| 2 | Albania : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Other; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 5 | Antigua and Barbuda : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products
| 6 | Argentina : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 7 | Armenia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 8 | Australia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. Australian Bureau of Statistics (via Time Series Plus & dXdata) Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 1995. Applies to manufactures export deflator
| 9 | Austria : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1988 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 11 | The Bahamas : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009 Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 14 | Barbados : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: None Excluded items in manufactures: None Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 15 | Belarus : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. Formally, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Latest actual data: 2011 Notes: Belarus purchases crude oil from Russia at a price different from the world market price: they get it at a substantial discount. The dynamics of the imported oil price deflator is set by world prices as well as by the subsidy, so it does not follow world prices. Deflator of oil exports reflects (i) crude oil and (ii) oil products. Oil products are priced differently from crude oil. The historical values are taken from the authorities? data. Projections should be reasonably close to WEO?s numbers because we use POILAPSP for ?pricing? oil products in the projection period. Base year: 2009 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher Chain-weighted: No. Last update of weights was 2008. Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Other;. Excluded items include transit goods and goods from U.N. methodology. Excluded items in manufactures: Excluded items include transit goods and goods from U.N. methodology. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;Other; Valuation of exports: Delivered At Frontier (DAF) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 16 | Belgium : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011
| 17 | Belize : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Customs Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in manufactures: Electricity and/or gas;Military equipment; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 18 | Benin : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1992 Methodology used to derive volumes: Trade System: General trade
| 21 | Bosnia and Herzegovina : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in manufactures: Oil coverage: Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 22 | Botswana : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1992 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 23 | Brazil : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011
| 26 | Burkina Faso : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1999 Formula used to derive volumes: Trade System: General trade
| 27 | Burundi : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. Some data are staff estimates Latest actual data: 2009 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 28 | Cambodia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005/06 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Does not include cross border trade Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 29 | Cameroon : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Ministry of Finance Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1990 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;. Cameroon is an exporter of crude and some refined oil Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 30 | Canada : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2002 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1997 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-exports;Re-imports; Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment; Oil coverage: refers to energy exports (crude oil, natural gas, coal, and other) Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 31 | Cape Verde : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005
| 32 | Central African Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Excluded items in trade: Re-exports;Re-imports; Oil coverage: Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 33 | Chad : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
| 34 | Chile : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: The Free Zones are included as part of Chile´s economic territory. This means that customs declarations, which are compiled according to the Special Trade System, are adjusted, so that goods are registered as imports when they enter the Free Zones. Re-exports from the Free Zones are recorded as exports. Excluded items in trade: (According to BPM5, goods in direct transit are excluded. ) Excluded items in manufactures: (Imports are adjusted to include imports that do not generate customs declarations, such as military and free zone imports.) Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB). Customs value of some big-scale exports is adjusted to better reflect market prices. Estimates of prices are made to adjust preliminary customs export data on goods sold on consignment or by other mechanisms according to which definite values are unknown at the time of shipment. Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 35 | China : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Derived from value index and unit value index Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 36 | Colombia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009
| 37 | Comoros : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank and IMF Staff Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1990 Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products
| 38 | Democratic Republic of Congo : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2008. Survey underway for 2009; revisions to be completed shortly. Base year: 2002 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 39 | Republic of Congo : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2004 Base year: 1990 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Excluded items in manufactures: Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 40 | Costa Rica : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 41 | Côte d'Ivoire : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Base year: 2000
