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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
80. DurGds - Machinery - Pump and Compress
81. DurGds - Machinery - Material Handling
82. DurGds - Machinery - All Other Machine
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  DurGds - Machinery - Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing [33M] CSV file  obs:0
259 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Materials and Supplies Inventories |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 33M Machinery - Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 31.59 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 33M 81 Column (2) : NAICS code : 33M Machinery - Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 30.87 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 33M 229
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 33M      | NAICS code : 33M      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Mar01 _|_______Jan58_to_Mar01 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2001.1                    7474                    7729      -3.54 %     -0.76 %     -3.00 % 
2000.4                    8115                    7788       1.13       -2.20       -8.51   
2000.3                    8081                    7963       7.20       -1.07       -4.21   
2000.2                    7903                    8049       9.39        0.45        1.81   
2000.1                    7760                    8013       5.74        4.05       17.22   
1999.4                    8050                    7701      -1.77        3.68       15.53   
1999.3                    7575                    7428      -8.01        0.95        3.86   
1999.2                    7218                    7358      -8.54       -2.90      -11.12   
1999.1                    7307                    7578      -2.00       -3.34      -12.71   
1998.4                    8152                    7840      -0.41       -2.91      -11.14   
1998.3                    8193                    8075       2.68        0.37        1.50   
1998.2                    7896                    8045       2.94        4.03       17.14   
1998.1                    7483                    7733      -1.05       -1.77       -6.88   
1997.4                    8177                    7872       3.14        0.10        0.41   
1997.3                    7949                    7864       2.95        0.63        2.53   
1997.2                    7666                    7815       4.46        0.00        0.00   
1997.1                    7589                    7815       4.62        2.40        9.94   
1996.4                    7923                    7632       1.80       -0.09       -0.37   
1996.3                    7710                    7639       1.02        2.11        8.72   
1996.2                    7346                    7481      -1.60        0.15        0.59   
1996.1                    7257                    7470      -1.28       -0.36       -1.43   
1995.4                    7766                    7497       3.16       -0.86       -3.39   
1995.3                    7629                    7562      10.39       -0.54       -2.14   
1995.2                    7482                    7603      15.86        0.48        1.92   
1995.1                    7351                    7567      20.49        4.13       17.56   
1994.4                    7516                    7267      15.13        6.09       26.67   
1994.3                    6913                    6850      10.25        4.39       18.75   
1994.2                    6468                    6562       3.01        4.49       19.21   
1994.1                    6085                    6280      -0.76       -0.51       -2.01   
1993.4                    6542                    6312      -0.11        1.59        6.53   
1993.3                    6286                    6213      -1.07       -2.46       -9.50   
1993.2                    6285                    6370       1.37        0.66        2.68   
1993.1                    6116                    6328       1.18        0.14        0.57   
1992.4                    6568                    6319     218.15        0.62        2.51   
1992.3                    6371                    6280     208.05       -0.06       -0.25   
1992.2                    6192                    6284     207.22        0.48        1.93   
1992.1                    6024                    6254     192.51      214.88     9730.58   
1991.4                    2120                    1986      -7.60       -2.57       -9.91   
1991.3                    2121                    2039      -6.39       -0.33       -1.32   
1991.2                    2059                    2045      -6.24       -4.33      -16.23   
1991.1                    2102                    2138      -2.57       -0.53       -2.11   
1990.4                    2298                    2149      -3.64       -1.30       -5.12   
1990.3                    2269                    2178      -5.64       -0.17       -0.68   
1990.2                    2193                    2182      -5.47       -0.59       -2.34   
1990.1                    2157                    2195      -3.62       -1.62       -6.32   
1989.4                    2381                    2231      -0.19       -3.36      -12.77   
1989.3                    2402                    2308       7.58        0.01        0.05   
1989.2                    2320                    2308      11.62        1.36        5.53   
1989.1                    2238                    2277      13.16        1.88        7.73   
1988.4                    2381                    2235      20.31        4.17       17.76   
