E C O N S T A T S TM  
  UK Statistics
lms_Labour Market Statis
lms Labour Market Statistics - Integrated FR
19_International comparisons
      UK Office of National Statistics (ONS)
      HM Treasury - Weekly economic indicators
      HM Treasury - pocket databank (xls)
Commonly-used UK Stats Prelim Estimate Of GDP Jan 25 GDP Month 2 May 25 Gross Domestic Product (O) Aug 26 Motor Vehicle Prod Mar 2
UK Economic Accounts Dec 22 Detailed Index of Prod Dataset Jan 12 Productivity Dec 23 Public Sector Finances, Jan 24 Public Sector Accounts, Jun 30
Public Sector Trans: Calendar ... Jun 30 Public Sector Employment Stats Dec 14 PPI Aggregate Level Jan 13 Producer Prices - MM22 Jan 24 Consumer Price Indices Aug 16
Claimant Count & Vacancies Jan 18 Labour Market Stats - Integrat... Jan 18 Employment & Earnings Jan 18 Financial Stats Freestanding Jul 12 Financial Stats Consistent Jul 12
Mergers & Acquisitions Dec 6 Share Ownership Jan 27 Inv't by Ins Comps, Pens Funds... Mar 25 Ins Comps', Pens Funds' & Trus... Dec 21 Balance of Payments Quarterly Dec 22
Trade in Goods Industry BOP MQ... Dec 9 Trade in Goods MRETS (all BOP ... Jan 11 Monthly Digest of Stats Jul 28 Economic Trends Dec 16 Economic Trends Annual Supp Oct 10
Index of Distribution Feb 24 Pink Book Jul 30 Blue Book Jul 30 Cap Stocks Tables for Publication Jul 31 Retail Sales - Detailed Level Jan 20
Metal Working Machine Tools 0 MM17 - PINCCA Dec 29 Engineering Turnover & Orders ... Feb 17 Business Inv't Dec 22 Consumer Trends Dec 22
Consumer Credit Business Jul 1 Profitability of UK Comps Jan 4

  SubTable 23 of 44   19_International comparisons   Quarterly data  
lms_1___ LFS Summ: NON-STANDARD LFS time pds   lms_15__ AverWeekly Earnings - Total pay   lms_18D_ Regional labour mkt summ - Economic Inactivity (LFS data)   lms_20__ Labour Disputes: Summ   lms_4___ Public & prvt sector employment   lms_8.1_ Employment rates (aged 16 to 64) by country of birth & nationality  
lms_10__ Claimant Count1: Summ   lms_15.1 AverWeekly Earnings - bonus pay   lms_18E_ Regional labour mkt summ - Claimant Count data   lms_21__ Vacancies by size of business   lms_4.1_ Public sector employment by ind   lms_9___ Unemployment by & duration: {2 pages}  
lms_10.1 Lone parent claimants of jobseeker's allowance   lms_16__ AverWeekly Earnings - regular pay   lms_18F_ Regional labour mkt summ - Claimant Count data   lms_21.1 Vacancies by   lms_4.2_ Workforce jo   ukea_A46  
lms_11__ Claimant count1 by & duration   lms_17__ Productivity & Unit WCosts   lms_18G_ Workforce jobs by region   lms_23__ Redundancies: levels & rates   lms_6___ Workforce jobs by ind  
lms_12__ Economic activity by age: LFS time pds   lms_18A_ Regional labour mkt summ - LFS data {2 pages}   lms_19__ Intl comparisons   lms_24__ Redundancies by ind   lms_7___ Actual weekly hours of work: LFS time pds  
lms_13__ Economic inactivity: Reasons: LFS time pds   lms_18B_ Regional labour mkt summ - LFS data {2 pages}   lms_1A__ Other headline indicators   lms_25__ Key out of work benefits   lms_7.1_ Usual weekly hours of work1: LFS time pds  
lms_14__ Labour mkt status of young people: {3 pages}   lms_18C_ Regional labour mkt summ - Economic Inactivity (LFS data)   lms_2___ Labour mkt status by group {2 pages}   lms_3___ Full-, part-time & temporary : LFS time pds   lms_8___ Employment levels by country of birth & nationality  
  19 International comparisons. { total observations, n=14291 }2     UK National Statistics titles: [ lms_doc.txt| ES mirror ] data: [ lms (index ) | mirror lms ]
  Code     Variable   ( skkd )   Mthly     Qtrly     Yrly     Quarterly Range     1998 ii     1998 iii     1998 iv     1999 i     1999 ii     1999 iii     1999 iv     2000 i     2000 ii     2000 iii     2000 iv     2001 i     2001 ii     2001 iii     2001 iv     2002 i     2002 ii     2002 iii     2002 iv     2003 i     2003 ii     2003 iii     2003 iv     2004 i     2004 ii     2004 iii     2004 iv     2005 i     2005 ii     2005 iii     2005 iv     2006 i     2006 ii     2006 iii     2006 iv     2007 i     2007 ii     2007 iii     2007 iv     2008 i     2008 ii     2008 iii     2008 iv     2009 i     2009 ii     2009 iii     2009 iv     2010 i     2010 ii     2010 iii     2010 iv     2011 i     2011 ii     2011 iii     2011 iv  