| 42 | Croatia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. Formally, the Croatian National Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Export and import price indices were calculated according to the Fisher?s, so-called ideal, formula, which is a geometrical mean between the Laspeyres? and Paasche?s formulae. Chain-weighted: No. Export and import price indices are calculated as monthly or quarterly as compared to the base year (previous year). For example, export and import price indices for the first quarter of 2011 are calculated as compared to the period from January to December 2010. Trade System: Special trade. Special ? special trade in a wider sense: processing in customs warehouses and free zones are included. Excluded items in trade: In transit;Low valued;Re-exports;Re-imports;. According to the recommendations of the United Nations and EU, the following transactions with goods are excluded: means of payment that are legal tender, monetary gold, temporarily received or dispatched goods, transit goods, goods intended for diplomatic use, goods in operative leasing, temporary exports and import, personal effects of passengers and tourists, and commercial samples and postal parcels of low value. Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs;. According to the recommendations of the United Nations and EU, the following transactions with goods are excluded: emergency aid for disasters, goods not the subject of commercial transactions, services, and repairs. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 43 | Cyprus : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. National Accounts Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Based on National Accounts Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: UN Comtrade database- Commodity Code 3 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 44 | Czech Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2000 Excluded items in manufactures: Goods for processing
| 45 | Denmark : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports; Excluded items in manufactures: none Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 46 | Djibouti : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Notes: Volume of imports and exports are calculated as they are not provided by the authorities Base year: 1998 Excluded items in trade: In transit
| 47 | Dominica : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010. Estimate Base year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes:
| 48 | Dominican Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1991. Only calculated in the context of real GDP statistics base 1991 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1991 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports; Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs;Military equipment; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 49 | Ecuador : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Base year: 2000
| 50 | Egypt : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2010/11. Fiscal year 2010/2011 (June 2011) Valuation of exports: Nominal value
| 51 | El Salvador : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010
| 52 | Equatorial Guinea : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Excluded items in manufactures: Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 53 | Eritrea : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2008 Base year: 2005 Excluded items in trade: Re-exports; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 54 | Estonia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank and Statistics of Estonia Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005. Chain-weighted volumes Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted volumes Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1995 Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: the oil and non-oil decomposition in real terms are based on WEO provided prices Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 55 | Ethiopia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Notes: Data refer to fiscal years (July 8/July 7). Data for 2011 represent fiscal year 2010/2011. Base year: 2000
| 57 | Finland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. Downloaded through DataInsight. Other sources: Statistics Finland; Finnish Board of Customs (Tulli) Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980
| 58 | France : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005
| 59 | Gabon : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2006. The latest approved data by the Balance of Payments Committee was 2006 Base year: 2001 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports; Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs;Military equipment; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 60 | The Gambia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 61 | Georgia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Other; Excluded items in manufactures: nothing is excluded Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 62 | Germany : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1991 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 63 | Ghana : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Formula used to derive volumes: Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 64 | Greece : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011
| 65 | Grenada : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010. Preliminary. Base year: 1999
| 67 | Guinea : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2009
| 68 | Guinea-Bissau : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 69 | Guyana : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Bureau of Statistics and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Tornqvist Index Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1996. Rolling average of previous two years weights in total exports/imports Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 71 | Honduras : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Excluded items in trade: In transit; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Valued FOB
| 72 | Hong Kong SAR : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Use the value index, unit value index and quantum index to measure the changes in value, prices and volume of external merchandise trade respectively. Excluded items in trade: ExcludeTransaction in gold and specie Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;. By country and commodity SITC 2nd digit Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 73 | Hungary : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. The Central bank's original source is the National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 74 | Iceland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 75 | India : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 76 | Indonesia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
| 77 | Islamic Republic of Iran : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Notes: Data prior to 1990 cannot be confirmed by national sources at this time. Base year: 2000 Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
| 78 | Iraq : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Ministry of Economy Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2004. Base year applies to REER and NEER Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 79 | Ireland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. Central Statistical Office of Ireland (CSO) Latest actual data: 2011
| 81 | Italy : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2000 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 82 | Jamaica : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB is used.
