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U.S. Bureau of the Census   >>   M3 advance (end of month+1)
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1. Total Manufacturing (eqls DurGds + Non
      . . .
135. NonDur - Leather and Allied Products -
136. NonDur - Paper Products - Pulp, Paper,
137. NonDur - Paper Products - Paperboard C
      . . .
148. NonDur - Plastics and Rubber Products
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370 observations
www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/, | Source : US Bureau of the Census and EconStats | http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/m3/adv/table1a.xls | Value of Shipments |    Note : figures are in millions of dollars per MONTH. Figures have NOT been converted to quarterly rates. A p indicates preliminary data. | Seasonally adjusted. | vsp.txt | Column (1) : NAICS code : 22A Paper Products - Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 149.49 | Units : Mil$ nsa Code 22A 136 Column (2) : NAICS code : 22A Paper Products - Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills | Adjustment to pre-1992 data = 143.53 | Units : Mil$ seas adj Code 22A 284
EconStats does not guarantee the accuracy of this data. 20100813
        |       Column (1)      |       Column (2)      |
        |    Not seasonally     |        Seasonally     |
        |          adjusted     |          adjusted     |
        | Mil$ nsa              | Mil$ seas adj         |
        | End of  Quarter       | End of  Quarter       |
        | NAICS code : 22A      | NAICS code : 22A      |
Year Qtr|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _|_______Jan58_to_Jun10 _| y/y seas adj qt/qt sa -> annualized 
2010.2                    6830                    6597       8.04 %      0.15 %      0.61 % 
2010.1                    6745                    6587       6.86        4.08       17.33   
2009.4                    6233                    6329      -1.89        3.33       14.00   
2009.3                    6244                    6125     -13.23        0.31        1.25   
2009.2                    6326                    6106     -10.48       -0.94       -3.71   
2009.1                    6234                    6164     -10.12       -4.45      -16.64   
2008.4                    6385                    6451      -6.94       -8.61      -30.25   
2008.3                    7165                    7059       5.98        3.49       14.70   
2008.2                    6986                    6821       1.88       -0.54       -2.14   
2008.1                    6890                    6858       3.64       -1.07       -4.20   
2007.4                    6740                    6932      -3.94        4.07       17.29   
2007.3                    6617                    6661       1.51       -0.51       -2.02   
2007.2                    6881                    6695       1.22        1.18        4.80   
2007.1                    6723                    6617       1.66       -8.30      -29.29   
2006.4                    7006                    7216      12.57        9.97       46.23   
2006.3                    6548                    6562       6.65       -0.79       -3.11   
2006.2                    6810                    6614       7.23        1.61        6.61   
2006.1                    6718                    6509       3.47        1.54        6.32   
2005.4                    6226                    6410       2.79        4.18       17.78   
2005.3                    6128                    6153       1.62       -0.24       -0.97   
2005.2                    6362                    6168       4.22       -1.96       -7.59   
2005.1                    6541                    6291       8.90        0.88        3.57   
2004.4                    6071                    6236      12.38        2.99       12.50   
2004.3                    6053                    6055       8.71        2.31        9.59   
2004.2                    6147                    5918       3.86        2.44       10.13   
2004.1                    6011                    5777      -3.20        4.11       17.48   
2003.4                    5413                    5549      -7.07       -0.38       -1.50   
2003.3                    5616                    5570      -8.10       -2.25       -8.69   
2003.2                    5831                    5698       1.44       -4.52      -16.91   
2003.1                    6054                    5968       5.85       -0.05       -0.20   
2002.4                    5761                    5971       6.93       -1.48       -5.81   
2002.3                    6077                    6061       2.64        7.90       35.57   
2002.2                    5711                    5617       0.14       -0.37       -1.48   
2002.1                    5669                    5638      -7.56        0.97        3.92   
2001.4                    5358                    5584     -11.83       -5.44      -20.03   
2001.3                    5903                    5905      -9.47        5.28       22.84   
2001.2                    5741                    5609     -16.00       -8.03      -28.47   
2001.1                    6129                    6099      -7.03       -3.69      -13.98   
2000.4                    6112                    6333      -3.64       -2.91      -11.15   