1 ZXDS 1009. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Austria - Eurostat SA 675 obs 169 obs 41 obs 0 to 2011 III 4.600 4.400 4.200 4 4 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.700 3.5 3.400 3.400 3.5 3.700 3.900 4.200 4.200 4.200 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.400 4.5 5 4.800 4.900 5 5 5.300 5.200 5.200 5.200 4.800 4.5 4.400 4.400 4.600 4.600 4.100 3.900 3.5 3.700 4.100 4.400 4.800 5 4.800 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.200 4.400 4.100 3.800
2 ZXDI 1010. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Belgium - Eurostat SA 675 obs 169 obs 41 obs 0 to 2011 III 9.400 9.400 9.100 9.100 8.900 8.300 7.700 7.300 6.900 6.800 6.600 6.300 6.5 6.400 7.200 7.300 7.400 7.600 7.800 8.100 8.100 8.100 8.400 8.5 7.900 8.800 8.400 8.400 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.600 8.5 7.900 8 7.900 7.800 7 7.100 7 6.800 7.300 7.100 7.700 7.700 8.100 8.100 8.400 8.5 8.300 7.800 7.100 7.100 7.400
3 A492 1011. Standardised ILO unemployment rates; seasonally adjusted; Bulgaria - Eurostat SA 591 obs 240 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 III 14.70 16 17.20 17.90 18.80 19.70 19.60 19.30 19.10 18.5 18.30 16.70 15 14.10 13.30 12.5 12.70 12.40 11.60 11.70 10.70 10.20 9.700 9.900 9.200 9.100 9.200 8.400 7.5 6.900 6.900 6.200 6.100 5.800 5.400 5.100 5.900 6.300 7.100 8 9.400 10 10.20 11.30 11.10 11.20 11
4 A4AN 1012. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Cyprus Eurostat SA nominal 591 obs 240 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 III 5.100 5 4.800 4.5 4.200 4 3.800 3.600 3.5 3.400 3.5 3.700 3.900 4.100 4.200 4.200 4.300 4.5 4.800 5 5.300 5.400 5.400 5.300 5 4.600 4.200 4.300 4 3.900 4 3.800 3.800 3.5 3.600 3.800 4.200 5.100 5.700 6.200 6.5 6.300 6.100 6 6.600 7.200 8
5 A4AO 1013. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Czech Republic Eurostat SA nominal 615 obs 149 obs 36 obs 0 to 2011 III 6 6.600 7.300 8 8.600 8.900 9 9.100 8.800 8.5 8.300 8.100 8.100 8.100 7.800 7.400 7.200 7.200 7.400 7.300 7.800 8 8.200 8.400 8.400 8.200 8.300 8.100 8 7.800 7.900 7.700 7.200 7.100 6.600 5.800 5.5 5.100 5 4.400 4.400 4.300 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.300 7.400 7.800 7.300 7.100 7 6.900 6.900 6.600
6 ZXDJ 1014. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Denmark - Eurostat SA 675 obs 169 obs 41 obs 0 to 2011 III 4.900 4.900 4.800 5 5 5.100 5.200 4.700 4.400 4.100 4.100 4.400 4.400 4.600 4.700 4.400 4.400 4.900 4.800 5 5.5 5.400 5.800 5.600 5.5 5.600 5.400 5.200 5.100 4.700 4.200 4.200 4.100 3.700 3.700 4.100 3.700 3.800 3.400 3.300 3.100 3.300 3.700 4.900 6.100 6.200 7 7.100 7.5 7.400 7.700 7.5 7.5 7.5
7 A4AP 1015. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Estonia Eurostat SA nominal 625 obs 153 obs 37 obs 0 to 2011 III 9.100 9.100 9.300 10.10 11.10 11.80 12.40 14.20 13.20 13 14.10 13.60 12.70 12.30 11.60 10.5 9.700 10 10.90 10.10 10.70 9.800 9.600 9.700 9.800 10.30 8.800 8.600 8 7.5 7.200 5.900 6.200 5.800 5.5 4.900 5 4.300 4.100 4.100 4.100 6.200 8 10.90 13.10 15 16.20 18.70 17.90 16.10 14.60 13.60 12.70 11.30
8 ZXDU 1016. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Finland - Eurostat SA 675 obs 169 obs 41 obs 0 to 2011 III 11.60 11.20 10.80 10.60 10.30 10.10 10 9.900 9.600 9.5 9.300 9.200 9.100 9.100 9.100 9.100 9.200 9.100 9 9.100 9.200 9 9 9 9 8.800 8.700 8.600 8.400 8.200 8.100 8 7.800 7.700 7.400 7.100 6.900 6.900 6.600 6.300 6.300 6.400 6.700 7.400 8.200 8.600 8.800 8.700 8.5 8.300 8.100 8 7.800 7.700
