 31094 32623 33801 35402 36633 38053 39521
11 TMPK 3417. Private non-fin corps: Intangible non fin assets: Total NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 373 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 29520 31094 32623 33801 35402 36633 38053 39521
12 TMPL 3418. Private non financial corporations: Total non financial assets NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 332 obs 212 obs 0 to 2009 1157703 1196746 1263955 1265345 1375774 1370765 1352345 1305882
13 NYOT 3419. Levels:PR:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities:CP NSA:  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 316 obs 208 obs 0 to 2009 -1117564 -1248073 -1357229 -1624661 -1873215 -1836731 -1225265 -1629133
14 TMPN 3420. Private non financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3114 obs 3462 obs 992 obs 0 to 2009 40139 -51327 -93274 -359316 -497441 -465966 127080 -323251
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
6845 obs 8040 obs 3607 obs

More years
  MA5.6 Financial corporations. { total observations, n=3269 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGUD 3421. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Residential buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 114 obs 318 obs 181 obs 0 to 2009 657 543 427 895 1397 2681 8133 4758
2 CGUE 3422. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } 114 obs 99 obs 125 obs 0 to 2009 847 847 849 851 852 850 844 842
3 CGUF 3423. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: commercial industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs --   129 obs 0 to 2009 102987 109229 117439 121929 125295 129866 102160 105272
4 CGUG 3424. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Civil Engineering n. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 409 obs 238 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 CGUH 3425. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 167 obs 171 obs 0 to 2009 11316 11477 11840 12410 13137 14512 15915 16978
6 CGUI 3426. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 97 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 721 501 609 451 207 260 147 272
7 CGUO 3427. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress . Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 97 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 CGUP 3428. Financial Corps: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 264 obs 194 obs 0 to 2009 116528 122597 131164 136536 140888 148169 127199 128122
9 CGUQ 3429. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n.Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 292 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 CGUR 3430. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 293 obs 241 obs 0 to 2009 5448 5949 6242 6369 6513 6746 6973 7198
11 CGUS 3431. Financial Corps: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } 297 obs 292 obs 202 obs 0 to 2009 5448 5949 6242 6369 6513 6746 6973 7198
12 CGDB 3432. Financial Corporations: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   380 obs 183 obs 0 to 2009 121976 128546 137406 142905 147401 154915 134172 135320
13 NYOE 3433. ESA:Levels:FC:Assets:Net financial assets/liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } --   380 obs 182 obs 0 to 2009 -448168 -422211 -438359 -509880 -523924 -514446 -397258 -525018
14 CGRU 3434. Financial corporations: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3262 obs 2986 obs 913 obs 0 to 2009 -326192 -293665 -300953 -366975 -376523 -359531 -263086 -389698
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
6163 obs 6074 obs 3269 obs

More years
  MA5.7 General government. { total observations, n=2778 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGVQ 3435. General Government: Tangible Assets: residential buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   119 obs 93 obs 0 to 2009 3500 3300 4350 3750 4828 5331 5943 5943
2 CGVR 3436. General Government: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   20 obs 86 obs 0 to 2009 1971 1971 1975 1980 1985 1979 1954 1945
3 CGVS 3437. General Government: Tangible Assets: comm; ind; & other buildings n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   20 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 146101 158104 174383 200610 212939 226664 235211 235139
4 CGVT 3438. General Government: Tangible Assets: civil engineering n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 110 obs 0 to 2009 312161 337534 375929 405033 435981 473814 442227 395431
5 CGVU 3439. General Government: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 118 obs 0 to 2009 14221 17647 16595 17151 21322 19161 19872 20770
6 CGVV 3440. General Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   117 obs 117 obs 0 to 2009 4374 4267 4519 5567 5846 6487 6536 6272
7 CGVW 3441. General Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   340 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 136 151 171 165 161 141 141 171
8 ZLDB 3442. Non-financial Balance Sheets: GG: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } --   216 obs 172 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGVX 3443. General Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   220 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 504396 544906 599854 656188 704994 755509 733816 687603
10 CGVY 3444. General Government: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. (0) NSA nominal { 2nd } --   262 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGVZ 3445. General Government: Intangible Assets: other n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   216 obs 180 obs 0 to 2009 933 944 971 908 951 900 761 665
12 CGWA 3446. General Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   245 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 933 944 971 908 951 900 761 665
13 CGIX 3447. General Government: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   244 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 505329 545850 600825 657096 705945 756409 734577 688268
14 NYOG 3448. ESA:Levels:GG:Assets:Net Financial Assets/ Liabilities NSA nominal { 2nd } --   147 obs 124 obs 0 to 2009 -253970 -271587 -311868 -339747 -365091 -400190 -476497 -610759
15 CGRX 3449. General government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 3128 obs 2878 obs 917 obs 0 to 2009 251359 274263 288957 317349 340854 356219 258080 77509
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  ESA = European System of National Accounts
3128 obs 5278 obs 2778 obs