2000.3                    6595                    6523       3.57       -2.31       -8.91   
2000.2                    6840                    6677      10.33        1.78        7.33   
2000.1                    6625                    6560      11.66       -0.18       -0.73   
1999.4                    6447                    6572      13.39        4.35       18.57   
1999.3                    6391                    6298       7.62        4.06       17.28   
1999.2                    6236                    6052       0.46        3.01       12.61   
1999.1                    5986                    5875      -4.10        1.36        5.56   
1998.4                    5710                    5796      -6.30       -0.96       -3.77   
1998.3                    6003                    5852      -3.16       -2.86      -10.94   
1998.2                    6188                    6024       3.92       -1.67       -6.50   
1998.1                    6190                    6126       2.56       -0.97       -3.82   
1997.4                    6127                    6186       3.31        2.37        9.81   
1997.3                    6221                    6043      -2.74        4.24       18.09   
1997.2                    5901                    5797     -11.59       -2.95      -11.28   
1997.1                    5995                    5973      -6.51       -0.25       -1.00   
1996.4                    5858                    5988     -15.89       -3.62      -13.72   
1996.3                    6353                    6213     -16.12       -5.25      -19.39   
1996.2                    6685                    6557     -13.81        2.63       10.94   
1996.1                    6406                    6389     -11.46      -10.25      -35.13   
1995.4                    6892                    7119      12.73       -3.89      -14.67   
1995.3                    7585                    7407      25.99       -2.64      -10.16   
1995.2                    7877                    7608      39.44        5.43       23.57   
1995.1                    7301                    7216      37.95       14.27       70.49   
1994.4                    6119                    6315      22.81        7.42       33.13   
1994.3                    5987                    5879      16.07        7.75       34.81   
1994.2                    5665                    5456       7.42        4.30       18.35   
1994.1                    5303                    5231       3.63        1.73        7.11   
1993.4                    5015                    5142      -1.51        1.52        6.22   
1993.3                    5134                    5065      -2.95       -0.28       -1.10   
1993.2                    5299                    5079      -4.57        0.61        2.48   
1993.1                    5146                    5048      -6.00       -3.31      -12.61   
1992.4                    5105                    5221       1.52        0.04        0.15   
1992.3                    5309                    5219       1.60       -1.94       -7.52   
1992.2                    5533                    5322       8.77       -0.89       -3.53   
1992.1                    5428                    5370      15.69        4.42       18.90   
1991.4                    5005                    5143       9.24        0.11        0.45   
1991.3                    5918                    5137       6.33        4.99       21.49   
1991.2                    5528                    4893       0.68        5.41       23.47   
1991.1                    5033                    4642      -8.33       -1.40       -5.49   
1990.4                    4603                    4708       0.34       -2.55       -9.83   
1990.3                    5561                    4831      -1.09       -0.59       -2.34   
1990.2                    5479                    4860      -2.17       -4.02      -15.15   
1990.1                    5483                    5064      -0.56        7.92       35.66   
1989.4                    4633                    4692     -11.14       -3.94      -14.84   
1989.3                    5628                    4884      -1.82       -1.68       -6.54   
1989.2                    5597                    4967       0.12       -2.45       -9.45   
1989.1                    5542                    5092       5.13       -3.56      -13.50   
1988.4                    5301                    5280      10.81        6.15       26.94   
1988.3                    5738                    4975       1.61        0.26        1.05   
1988.2                    5590                    4962       4.10        2.43       10.08   
1988.1                    5326                    4844       6.40        1.66        6.79   
1987.4                    4857                    4765       6.99       -2.67      -10.25   
1987.3                    5640                    4896      13.78        2.71       11.29   
1987.2                    5370                    4767      12.16        4.70       20.16   
1987.1                    5096                    4553       9.95        2.22        9.20   
1986.4                    4609                    4454       5.51        3.50       14.76   
1986.3                    4944                    4303       3.74        1.25        5.09   