9 ZXDN 1017. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED France - Eurostat SA 675 obs 169 obs 41 obs 0 to 2011 III 11 10.90 10.90 10.80 10.60 10.20 9.800 9.5 9.100 8.900 8.600 8.400 8.300 8.300 8.400 8.400 8.5 8.700 8.900 8.600 8.800 9 9.200 9.200 9.200 9.300 9.300 9.100 9.200 9.400 9.5 9.5 9.400 9.100 8.900 8.800 8.400 8.300 7.900 7.600 7.600 7.800 8.200 9 9.5 9.600 10 9.900 9.800 9.800 9.700 9.600 9.600 9.600
10 ZXDK 1018. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Germany - Eurostat SA 675 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 9.600 9.300 9.100 8.900 8.700 8.5 8.300 8.200 8 7.900 7.800 7.700 7.700 7.900 8.100 8.300 8.5 8.800 9.200 9.600 9.900 9.900 9.800 10 10.30 10.60 11 11.40 11.40 11.30 11 10.60 10.30 10.10 9.800 9.200 8.800 8.5 8.300 8 7.700 7.200 7.200 7.600 7.900 7.900 7.700 7.5 7.200 6.900 6.700 6.300 6 5.800
11 ZXDL 1019. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Greece - Eurostat SA 982 obs 252 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 II 11.10 11.30 11.40 12 12 12.30 11.60 11.5 11.20 10.60 10.5 10.70 10.60 10.90 10.70 10.30 10.20 10 9.700 9.700 9.700 9.900 10.90 10.5 10.30 10.20 10 9.900 10 9.600 9.300 9 8.600 8.600 8.600 8.400 8.200 8 7.800 7.5 7.600 7.900 8.800 9.100 9.700 10.20 11 12.20 12.90 14.10 15.10 16.80 18.40
12 A4AQ 1020. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Hungary Eurostat SA nominal 648 obs 256 obs 62 obs 0 to 2011 III 8.800 8.200 7.600 7.200 6.900 6.900 6.700 6.5 6.600 6.300 6.100 5.800 5.800 5.700 5.700 5.600 5.700 6 6 6.100 5.900 5.800 5.600 5.800 5.900 6.200 6.400 6.800 7.300 7.300 7.400 7.400 7.300 7.5 7.600 7.200 7.100 7.300 7.900 7.600 7.800 7.800 8.100 9.200 9.700 10.5 10.60 11.30 11.30 11 11 11 10.90 10.90
13 ZXDO 1021. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Ireland - Eurostat SA 1032 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 7.800 7.300 6.800 6.300 5.900 5.400 5 4.600 4.400 4.100 3.700 3.800 3.700 4.100 4.100 4.300 4.400 4.300 4.900 4.5 4.5 4.800 4.5 4.800 4.400 4.200 4.5 4.200 4.600 4.400 4.300 4.5 4.400 4.600 4.400 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.800 5 5.5 6.800 8 10.30 11.80 12.5 12.70 13.10 13.5 13.70 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.70
14 ZXDP 1022. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Italy - Eurostat SA 684 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 11.5 11.30 11.40 11.10 11.10 10.90 10.70 10.60 10.30 10 9.600 9.400 9.100 9 8.900 8.5 8.800 8.600 8.5 8.700 8.5 8.400 8.200 8.200 8.100 7.900 7.900 7.800 7.800 7.700 7.5 7.300 6.900 6.600 6.400 6.100 6 6.100 6.200 6.600 6.900 6.700 7 7.300 7.600 8 8.300 8.5 8.600 8.200 8.300 8.200 8.100 8.100
15 A4AR 1023. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Latvia Eurostat SA nominal 622 obs 248 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 14.30 14.30 14.60 14.40 13.70 13.90 14.10 14.20 14.10 13.5 13.10 12.90 12.90 12.80 12.90 12.80 12.90 11.20 11.90 10.30 10.40 11.20 10.30 10.90 10 10.40 10.40 9.400 9.200 9 7.900 7.400 7.100 6.5 6.200 6.5 5.900 6.100 5.5 6.100 6.200 7.5 10.20 13.30 16.5 18.70 20.10 20 19.40 18.20 17 16.30 16.10 14.80
16 A4AS 1024. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Lithuania Eurostat SA nominal 970 obs 248 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 13.60 12.60 12.5 12.90 13.20 13.90 14.70 15.5 16 16.80 17 17 16.90 16.20 15.60 14.90 13.5 12.70 13 12.80 13 12.20 11.60 12.20 11.80 11 10.60 9.5 8.600 7.800 7.200 5.700 5.700 6.200 4.900 4.300 4.200 4.400 4.400 4.100 4.700 6.400 8.200 11.20 13.5 14.30 16 17.30 18.20 18.30 17.30 16.5 15.60 15.30
17 ZXDQ 1025. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Luxembourg - Eurostat SA 1032 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 2.800 2.600 2.5 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300 2 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 2 2.100 2.400 2.700 2.900 3.300 3.600 4 4.300 4.800 5 5.100 5 4.800 4.700 4.5 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.600 4.400 4.100 4.100 4.200 4.400 4.800 5.100 5.200 5.400 5.300 5.100 4.800 4.600 4.5 4.400 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.900
