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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
44. Nondefense Aircraft and Parts [NAP]
45. Defense Aircraft and Parts [DAP]
46. Information Technology Industries [ITI
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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Download  Defense Aircraft and Parts [DAP] CSV file  obs:0
444 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Total Inventories |   | Seasonally adjusted. | invp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : DAP Defense Aircraft and Parts | Units : Mil$ nsa Code DAP 45 Column (2) : NAICS code : DAP Defense Aircraft and Parts | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code DAP 193
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | Month                 | Month                 |
        | NAICS code : DAP      | NAICS code : DAP      |
Year Mon|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan92_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj mn/mn sa -> annualized 
2010.06                  12059                   12022      -0.34 %     -0.99 %    -11.24 % 
2010.05                  12208                   12142       0.81       -0.40       -4.72   
2010.04                  12191                   12191       1.00       -0.65       -7.55   
2010.03                  12204                   12271       3.68       -0.90      -10.24   
2010.02                  12310                   12382       6.27        1.21       15.52   
2010.01                  12142                   12234       2.06        2.14       28.89   
2009.12                  11766                   11978       5.67       -1.16      -13.02   
2009.11                  12077                   12118       2.84       -1.70      -18.55   
2009.10                  12445                   12327       5.68        2.74       38.35   
2009.09                  12063                   11998       2.52       -2.65      -27.58   
2009.08                  12402                   12325       0.60        0.53        6.55   
2009.07                  12327                   12260      -3.05        1.63       21.46   
2009.06                  12123                   12063      -8.63        0.16        1.91   
2009.05                  12124                   12044      -9.29       -0.22       -2.55   
2009.04                  12094                   12070      -9.69        1.99       26.61   
2009.03                  11751                   11835     -12.33        1.58       20.69   
2009.02                  11588                   11651     -15.67       -2.80      -28.91   
2009.01                  11891                   11987     -14.48        5.75       95.64   
2008.12                  11140                   11335     -20.29       -3.80      -37.20   
2008.11                  11743                   11783     -13.33        1.02       12.95   
2008.10                  11779                   11664     -12.04       -0.33       -3.93   
2008.09                  11769                   11703     -12.35       -4.47      -42.26   
2008.08                  12323                   12251      -7.64       -3.12      -31.67   
2008.07                  12719                   12646      -4.76       -4.22      -40.38   
2008.06                  13255                   13203       0.69       -0.56       -6.49   
2008.05                  13337                   13277       1.46       -0.66       -7.62   
2008.04                  13388                   13365       2.57       -0.99      -11.28   
2008.03                  13427                   13499       4.80       -2.29      -24.31   
2008.02                  13767                   13816       9.01       -1.43      -15.84   
2008.01                  13916                   14016      11.34       -1.43      -15.92   
2007.12                  14007                   14220      12.68        4.59       71.34   
2007.11                  13552                   13596       3.77        2.53       35.02   
2007.10                  13373                   13260       3.45       -0.69       -7.96   
2007.09                  13424                   13352       3.28        0.66        8.16   
2007.08                  13332                   13265       5.71       -0.10       -1.17   
2007.07                  13358                   13278       5.60        1.27       16.30   
2007.06                  13160                   13112       6.08        0.20        2.41   
2007.05                  13124                   13086       7.05        0.43        5.28   
2007.04                  13047                   13030       9.14        1.16       14.80   
2007.03                  12811                   12881       8.28        1.63       21.46   
2007.02                  12652                   12674       7.43        0.68        8.51   
2007.01                  12488                   12588       7.68       -0.25       -3.00   
2006.12                  12389                   12620       6.38       -3.68      -36.22   
2006.11                  13049                   13102       9.97        2.22       30.08   
2006.10                  12963                   12818       8.13       -0.85       -9.75   
2006.09                  13015                   12928      11.77        3.03       43.05   
2006.08                  12622                   12548      10.70       -0.21       -2.45   