1986.2                    4790                    4250       4.70        2.63       10.96   
1986.1                    4724                    4141       1.98       -1.90       -7.40   
1985.4                    4395                    4221       3.74        1.76        7.25   
1985.3                    4757                    4148      -2.07        2.19        9.06   
1985.2                    4579                    4059      -5.42       -0.04       -0.14   
1985.1                    4721                    4060     -10.50       -0.21       -0.84   
1984.4                    4219                    4069      -9.19       -3.93      -14.82   
1984.3                    4859                    4235       1.41       -1.30       -5.12   
1984.2                    4859                    4291       2.47       -5.41      -19.95   
1984.1                    5312                    4537      14.95        1.25        5.09   
1983.4                    4628                    4481      15.33        7.29       32.48   
1983.3                    4772                    4177      17.43       -0.27       -1.09   
1983.2                    4742                    4188      14.52        6.11       26.77   
1983.1                    4649                    3947       6.63        1.59        6.51   
1982.4                    3980                    3885       3.01        9.24       42.41   
1982.3                    4047                    3557     -13.14       -2.75      -10.54   
1982.2                    4144                    3657     -10.88       -1.20       -4.72   
1982.1                    4368                    3702      -5.46       -1.86       -7.25   
1981.4                    3839                    3772       1.90       -7.89      -28.01   
1981.3                    4639                    4095      14.35       -0.21       -0.84   
1981.2                    4642                    4103      15.75        4.80       20.64   
1981.1                    4618                    3915       5.78        5.78       25.19   
1980.4                    3749                    3702       1.22        3.37       14.16   
1980.3                    4045                    3581       1.46        1.01        4.11   
1980.2                    4003                    3545       1.52       -4.23      -15.86   
1980.1                    4359                    3702      10.54        1.22        4.96   
1979.4                    3696                    3657       8.10        3.62       15.28   
1979.3                    3984                    3529      11.52        1.07        4.34   
1979.2                    3927                    3492       9.30        4.29       18.28   
1979.1                    3939                    3348      12.16       -1.02       -4.01   
1978.4                    3414                    3383       4.48        6.89       30.56   
1978.3                    3570                    3165      -2.04       -0.94       -3.72   
1978.2                    3586                    3195       3.73        7.02       31.17   
1978.1                    3512                    2985      -2.39       -7.80      -27.74   
1977.4                    3350                    3238       4.98        0.22        0.89   
1977.3                    3494                    3231      11.38        4.89       21.06   
1977.2                    3416                    3080       4.68        0.70        2.85   
1977.1                    3443                    3059       6.60       -0.84       -3.31   
1976.4                    3187                    3084      16.16        6.33       27.84   
1976.3                    3139                    2901      23.23       -1.41       -5.54   
1976.2                    3265                    2942      32.34        2.55       10.60   
1976.1                    3225                    2869      26.36        8.05       36.32   
1975.4                    2736                    2655      17.98       12.80       61.92   
1975.3                    2546                    2354      -9.09        5.87       25.65   
1975.2                    2473                    2223     -14.23       -2.09       -8.09   
1975.1                    2549                    2271      -7.59        0.89        3.62   
1974.4                    2319                    2251      -5.71      -13.08      -42.93   
1974.3                    2796                    2589      11.70       -0.11       -0.44   
1974.2                    2884                    2592      13.30        5.49       23.84   
1974.1                    2754                    2457       9.39        2.95       12.32   
1973.4                    2458                    2387      10.21        2.97       12.43   
1973.3                    2503                    2318      11.15        1.32        5.37   
1973.2                    2544                    2288       6.41        1.85        7.62   
1973.1                    2507                    2246      11.07        3.71       15.69   
1972.4                    2233                    2166       8.80        3.85       16.33   
1972.3                    2254                    2085      14.59       -3.00      -11.49   
1972.2                    2384                    2150      22.09        6.32       27.76   