1988.3                    2229                    2145      23.18        3.76       15.92   
1988.2                    2082                    2068      19.65        2.76       11.51   
1988.1                    1977                    2012      12.71        8.31       37.61   
1987.4                    1974                    1858       1.21        6.66       29.44   
1987.3                    1809                    1742      -3.82        0.79        3.18   
1987.2                    1743                    1728      -8.56       -3.20      -12.20   
1987.1                    1753                    1785      -6.91       -2.74      -10.52   
1986.4                    1949                    1836      -7.22        1.36        5.57   
1986.3                    1880                    1811     -13.21       -4.18      -15.71   
1986.2                    1908                    1890     -11.79       -1.45       -5.67   
1986.1                    1880                    1918     -11.54       -3.07      -11.74   
1985.4                    2096                    1978     -15.11       -5.18      -19.16   
1985.3                    2169                    2086     -17.28       -2.61      -10.03   
1985.2                    2167                    2142     -12.05       -1.17       -4.59   
1985.1                    2127                    2168      -9.84       -6.99      -25.17   
1984.4                    2454                    2331      -3.94       -7.60      -27.11   
1984.3                    2617                    2522       7.83        3.55       14.97   
1984.2                    2465                    2436       1.00        1.32        5.40   
1984.1                    2376                    2404      -2.83       -0.92       -3.61   
1983.4                    2545                    2426      -7.20        3.72       15.74   
1983.3                    2425                    2339     -15.39       -3.01      -11.50   
1983.2                    2440                    2412     -18.43       -2.52       -9.71   
1983.1                    2454                    2474     -20.53       -5.37      -19.82   
1982.4                    2736                    2615      -7.99       -5.43      -20.00   
1982.3                    2862                    2765      -0.63       -6.49      -23.55   
1982.2                    2993                    2957      12.15       -5.03      -18.64   
1982.1                    3099                    3113      14.28        9.55       44.02   
1981.4                    2995                    2842       7.90        2.14        8.84   
1981.3                    2837                    2782       3.40        5.54       24.06   
1981.2                    2653                    2636      -4.48       -3.23      -12.31   
1981.1                    2745                    2724       1.12        3.43       14.46   
1980.4                    2779                    2634       0.76       -2.12       -8.22   
1980.3                    2739                    2691       9.84       -2.51       -9.65   
1980.2                    2781                    2760      17.41        2.45       10.18   
1980.1                    2721                    2694      20.04        3.06       12.81   
1979.4                    2763                    2614      16.11        6.70       29.63   
1979.3                    2495                    2450      11.21        4.22       17.96   
1979.2                    2370                    2351      10.17        4.75       20.38   
1979.1                    2269                    2244       9.55       -0.32       -1.26   
1978.4                    2384                    2251       1.40        2.20        9.10   
1978.3                    2244                    2203      -4.00        3.24       13.61   
1978.2                    2152                    2134      -8.15        4.16       17.70   
1978.1                    2075                    2049     -11.15       -7.73      -27.52   
1977.4                    2353                    2220       0.04       -3.24      -12.35   
1977.3                    2354                    2295       8.08       -1.22       -4.80   
1977.2                    2366                    2323      11.35        0.75        3.03   
1977.1                    2310                    2306      11.54        3.89       16.51   
1976.4                    2349                    2219      12.57        4.54       19.42   
1976.3                    2181                    2123       6.13        1.76        7.23   
1976.2                    2120                    2086       3.86        0.93        3.76   
1976.1                    2069                    2067       5.92        4.85       20.88   
1975.4                    2081                    1971      11.84       -1.45       -5.68   
1975.3                    2058                    2000      26.29       -0.41       -1.65   
1975.2                    2038                    2009      42.76        2.93       12.23   
1975.1                    1951                    1952      58.80       10.72       50.27   
1974.4                    1857                    1763      51.74       11.28       53.37   
1974.3                    1631                    1584      47.36       12.57       60.59   
1974.2                    1426                    1407      35.90       14.49       71.84   
1974.1                    1224                    1229      21.33        5.79       25.27   
1973.4                    1229                    1162      14.48        8.07       36.40   
1973.3                    1115                    1075       6.06        3.82       16.16   
