ID IMPLIED PRICE DEFLATOR. { total observations, n=21325 }1
UK National Statistics titles: [ drsi_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ drsi (index ) | mirror drsi ]
| Code
| Variable ( skkd )
| Mthly
| Qtrly
| Yrly
| Monthly Range | 2007 jun | 2007 jul | 2007 aug | 2007 sep | 2007 oct | 2007 nov | 2007 dec | 2008 jan | 2008 feb | 2008 mar | 2008 apr | 2008 may | 2008 jun | 2008 jul | 2008 aug | 2008 sep | 2008 oct | 2008 nov | 2008 dec | 2009 jan | 2009 feb | 2009 mar | 2009 apr | 2009 may | 2009 jun | 2009 jul | 2009 aug | 2009 sep | 2009 oct | 2009 nov | 2009 dec | 2010 jan | 2010 feb | 2010 mar | 2010 apr | 2010 may | 2010 jun | 2010 jul | 2010 aug | 2010 sep | 2010 oct | 2010 nov | 2010 dec | 2011 jan | 2011 feb | 2011 mar | 2011 apr | 2011 may | 2011 jun | 2011 jul | 2011 aug | 2011 sep | 2011 oct | 2011 nov | 2011 dec
| J5HW
| 470. RSI:Implied deflator:AGG21:All retail inc fuel - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 829 obs
| 594 obs
| 300 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 1
| -0.1000
| -0.3000
| 0.2000
| 1.4000
| 1.8000
| 1.7000
| 2.5
| 2.5
| 2.200
| 2.700
| 3.300
| 4.300
| 5.5
| 5.100
| 4.800
| 3.300
| 1.9000
| -0.5
| -0.3000
| 0.8000
| 0.4000
| -0.1000
| -0.3000
| -1.4000
| -1.8000
| -1.3000
| -1.1000
| -0.1000
| 1
| 3.400
| 3.800
| 2.800
| 3.5
| 3.900
| 3.300
| 2.600
| 2.5
| 2.400
| 2.900
| 3
| 3.100
| 3.100
| 3.800
| 4.700
| 4.100
| 4.100
| 4.400
| 4.400
| 4.900
| 5.200
| 4.900
| 4.400
| 3.600
| 2.400
| J3VA
| 471. RSI: Implied deflator:AGG21X:All retail ex fuel - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 878 obs
| 439 obs
| 240 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 1
| 0.1000
| -0.1000
| -0.1000
| 0.4000
| 0.4000
| 0.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 0.3000
| 0.9000
| 1.6000
| 2.200
| 3.300
| 3.5
| 3.200
| 2.600
| 2.300
| 0.2000
| 1.4000
| 2.400
| 2.200
| 1.4000
| 1.3000
| 0.3000
| 0
| -0.2000
| -0.3000
| 0.1000
| 0.1000
| 2
| 1.7000
| 0.8000
| 1.3000
| 1.8000
| 1.4000
| 1.2000
| 1.2000
| 1.4000
| 2.300
| 2.100
| 2.5
| 2.400
| 2.600
| 3.400
| 2.700
| 3.100
| 3.200
| 3.100
| 3.700
| 3.800
| 3.400
| 3.200
| 2.600
| 1.8000
| A4VJ
| 472. Implied deflator:AGG 1:Predominantly food stores - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1183 obs
| 859 obs
| 343 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 3.5
| 2.400
| 2.200
| 2.700
| 3.300
| 3.5
| 3.900
| 4.200
| 4
| 3.700
| 4.700
| 5.900
| 6.900
| 8.600
| 9.300
| 8.200
| 7.300
| 7.300
| 6.900
| 7.100
| 8.200
| 7.700
| 6
| 5.600
| 4.100
| 3.400
| 2.200
| 1.8000
| 2.400
| 1.7000
| 2.100
| 2.600
| 1.4000
| 2.100
| 2.800
| 1.9000
| 2
| 2.800
| 3.300
| 4.200
| 4
| 4.800
| 5.100
| 5.300
| 5.400
| 4.200
| 4.700
| 5.5
| 6
| 5.900
| 5.900
| 6
| 5
| 4.600
| 4.200
| A4VK
| 473. Implied deflator:AGG 12:Predominantly non-food stores total - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1315 obs