18 A4AT 1026. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Malta Eurostat SA nominal 600 obs 240 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 III 6.900 6.700 6.600 6.700 7.100 7.600 7.800 7.900 7.800 7.400 7.200 7.400 7.400 7.600 7.800 7.700 7.400 7.300 7.300 7.200 7.100 7.400 7.400 7.200 7.100 7 6.800 6.700 6.900 6.300 6.300 6.200 6.200 6 6.100 6.300 6.5 6.800 7 7.100 7.200 7 7 6.800 6.5 6.600 6.300
19 ZXDR 1027. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Netherlands - Eurostat SA 684 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 4.400 4.200 3.900 3.800 3.600 3.5 3.400 3.300 3.100 3 2.800 2.600 2.600 2.5 2.600 2.700 2.900 3.200 3.5 3.700 4 4.300 4.600 4.900 5.200 5.100 5.200 5.400 5.400 5.200 5.100 4.800 4.400 4.100 4.100 3.900 3.600 3.5 3.300 3.100 3.100 3 3 3.200 3.5 3.900 4.200 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.200 4.400
20 A4AU 1028. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Poland Eurostat SA nominal 636 obs 252 obs 61 obs 0 to 2011 III 9.900 10.20 10.80 11.90 12.90 13.80 14.80 15.60 16.10 16.30 16.70 17.5 18.20 18.40 19 19.5 19.90 20.30 20.20 19.80 19.5 19.70 19.60 20 19.20 18.60 18.30 18.20 18.30 17.70 16.90 15.5 14.30 13.40 12.30 10.70 9.800 9.300 8.700 7.5 7.300 7 6.900 7.600 8 8.5 8.800 9.800 9.600 9.5 9.600 9.400 9.600 9.700
21 ZXDT 1029. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Portugal - Eurostat SA 684 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 5.400 5.400 5.400 5.200 5.300 4.900 4.600 4.800 4.5 4.5 4.100 4.5 4.5 4.600 4.600 4.800 5.400 5.800 6.700 7 7.200 7.100 7.300 7 7.400 7.800 7.800 8.200 8.400 8.800 8.800 8.400 8.400 8.400 9.100 9.200 9 8.900 8.600 8.300 8.400 8.600 8.700 9.800 10.5 11 11.30 11.70 12 12.20 12.30 12.40 12.5 12.70
22 A48Z 1030. Standardised ILO unemployment rates; seasonally adjusted; Romania - Eurostat SA 636 obs 153 obs 37 obs 0 to 2011 III 5.400 5.400 5.5 5.800 6 6.5 6.700 6.600 6.800 6.900 6.900 6.600 6.400 6.5 6.900 7.700 7.800 7.5 6.700 6.700 6.800 6.700 7.200 8.200 7.800 8.100 8 7.800 7.400 6.600 6.700 7.200 7.200 7.400 7 6.600 6.700 6.300 6.100 5.800 5.900 5.700 5.800 6.400 6.400 7.200 7.400 7.400 7.100 7.200 7.300 7 7.400 7.600
23 A4AV 1031. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Slovak Republic Eurostat SA nominal 624 obs 149 obs 36 obs 0 to 2011 III 12.20 12.90 13.30 14.70 16 16.90 17.80 18.40 19.10 18.80 18.80 19.20 19.30 19.30 19.30 18.90 18.80 18.60 18.40 17.90 17.20 17.30 17.90 18.70 18.70 17.90 17.60 17 16.40 16 15.60 14.5 13.60 13 12.30 11.30 11.20 11.30 10.60 10.10 10 9 8.900 10.10 11.30 12.70 14 14.70 14.5 14.30 14 13.40 13.30 13.40
24 A4AW 1032. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Slovenia Eurostat SA nominal 648 obs 256 obs 62 obs 0 to 2011 III 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.300 7.400 7.400 7.300 6.800 7.200 6.800 6.200 6.100 5.900 6.100 6.700 6.600 6.200 6.200 6.300 6.700 6.800 6.800 6.5 6.5 6.400 6.200 6.300 6.400 6.100 6.600 7.100 6.5 6.200 5.800 5.5 5.300 4.800 4.700 4.600 4.700 4.400 4.300 4.200 4.900 5.800 6.400 6.400 6.700 7.300 7.300 7.800 8.100 8 8.100
25 ZXDM 1033. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Spain - Eurostat SA 684 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 15.30 14.80 14.30 13.30 12.60 12.30 11.90 11.60 11.20 10.90 10.60 10.40 10.40 10.30 10.40 10.90 11 11.30 11.20 11.20 11.10 11.20 11 10.80 10.80 10.70 10.20 9.800 9.400 8.700 8.700 8.700 8.600 8.5 8.300 8.100 8 8.300 8.600 9.200 10.5 11.80 14 16.60 17.90 18.5 19 19.40 20.10 20.40 20.40 20.60 21.10 22.10
26 ZXDV 1034. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Sweden - Eurostat SA 684 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 8.600 8 7.5 7.100 6.800 6.600 6.300 6.100 5.800 5.400 5.100 5.900 5.700 5.800 6 5.800 5.800 6.100 6.200 6.200 6.300 6.600 7.100 7.300 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.900 7.800 7.600 7.5 7.300 6.900 6.5 6.400 6.100 6 6.100 5.900 6 6.200 6.700 7.400 8.400 8.600 8.800 8.700 8.600 8.300 7.900 7.700 7.5 7.400