1972.1                    2248                    2022      18.60        1.59        6.50   
1971.4                    2056                    1991      20.29        9.38       43.16   
1971.3                    1975                    1820       7.00        3.34       14.05   
1971.2                    1943                    1761       2.16        3.28       13.79   
1971.1                    1887                    1705      -4.58        3.04       12.71   
1970.4                    1713                    1655      -2.12       -2.70      -10.37   
1970.3                    1851                    1701      -5.65       -1.33       -5.22   
1970.2                    1893                    1724      -2.91       -3.53      -13.40   
1970.1                    1966                    1787       1.30        5.69       24.77   
1969.4                    1749                    1691      -6.43       -6.21      -22.62   
1969.3                    1970                    1803      -3.16        1.54        6.29   
1969.2                    1939                    1775       3.51        0.65        2.63   
1969.1                    1930                    1764       5.58       -2.38       -9.20   
1968.4                    1863                    1807       7.70       -2.93      -11.21   
1968.3                    2038                    1862      14.58        8.54       38.77   
1968.2                    1866                    1715       7.08        2.66       11.09   
1968.1                    1821                    1671       7.88       -0.43       -1.70   
1967.4                    1724                    1678       3.73        3.27       13.73   
1967.3                    1779                    1625      -2.50        1.43        5.86   
1967.2                    1736                    1602      -4.53        3.43       14.44   
1967.1                    1686                    1549      -7.70       -4.26      -15.98   
1966.4                    1653                    1618       3.78       -2.93      -11.21   
1966.3                    1825                    1666       9.22       -0.68       -2.71   
1966.2                    1818                    1678       9.56        0.00        0.00   
1966.1                    1828                    1678      10.49        7.64       34.26   
1965.4                    1580                    1559       3.82        2.16        8.94   
1965.3                    1677                    1526       6.19       -0.37       -1.49   
1965.2                    1658                    1531       8.88        0.85        3.45   
1965.1                    1656                    1519       8.85        1.15        4.67   
1964.4                    1504                    1501       6.73        4.50       19.23   
1964.3                    1585                    1437       6.38        2.14        8.85   
1964.2                    1523                    1407       4.59        0.82        3.33   
1964.1                    1519                    1395       2.64       -0.82       -3.23   
1963.4                    1395                    1407       8.29        4.14       17.64   
1963.3                    1496                    1351       0.32        0.43        1.72   
1963.2                    1458                    1345       6.48       -1.06       -4.16   
1963.1                    1471                    1359       7.01        4.64       19.90   
1962.4                    1277                    1299       4.14       -3.52      -13.35   
1962.3                    1492                    1346       9.84        6.59       29.09   
1962.2                    1374                    1263       2.56       -0.56       -2.24   
1962.1                    1365                    1270       9.80        1.84        7.57   
1961.4                    1217                    1247       6.23        1.76        7.21   
1961.3                    1359                    1226       1.55       -0.47       -1.85   
1961.2                    1342                    1231       0.12        6.45       28.41   
1961.1                    1235                    1157      -3.59       -1.47       -5.74   
1960.4                    1141                    1174      -5.87       -2.73      -10.50   
1960.3                    1333                    1207      -1.64       -1.87       -7.26   
1960.2                    1344                    1230      -0.35        2.51       10.43   
1960.1                    1275                    1200      -1.99       -3.80      -14.35   
1959.4                    1209                    1247       8.35        1.64        6.71   
1959.3                    1351                    1227      11.76       -0.58       -2.31   
1959.2                    1350                    1234      18.62        0.82        3.32   
1959.1                    1296                    1224      16.37        6.36       27.97   
1958.4                    1118                    1151                   4.84       20.80   
1958.3                    1206                    1098                   5.52       23.96   
1958.2                    1139                    1041                  -1.09       -4.29   
1958.1                    1112                    1052