| 511 obs
| 258 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -0.9000
| -1.6000
| -1.9000
| -2.200
| -1.8000
| -1.8000
| -2
| -1.9000
| -1.8000
| -2.200
| -2
| -1.7000
| -1.5
| -0.8000
| -1
| -0.8000
| -1.2000
| -1.6000
| -4.400
| -3.300
| -2.600
| -2.400
| -2.400
| -2.400
| -2.800
| -2.900
| -2.200
| -1.9000
| -1.7000
| -1.3000
| 1.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| 0.7000
| 1.1000
| 0.9000
| 0.5
| 0.1000
| 0.1000
| 0.8000
| 0.7000
| 0.8000
| 0.6000
| 0.8000
| 1.6000
| 1.5
| 1.7000
| 1.5
| 0.8000
| 1.9000
| 2.100
| 1.2000
| 1.8000
| 1.3000
| 0.3000
| A4VL
| 474. Implied deflator:47.19:Non-specialised stores - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 942 obs
| 216 obs
| 186 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -0.4000
| -1.1000
| -1.6000
| -1.8000
| -1.2000
| -1.1000
| -1.2000
| -1.3000
| -1.6000
| -2.200
| -1.9000
| -1.6000
| -1.4000
| -0.8000
| -0.6000
| -0.7000
| -1.1000
| -1.3000
| -3.700
| -2.600
| -1.4000
| -1.4000
| -1.5
| -1.4000
| -1.3000
| -1.2000
| -1.1000
| -0.8000
| -0.4000
| -0.3000
| 1.8000
| 1.4000
| 0.5
| 0.6000
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| 0
| -0.2000
| -0.2000
| 0.3000
| 0.1000
| 0.2000
| 0.5
| 0.6000
| 1
| 0.5
| 0.6000
| 0.7000
| -0.3000
| 0.8000
| 0.9000
| 0.3000
| 0.8000
| 0.3000
| -0.6000
| A4VM
| 475. Implied deflator:AGG 5:Textile; clothing & footwearstores - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1531 obs
| 527 obs
| 272 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -1.8000
| -1.6000
| -2.300
| -2.600
| -2.700
| -2.700
| -2.200
| -2.900
| -2.800
| -3.200
| -3.800
| -3.600
| -4.5
| -3.600
| -3.5
| -3.200
| -3.800
| -4.200
| -7.300
| -7.100
| -6.400
| -6.100
| -6.100
| -5.900
| -6.300
| -6.600
| -6.600
| -5.600
| -5.400
| -4.900
| -2.400
| -3.200
| -2.400
| -1.8000
| 0
| -0.2000
| -0.8000
| -2.100
| -0.9000
| 1.5
| 1.3000
| 2.5
| 2.100
| 1.9000
| 3.300
| 2.700
| 1.8000
| 1.9000
| 2.200
| 3.600
| 4.300
| 2.600
| 3.800
| 2.900
| 2
| A4VN
| 476. Implied deflator:AGG 7:Household goods stores - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 779 obs
| 387 obs
| 220 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.1000
| -2.200
| -2.200
| -2.700
| -2.100
| -2.200
| -3.5
| -3
| -2.5
| -3.5
| -2.400
| -2.100
| -1.5
| -0.6000
| -1
| -0.6000
| -0.2000
| -1
| -4.200
| -1.7000
| -1.2000
| -0.8000
| -0.3000
| -0.1000
| -0.9000
| -0.4000
| 0.5
| 0
| -0.2000
| 0.7000
| 4.200
| 3.300
| 2.400
| 2.300
| 2.100
| 1.5
| 0.9000
| 1.3000
| 0.9000
| 0.7000
| 0.4000
| 0.4000
| -1.1000
| 0.2000
| 1.7000
| 1.7000
| 2.600
| 1.9000
| 0.8000
| 1.5
| 0.7000
| -0.2000
| 1.1000
| 0.1000
| -1.2000
| A4VO
| 477. Implied deflator:AGG 13:Other stores - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 777 obs
| 465 obs
| 247 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -1.1000