27 ZXDW 1035. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED United Kingdom Eurostat SA 682 obs 268 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 6.100 6.100 6 6 6 5.800 5.800 5.700 5.5 5.300 5.100 5 4.900 5 5.100 5.100 5.200 5.200 5.100 5.100 5 5 4.900 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.700 4.700 4.700 4.700 5.100 5.200 5.400 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.300 5.300 5.100 5.100 5.300 5.800 6.300 7.100 7.700 7.800 7.700 7.900 7.800 7.700 7.800 7.700 7.900 8.200
28 A493 1036. Standardised ILO Unemployment rates - Total EU (Including Bulgaria & Rumania) SA 528 obs 216 obs 52 obs 0 to 2011 III 8.900 8.800 8.700 8.600 8.5 8.5 8.600 8.700 8.800 8.900 9 9 9 9.100 9.100 9.100 9.300 9.200 9.200 9.200 9.200 9.100 9 8.900 8.600 8.400 8.100 7.900 7.5 7.300 7.100 7 6.800 6.900 7.100 7.5 8.400 8.900 9.300 9.5 9.700 9.700 9.600 9.600 9.5 9.5 9.700
29 ZXDH 1037. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Eurozone - Eurostat SA 600 obs 240 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 III 10.30 10.20 10 9.800 9.600 9.400 9.200 9 8.700 8.5 8.300 8.200 8.100 8.100 8.200 8.300 8.5 8.600 8.800 8.900 9 9 9 9.200 9.200 9.300 9.300 9.300 9.200 9.100 9 8.800 8.600 8.300 8.100 7.900 7.600 7.5 7.400 7.400 7.5 7.600 8.100 9 9.5 9.800 10 10.10 10.20 10.10 10 10 10 10.10
30 ZXDZ 1038. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Canada-OECD SA 1225 obs 199 obs 72 obs 0 to 2011 IV 8.300 8.200 8 7.900 7.900 7.5 7 6.900 6.700 6.900 6.900 7 7.100 7.200 7.700 7.900 7.700 7.600 7.5 7.400 7.700 7.800 7.400 7.300 7.200 7 7.100 7 6.800 6.700 6.5 6.5 6.200 6.400 6.200 6.200 6.100 6 6 6 6.100 6.100 6.400 7.800 8.400 8.5 8.400 8.200 8 8 7.700 7.800 7.5 7.200 7.400
31 ZXDY 1039. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Japan- Eurostat SA 1199 obs 174 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 III 4.100 4.300 4.400 4.600 4.700 4.700 4.600 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.800 4.900 5.100 5.400 5.300 5.400 5.400 5.300 5.400 5.400 5.200 5 4.900 4.700 4.800 4.5 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.400 4.200 4.100 4.100 4 4 3.700 3.700 3.900 3.900 3.900 4 4.100 4.5 5.100 5.400 5.300 5 5.100 5 5 4.700 4.600 4.400
32 MGSX 1040. LFS: Unemployment rate: UK: All: Aged 16 and over: %: SA SA nominal { 2nd } 1902 obs 1980 obs 504 obs 0 to 2011 III 6.300 6.200 6.100 6.200 6 5.900 5.800 5.800 5.5 5.300 5.200 5.100 5 5.100 5.200 5.200 5.200 5.300 5.100 5.200 4.900 5.100 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.700 4.700 4.700 4.800 4.800 5.200 5.300 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.400 5.300 5.200 5.200 5.400 5.900 6.400 7.100 7.800 7.900 7.800 8 7.800 7.700 7.900 7.700 7.900 8.300
33 ZXDX 1041. STANDARDISED ILO UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SEASONALLY ADJUSTED United States SA 696 obs 175 obs 66 obs 0 to 2011 IV 4.400 4.5 4.400 4.300 4.300 4.200 4.100 4 3.900 4 3.900 4.200 4.400 4.800 5.5 5.700 5.800 5.700 5.900 5.900 6.100 6.100 5.800 5.700 5.600 5.400 5.400 5.300 5.100 5 5 4.700 4.600 4.600 4.400 4.5 4.5 4.700 4.800 5 5.300 6 6.900 8.300 9.300 9.600 9.900 9.800 9.600 9.5 9.600 9 9 9.100 8.700
34 YXSN 1042. International Comparison Employment Rates Austria NSA 468 obs 151 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 III 68.20 68.40 69 68.5 67.90 68.5 68.90 68.70 67.80 68.40 68.80 68.5 68.10 68.80 69.20 68.90 68.20 69.10 69.60 68.90 66.5 67.70 68.80 68.10 67.60 68.40 69.80 68.80 68.20 70 71.90 70.60 70.30 71.5 72.5 71.30 71 72.30 72.80 72.20 70.80 71.70 72.30 71.60 70.60 71.40 72.60 72.30 71.10 72.10 73
35 YXSO 1043. International Comparison Employment Rates Belgium NSA 816 obs 151 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 II 59 58.90 59.80 59.5 59.90 60.90 61.10 60.20 60.10 59.70 60.5 59.5 59.5 59.70 60.40 60 59 59.30 59.70 60.40 59.90 60.5 60.40 60.60 60.90 61 61.20 61.20 60.30 60.40 61.20 62.10 61.70 61.60 62.10 62.70 62.60 62 62.60 62.40 61.70 61.5 61.40 61.80 61.90 61.5 62 62.70 61.30 62.5 61.70