2006.07                  12666                   12574       8.70        1.72       22.75   
2006.06                  12412                   12361       9.29        1.12       14.31   
2006.05                  12238                   12224       9.68        2.39       32.72   
2006.04                  11940                   11939       8.56        0.36        4.42   
2006.03                  11841                   11896       8.66        0.84       10.55   
2006.02                  11799                   11797       8.28        0.92       11.55   
2006.01                  11595                   11690       9.14       -1.46      -16.16   
2005.12                  11647                   11863      11.84       -0.43       -5.02   
2005.11                  11874                   11914      15.36        0.51        6.25   
2005.10                  11973                   11854      15.87        2.48       34.19   
2005.09                  11640                   11567      13.98        2.05       27.52   
2005.08                  11408                   11335      11.91       -2.01      -21.66   
2005.07                  11654                   11568      12.21        2.28       31.08   
2005.06                  11368                   11310       9.55        1.48       19.29   
2005.05                  11140                   11145      10.22        1.34       17.27   
2005.04                  10974                   10998       7.42        0.46        5.62   
2005.03                  10896                   10948       7.27        0.49        6.00   
2005.02                  10922                   10895       4.37        1.72       22.68   
2005.01                  10626                   10711       4.44        0.98       12.42   
2004.12                  10403                   10607       2.22        2.70       37.69   
2004.11                  10300                   10328       2.77        0.96       12.12   
2004.10                  10329                   10230       2.59        0.81       10.14   
2004.09                  10212                   10148       3.19        0.19        2.27   
2004.08                  10199                   10129       2.33       -1.75      -19.05   
2004.07                  10375                   10309       3.74       -0.15       -1.73   
2004.06                  10372                   10324       5.80        2.10       28.27   
2004.05                  10099                   10112       5.38       -1.23      -13.81   
2004.04                  10204                   10238       6.57        0.31        3.83   
2004.03                  10168                   10206       8.85       -2.23      -23.73   
2004.02                  10485                   10439      10.52        1.78       23.64   
2004.01                  10178                   10256      13.34       -1.17      -13.13   
2003.12                  10182                   10377      13.26        3.25       46.85   
2003.11                  10035                   10050      11.41        0.78        9.80   
2003.10                  10058                    9972       9.45        1.40       18.20   
2003.09                   9897                    9834       7.43       -0.65       -7.49   
2003.08                   9973                    9898       5.19       -0.39       -4.61   
2003.07                   9997                    9937      11.05        1.83       24.38   
2003.06                   9805                    9758       7.46        1.69       22.25   
2003.05                   9576                    9596       7.07       -0.11       -1.37   
2003.04                   9560                    9607       5.70        2.46       33.92   
2003.03                   9339                    9376       4.84       -0.73       -8.42   
2003.02                   9515                    9445       2.21        4.38       67.19   
2003.01                   8975                    9049      -2.36       -1.23      -13.84   
2002.12                   8970                    9162      -0.92        1.56       20.46   
2002.11                   9017                    9021       3.89       -0.99      -11.23   
2002.10                   9179                    9111       5.39       -0.47       -5.49   
2002.09                   9212                    9154       7.57       -2.72      -28.18   
2002.08                   9485                    9410       6.87        5.16       82.96   
2002.07                   9004                    8948       3.06       -1.46      -16.23   
2002.06                   9125                    9081       7.15        1.33       17.15   
2002.05                   8939                    8962       1.76       -1.40      -15.54   
2002.04                   9045                    9089       4.53        1.63       21.45   
2002.03                   8919                    8943       0.19       -3.22      -32.52   
2002.02                   9321                    9241      -5.46       -0.29       -3.44   
2002.01                   9181                    9268      -6.18        0.23        2.76   
2001.12                   9007                    9247      -4.79        6.50      112.80   
2001.11                   8688                    8683     -16.77        0.44        5.40   
2001.10                   8696                    8645     -15.38        1.59       20.79   