1973.2                    1045                    1035       2.29        2.22        9.20   
1973.1                    1002                    1013      -1.17       -0.18       -0.73   
1972.4                    1079                    1015       1.26        0.12        0.49   
1972.3                    1058                    1013       1.36        0.12        0.49   
1972.2                    1017                    1012       4.49       -1.23       -4.85   
1972.1                    1011                    1025       5.83        2.28        9.44   
1971.4                    1067                    1002       2.56        0.22        0.87   
1971.3                    1046                    1000       3.32        3.22       13.51   
1971.2                     972                     969       3.16        0.03        0.13   
1971.1                     952                     968       5.20       -0.88       -3.49   
1970.4                    1045                     977      10.66        0.96        3.88   
1970.3                    1016                     968      10.54        3.06       12.80   
1970.2                     940                     939       8.92        2.01        8.29   
1970.1                     905                     921       6.08        4.27       18.19   
1969.4                     949                     883       1.60        0.85        3.43   
1969.3                     920                     875      -0.94        1.54        6.30   
1969.2                     861                     862      -0.32       -0.64       -2.54   
1969.1                     851                     868       1.66       -0.14       -0.57   
1968.4                     937                     869       0.61       -1.68       -6.54   
1968.3                     929                     884       2.87        2.18        9.00   
1968.2                     862                     865      -0.74        1.34        5.46   
1968.1                     834                     854       0.58       -1.18       -4.63   
1967.4                     934                     864       2.57        0.54        2.17   
1967.3                     905                     859       6.55       -1.42       -5.55   
1967.2                     867                     871      11.01        2.69       11.21   
1967.1                     828                     849      11.03        0.77        3.11   
1966.4                     910                     842      13.38        4.44       18.98   
1966.3                     849                     806      11.77        2.71       11.30   
1966.2                     780                     785      10.09        2.71       11.27   
1966.1                     745                     764       7.47        2.91       12.16   
1965.4                     803                     743       5.30        2.95       12.34   
1965.3                     761                     721       3.36        1.17        4.76   
1965.2                     707                     713       3.03        0.26        1.05   
1965.1                     692                     711       2.77        0.83        3.37   
1964.4                     765                     705       1.74        1.06        4.31   
1964.3                     739                     698       1.03        0.85        3.43   
1964.2                     685                     692       2.28        0.00        0.00   
1964.1                     673                     692       0.31       -0.18       -0.71   
1963.4                     752                     693      -1.40        0.36        1.44   
1963.3                     733                     691      -4.97        2.10        8.66   
1963.2                     668                     677      -7.63       -1.92       -7.48   
1963.1                     670                     690      -2.87       -1.89       -7.34   
1962.4                     764                     703      -0.26       -3.27      -12.45   
1962.3                     772                     727       5.56       -0.76       -3.00   
1962.2                     724                     733       5.89        3.13       13.12   
1962.1                     686                     710      -3.20        0.74        3.01   
1961.4                     768                     705      -0.95        2.38        9.85   
1961.3                     733                     689      -4.62       -0.45       -1.77   
1961.2                     685                     692      -1.41       -5.72      -21.00   
1961.1                     708                     734       9.54        3.08       12.90   
1960.4                     776                     712       2.17       -1.41       -5.53   
1960.3                     769                     722       9.61        2.90       12.13   
1960.2                     695                     702       2.80        4.75       20.38   
1960.1                     642                     670       0.51       -3.85      -14.55   
1959.4                     759                     697       1.39        5.76       25.13   
1959.3                     702                     659      -7.26       -3.48      -13.22   
1959.2                     679                     683      -3.66        2.41        9.99   
1959.1                     637                     666      -9.70       -3.01      -11.51   
1958.4                     753                     687                  -3.26      -12.41   
1958.3                     756                     710                   0.26        1.05   
1958.2                     705                     708                  -4.02      -15.12   
1958.1                     711                     738