More years
  MA5.8 Central government. { total observations, n=3753 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 CGWB 3450. CG: Tangible assets: Residential Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 441 obs 199 obs 0 to 2009 3500 3300 4350 3750 4828 5331 5943 5943
2 CGWC 3451. Central Government: Tangible Assets: Agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   392 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 CGWD 3452. CG: Tangible assets: Commercial; Industrial & Other Buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   539 obs 215 obs 0 to 2009 56731 63012 69054 87916 92947 97573 99996 97547
4 CGWE 3453. CG: Tangible assets: Civil Engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   532 obs 220 obs 0 to 2009 100147 105236 109875 121070 130184 139877 147364 147364
5 CGWF 3454. CG: Tangible assets: Plant & Machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   474 obs 206 obs 0 to 2009 11412 14284 11842 11241 14446 11480 11307 11307
6 CGWG 3455. Central Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   497 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 3640 3600 3582 4347 4354 4830 5024 5024
7 CGWH 3456. Central Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   649 obs 248 obs 0 to 2009 136 151 171 165 161 141 141 171
8 ZLDA 3457. Balance Sheets: CG: Spectrum NSA nominal { 2nd } --   462 obs 233 obs 0 to 2009 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932 21932
9 CGWI 3458. Central Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   593 obs 247 obs 0 to 2009 197598 211615 220906 250521 268952 281264 291807 289388
10 CGWJ 3459. Central Govt: Intangible Assets: non-market tenancy rights n. Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   414 obs 154 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 CGWK 3460. Central Government: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   401 obs 237 obs 0 to 2009 242 188 151 125 116 120 123 125
12 CGWL 3461. Central Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   317 obs 178 obs 0 to 2009 242 188 151 125 116 120 123 125
13 CGIY 3462. Central Government: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   256 obs 126 obs 0 to 2009 197840 211803 221057 250646 269068 281384 291930 289513
14 NZDZ 3463. Central Government: Levels:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } 4 obs 253 obs 149 obs 0 to 2009 -302121 -332839 -382983 -418135 -438941 -477509 -552509 -684339
15 CGRY 3464. Central government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2228 obs 3221 obs 977 obs 0 to 2009 -104281 -121036 -161926 -167489 -169873 -196125 -260579 -394826
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
2236 obs 9441 obs 3753 obs

More years
  MA5.9 Local government. { total observations, n=2826 }4     UK National Statistics titles: [ capstk_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ capstk (index ) | mirror capstk ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range     2002 yr     2003 yr     2004 yr     2005 yr     2006 yr     2007 yr     2008 yr     2009 yr     2010 yr     2011 yr     2012 yr  
1 ZLCS 3465. New local authoruty housing for balance sheets. Permanently set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   277 obs 132 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 CGWN 3466. Local Government: Tangible Assets: agricultural assets  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   296 obs 136 obs 0 to 2009 1871 1871 1875 1880 1885 1879 1854 1845
3 CGWO 3467. Local Government: Tangible Assets: commercial; industrial & other buildings  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   125 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 89370 95092 105329 112695 119992 129092 135215 137592
4 CGWP 3468. Local Government: Tangible Assets: civil engineering  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   125 obs 94 obs 0 to 2009 212014 232298 266054 283963 305797 333937 294863 248067
5 CGWQ 3469. Local Government: Tangible Assets: plant & machinery  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   292 obs 135 obs 0 to 2009 2809 3363 4753 5910 6876 7681 8565 9463
6 CGWR 3470. Local Government: Tangible Assets: vehicles  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   230 obs 150 obs 0 to 2009 734 667 937 1220 1492 1657 1512 1248
7 CGWS 3471. Local Government: Tangible Assets: stocks & work in progress . Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   376 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 CGWT 3472. Local Government: Tangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   280 obs 162 obs 0 to 2009 306798 333291 378948 405668 436042 474246 442009 398215
9 CGWU 3473. Local Government: Intangible Assets: non-marketable tenancy rights n. Set at 0 NSA nominal { 2nd } --   376 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 CGWV 3474. Local Government: Intangible Assets: other  NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 186 obs 0 to 2009 691 756 820 783 835 780 638 540
11 CGWW 3475. Local Government: Intangible Assets: Total n NSA nominal { 2nd } --   229 obs 121 obs 0 to 2009 691 756 820 783 835 780 638 540
12 CGIZ 3476. Local Authorities: Physical Balance Sheet: Total Non-financial Assets NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 119 obs 0 to 2009 307489 334047 379768 406451 436877 475026 442647 398755
13 NYOJ 3477. Levels:LA:Net Financial AssetsLiabilities: CP NSA NSA nominal { 2nd } --   224 obs 143 obs 0 to 2009 48151 61252 71115 78388 73850 77319 76012 73580
14 CGRZ 3478. Local Government: Total net worth NSA nominal { 2nd } 2888 obs 3245 obs 982 obs 0 to 2009 355640 395299 450883 484839 510727 552345 518659 472335
  NSA = not seasonally adjusted (raw data)
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  CP = current price
  CP NSA = current price, not seasonally adjusted
2888 obs 6523 obs 2826 obs
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