| -1.4000
| -1.5
| -1.7000
| -1.3000
| -1.3000
| -1.2000
| -0.3000
| -0.5
| -0.3000
| -0.3000
| 0.5
| 1.1000
| 1.5
| 1.1000
| 1.1000
| 0.5
| 0.4000
| -2.300
| -1.5
| -0.6000
| -0.7000
| -1
| -1.3000
| -1.5
| -2.200
| -0.8000
| -0.6000
| 0
| 0
| 2.800
| 2.700
| 2
| 1.9000
| 1.9000
| 2
| 1.8000
| 1.9000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 0.1000
| 0.3000
| -0.2000
| 0.5
| 0.9000
| 1.6000
| 1.4000
| 0.5
| 1.5
| 2
| 1.5
| 0.8000
| 1.1000
| 0.2000
| J5HU
| 478. RSI:Implied deflator:AGG14:Non-store retailing - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 793 obs
| 644 obs
| 272 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -1.3000
| -1.9000
| -2.200
| -2
| -1.5
| -1.5
| -1.7000
| -1.6000
| -1.3000
| -1.7000
| -1.5
| -0.8000
| -0.9000
| -0.6000
| -0.7000
| -0.8000
| -1.3000
| -1.5
| -4
| -3.400
| -2.800
| -2.5
| -2.600
| -2.700
| -2.700
| -2.200
| -1.8000
| -1.7000
| -1.5
| -1.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.8000
| -0.1000
| 0.4000
| 0.8000
| 0.7000
| 0.3000
| -0.2000
| -0.4000
| 0.3000
| 0.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| 1.7000
| 0.7000
| 1
| 0.7000
| -0.1000
| 0.6000
| 0.5
| 0.2000
| 1.3000
| 0.2000
| -0.6000
| J3UX
| 479. RSI:Implied deflator:47.3:Automotive fuel - year on year%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1196 obs
| 705 obs
| 335 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 1.1000
| -0.9000
| -1.9000
| 3.300
| 11.30
| 15.90
| 15.40
| 18
| 19
| 19
| 17.60
| 18.60
| 22.5
| 24.30
| 19.60
| 18.60
| 9.200
| -2.600
| -9.700
| -13.5
| -11
| -12.40
| -11.20
| -12.5
| -13.30
| -13.70
| -9
| -5.900
| -0.8000
| 10
| 17
| 23.30
| 20.5
| 22.80
| 23.30
| 21
| 14.80
| 13.5
| 11.40
| 8.300
| 10.80
| 9.800
| 12.40
| 14.5
| 15.10
| 15
| 12.30
| 13.20
| 14.5
| 14.5
| 16.30
| 17
| 14.80
| 12.60
| 9.100
| J5HV
| 480. RSI:Implied deflator:AGG21:All retail inc fuel - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 713 obs
| 624 obs
| 275 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.4000
| -1.9000
| 0.5
| 0.7000
| 0.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.1000
| -0.9000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| 1
| 1.4000
| -0.7000
| 0.1000
| 0.5
| -1.1000
| -0.7000
| -2.200
| -0.7000
| 1.9000
| 0.3000
| 0.2000
| 0.8000
| 0.3000
| -1.1000
| 0.6000
| 0.6000
| 0
| 0.4000
| 0
| -0.3000
| 0.9000
| 0.9000
| 0.7000
| 0.2000
| -0.4000
| -1.2000
| 0.6000
| 1.1000
| 0
| 0.5
| 0
| 0.4000
| 1.7000
| 0.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| -0.5
| -0.7000
| 0.9000
| 0.8000
| -0.4000
| -0.2000
| -1.2000
| J3TU
| 481. RSI:Implied deflator:AGG21X:All retail ex fuel - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 804 obs
| 417 obs
| 216 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.3000
| -2
| 0.6000
| 0.9000
| 0.1000
| 0.4000
| 0.2000
| -1.4000
| 0.8000