36 A495 1044. International Comparison employment rates - Bulgaria NSA 468 obs 151 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 II 59 58.90 59.80 59.5 49.20 51.5 51.20 49.70 48.70 50.70 51 48.40 48.80 51.10 51.90 50.40 50.20 53.10 54.20 52.5 51.60 55.10 56 54.10 53 56.20 57.90 56 55.5 59.10 60.30 59.80 59.70 61.60 62.70 62.90 62.60 63.90 65 64.30 62.60 63.30 63.10 61.20 58.80 60.20 60.60 59 57.30 58.20 59.90
37 A4AC 1045. International Comparison Employment Rates - Cyprus NSA 840 obs 35 obs 29 obs 1999 to 2011 II 63.70 65.40 67.90 68.5 69.20 69.40 69.10 68.80 68.40 68.70 68.70 68.10 68.20 69.5 70.40 70.40 69.80 71.20 71.30 71.5 70.20 71.10 71 71.10 69.5 70.20 70 70 68.80 69.80 70 70.10 68.80 69 67.60
38 A4AD 1046. International Comparison Employment Rates - Czech Republic NSA 840 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 67.5 67.10 67 65.80 65.60 65.5 65.60 64.70 64.90 65.10 65.20 65 65 65 65.10 64.90 65.5 65.60 65.70 65 64.90 64.60 64.40 63.70 64.10 64.40 64.5 64.10 64.70 65.20 65.20 64.80 65.30 65.40 65.60 65.5 66 66.30 66.5 66.10 66.60 66.70 66.80 65.60 65.40 65.20 65.30 64.10 64.90 65.40 65.5 65 65.70 66.10
39 YXSP 1047. Internatioonal Comparison Employment Rates Denmark NSA 816 obs 52 obs 35 obs 1998 to 2011 II 75.70 76.5 76.60 75.40 75.60 76.40 76.5 76.5 75.20 75.90 76.90 76.80 75.40 76.40 76.10 75.60 74.40 75.10 76 75 74.5 76 76.60 75.60 75.20 75.5 76.10 76.80 76.5 76.90 78.20 77.90 76.70 77.30 77.10 77.40 76.80 78.30 78.5 78.10 76.20 76.20 76.30 74.20 73 74.10 73.80 72.90 72.60 73.30 73.80
40 A4AE 1048. International Comparison Employment Rates - Estonia NSA 468 obs 49 obs 34 obs 1998 to 2011 II 61.80 60.10 60.30 61.40 60 59.5 60.80 62.30 61.40 60.90 61.70 63.20 62.20 61.20 62.30 64.30 63.70 62.5 62.90 63.30 63.40 63.20 64.90 64.70 65 67.40 68.80 67.90 68.10 68.60 69.70 70.20 69.10 69.5 69.80 70.40 69.60 65.30 63.80 63.40 61.70 58.90 59.5 62.10 63.60 63.20 64.30 67.20
41 YXSQ 1049. International Comparison Employment Rates Finland NSA 816 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 63.40 66.30 64.20 64.10 67.40 68.10 65.5 64.70 68.10 69.20 66.60 66.10 69.10 69.70 67.60 66.40 69.10 69.60 67.20 66.40 68.70 69.20 66.5 65.90 68.30 69.30 67.10 66.70 69.20 69.60 68 67.70 69.90 70.80 69 68.30 71.30 71.70 69.90 69.5 72.30 72.10 70.30 68.5 69.80 69.30 67.30 66.5 69.20 69.30 67.60 67.10 70.10 70.30
42 YXSR 1050. International Comparison Employment Rates France NSA 468 obs 139 obs 55 obs 0 to 2011 III 60.40 61.70 62.70 62.90 63.90 64 64.40 63.5 63.30 63.90 64.30 63.40 63.40 63.90 64.10 63.20 63 63.60 64.30 63.60 63.5 64.30 64.90 64.40 64.5 65 65.30 64.60 63.90 64.30 64.30 63.5 63.5 64 64.30 63.5 63.40 64 64.30
43 YXSS 1051. International Comparison Employment Rates Germany NSA 612 obs 133 obs 53 obs 0 to 2011 II 63.70 64.80 65.30 65.70 65.40 64.90 64.30 64.90 65.30 65.70 65.90 66 67 67.70 67.90 68.10 68.70 69.5 69.60 69.40 69.70 70.60 70.70 69.70 70.20 70.30 71.10 70.20 71 71.5 71.70 71.5 72.5
44 YXST 1052. International Comparison Employment Rates Greece NSA 925 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 56.10 56.5 56 56 56 56.10 55.5 55.70 56.60 56.90 56.60 56.10 56.5 56.80 55.90 56.20 57.70 58.10 57.90 58.10 58.90 59.20 58.80 58.70 59.60 59.70 59.60 59.5 60.30 60.30 60.30 60.40 61 61.5 61 60.80 61.5 61.80 61.5 61.30 62.20 62.20 61.70 61 61.60 61.70 60.80 60.10 60.10 59.70 58.30 56.90 56.40 55.40
45 A4AF 1053. International Comparison Employment Rates - Hungary NSA 468 obs 152 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 III 53.20 54.80 55.40 55.90 56.10 55.5 55.90 56.60 56.90 56 56.10 56.5 56.20 55.80 56.20 56.40 56.5 56.10 57 57.5 57.5 56.60 56.60 56.80 57 56.40 56.80 57.30 57.10 56.70 57.30 57.60 57.60 56.90 57.60 57.70 57.10 56.10 56.5 57.30 56.70 55.10 55.60 55.5 55.5 54.5 55.30 56 55.80 54.60 55.80 56.40