| 83 | Japan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Global Insight and Nomura database. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 1995 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Based on the Balance of Payment Valuation of exports: Based on the National Account Valuation of imports: Based on the National Account
| 84 | Jordan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No
| 85 | Kazakhstan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 86 | Kenya : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Chain-weighted: No Excluded items in trade: Re-exports;Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 87 | Kiribati : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2009
| 88 | Korea : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-imports;Other;. For other, the following goods are excluded from trade statistics: o - Goods sold where duration of storage has expired according to the provision of Article 208 of Customs Act o - Goods reserved to national treasury according to the provision of Article 126 of Customs Act o - Goods destructed or scrapped according to the provision of Article 127 of Customs Act o - Goods forfeited or additionally collected according to the provision of Article 128 of Customs Act o - Goods lost, stolen, depriciated or destroyed in bonded area o - Goods in bonded sales shop o - Goods in transit through Korea o - Goods retured prior to import clearance o - Monetary gold and silver, negotiable securities, and monetary coins and paper money in current circulation o - Goods of A.T.A Carnet o - Goods consigned to diplomatic missions o - Goods for improvement or repair o - Goods temporarily imported or exported for international events, athletic meeting, exhibition, and etc o - Goods leased less than one year or goods on operational lease o - Goods considered to be samples for sales promotions o - Vessels constructed in bonded factory under the condition of acquiring Korean nationality o - Goods considered not relating to merchandise trade Excluded items in manufactures: Cannot verify. Oil coverage: Cannot verify. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
| 91 | Kyrgyz Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2011
| 92 | Lao People's Democratic Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: IFS - International Finance Statistics. Direction of Trade Latest actual data: 2009
| 93 | Latvia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-linked Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2000 Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 94 | Lebanon : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Ministry of Finance. From Customs through the Ministry of Finance. Latest actual data: 2011 Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 95 | Lesotho : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1982 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports; Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 97 | Libya : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2010
| 98 | Lithuania : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005. This is staff calculation because BOP data are in nominal terms. Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-linked Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: We are not excluding any items Excluded items in manufactures: We are not excluding any items Oil coverage: Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB
| 99 | Luxembourg : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Formula used to derive volumes: data from source Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1995 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 100 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. We do not want to publish data prior to the data provided in the latest submission. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
| 101 | Madagascar : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2006
| 102 | Malawi : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 103 | Malaysia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Chain-weighted: No
| 104 | Maldives : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 105 | Mali : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 108 | Mauritius : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010. 2011 Q1 Base year: 2005. Oil deflators on 2000 base year. Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Deflate by GEE-provided deflators. Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB
| 109 | Mexico : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010
| 110 | Moldova : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 1995 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 111 | Mongolia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Data are compiled from customer declaration. Chain-weighted: No. Data are compiled from customer declaration. Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Other;. goods on temporary admission e.g. exports and imports related to trade fairs and exhibitions, goods on less than one year operational lease, goods on repair, gold shipped by BOM for refining, Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 112 | Montenegro : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2008 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2008 Trade System: Special trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 113 | Morocco : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Office des changes Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1990 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 114 | Mozambique : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Excluded items in manufactures: Electricity and/or gas
| 115 | Myanmar : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment;Other; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 117 | Nepal : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010/11
| 118 | Netherlands : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Formula used to derive volumes: data from national sources Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980 Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 120 | Nicaragua : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. National accounts, real GDP by expenditures Latest actual data: 2010. 2011M6 is available Base year: 1994. In 2003 Nicaragua officially changed the base year of the national accounts from 1980 to 1994 and adopted the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA93) for the calculation of GDP. Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994
| 121 | Niger : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Base year: 2000
| 122 | Nigeria : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1990 Chain-weighted: No Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 123 | Norway : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from before 1980 Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 125 | Pakistan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. Federal Bureau of Statistics Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports;. Data on re-exports and re-imports is compiled and published. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 126 | Panama : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in manufactures: No manufactures data Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: National Statistical Office reports that Imports are FOB, except for those of the Colon Free Zone (which are CIF)
| 127 | Papua New Guinea : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Ministry of Finance Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;. Series spliced. Current working data starts in 1994. Oil imports data currently unavailable priort to 1994. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 128 | Paraguay : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Customs Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1994 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Sum of registered exports in ton Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-exports;Re-imports; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 129 | Peru : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005
| 130 | Philippines : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: Volume growth rate used as input Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: By Source, CEIC Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 131 | Poland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 132 | Portugal : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Trade System: General trade
| 134 | Romania : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010
| 136 | Rwanda : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1992 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1992 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 138 | São Tomé and Príncipe : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2000 Excluded items in trade: Low valued;Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 140 | Senegal : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank and Staff estimates. Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2003 Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 141 | Serbia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. Serbian Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1989 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;. Shuttle trade and unrecorded trade are not estimated Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 142 | Seychelles : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009 Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products
