E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
fsc_Financial Statistics
fsc Financial Statistics Consistent
1.2G_Tax instruments
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 11 of 198   1.2G_Tax instruments   Yearly data  
fsc_1___ Selected finl indicators   fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Genl gov   fsc_14.2 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Public Corps   fsc_14.9 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Rest of World   fsc_5.1B SELF-ADMINISTERED PENSION FUNDS   fsc_8.1M UK summ accts {7 pages}  
fsc_1.1A Public Sector Summ Bals   fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Central gov   fsc_14.2 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Public Corps   fsc_14.9 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Rest of World   fsc_5.2A INSURANCE COMPANIES   fsc_9.1M UK summ accts {7 pages}  
fsc_1.1B Public Sector Net Borrowing   fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Local gov   fsc_14.3 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Prvt non-finl Corps   fsc_2.1A Central gov net cash requirement on own acct   fsc_5.2B COMPANIES ENGAGED in FINANCE LEASING, FACTORING & CREDIT GRANTING   fsc_EMZ1 EMZ1.1A_Public Sector Summ Bals  
fsc_1.1C Public Sector Net Borrowing   fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_14.3 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Prvt non-finl Corps   fsc_2.1C HM Revenue & Customs (former Inland Revenue) taxes & duties   fsc_5.2C INVESTMENT TRUSTS   fsc_EMZ1 EMZ1.1B_Public Sector Net Borrowing  
fsc_1.1D Public sector net debt   fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Rest of world   fsc_14.3 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Prvt non-finl Corps   fsc_2.1D HM Revenue & Customs (former Customs & Excise) taxes   fsc_5.2D UNIT TRUSTS & PROPERTY UNIT TRUSTS   fsc_RB6. Consumer Pri  
fsc_1.1E Public sector net cash requirement1   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: UK   fsc_14.4 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Finl Corps   fsc_2.1E Departmental revenue & exp on supply   fsc_5.3C Instnal invst   fsc_S1__ Debt of public sector: nominal amount outstanding  
fsc_1.1F Reconciliation of public sector net borrowing & net cash requirement   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Non-finl corps   fsc_14.4 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Finl Corps   fsc_2.3A Public sector aggregates   fsc_5.3D Unit trusts1   fsc_S1.5 Central gov surplus on curr budget & net borrowing  
fsc_1.2A Financing of central gov net cash requirement   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Public non-finl corps   fsc_14.4 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Finl corps   fsc_2.3C Public sector trans by sub-sector & economic category {3 pages}   fsc_5.4A SECURITIES DEALERS   fsc_S13_ Public sector trans by sub-sector & economic category {4 pages}  
fsc_1.2C Trans in mktable gov debt   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Prvt non-finl corps   fsc_14.4 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Finl Corps   fsc_2.3D Public sector trans by sub-sector & economic category {3 pages}   fsc_6.1A Insolvencies in England & Wales   fsc_S2.4 Public sector finances: curr receipts1  
fsc_1.2D National Sav   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Finl corps   fsc_14.5 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Genl gov   fsc_3.1A Notes & Coin & Reserve Bals   fsc_6.1B Mergers & acquisitions in UK by UK companies:   fsc_S29_ Genl Gove  
fsc_1.2G Tax instruments   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Monetary finl instns   fsc_14.5 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Genl Gov   fsc_3.1B Percentg   fsc_6.1C Cap issu   fsc_S3.1 Monthly Percentgrowth rates  
fsc_1.2H UK Central Gov & other Public Sector Foreign Currency   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Other finl intermediaries & finl auxiliarie   fsc_14.5 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Genl Gov   fsc_3.1D Quarterly Money stock   fsc_6.2B Cap issuance by instrument (UK residents, sterling)   fsc_S3.1 Monthly Money stock  
fsc_1.2I UK Intl Reserves1   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Insurance corps & pension funds   fsc_14.5 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Genl Gov   fsc_3.1E Quarterly Money stock   fsc_6.2C Cap issuance by instrument (Non-UK residents, sterling)   fsc_S3.1 Monthly Money stock  
fsc_1.2I Currency Breakdown of UK Central Gov {2 pages}   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Genl gov   fsc_14.5 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Genl Gov   fsc_3.1G Sectoral anal of M4 & its sterling lending counterpart   fsc_6.2D Share issuance by Economic sector (UK residents, all currencies)   fsc_S3.1 Sectoral anal of M4  
fsc_1.2I Currency Breakdown of Bank of England   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: central gov (cg)   fsc_14.6 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Central gov   fsc_3.1H Sectoral anal of M4 & its sterling lending counterpart   fsc_6.2E Stand alone bond issuance by Economic sector (UK residents, all currencies)   fsc_S3.1 M4 lending excluding mainly effects of securitisations  
fsc_1.2J Intl Monetary Fund   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Local gov   fsc_14.6 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Central Gov   fsc_3.1I Liquid assets outside M4   fsc_6.2F Programme bond issuance by Economic sector (UK residents, all currencies)   fsc_S3.2 Monthly Consumer Credit - Gross lending  