46 YXSU 1054. International Comparison Employment Rates Ireland NSA 612 obs 52 obs 46 obs 1998 to 2011 III 59.70 62.5 65.30 63.90 63.90 64.5 66.90 65.30 65.10 65.20 67.40 65.60 65.10 65.10 66.5 65.10 64.80 65.10 66.40 65.70 65.70 65.5 67.20 66.70 66.80 67.10 68.80 67.80 68.10 68.20 69.60 68.80 68.70 69 70 69 68.5 68.10 68 65.60 62.80 62.20 61.80 60.60 59.70 60.40 60.30 59.40 58.90 59.5 59.10
47 YXSV 1055. International Comparison Employment Rates Italy NSA 468 obs 54 obs 36 obs 1998 to 2011 II 51.80 52.5 52.30 51.90 52.5 53.20 53.10 52.5 53.40 54.30 54.60 54.20 54.5 55.30 55.20 55.10 55.40 55.90 55.80 55.5 56.10 56.5 56.30 57 57.70 57.80 58 57.30 57.80 57.40 57.80 57.90 58.90 58.40 58.5 57.90 58.90 59.10 58.70 58.30 59.20 59 58.5 57.40 57.90 57.5 57.10 56.60 57.20 56.70 57 56.80 57.30
48 A4AG 1056. International Comparison Employment Rates - Latvia NSA 624 obs 146 obs 56 obs 0 to 2011 II 59.70 58.80 58.40 57.40 57.20 58.90 58.80 58.10 60.5 61.90 61.20 61.10 61.70 63 61.40 61.40 62.20 63.30 62.20 62.5 63 63.80 63.90 64.30 65.5 68 67.40 66.40 67.60 69 70.30 69.60 69.5 69 66.5 64.30 61.40 59.80 58.40 57.70 58.90 60.60 60.10 60.20 61.40 62.70
49 A4AH 1057. International Comparison Employment Rates - Lithuania NSA 816 obs 146 obs 33 obs 0 to 2011 II 62.60 62.60 60.30 59.60 57.90 58.10 56.5 57.60 60.60 61.60 59.70 59 62.80 62 60.70 60.20 61.40 61.70 61.40 61.40 62.60 63.40 63.10 63 63.70 64.20 63.5 63.90 65.40 66.10 64.40 63.90 64.60 65 63.80 61 60.30 60.40 58.70 56.80 56.70 58.5 59.20 59.10 60.80 61.40
50 YXSW 1058. Internatioonal Comparison Employment Rates Luxembourg NSA 925 obs 138 obs 55 obs 0 to 2011 I 61.60 62.70 63 63.60 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.60 63.90 63.60 64.70 64.40 62.80 64.40 63.90 62.60 64.5 65.70 65.80 64.80 64.80 64.60 66.10 65.30 65.70 63.80
51 A4AI 1059. International Comparison Employment Rates - Malta NSA 816 obs 145 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 I 54.80 55.40 55.90 56.10 55.5 54.5 54.70 53 55 55.20 54.5 54.70 54.60 53.70 53.70 54.40 53.40 54 54 54.60 53.60 53.5 53.80 53.60 53.60 53.90 53.40 53.90 55.20 54.90 54.5 54.70 55.30 56.10 55 54.60 55 55.20 55.10 55.60 56 56.70 56.20 57.40 57.30
52 YXSX 1060. International Comparison Employment Rates Netherlands NSA 468 obs 148 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 II 70.90 71.60 72.90 73.5 73.80 73.70 74.10 74.30 74.40 73.90 74.5 74.70 74.5 73.70 73.80 73.80 73.30 72.80 73.10 73.5 73.10 72.5 73.20 73.60 73.60 73.5 74.20 74.70 75 75 76 76.5 76.40 76.40 77.20 77.5 77.60 77.40 77 77 76.5 74.20 74.70 74.90 74.90 74.40 74.70 75.10
53 A4AJ 1061. International Comparison Employment Rates - Poland NSA 468 obs 148 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 II 57.5 54.60 55.10 55.5 54.70 53.30 53.70 53.80 52.60 51.30 51.70 51.70 51.20 50.40 51.40 51.60 51.40 50.5 51.40 52.30 52.40 51.5 52.20 53.70 53.70 52.60 53.90 55.60 55.70 55.40 56.80 57.80 58.10 58 58.90 60 60 58.90 59.30 59.90 59.40 58.20 59.30 60 59.60 58.90 59.70 60.20
54 YXSY 1062. International Comparison Employment Rates Portugal NSA 468 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 67.10 66.80 67 67.10 67.40 67.60 67.70 67.90 68.20 68.60 68.80 68.90 68.90 69.10 69.10 69 69.20 69 68 68.10 68.20 68.20 67.90 67.80 68 67.80 67.80 67.30 67.60 67.5 67.40 67.60 68.10 68.20 67.60 67.40 67.60 68.10 68.10 68.10 68.60 68.10 67.90 67 66.70 65.80 65.70 65.80 65.70 65.5 65.20 64.60 64.80 64.5
55 A494 1063. International Comparison Employment rates - Romania NSA 468 obs 151 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 II 60.10 65 65.80 61.90 59.90 64.20 65.20 62.5 60 63.30 64.90 61.20 55.30 58.60 59.70 56.90 55.20 58.70 59.80 56.70 55.40 58.70 59.30 57.40 56.60 58.70 57.80 57.20 57.20 59.60 60.90 57.40 57.20 59.60 60.5 57.90 57.70 59.70 60.5 58.30 57.40 59.20 60.40 57.40 57 60.10 60.20 57.90 58 58.80 59.10
56 A4AK 1064. International Comparison Employment Rates - Slovak Republic NSA 816 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 60.60 60.60 60.60 58.80 58 57.90 57.70 56.60 56.30 56.90 57.30 56.30 56.70 57.10 57.20 56.20 56.5 57.10 57.40 56.90 57.90 58.30 57.80 56.10 56.70 57.60 57.5 56.90 57.40 58 58.5 58.30 59.30 59.90 60.20 60.10 60.40 60.70 61.60 61.30 61.70 63.10 62.90 61 60.40 60.10 59.20 58 58.60 59.20 59.30 59 59.60 59.90