| 143 | Sierra Leone : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 144 | Singapore : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Chain-weighted: No
| 145 | Slovak Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005
| 146 | Slovenia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office. National Accounts Latest actual data: 2011 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: National Accounts Trade System: General trade
| 147 | Solomon Islands : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Formula used to derive volumes: n.a. Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: cannot verify Excluded items in manufactures: cannot verify Oil coverage: cannot verify Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB
| 148 | South Africa : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2005
| 150 | Sri Lanka : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 152 | St. Lucia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011. Estimate Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data)
| 153 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2002 Methodology used to derive volumes:
| 154 | Sudan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010
| 155 | Suriname : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 156 | Swaziland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No. updates are not done regularly Trade System: Special trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Excluded items in manufactures: Goods for processing; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products
| 157 | Sweden : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1993 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports; Excluded items in manufactures: no exclusions Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: fob
| 158 | Switzerland : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2000 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: In transit; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 159 | Syrian Arab Republic : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2009 Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;. Source is Ministry of oil Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 160 | Taiwan Province of China : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: CEIC Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2006. [2006 Prices] Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Chain-weighted: No Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 161 | Tajikistan : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: IMF Staff Latest actual data: 2010
| 162 | Tanzania : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2002 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 163 | Thailand : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
| 167 | Trinidad and Tobago : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 168 | Tunisia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2011 Chain-weighted: No Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 169 | Turkey : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. Formally, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Latest actual data: 2011 Notes: Oil trade includes other energy trade such as fuel. Therefore, the price of oil imports and oil exports will differ from the WEO assumption since it includes the price of other energy items such as gas, etc. The weights are about 70 percent oil and 30 percent gas for 2011. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher. Trade volumes are the ratio of the value index to the Fisher unit value index (chain-weighted). The value indices are obtained as the ratio of current values to the arithmetic average of the base year values. Foreign trade indices have been calculated by Eurostat and U.N. concepts and methods. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003. Unit value indices are chain-weighted, but volume indices are not. Trade System: Special trade. Relaxed definition. Foreign trade statistics include goods which enter/leave the statistical territory of Turkey from/to other countries and are placed under the customs normal export and import procedures and under customs inward and outward processing procedures. Excluded items in trade: In transit;Low valued;Other;. Excluded items include goods valued under $100, transit trade, temporary export/import trade, repair and maintenance of goods, operational leasing, shuttle trade, border trade, some transactions with declaration that are not goods (cash, valuable paper, stamps, monetary gold, etc.). Other exclusions include border and coastal trade. Customs warehouses, free zones, and duty-free shops in Turkey are considered beyond the customs frontier. Note that while Turkstat and the Central Bank of Turkey make estimates on shuttle trade for BOP data, these are not included in the foreign trade statistics disseminated by Turkstat. Excluded items in manufactures: All items included. The classification used for compiling Turkey's foreign trade statistics is the Harmonized System (HS) 12-digit. The first 8-digit (CN) is international and the last 4-digit is national. Furthermore, the data are available in SITC Rev. 3, SITC Rev. 2, ISIC Rev. 3, ISIC Rev. 2, BEC, CPA, and CPC classification. There are no important differences between Turkey's methodology reported in the IMF SDDS and relevant international or regional standards. Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;Other;. All items covered. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 172 | Uganda : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010. 2009/10 Base year: 2000. 1999/2000 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2000. 1999/2000 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 173 | Ukraine : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: IMF Staff. Calculated based on data from the National Bank of Ukraine and the State Statistics Committee. Latest actual data: 2010 Notes: Data prior to 2000 cannot be reconciled based on officially published data. Ukraine purchases gas from Russia at a price different from the world market price. The dynamics of the imported gas price deflator is set by world prices as well as by the subsidy, so it does not follow world prices. Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No. Weights from 2000. Trade System: Excluded items in trade: Data comes from authorities. No adjustment made by staff. Excluded items in manufactures: Goods financing by Aid programs;Military equipment; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB).
| 175 | United Kingdom : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980 Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 176 | United States : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Haver Analytics Latest actual data: 2011 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes: Formula used to derive volumes: Fisher Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1980 Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products;Other;. Oil imports is petroleum and product imports and oil exports is petroleum and product exports as published in the national income and product accounts Valuation of exports: Valuation of imports:
| 179 | Vanuatu : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: no base year Formula used to derive volumes: volumes not derived Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Cannot verify. Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment;. Cannot verify. Oil coverage: Cannot verify. Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB
| 180 | Venezuela : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1997 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Chain-weighted: No Excluded items in trade: Re-exports;Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products
| 181 | Vietnam : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2011 Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Excluded items in manufactures: Military equipment; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products;Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
| 183 | Zambia : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Source: Central Bank. Values from BOP, volumes and prices are staff estimates. Latest actual data: 2011. Values from BOP, volumes and prices are staff estimates. Methodology used to derive volumes: Chain-weighted: No Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: FOB. BoP data.
| 184 | Zimbabwe : | Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Latest actual data: 2010. structural break in 2010 due to a shift in the data source from exchange control data to customs data for trade statistics Excluded items in trade: In transit;Re-exports;Re-imports