fsc_1.3A Net cash requirement by local gov   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_14.6 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Central Gov   fsc_3.2A Quarterly Consumer Credit - Gross lending   fsc_6.2G Commercial Paper issuance by Economic sector   fsc_S3.2 Monthly Consumer credit & other pers sector borrowing  
fsc_1.3B Local gov temporary debt   fsc_12.1 Finl Balnc Sheet: Rest of world   fsc_14.6 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Central Gov   fsc_3.2B Quarterly Consumer credit & other pers sector borrowing   fsc_6.2H Net cap issuance by ind (UK residents, all currencies)   fsc_S30_ Taxes paid by UK residents  
fsc_1.3C Local gov longer-term debt   fsc_12.1 Quoted ordinary shares Bal Sheets   fsc_14.6 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Central Gov   fsc_3.2C Loans secured on dwellings   fsc_6.3A Stock exchange trans   fsc_S31_ Genl gov exp (GGE)  
fsc_1.3D Local gov invsts   fsc_14.1 Summ of bal of pymts   fsc_14.7 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Local Gov   fsc_4.1A Monetary Finl Instns: Consolidated Bal sheet   fsc_7.1A Averrates against sterling   fsc_S32_ UK official trans w instns of EU  
fsc_1.4A Net cash requirement by public corps   fsc_14.1 Curr acct   fsc_14.7 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Local Gov   fsc_4.1B Central Bank Contribution to MFI Consolidated Bal Sheet   fsc_7.1B End month rates & forward margins against sterling  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: UK   fsc_14.1 Cap Acct   fsc_14.7 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Local Gov   fsc_4.1C Monetary Finl Instns (Excluding Central Bank)   fsc_7.1C Interest rate differentials & exchange rates  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Non-finl corps   fsc_14.1 Finl Acct & Intl Invst Positn   fsc_14.7 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Local Gov   fsc_4.2A Central Bank's Bal sheet (Bank of England Return)   fsc_7.1D British gov securities:clean prices & yields 1  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Public non-finl corps   fsc_14.1 Cap Acct   fsc_14.7 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Local Gov   fsc_4.3A Monetary Finl Instns {3 pages}   fsc_7.1E British gov securities:yield curve data  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Prvt non-finl corps   fsc_14.1 Finl Acct   fsc_14.8 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Household & non-profit instns   fsc_4.4C Building societies lending secured on dwellings   fsc_7.1G Company security prices & gross yields  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Finl corps   fsc_14.1 Finl Acct   fsc_14.8 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_4.5A Indl anal of monetary finl instns {6 pages}   fsc_7.1H Short-term sterling money rates  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Monetary finl instns   fsc_14.1 Intl Invst Positn   fsc_14.8 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_4.5B Indl anal of monetary finl instns {7 pages}   fsc_7.1L Averquoted Household interest rates  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Other finl intermediaries & finl auxiliaries   fsc_14.1 Intl Invst Positn   fsc_14.8 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_4.5C Indl anal of monetary finl instns   fsc_7.1O Avermoney rates & yields  
fsc_11.1 Finl Acct: Insurance corps & pension funds   fsc_14.2 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Public Corps   fsc_14.8 Incm & Cap Acct Table:Hshlds & non-profit instns   fsc_5.1A INSURANCE COMPANIES   fsc_7.2A Consumer Price index, Retail Prices Index & other selected indices  
  1.2G Tax instruments. { total observations, n=2508 }1     UK National Statistics titles: [ fsc_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ fsc (index ) | mirror fsc ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Yearly Range  
1 ACRK 124. Tax instruments : issues of certificates of tax deposit to persons £ mil NSA nominal 1042 obs 878 obs 217 obs no data
2 ACRL 125. Tax instruments : issues of certificates of tax deposit to companies £ mil NSA nominal 1042 obs 878 obs 217 obs no data
3 ACRM 126. Tax instruments : issues of certificates of tax deposit £ mil NSA nominal 959 obs 850 obs 210 obs no data
4 ACRN 127. Tax instruments : surrenders of certificates of tax deposit by persons £ mil NSA nominal 1069 obs 943 obs 233 obs no data
5 ACRO 128. Tax instruments : surrenders of certificates of tax deposit by companies £ mil NSA nominal 959 obs 949 obs 234 obs no data
6 ACRP 129. Tax instruments : surrenders of certificates of tax deposit £ mil NSA nominal 1057 obs 1211 obs 243 obs no data
7 ACRQ 130. Tax instruments : net issues of certificates of tax deposit to persons £ mil NSA nominal 1069 obs 1211 obs 243 obs no data
8 ACRR 131. Tax instruments : net issues of certificates of tax deposit to companies £ mil NSA nominal 1069 obs 990 obs 250 obs no data
9 ACRS 132. Tax instruments : net issues of certificates of tax deposit £ mil NSA nominal 604 obs 796 obs 203 obs no data
10 ACRT 133. Tax instruments : net items in transit £ mil NSA nominal 616 obs 895 obs 227 obs no data
11 AACF 134. FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Tax instruments NSA nominal { 2nd } 1467 obs 1221 obs 231 obs no data
Abbreviations: 10953 obs 10822 obs 2508 obs