2001.09                   8560                    8510     -17.94       -3.35      -33.56   
2001.08                   8883                    8805     -13.80        1.42       18.39   
2001.07                   8739                    8682     -15.43        2.44       33.59   
2001.06                   8514                    8475     -20.50       -3.77      -36.94   
2001.05                   8783                    8807     -15.61        1.29       16.60   
2001.04                   8647                    8695     -16.24       -2.59      -27.00   
2001.03                   8908                    8926     -12.93       -8.69      -66.39   
2001.02                   9876                    9775     -15.83       -1.04      -11.82   
2001.01                   9774                    9878     -16.57        1.71       22.55   
2000.12                   9423                    9712     -14.84       -6.91      -57.66   
2000.11                  10450                   10433      -3.14        2.12       28.69   
2000.10                  10277                   10216      -4.95       -1.49      -16.43   
2000.09                  10446                   10370      -6.92        1.52       19.81   
2000.08                  10345                   10215      -6.51       -0.50       -5.80   
2000.07                  10348                   10266      -6.66       -3.70      -36.36   
2000.06                  10728                   10660       4.01        2.15       29.03   
2000.05                  10409                   10436      -3.01        0.53        6.55   
2000.04                  10316                   10381      -3.20        1.27       16.33   
2000.03                  10234                   10251      -3.98      -11.73      -77.62   
2000.02                  11729                   11613       4.75       -1.92      -20.73   
2000.01                  11706                   11840       9.65        3.81       56.70   
1999.12                  11052                   11405      -3.17        5.89       98.64   
1999.11                  10806                   10771      -3.92        0.21        2.60   
1999.10                  10789                   10748      -3.23       -3.53      -35.01   
1999.09                  11212                   11141       1.93        1.97       26.34   
1999.08                  11051                   10926      -1.40       -0.65       -7.58   
1999.07                  11080                   10998       0.08        7.31      133.12   
1999.06                  10304                   10249      -2.49       -4.75      -44.23   
1999.05                  10754                   10760       1.61        0.34        4.10   
1999.04                  10654                   10724       4.89        0.45        5.53   
1999.03                  10658                   10676       5.76       -3.70      -36.38   
1999.02                  11194                   11086      14.76        2.67       37.14   
1999.01                  10661                   10798      19.00       -8.32      -64.74   
1998.12                  11376                   11778      34.81        5.06       80.77   
1998.11                  11278                   11211      39.86        0.94       11.83   
1998.10                  11140                   11107      35.14        1.62       21.26   
1998.09                  10993                   10930      29.30       -1.36      -15.18   
1998.08                  11218                   11081      34.64        0.84       10.52   
1998.07                  11080                   10989      29.63        4.55       70.52   
1998.06                  10587                   10511      26.49       -0.74       -8.49   
1998.05                  10606                   10589      24.75        3.57       52.34   
1998.04                  10153                   10224      17.95        1.28       16.46   
1998.03                  10081                   10095      18.00        4.50       69.65   
1998.02                   9758                    9660       8.59        6.46      111.90   
1998.01                   8928                    9074      -4.55        3.86       57.48   
1997.12                   8380                    8737      -1.45        8.99      181.10   
1997.11                   8089                    8016     -12.32       -2.47      -25.93   
1997.10                   8232                    8219     -11.83       -2.77      -28.60   
1997.09                   8495                    8453     -12.30        2.71       37.83   
1997.08                   8338                    8230     -15.02       -2.91      -29.87   
1997.07                   8549                    8477     -16.73        2.01       26.97   
1997.06                   8369                    8310     -18.48       -2.10      -22.46   
1997.05                   8515                    8488     -13.90       -2.08      -22.26   
1997.04                   8628                    8668     -12.41        1.32       17.05   
1997.03                   8548                    8555     -14.64       -3.83      -37.44   
1997.02                   8938                    8896      -9.94       -6.43      -54.94   
1997.01                   9403                    9507      -3.51        7.23      131.09   
1996.12                   8641                    8866      -8.95       -3.02      -30.78   