| 0.5
| 0.5
| 0.8000
| 0.9000
| -1
| 0.8000
| 0.6000
| -0.4000
| 0.1000
| -1.9000
| -0.2000
| 1.8000
| 0.3000
| -0.3000
| 0.7000
| 0
| -1.4000
| 0.6000
| 0.4000
| 0
| 0.1000
| 0
| -0.5
| 0.9000
| 0.8000
| 0.2000
| 0.2000
| -0.2000
| -1.3000
| 0.8000
| 1.3000
| -0.2000
| 0.5
| -0.1000
| -0.3000
| 1.7000
| 0.1000
| 0.7000
| 0.3000
| -0.4000
| -0.7000
| 0.9000
| 0.9000
| -0.4000
| -0.1000
| -0.9000
| A4RT
| 482. Implied deflator:AGG 1:Pred food stores - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 811 obs
| 514 obs
| 247 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.4000
| -1.2000
| 0.3000
| 0.9000
| 0.8000
| 0.6000
| 0.5
| -0.2000
| 0.7000
| 0.3000
| 1.3000
| 1.3000
| 1.3000
| 0.4000
| 0.9000
| -0.1000
| 0
| 0.6000
| 0.1000
| 0
| 1.7000
| -0.2000
| -0.3000
| 0.8000
| -0.1000
| -0.3000
| -0.2000
| -0.5
| 0.7000
| 0
| 0.5
| 0.5
| 0.6000
| 0.5
| 0.4000
| 0
| 0
| 0.5
| 0.2000
| 0.4000
| 0.5
| 0.7000
| 0.8000
| 0.7000
| 0.7000
| -0.6000
| 0.9000
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| 0.4000
| 0.2000
| 0.5
| -0.5
| 0.3000
| 0.4000
| A4RU
| 483. Implied deflator:AGG 12:Pred non-food stores - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1301 obs
| 575 obs
| 311 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.3000
| -2.700
| 0.7000
| 0.9000
| -0.3000
| 0.4000
| 0.2000
| -2.700
| 0.7000
| 0.8000
| -0.2000
| 0.4000
| 0.4000
| -2
| 0.5
| 1.1000
| -0.6000
| 0
| -2.700
| -1.6000
| 1.5
| 0.9000
| -0.2000
| 0.5
| -0.1000
| -2.100
| 1.2000
| 1.3000
| -0.3000
| 0.4000
| -0.2000
| -2.200
| 1.3000
| 1
| 0.3000
| 0.3000
| -0.5
| -2.5
| 1.2000
| 2.100
| -0.4000
| 0.5
| -0.4000
| -2.100
| 2.200
| 0.8000
| 0.5
| 0.1000
| -1.1000
| -1.5
| 1.4000
| 1.3000
| 0.1000
| 0.1000
| -1.3000
| A4RV
| 484. Implied deflator:47.19:Non-specialised stores - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 804 obs
| 423 obs
| 225 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.2000
| -2.400
| 0.5
| 0.9000
| -0.1000
| 0.4000
| 0.6000
| -2.700
| 0.4000
| 0.8000
| -0.3000
| 0.2000
| 0.4000
| -1.8000
| 0.7000
| 0.8000
| -0.5
| 0.2000
| -1.9000
| -1.6000
| 1.5
| 0.8000
| -0.4000
| 0.4000
| 0.5
| -1.7000
| 0.8000
| 1.1000
| -0.2000
| 0.4000
| 0.1000
| -2
| 0.7000
| 0.9000
| -0.3000
| 0.2000
| 0
| -1.9000
| 0.7000
| 1.6000
| -0.4000
| 0.6000
| 0.4000
| -1.9000
| 1.1000
| 0.4000
| -0.1000
| 0.2000
| -1
| -0.9000
| 0.9000
| 1
| 0.1000
| 0.1000
| -0.5
| A4RW
| 485. Implied deflator:AGG 5:Textile; clothing & footwear - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1549 obs
| 444 obs
| 281 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.1000
| -3.600
| 1.3000
| 1.4000
| 0.1000
| 0.7000
| -0.4000
| -4.300
| 0.3000
| 0.6000
| 0.1000
| 0.3000
| -0.8000
| -2.700
| 1.3000
| 1.8000
| -0.6000
| 0.2000
| -3.5
| -4.100
| 1.1000
| 0.9000
| 0.1000
| 0.4000
| -1.2000
| -2.900
| 1.2000
| 2.900
| -0.4000
| 0.7000