57 A4AL 1065. International Comparison Employment Rates - Slovenia NSA 468 obs 151 obs 59 obs 0 to 2011 II 61.70 62.5 62.70 61.90 61.60 62.70 64.10 63 63.20 63.60 65.10 63.30 63.90 64.30 63.40 62.20 62 62.5 62.5 63.30 63.80 65.60 66.80 64.90 65.20 66 66.60 66 65.90 67.10 67.20 66 66 68.30 69 67.70 67.10 68.30 70.10 68.80 66.70 67.60 68.30 67.5 66.30 66.5 66.30 65.70 63.70 64.40 65.10
58 YXSZ 1066. International Comparison Employment Rates Spain NSA 468 obs 154 obs 60 obs 0 to 2011 III 51 51.70 52 52.60 53.70 54.40 54.70 55.20 56.10 56.80 57 57.10 57.70 58.30 58.20 57.90 58.60 58.90 58.90 58.90 59.70 60.30 60.40 60.30 60.90 61.5 61.80 62.10 63.20 63.90 64 64 64.70 65.20 65.20 65.10 65.80 66 65.5 65.10 65 64.5 62.80 60.40 59.90 59.70 59 58.30 58.60 58.90 58.40 57.70 58.30 57.90
59 YXTA 1067. International Comparison Employment Rates Sweden NSA 468 obs 146 obs 57 obs 0 to 2011 III 68.60 70.60 71.10 73 74.40 75.20 73.60 72.80 74 74.70 73 72 73.60 73.90 72 71 72.40 73.30 71.5 70.70 72.60 73.60 72.30 71.5 73.10 74.70 73.20 72.70 74.30 75.70 74 73.40 74.80 75.70 73.40 71.90 72.70 72.90 71.30 71 72.90 74.10 72.90 72.70 74.5 75.40
60 ANZ6 1068. United Kingdom employment rate (EUROSTAT version) NSA 468 obs 149 obs 58 obs 0 to 2011 I 70.40 71.10 71.20 70.80 71 71.70 71.40 71.30 71.30 71.60 71.5 71.10 71.20 71.60 71.60 71.30 71.40 71.70 71.70 71.70 71.5 71.70 71.80 71.80 71.5 72 71.70 71.5 71.40 71.80 71.60 71.10 71.20 71.60 71.90 71.60 71.60 71.5 71.30 70.40 69.60 69.80 69.70 69 69.30 70 69.70 69.40 69.40
61 A496 1069. International Comparison - Employment rates - Total EU (inc. Bulgaria & Romania) NSA 468 obs 132 obs 55 obs 0 to 2011 I 70.60 62.10 62.5 62.40 62.70 62.80 62.80 63.40 63.90 63.70 63.5 64.40 65 64.70 64.5 65.30 65.90 65.60 65.40 65.90 66.20 65.70 64.5 64.70 64.70 64.20 63.5 64.20 64.60 64.20 63.80 64.5
62 YXTC 1070. International Comparison Employment Rates: Eurozone NSA 468 obs 135 obs 56 obs 0 to 2011 I 70.40 71.10 71.20 70.80 61.20 62 62.30 62.60 62.70 63 63.60 63.90 63.80 63.70 64.60 65 64.90 64.70 65.5 66 65.80 65.5 66 66.20 65.70 64.5 64.70 64.60 64.30 63.70 64.20 64.40 64.20 63.80 64.5
63 IUUK 1071. International Comparison Employment Rates Canada NSA 816 obs 100 obs 48 obs 1987 to 2011 IV 69.10 70.5 69.30 68 70.20 71.40 70.40 69.20 71.20 72.10 71 69.5 71.30 71.90 70.40 69.30 71.60 72.90 71.90 70.70 72.40 73.30 72.30 70.90 72.90 73.60 72.40 70.90 72.70 73.5 72.5 71.10 73.30 73.90 72.90 72 73.90 74.5 73.60 72.5 74.20 74.5 73.30 70.70 71.90 72.10 71.20 69.90 72.10 72.5 71.70 70.60 72.5 73 71.80
64 YXTF 1072. International Comparison Employment Rates Japan NSA 468 obs 51 obs 35 obs 1999 to 2011 III 68.20 69.20 69.20 69 67.90 69.30 69.20 69.20 68.5 69.20 68.80 68.60 67.70 68.30 68.5 68.5 67.60 68.5 68.70 68.70 67.90 68.90 69.20 68.90 68.20 69.60 69.80 69.40 69.10 70.40 70.30 70.10 69.70 71.30 70.80 70.90 70 71.30 70.80 70.90 69.80 70.20 70.10 70 69.60 70.20 70.30 70.30 69.70 70.60 70.20
65 LF24 1073. LFS: Employment rate: UK: All: Aged 16-64 (%): SA SA nominal { 2nd } 1355 obs 1114 obs 277 obs 0 to 2011 II 71.60 71.80 71.90 71.90 72.10 72.30 72.30 72.5 72.60 72.5 72.60 72.70 72.5 72.60 72.5 72.70 72.60 72.90 72.70 72.90 72.80 72.70 73 72.90 72.80 73 73 72.90 73 72.60 72.90 72.80 72.80 72.70 72.5 72.60 72.60 72.90 73 72.90 72.40 72.10 71.70 70.90 70.60 70.60 70.20 70.5 70.80 70.5 70.70 70.70 70.20
66 YXTE 1074. International Comparison Employment Rates USA NSA 468 obs 171 obs 65 obs 0 to 2011 IV 73.80 73.80 73.90 74 73.90 73.90 74 74.30 74.30 73.90 73.90 74 73.40 72.90 72.30 72.10 72 72 71.70 71.40 71.30 71 71.10 71.20 71.20 71.30 71.20 71.30 71.60 71.70 71.5 71.90 71.90 72 72.10 72.20 71.80 71.60 71.5 71.70 71.30 70.70 69.90 68.70 68 67.30 66.5 66.70 66.90 66.70 66.40 66.70 66.60 66.60 66.80
  SA = seasonally adjusted
  LFS = Labour Force Survey
46023 obs 14291 obs 4261 obs