1996.11                   9207                    9142      -8.66       -1.93      -20.86   
1996.10                   9325                    9322     -14.00       -3.29      -33.05   
1996.09                   9665                    9639     -13.81       -0.47       -5.55   
1996.08                   9778                    9685     -13.79       -4.86      -45.02   
1996.07                  10258                   10180      -8.99       -0.14       -1.64   
1996.06                  10255                   10194     -11.34        3.41       49.51   
1996.05                   9898                    9858     -18.08       -0.38       -4.51   
1996.04                   9862                    9896     -16.14       -1.26      -14.09   
1996.03                  10021                   10022     -15.53        1.46       18.97   
1996.02                   9907                    9878     -17.27        0.25        3.09   
1996.01                   9721                    9853     -20.57        1.19       15.27   
1995.12                   9484                    9737     -19.39       -2.72      -28.15   
1995.11                  10103                   10009     -21.93       -7.66      -61.56   
1995.10                  10838                   10839     -17.37       -3.08      -31.27   
1995.09                  11205                   11183     -14.87       -0.45       -5.31   
1995.08                  11335                   11234     -16.67        0.43        5.27   
1995.07                  11285                   11186     -19.14       -2.71      -28.12   
1995.06                  11570                   11498     -15.43       -4.45      -42.06   
1995.05                  12094                   12033     -13.66        1.97       26.45   
1995.04                  11766                   11800     -18.66       -0.54       -6.28   
1995.03                  11869                   11864     -17.42       -0.64       -7.38   
1995.02                  11951                   11940     -19.74       -3.75      -36.77   
1995.01                  12246                   12405     -18.23        2.70       37.65   
1994.12                  11782                   12079     -19.46       -5.78      -51.05   
1994.11                  12936                   12820     -20.52       -2.26      -24.03   
1994.10                  13115                   13117     -17.29       -0.15       -1.81   
1994.09                  13154                   13137     -18.99       -2.55      -26.67   
1994.08                  13582                   13481     -13.99       -2.54      -26.60   
1994.07                  13949                   13833     -11.34        1.74       23.04   
1994.06                  13673                   13596     -14.18       -2.45      -25.71   
1994.05                  14010                   13937     -12.30       -3.93      -38.18   
1994.04                  14477                   14507      -5.76        0.98       12.43   
1994.03                  14375                   14366      -6.68       -3.43      -34.20   
1994.02                  14865                   14876      -2.54       -1.94      -20.99   
1994.01                  14976                   15171      -4.45        1.16       14.85   
1993.12                  14627                   14997      -6.94       -7.02      -58.27   
1993.11                  16285                   16130      -0.97        1.71       22.55   
1993.10                  15857                   15859      -5.54       -2.20      -23.44   
1993.09                  16230                   16216      -2.37        3.46       50.49   
1993.08                  15805                   15673      -9.86        0.46        5.60   
1993.07                  15760                   15602     -10.54       -1.52      -16.80   
1993.06                  15959                   15843     -10.37       -0.31       -3.64   
1993.05                  15990                   15892     -12.50        3.24       46.53   
1993.04                  15359                   15394     -15.49        0.00        0.00   
1993.03                  15401                   15394     -16.55        0.85       10.71   
1993.02                  15232                   15264     -15.69       -3.86      -37.66   
1993.01                  15622                   15877     -12.49       -1.48      -16.41   
1992.12                  15668                   16116                  -1.06      -11.96   
1992.11                  16475                   16288                  -2.99      -30.53   
1992.10                  16789                   16790                   1.09       13.89   
1992.09                  16615                   16609                  -4.47      -42.27   
1992.08                  17541                   17387                  -0.31       -3.65   
1992.07                  17647                   17441                  -1.33      -14.84   
1992.06                  17825                   17676                  -2.68      -27.78   
1992.05                  18302                   18162                  -0.29       -3.44   
1992.04                  18177                   18215                  -1.26      -14.15   
1992.03                  18451                   18448                   1.89       25.26   
1992.02                  18057                   18105                  -0.21       -2.55   
1992.01                  17864                   18144