| -1
| -4.900
| 1.9000
| 1.6000
| 1.9000
| 0.3000
| -1.8000
| -4.300
| 2.5
| 5.400
| -0.5
| 1.9000
| -1.4000
| -5.100
| 3.300
| 1
| 1
| 0.5
| -1.5
| -3
| 3.200
| 3.800
| 0.5
| 1.1000
| -2.300
| A4RX
| 486. Implied deflator:AGG 7:Household goods stores - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1171 obs
| 335 obs
| 206 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 1.2000
| -3.700
| 0.5
| 0.9000
| -1.2000
| 0.5
| -0.3000
| -2.300
| 1.2000
| 1.5
| -0.9000
| 0.7000
| 1.9000
| -2.900
| 0.1000
| 1.3000
| -0.9000
| -0.3000
| -3.5
| 0.2000
| 1.7000
| 1.8000
| -0.4000
| 0.9000
| 1
| -2.300
| 1
| 0.8000
| -1.1000
| 0.5
| -0.1000
| -0.6000
| 0.8000
| 1.7000
| -0.5
| 0.3000
| 0.3000
| -1.9000
| 0.6000
| 0.7000
| -1.3000
| 0.4000
| -1.5
| 0.6000
| 2.400
| 1.6000
| 0.4000
| -0.4000
| -0.8000
| -1.2000
| -0.2000
| -0.2000
| 0
| -0.6000
| -2.700
| A4RY
| 487. Implied deflator:AGG 13:Other stores - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1357 obs
| 765 obs
| 319 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| -0.3000
| -1.2000
| 0.4000
| 0.4000
| 0.1000
| 0
| 0.6000
| -1.5
| 0.7000
| 0.5
| 0.1000
| 0.6000
| 0.3000
| -0.7000
| 0
| 0.3000
| -0.4000
| -0.2000
| -2
| -0.7000
| 1.6000
| 0.3000
| -0.2000
| 0.3000
| 0.2000
| -1.4000
| 1.4000
| 0.6000
| 0.2000
| -0.2000
| 0.7000
| -0.8000
| 1
| 0.2000
| -0.1000
| 0.3000
| 0
| -1.3000
| 0.2000
| 0.5
| 0.3000
| -0.8000
| 0.8000
| -1.3000
| 1.6000
| 0.6000
| 0.6000
| 0.1000
| -0.8000
| -0.4000
| 0.7000
| 0.1000
| -0.4000
| -0.5
| -0.1000
| J5HT
| 488. RSI:Implied deflator:AGG14:Non-store retailing - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1345 obs
| 765 obs
| 311 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 0.1000
| -2.200
| 0.7000
| 1
| -0.3000
| 0.3000
| 0.3000
| -2.700
| 1.1000
| 0.4000
| -0.1000
| 0.6000
| 0
| -1.9000
| 0.6000
| 0.9000
| -0.8000
| 0.1000
| -2.200
| -2.100
| 1.8000
| 0.6000
| -0.1000
| 0.5
| 0.1000
| -1.4000
| 1
| 0.9000
| -0.6000
| 0.2000
| -0.1000
| -2.100
| 1
| 1.1000
| 0.3000
| 0.3000
| -0.3000
| -1.9000
| 0.7000
| 1.7000
| -0.5
| 0.5
| -0.1000
| -2.300
| 2.100
| 0.1000
| 0.5
| 0
| -1
| -1.2000
| 0.6000
| 1.3000
| 0.6000
| -0.6000
| -0.9000
| J3TJ
| 489. RSI: Implied deflator:47.3:Automotive fuel - month on previous month%
| NSA IMPL 2006
| 1247 obs
| 765 obs
| 311 obs
| 0 to 2011 Dec
| 1.1000
| -0.3000
| -0.5
| -0.6000
| 2.600
| 3.600
| 1.8000
| 1.2000
| 0.2000
| 2.300
| 2.200
| 3.800
| 4.5
| 1
| -4.300
| -1.3000
| -5.600
| -7.600
| -5.700
| -3
| 3
| 0.7000
| 3.600
| 2.200
| 3.5
| 0.6000
| 1
| 2
| -0.5
| 2.5
| 0.3000
| 2.300
| 0.7000
| 2.5
| 4.100
| 0.3000
| -1.8000
| -0.6000
| -0.9000
| -0.7000
| 1.8000
| 1.6000
| 2.700
| 4.100
| 1.2000
| 2.400
| 1.7000
| 1.1000
| -0.6000
| -0.6000
| 0.6000
| -0.1000
| -0.2000
| -0.3000
| -0.5
| Abbreviations:
RSI = Retail Sales Index
| 21325 obs
| 10974 obs
| 5375 obs